ASR No | Title | Comments | Author | Year |
ASR-11 | Rapid Environmental Assessment: Manatee Forest Reserve and Indian Creeks | Environmental examination and exploration of the Manatee Forest Reserve and the Indian Creek watershed region (including Five Blues Lake and National Park). | 1993 | |
ASR-1 | Revised Baseline Assessment of The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System World Heritage Site (BBRRS-WHS | The purpose of the report is to provide an update of the 2001 COMPACT Baseline Assessment of the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System Works Heritage Site. It is designed to document current knowledge of biodiversity status and trends. In addition, conservation objectives, primary economic activities, socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions of the communities that use and impact the BBRRS-WHS,major threats, management issues, ongoing programs and projects and establish relationships already forged. | Leandra Cho-Ricketts, Ph.D., Marine Sciences and Carlos G. Santos, Socio Economist | 2008 |
ASR-2 | The Beasley Report | Memorandum of the Financial and Economic Position of British Honduras. | C. G. Beasley | 1947 |
ASR-3 | 2002 Poverty Assessment Report | National Human Development Advisory Committee | 2004 | |
ASR-4 | An assessment of Broadleaf Forest Resources and Sustainable Yield in Belize. | This study estimates broadleaf forest areas, growing stock and allowable cut of hardwood timbers, using data from several sources. Forest inventories performed from 1969-1981 are the main source. The original data is re-analysed using a post-stratification based on vegetation types. Forest areas are derived from gazetted protected areas, vegetation type maps, topographic, land use and land system. | Denis Alder | 1993 |
ASR-5 | Preliminary Assessment of the Status of the American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in the Turneffe Atoll, Belize. | The objective of this project was to detemine the status of the American Crocodile in the Turneffe Atoll, and provide conservation recommendations based on these findings. | Steven G. Platt | 1995 |
ASR-6 | An American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) Survey of the Proposed Bacalar Chico National Park, Ambergris Cay, Belize | The Objective of the project was to determine the status of the American Crocodile on the proposed Bacalar Chico National Park, and provide conservation recommendations based on these findings. | Steven G. Platt | 1995 |
ASR-7 | Belize Petroleum Sector Assessment. | R. Prasada Rao | 1988 | |
ASR-8 | Assessment and Recommendations for the Sewage Treatment Plant of Belmopan. | After receipt of a report on the operational status of waste water treatment plants in the Caribbean, the Chief Engineer of the Water and Sewerage authority requested the Country Engineer of PAHO to evaluate the sewage treatment plant in the capital Belmopan. | 1993 | |
ASR-9 | Health Financing and Management in Belize: An Assessment for Policymakers. A Compendium of Technical Notes Volume 1: Summary Diagnosis | The papers constituting this compedium focus on health care financing and provision in Belize. The papers on cost recovery, resource allocation, and pharmaceutical supply pertain to the public health system. | Gerard La Forgia and Ruth Levine | 0 |
ASR-10 | The Southern Highway Archaeological Assessment: Field Reconnaissance Final Report Volume 1 | The assessment was done in order to evaluate the effects of the proposed modifications on archaeological remains in the South. | Peter S. Dunham, Ph.D and Phil Wanyerka | 1994 |
ASR-12 | Analysis of the Final Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment for the Proposed Chalillo Dam.Au | The report contains analysis of the Final Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment for the Macal River Upstream Storage Facility, also known as proposed Chalillo dam. It examins the economic net benefits of the Chalillo Project, as well as the adequacy of environmental mitigiation plans detailed in the EIA. | John Reid, Christopher Bowles and Linwood Pendleton | 2000 |
ASR-13 | The Potential External Costs and Benefits of the Proposed Chalillo Dam (Macal River Upstream Storage Facility) in Cayo, Belize: A Preliminary Report. | Dr. Linwood H. Pendleton and Jessica Morton | 2000 | |
ASR-14 | Rapid Ecological Assessment Bladen Nature Reserve Toledo District, Belize. | Susan Iremonger and Roger Sayre | 1994 | |
ASR-15 | An Assessment of Belize's Agricultural Sector | Continuation of the agriculture sector assessment of Belize which was requested to update the original assessment giving particular attention to the livestock, fisheries and forestry subsectors. | 1988 | |
ASR-16 | Cane Farmers Association (A Brief Assessment) | A. L. Ayuso | 1974 | |
ASR-17 | Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Belize Southern Highway Rehabilitation Project | BECA International Consultants LTD | 1995 | |
ASR-18 | Land Resource Assessment of Northern Belize Volume I | The main object of the survey was to produce an updated land suitablility assessment of Orange Walk, Corozal, Belize and Cayo districts which has not already been surveyed. | R. B. King, I.C. Baillie, T. M. B. Abell, J. R. Dunsmore, D. A. Gray, J. H. Pratt, H. R. Versey, A. C. S. Wright and S. A. Zisman | 1992 |
ASR-19 | Land Resource Assessment of Northern Belize Volume I | The main report contains a general description of the soils of the project area and Table 7-15 and the table accompanying Map 1 indicate the main soil types in each land system. | R. B. King, I.C. Baillie, T. M. B. Abell, J. R. Dunsmore, D. A. Gray, J. H. Pratt, H. R. Versey, A. C. S. Wright and S. A. Zisman | 1992 |
ASR-20 | A Biological Assessment of the Columbia River Forest Reserve, Toledo District, Belize. | Assessment was conducted in order to quickly assess the biological importance of areas at the southeastern edge of the Maya Mountains in Southern Belize,and the impact of the destruction of forest on the edge of the reserve and human activities inside the borders. | Theodore A. Parker, Bruce K. Holst, Louise H. Emmons and John R. Meyer | 1993 |
ASR-21 | An Assessment of the Broadcasting Corporation of Belize Final Report. | Includes assessment and recommendations for the future of the Corporation on the National Broadcasting Policy, The Corporation Act, Programme Restructuring, News Policies and Practices, Technical Upgrading, etc. | Government Committee | 1996 |
ASR-22 | Handicraft and Cottage Industry Management Analysis - An Assessment of the Public Administration Capacity of the Belize Ministry of Labour and Social Services. | The report provides a description of the handicraft and cottage indstry and its relationship with the private and public sectors, linkages with the Public Sector services presently bring offered, and action needed to enhance development of the industry and recommendations for training. | Carolyn McCommon | 1987 |
ASR-23 | A Sector Assessment of Health and Development in Belize. (Draft) | The objective is to provide a thorough analysis of the status of health services, the morbidity and mortality patterns, and current and planned intervention programs in its health sector. | Jeremiah Norris, Dominique Colon and Alan Fairbank | 1988 |
ASR-24 | Prawn Feasibility Study and Preliminary Proposal for Belize Project. | Areal Assessments Corporation | 1981 | |
ASR-25 | Environmental Impact Assessment Southern Highway Rehabilitation Project, Belize (ATN/NE-4463-BL) Final Report | The objective is to assess the environmental impacts of the road rehabilitation and secondly to propose mitigating measures to counter significant negative environmental impacts. The project concerns the rehabilitation of an existing road, withouth major changes in the alignment. | DHV Consultants BV for Government of Belize | 1994 |
ASR-26 | Conduct of Poverty Assessment and Training in Belize, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Inception Report. | The objective of the asssessment is to identify policies, strategies, action programmes and projects that would reduce the extent and severity of poverty on the Borrowing Member Countries and improve the overall quality of the life in the Region. | Kairi Consultants Limited | 1994 |
ASR-27 | Risk Assessment of the Black Sigatoka Airstrip, Stann Creek. A Study of Fungicide Imputs on the Immediate Area of the Aerial Banana Field Spray Unit. | The assessment includes mapping of the airstrip area, soil sampling, percolation rate retesting, synthesis of geographic information affecting pesticide movement, observation of activities at the airstrip and tracing runoff routes. | Nancy Judd | 1995 |
ASR-31 | Energy Conservation Assessment in Belize in the Government, Industrial, Commercial and Tourism Sectors. | Eaton H. Haughton | 1984 | |
ASR-29 | Petroleum Sector Assessment Belize. | R. Prasada Rao | 1988 | |
ASR-30 | Manpower Assessment Report British Honduras 1964 Volume I. | This volume provides a comprehensive and fairly accurate picture of the existing and developing manpower situation up to the end of the Development Plan Period viz 1970. | Labour Department in collaboration with the ILO Manpower Expert | 1970 |
ASR-28 | An Assessment of the Food and Nutrition Situation in Belize. | This report presents the results of a brief investigation of the current food supply situation in Belize. This project was undertaken on behalf of the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute during the period August to September 1975. | 1976 | |
ASR-32 | Belize Health Sector Assessment 1982 | R. Oseasohn, M. Pollack, P. Musgrove and R. Williams | 1982 | |
ASR-33 | Manpower Assessment Report British Honduras 1964 Volume II | To assess the nature and extent of unemployment and under-employment in British Honduras. | Labour Department in collaboration with the ILO Manpower Expert | 1964 |
ASR-34 | British Honduras Hurricane Assessment Mission Report | Report of the British Honduras Assessment Mission Togerher with the Comments on the Report and Proposals for a Programme of Rehabilitation. | D. F. Pearl, G. Bowen-Jones, A. L. McClure, G. M. Roddan and W. M. Woodhouse | 1962 |
ASR-35 | Assessment of Options for Forestry Development of the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area. | This report presents the findings of a team of consultants from Fountain Renewable Resources Ltd on forestry options for development of the 95, 580 hectacre (228,000 acres) Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area. | Martin S. Johnson, Dr. Laura A. Snook, Robert A. Plumptre and Angus Hone | 1993 |
ASR-36 | Assessment of The Belize Food and Nutrition Policy. (Seminar) | Contains a paper presentated by Russell A. Garcia 'By the Seat of Thy Brow Thou Shalt Eat Bread'. | Government of Belize with assistance from The Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute | 1982 |
ASR-37 | Land Resource Assessment of Stann Creek District, Belize. | The resource assessment of Stann Creek District is the second project towards developing a revised land resource assessment of the whole of Belize. | R. B. King, I. C. Baille, J. R. Dunsmore, R. J. Grimble, M. S. Johnson, J. B. Williams and A. C. A. Wright | 1989 |
ASR-38 | An Assessment of the Present Status, Competitive Position, and Long-Term Potential of the Belizean Shrimp Industry. | The assessment was carried out to study shrimp mariculture in Belize. It entailed indentification of problems and constraints in the existing shrimp mariculture industry in Belize, estimation of Belize's comparative cost position in the U.S. and CARICOM markets and estimation of the long-range potential of the industry in Belize.1 | Donald Sweat, Kelly Sackheim and Sjef Van Eys | 1989 |
ASR-39 | Assessment and Recommendations for the Sewage Treatment Plant of Belmopan. | Arend Van de Kerk | 1993 | |
ASR-40 | Poverty Assessment Report - Belize Volume 1 of 2 (Final Report) | This study sought to understand the phenomenon of poverty in Belize both from primary and secondary data sources, and from the people themselves. The objective was to arrive at measures to address both the immediate conditions of poverty and the underlying factors that lead to such poverty. | KAIRI Consultants Limited in Association with The National Assessment Team of Belize | 1996 |
ASR-41 | Poverty Assessment Report - Belize Volume 2 of 2 (Final Report) | The objective of the asssessment is to identify policies, strategies, action programmes and projects that would reduce the extent and severity of poverty on the Borrowing Member Countries and improve the overall quality of the life in the Region. | KAIRI Consultants Limited in Association with The National Assessment Team of Belize | 1996 |
ASR-42 | Assessment of Water Quality Analysis Capability of Laboratories in Belize. | The BCES undertook a country-wide survey of institutions and businesses doing water testing to evaluate capability for comprehensive water quality analysis. The goal was to identify gaps and determine equipment and training needs to develop improved water quality testing capability in Belize. | Belize Center for Environmental Studies | 1992 |
ASR-43 | Belize, food, Nutrition and Health Assessment 1992 Summary Presentation. | This presentation is a summary of the "Assessment" Document and initially give a description of the nature and magnitude of the nutritional problems identified and goes on to describe those factors that directly or indirectly contribute to the nutritional status of the population. | 1992 | |
ASR-44 | An Assessment of the Five Year Plan, 1985-1989: Lessons and Highlights for 1990-1994. | Ministry of Economic Development/UNDP | 1989 | |
ASR-45 | The Present Forestry Programme - a reassessment. | Conservator of Forests | 1956 | |
ASR-46 | A Functional Assessment and Contexual Analysis of the Sherd Disks from Cerros, Northern Belize. | James F. Garber | 0 | |
ASR-47 | Belize Infrastructure Needs Assessment and Feasibility Report for an Urban Infrastructure Project Volume 3. | The Objectives are to assess the requirements for physical infrastructure at the national level in six major towns outside Belize City and to issue recommendations on possible priorities to establish a rational basis for a subsequent project indentification, including possible cost and time frame. | Ministry of Works | 1996 |
ASR-48 | Belize Infrastructure Needs Assessment and Feasibility Report for an Urban Infrastructure Project Volume 2 Part 1. | The Objectives are to assess the requirements for physical infrastructure at the national level in six major towns outside Belize City and to issue recommendations on possible priorities to establish a rational basis for a subsequent project indentification, including possible cost and time frame. | Ministry of Works | 1996 |
ASR-49 | Human Resource Management in the Health Sector (Belize) | A Needs Assessment of Human Resource Management In The Belizean Public Sector and Implications for Curricular Change at the University College of Belize. | University College of Belize | 0 |
ASR-50 | Belize Infrastructure Needs Assessment and Feasibility Report for an Urban Infrastructure Project Volume 2 Part 2. | The Objectives are to assess the requirements for physical infrastructure at the national level in six major towns outside Belize City and to issue recommendations on possible priorities to establish a rational basis for a subsequent project indentification, including possible cost and time frame. | Ministry of Works | 1996 |
ASR-52 | Project Report Petroleum and Solid Minerals Sector Resource Assessment and Environmental Issues. | R. Daniel Vock | 1995 | |
ASR-51 | Belize Infrastructure Needs Assessment and Feasibility Report for an Urban Infrastructure Project Volume 1 - Main Report. | The Objectives are to assess the requirements for physical infrastructure at the national level in six major towns outside Belize City and to issue recommendations on possible priorities to establish a rational basis for a subsequent project indentification, including possible cost and time frame. | Ministry of Works | 1996 |
ASR-53 | The Landbird Monitoring Programme at Lamanai, Belize: a preliminary assessment. | Marcus C. England | 0 | |
ASR-54 | Assessment of The Consumer Price Index of Belize. | The purpose of this report is to summerize observations made during this four week assessment period and bring to light serveral important issues which have arisen regarding the Consumer Price Index of Belize. The goal is that these issues be considered by the appropriate officials of the CSO, the Ministry of Economic Development and USAID. | Dale A. Smith | 1988 |
ASR-55 | Concise Report Re Management Assistant Team Visits to Punta Gorda, Orange Walk and Corozal Health Facilities. | 1996 | ||
ASR-56 | Health Policy Reform Project Visit by Management Assistance Team Punta Gorda Hospital. | Report of the proposal for improving the management of health facilities. | Ministry of Health | 1996 |
ASR-57 | Report on Assessment of Gwen Lizarraga High School Extension Project. | Consultant: Wolric H. Lind/Associates | 1993 | |
ASR-58 | Southern Highway Achaeological Assessment: Field Reconnaissance Preliminary Report to the IDB. | Preliminary Report on the archaeological impacts of the proposed improvements to the Southern Highway in the Stann Creek and Toledo Districts of Belize. | Peter S. Dunham, Ph.D and Phil Wanyerka | 1994 |
ASR-59 | The Macal River Hydroelectric Development Project. | Belize Electricity Board Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment of the Macal River water storage scheme. | Canadian International Power Services | 1992 |
ASR-60 | Belize Solid Waste Management Project Phase 2 Report Executive Summary. | 1999 | ||
ASR-61 | Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation of Hurricane Keith. | Assessment of the effects of Hurricane Keith on the Economic Infrastructure and Services as well as the Physical and Social Infrastructure. | Damage Assessment and Evaluation Committee | 2000 |
ASR-62 | Macal River Upstream Storage Facility Feasibility Study. (Draft Report) | The objective of this document is to identify, evaluate and mitigate main environmental and socio-economic impacts associated with project development. | AGRA CI POWER | 1999 |
ASR-63 | Macal River Upstream Storage Facility Feasibility Study. (Draft Report) | The objective of this document is to identify, evaluate and mitigate main environmental and socio-economic impacts associated with project development. | AGRA CI POWER | 1999 |
ASR-64 | Belize Electricity Limited: Environmental Impact Assessment Addendum: Sediment Dispersion Modeling | Following a recommended change to the alignment of the underwater cable between the mainland of Belize and the island of Ambergris Caye to be installed in 1998 by Belize Electricity Limited, it was necessary to evaluate the environment impacts of this realignment. | Submitted by: Smith Warner International Ltd. | 1997 |
ASR-65 | The Chalillo Dam Archaeological Assessment Final Report. | Purpose of the assessment was to evaluate the archaeological impact of the proposed Chalillo Dam, particularly on cultural remains associated with the ancient Maya civilization, and to mitigate any negative impacts. | Belize Archaeological Research Consultancy | 1999 |
ASR-66 | Macal River Hydroelectric Development Environmental Impact Assessment Rubber Camp and Chalillo Schemes Pre-Feasibility Study - Draft Main Report Volume 1 of 3. | The scope of the study which have been undertaken included investigations of hydroelectric, diesel and biogasse generation senarios. | Canadian International Power Services INC. | 1992 |
ASR-67 | Report on Hon. John Saldivar's Countrywide Consultation Visits to Government Offices. | Hon. John Saldivar held a countrywide consultative session in March 2009 with public officers in connection with drafting a revised criteria for promotion of officers withing the Administrative, Finance, Foreign Service, Clerical and Secretarial Grades. | Ministry of Public Service, Governance Improvement and Elections and Boundaries | 2009 |
ASR-68 | Environmental Impact Assessment for the Proposed Chalillo Dam Along the Macal River. | The effort was undertaken to collect information on the flowing water ecology of this system and to develop a general description of habitat structure and associated aquatic microinvertibrate and fish assemblages within the area to be directly impacted by the proposed dam. | Ed Boles | 1999 |
ASR-69 | Chalillo Hydropower Feasibility Assessment. | Independent assessment of the hydrologic and hydraulic considerations pertinent to the Macal River Upstream Storage Facility Feasibility Study. | Prepared by Philip Williams and Associates Ltd. | 2000 |
ASR-70 | Livestock Market Assessment Report Belize Livestock Development Project Phase II. | The objective of this study was to complete a market assessment for Belizean beef and pork in Belize, and Belizean cattle and beef in selected CARICOM countries, Mexico and the USA. | Kary Mathis | 1989 |
ASR-71 | Biological and Ecological Assessment of Tropical Savanna Ecosystems. | A natural extension of its conservation activities and an attempt to address some of the problem areas. | Submitted by Savannalands Biological Station and The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center | 1994 |
ASR-72 | Hurricane Keith Rapid Health Assessment. | Objectives of this assessment is to provide MOH with information on the impact of Hurricane Keith on the Health situation of the population to guide the decision making process in the post hurricane phase, to recommend actions to prevent and/or control potential outbreaks and to identify areas in need of assistance. | Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization | 2000 |
ASR-73 | Hurricane Keith Assessment of Damages and Needs Analysis Second Report. | Assessment of the effects of Hurricane Keith on the economic infrastructure and services as well as the transportation network and social infrastructure. | Damage Assessment and Evaluation Committee | 2000 |
ASR-74 | Belize: Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture Project Assessment Reports Volume II. | This review is to assess the agricultural (crops and livestock) research capabilities of the MOA, especially its facilities, staffing, training, and funding in light of the country's changing needs and potentionals. | Submitted by William Wigton | 1989 |
ASR-75 | Development and Dependency in a Belizean Village. | Peta M. Henderson | 0 | |
ASR-76 | Village Study of May Pen Village. | Students of May Pen Seventh-Day Adventist School | 1977 | |
ASR-77 | A Study of the Advantage of the Abolition of Income Tax. | Emory King | 1967 | |
ASR-78 | Small Farming Study in the Less Developed Member Territories of the Caribbean Development Bank Volume 1(a). | The study seeks to indicate the direct investment and operational costs that benefits to the economies concerned with specific reference to farm output, farm incomes, agricultural employment and improves agricultural methods. | Prepared by Weir's Agricultural Consulting Services Ltd. | 1976 |
ASR-79 | Small Farming Study in the Less Developed Member Territories of the Caribbean Development Bank Volume 1(b). | The study seeks to indicate the direct investment and operational costs that benefits to the economies concerned with specific reference to farm output, farm incomes, agricultural employment and improves agricultural methods. | Prepared by Weir's Agricultural Consulting Services Ltd. | 1975 |
ASR-80 | Small Farming Study in the Less Developed Member Territories of the Caribbean Development Bank Volume II. | The study seeks to indicate the direct investment and operational costs that benefits to the economies concerned with specific reference to farm output, farm incomes, agricultural employment and improves agricultural methods. | Prepared by Weir's Agricultural Consulting Services Ltd. | 1975 |
ASR-81 | Museum of Belize Economical and Organizational Study. (BZE/93/001) | The project aims at establishing a pre-investment document to be used by the Government of Belize, presenting the ideal institutional framework and structure for the Museum of Belize and determining the resources needed to fulfill the Museum's mission. | Regional Project for Cultural, Urban and Environmental Heritage | 1993 |
ASR-82 | Evaluation and Comments on the 99 Feasibility Study of the Chalillo Dam Project. | The study focuses on the technical and economical issues of building the Chalillo Dam. It will looks at what the dam will cost, and how much electricity it will produce, and whether or not it is the most profitable course for Belize to take. | Kino Jolly | 2000 |
ASR-83 | Field Study of Day-Care in Belize City, Ladyville and Burell Boom. | The purpose of the survey was to review and document the current situation regarding DCF's, their number, location, customers, the quality of care provided; the attitudes of businesses and government agencies egarding the establishment of DCF's; the indentified needs as they relate to training providers; legislation to regulate service, and other basic information on improvement of the current facilities. | Myrna Manzanares and Dr. Ruby Perriott | 1995 |
ASR-84 | Pre-Investment Study-Agricultural Input Supply Service Project. | The study is an early step towards positive action to control and perhaps reduce the import bill for agricultural inputs in Belize. The requirements are for a careful analysis of present and future levels of productions, the quantification of input needs and the indentification of the most efficient and economic method of meeting those needs. | ULG Consultants Limited | 1983 |
ASR-85 | Feasibility Study of a Regional Agricultural Project Production and Marketing of Grain/Oil Seeds in The Belize River Valley of Belize | The study appraises the feasibility of commercial production and marketing of corn and soya beans, in rotation with red kidney beans and other appropriate short term crops including sesame, sorghum, peanuts in 7,500 acres of land in the Belize River Valley area withing the Spanish Look-out, Blue Creek, Ship-yard and Western Highway retangle. | L. G. Campbell, J. B. Yankey and H. R. Kamath | 1975 |
ASR-87 | Final Report on the Results and Findings of the Fieldwork on 'They Study of the Current Situation of Girls and Adolescents of and on the streets of the City of Belize". | The study looks at young women between the ages of six and eighteen surviving in the streets of Belize Ciy, Belize. It gives general background data on Belize, particularly Belize City, the objectives and methodology of the study, results and difficulties encountered in the field, and the future of the study. | Harriot W. Topsey, Allan F. Moore and Cynthia Ellis | 1989 |
ASR-86 | Preliminary Results and Findings of the Fieldwork on 'The Study of the Current Situation of Girls and Adolescents of and on the streets of the City of Belize". | The study looks at young women between the ages of six and eighteen surviving in the streets of Belize Ciy, Belize. It gives general background data on Belize, particularly Belize City, the objectives and methodology of the study, results and difficulties encountered in the field, and the future of the study. | Harriot W. Topsey, Allan F. Moore and Cynthia Ellis | 1988 |
ASR-88 | Belize Agricultural Sector Study | IICA and CEPPI | 1995 | |
ASR-89 | Market Demand and Financial Feasibility Study for a Proposed First Class Hotel in Belize City. | Objective was to determine the marketability of, and financial projections for a proposed hotel located at the site indicated. | Prepared by: Horwath and Horwath (UK) Ltd. | 1987 |
ASR-90 | Export Development Study on the Export Orientation Possibilities of the Belize Wood Furniture Industry Issues and Prospects. | The study froms Part II of the Produce/Market - Oriented Export Development Study undertaken by the adviser to assist BEIPU in implementing the programme for assisting the export development of four selected non traditional products. | Perampalam Murugasu | 1991 |
ASR-91 | Belize City Municipal Airport Study | Sir Frederick Snow (International) Limited were appointed by the Overseas Development Administration of the Foreign and Commonwealth Officer - acting on behalf of Belize - in June 1972 to undertake a study of Belize International Airport and to make recommendations for its future development. | Prepared by: Sir Frederick Snow (International) Ltd. | 1973 |
ASR-92 | Caye Chapel Resubdivision Caye Chapel , Belize District Development Study. | This project will provide real estate for residential, commercial , and recreational development on one of Belize's popular tourist destinations catering both to the local and foreign markets. The entire development once completed shall become the responsibility of the Caye Chapel Homeowner's Association and/or the utility franchise. | Bautista Y Bautista | 1992 |
ASR-93 | Belize Electricity Board Renewable Energy Study Main Report. | The overall scope of the Renewable Energy Study was to recommend a Least Cost Expansion Plan (Master Plan) for the BEB electricity supply systems for the period 1988/1989 to 2008/2009. | Prepared by: Canadian International Power Services Inc. | 1990 |
ASR-94 | Southern Highway Upgrading and Rehabilitation Project Feasibility Study Volume 1 Draft Final Report. | The Government of Belize represented by the Ministry of Economic Development plans to upgrade and rehabilitate the Southern Highway to an all weather access road. A study for the technical, environmental and economic feasibility was commissioned. | Prepared by Kocks Consult GMBH Consulting Engineers | 1993 |
ASR-95 | The Development of A Regional Grains Project in Belize Final Report Volume I Feasibility Study. | The objective of this study is to establish the feasibility of producing grains for animal and human feed on some 7,500 acres of land in the Belize River Valley. This will enable the preparation of a financing proposal for the project to be presented to the European Development Fund. | Caribbean Development Bank in Association with The European Development Fund | 1979 |
ASR-96 | Pre-Investment Study Agricultural Input Supply Service Belize Progress Report. | Objectives were to analyse viable ways of establishing an agricultural input supply service in Belize and identify a schedule for execution of feasible alternative costs, and the institutional framework of the entities which would be involved in its execution and to identify and prepare a programme for the establishment of an agricultural input supply service suitable for financing and aimed at expanding agricultural production in Belize. | Agrodev Canada Inc. | 1984 |
ASR-97 | Market Study for Citrus Products from Belize Final Report. | The purpose of the Market Research therefore is to ascertain the short to medium-term prospects for the citrus industry in general and the Belize industry in particular. | Agricultural and Management Consultants Limited | 1990 |
ASR-98 | Pre-Investment Study Agricultural Input Supply Service Belize Final Report. | The main objectives were to analyse ways of establishing an agricultural production input service in Belize and to identify a schedule for execution of feasible alternative costs, and the institutional framework of the entities which would be involved. | Prepared by: Agrodev Canada Inc. | 1985 |
ASR-99 | The main objectives were to analyse ways of establishing an agricultural production input service in Belize and to identify a schedule for execution of feasible alternative costs, and the institutional framework of the entities which would be involved. | Prepared by: Agrodev Canada Inc. | 1985 | |
ASR-100 | Hummingbird Estate Feasibility Study forestry and Agricultural Operation. | The objective was to evaluate the potential for profitable investment in Belize vis-à-vis forestry and agricultural development of the Hummingbird Estate. | Seaton Development Ltd. | 1977 |
ASR-101 | The agricultural development potential of the Belize Valley, Belize. (Land Resource Study 24) | The report describes the environment and land capability of the Belize Valley, Belize. It also examines the economics of crop and livestock production, including the availability of external markets for agricultural products from Belize. | R. N. Jenkin, R. Rose Innes, J. R. Dunsmore, S. H. Walker, C. J. Birchall and J. S. Briggs | 1976 |
ASR-102 | The agricultural development potential of the Belize Valley, Belize Maps. (Land Resource Study 24) | The report describes the environment and land capability of the Belize Valley, Belize. It also examines the economics of crop and livestock production, including the availability of external markets for agricultural products from Belize. | R. N. Jenkin, R. Rose Innes, J. R. Dunsmore, S. H. Walker, C. J. Birchall and J. S. Briggs | 1976 |
ASR-103 | Airport Study | Submitted by: Sir Fredercik Snow (International) Ltd. | 1973 | |
ASR-104 | Feasibility Study of Deep and Distant Water Fishing out of Belize | R. V. "Alcyon" | 1972 | |
ASR-105 | Belize Airport Study Master Plan Volume I. | The objective of the study is to prepare a development plan for the expansion of Belize Airport to meet traffic and other needs over the next twenty years and beyond. Any such plan needs to allow expansion to tale place progressively with minimum effect on current operations. | Sir William Halcrow and Parthners in association with Alistair Tucker, Murray, Halcrow and Associates and British Airports International | 1986 |
ASR-106 | Obsidian at Colha, Belize: A Technological Analysis and Distributional Study Based on Trace Element Data. | Papers of the Colha Project, Vol. 4 | Meredith L. Dreiss | 1988 |
ASR-107 | Report of HECO Study Team on Proporsals for the Re-Organization and Expansion of the Belize College of Arts, Science and Technology (BELCAST) and the Establishment of a Central Campus in Belmopan. | Higher Education for Development Co-operation | 1983 | |
ASR-108 | Title: Architectural Design Study for the New Belize City Hospital Phase I.1 | Inter-Consulting Berlin | 1987 | |
ASR-109 | Title: Architectural Design Study for the New Belize City Hospital Phase I.2 | Inter-Consulting Berlin | 1988 | |
ASR-110 | Title: Architectural Design Study for the New Belize City Hospital Phase I.3 | Inter-Consulting Berlin | 1989 | |
ASR-111 | Ladyville to Belize City Transmission Line Study for the Belize Electricity Board Report # 3664-1. | Objectives were to present a preliminary design for higher voltage transmission, indicate the technical parameters, such as maximum power flow, losses and voltage regulation for the design, present preliminary substation designs for the higher voltage circuit and present budget cost estimates and recommendations regarding higher voltage transmission. | R. J. Hatch, Burns and Roe | 1981 |
ASR-112 | Port Feasibility Study Big Creek Final Report | study done in order to assess the feasiblility of improving port facilities to permit the direct shipment of produce from the Southern Area of Belize to the U.K. | Posford Duvivier in association with Hydraulics Research and Portia | 1988 |
ASR-113 | Economic Feasibility Study of the National Telephone System. | The purpose of the study is to analyze the economic feasiblility of the expansion of the National Telephone System. | Belize Telecommunication Authority | 1977 |
ASR-114 | Belize City: Background Planning Study. | The research summarized is intended to be the basis of a long-tern planning process, to be used by Belizeans in the management of Belize City's Development. | Corinne Farazli and Thomas Leathem | 1987 |
ASR-115 | Feasibility Study for the Five Year Expansion Program of the Belize Electricity Board Report # 3664-4 | This study has been prepared in response to a request from the Belize Electricity Board to evaluate various energy supply alternatives relative to the 5 Year Expansion Program proposed to the World Bank. | Burns and Roe | 1983 |
ASR-116 | Management Service Study for the Belize Electricity Board. | As a result of the survey, a four-part management services program was proposed to provide managerial assistance to the Belize Electricity Board by the Consumers Power company and the Detroit Edison Company. | Michigan Partners of the Alliance | 1969 |
ASR-117 | Economic Viability Study of an Earth Satellite Station for Belize. | The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic feasibility of a Standard B earth station in Belize. | GTE International Systems Corporation | 1977 |
ASR-119 | Belize International Airport Development (Phase 1) Feasibility Study and Outline Design Volume 1 Report. | This report sets out the findings of British Airports Services Limited, who in association with the Ewbank Preece Consulting Limited, were appointed in September 1987 to undertake a feasibility study on the development of the Belize International Airport. | British Airports Services Limited | 1987 |
ASR-118 | Study of the Operations of the Marketing Board, Belize. | The Marketing Board, for many years, purchased paddy from farmers in the Toledo District and distributed rice for sale. However the Board's operation has depended to a large extent on importation and trade in rice and sugar for wholesale and retail in Belize. The study was conducted to provide recommendations for improving the efficienty of operation of the Marketing Board. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1975 |
ASR-120 | Belize Power Alchohol Production: Cayo District Pre-Feasibility Study. | The study is a preliminary analysis of the feasibility of growing sugar cane in the Cayo District for direct conversion to power alchohol to substitute for 15% of projected gasoline imports in 1981/82. | Tate and Lyle Technical Services Ltd. | 1980 |
ASR-121 | Preliminary - Feasibility Study Cement Plant Operation British Honduras - 1971. | A. C. Ellis Belize Ltd. | 1971 | |
ASR-122 | A Cost Benefit Case Study - Coconut Industry Technical Paper. | W. J. Orsman, | 1980 | |
ASR-123 | A Study on the Situation of Children in Belize | Some objectives of the study were to to assess the situation of children taking in account the ethnic background, income level and rural and urban residence of family, to identify institutions that provide services for children and to provide recommendations to improve the existing situation using the inforamtion collected. | Ministry of Labour, Social Services and Community Development | 1982 |
ASR-124 | Belize City Feasiblity Study Report on Field Investigation for Groundwater Supplies. | The studies were intended to establish the quantity and quality of groundwater avaiable for use. | Canadian International Development Agency | 1973 |
ASR-125 | A Study of Traditional Healers and Medicinal Plants in Belize, C.A. | Interim Report for year ending December 31, 1983 for the Archaeology Department of Belize. | Dr. Daniel V. Buffington | 1983 |
ASR-126 | Case Study on Community Participation in Belize. | Objectives of the study were to describe programmes that highlight participation in the health sector, community development, and grassroots organization, analyse the origin of patricitpation in these programmes; the factors that foster or hinder it and compare differences in community participation. | Joseph O. Palacio with assistance of Lakshmi Kurella, Timmy Palacio and Gaynor Gerguson Palacio | 1984 |
ASR-127 | Report on a Prefeasibility Study to Examine the Potential for a Nucleus Estate and Smallholder Development on the Cramer Moho and Cramer Temash Lands, in Toledo District. | T. A. Phillips, B. M. U. Bennell, S. Western and S. L. Atkins | 1986 | |
ASR-128 | Belize Dairy Industry Expansion - A Project Exploratory Study Draft. | 1978 | ||
ASR-129 | Deep Water Port Study Volume 2 (Part 2) Economic Studies - 2. | Livesly, Henderson and Partners in association with The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. | 1970 | |
ASR-130 | Belize Free Zone Feasibility Study Technical and Legal Analysis. Phase II Draft Final Report. | The purpose of this report is to recommend a legal and regulatory structure for the development of a Belizean free zone program, and to evaluate the physical, financial and economic feasibility of the development of a private free zone project in San Andres, Belize. | The Services Group, Inc. | 1989 |
ASR-131 | Mini Hydropower Pilot Project Evaluation of Data and Investigation of Sites, Belize C.A. Pre-Feasibility-Study. | The Caribbean Development Bank intends to install a mini hydropower pilot project in one member country of the CDB. The financing of the project shall be borne by the US-AID. | German Appropriate Technology Exchange | 1985 |
ASR-132 | A Feasibility Study into the Establishment of a Video Production Centre within the Ministry of Education for the Purpose of Producing and Distributing Educational Programmes. | Vera M. Nowakowski and Paul Desrosiers | 1982 | |
ASR-133 | A Study of the Gross Domestic Product of British Honduras. | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | 1966 | |
ASR-134 | Preliminary Study for a National Vocational Training Program in Belize Volume I. | The objective of the project is to establish a vocational training component within the educational system, providing training opportunities in three regions (North, Central and South) consonant with the manpower requirements in each. | George J. Harrower and Gary T. Sheridan | 1979 |
ASR-135 | Project Exploratory Study. Low Cost and Prefabricated Housing in Belize. | Prepared by: Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1982 | |
ASR-136 | Project Exploratory Study. Forest Resource Implications for Dendro-Thermal Power Generation. | This project exploratory study is an analysis of a report by Hodam and Associated considering electrical power generation from timber harvesting slash, tree plantations, bagasse, and other biomass resources in Belize. | Prepared by: Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1982 |
ASR-137 | Engineering Design Study for 5 Rivercrossings in The Hummingbird Highway in Belize. Volume 2 - Tender Price | ITALCONSULT | 1987 | |
ASR-138 | Phase I Reconnaissance Study of Hydroelectric Potential Belize Central America. | The purpose of the studies described in this Report was to conduct a screening study of the hydroelectric power potential in Belize and to arrive at the most viable development for meeting the electrical power needs of the Belize Electricity Board. | R. W. Beck and Associates | 1984 |
ASR-139 | Phase I Reconnaissance Study of Hydroelectric Potential Providing for Staged Development of the Macal River Hydroelectric Project Belize Central America. | The objective of the studies reported herein was to determine the practicality and economic viability of a staged development plan for the Macal river Hydroelectric Project, and to compare the staged development with the full development proposed initially. | R. W. Beck and Associates | 1984 |
ASR-140 | Report on Study of Income Tax Collection Procedure and Problems British Honduras. | G. C. Stubblefield | 1969 | |
ASR-141 | Country Environmental Profile field Study. | The purpose of a country environmental profile (CEP) is to aggregate in one definitive document the information, data and analysis on national environmental problems and to identify possible environmental improvement prgrams that could be undertaken. | Robert Nicolait and Associates Ltd. | 1984 |
ASR-142 | Country Environmental Profile Executive Summary. | The purpose of a country environmental profile (CEP) is to aggregate in one definitive document the information, data and analysis on national environmental problems and to identify possible environmental improvement programs that could be undertaken. | Robert Nicolait and Associates Ltd. | 1984 |
ASR-143 | Preliminary Feasibility Study 5000 Tons Cane Per Day Sugar Factory. | Purpose of this study was to reassess the feasibility of an additional sugar factory for Belize. | F. C. Schaffer and Associates | 0 |
ASR-144 | Engineering Design Study for 5 River Crossings in the Hummingbird Highway in Belize. (Project 6607-41-68-004) Financial Report. | The main objective of the preliminary design study is to collect all information required for carrying out final design under satisfactory conditions as regards economics and safety. | Jean KOCH | 1987 |
ASR-145 | Engineering Design Study for 5 Rivercrossings in the Hummingbird Highway Technical Proposal. | DR.-ING. Walter International | 1987 | |
ASR-146 | Deep Water Port Study Volume 2 (Part1) Economic Studies - 1 | Livesey, Henderson & Parthners with The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. | 1970 | |
ASR-147 | Report on Discussion Towards a Secondary Curriculum Policy. | This report is based on over 80 hours of discussion between secondary school Principals, the Secondary Curriculum Officer and the Curriculum Consultant. | V. Richards and G. Clark | 1990 |
ASR-148 | Final Report of the Political Reform Comission. | Political Reform Commission | 2000 | |
ASR-149 | Report of The Senate Select Committee Investigating the Social Security Board. | Senate Select Committee | 0 | |
ASR-150 | National Report and Test Analysis. | Ministry of Education | 2005 | |
ASR-151 | Summary of Climatic Records for Belize. Supplementary Report 3 | S. H. Walker | 1973 | |
ASR-152 | The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Belize. | This study is intended as one of the many efforts aimed at the continued strengthening of the child protection responses. | Belize ISIS Enterprises | 2006 |
ASR-153 | Millennium Development Goals First Report. | In 2000 governments agreed to a set of goals and related targets known as the International Development Targets that essentially constitute a twenty-five year global agenda to address issues of development, human rights, environmental sustainability peace and security. | Prepared by: Paradigm Development Consulting for NHDAC and GOB | 2005 |
ASR-154 | A Pre-Investment Study of the "Offshore" Industry Potential in Belize (British Honduras) | It was recommended that the "offshore" industry possibilities of Belize be investigated and this was considered to be one of the potentially promising areas for attracting labor-intensive export manufacturing operations to the country. This study is therefore the implementation of that recommendation. | Thomas H. Miner & Associates, Inc. | 1973 |
ASR-155 | Report on a Study of the 1984 Amnesty to "Illegal Aliens" in Belize. | The report starts with a discussion on the context leading to the declaration of amnesty, the dislocation of thousands of persons in Central America and their settling in Belize. | Joseph O. Palacio, Ph. D. | 1986 |
ASR-156 | Exploratory Study of The Banana Industry of Belize. | Objectives of the study was to make a preliminary assessment of whether the Banana Industry in Belize had the potential to become viable in the long term. To examine in brief some alternative courses of action for the industry as it now stands, to indicate critical aspects requiring further investigation and to recommend a course of action. | Prepared by: Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1981 |
ASR-157 | Population Relocation in Developing Nations: A Case Study of Belize. | The research proposed consists of a questionnaire/interview survey of all households in Belmopan balanced with a stratified random sample drawn from households in the rest of the country. This allowed a comparison of those who have migrated to Belmopan since 1970 with a popluation having lover migration rates. | The University of Southwestern Louisiana | 1987 |
ASR-158 | Central America Regional Transportation Study Belize. | This report evaluates the role of transportation in Belize's drive to diversify its economy into export products that will help the country improve its balance of payments position and reduce its reliance on the fluctuating income from its traditional export, sugar. | Presented by: Parsons Brinkerhoff International, Inc. | 1987 |
ASR-159 | Preliminary Study of the Potential for Tobacco Production in British Honduras. | Research conducted to develop an intesive staff and farmer training scheme. As the crop expands there will be sufficient volume of tobacco to assess its suitability for export and to explore potential markets. | Hunting Technical Services Ltd. | 1971 |
ASR-160 | Follow-Up Study of Adult Vocational Training Project British Honduras with Recommendations for Modifications and Expansion of Vocational Training at the Belize Vocational Training Centre. | Dr. Gail J. Phares | 1969 | |
ASR-161 | Technical Assistance Study Belize School of Agriculture. Belize Public Investment Project. | The consultants were required to examine aspects of agriculture, extension, credit and research. At the time of the inception report a composite technical assistance package was defined and this included investigations of technical assistance to the Belize School of Agriculture. | Prepared by: Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1981 |
ASR-162 | Pre-Investment Study of The Cattle Industry in British Honduras. | James m. Conner | 1971 | |
ASR-163 | Prefeasibility Study of The Livestock Industry in British Honduras (Belize) and The Export Market Potential for Beef and Meat Products in the Caribbean. | The purpose of this study was to review the general conditions existing in the livestock industry in British Honduras and to assess the potential for beef and meat product exports in the Caribbean, particulary CARIFTA. | Thomas H. Miner & Associates | 1972 |
ASR-164 | Report on Transport Sector Planning Study. | Objectives of this study were to review the links between transport and the other key sectors of the economy, review the financing of road construction, rehabilitation and maintenance and make proposals for changes, identify a programme of recurrent and capital works.. | Economic and Transport Consultants | 1991 |
ASR-165 | Reconstruction of Stann Creek Valley Road Design Study. Draft Final Report Appendices | Roughton & Parthners | 1994 | |
ASR-166 | Core Data Human Resources for Health Belize 2009 | The objective of the this project were to complete the colletion, analysis and report of 'the HRH core data set" for Belize, completing a project that was launched in 2008 and to conduct background research requires to produce a status report for Belize of its starting point in relation to the indicators for the 20 HRH goals for the Region of the Americas. | The Cameron Health Strategies Group, Limited | 2009 |
ASR-167 | Baseline Indicators 20 goals for a Decade in HRH Belize 2009. | The objective of the this project were to complete the colletion, analysis and report of 'the HRH core data set" for Belize, completing a project that was launched in 2008 and to conduct background research requires to produce a status report for Belize of its starting point in relation to the indicators for the 20 HRH goals for the Region of the Americas. | The Cameron Health Strategies Group, Limited | 2009 |
ASR-168 | Report of the Independent Expert in the Matter of the Public Utilities Commission Initial Decision In the 2008 Annual Review Proceeding for Belize Electricity Limited. |
E-Copy only | Jonathan A. Lesser, Ph.D. | 2008 |
ASR-169 | United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGAS) Country Progress Report Belize | In June of 2001, Belize’s Prime Minister presented a status report on the situation of and response to HIV/AIDS in Belize. Belize, along with 189 other member states, signed the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. This commitment requires signatory countries to measure the extent of their commitment based on a standardized list of key indicators at the international, regional and national levels. |
UNGASS | 2008 |
ASR-170 | Report on the Tourism Sector. | NARMAP | 1995 | |
ASR-171 | Belize: The Coastal Zone Report (Cayes Development Policy) | Coastal Zone Management Committee | 1995 | |
ASR-172 | The Agricultural census of Belize 1983/1984 Part One. The Registration of Farmers Progress Report. | The Central aim of the research was to establish the amount of agricultural change during the previous decade and to determine the principal factors limiting agricultural and economic development. | G. M. Robinson | 1983 |
ASR-173 | The Agricultural census of Belize 1983/1985 Part Three. The Registration of Farmers Summary of Data. | The Central aim of the research was to establish the amount of agricultural change during the previous decade and to determine the principal factors limiting agricultural and economic development. | P. A. Furley, R. G. Healy and G. M. Robinson along with D. A. Gray and D. M. Munro | 1985 |
ASR-174 | After 500 Years Let's Come Together Conference Report | Contains two papers: "The North's Domination Strategy for the Next 500 Years" by Arturo Gallese and "Caribbean and Central American Reality" by David Smith. | 1992 | |
ASR-175 | Report on Performance in Commonwealth Debt Initiative Benchmarked Areas in 2006. | The report provides information of benchmark related developments in Belize in 2006 with regard to the issues of good governance, pro poor policies and the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and sustainable macro econimic management. | Yvonne D. Hyde | 2007 |
ASR-176 | Toledo Education Advocacy and Civic Help (T.E.A.C.H.) Report | The main goal of the project was to create an awareness of good governance issues, citizens' rights, and people's participation in the decision making process in 11 Maya Kek'chi speaking communities. | Toledo Education Advocacy and Civic Help | 2007 |
ASR-177 | The Promotion of Industrial Development in the Caribbean. | This is intended to be a study of typical efforts to stimulate industrial enterprise in a limited number of territories including British Honduras. | Caribbean Commission | 1952 |
ASR-178 | Small Farming in the Less Developed Countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean (The Belize Situation) | Weir's Agricultural Consulting Services ( C. Bourne, e. R. LeFrance and F. Nunes) | 0 | |
ASR-179 | Balam Ha: Preliminary Report of the 1986 Field Season. | This report will provide preliminary information on the archaeology site of Balam Ha, located along the Sibun River, in east-central Belize. | Elliot M. Abrams | 1987 |
ASR-180 | Report of the Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development Practicum. | International Development at the University of Vermont | 1993 | |
ASR-181 | Report of Activities of Public Service Union of Belize to 26th Annual Conference of Caribbean Public Services Association. | Belize Public Service Union of Belize | 1996 | |
ASR-182 | Excavation and Survey Reports 1981 Season. Investigations at Four Lithic Workshops at Colha, Belize. | Erwin Roemer | 1981 | |
ASR-183 | Report of the Committee Appointed to Examine the Banana Industry. | Purpose of the report was to examine the banana industry in all its aspects and to advise Government on ways and means of improving its organization and viability and of fostering its future development. | 1977 | |
ASR-184 | 1991 Belize Family Health Survey Final Report. | The 1991 Belize Family Health Survey was designed to examine fertility, child morbidity and mortality, contraceptive behavior, use of health services, and knowledge of AIDS in Belize. | Central Statistical Office | 1992 |
ASR-185 | Cooperation Between Belize and the European Communities Annual Report 1992. | Annual Report on the implementation of the EEC-ACP Conventions and other cooperation activities | 1992 | |
ASR-186 | Staff Appraisal Report Belize City Infrastructure Project. (Report No. 12210-BEL) | The proposed project originated from the Government's desire to spur economic development in its largest city with a third of the country's population. | Infrastructure Operations Division Latin America and the Caribbean Region | 1993 |
ASR-187 | UNEP Regional Coordinating Unit Report on Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution Inventories. | Report on the consultancy services in the preparation of Inventories of Land-based resources of Marine Pollution from domestic, industrial and agricultural areas. | Arthur B. Archer | 1994 |
ASR-188 | Market Infrastructure (Roads and Facilities) Linkage Project Final Report | There has recently been an influx of refugees from neighbouring countries who have settled in rural areas. The Objective of the study is to improve the standard of living of these rural communities through inreased production and distribution of agricultural commodities. | Roughton & Parthers | 1992 |
ASR-189 | Belize Export Development Survey Final Report. | Survey of Belizean export opportunities in the CARICOM region. | Development Associates, INC. | 1984 |
ASR-190 | The Forest Planning and Management Project. Internal Report Series Volume 6 September to December 1993. Funding Proposal Narmap Scope of Work (SOW) | The Objective was to assess the tourism potential of the area and to develop a strategy, | M. Glasser | 1993 |
ASR-191 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Report | This report describes the progress of the detailed design and preparation of Bidding Documents for the first three years of the implementation of the Belize City Infrastructure Project being carried out. | CONSULTIBERICA - HALCROW | 1993 |
ASR-192 | A Report on a Tour of Toledo Villages on the trail from Blue Creek to Agucate Via Crique Sarco. | Reports on the following schools: Blue Creek, Santa Teresa, Mabilha, Corazon, Crique Sarco, Machakilha, Dolores, Otoxha, San Benito Poite and Conejo Creek. | E. Roy Cayetano | 1984 |
ASR-193 | Report for the World Summit for Social Development. | World Summit for Social Development | 1995 | |
ASR-194 | Economic and Social Progress in Latin America 1994 Report. Special Report: Fiscal Decentralization. | Inter-American Development Bank | 1994 | |
ASR-195 | Belize 1993 National Population Report. International Conference on Population and Development. | Prepared by: Ad Hoc Committee | 1994 | |
ASR-196 | Belize Report for the Fourth World Conference on Women. | The report endeavours to portray the status of women in Belize by reviewing the changing situation over recent years, summarizing a range of key statistical indicators, describing the scope of the program responses taken to improve that status and identifying opportunities to futher advance the position of women. | Social Planning Unit & Department of Women's Affairs | 1995 |
ASR-197 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Quarterly Progress Report July-September, 1990. | This report covers the activities of the Belize Livestock Development Project Phase II for the period July 01 - September 30, 1990. | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Belize Livestock Produces Association, United States agency for International Development, IRI | 1990 |
ASR-198 | Development Finance Corporation of Belize Final Report. | The objective of this term of reference was to develop a mechanism where reports could be produced quickly. By combining several techniques a method of producing reports was developed. | Thomas Clarke | 1994 |
ASR-199 | Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations Report on Reduced Estimate for the New Capital - British Honduras. | The object of this report is to show what funds are now available for the project and what facilities can be provided for these funds | Scott & Wilson, Kirkpatrick & Partners, | 1965 |
ASR-200 | Philip S W Goldson International Airport Development (Phase 3) Construction Supervision of Runway Extension and Overslabbing and Supply and Installation of Electrical, Telecommunications and Navaids Equipment End of Project Report. | Project to produce a master plan and feasibility study for the International Airport, carry out the detailed design for airport improvements and to supervise the construction of two of the designed projects. | British Airports Services Ltd in conjunction with Ewbank Preece Ltd. | 1987 |
ASR-201 | Report on the Contribution of Refugees and Central American Immigrants in Belize, Central America. | The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of Central American refugees/Immigrants on the Belizean society. | Dr. Rudy Perriott-Marrith, Carlos Santos and Harriot W. Topsey | 1994 |
ASR-202 | A Report on The Development Finance Corporation. | The objective was to develop a plan of implementation for the recovery of the DFC to Financial Viability and Profitability. | Arsenio Burgos | 1990 |
ASR-203 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital Ninth Monthly Report. | Report covers in particular the situation of the Contract for the construction of the New Belize City Hospital in the month of September, 1993 and the progress achieved and the administrative and fiancial status of it. | CONSULTIBERICA, S.A. | 1993 |
ASR-204 | Draft Final Report for Valley of Peace Phase II Project. | This final report concerns itself primarily with the duties and responsibilities of the Consulting Engineer and the consequences thereof. Except where the acitivities of others relate to these fuctions. | Wolric H. Lind | 1991 |
ASR-205 | Report on Review of Regional Programmes and Organisation of the Caribbean Community | The CARICOM Conference of Heads of Government mandated that a comprehensive review be undertaken of the programmes administrered by the CARICOM Secretariat, as well as the functioning of various regional organisations. | Gladstone E. Mills, Sir Gladstone Burton and Hon. Crispin Sorhaindo | 1990 |
ASR-206 | Maya Mountain Traverse Expedition, January 16 - February 4, 1995 Biological Report. Belize Tropical Forest Studies Publication No. 3 | Main purpose of the expedition was to explore a part of Belize where virtually no one ever comes. For several team members the rationale was to document an expedition into a remote and little known region of the world and also the document poorly known flora and fauna. | J. C. Meerman & G. Williams | 1995 |
ASR-207 | Final Report of Forest Legislation. Consultancy Report No. 15 | Report of the visit to review forestry, wildlife and national parks legislation. | Winston McCalla | 1994 |
ASR-208 | Report of the Board of Inquiry into the Dispute Between Big Falls Ranch Ltd., and the General Workers Development Union. | Charles M. Woods, Omario Perdomo, Ernesto A. Castillo and Gilbert W. Johnson | 1976 | |
ASR-209 | Draft of Belize National Environmental Report. | The report aims at providing an overview of the major environmental issues facing Belize to provide background for the preparation of a National Environmental Action Plan and to guide the Government in the prudent use and management of natural resources base of the country | Workd Bank Mission | 1994 |
ASR-210 | Report on Contract of Museum Storage Building Belmopan. | Report of the Ministry of Works interim report. Committee seeks advice on whether the contractor has been overpaid, the contractual liability of the contractor and the cost of completing the project using either the existing contacting or a new contractor. | Submitted by: Quantity Surveyor | 1994 |
ASR-211 | Termination Report Hummingbird Highway Bridges Project (Hope Creek & Mile 20 Bridges). | Ministry of Works | 1992 | |
ASR-212 | Consultancy Report No. 12, Report of the Geographic Information System Specialist. | This report describes the implementation of a GIS in Belize in the context of on-going efforts to implement a fully functional Land Information Centre. The report pays attention to the institutional aspects relating to the LIC and the experience gained from a fully operational system. | David. A Gray | 1993 |
ASR-213 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital. Twelfth Monthly Report (December 1993) | The present report corresponds specifically to the month of December of 1993 but in general it refers to the situation of the contract for the constuction of the New Belize City Hospital in the last three months of the year. | CONSULTIBERICA, S.A. | 1994 |
ASR-214 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Quarterly Progress Report April -June, 1992. | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Belize Livestock Producers Association and United States Agency for International Development | 1992 | |
ASR-215 | Development, Gender and Population Conference Report of Proceedings. Belize City 13-14 July, 1995 | Compiled by: Robert Johnson | 1995 | |
ASR-216 | Belize Electricity Limited Independent Auditors' Report and Financial Statements Years Ended March 31, 1995 and 1994. | Deloitte and Touche | 1995 | |
ASR-217 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Work Bank Cacao Project Final Report. | Norris E. Wade | 1992 | |
ASR-218 | Consolidated Progress (April 1, 1992 - March 31, 1992) Report Belize Agriculture Credit and Export Development Project. Loan No. 2959 BE. | This project seeks to develop Belize's agricultural exports and strengthen selected institutions that provide agricultural support services. | Ministry of Economic Development | 1992 |
ASR-219 | Reconstruction of Stann Creek Valley Road Dangriga to Alta Vista Quarterly Repot June-September 1992. | The three activities undertaken during this period were the preparation of contract documentation including drawings, mobilization of operations in Belize and pre-qualification of Belize Tenderers. | Roughton and Partners International | 1992 |
ASR-220 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize. | In October 1988 the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) signed an agreemnt with the Government of Belize within the terns of the Lome Convention III to provide funding for the Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway. | INGEROUTE | 1994 |
ASR-221 | First Quarterly Report (August 1, 1990 - October 31, 1990) Belize Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project. | This project seeks to develop Belize's agricultural exports and strengthen selected institutions that provide agricultural support services. | Deloitte and Touche | 1990 |
ASR-222 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital Tenth Monthly Report. | The present report corresponds specifically to the month of December of 1993 but in general it refers to the situation of the contract for the constuction of the New Belize City Hospital in the last three months of the year. | CONSULTIBERICA, S. A. | 1993 |
ASR-223 | Mission Report of the Consultant on Marine Pollution (Central America) | Preparation of a plan of action to control oil spills in Belize waters. | International Maritime Organisation | 1984 |
ASR-224 | Report on Mission Undertaken in British Honduras in March, 1970 on Behalf of ACTS, (WCC Geneva) | Nina Lengyel | 1970 | |
ASR-225 | Preparation Report Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Main Report. | Objectives are to increase production and productivity in agriculture, improve the standard of living, health and nutrition of the population, improve marketing arrangements for crops and improve the physical infrastructure with respect to transport, handling and processing of main crops. | 1984 | |
ASR-226 | Final Report Export Market Survey Belize Agricultural Products | The objectives of the study were to examine Belize's export supply capability in regard to selected products and to seek markets in the target areas for them. | Project International Inc. | 1984 |
ASR-227 | Report on a Visit to British Honduras to Assess the Feasibility of Banana Growing in an Area of the Stann Creek District. | 0 | ||
ASR-228 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital Eight Monthly Report. | The monthly report covers the activities during August 1993 and tries to reflect the situation of the contract for the last day of this month. | CONSULTIBERICA, S.A. | 1993 |
ASR-229 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital Thirteenth Monthly Report. | This thirteenth monthly report covers the different aspects of the contract for the construction of the new belize city Hospital during January, 1994. | CONSULTIBERICA, S.A. | 1994 |
ASR-230 | Belize Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project Final Report. | Report focused on strenghtening the Development Finance Corporation's loan management and credit systems. | Deloitte & Touche | 1992 |
ASR-231 | Industrial Pollution Management in the Sugar Cane, Rum Distilleries and other Industries in Belize. SI/BZE/92/801 Technical Report | This project is concerned with the provision of advice and technical assistance to the Belize Government on the establishment of an industrial pollution control monitoring programme for the sugar, rum, brewery and other industries. | The United Nations Industrial Development Organization | 1993 |
ASR-232 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Twelfth Monthly Report (January 1995) | The proposed project originated from the Government's desire to spur economic development in its largest city with a third of the country's population. | CONCULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 1995 |
ASR-233 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Tenth Monthly Report (November 1994) | The proposed project originated from the Government's desire to spur economic development in its largest city with a third of the country's population. | CONCULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 1994 |
ASR-234 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Thirteenth Report (February 1995) | The proposed project originated from the Government's desire to spur economic development in its largest city with a third of the country's population. | CONCULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 1995 |
ASR-235 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Contract No 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8. Tender Evaluation and Recommendation Report. | CONCULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 0 | |
ASR-236 | Staff Appraisal Report Belize Belize City Infrastructure Project. Report No. 12210 BEL | Objectives seek to improve health and safety of Belize City dwellers, preserve the rich ecology of the city, promote economic development and strengthen city management. | Infrastructure Operations Division | 1993 |
ASR-237 | Report on a Mission to Belize. 21-27 April, 1991 | A programme coordinator was employed using funding from the Commission of the European Communities. This mission was undertaken to select, in collaboration with the National Authorities, the priorities of the National Plan for support by the commission, based on the likely impact on the HIV/AIDs epidemic and techincial and administrative feasibility. | Elizabeth White | 1991 |
ASR-238 | Master Plan Land Use and Zoning Plan for Ambergris Caye Revised Report. | Ambergris Caye Planning Committee | 1992 | |
ASR-239 | Belize Forest Planning and Management Project Re-Analysis of Broadleaf Inventory Data. Consultancy Report No. 4 Interim Report of the Biometrician. | D. Alder | 1992 | |
ASR-240 | Post-Evaluation Report on CDB-Assisted Agricultural Projects in Belize. | This report evaluates all the CDB-assisted agricultural projects in Belize from its inception to the present time, with a view to determining the effectiveness of completed projects in particular and the role played by CDB in the agricultural development of Belize in general. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1993 |
ASR-241 | Kings Park & Port Loyola Drainage Project. Project Formulation Report. | A study was carried out on the surface of the water drainage of the Belize City Area involving perusal of previous reports, designs, examination of existing data; and field observations and measurements carried out intermittently over a three month period fron June 1987. | Philip E. Andrewin | 1987 |
ASR-242 | Rice Production in Southern Toledo Farming Systems Report. | The prime objective of this report is to provide a data base regarding hand grown rice on Toledo. The rice work of TRDP is aimed at improving the existing systems of hand grown rice, and/or providing merchanised alternatives for the production of rice in Toledo. | P. J. Seager | 1983 |
ASR-243 | Oilseed Production in Belize Final Report. | Effort of research and development and commercialization of production of oilseed in three districts of Belize. | Anil K. Sinha | 0 |
ASR-244 | Report of the Agricultural Commission. | Agricultural Commission | 1917 | |
ASR-245 | Report on Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Veterinary Matters. | F. L. Engledow, ESQ. | 1945 | |
ASR-246 | Interim Report of the Agricultural Development Committee. | Agricultural Development Committee | 1933 | |
ASR-247 | The Development of a Regional Grains Project in Belize. Final Report Volume III Identification of Alternative Sites. | The project is based on the concep[t of countries such as Guyana and Belize with considerable land area supplying a proportion of the food needs of the other Caricom countries which are islands with a limited land area and high populations. | 1979 | |
ASR-248 | Report of the Committee on Agriculture 1960. | Immediate objective of policy is to increase numbers and efficiency of farm units. | Committee on Agriculture | 1960 |
ASR-249 | Report if the Agricultural Policy Committee of British Honduras. | Agricultural Policy Committee | 1949 | |
ASR-250 | A Preliminary Report on Coconuts in the Northern District. | This report has been prepared in view of the unsatisfactory state of the crop in the neighbourhood of Corozal, Consejo, Santa Elena, Sarteneja and the area between New River and Lowry's Bight. | Director of Agriculture | 1948 |
ASR-251 | The Development of a Regional Grains Project in Belize Final Report | This report contains proposals for the establishment of Caricom Grains Limited to be based initially on the production of maize and sorghum. | Minister Agriculture | 1978 |
ASR-252 | Report on Visit to British Honduras, Spetember 7th to September 21st, 1954. | Marketing of Agricultural Produce. | N. Craig | 1954 |
ASR-253 | Caribbean Development Bank Appraisal Report on the British Honduras Banana Development. | This report appraises the application of the Government of British Honduras for a loan of BH$789,000 from the Caribbean Development Bank for assisting in the expansion of a banana export industry which is currently being developed by the Government. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1973 |
ASR-254 | Archaeological Research Program Publication 1, Cuello Project Interim Report. | Edited by: Norman Hammond | 1978 | |
ASR-255 | Belize Aerodrome. | Conditions of contract and specification of work to be done in the construction of a runway, taxi-track, parking apron and access road at the Belize Airport, British Honduras. | Colonial Development and Welfare Scheme | 1943 |
ASR-256 | A Report on the Rehabilitation Requirements for Belize International Airport British Honduras. | A report including plans and estimates of cost in respect of the rehabilitation requirements of Stanley Airport, British Honduras. | Scott & Wilson, Kirkpatrick & Partners, Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers | 1965 |
ASR-257 | Report on the Proposed Development of Stanley Field Airport, Belize. | Purpose was to carry out a soils survey of the site of the proposed new runway and thereafter to prepare a Project Report. | Scott & Wilson, Kirkpatrick & Partners, Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers | 1959 |
ASR-258 | Master Plan for Ambergris Caye Draft Final Report. | The project is intended to serve as a planning and regulatory model for application, mutatis mutandis, to other similar areas in Belize under development pressure. | Shankland Cox | 1989 |
ASR-259 | First Annual Report of the Belize Archaic Archaeological Reconnaissance. | The brief archaological reconnaissance in Costal Belize during winter and spring of 1980 by the Robert A. Peabody Foundation for Archaeology was a contituation of a long program investigating the beginning of agriculture and concomitant rise of village like in the New World. | Richard Stockton Macneish, S. Jeffery K. Wilkerson and Antoinette Nelken-Terner | 1980 |
ASR-260 | University of Edingburgh Expedition to British Honduras - Yucatan General Report 1966. | The aim of this General Report is to describe the preparation and organization of the Expedition, to give some account of fieldwork, and to indicate the results which have been obtained so far. | Edited by: Peter A. Furley | 1968 |
ASR-261 | Report on the Archives of British Honduras (Belize) 1968. | Report of visit of the Archives of British Honduras which centered on a survey of the documents so far deposited in the newly-formed National Archives, located at the Bliss Institute, Belize City. | Clinton V. Black | 1968 |
ASR-262 | Report of the Caribbean Archives Conference Held at the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. | Functions of the conference were to bring together archivists to discuss and resolve their common problems, the make available archival material related to the Caribbean, emphasize the need to preserve records and to strenghten awareness of the Caribbean historical heritage | Caribbean Archives Conference Committee | 1965 |
ASR-263 | Interim Report on Fisheries of British Honduras. | R. H. Baird | 1971 | |
ASR-264 | Belize National Report to the World Summit on Sustainable Development. | Ministry of Natural Resources, the Environment and Industry | 2002 | |
ASR-265 | Traffic and Transport in Belize. | Purpose of this report was to identify serious traffic problems, whether already existing or likely to arise and to recommend alterations to the existing traffic infrastructure so as to alleviate these problems using simple and inexpensive management techniques. | Richard Barrett | 1979 |
ASR-266 | Report of Board of Inquiry into Dispute Between General Workers Development Union and Belize Brewing Co. Ltd. | 1977 | ||
ASR-267 | Report on a Soil and Citrus Suitability Survey of the Topco National Land Toledo, Belize. | Objectives are to determine whether the soils and drainage of the survey area are suitable for a citrus nucleus estate, to produce a soil or land units map, to determine the relationship between landforms and soils and to determine the nature and scale of soil variability. | I. C. Baille and A. C. S. Wright | 1988 |
ASR-268 | Summary Report on the Belize River Archaeological Settlement Survey Field and Laboratory Research 1983-1987. | The BRASS project was designated to investigate settlement-environment relationships in the peripheral Upper Belize River area. | Anabel Ford | 0 |
ASR-269 | More Light on La Milpa Mapping Interim Report in the 1993 Season. | Gair Tourtellot with John Rose | 1993 | |
ASR-270 | Site Core Investigations at Cahal Pech, Cayo District, Belize: Preliminary Report of the 1988 Season. | Objectives were to hault furthur destruction of the center, produce a map of the site demarcating an area to be established as a National Park and the obtain the data necessary to publish a preliminary guidebook for use in the schools and for promoting tourism. | Jaime Awe and Mark Campbell | 1988 |
ASR-271 | Proposed Development of Big Creek Banana Port Belize Summary Report. | In order to export the increased banana production from new plantations, the FYFFES GROUP LTD have put forward outline proposals for a low cost port development at Big Creek. | Forge Consulting Ltd. | 1982 |
ASR-272 | Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Works Preliminary Feasibility Report. | Becca Worley International | 1987 | |
ASR-273 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital Fourth Monthly Report. | The present fourth monthly report covers the period from 1st to 30th April, 1993 and refers to the state of the construction contract on this last date, when 141 days have been used, that is approximately 25% of the official period of performance. | Consultiberica, S. A. | 1993 |
ASR-274 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital Sixth Monthly Report. | On 30th June, 201 days of construction time haven been employed by Consortium COMYLSATECSA in the New Belize City Hospital, having still 365 days or exactly one year left until the official completion date of 29th June, 1994. | Consultiberica, S.A. | 1993 |
ASR-275 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital Third Monthly Report. | The construction works for the New Belize City Hospital started on the 11th December, 1992, when the Contractor Consortium COMYLSA-TESCA took official possession of the site. Therefor, some 110 of the 365 days of the Contractual Period of the Performance have been used, that is approximately 30% of it. | Consultiberica, S.A. | 1993 |
ASR-276 | Construction of the New Belize City Hospital First Monthly Report (11 Dec. 1992 - 10 Jan. 1993). | Consultiberica, S.A. | 1993 | |
ASR-277 | Report of the Community-Based Ecotourism Gathering. | The gathering was occurred in order to promote interaction among groups who are involved in ecotourism, it is also designed to see what kind of linkages exist with other groups involved with tourism and to see where linkages can be made with people involved with natural resources management. | Compiled by: Karen Vincent | 1994 |
ASR-278 | Government of Belize Report on Belize Electricity Board. | To appraise and report with recommendations on the business of the Belize Electricity Board with particular reference to the condition and value of its generation plant, the prospective growth in demand in its area of supply, a suitable development programme to meet such growth, etc. | Merz and Mclellan | 1975 |
ASR-279 | A Report on the Expansion and Development of the Belize Technical College. | Carried out to assist in planning curricula for new courses, to assist in the selection and ordering of equipment and in designing the layout of laboratories and workshops, to promote liason with employers and to estimate the desirable number of students in craft and technicians and to oversee the building progress. | S. F. Trustram | 1973 |
ASR-280 | Civil Aviation Department Master Plan for Development of Belize International Aiport. Intermin Report. | The objective of the study is to prepare a development plan for the expansion of Belize Airport to meet traffic and other needs over the next twenty years and beyond. Any such plan needs to allow expansion to tale place progressively with minimum effect on current operations. | Sir William Halcrow and Partners. | 1986 |
ASR-281 | Final Report of the Belize Oral History Pilot Project. September 1990 - June 1991. | This report, marks the culmination of the Belize Oral History Pilot which was co-funded by UNESCO. Student conducted interviews with elder members of their communities which helped them to improve various skills as well as helping to bridge the generation gap. | Students of Belmopan Comprehensive School | 0 |
ASR-282 | Report of Livestock Industry Expansion in Belize and the Development of the Belize River Valley Area (Yalbac). "Operation Heartland" | Second report made by H. R. Clifford on the Belize Livestock Industry and builds on the ideas this already put forward (Recommendations on the Development of Belize Livestock Industry, July 20, 1977). | H. R. Clifford | 1978 |
ASR-283 | The Belize Film Society Report of the Management Committee for the year ended 31st December, 1963. | 1963 | ||
ASR-284 | 1991 Belize Family Health Survey Preliminary Report. | Contains data on contraceptive prevalance and the utilization of maternal and child health services. | CSO, Ministry of Finance, Belize Family Life Association, Ministry of Health and Division of Reproductive Health | 1991 |
ASR-285 | Report of the UNESCO Educational Planning Mission to British Honduras. Belize Junior Secondary School No. 1 | A collection of papers on the origin, purpose and organisation of the school. | UNESCO | 0 |
ASR-286 | Belize Institute of Management Education Seminars Report. | Belize Instiute of Management. | 1975 | |
ASR-287 | Women in Belize. | This report looks at three main areas, namely, Education, Health and Employment which are of great importance in any programme development. | Women's Bureau, Ministry of Labour Social Services and Communty Development | 1984 |
ASR-288 | Report on the Granting of Belizean Nationality and Implications for Voter Registration Part I. | The Consortium of Non-Governmental Organizations. | 1993 | |
ASR-289 | Final Report Mid-term Evaluation Training for Employment amd Productivity Project #505-0020 | Since about 1984, the GOB has embarked on a development program emphazing growth in the export and tourism sectors of the economy. The overall goal is to increase productivity in these areas to enhance Belize's foreign exchange earnings. | Raymond Fuller, Louis Lindo, Paul Manchak, Thomas Oehrlein, David Schrier and Willaim Reynolds | 1989 |
ASR-290 | Belize National Telecommunication System Technical Specifications. | GT&EI was instructed to proceed with the planned survey of the country to assess the impact of the local condition on the extent and technique of the system. | General Telephone and Electonics International Inc. | 1971 |
ASR-291 | Bridge Site Investigations Phase 1 Interim Report. | The purpose of the study is to investigate five possible bridge sites in Belize from a technical point of view and also to consider the economic justification for the construction of a new bridge at each site. | Wallace Evans and Partners | 1974 |
ASR-292 | Report of the Development Planning Committee (1946) | Sketch plans of development to provide a frame work for the whole of the development and Welfare policy of the Colony over a period of the next five to ten years. | Development Planning Committee | 1946 |
ASR-293 | Belize DFC: Joint Ventures Inception Report (CIDA Project #208/000505) | Objective was to obtain a first-hand assessment of Belize capabilities and constraints in establishing suitable technology joint-ventures between Belizean and Canandian investors, and identifying specific joint-venture opportunities. | T. E. Body & Associates Ltd. | 1983 |
ASR-294 | Report of the Constitutional Commissioner 1959. | Purpose was to inquire into the working of the present consitution of British Honduras and to make recommendations for any changes which may be thought desirable. | Hilary Blood | 1959 |
ASR-295 | Progress Report on Reorganization of Government Mechanical Workshops. | To plan and execute the reorganization of the Public Works Department's Mechanical Workshops and introduce proper procedures for vehicle and plant maintenance and repairs; and to be responsible for the planning of staff requirements, the ordering of equipment, and the consideration and planning of new buildings. | Prepared by: C. A. I. Blackwell | 1969 |
ASR-296 | Report on King's Park Development. | The purpose of this investigation was the making of a study of the Engineering features involved on the project, a sub-division layout of the property, and an estimate of the construction costs required for the development work. | James W. Billingsley | 1926 |
ASR-297 | Appraisal Report on Teeanty Industries Limited. | This report appraises the revised application from Teeanty Industries Limited, for an investment of EC$140,000 from Craibbean Investment Corporation to be used as working capital towards the purchase of raw materials. | G. R. E. Bullem | 1978 |
ASR-298 | Strengthening of the Customs and Excise Department Terminal Report. | Kenneth T. Bryant | 1980 | |
ASR-299 | Inquiry into the Pontoon Bridge Accident, 14th June 1962. | Full impartial inquiry into and report upon the circumstances of the accident at the temporary pontoon bridge being erected over the Belize River in which accident seven persons lost their lives. | E. W. Francis, A. S. Burn and W. A. Johnston | 1962 |
ASR-300 | Special Report: The Chiquibul Forest Reserve and Considerations on the Establishment of a Biosphere Reserve for Belize. | Report presents arguments in favor of protecting the Chiquibul Forest Reserve and establishing Belize's first Biosphere Reserve. | Bruce W. Miller and Carolyn M. Miller | 1990 |
ASR-301 | British Development Division in the Caribbean, Belize Big Falls Bridge Project Toledo District. Monthly Progress Report No. 7. | Crown Agents for Oversea Government and Administrations | 1991 | |
ASR-302 | British Development Division in the Caribbean, Belize Big Falls Bridge Project Toledo District. Monthly Progress Report No. 6. | Crown Agents for Oversea Government and Administrations | 1991 | |
ASR-303 | Report in the Improvement and Development of the Transport Facilities in British Honduras. | Mr. H. C. Burchell | 1906 | |
ASR-304 | Maya Land Rights in Belize and the History of Indian Reservations. Report to the Toledo Maya Cultural Council. | This report tells the story of the loss of Indian Land. It summarizes the history of the creation of Maya reservations in the Toledo District and analyzes their current legal status under the law of Belize. | Curtis Berkey | 1994 |
ASR-305 | Report of the Teaching of Science and of Mathematics in Belize. | This report is based on observations made during a visit to the country from March 21 to March 30, 1965 | Dr. George Bishop | 0 |
ASR-306 | Report on an Inquiry into the Salaries and other conditions of service including recommendations for increased efficiency in organization and administration in the Civil Service of British Honduras. | R. J. C. Howes | 1956 | |
ASR-307 | Report on Civil Aviation in the British Caribbean Area August 1946 - December 1948. | Directorate-General of Civil Aviation, Barbados | 1948 | |
ASR-308 | Report of the Committee on Government Assistance to Secondary Schools 1974. | Committee instituted to inquire into the adequacy of government assistance to private secondary schools. | Committee on Government Assistance | 1974 |
ASR-309 | Report of an Inquiry into Salaries and Matters of Organisation in the Civil Service of British Honduras. | Purpose was to conduct and enquiry into the salaries and cost of living allowances of all government officers in the colony and make recommendations for increased efficiency in organization and methods of administration. | R. O. Ramage | 1951 |
ASR-310 | Report of the Commission of Inquiry on a Review of the Public Service in Belize 1973. | Sir Charles H. Hartwell, Mr. Jitendra K. Kohli and David O. Hill | 1973 | |
ASR-311 | A Report on the Coconut Industry of British Honduras. | J. W. D. Goodban | 1952 | |
ASR-312 | Development Incentives and Concessions Interim Report. | D. H. Butani | 1978 | |
ASR-313 | Basic Report on the Economy of British Honduras (Belize) and its Prospects. | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 1972 | |
ASR-314 | Report in a One Day Workshop for Inter-Ministerial Committee, Belize Institute for Community Enterprise, Training and Development Information Dissemination Seminar. | Inter-Ministerial Committee was created to look into initiatives for existing social policy implementation, and to recommend adaptations in structure and cohesion of the inter-ministry linkages for future trends in social development. Seminar conducted to introduce Government departments to the overall purpose fo the IMC. | 1988 | |
ASR-315 | PMS ( Pool of Marketing Specialists) Report Belize. | Report aimed at indentifying the strengths and weaknesses of the tourism product with the objective of presenting the government with a series of planning guidelines for the sector. | Caribbean Tourism Research and Development Centre | 1985 |
ASR-316 | Report on the Organization of the Ministry of Health of Belize. | Report conducted with the purpose of indentifying major problems of organization and outlining some of the options available to the national authorities, in the search for a new organizational framework to enchance equity, efficacy and efficiency in the delivery of health services. | Eduardo Carillo | 1992 |
ASR-317 | Annual Report for the 1987 Season at Colha, Belize. | The principal objective of fieldwork was the define more precisely the internal organization of chert tool production during the Late Classic Period. Of central interest was indentifying the chertworkers at the site and their place in Colha Society. | Thomas R. Hester, Center for Archaeological Research | 1987 |
ASR-318 | Citrus Industry of Belize Report of the 1982 Citrus Price Formula Committee. | Report carried out to examine all factors of the Belize Citrus Industry, including the Hunter and Rastogi Formulae, and decide the price per box for orange and the price per box for grapefruit for the 1981/82 crop year. | Price Formula Committee | 1982 |
ASR-319 | Report of CNIRD (Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development) National Consultation May 18th and 19th 1989, Roaring Creek Community Centre. | Cynthia Ellis | 1989 | |
ASR-320 | Report on the Chicle Industry of Belize. | Jorge Sosa, Caesar Ross and Luis Pook | 1989 | |
ASR-321 | Commerce Bight Pier Report on Tenders for Construction of Port Authority Building. | Wallace Evans & Partner (Jamaica) | 0 | |
ASR-322 | Commerce Bight Pier Port Authority Contract Documents. | Wallace Evans & Partners (Jamaica) | 1980 | |
ASR-323 | Commerce Bight Pier Construction Progress Report No. 2 | Wallace Evans & Partners (Jamaica) | 1980 | |
ASR-324 | Report on the Sanitation of Belize. | H. C. Burchell | 1906 | |
ASR-325 | University of Edinburgh Expedition to Central America 1970 General Report Volume 1. | The main focus of interest was the construction of a new capital in British Honduras. One project was therefore concerned with the ultilisation of the land and other second was concerned with an analysis of patterns of mofication and decision making amongst rural communities of creole agriculturalists. | Edited By: Peter A. Furley | 1972 |
ASR-326 | A Report of the Committee on Nutrition in the Colony of British Honduras. | R. l. Cheverton and H. P. Smart | 1937 | |
ASR-327 | Belize Police Force Government of Belize Radio Communications Report on Tenders. | Crown Agents for Oversea Governments | 1992 | |
ASR-328 | Toledo Farming System Report Corn Enterprise Report. | Report describing the Farming Systems of Toledo. This enterprise report first places corn production Toledo in its international, national and local context, and then continues to the social, economic and technical details of production in a farming system context and discusses the contraints opportunities of corn production by the Maya of Toledo. | P. J. Seager | 1983 |
ASR-329 | Belize Experimental Demographic Survey (BEDS) General Report. | Survey carried out as there is a wide-felt need for socio-demographic base information in order to make decisions and prepare short and long term plans in sectors such as health, education, immigration and economic development. | Karol Krotki, Harri Hernandez and Sylvan Roberts | 1989 |
ASR-330 | What the People Said. A Report on the countrywide consultations of a culture policy for Belize, March-June 1992. | Lita Hunter Krohn | 1992 | |
ASR-331 | Report of the Auditor General on the Iguana Creek Bridge and Belize City Swing Bridge for the period 1990-1995. | O. G. Nicholas, Auditor General | 1997 | |
ASR-332 | Forest Planning and Management Project Staff Development and Training Proposals. Consultancy Report No. 8 Report of the Training Specialist. | Philip N. Dearden | 1993 | |
ASR-333 | Master Planning Report Del Rio International Property in Belize. | Engineering International Ltd. | 1972 | |
ASR-334 | Report by The Belize Crimes Commission to The Right Honorable George Price. | Belize Crimes Commission | 1992 | |
ASR-335 | A Development Plan for British Honduras Part One - General Report. | Mission appointed to prepare a general survey of the economic development possibilities of British Honduras | Gamani Corea and Krishna R. V. Naidu | 1963 |
ASR-336 | Report of a Select Committee of all the Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council appointed to consider the whole question of Constitutional Reform, with the Report of the Constitutional Commission. | W. H. Courtney, J. Espat, E. Gegg, J. Wilson Macmillan, Branston S. Clark, W. A. George, J. Albert Smith, H. C. Fuller, C. J. Benguche and C. Westby | 1952 | |
ASR-337 | Report of the Committee on Land Administration 1961 Part 1 | Objective was to recommend a system of land tenure, which would allow and encourage the optimum use of land for agricultural purposes. | R. B. Cottrell, J. W. Macmillan, and J. A. Waight | 1961 |
ASR-338 | Report of the Committee on Land Administration 1961 Part II. | Objective was to recommend a system of land tenure, which would allow and encourage the optimum use of land for agricultural purposes. | R. B. Cottrell, J. W. Macmillan, and J. A. Waight | 1961 |
ASR-339 | The Ah Hah Workshop on Strategies for Cooperative Development in Belize. | The Workshop brought together five Belizean organizations and two Candian agencies with the aim of developing common strategy for cooperative development and concrete plans for inter-agency cooperation and joint action. | Written on behalf of: Ross Kidd, Jewel Quallo, Nora Schmist, Selena Tapper and Trevor Spence | 1985 |
ASR-340 | Hutson's Report on the Corozal Sugar Factory Limited. | F. C. Huston and M. I. Mech | 1951 | |
ASR-341 | Report of the Commission on the Establisment of a Customs Union in the British Caribbean Area. | British Caribbean Customs Union | 0 | |
ASR-342 | Report on criminals and crimes during the period 1962-1968. | D. de J. Inniss | 1968 | |
ASR-343 | Economic Memorandum on Belize. Report No. 3417-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1981 | |
ASR-344 | Economic Memorandum on Belize. Report No. 7178-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1988 | |
ASR-345 | Economic Memorandum on Belize. Report No. 2909-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1980 | |
ASR-346 | Economic Memorandum on Belize. Report No. 5244-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1984 | |
ASR-347 | Economic Memorandum on Belize. Report No. 2423-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1979 | |
ASR-348 | Economic Memorandum on Belize. Report No. 1995-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1978 | |
ASR-349 | Economic Memorandum on Belize. Report No. 6550-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1986 | |
ASR-350 | Economic Memorandum on Belize. Report No. 4446-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1983 | |
ASR-351 | Report on the Financial and Economic Propects of British Honduras | Objectives were to conduct an independent examination of the financial and economic prospects of British Honduras and to examine the level of wages of government manual workers with references to a claim by the General Workers' Union for an increase in wages of those workers. | A. Gilmour | 1956 |
ASR-352 | Government of Belize Housing Development Project Conditions of Contract and Specification. | Government of Belize | 0 | |
ASR-353 | Report on the Economic and Natural Features of British Honduras in Relation to Agriculture with Proposals for Development. | W. R. Dunlop | 1920 | |
ASR-354 | Report on Economic Development Legislation in British Honduras. | To examine the existing legislation for economic development with a view to considering how far it meets the needs of the Colony; to suggest improvements and revisions, if necessary; and to draft revised legislation, if requried. | A. A. Shenfield | 1955 |
ASR-355 | British Honduras Financial and Economic Position Report of the Commissioner appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies. | A. W. Pim | 1934 | |
ASR-356 | Ministry of Works Report Surface Water Drainage Belize City Volume 1. | Conducted to advise the Government of Belize on the feasibility of improving the surface water drainage of Belize City. | Richards & Dumbleton International Consulting Engineers | 1983 |
ASR-357 | Report on Belize Harbour and some of the Rivers of British Honduras. | Report on the possibilty of improvement and navigability of Belize Harbours. | G. W. Dodds | 1936 |
ASR-358 | Economic and Social Progress in Latin America 1994 Report. Fiscal Decentralization. | Contains information on Belize only. | Inter-American Development Bank | 0 |
ASR-359 | The Belize National Report United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. | Department of the Environment | 1992 | |
ASR-360 | Report of the Eleventh Conference of Officials Responsible for Labour Matters in Ministries and Departments of Labour in the Caribbean Region. | 1970 | ||
ASR-361 | Report Diocesan Assembly I. | Diocesan Assembly | 1978 | |
ASR-362 | Report Diocesan Assembly I. | Diocesan Assembly | 1981 | |
ASR-363 | Report to Minister of Labour on Social Security System. | Part I deals with existing methods in BH and with the feasibility of a Social Security System, Part II carries a recommendation for a limited plan concentrated on essential needs and Part III describes the type of administration, procedures, and other elements in implemeting the recommendation. | Department of Technical Co-operation. | 1963 |
ASR-364 | A Report on the Progress of Public Health Matters in British Honduras. | C. H. Eyles | 1895 | |
ASR-365 | Report of Conference on Extra-mural Work and Related Matters Held in British Honduras March 10-12. | 1964 | ||
ASR-366 | Report on Water Power and Flood Control of the River Macal with a Note on Wind Power. | Preliminary report on the possibility of the hydroelectric generation of power in the Colony of British Honduras, the question of flood control in the Macal River and the possibility of of generation by wind power. | Sir William Halcrow & Partners | 1952 |
ASR-367 | Report to the Government of British Honduras. | Recommendations and comments on the organisation and function of the Research Laboratory of the Fisheries Unit, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Natural Resources. | J. L. Munro | 1968 |
ASR-368 | Report to the Government of British Honduras on a Survey of Family Expenditures, 1958 and on New Consumer Price Indices. | Dr. Zoel J. Gonzalez-Ruiz International Labour Office | 1957 | |
ASR-369 | The Fisheries of British Honduras. | Ernest F. Thompson | 1944 | |
ASR-370 | Report on the Five Day Work Week. | "To examine the feasibility of a 5-day work week throughout the Belize Public Service with particular reference to Financial implications and the maintenance of a satisfactory level of service to the public." | L. D. Tucker, R. A. Malik, E. L. Hall, M. B. Guerrero and J. A. Coye | 1978 |
ASR-371 | Report of the British Guiana and British Honduras Settlement Commission. | Report of the study of British Guiana and British Honduras as an aid to the solution of the problem of over-population in the West Indian territories, and the need to assist in solving the problem of displaced persons as a result of the war. | British Honduras Settlement Commission | 1948 |
ASR-372 | Forests of British Honduras with Suggestions for a Fair Reaching Forest Policy. | C. Hummel | 1926 | |
ASR-373 | Report on A Proposed Foreign Service For Belize. | Recommendations, on the minimum complement of staff and facilities required for the conduct of the foreign relations of Belize in the first few years of independence. | R. R. Richardson | 1979 |
ASR-374 | Toledo Farming System Report Livestock Production Report. | P. J. Seager | 1983 | |
ASR-375 | Forest Industry Development Techinical Report: Chemical processing of forest by-products. | Report objective is to prepare brief prefeasibility studies on some of the minor forest product industries concerned with the processing of wood residues both for export and as import substitutes. | Prepared By: United Nations Industrial Development Organization | 1977 |
ASR-376 | An Analysis of Ecotourism's Economic Contribution to Conservation and Development in Belize Volume 1: Summary Report. | Research focused on addressing some fundamental issues regarding ecotourism, including its economic impact on protected areas and local communities and its impact on conservation attitudes and practices. | Kreg Lindberg and Jeremy Enriquez | 0 |
ASR-377 | An Analysis of Ecotourism's Economic Contribution to Conservation and Development in Belize Volume 2: Comprehensive Report. | Research focused on addressing some fundamental issues regarding ecotourism, including its economic impact on protected areas and local communities and its impact on conservation attitudes and practices. | Kreg Lindberg and Jeremy Enriquez | 0 |
ASR-378 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Internal Report Series Supplementary Volume 1 August 1992 to August 1993. | Report contains (1) Lands Needs Assessments Stann Creek Valley Communities, (2) A Conservation and Environmental Data System (CEDS for Belize, (3) Developing Stann Creek District for Our Children, (4) Community Participation and Monitoring in the SDA Programme and (6) The Forest of Belize | Marion Glaser, LIC, R. B. King, John McGill and The Belize Forest Department | 1993 |
ASR-379 | Report of the Regional Economic Committee of the British West Indies British Guiana and British Honduras for the Period May, 1952-June, 1954. | Regional Economic Committee | 1954 | |
ASR-380 | Off to a Great Start: Mid-Term Report for the Government of Belize. | Government of Belize | 1992 | |
ASR-381 | Report of an Enquiry into the Educational System of British Honduras 1933-1934. | B. H. Easter | 1935 | |
ASR-382 | Report from the Retrenchment Committee to the Governor. | Report focuses on the Belize Fire Brigade, Stationary, the Stann Creek Railway, Savings Bank, Hospital, Lunatic Asylum, Poor House and Leper Asylum. | Chairman Retrenchment Committee | 1922 |
ASR-383 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Internal Report Series Volume 1 August 1991 to April 1992 | Report contains (1) Implementing a GIS System in the Ministry of Natural Resources and (2) Report on a Visit to Belize - March 26th to April 2nd, 1992. | D. A. Gray | 1992 |
ASR-384 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Internal Report Series Volume 2 May to August 1992. | Report contains (1) Implementing and Environmental Data Centre in Belize- Discussion Paper, (2) Field Visit to Columbia River Forest Reserve (3) Objectives and Methods for the Mangrove Management Plan of the FPMP, (4) A Co-ordinated Approach to Raising Awareness of Mangrove Importance in Belize and (5) First Fieldvisit to the Vaca Hill Area. | D. A. Gray, N. M. Bird O. Sabido, S. Zisman, N Namis and M. Glaser | 1992 |
ASR-385 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 1 Report of the Silviculturist. | T. J. Synnott | 1992 | |
ASR-386 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 6, Report of the Forestry Legislation. | Report of the visit to review forestry, wildlife and national parks legislation. | Winston C. McCalla | 1993 |
ASR-387 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Internal Report Series Voume 5 May to August 1993. | Report contains (1) Review of Initial Forest Management Work in Columbia River Forest Reserve (2) Meeting on Using and Protecting High Bush/Forest Reserve (3) Belize Forest Planning & Management Project the Permanent Sample Plot Programme (4) Workshop on Social Indicators and Social Sector Statistics… | N. Bird, M. Glaser, N. Namis, P. E. Martinez, N. Fairweather and D. Gray | 1993 |
ASR-388 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 2, Report Systems Development Accountant. | Alan J. Ogle | 1992 | |
ASR-389 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 3, Mangroves in Belize: Their Characteristics, Use and Conservation. | A. Zisman | 1992 | |
ASR-390 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 7, A Survey of Sawmilling and Related Industries in Belize. | The study aimed to evaluate the present state of the industy, paying particular attention to the equipment used, its efficiency in utilising the forest resource, the general viability and the capability of improvement of the mills. | R. A. Plumptre | 1993 |
ASR-391 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 5, Second Progress Report Systems Development Accountant. | Purpose was to install and train staff in a new management accounting system. | Alan J. Ogle | 1993 |
ASR-392 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 10, Final Report of the Mangrove Specialist. | S. Zisman | 1993 | |
ASR-393 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 9, A Survey of Economic, Financial and Fiscal Factors Effecting the Development of Forest Industries in Belize. | Study attemps to assess changes and developments in the forest industry from 1987-1992, Provide a tentative evaluation of the industry's condition in 1993 and Chart the likely future of the Belizean industry over the next five to ten years. | Angus Hone | 1993 |
ASR-394 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Internal Report Series Volume 4 January to April 1993. | Report contains (1) The Forest of Northern Columbia River Forest Reserve (2) Social Issues in the Land Use Component Forest Planning and Management Project (3) Information Visit to Programme for Belize Research Station and Friends of Rio Bravo Community Outreach Programme… | N. M. Bird, M. Glaser, N. Namis, S. Zisman, D. A. Gray and J. McGill | 1993 |
ASR-395 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Internal Report Series Volume 3 September to December 1992. | Report contains (1) field Visit to Columbia River Forest Reserve (2) Toledo Uplands Fieldwork Findings (3) Mangrove Communities Assessment (4) Conservation and Environmental Data System (5) Safeguarding Belize's Forest… | N. Bird, S. Alder, M. Glaser, N. Namis, D. Gray, N. Bird, O. Sabido, V. Nelson and R. Brice King | 1992 |
ASR-396 | Progress Report 1980-84 by the Forest Department. | Report includes information of the Forest Estate, Forest types, employment situation, and the Forestry's contribution to economic and social welfare. | O. Rosado | 1985 |
ASR-397 | Progress Report 1955-1960 by the Forestry Department of British Honduras. | A. C. Frith | 1962 | |
ASR-398 | Progress Report 1973-1979 by the Forestry Department of Belize. | H. C. Flowers | 1980 | |
ASR-399 | Progress Report 1966-1972 by the Forestry Department of Belize. | H. C. Flowers | 1974 | |
ASR-400 | West Indian Inter-Colonial Fruit and Vegetable Conference 1933. | Report, Recommendations and Proceedings | 1933 | |
ASR-401 | Report on the Freshwater Creek Crown Lands Lowry's Bight. | D. Stevenson | 1926 | |
ASR-402 | Retrenchment Committee final Report, containing Summary of 29 interim Reports. | Cyril Francis, A. R. Usher, Frans R. Dragten, F. W. Biddle and P. Stanley Woods. | 1923 | |
ASR-403 | Improving How We Are Governed: Proposals for Constitutional Change, Public Sector Modernization and Civic Education Report. | Council Good Governance and Public Sector Modernization | 2010 | |
ASR-404 | Report on Visit to British Honduras, Rice Development Scheme. | Report conducted to advise the Markerting Board on mechanised cultivation of paddy, to advise the Marketing Board on the storage of grain and to draw a practical cheme for the BH Government for intensive production of grain. | H. E. H. Gadd | 1951 |
ASR-405 | Health Department Activities 1983 Preliminary Report. | Ministry of Health | 1984 | |
ASR-406 | Report on the Harbour and Port Facilities. | Investigation into the present port and habour facilities at Belize and to advise generally on certain proposals which were made by interested persons in the Colony affecting the development of deepwater quays. | P. Eric Millbourne | 1960 |
ASR-407 | Housing Committee Interim Report on Housing Development. | Report to prepare a scheme for new housing in Belize and to advise on figures to be put forward to the Colonial Office for inclusion in the Development Plan 1950-60. | Housing Committee | 1955 |
ASR-408 | Report on the First National Seminar-Workshop on Rural Studies in British Honduras. | C. P. Habito | 1968 | |
ASR-409 | Report Regarding Ground-Water Investigation, City of Belize. | Survey was made of the water supply facilities and potential water resources available to the city of Belize. Investigation was conduted to review ad evaluate the exploration work accomplished and to assist in the organizing and planning the remaining field studies necessary to complete the investigation. | Eugene A. Hickok | 1966 |
ASR-410 | Report of a Mission to Advise the Government of Belize on the Planning of a New Belize City Hospital. | Report contains the economic appraisal of the project and discussion of the cost-effectiveness of the project along with reccomendations on the planning of a new hospital. | E. H. Riley, P. J. Key, M. Foster and J. McBride | 0 |
ASR-411 | Report of Findings and Recommendations of a Commission of Inquiry into the Spending of Public Funds on the Hurricane Janet Rehabilitation Programme in the Corozal and Orange Walk Districts. | N. B. Stalker, D. O. Reading and O. H. Bradley | 1961 | |
ASR-412 | Report on Hurricane "Hattie". | The purpose of this report is to place on records the events which occurred shortly before, during and immediately after the visitation of Hurricane Hattie and to set out the position to date. Report includes a listing of fatalities. | 1961 | |
ASR-413 | Reports upon Surface Drainage and Water Supply for the Town of Belize. | Preliminary report upon the city surface drainage and also upon water supply. | Howard Humphreys & Sons | 1925 |
ASR-414 | Project Report on Belize International Hotel. | Prepared by: Swank Gesler . Partners | 0 | |
ASR-415 | Health Education 1956. | Summary of the Report of the First Annual Health Education Workshop in British Honduras held at Matron Roberts Health centre 4th-11th January, 1956. | Sponsored by the Medical Department | 1956 |
ASR-416 | Report of the Health Education Seminar Held at the Matron Roberts Health Centre. | The seminar brought together members of several agencies who contribute to the Health Education Programme to examine their role and make suggestions for future actions | Sponsored by The Bureau of Health Education | 1961 |
ASR-417 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Progress Report No. 3 | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1990 | |
ASR-418 | Report on Mission to Belize for Rural Telecommunication Planning Assistance. | Purpose of the mission was to provide assistance to the Belize Telecommuncation Authority in preparing a proposal for funding for installation of community telephones in unserved villages. | Heather E. Hudson | 1986 |
ASR-419 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Inception Report | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1990 | |
ASR-420 | Report by Mining Engineer on assignment as Geological Advisor May-July 1973. | Assignment entailed a review of mineral prospecting reports, advise on the up-dating of mineral legislation and establishing the nucleus of a geological section in the Ministry of Trade and Industry. | R. Lancastle | 1973 |
ASR-421 | Excavation and Survey and Nohmul, Belize, 1986. | The project is a study of the development and decline of a medium-sized Maya City. Reports on the fourth and final field season at Nohmul. | Norman Hammon, K. Anne Pyburn, John Rose, J. C. Staneko and Deborah Muyskens | 1986 |
ASR-422 | Report of a Committee of the Public Service Joint Staff Relations Council Appointed to Review Salaries and Other Conditions of Service of Public Officers. | M. J. Hulse, E. N. D. Fuller, C. M. Woods, Elaine Middleton and Melba Staine | 1969 | |
ASR-423 | Report of the Advisory Mission on the Treatment of Offenders. | To visit the Bahamas and British Honduras to examine the provisions for the treatment of offenders, their care and custody and the arrangements for rehabilitation, and give the respective governments advice. | Dr. Terrence Morris and Baroness Serota | 1966 |
ASR-424 | Toledo Research and Development Project Agronomy Program Progress Report. | Report covers the period during which wet season rice crop on the Pilot farm at Blue Creek and the majority of the wet season trials at Blue Creek, Mafredi and San Pedro Columbia were harvested. | D. E. Johnson | 1983 |
ASR-425 | Toledo Research and Development Project Agronomy Program Progress Report 1983/84. | Highlights of this period report have been progress made in cover-crop work in the uplands and the small but important start achieved in wet land preparation at Mafredi and BCPF. | D. E. Johnson | 1986 |
ASR-426 | Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. | This document contains chapters of the Special Committee's report to the General Assembly. | 1975 | |
ASR-427 | Report on the Insect Pests on British Honduras. | Dure to interest in the development of the agriculture by private enterprise and the Colonial Development Corporation, it was desirable to carry out a review of the present insect pest situation in order to prepare for possinble eventualities. | F. J. Simmonds | 1949 |
ASR-428 | Report to The Government of British Honduras on The Manpower Situation. | Techinical Assistance Prgramme to establish a manpower information programme and to develop vocational training dye to the apparent shortage of skill in the labour force. | International Labour Office | 1963 |
ASR-429 | Report to the Government of British Honduras on the Development of Vocational Training. | Report on developing a pre-vocational and vocational training for youths and part-time adult students, for advice of the necessary equipment needed and creation of a course of accelerated training to provide the semi-skilled workers requires in connection with the hurricane reconstruction programme. | International Labour Office | 1962 |
ASR-430 | Final Report of The International Year of the Child. | One year report of activities undertaken on behalf of children. Thie report and year is the beginning of a long-range programme of child welfare which is proposed to be development and inplemented during the next ten years. | 1979 | |
ASR-431 | Report of the Proceedings of the First Inter-Parliamentary Meeting Mexico-Belize. | Topics presented were the political situation, peace and disarmament, the refugees, co-operation in international organizations, co-operation against drug trafficking, energy, cultural exchange and Commerce and tourism. | 1987 | |
ASR-432 | Report of Inquiry into the National Fire Service of Belize. | Commission required to examine the organizational structure and equipment of the fire service, inquire into the staffing levels, advise on the necessity for additional training, inquire into the methods and adequacy of equipment and to make recommendations for the overall improvement of the Fire Service. | Ainsworth S. Johnson | 1985 |
ASR-433 | Ladyville Industrial Estate Project Report. | LTD Surveying and Engineering Ltd and Robert C. Mahler, Consulting Engineering LTD. | 1983 | |
ASR-434 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Progress Report No. 11 | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1991 | |
ASR-435 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Progress Report No. 8 | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1991 | |
ASR-436 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Progress Report No. 18 | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1991 | |
ASR-437 | A Report to the Honorable George Cadle Price Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs. | Report for the period August 1981 to January 1982. | International Executive Service Corps | 1982 |
ASR-438 | Report of the Belize Constitutional Conference. | 1981 | ||
ASR-439 | Textbook Standardization Committee Report. | Committee tasked to evaluate all commonly used textbooks in the core content areas of the primary school curriculum and prepare a report with recommendations for a policy and a procedure for standardizaton of primary school textbooks. | Textbook Standardization Committee | 1999 |
ASR-440 | Traders of the Maya Coast: Report on the 1988-89 Field Season. | Goal of the 1988-89 field season was to begin to define the relationship between Wild Cane Cay and the surounding coastal territory. | Heather McKillop and Lawrence J. Jackson | 1989 |
ASR-441 | Report of the Workshop on Inter Sectoral Coordination. | The workshop was being held to formulate and define the Inter Ministerial Committee's role in the process of policy formulation and project implementation. | David Gibson | 1984 |
ASR-442 | Report of the Regional Economic Committee of the British West Indies British Guiana and British Honduras for the year 1951-1952. | Regional Economic Committee | 1952 | |
ASR-443 | Report on the Visit of the Ministerial Delegation to Canada and the United States of America. | Purpose of the vist was to seek financial and technical assistance, to interest private investors in the country, to seek markets for primary products and to strengthen the relationship between the country and the USA and Canada. | 1961 | |
ASR-444 | Report by Printing Expert. | To enquire into the reorganization and standard of equipment in order to improve the efficiency of the Government Printing Department. | D. H. McFarlane | 1969 |
ASR-445 | Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Maya Welfare. | Report to consider ways and means of improving health conditions, agriculture and education in the Maya Indian settlements of the Colony, and for combatting the illicit distilling of spirits and the growing of narcotics, and to make recommendations. | Neil S. Stevenson, R. L. Cheverton, J. F. Ward and B. E. Carman | 1941 |
ASR-446 | Report of the Land Tax Commission. | To enquire in the manner in the said Ordinance provided into the existing mode and rate of taxation of land in the Colony and to consider and report how the said mode and rate can be remodelled. | Walter Lewis, Frederic Maxwell, Benjamin Fairweather, Sydney Woods, Charles Usher, Alfred young, Angus Maitland and Archibald Usher | 1902 |
ASR-447 | Final Periodic Report to the Government of Belize on National Youth Programme. | Report to transmit some observation, deduction, conclusions and recommendations of the UN Youth Adviser. Adviser looked into the feasibility of creating a youth section, establishing a National Youth Council, Volunteer Youth Corps Movement and examining the 4-H. | Vin. H. Lawrence | 1972 |
ASR-448 | Report of Legislative Assembly Meeting. | 1963 | ||
ASR-449 | Organization and Methods Unit Report of Procedures for the Production of Lottery Books and Aspects of Printing Administration. | To examine the organizational structure and productivity of men and machine and make recommendations for improvements and to produce a floor plan designed to achieve optimum work flow to be adopted at the new printery to be constructed in Belmopan. | O & M Unit | 1971 |
ASR-450 | Summary Report on Manpower Situation in British Honduras. | Report contains an evaluation of the Manpower Situation: Present Conditions and Tendencies, The System of Manpower Planning and Administration and the Future Manpower Situation. | C. M. Woods | 1965 |
ASR-451 | Report on The Marketing of Domestic Farm Produce in Belize. | To advise the Government on the possibility of expanding the scope of the marketing board, with particular reference to refrigeration, storage and marketing of perishable vegetables and fruits, and at the same time to help in improving the existing organization of the marketing board. | Eberhard Reusse | 1966 |
ASR-452 | Report on the Seminar "State of the Media in Belize --Some New Directions" | Report contains some of the main problems and possible solutions articulated by the participants. | Myrtle Palacio | 1985 |
ASR-453 | Organisation and Methods Unit Report on Aspects of the Medical Department Stores System. | Study of the the clerical procedures on the administrative section of the Medical Department. | O & M Unit | 1971 |
ASR-454 | Youth in Belize Moving Towards Development Final Report of the Survey On Youth Needs in Belize. | Report to transmit some observation, deduction, conclusions and recommendations of the UN Youth Adviser. Adviser looked into the feasibility of creating a youth section, esablishing a National Youth Council, Volunteer Youth Corps Movement and examining the 4-H. | Vin H. Lawrence | 1972 |
ASR-455 | National Youth Programme for Belize Preliminary Report. | Paper intended to convey the methods adopted in arriving at the situation of youths in Belize and to recommend ways of satisfying the needs and solving the problems confronting the umemployed schools leavers and getting the youth to contribute to the social and economic development of Belize. | Vin H. Lawrence | 0 |
ASR-456 | Preliminary Report: Point Placencia Archaeological Project, December 1986 - January 1987. | Report on the clearing and mapping, test pitting, surface collection and excavation of architectural features carried on at C'hacben K'ax, surface collection and test pitting on Northeast Sapodilla Caye and surface and underwater collection on Frenchman's Cay. | J. Jerfferson MacKinnon | 1987 |
ASR-457 | Report on Priority Training Needs in The Public Service. | J. Longsworth, P. Bernard, W. Smith and W. Hall | 1983 | |
ASR-458 | A Six-Year Formative Evaluation Report of the Rural Education and Agriculture Program (REAP) | The REAP project integrated rural life studies into the curriculum of 23 rural primary schools and the Belize College of Education. The purpose, scope and limitations and methodology of the evaluation are described. | Romero M. Massey | 1982 |
ASR-459 | Report on the Investigations at Lubaantun, British Honduras in 1926. | Article from the Royal Anthropological Institute Journal Vol. LVI, 1926. | T. A. Joyce | 1926 |
ASR-460 | Report of the Price Control Advisory Committee (1971). | Report focuses on the investigation and review of the present price control system, including regulations, organization and methodology and to recommendations for appropriate adjustments. | Assad Shoman, Sarita Hulse, Leslie Issacs, Margaret Craig, Desmond Vaughan and Melvin Gabourel | 1971 |
ASR-461 | Report on the Rice Industry of British Honduras 1933. | Recommendation for the establishment of a rice industry for purely local consumption. | E. M. Peterkin | 1933 |
ASR-462 | Textbooks In Belize. A Report on the Publishing of Books for the Belize Schools System. | Recommendations aim to assist the government in the formulation of a textbook policy as stated in its Development Plan 1990-1994 in relation to Educational Policy. | L. J. Nicholas | 1992 |
ASR-463 | Progress Report on the Petroleum and Mineral Resources Development 1982-1988. | R. Prasada Rao | 1985 | |
ASR-464 | Toledo Research and Development Project Progress Report 1985/86. Blue Creek, Toledo District. | Objectives were to improve returns to the upland farming systems and to develop techniques suitable for adoption by the Maya to enable them to improve land use within the upland areas. | 0 | |
ASR-465 | An Inventory of the Turtle Fauna of the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area Final Report. | The objective of the inventory were to determine the species composition and basic habitat preferences of the turtles of the RBCMA. Incidental fish captures were also documented. | John Polisar | 0 |
ASR-466 | Natural Resources and Tourism. | Ministry of Trade and Industry | 0 | |
ASR-467 | Belize Vocational Training Centre/Vita Project Interim Report No. 1 (Project Agreement 71-4) | Gail J. Phares | 1971 | |
ASR-468 | Belize Vocational Training Centre/Vita Project Interim Report No. 2 (Project Agreement 71-4) | 1971 | ||
ASR-469 | A Report on Vehicle and Plant Maintenance, Allocation and Logistics Support for the Ministry of Works. | Hovey & associates (1979) ltd. | 1980 | |
ASR-470 | Central Satistical Office 1991 Population and Housing Census Administrative Report. | Central Statistical Unit | 1991 | |
ASR-471 | Contract Between Government of Belize and Volunteers in Technical Asistance (VITA) Progress/Completion Report | Dr. gail J. Phares | 1973 | |
ASR-472 | Adult Vocational Trade Training at the Belize Vocational Training Centre Progress Report. | Gail J. Phares | 1969 | |
ASR-473 | Sub Aquatic Safety Services of Belize Limited Management Report. | Report introducing Sub Aquatic Safety Services of Belize Limited. It presents the Company's original setup, its success and failures to the present position and provides the prospectus for future operations. | Owen Codd & Associates | 0 |
ASR-474 | Report on the Publicity arranged for the British Honduras New Constitution Commemorative Issue. | 1961 | ||
ASR-475 | Report on Secondary Education in British Honduras. | Report of the nature and purpose of secondary education in British Honduras, the secondary system as it was then and recommendations. | G. S. V. Petter | 1955 |
ASR-476 | Peace Corps Country Report: British Honduras. | Peace Corps British Honduras | 1967 | |
ASR-477 | National Telecommunication System for Belize. | Proposal deals with the necessary steps to be taken to establish a short and long distance communication system to cover all the territory of Belize. | General Telephone & Electronic International | 1969 |
ASR-478 | A Report on a Refugee Law and Policy Workshop. | Worshop to examine this Refugee law, discuss interpretation and implication, look at the rights of refugees in Belize, and also to understand the refugee situation. | Organized by The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and The Belize Refugee Department of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs | 1992 |
ASR-479 | Security in Ministries and Government Departments. | Government Security Officer | 1968 | |
ASR-480 | Report of the Committee Appointed to Examine the Present Organization and Methods of the Public Works Department and to Make Recommendations for Improvement and the Elimination of Wasteful Practices in the Department. | E. Robinson, F. Westby, H. Usher, F. Ysaguirre, K. Dunn, W. Forbes, W. Arnold and J. Castillo | 1965 | |
ASR-481 | Sugar Industry Development Interim Report Proposals of Joint Feasibility Study. | Objective is to establish the economic feasibility of a sugar crop at the factory at Libertad of five months duration, grinding not less than 5,000 long ton of cane per day or to recommend an alternative. | F. C. Schaffer & Associates and Tate & Lyle Enterprises Inc. | 1982 |
ASR-482 | A Report Concerning Future Development in the Penumbra of the New Capital of British Honduras and in Particular the Village of Roaring Creek. | Robert Eaton, Gary G. Kohler and George D. Price | 1967 | |
ASR-483 | Belize Railway Survey Report of W. Shelford. (with map) | Survey to estimate the cost of expanding the railway and completing it as far as El Cayo. | W. Shelford | 1896 |
ASR-484 | Report on a Review of the Public Service in British Honduras and the Government's Comments on the report. | Done to examine the salaries, wages and general conditions of service of persons employed in the public service and to make recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the organization and conduct of government business. | Sir Richard Ramage | 1965 |
ASR-485 | Report on the Proposed Rehabilitation of Haulover Road. | Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Partners | 1966 | |
ASR-486 | Report on Miles 0-15 Western Highway. | Feasibility of improving mile 0-15 of the Western Highway in Belize. (Report contains 4 large maps) | Richards & Dumbleton International | 1983 |
ASR-487 | Semi Annual Progress Report October 1991 - March 1992 BCCI/BEIPU Project. | Strategy for programme implementation aimed at investing resources into a focussed programme to achieve maximum impact given the limited manpower and financial resources. | Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry | 0 |
ASR-488 | Semi Annual Progress Report April 1992 - September 1992 BCCI/BEIPU Project. | Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry | 0 | |
ASR-489 | Large Scale Shrimp Farming Belize, C. A. | Feasibility report on the possibility of constructing a complete farming operation which after four years will be able to produce almost twelve million pounds of shrimp annually. | Worldwide Technologies Inc. | 1981 |
ASR-490 | Large Scale Shrimp Farming Belize, C. A. (Revision February 1983 Vol. I Key Parts and Vol. II Entirely) | Feasibilily report on the posibility of constructing a complete farming operation which after four years will be able to produce almost twelve million pounds of shrimp annually. | Worldwide Technologies Inc. | 1981 |
ASR-491 | Let The Children Speak: A Study of Socialization in Belize. | Study explores the socialization process in Belize and its impact upon the children. Research focused on the impact of those influences from the point of view from the child. Submitted for Presentation at the Caribbean Studies Association XII International Congress. | Nancy Lundgren | 1987 |
ASR-492 | Report of Salaries Revision by the Superintendent of Prisons. | S. P. S. Campbell | 1969 | |
ASR-493 | Belize City Feasibility Study Water Supply and Sewerage Volume 1 Main Report. | Study of necessary field investigation, planning and preliminary design for a water and sewage system for Belize City, together with studies of solid waste disposal, firefighting and surface drainage. | CBA Engineering Ltd. | 1973 |
ASR-494 | Belize City Feasibility Study Water Supply and Sewerage Volume 2 Water Supply and Sewerage. | Study of necessary field investigation, planning and preliminary design for a water and sewage system for Belize City, together with studies of solid waste disposal, firefighting and surface drainage. | CBA Engineering Ltd. | 1973 |
ASR-495 | Belize City Feasibility Study Water Supply and Sewerage Volume 3 Refuse Collection Services. | Study of necessary field investigation, planning and preliminary design for a water and sewage system for Belize City, together with studies of solid waste disposal, firefighting and surface drainage. | CBA Engineering Ltd. | 1973 |
ASR-496 | Belize City Feasibility Study Water Supply and Sewerage Volume 4 Fire Fighting Services. | Study of necessary field investigation, planning and preliminary design for a water and sewage system for Belize City, together with studies of solid waste disposal, firefighting and surface drainage. | CBA Engineering Ltd. | 1973 |
ASR-497 | Belize City Feasibility Study Water Supply and Sewerage Volume 1 Main Report. | Pre-feasibility study of the water supply and sewerage facilites of Belize City, with the express purpose of drafting terms of reference for a full-scale feasibility study of the problems on that city. | CBA Engineering Ltd. | 1971 |
ASR-498 | Intergovernmental Committee for Migration. Haiti - Belize Migration Program Feasibility Study. | Feasibility Study on a Programme for the Migration of Haitian Nationals from Haiti to Belize for an Agricultural Settlement Project. | 1982 | |
ASR-499 | Sugar Special Funds, A Study of the Past, Present and Future. | Notes on the Sugar Special Funds, their uses through the years of their operation and the future of the funds based on experience and the changing times. | A. L. Ayuso | 1980 |
ASR-500 | Study on ACP Sugar Transport Cost. Draft Final Report Volume 3: Belize. | TECNECON Economic and Transport Consultants | 1992 | |
ASR-501 | Sewer Connection Study. Canada/Belize Water & Sewerage Project Stage II. | Report deals with current methods of sewage disposal, scope and number of connections required and overall cost of the connection programs and type of financial assistance required. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan | 1985 |
ASR-502 | Belize Electricity Board Study of Electricity Distribution Systems in the Principal Towns of Belize Volume 3 Summary of Recommendations. | Merz and Mclellan | 1986 | |
ASR-503 | Belize Water and Sewerage Authority Water Supply Expansion Study Final Report. | Stufy commissioned to conduct a study into the alternatives for increasing capacity from both the Double Run Water Treatment Plant and the transmission main. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited | 1990 |
ASR-504 | Intergovernmental Committee for Migration Haiti-Belize Migration Programme Moho River Agricultural Settlement Scheme Belize Feasibility Study. | J. W. Pilgrim Associates | 1982 | |
ASR-505 | Southern Highway Upgrading and Rehabilitation Project Feasibility Study Volume 1 February 1994. | Kocks Consult GMBH | 1994 | |
ASR-506 | A Project Feasibility Study on Belize Surgical and Diagnostic Center. | Demographic study to establish the need for a private general hospital in Belize. | M. Mujahid Salim and David J. Benker | 0 |
ASR-507 | Belize Private Sector Development Project Study on Tax Policy and Administration. | Clifford F. Zinnes and Richard R. Barichello | 1992 | |
ASR-508 | Financial and Actuarial Study of the Proposed Social Security Scheme Project Findings and Recommendations. | UNDP International Labour Organisation | 1979 | |
ASR-509 | Feasibility Study for the Construction of a Refinery in Belize. | Mexican Petroleum Institute | 1990 | |
ASR-510 | Feasibility Study and Preparation of Final Design for Airport Development Fee Proposal. | British Airports Services Limited | 1987 | |
ASR-511 | Feasibility Study and Preparation of Final Design for Airport Development Draft Contract. | British Airports Services Limited | 1987 | |
ASR-512 | Belize Capital Market Study. | Crown Agents Financial Advisory Service | 1989 | |
ASR-513 | Feasibility Study and Preparation of Final Designs for The Development of Belize International Airport. | British Airports Services Limited | 1987 | |
ASR-514 | A Study of Inmates at the Hattieville Prison. | Study sought to gather concrete data about the inmates of the Hattieville Prison who will be released back into society. | Dianne Lindo | 1997 |
ASR-515 | Interpreting Signs of Illness A Case Study in Medical Semiotics. | Medical beliefs and practices of a people known variously as the Black Caribs, Caribs, Garif, Garifuna or Garinagu. | Kathryn Vance Staiano | 1986 |
ASR-516 | Feasibility Study Water Supply of Valley of Peace. | Study into the technical alternatives for water supply for the Valley of Peace refugee village. | Arend Van de Kerk | 1992 |
ASR-517 | Feasibility Study and Implementation: The NDFB Sponsored Enterprise Growth Fund. | Project to confirm the small business sector demand for equity capital and determine the potential to mobilize domestic savings for investment in the Fund as well as to attract foreign investors and to provide technical assistance to organize, promote, capitalize and launch the Fund. | ARA Consulting Group Inc. | 1997 |
ASR-518 | The Central America Economies: Preparing for the Challenges of the 21st Century. | Paper summerizes the complex and continuously evolving macroeconomic, sectoral and social development process of the Central American Region, including its deficiencies, avenues for solutions, and the main challenge ahead in a globalizing external environment. | Inter-American Development Bank | 1996 |
ASR-519 | Engineering Study and Analysis Libertad Factory Operation vs. New Factory Expansion of Libertad vs. Expansion of Tower Hill Material and Energy Balances. | Report of engineering study of the Libertad Sugar Factory located in the Corozal District, with a view to increasing its present frinding capacity of 2400 Long Tons of Cane per Day, without replacing any major equiopment presently in operation and without jeopardizing the start up of the subsequent crop. | F. C. Schaffer & Associates, Inc. | 1978 |
ASR-520 | Prequalification data to Government of Belize for Consultancy Services Feasibility Study and Preparation of Final Design Belize International Airport. | Consultancy Report from Howe International Limited. | Howe International Limited | 1987 |
ASR-521 | Situation of Young Adults in Belize City, Gender Study. | Purpose of the study was the exploration of factors that have an effect on the young adult population in Belize City. | Department of Women's Affairs, Ministry of Social Development | 1993 |
ASR-522 | Regulatory Study for the Electricity Sub-Sector in Belize. | Document describes the policy of the Government of belize with respect to the ownership, management and growth of the electricity supply industry. | Hagler Bailly | 1999 |
ASR-523 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of Independence Primary School Stann Creek District. | Walter Garbutt | 1997 | |
ASR-524 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of Epworth Methodist School, Dangriga. | Oscar Reyes | 1997 | |
ASR-525 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of San Felipe Government School, Toledo. | Julius Casimiro | 1997 | |
ASR-526 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of St. Peter Claver Primary School, Toledo. | Hilda Gutierrez | 1997 | |
ASR-527 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of Georgeville Anglican School, Cayo. | Emilia Gillett | 1997 | |
ASR-528 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of Hattieville Government School, Belize. | Roy Young | 1997 | |
ASR-529 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of Bethel Primary School, Belize City. | Lunda Moguel | 1997 | |
ASR-530 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of Calvary Temple School, Belize City. | Barbara Elrington and Faye Gillett | 1997 | |
ASR-531 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of All Saints' School, Belize City. | J. Alexander Bennett | 1997 | |
ASR-532 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of Louisiana Government School, Orange Walk District. | Ruby Marrith-Perriott | 1997 | |
ASR-533 | Belize Primary Education Development Project Case Studies and Impact Evaluation (CSIE). A Case Study of Libertad R.C., Methodist and S.D.A. School, Corozal District. | Errington Thompson | 1997 | |
ASR-534 | Banana Growers Association Toledo Port Pre-Feasibility Study Interim Report. | Posford Duvivier Consulting Engineers | 1998 | |
ASR-535 | Child Labour in Belize: A Qualitative Study | Objective of this study was to collect information on the social, economic, education, cultural and labour situation of working children in Belize. | Roy A. Young | 2003 |
ASR-536 | Destination Resort and Casino at Belize, Economic Impact Study. | New Dimensions proposal to develop a Destination Resort and Casino on a caye located just off-shore from Belize City. | New Dimensions Development, Inc. | 1994 |
ASR-537 | Planning Study for a Long Range Plan for the Development of A Tourism and Central Bank District for the Government of Belize. | Report request by Glen Godfrey for the firm to investigate two short term issues of a considerable urgency and to prepare a long term development plan for an area of downtown Belize City. | Farnet Architects | 1990 |
ASR-538 | An Evaluation of the Community-initiated Agriculture and Resource Development (CARD) Project | Joel Wainwright | 2002 | |
ASR-539 | Toledo Junior College Feasibility Study Report. | Goal of the study was to determine the feasibility of offering tertiary level programs in professional, technical and vocational fields at a Junior College situated in Punta Gorda Town of the Toledo District and to develop a cost benefit of this proposed institution. | Dorain Barrow, Tim Palacio, Douglas Williams and Paul Morgan | 1996 |
ASR-540 | Food and Agriculture Policy in Belize, Study Report Draft. | Purpose of the report was to review the agricultural commodity marketing system of Belize to identify needs for improving the efficiency and performance of the marketing system; to identify market expansion opportunities for agricultural production in domestic and export markets and identify constraints. | 0 | |
ASR-541 | Estudio Del Mercado de Belice Preliminar. A Study of the Belizean Market. | Ministerio De Economia Y Hacienda | 1971 | |
ASR-542 | Cohune Nut Industry Feasibility Study. Botany and Agronomy of the Cohune Palm, Orbignya Cohune. | Bryan R. Adams | 1979 | |
ASR-543 | Project for Democracy, An Advocacy Case Study. | Project's objective was to is to contribute to the strenghtening and consolidation of democracy in the Central American region by helping to develop the advocacy skill of NGO's. | SPEAR | 0 |
ASR-544 | A Pilot Study of the Use of Satellite Ocean Colour Imagery for Water Quality Monitoring in Optically Shallow Tropical Costal Environments. Changing Land-Use and Their Impact on Nearshore Environments, Belize Barrier Reef (Phase II) 1997-2002 | Phase 2 objectives were increased Belizean capacity to incorporate watershed-reef connectivity considerations into policy, planning, management dialogue and decision-making. | Sam Lavender, Rob Nunny, Delia Tillett, Jon Cook, Jo Gaskill, Gerald Moore, CRC Nagur, Daren Kirkwood, Andy Miller, Ian Goodban and John Gunn | 2002 |
ASR-545 | Macal River Hydroelectric Development Environmental Impact Assessment Rubber Camp and Chalillo Schemes Pre-Feasibility Study - Draft Environmental Appendix Volume 2 of 3. | Report submitted as a first draft of field research carried out at various sites along the Macal River in an effort to evaluate habitat for the feasibility study of the hydroelectric project along with preliminary biophysical data obtained on aquatic systems of the upper Macal River and Lower Raspaculo Branch. | Bruce Miller and R. D. Glaholt, Canadian International Power Services Inc. | 1991 |
ASR-546 | Macal River Hyroelectric Development Feasibility Study Appendix H, Environmental and Socio-Economic Studies. | Objective of study is to determine whether hydroelectric development on the Macal River is technically possible and economically attractive in light of the probable environmental and socio-economic impacts associated with such an undertaking. | AGRA Earth and Environmental Group | 1992 |
ASR-547 | Belize Electricity Board Renewable Energy Study Main Report. | The overall scope of the Renewable Energy Study study was to recommend a Least Cost Expansion Plan (Master Plan) for the BEB electricity supply systems for the period 1988/1989 to 2008/2009. | Prepared by: Canadian International Power Services Inc. | 1990 |
ASR-548 | Belize Electricity Board Renewable Energy Study Appendix A Power Market Study. | Candian International Power Services Inc. | 1990 | |
ASR-549 | Ministry of Electricity Transport and Communications Technical Proposal. Feasibility Study and Preparation of Final designs for the Airport Development. | Sir Frederick Snow (International) Ltd | 0 | |
ASR-550 | Belize Electricity Board Renewable Energy Study Appendix B Hydroelectric Generation Potential. | Candian International Power Services Inc. | 1990 | |
ASR-551 | Belize Electricity Limited Least-Cost Generation and Transmission Planning Study. Elelctricity Sales Forecast 1998-2012. | Study intended to to identify the most favorable generation options for the period through to 2012 as well as transmission reinforcements needed to support both the generation expansion and the integration into the main BEL system of areas currently served as isolated mini-systems. | General Electric International Inc. | 1999 |
ASR-552 | Valley of Peace Rural Refugee Settlement Project Planning and Preparation Study for Project Phase II. | Study to assess the feasibility of further actions in support on the development of Valley of Peace comprising an assessment of the present project situation, assessment of the protential and carrying capacity of the area and the definition of a concept for implementing stage II. | Manfred Metz and Bernd Siemer | 1999 |
ASR-553 | Final Report Consultancy Regarding Feasibility study for Slaughter Facility in Belize 1994 for Belize Livestock Producers Association with Assistance from UNDP. | Danish Meat Trade College | 1994 | |
ASR-554 | The Civil Service Strike in British Honduras: A Case Study of Politics and the Civil Service. | C. H. Grant | 0 | |
ASR-555 | Environmental Impact Study Little Water Cayes Resort Sand Pumping and Distribution. | The subject of this study are the plans to pump sand from depth adjacent to the existing sand flats to a number of areas on and around the cay for a variety of purposes. | Paul M. Miller | 1992 |
ASR-556 | Feasibility Study for Wood Manufacturing Products. | Walter L. Bender | 1989 | |
ASR-557 | Belize City Water and Sewerage Project First Quarterly Report - 1978. | 1978 | ||
ASR-558 | Seminar on "Trade Unions and National Development" at Orange Walk Town, Belize. | The purpose of the seminar was to give the participants fundamental knowledge about economics, social relations and political affairs in order to enable them to understand the topic under discussion, namely National Developmet. | 1997 | |
ASR-559 | Report of the Board of Inquiry into the Belize City Waterfront Dispute. | James A. Waight, Charles M. Woods and John M. Aguet | 1971 | |
ASR-560 | Report on Apron Re-Development and Long Term Requirement at Belize International Airport. | R. J. Wainwright and F. J. Botham | 1969 | |
ASR-561 | Report of the Timber Mission to the British West Indies, British Guiana and British Honduras. October-December, 1952 | Object of mission was to investigate the possibilities of increasing the output of West Indian timbers, of which there are a very large number of varieties in British Honduras and British Guiana not yet fully worked, and of marketing them both in the British West Indies itself and in the UK. | J. L. Richardson, C. W. Scott and A. F. A. Lamb | 1952 |
ASR-562 | Water Supply and Drainage Report upon Design, Procurement, Installation and Commission. | Anthony Masters & Associates | 1970 | |
ASR-563 | Draft Terminal Report. Water Supply and Sanitation. | PAHO/WHO | 1974 | |
ASR-564 | United Nations Development Programme Draft Position Paper, Belize. | Government requested the preparation of a new Country Programme to cover the period 1976-1979 in order to match with the National Development Plan. | United Nations | 0 |
ASR-565 | Report on Tax Administration Survey of Belize. | 1975 | ||
ASR-566 | Report on Methodology of Developing Tourism in British Honduras. | Report requested for the purpose of assessing the potential of an expanded tourist industry for the country and to counsel with the British Honduras Tourist Board and the government relative to organization and program for a promotional undertaking. | Aurey D. Strohpaul | 1968 |
ASR-567 | Sponge Fishery Investigation. Quarterly Progress Report for Quarter Ending 30th September, 1937. | Object of the research is to investigate the conditions affecting the growth of commercially valuable sponges - Sheep's Wool and Velvet- in the planted and plantable portions of the lagoon. | 1937 | |
ASR-568 | Sponge Fishery Investigation. Progress Report for 1938-1939. | Object of the research is to investigate the conditions affecting the growth of commercially valuable sponges - Sheep's Wool and Velvet- in the planted and plantable portions of the lagoon. | 1939 | |
ASR-569 | Report on the International Labour Organization on Attachments. | L. J. Cuellar | 1983 | |
ASR-570 | National Human Development Report 1998 | National Human Development Advisory Committee | 1998 | |
ASR-571 | Toledo Rural Development Project, Belize. Phase I Soil Irrigation and Drainage Studies for the Selection of a Pilot Farm Site. | Report inclued maps. | R. N. Jenkin, I. P. Anderson and G. L. Silva | 1978 |
ASR-572 | Tourism Development Study. Report on Proposed Tourist Development in Belize Over a 10 Year Period. | Study assesses the potential for tourism in Belize, identifies a range of problems and development possibilities, and outlines strategies for the future development of the tourist industry. | Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1982 |
ASR-573 | Report of the Planning Committee on Education 1963-1970. | Report of mission to study and analyse the present educational system and to seek and suggest ways in which it could be made to play a more purposeful and constructive role in the country's economic progress. | A. Frankson, J. Blackett, C. Caho, Rev. Cousins, S. Daley, Rev. Sylvester, Rev. Weber, R. Yorke and W. Fonseca | 1963 |
ASR-574 | Report on English Language Teaching, with Some Notes on Spanish Teaching, in British Honduras. | Purpose was to study the problems of English language teaching of Spanish, in order to provide the Department of Education with the necessary information to decide on the most suitable type of in-service course that might be conducted for teachers of these subjects. | J. Allen Jones | 1962 |
ASR-575 | A Report on Select Non-TEP Project Vocational Training Programs. | Purpose of this report is to describe eash of the nine programs and to propose recommendations for cooperation. | Cecil E. Reneau and Rodger J. Eckhardt | 1988 |
ASR-576 | Ministry of Education Staff Workshop Preliminary Report. 14-16 March 1990 | Ministry of Education | 1990 | |
ASR-577 | Education Sector Review Report. | Report presents a series of findings and recommendations on the status and prospects for the development of education of Belize. | Human Resource Division | 1989 |
ASR-578 | Summit of Civil Society Report. Putting People Back in Democracy October 21-24, 1996. | Summit was organized to encourage the growth and development of a civil society movement with an enhanced capacity to actively engage in the governance and democratic development of Belize. | Adele Catzim | 1996 |
ASR-579 | Report of the National Council for Education Conference. | Objective was to make a study of the entire Educational System in order to determine the future direction of education in the best interest of the nation and our young people. | National Council for Education | 1970 |
ASR-580 | Report of Courses on the Teaching of English in Primary and Secondary Schools, Held in Belize City. | Edited by: J. Allen Jones | 1965 | |
ASR-581 | Report of the Commission of Inquiry together with evidences and appendices on the omission of the names and persons from the First Register published by the Registering Officer for the Orange Walk North Electorial Division. | R. G. Young | 1978 | |
ASR-582 | Belize Education Sector Review Report. | Report presents a series of findings and recommendations on the status and prospects for the development of education of Belize. | Human Resource Division | 1988 |
ASR-583 | Report of the UNESCO Educational Planning Mission to British Honduras June 22nd - August 14th, 1964. | Mission requested to advise the governmental authorities on the organization and financing of education planning services, study qualitative anf quantitative aspects of the current educational situation and to identify priority projects on the light of the foregoing study and advise the government. | C. L. Germanacos, M. Gaskin and S. Syrimis | 1964 |
ASR-584 | Report to the Caribbean Development Bank on the Establishment of a Financial Intermediary in Belize. | Oliver F. Clarke and J. Osmond H. Hudson | 1973 | |
ASR-585 | Appraisal Report on Development Finance Corporation Third Loan (Additional) Belize. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1974 | |
ASR-586 | Report of the Special Prosecutor on Misappropriation of Funds of the Social Security Board. | Review of the investment of the Belize Social Security Board in the Belize Electric Company Limited and to recommed to the Government whether there is any evidence of criminal wrong doing, the individual(s) responsible therefore and the offense(s) disclosed by the evidence. | Michael W. Bader | 1995 |
ASR-587 | Report on Mission to British Honduras. | Report of techinical assistance on the subject of establishing an industrial free zone chiefly oriented towards export production at a suitable location in the country. | William H. Tanaka | 1971 |
ASR-588 | Report on Investigations into the Operation of the Belize Citrus Company (CCB) | 1976 | ||
ASR-589 | UNESCO Educational Mission Report Summary of Conclusions Reached by Government. | 0 | ||
ASR-590 | Report to The Government of British Honduras on Co-operative Development. | Object was to assess the state of co-operative development following the implementation of development programmes and the relevant recommendations of the previous mission and to advise and assist the government in planning further action. | International Labour Office | 1965 |
ASR-591 | The Supervision and Inspection of Primary Schools in England and British Honduras with Suggestions for Improvements in British Honduras. Associateship Report 1961-62. | I. E. Sanchez | 1963 | |
ASR-592 | Feasibility Report Prepared for and on Behalf of The Belize Sugar Company Limited. | Report intended to be a guide in regards to the Company's Programme and policies and for prospective financiers and investors as well as to the Government of British Honduras. | Victor V. Elliot | 0 |
ASR-593 | Civil Aviation Department report on Accident Near Hicks Caye in 28th June, 1990. | E. E. Waight | 1990 | |
ASR-594 | Civil Aviation Department Report on Accident at Pelican Beach Airstrip, Stann Creek District on 28th May, 1990. | E. E. Waight | 1990 | |
ASR-595 | Report on a Study of the Present Status of Rural Health Centres in the Country of Belize. | Study to provide detailed information on the nature of medical and health needs in the rural areas, available ways and means of meeting these needs, level and suitability of training provided by the Nursing School and the attitude of nurses with regard to rural postings. | PAHO, WHO | 1974 |
ASR-596 | Report on Financial Analysis on Expenditure on Health Care Service in Belize. | Report of an exercise commissioned to prepare a comphrensive analysis of Health care financing in Belize, to prepare a projection of short and long term government Health Care expeditures and to recommend alternative sources of health care financing. | Oscar Alonso | 1984 |
ASR-597 | Customs and Excise Department Report on Organisation and Staffing. | Review of the organisation, administration, and methods of work of the Department of Customs and Excise along with necessary recommendations. | R. T. Howell, L. D. Tucker and G. R. Kemp | 1972 |
ASR-598 | Police general Report and Survey of the Year 1968. | M. J. Macoun | 1968 | |
ASR-599 | Report on a Second Visit to Belize by Rice Specialist. | H. D. Jordon | 1976 | |
ASR-600 | Report on Social Development Practitioners' Workshop December 1 and 2, 1994. | Voluntary Service Overseas | 1995 | |
ASR-601 | Second Annual Social Development Practitioners' Workshop November 30 - December 2, 1995. | Voluntary Service Overseas | 1995 | |
ASR-602 | Solid Waste Management Report Stage II. Canada/Belize Water & Sewerage Project. | Report examines the City's Solid Waste Management System and evaluates various waste management alternatives and recommends ways of improving the City's Waste Management System. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd. | 1986 |
ASR-603 | Belize Forest Planning Management Project Re-Analysis of Broadleaf Inventories 1969-1981 Techniques and Preliminary Results. Consultancy Report No. 4 Interim Report of the Biometrician. | Denis Adler | 1992 | |
ASR-604 | Activities Carried out with Local Communities to Identify Income Generating Projects to Help Conserve the Freshwater Creek Forest Reserve. Consultancy Report No. 12 Final Report Phase II. | Help For Progress Limited | 1997 | |
ASR-605 | Report on Forest Rules and Forest Policy. Consultancy Report No. 16 | Winston McCalla | 1994 | |
ASR-606 | Impacts of Silvicultural Trials on Birds and Tree Regeneration in the Chiquibul Forest Reserve, Belize. Consultancy Report No. 20 | E. P. Mallory and N. L. Brokaw | 1997 | |
ASR-607 | Final Report on the Activities Carried out with Local Communities to Identify Income Generating Activities for Their Implementation and Which Will Have Minimum Negative Impact on The Freswater Creek Forest Reserve. Consultancy Report No. 19 | Help For Progress Ltd. | 1995 | |
ASR-608 | British Museum-Cambridge University Corozal Project 1974 General Report. | Field season was devoted mainly to the location sites and mapping of selecting samples, together with test excavations to construct a regional ceramic chronology and the excavation of a large residential structure at the site of Nohumul. | British Museum and Cambridge University | 1974 |
ASR-609 | Appraisal Report on Water and Sewerage Project - Belize. | The report appraises a project for the construction of a water and sewerage facilities to serve the town of San Pedro located on Ambergris Caye, Belize. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1991 |
ASR-610 | Belize Commercialization of Alternative Crops Project Quarterly Progress Report, Fourth Quarter. | Chemonics International Consulting Division | 1988 | |
ASR-611 | Belize Environmental Report. | Report focuses on key environmental problems and identifies policies and programs, including required investments and financing mechanisms, to enable the Government to develop and implement and environmental strategy. | World Bank | 1996 |
ASR-612 | Report on Proposed New Capital for British Honduras. | Scott & Wilson, Kirkpatrick & Partners | 1963 | |
ASR-613 | Staff Appraisal Report Belize Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project. | The proposed project supports the Government strategy to realize the agriculture export growth potential of the country and forms an integral part of the Bank's development strategy for the country. | World Bank | 1988 |
ASR-614 | Investment Unit Report, an Overview of Fiscal Incentives. | Ministry of Economic Development | 1993 | |
ASR-615 | Belize Power I Project Quarterly Report April - June 1989. | World Bank and CDB | 1989 | |
ASR-616 | Report of the Road Prioritization Committee, USAID Rural Access Bridges Project. | Selection of a list of roads that would most likely bring about the required outputs as stated in the log frame. The main outputs being agricultural development, improves social services, tourism and other factors that conribute to the economic and social development of a country. | 1992 | |
ASR-617 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Baseline Survey Project. | Joseph Cayetano | 1992 | |
ASR-618 | Independent Auditors' Report to the Shareholders of Belize Telecommunications Limited Draft. | Chartered Accountants | 1992 | |
ASR-619 | Infrastructural Buildings in Belize (Interim Report) | Philip E. Andrewin | 1993 | |
ASR-620 | Interim Report for the Development of Highways in British Honduras. | 0 | ||
ASR-621 | Belize Mission Report. | Gustavo Toro | 1983 | |
ASR-622 | Study of Iron Deficiency Anaemia Among Pregnant Women in Belize. | Objective were to estimate the prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women who attend public prenatal clinic in Belize, to assess the availability and distribution of iron supplements in prenatal clinics and to identify operational problems in management of maternal anaemia and possible solutions. | INCAP, PAHO and UNICEF | 1996 |
ASR-623 | School Effectiveness Report, A Study in Primary Schools of Belize. | The major purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which the instrument which is based on indicators of Context, Input, Process, Output was able to provide the Ministry with an instruments to monitor schools' performance and to provide information for the financing of eduction. | Ministry of Education & Sports | 1999 |
ASR-624 | A Report on Science Education. | Michael A. Ratcliffe | 1984 | |
ASR-625 | Report of a Reconnaissance Mission to Belize on Management Development in the Public Sector. | Objective was to determine how the UNDP could best assist in improving the management capabilities of the Public Sector. | Peter Bowden | 1992 |
ASR-626 | Proposed New Capital British Honduras Building and Civil Engineering Cost Survey and Report No. 2. | Survey to ascertain building and allied civil engineering costs in British Honduras to be used in the preparation of estimates for the construction of the Proposed New Capital. | Messrs Scott & Wilson, Kirkpatrick & Partners and Messrs Morman & Dawbarn | 1963 |
ASR-627 | Staff Appraisal Report Belize Primary Education Development Project. | Project aims to improve the quality of instructional inputs in primary schools and increase student educational achievement levels. | Human Resources Division | 1991 |
ASR-628 | Belize Power I Project Quarterly Report January-March, 1988 | World Bank and CDB | 1988 | |
ASR-629 | Development Finance Corporation Appraisal Report Citrus Production Project. | The project involves the establishment of 60 acres orange and 10 acres grapefruit, of which 45 acres oranges has already been planted. | 1991 | |
ASR-630 | Report of the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology and Transportation. | Report of achievements and projects of the ministry. | Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology and Transportation | 0 |
ASR-631 | British Museum - Cambridge University Corozal Project 1973 Interim Report. | Interim report during which excavation and survey were carried out in the Orange Walk and Corozal District along with an ethnographic study of the present Maya population and their farming practices. | Edited by: Norman Hammond | 1973 |
ASR-632 | Belize Public Investment Project Inception Report and Work Plan. | Berl Cawthron Consortium | 1981 | |
ASR-633 | British Museum-Cambridge University Corozal Project 1974-75 Interim Report. | Report of Work carried out at Cuello and Nohmul. | Norman Hammond | 1975 |
ASR-634 | Report on Grain Storages in Belize. | Feasibility to provide facilities for the cleaning, drying and storage of corn, rice, sorghum and beans, at three sites in Belize. | W. H. Howe, G. Campbell, B. Sims-Williams and Major & Martin Ltee | 1975 |
ASR-635 | Technical Assessment and guidance on Sustainable Support Infrastructure: La Milpa and Hill Bank Stations and Adjacent Sites Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area. | Caribbean Infra-Tech, Inc | 1995 | |
ASR-636 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 6 Resolving Land Needs of Forest Fringe Communities. | Bruce Kind, Marion Glaser and rachel Marcus | 1995 | |
ASR-637 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 7 The Potential Impacts of a Ban on the Export of Sawn Lumber from Belize. | Report assesses the possible effects of announcing a total ban on the export of all sawn lumber. | Mike Thompson | 1995 |
ASR-638 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 14 The Belize Forest Department Herbarium - an analysis of the Collections Held. | Computerization of the main collection held at the Belize National Herbarium. | R. I. Vargas and K. G. Shawe | 1997 |
ASR-639 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 17 An Appreciation of Shared Forest Management Training Workshop. | Keith Campbell | 1997 | |
ASR-640 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 18 Survey of Non-Timber Forest Products in Villages Surrounding the Columbia River Forest Reserve. | Keith Campbell and Andrew Mitchell | 1998 | |
ASR-641 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 16 An Estimate of the Total Economic Value of the Columbia Management Plan Area | Andrew Mitchell | 1997 | |
ASR-642 | Towards the Establishment of an Education and Rehabilitation Program for the Prison Department. | Education and Rehabilitation Task Force | 1996 | |
ASR-643 | The Report of The Caribbean Conference on The Rights of the Child: Meeting the Post Ratificaion Challenge. | Ms. Christine Lundy | 1996 | |
ASR-644 | Belize Prison Drug Prevalence Survey 1996. | Report presents findings regarding the extent of drug use and the correlation between drug use and crime. | National Drug Abuse Control Council of Belize | 0 |
ASR-645 | Taking Stock: National Human Development Report 1997. | Report complements the National Development Strategy by advocating programmes which enhance human development and provides the basis for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the current and recently implemented programmes and projects. | National Human Development Advisory Committee | 1997 |
ASR-646 | First Actuarial Review of the Social Security Scheme Project Findings and Recommendations. | International Labour Office and UNDP | 1987 | |
ASR-647 | Social Security Scheme Second Actuarial Review. | Rwatson & Sons | 1991 | |
ASR-648 | Belize Solid Waste Management Project Inception Report. | Project was conceived to provide the necessary assessments, and analyses to guide Government financial decisions, and to develop a long term waste management plan for Belize. | Stanley International Group Inc. | 1998 |
ASR-649 | Final Report on Proposals for The Development of the Belize Bureau of Standards. | Dudley B. Rhynd | 1997 | |
ASR-650 | A Report of Belize's Implementation of the Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development. | 1995 | ||
ASR-651 | Central American Rural Electrification Support Program Stann Creek, Belize Electrification Project Phase I Report. | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association | 1989 | |
ASR-652 | Final Report of Belize Industry Sector Strategy. | Systems Caribbean Limited | 1993 | |
ASR-653 | Petroleum Legislation and Contracts in Belize Mission Report. | Robert H. Maclachlan | 1987 | |
ASR-654 | Archaeological Site Excavation Report. | Report on 3 major archaeological sites chosen in regards to their tourism potential, archaeological and scientific interest and location in areas where unemployment prevails. Project which will generate enployment and benefit refugees. | 0 | |
ASR-655 | Report of Commission of Inquiry into Allegations Concerning the Arrest, Deporatation and Alleged Torture of Paul Roberto Arevalo Cruz Guatemalan National by Belizean Security Forces. | Horace W, Young, Rodwell R. A. Williams, Reverend Lloyd J Lopez, Enid A. Mcfield and Frederick D. Lumor | 1990 | |
ASR-656 | Consumption for Human Development Perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean Report. | Report changing consumption levels and patterns over the past 30 years and highlights some of the negative social impacts in current consumption patterns, and presents and in-dept analysis of environmental impacts shouldered by poor people. | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | 1998 |
ASR-657 | The Land Use of Belize 1989/92 Preliminary Report. | Land Information Center | 1994 | |
ASR-658 | Remote Sensing Analysis of Land Cover and Land Use, Central Belize Final Report. | Objective was to refine the current classification, resolve discrepancies, improve the methodology of analysis through computer assisted classification, and classify and delineate land use in an area of central Belize. | William White, Jay Raney, Thomas Tremblay, Melba Crawford and Solar Smith | 1998 |
ASR-659 | Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan for Belize. | Gregory Smith, Karen Eckert, Janet Gibson, WIDECAST | 1992 | |
ASR-660 | Public Health Consultant Trip Report March 7th-18th. | 1988 | ||
ASR-661 | Report on the Purchase and Shares of Belize Food Holdings Limited. | 1990 | ||
ASR-662 | Report of the British Honduras Constitutional Conference. | Her Majesty's Stationary Office | 1963 | |
ASR-663 | Special Report to The Belize Audubon Society Regarding The Maya Mountain Biosphere Reserve. | Report includes a brief review of the Tropical Forestry Action Plans as it pertains to the desirablility of establishing a Biosphere Reserve, relevant point on biosphere zoning and funding options. | Bruce and Carolyn Miller | 1991 |
ASR-664 | Belize SocioEconomic Report. | Economic and Social Development Department | 1993 | |
ASR-665 | Belize Law Reports Volume 2 | Report contains a selection of judgements decided in the Supreme court by Justice Shanks, who served the Supreme Court Bench during the months January to April 2000. | Edited by: Godfrey P. Smith and Minnet M. Hafiz | 2000 |
ASR-666 | The Belize Law Reports Volume 1. | Reports contains a selection of judgements decided in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal of Belize over the last thirty years which hitherto have not been published. | Edited By: Godfrey Smith | 1994 |
ASR-667 | Government of Belize Development of Regulations for Electricity Tariff Setting and Subsequent Amending Procedure Draft Final Report. | Objective of the study is to provide the Government with the specific regulations for inclusion in the Electrcity Act, Licence and By-Laws to define transparent procedures for electricity pricing and tariff setting and approval. | Price Waterhouse | 1997 |
ASR-668 | Belize City Water and Sewerage Project Third Quarterly Report Fiscal Year 1981/82. | Report on work conducted from from October 1981 to March 1982. | 1982 | |
ASR-669 | United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women First and Second Report. | The Report provides a summary of current constitutional, legislative and administrative measures taken in Belize, and the programs established since the ratification of the Convention. | Department of Women's Affairs and Social Planning Unit | 1999 |
ASR-670 | Current Economic Position and Prospects of Belize, British Honduras. | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association | 1971 | |
ASR-671 | Women At Work Conference Report. | Report of a policy conference on employment and training for women. | Women's Issues Network of Belize | 1999 |
ASR-672 | Human Development Report 1998. | United Nations Development Programme | 1998 | |
ASR-673 | Medical Report of the Belize Games 1991. | Dr. Julio Motta-Pensabene | 1991 | |
ASR-674 | Housing Committee Report on Sewage Disposal in Belize. | Housing Committee | 1955 | |
ASR-675 | An Evaluation of Training Impact for the Government of Belize. | Walter Brown, Richard Joseph, Sean Tate and Edward Young | 1989 | |
ASR-676 | Report of the Twentieth Meeting of the Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Foreign Affairs. | Report on thre review of major international political and economic issies of relevance to the community. | Chairman: Hon. Dean Barrow | 1994 |
ASR-677 | Belize High Commission Report May/June, 1993. | Robert Leslie | 1993 | |
ASR-678 | Canada/Belize Water and Sewerage Project Stage II Quarterly Report. | Report cover the project period January 1987 to March 1987 and is a report of activities both in Belize and Toronto. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd. | 1987 |
ASR-679 | Canada/Belize Water and Sewerage Project Stage II Quarterly Report. | Report cover the project period October 1986 to December 1986 and is a report of activities both in Belize and Toronto. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd. | 1987 |
ASR-680 | Canada/Belize Water and Sewerage Project Stage II Quarterly Report. | Report cover the project period January 1986 to March 1986 and is a report of activities both in Belize and Toronto. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd. | 1986 |
ASR-681 | Canada/Belize Water and Sewerage Project Stage II Quarterly Report. | Report cover the project period July 1985 to September 1985 and is a report of activities both in Belize and Toronto. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd. | 1985 |
ASR-682 | Canada/Belize Water and Sewerage Project Stage II Quarterly Report. | Report cover the project period July 1987 to September 1987 and is a report of activities both in Belize and Toronto. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd. | 1987 |
ASR-683 | Canada/Belize Water and Sewerage Project Stage II Excess Water Use and Leakage Study. | Purpose of the study was to determine the cause of the apparent excess use of leakage of water in the City of Belize to recommend appropriate corrective measures. | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd. | 1986 |
ASR-684 | Refugee Department Report | Florencio Bardarlez | 1993 | |
ASR-685 | Road Safety in Belize Report and Recommendations. | This report looks at the road accident data for Belize in order to build a profile of the accident problem and of the casualties involved. It examines current provision in the areas of Road Safety education and publicity, engineering and enforcement, and makes recommendations. | Kim Smith | 1992 |
ASR-686 | Belize International Airport Terminal Building and Control Tower Report on Select-List of Tenderers. | Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd. | 1987 | |
ASR-687 | 1993 Labour Force and Survey Report Volume 1. | This survey as the first in dept study of the Belize labour force in ten years. | Central Statistics Office | 1994 |
ASR-688 | Staff Appraisal Report, Belize Second Power Development Project. Report No. 12862-BEL | The Work Bank | 1994 | |
ASR-689 | Columbia Lodge An Ecotourism venture in southern Belize. | Columbia Lodge Limited proposal to establish Columbia Loadge as a premier ecotourist facility. | 1995 | |
ASR-690 | School Effectiveness Report, A Study of Secondary Schools in Belize. | Ministry of Education and Sports | 1999 | |
ASR-691 | Report of National Seminar on the Media and Their Role on Issues Relating to Families and Children | Report of a seminar held to build a genuine partnership between those working in the support of families and children, and the media. Presentations include Social and Health Issues, Parenting, Depression Suicide and Mental Illnes and Incest and Child Abuse | Cathy Bottaro, Rosemary Fieth, Elaine Middleton and Francisco Puck | 1997 |
ASR-392 | Belize Law Reports Volume 3. | Report contains a selection of judgements decided in the Supreme Court and Court if Appeal of Belize. Some appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Councul have also been included. | Edited by: Godfrey P. Smith | 2000 |
ASR-693 | 1996 Social Indicators Report. | Ministry of Human Resources, Women's Affairs and Youth Development | 1998 | |
ASR-694 | Report on Promotional Tour by Minister Wagner and Officials. | Report deals with the promotional tour undertaken by Hon. Charles Wagner to Paris, London and Houston which was intended to aquaint oil companies with the political, fiscal and legal stability of the country, backed by favourable geology. | R. Prasada Rao | 1987 |
ASR-695 | Final Report of the Belizean Honey Bee Industry. | A six week review of the current beekeeping condition in Belize. | Michael Burgett and Glenn Fisher | 1990 |
ASR-696 | Preparing for the New Millennium National Human Development Report 1999 | Report looks at many of the factors which affect the lives of the people of Belize. | National Human Development Advisory Committee | 1999 |
ASR-697 | Pre-Feasibility Report on Hydro-Electric Power Development for Belize. | The aim of this report on the hydroelectric power development for Belize is to provide all interested parties with the potentional for hydro-electric power in Belize. | ORENCO/SECEC | 0 |
ASR-698 | Prospects for Free Zone Development in Belize Final Report | This report examines the viability of establishing a free zone in Belize, and determines the optimal roles for the public and private sectors in the zone development process. | Free Zone Authority /The Services Group | 1986 |
ASR-699 | Report on Export Industries and Export Processing Zones in Belize. | Report summarizes findings and recommendations from a mission to Belize in 1997 and subsequent work in Jamaica to revise and update a 1994 study on "The Socio-economic impact of malquiladoras and export processing zones in Belize." | Leith L. Dunn | 1997 |
ASR-700 | Report of the Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Nations May 1993. | Carl L. B. Rogers | 1993 | |
ASR-701 | Mid-Term Evaluation of the Care Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Belize. Wash Field Report No. 206 | Purpose of the evaluation is to measure the general progress of the program, to identify strengths and weaknesses in project implementation, to assess the long-term prospects for project sustainability, and to make recommendations to strenghten the program. | J. Ellis Turner | 1987 |
ASR-702 | Technical Report Petroleum and Mineral Resources Development Project BZE/83/001 | Summary of the technical work done during the period between January 1982 and June 1989. | R. Prasada Rao | 1989 |
ASR-703 | The Central Bank of Belize Report of Examination. | 1988 | ||
ASR-704 | Commission of Inquiry Final Report on Community Development Projects. | Inquiry into any improprieties and irregularities committed in respect to the administration and execution of "Community Development Projects". | Jose Coye, Stanley Ermeav, George Swift and Rev. Lloyd Lopez | 1990 |
ASR-705 | Evaluation of The Belize Drug Awareness Project. | Santos Mahung | 1990 | |
ASR-706 | 1996 National Literacy Survey Draft Preliminary Report. | Sylvan Roberts, Marion Palacio, Sandra Paredez and Elsbetg Habo-Arnold | 1997 | |
ASR-707 | Valuation Report Libertad Sugar Factory. | Report of proposal for determining the Salvage value of the Libertad Sugar Factory. | F. C. Schaffer & Associates, Inc | 1992 |
ASR-708 | Health Planning Report | Report focuses on analysis of the project findings and policy options in order to single out gaps, and provides recommendations to fill in previous analysis. | Mario Garcia | 1997 |
ASR-709 | Survey on Community Participation: Cotton Tree and Maya Mopan. | SPEAR | 1998 | |
ASR-710 | Belize Electricity Board Fixed Assests Revaluation Exercise Report. | Report sets out valuations for the several plant, machinery, equipment and sundry tangible foxed assets owned by the Belize Electricity Board and situated in Belize City. | Aguilar Coye Swift Chartered Accountants | 0 |
ASR-711 | Report on The Financing of Education In Belize. | Perran Penrose | 1990 | |
ASR-712 | A Language Policy for Primary Education in Belize Mission Report. | Mission to assist the Ministry with a process of policy dialogue on issues related to the roles of mother tongue, official national language, and Spanish in the primary curriculum of the future, in clarifying related goals and sub-goals. | Dr. Goretti Narain | 1996 |
ASR-713 | Implementation Completion Report Belize City Infrastructure Project. | Objectives of the project were to improve the health and safety of the Belize City dwellers, Preserve the rich ecology of the city and its environs, promote the economic development of the city, and to strenghten the city capacity for infrastructure maintenance and delivery of urban services. | Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure Department | 1998 |
ASR-714 | Fruit of Their Labour Living and Working in the Banana Region of Belize. Report of a Labour Rights Documentation Project. | Purpose of the project was to build an accurate picture of current working conditions in the banana industry based on the testimony of workers and to provide opportunity for workers to discuss their experiences and address issues they indentified in a safe environment, without fear of retribution. | SPEAR/NTUCB Banana Task Force | 2001 |
ASR-715 | Cayo District Interim Report. | Interim Report containing a brief summary of each hurricane shelter including its general condition and the nature of retrofit recommended. | WOLRIC H. LIND/Associates | 1999 |
ASR-716 | Report on the Iguana Creek Bridge Project. | 1993 | ||
ASR-717 | Report of the Committee on the Re-Organization and Restructuring of the Public Service in Belize. | A. S. Frankson, E. G. N. Gegg and E. L. L. Smith | 1982 | |
ASR-718 | Interim Report - Citrus Waste Disposal and New River Pollution Problems. | Ministry of Natural Resources | 1991 | |
ASR-719 | Tropical Forestry Action Plan Report | J. Arnold, F. Armitage, W. Bender, N. Brokaw, H. Hilmi, J. Palmer and S. Pringle | 1989 | |
ASR-720 | Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Constitutional Reform 1951. | Harold Hughes, Woldrich Courtenay, Calvert Staine, Karl Wade and James Waight | 1951 | |
ASR-721 | Report on Development Finance Corporation. | Commonwealth Development Corporation | 1970 | |
ASR-722 | Department of Education National Report (2000-2001) on The State of Education in Belize. | Barbara Elrington and Corinth Morter-Lewis | 2001 | |
ASR-723 | Report of the Commission of Inquiry Appointed Under and by Virtue of Statutory Instrument No. 71 of 2001. | Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding and leading to the transfusion of blood that tested positive for the Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) Virus to three patients at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital in 2001. | Sir George Brown, Paul Rodriguez and Leroy Taegar | 2001 |
ASR-724 | Belize-Mexico Bi-National Meeting Final Report. | 1993 | ||
ASR-725 | Analysis Survey Project Reports carried out by Belmopan Comprehensive Highschool students. | (1) Report on the Home and Parents, (2) Students' Opinions on B.C.S. Teachers and (4) General Analysis of the Comprehensive School (5) Report on Lessons | 2002 | |
ASR-726 | Archaeological Investigations in the North Vaca Plateau, Belize: Progress Report of the Third (2001) Field Season. | Gyles Iannone, Ryan Primrose, Adam Menzies and Lisa McParland | 2001 | |
ASR-727 | Social Security Reform Commission Report March 2001 - September 2002 | Social Security Reform Commission | 2002 | |
ASR-728 | Archaeology at Colha, Belize: The 1981 Interim Report. | Edited by: Thomas Hester, Harry Shafer and Jack Eaton | 1982 | |
ASR-729 | The Colha Project Second Season, 1980 Interim Report. | Edited by: Thomas Hester, Harry Shafer and Jack Eaton | 1980 | |
ASR-730 | Soil Erosion and Sediment Delivery In The Stann Creek District of Belize Phase II, 2001-2002 Report. | The objective of the project was to promote sustainable land use development consistent with reef conservation. The aim of phase two was to assemble quantitative information on soil erosion rates and the efficiency of sediment delivery within the study basins. | Desmond E. Walling | 2002 |
ASR-731 | Water Column Monitoring Belize Northern Marine Reserves Report 1997-2002 Report. | Report presents the description and result of the Northern Marine Reserves Water Column Monitoring for northern Belize which utilizes available resources within the surrounding three marine reserves. | Delia Tillett | 2002 |
ASR-732 | Roxann Acoustic Mapping of The Cay Caulker Marine Reserve Development of a Bathymetric Chart and Marine Habitat Map Report 1997-2002. | Report presents the result of the acoustic mapping of the Cay Caulker Marine Reserve. It presents an overview of equipment of equipment, methodology and techniques used in order to guide in the use of the end products. | Delia Tillett | 2002 |
ASR-733 | The Evolution, Situation, and Prospects of the Electric Power Sector in the Latin American and Caribbean Countries Volume II Descriptions of Individual Power Sectors. | Infrastructure and Energy Division and Latin american Energy Organization | 1991 | |
ASR-734 | WRISCS Phase II Hydrological Cooperative Program 1997-202 Report. | Report outlines the programs activities, assesses outstanding related needs of the Unit and make recommendations for continuation and further improvement in these programs. | Delia Tillett and Ramon Frutos | 2002 |
ASR-735 | Report on Psychiatric Aide Training Programme: Seaview Hospital and the Infirmary. | 1975 | ||
ASR-736 | Government of Belize Development of Regulations for Electricity Tariff Setting and Subsequent Amending Procedure Interim Report. | Objective of the study is to provide the Government with the specific regulations for inclusion in the Electrcity Act, Licence and By-Laws to define transparent procedures for electricity pricing and tariff setting and approval. | Price Warehouse | 1996 |
ASR-737 | Report to Belize Electricity Limited on the Macal River Upstream Storage Facility Feasibility Study Stage 1. | AGRA CI Power Engineering Global Solutions | 1998 | |
ASR-738 | National Reports and Selected Papers Presented at the Joint Meeting of the CFRAMP Shrimp and Groundfish Subproject of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Shrimp and Groundfish Working Groups on the Guianas-Brazil Continental Shelf. | Contains National Report on the Shrimp Industry of Belize. | CARICOM Fisheries Unit | 1997 |
ASR-739 | Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture Final Report. | This review is to assess the agricultural (crops and livestock) research capabilities of the MOA, especially its facilities, staffing, training, and funding in light of the country's changing needs and potentionals. | Sylvan Wittwer | 1989 |
ASR-740 | Draft Appraisal Report on Second Water Project - Belize. | Report covers the appraisal of a project proposed by the Government of Belize (GOB) for execution by WASA to improve the water supply to Belize. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1997 |
ASR-741 | Report on an Operation Plan for the Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT). | Operation plan seeks to ensure the successful transformation of the PACT legislation into a fully operational trust fund. | Winston McCalla | 1996 |
ASR-742 | Organization an Integration Among Communities, centers, and Regions: Hierarchical Organization of the Maya of the Belize River Area Summary Report on Intensive Excavations of the Brass Project 1990-1992. | Anabel Ford | 0 | |
ASR-743 | Belize Electricity Limited Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statements Years Ended March 1999 and 1998 | Deloitte and Touche | 1999 | |
ASR-744 | Water and Sewerage Authority 2000/2001 Budget. | Water and Sewerage Authority | 0 | |
ASR-745 | Second Progress Report on Water and Sewerage Authority. | Messrs. Louis A. Lue and Norris Hall | 2000 | |
ASR-746 | Appraisal Report on Rural Development. | Proposed project aims to provide opportunities for households in the Southern Region of the country to improve their incomes and to enhance the capability of communities in the region to effectively address matters affecting their social and economic development. | Prepared for: Caribbean Development Bank | 1998 |
ASR-747 | Community-Initiated Agriculture and Resource Management Project Appraisal Report (Draft) | Project emphasizes the commitment to improving access and sustainability of rural services for the poorest rural populations in order to improve their income. | 0 | |
ASR-748 | Present Status and Future of Oilseeds Production in Belize. | W. Parham, A. Williams, A. Sinha, A. Quan, J. Backofer and B. Rai | 1988 | |
ASR-749 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Internal Review. | To thoroughly review and analyze the accomplishments of the Belize Livestock Development Project II from August 1989 to May 1990 and recommend actitivies to be implemented. | 1990 | |
ASR-750 | Final Report on the Financial Management Assessment of St. George's Caye. | 1989 | ||
ASR-751 | Report into Inquiry into land at Caye Chapel. | Report of an inquiry into the purpose for which certain land at Caye Chapel is required by the promoter and whether that purpose is likely to prove useful to the public or to a substantial class or section of the public. | Denys Barrow | 1985 |
ASR-752 | Sustainable Agriculture Production Monthly Report No. 1 | Angel Teck Sr. | 1994 | |
ASR-753 | Final Recommendations on Tax Policy and Administration. | Report of the Tax Reform Committee on review of the existing tax system and recommendations to Cabinet for the implementation of a comprehensive tax system. | Tax Reform Committee | 1999 |
ASR-754 | From Boys to Men Report and Supplement. | Review of the main issues facing men as the progress through the lifecycle in Belize. The Report adopts a gender perspective, working from the premise that issues facing men should not be isolated but their needs addressed in conjunction with those of women. | National Human Development Advisory Committee | 0 |
ASR-755 | Report of Strategic Planning Worshop 27-28 May. | Report to record the workshop output, a description of the general process, provide a means of ratification of outcomes by MSD staff and provide the basis of fomulating follow-up action. | Robert Johnson | 1993 |
ASR-756 | Interim Report on the Effects of Hurricane Keith on Educational Facilities. | Report to provide NEMO with interim report of damanges sustained to Ministry of Education and Sport facilities as a direct result of Hurricane Keith. | Ministry of Education and Sports | 2000 |
ASR-757 | Report on the Current Position of the Small Farmers' Crop Loan Scheme and DFC Operational Manual. | Report of assessment of the current position of the project, analysis of the reasons for the failure of the project and recommendations for changes in the guidelines to ensure the successful implementation of the project for the future. | John Patel | 1979 |
ASR-758 | Visit Report - Toledo 1995 in regards to Issues arising from the Licence for Columbia River Forest Reserve and Part of the Maya Mountain Forest Reserve. | Neil Bird | 1995 | |
ASR-759 | Technical Visit Report CATIE, Costa Rica May 1994. | Objective of visit was to aquire proper understanding of CATIE, identify areas in which CATIE can be of assistance to the agricultural development of the country and to develop tentative collaborative programmes of work. | John Link, Allison Patten and Angel Teck | 1994 |
ASR-760 | Back to Office Report of Trip to Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador May 1994. | Trip objectives were to explore cooperative efforts with regional and international institutions CATIE and CIAT, to examine technologies that are available for cassava production and utilization and to study small farmer organization in Colombia and Ecuador. | D. Clare, T. Ogaldez and E. Pulver | 1994 |
ASR-761 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Quarterly Progress Report January - March. | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Belize Livestock Produces Association, United States agency for International Development | 1992 | |
ASR-762 | Report on the Second Vacation Course for Teachers in Indian Villages held at Yo Creek, British Honduras May - June. | Follow-up meeting to discuss the teaching of the new content contained in the curriculum for Indian schools. | 1950 | |
ASR-763 | Report of The Joint Scientific Expedition to the Upper Raspaculo River, Belize, Central America April-June 1993. | Report to describe the work of JSSEUR and to bring together our findings in a single document, both for reference purposes and to act as a basis for recommendations concerning the area's future management. | Alastair Rodgers, David Sutton, Peter Stafford, and Jill Hammersly | 1994 |
ASR-764 | Report on the Re-Engineering and Re-Organizaton Study. | Report of BEL's Second Power Development Project which involved construction of about 100 miles of transmission lines to link BEL's centers with its bulk power system and the Mexican uility CFE.. | Presented by: The Liberty Consulting Group | 1998 |
ASR-765 | Consultancy Report No. 17. Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve Harvesting Plan 1 July 1995 to 31 March 2000. | Harvesting plan for MPRFR for the period 1995-2000. | I. M. Gray | 1995 |
ASR-766 | WASA Land and Title Evaluations. | Independent Report and investigations into the present properties owned, leased and in possession of the Water and Sewerage Authority. | Brian C. Mofitt | 2000 |
ASR-767 | Water and Sewerage Authority Due Dilligence Report: Financial Assumption/Projections. | 2000 | ||
ASR-768 | National Protected Areas Systems Plan for Belize Synthesis Report. | Report assesses the current protected area network including national parks and reserve, wildlife sanctuaries. | Programme of Belize and Inter-American Development Bank | 1995 |
ASR-769 | Development of the Coconut Industry in the Caribbean final Report Volume 2 | Programme objective is to support the rehabilitation and planting programmes for coconuts in the Caribbean by providing the necessary data on new varieties and intercropping to enable further increases in the producation of nuts over and above those to be achieved by rehabilitation, in output and profability per acre. | Minster Agriculture Limited | 1984 |
ASR-770 | Belize Livestock Market Feasibility Project Phase II Final Report. | Study was directed to analyze the feasibility of establishing a central livestock market facility to serve the livestock industry of Belize. | Kary Mathis | 1991 |
ASR-771 | Agriculture Department Belize District Progress Report 1989. | 1989 | ||
ASR-772 | Report on Farm Research 1982. Working Paper No. 10 | D. E. Johnson | 1982 | |
ASR-773 | Nuseries for Improved Pasture Grasses and Legumes in Belize. | Marvin Allen and Harry Parham | 1985 | |
ASR-774 | Forage Legume Project, Livestock Section Project and Agronomy Section Progress Report for 1984. | 1984 | ||
ASR-775 | Belize Livestock Development Project Phase II Quarterly Report January - March. | Report covers the period January to March and includes project activities accomplished, problems and delays, and the activities to be implemented for the period April to June. | Belize Livestock Development Project | 1990 |
ASR-776 | Report of the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Representatives on the Examination of thre Report of the Principal Auditor on the Accounts of British Honduras for the Year Ended 31st December 1965. | Public Accounts Committee | 1965 | |
ASR-777 | Agriculture Chemistry Laboratory Progress Report Jan-Nov 1984. | 1984 | ||
ASR-778 | Belize School of Agriculture Progress Report 1984 and Work Plan 1985. | 1984 | ||
ASR-779 | Progress Report Phase II IDRC-Belize Forage Legume and Pasture Research Programme November 1979 - October 1980. | To continue to identify grasses and native forage legumes with potential in the region and to develop pasture management techniques in order to increase beef and dairy production in Belize. | Wendell D. J. Parham | 1980 |
ASR-780 | Interim Technical Report Phase III IDRC-Belize Forage Legume and Pasture Research Programme November 1982 - October 1984. | To improve the Productivity of pastures in Belize City by introducing adapted forage legumes and grasses acceptable to beef producing farmers in Belize. | Harold A. Parham | 1984 |
ASR-781 | PRODERE Belize Progress Report for Period July - December 1991 | Report of project to continue the facilitation of integration by refugees and displaced persons into every aspect of Belizean Life. | UNDP/PRODERE Belize | 1992 |
ASR-782 | Import Licensing in Belize Final Report. | Study indicated how the removal of quotas administered through the import licensing system is likely to affect local producers. | Ron Hood | 1994 |
ASR-783 | Report on Belize Fuel Project August, 2001. | Ministers Samuels, Fonseca and Canton | 2001 | |
ASR-784 | Toledo Rural Development Project Initial Report of the Agronomist. | Aim of the project is to formulate farming systems suitable for the climate and soils of Toledo and which respond to the needs of the people of the district. | Ministry of Agriculture and Lands | 1979 |
ASR-785 | Recommendations for Agricultural Research in British Honduras Part 2, Livestock Production, Pastures and Fodders: An Interim Report. Miscellaneous Report No. 146 | R. Rose Innes | 1972 | |
ASR-786 | Natural Resources Management and Protection Project Quarterly Report January to March 1995 Executive Summary. | NARMAP, GOB, WWF and Winrock International Insitute for Agricultural Development | 1995 | |
ASR-787 | Natural Resources Management and Protection Project Report of Lighthawk Flights April - May, 1994. | Report contains the documentation of a visit to Belize by Lighthawk between April and May. Lighthawk is a U. S. based NGO that makes small airplanes available for conservation purposes. | NARMAP, GOB, WWF and Winrock International Insitute for Agricultural Development | 1994 |
ASR-788 | Belize Commercialization of Alternative Crops Project Quarterly Progress Report, Fourth Quarter. | Quarterly report covers the contractor's progress and activities centered around the second year farm trials of peppers, melons, snap beans and pickle cucumber, marketing and shipping trials for summer squash, cucumber and papaya. | Submitted by: Chemonics International Consulting Division | 1988 |
ASR-789 | Agricultural Trade Policy in Belize. | Report provides further input into the discussion of removal of quantitative restrictions on the agricultural products. | Submitted by: David Orden and B. K. Rai | 1995 |
ASR-790 | Report on Visit to Mexico of Belize's Trade Delegation to Discuss a Partial Scope Agreement Between the Government of Belize and the United States of Mexico. | Belize Trade Delegation on the propsed Partial Scope Agreement | 1994 | |
ASR-791 | University of the West Indies Forage Legume Program Final Field Report. | Aim of the project is to determine successful forage legumes for Belizean pastures in order to increase per acre production and to make cattle raising economically more viable. | John R. Lazier | 1977 |
ASR-792 | Caricom Farms Ltd, Pilot Farm Belize River Valley Soil Report. | H. Vernon and E. Aldana | 1982 | |
ASR-793 | Report of the Tenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Agriculture. | Chairman: Hon. Dean Lindo | 1987 | |
ASR-794 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Quarterly Progress Report October - December, 1990. | Report covers the period October to December and includes project activities accomplished, problems and delays, and the activities to be implemented for the period January to March 1991. | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Belize Livestock Produces Association, United States agency for International Development | 1991 |
ASR-795 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Quarterly Progress Report April - June, 1990. | Report covers the activities of the period April to June. Included are the Project outputs, other accomplishments, problems and delays, major actions planned for next quarter, and a series of appendices. | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Belize Livestock Produces Association, United States agency for International Development | 1990 |
ASR-796 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Quarterly Progress Report January - March, 1991. | Report covers the activities accomplished by the Belize Livestock development Project Phase II for the period January to March. | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Belize Livestock Produces Association, United States agency for International Development | 1991 |
ASR-797 | Supplemental Report Central Livestock Market Feasibility Belize Livestock Development Project Phase II. | Report addresses issues raised in discussions among all concerned parties over the life of the market feasibility analysis since March 1990. | Kary Mathis | 1991 |
ASR-798 | Belize Livestrock Development Project II Long-Term Training Monitoring Visit Report. | Moises Cal | 0 | |
ASR-799 | Coral Cay Conservation Fieldwork Report IV. A Survey of the Coastal Resources Around Sapodilla Cays Belize. | Survey to assess the impacts of tourism and the fishing industry on the ecological balance of reefs and lagoons along the Belize Barrier Reef. | Liam B. O'Toole, Frank Eckhardt, Denise McCorry, Peter S. Raines and Jonathon Ridley | 0 |
ASR-800 | Trip Report Financial Management Implementation February - March 1989. | Margaret Bartel | 1989 | |
ASR-801 | Quarterly Report January - March 1986 Belize Livestick Development Project | Agricultural Policy Advisor | 1986 | |
ASR-802 | Quarterly Report July - September 1986 Belize Livestick Development Project | Fred Mangum. LeRoy Peters. Melanio Pech and Orlando Habet | 1986 | |
ASR-803 | Quarterly Report April - June 1986 Belize Livestick Development Project | Fred Mangum. LeRoy Peters. Melanio Pech, Elide Valencia and Rodney Neal | 1986 | |
ASR-804 | Swine Improvement Quarterly Report July - September 1986. | Melanio Pech | 1986 | |
ASR-805 | Report of Agriculture Survey. | G. F. Townsend | 1979 | |
ASR-806 | Moko Disease in Belize, A Comprehensive Report. | Report contains a history of the disease in Belize, attempts at eradication, and budgetary estimates. | Robert Black | 1986 |
ASR-807 | Report on FAO Project TCP/BZE/6753 | John F. Cunningham | 0 | |
ASR-808 | Monthly report on Soils Management Workshop for August and September 1984 and April 1985. | Don Smucker | ||
ASR-809 | A Report from the Policy Analysis and Economics Unit for the Annual General; Staff Meeting. | Summary of main accomplishments of the Policy Analysis and Econimic Unit for the year 1988 and a preview of activities for the next year. | 1988 | |
ASR-810 | A Report folliowing the training Couse Agricultural Statistics and Survey Methods. | William Wigton | 1988 | |
ASR-811 | Association of Caribbean States Prepatory Meeting and Eight Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council. | Folder includes papers on Report of the Chairman of the Special Committee on Budget and Administration, Trade Development and External Economic Relations. Transport, Sustainable Tourism, Natural Disasters, Special Fund, Security, and the Secretary General's Report. | Association of Caribbean States | 2002 |
ASR-812 | Special Report on the Issuance of National Land Leases and Titles, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environmental September 2007 to February 2008. | Office of the auditor General conducted an audit of the accounting records and associated documents in respect of land leases and titles processed during the period Septmber 2007 to February 2008. | Office of Auditor General | 2010 |
ASR-813 | Report of the Select Committee on Proposals for Constitutional Advancement. | Sessional Paper No 31 of 1963. | Attorney General, Gwen Lizarraga, F. J. Zuniga, L. Rogers and E. M. Hulse | 1963 |
ASR-814 | Report on Development of Agriculture in British Honduras. | H. C. Sampson | 1929 | |
ASR-815 | Agriculture and Natural Resources in British Honduras (Belize). Report on the State of Agriculture. | A. Frampton | 1957 | |
ASR-816 | Report on a Survey on Family Life and Fertility in Belize. | Report of a knowledge, attitude and practices survey done in 1985. The objective of the survey was to provide base line information on fertility, family spacing and other conditions related to maternal and child health. | Joseph D. Palacio | 1986 |
ASR-817 | Belize's Report on the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (1995) and the Outcome of the Twenty-third Special Session of the General Assembly (2000) | Report seeks to highlight major achievements and challenges as Belize, through its national mechanism for the advancement of women ,along with its partners embarked on the implementation of the beijing platform for action and the Outcome document. | Women's Department, Ministry of Human Development | 2004 |
ASR-818 | NEMO Damage Assessment and Needs Anaylsis Preliminary Report Tropical Storm Arthur Flooding Events. | NEMO | 2008 | |
ASR-819 | A Town Planning Scheme for Belize Gardner Medwin Report. | The planning scheme in this report is the outcome of the investigations of a Town Planning Committee appointed to consider planning and housing problems in Belize. | Gardber Medwin | 0 |
ASR-820 | Report of the Goodwill Tour of Mexico. | Report of tour by George Price, A. A. Hunter, C. L. B. Rogers, Santiago Ricalde, to Mexico. Purpose of tour, to seek support for Belize’s right to self-determination as a free sovereign and independent nation, Discuss recommendations to give economic help to Belize. | Government Information Service | 1964 |
ASR-821 | The Easter and Dixon Reports. An Analysis and Discussion of their Impact on Our Educational Development. | I. E. Sanchez | 1974 | |
ASR-822 | The Economy of British Honduras. | This report is based mainly on the findings of an Economic Mission which visited British Honduras in September 1961. | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association | 1962 |
ASR-823 | Chalillo Hydropower Project Summary. | BEL, FORTIS, BECOL | 2001 | |
ASR-824 | Preliminary Report of 1998 Student's Health Survey in Belize City and Dangriga. | National Drug Abuse Council | 1998 | |
ASR-825 | National Fluoride Survey Belize 1994-1995. | To provide information on the nutritional status of fluoride in school children. | Ministry of Health and Sports and Ministry of Education | 1995 |
ASR-827 | A View of Educational Growth and Change. | Mission's objectives were to examine the 1964 UNESCO report to assess Belize's achievement and identify departures, to update the report, to recommend priority areas and advise on implementation. | Sylvain Lourie | 1975 |
ASR-828 | Report on the Goodwill Tour of Central America. | To seek support for Belize's right to self-independence as Free Sovereign and independent Nation; (2) Investigate the possibility of Belize's inclusion in the Central American Common Market. | Government Information Services | 1964 |
ASR-826 | An Assessment of the Damages Resulting from Hurricane Keith 28 September - 2 October 2000. | Belize Electricity Board | 2000 | |
ASR-829 | Introducing Reading in the Infant Schools in Mestizo Communities in British Honduras. | The aim of this study is to look carefully at the methods employed in teaching reading in England, implementing them using the background and environment of the Meztizo children in the school where the study is conducted. | E. P. Cayetano | 1969 |
ASR-830 | Report of the Inter-Island Shipping Survey. | 0 | ||
ASR-831 | Toledo Rural Development Project Phase 1 Soil, Irrigation and Drainage Studies for the Selection of a Pilot Farm Site. | Includes maps | R. N. Jenkin, I. P. Anderson and G. L. Silva | 1978 |
ASR-832 | Environment and Resources in the Hummingbird Karst of Central Belize. | Report summerizes the findings of 1985 to 1986. | Edited by: M. J. Day | 1987 |
ASR-833 | National Secondary School Drug Prevalence Survey Report 2002. | Intent of the survey was to provide a complete assessment of the drug situation among adolescent girls and boys, as part of an assessment of needs and priorities for youth oriented drug programs at the school, community and national level. | National Drug Abuse Control Council | 2003 |
ASR-834 | Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Workings of the Department of Posts and Telegraphs. | To enquire into the workings of the Department of Posts and Telegrapphs, and to submit recommendations for improving its efficiency, with particular reference to the services rendered to the public. | G. Grantham, F. Bowem, J. Macmillan, J. Smoth and N. Palmer | 1952 |
ASR-835 | Technical Assistance to Postal Services Report on the Mission Undertaken by Mr. O. K. Husbands, UPU Consultant, in Belize. | O. K. Husbands | 1980 | |
ASR-836 | Report of the Inquiry into the Sinking of the Dredge 'jaguar" on Wednesday 21st July, 1971. | Cannon J. L. Blackett | 1971 | |
ASR-837 | The Sugar Industry of British Honduras and Its Investment Potentialities for A Small Sugar Factory. | Report has been prepared to provide potential investors with information concerning the present sugar operations in the colony and the potential for expansion of those operations by the constuction of a small factory. | Arthur G. Keller | 1963 |
ASR-838 | Belize: Assessment of the Damage Caused by Hurricane Keith, 2000. Implications of Economic, Social and Environmental Development. | Study undertakes a sector by sector analysis leading to an overall assessment of the damage; it appraises the macroeconomic and environmental effects and proposes some guidelines for rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes. | Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean | 2000 |
ASR-839 | Report of the Tripartite Economic Survey of British Honduras. | Committee appointed to analyse the economy of British Honduras and its growth potential and to suggest guidelines for development over the next five years. | G. Glayton | 1966 |
ASR-840 | Government White Paper on the Howes Report 1956. | Relates to recommendation for Salary Change for public officers in British Honduras. | Government of British Honduras | 1956 |
ASR-841 | Report of the Sugar Industry Commission of Enquiry (1969) British Honduras. | Gilbert Hulse, Bishnodat Persaud, Francis C. Schaffer and Henry Edney Conrad Cain | 1971 | |
ASR-842 | Lyon Report on The Post Office of Belize Finance and Accounts. | L. Palliser Lyon | 0 | |
ASR-843 | Lyon Report on The Post Office of Belize Mails. | L. Palliser Lyon | 0 | |
ASR-844 | Lyon Report on The Post Office of Belize Buildings and Equipment. | L. Palliser Lyon | 0 | |
ASR-845 | Lyon Report on The Post Office of Belize Organization and Development. | L. Palliser Lyon | 0 | |
ASR-846 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project (TSFDP) Assessment of Project Impact. | Martin Slater | 1993 | |
ASR-847 | Summary Report of Recommendations of Political Reform Commission. | Report on the review of governance and recommendation for improvement. | Political Reform Commission | 2000 |
ASR-848 | The Economics of Beef Cattle Production in Belize. | D. Belisle | 0 | |
ASR-849 | Towards a Regional Accreditation Model. A Report to the Association of Caribbean Tertiary Institutions (ACTI) | Report of examination of tertiary education in the region with a view to assisting Caribbean countries to implement effective accreditation systems which take into account the peculiarities of the regional context. | Dr. Alvin A. Ashton | 1996 |
ASR-850 | Archaeology at Cerros Belize, Central America. Volume I An Interim Report | Edited by: Robin A. Robertson and David A. Freidel | 1986 | |
ASR-851 | Archaeology at Cerrros Belize, Central America. Volume II The Artifacts | This study describes and analyzes some of the artifacts recovered from the Maya site of Cerros in Northern Belize. Included are objects of worked shell, worked bones, reworked sherds, molded nonvessel cermanic pieces, ground stone, polished stone, molded plaster, ground mental, pounded metal and cast metal. | James F. Garber | 1989 |
ASR-852 | Archaeology at Cerrros Belize, Central America. Volume III The Settlement System in a Late Preclassic Maya Community. | The present study examines the settlement system at Cerros, a Late Preclassic Lowland Maya center situated on the northern leeward shore of Lowry's Bight, Northern Belize. | Vernon L. Scarborough | 1991 |
ASR-853 | Appraisal Report on Abattoir and Meat Packing Plant - Belize. | Report appraises a request from the GOB for a Caribbean Development Bank loan to finance improvements to infrastructure, equipment, and management of a abattoir and meat packing plant that the GOB has agreed to purchase. | Prepared for: Caribbean Development Bank | 1982 |
ASR-854 | Report on Investment in Belize Meat Limited Abattoir and Meat Packing Plant Project by Contris Meats of Central America. | Belize Meats Limited | 1988 | |
ASR-855 | Review of Progress in the Development and Welfare of the Colony of British Honduras During the Period 1948-1954. | Legislative Council | 1954 | |
ASR-856 | Report on Meat Processing Training May 4th - 22nd. | Objectives were to train processors and butchers in meat processing techniques, cost effective cutting, improve health standards of facilities and maintain equipment. | Dr. A. Z. Palmer and Dr. J. W. Carpenter | 1992 |
ASR-857 | Deep Water Port Study Volume 3 Drawings. | Livesly, Henderson and Partners in association with The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. | 1970 | |
ASR-858 | Agricultural Development with Unlimited Land The Case of British Honduras. | C. P. Cacho | 0 | |
ASR-859 | Change in Northern Belize: Economic Development and Socio-Cultural Change in Orange Walk. | C. Thomas Brockmann | 1979 | |
ASR-860 | Ministry of Works Deepwater Port Project. | Consultores De Azuero | 1977 | |
ASR-861 | The Hard Facts of Economic Life - Factors Constraining the Economic Development of British Honduras (Belize) | C. P. Cacho | 0 | |
ASR-862 | Report of the Health, Education and Welfare Committee on the Trade Licensing Bill, 1976 to them referred by the House of Representatives on the 30th July, 1976. | F. H. Hunter, V. H. Courtenay, E. Briceno, V. Choco and C. Wagner | 1976 | |
ASR-863 | Development Concessions Report. | P. S. Ross and J. W. Goodban | 1953 | |
ASR-864 | Severe Tropical Storms Preparation and Response Case Study Text Training Module. | R. S. Stephenson | 1991 | |
ASR-865 | Resource Management in Limestone Landscapes: International Perspectives. Human Impact on the Hummingbird Karst of Central Belize. | Paper presented at the International Geographical Union Study Group Man's Impact on Karst. | Michael J. Day and Carol J. Rosen | 1988 |
ASR-866 | Ecology and Environment in Belize. | An account of the University of Edinburgh Expedition to Belize, Central America, 1986. | Edited by: David M. Munro | 1989 |
ASR-867 | Report from the Joint Select Committee on "The White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize". | Recommendations by various organizations. | Joint Select Committee | 0 |
ASR-868 | Report from the Joint Select Committee on "The White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize". | Report from the Joint Select Committee together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence taken before the Joint Select Committee on "The White Paper" - proposed terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize". | Joint Select Committee | 1981 |
ASR-869 | Report from the Joint Select Committee on "The White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize". | First Meeting of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider the White Paper on the proposed terms of a Consitution for the Independent Belize held in Punta Gorda. | Joint Select Committee | 1981 |
ASR-870 | Report from the Joint Select Committee on "The White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize". | Fourth Meeting of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider the White Paper on the proposed terms of a Consitution for the Independent Belize held in Dangriga. | Joint Select Committee | 1981 |
ASR-871 | Report from the Joint Select Committee on "The White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize". | Third Meeting of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider the White Paper on the proposed terms of a Consitution for the Independent Belize held in San Ignacio. | Joint Select Committee | 1981 |
ASR-872 | Report from the Joint Select Committee on "The White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize". | Sixth Meeting of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider the White Paper on the proposed terms of a Consitution for the Independent Belize held in Corozal. | Joint Select Committee | 1981 |
ASR-873 | Report from the Joint Select Committee on "The White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize". | Ninth Meeting of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider the White Paper on the proposed terms of a Consitution for the Independent Belize held in Belmopan. | Joint Select Committee | 1981 |
ASR-874 | White Paper Issues by the Government of Belize on the Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize. | Government of Belize | 1981 | |
ASR-875 | A Comparison Between a Hydrated Lime Made from Honduran Limestone and a British Lime When Used to Stabalise Five Soils from British Honduras. | G. A. Sullivan | 1959 | |
ASR-876 | Education In Belize. | Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture | 1983 | |
ASR-877 | National Protected Areas Systems Plan For Belize Report Executive Summary | The purpose is to establish the overall framework, at a national level, in which to develop a coherent protected area system. | LIC, Ministry of Natural Resources | 1995 |
ASR-878 | Situation Analysis of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Belize. | 1996 | ||
ASR-879 | Some Economic and Nutritional Factors in Devising a Food and Nutrition Plan in Belize. | Paper is intended to be an issue paper in which some of the issues relevant to the devising of a Food and Nutrition Plan for Belize will be discussed. | Hayden Blades | 0 |
ASR-880 | Roads and Road Problems on British Honduras. | R. S. Millard | 1959 | |
ASR-881 | Final Report Proposals on the Mangement of The Petroleum Resources of Belize, Central America. | Arthur B. Irwin | 1975 | |
ASR-882 | Road Studies Northern and Western Highways Feasibility Study Volume 2B. | Study of the Northern Highway between mile 19 and Mile 60 in the context of likely traffic development in the road as a whole from Belize City to the Mexican border, in order to determine the extent to which improved standards, minor repairs and improvements or major reconstructon are likely to be required over the next five years. | Sir William Halcrow and Partners | 1974 |
ASR-883 | Road Studies Northern and Western Highways Feasibility Study Volume 3 Appendices. | Study of the Northern Highway between mile 19 and Mile 60 in the context of likely traffic development in the road as a whole from Belize City to the Mexican border, in order to determine the extent to which improved standards, minor repairs and improvements or major reconstructon are likely to be required over the next five years. | Sir William Halcrow and Partners | 1974 |
ASR-884 | Travel and Geographic Mobility among High School Students in Belize, Central America. | This study provides evidence for a circulatory form of migration in Belize that resembles migration patters in other Caribbean countries. | Elizabeth C. Babcock and Richard R. Wilk | 1996 |
ASR-885 | Report on Seminar-Workshop on Infant School Science and Social Studies | Cassian Aspinall and Ernest N. Raymond | 1976 | |
ASR-886 | Ecotourism Questioned. | Case Studies from Belize | Kreg Lindberg, Jeremy Enriquez and Keith Sproule | 1996 |
ASR-887 | The Banana Industry in Belize A Re-Appraisal | Exploratory study of the banana industry in Belize carried out forthwith because of the critical financial position of the industry. | Berl Cawthron Consortium | 1981 |
ASR-888 | Forestry and Wood Use In Belize | Study of technical assistance requirements for the strenghtening of forest management and utilisation practices in the Forestry Department, exploratory studies for new development projects in foresty lumber extration and a look at the efficiency in the Forestry Departments commerical operations. | Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1982 |
ASR-889 | Belize Public Slaughterhouse Improvement and Meat Grading System Project. | To provide effective infrastructure for the orderly development of the livestock industry in Belize. | Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1991 |
ASR-890 | Belmopan Master Plan Preliminary Report. | It was decided that a new strategic plan (the Plan) was required providing for the expansion of Belmopan to the Year 2025 and addressing some of the problems which have arisen since the production of the original plan. | 1998 | |
ASR-891 | Revised Draft of Assessment for Belize. Review of the System of Public Procurement using the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/Development Assistance Committee (OECD/DAC) Methodology | Carla Barnett, Godwin Hulse, Baxter Matthews and Iran Tillett-Dominguez | 2010 | |
ASR-892 | Programmes and Projects for Improving the Belize Food and Nutrition Situation with particular Reference to Agricutural Sector. | Report od study to review and up-date data on the food and nutrition situation in the state, to collaborate with the Government in identifying priority programme areas in the Food and Nutrition Okabd foe Belize and to formulate approaches to implement, monitor and evaluate appropriate food and nutrition projects. | Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute | 1979 |
ASR-893 | Prefeasibility Analysis Wood Fired Steam Station for Belize. | Study looks at the Belize City and the Belmopan/San Ignacio areas sub-systems, which are thte two largest and are also nearest to the proposed location of the wood fire steam station. | Victor Lewis | 1981 |
ASR-894 | The Control of Public Expenditure | The purpose of this report is to analyze environmental health issues at the household lever in Belize. | Minitry of Finance and Economic Development | 1966 |
ASR-895 | Banana Production in British Honduras | 1955 | ||
ASR-896 | Livestock Industry in British Honduras | 1955 | ||
ASR-897 | Pineapple Production in British Honduras | 1955 | ||
ASR-898 | Report and Recommendations Resulting from the Workshop Developing Strategies for the Future of Agriculture in Belize. | 1981 | ||
ASR-899 | "Educating the Community on Social Development Through Cooperatives" Training Seminar Report. | Eric Amit and Charles Enriquez | 1981 | |
ASR-900 | Foreign Reserve Management in Belize an Assessment of the Liquidity Constraints in 1979. | Dorla Humes | 1980 | |
ASR-901 | BELCAST Manpower Demand Review | Report of survey conducted to assess Belize's mapower requirement. | Gregory Belisle | 1983 |
ASR-902 | Up-Date of Food and Nutrition Statistics 1979-1984. | Analysis of nutrition information collected in order to identify food and nutritional problems in Belize. | Sandra Farnum | 1984 |
ASR-903 | The Promotion of Private Investment in British Honduras | Objective of the study was to prepare and implement a practical program to expand and accelerate private foreign and domestic investment in British Honduras. | Thomas H. Miner & Associates, Inc | 1971 |
ASR-604 | Government Funding Scheme for Plant and Vehicles | Ojbective was to prepare a detailed funding scheme for road maintenance to meet the requirements of C. D. B. Paper 49/1973. | 1976 | |
ASR-605 | Report on Belize Youth Development Center at Gracie Rock. | Vin H. Lawrence | 1979 | |
ASR-906 | Follow-Up Programme for the Belize Youth Development Center Land Settlement Scheme in Belize River Valley. | Vin H. Lawrence | 1977 | |
ASR-907 | Plant Pathology and Nematology in British Honduras. | Report is divided topics of Premature Fruit Drop, Greasy Sport , Melanose and Red Mites and work on nematodes. | H. J. Fagan | 1972 |
ASR-908 | Forestry Development Belize Project Finding and Recommendations. | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | 1978 | |
ASR-909 | Establishment of Social Security Scheme Project Findings and Recommendations. | International Labour Organisation | 1981 | |
ASR-910 | Banana Control Board of Belize Management and Direction | Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1981 | |
ASR-911 | Citrus Industry Extension and Credit Review. | Purpose is to carry out an up to date assessment of the needs of the Citrus Industry of Belize in the areas of credit and extension. | Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1981 |
ASR-912 | Honey Industry Expansion Project | Project examines the contraints likely to be significant to the development of the honey industry in Belize. Main aspects examined are: extension, credit, marketing and research. Possible solutions are offered for problems indentified. | Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1981 |
ASR-913 | Edible Oils. | There have been attempts to grow oil seed crops in Belize but only as a trial and commercial production has not yet been eventuated. This document attempts to set down the reasons for this the contrsints existing and gives recommendations which will assist in commencing production of edible oils. | Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1981 |
ASR-914 | Pig Production Industry Belize. | Projects purpose is to provide an investment opportunity and to initiate the growth of a financially viable pig production industry in Belize. | Berl-Cawthron Consortium | 1981 |
ASR-915 | A Survey of the Small Scale Tropical Freshwater Fishery at Crooked Tree (Northern) Lagoon Final Report. | Objectives of the survey were to idetify the species of fish present in the Crooked Tree Lagoon area, to conduct a stock assessment of the dominant fish, to initiate age and growth studies and to propose fisheries mangament strategies If necessary. | Thomas K. Meekin | 1985 |
ASR-916 | Research Needs in Belize (British Honduras) | Improvement suggestions for agriculture in Belize. | R. L. Cook | 0 |
ASR-917 | Eastern Caribbean and British Honduras Industrial Prospectus for Canning Fruits and Vegetables. | Final report incorporated the findings of both phases of research. | The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. | 1972 |
ASR-918 | Belize National Telecommunication System Technical Specifications Report. | Assessment of the impact of the local condition on the extent and technique of the system. | General Telephone and Electronics International | 1970 |
ASR-919 | Forestry and its Interaction with Livestock Production. | H. B. L. Evans | 0 | |
ASR-920 | Some Results of the Second Year of Excavation at Operation 2012. | Paper is a brief progress report describing the second year of analysis and excavation of the composite structure at Operation 2012 at Colha. | Daniel R. Potter | 0 |
ASR-921 | Basic Considerations in the Planning of Human Settlement with High Tourism Development Potential. | Case Study: The Island of Amergris Caye, Belize | 0 | |
ASR-922 | Belize City Water and Sewerage Project Water Transmission Pipeline Construction Specifications. | Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd. | 0 | |
ASR-923 | Belize C. A., A Profile of its Fishing Industry. | report is intended to enlighten readers who have special interest in the stucture and operation of the Fishing Industry if Belize and to emphasize how fishing cooperatives function withing the industry. | Herman Peter Vasquez | 0 |
ASR-924 | Development of Rice Production in Belize for the Caribbean Market (Big Falls Ranch). | This document sumamrises the development plan prepared by the present managers BAI. It is based upon the substantial research programme at BFR over the last two years and upon recent detailed engineering surverys, as well as the experince of those involved with BFR over the last twelve years. | 0 | |
ASR-925 | Investigation of a Loan Application by the Banana Control Board of Belize for Irrigation. | Study primarily to consider whether a CDC loan for irrigation could be justified | H. U. Dawson, R. G. Hampson and C. Q. Moreton | 1976 |
ASR-926 | Preliminary Investigation of Water Source Availability and Development Potential. | Assessment od the water well drilling capability of the Belizean Government and examination of the organization and performance of the drilling operations. Report documents the reults of the work and makes recommendations designed to strengthen the Belizean rural supply program. | A. A. Sobanski, Hydrology Consultants Limited | 1979 |
ASR-927 | Gold Potential of the Maya Mountains Belize. | J. H. Cornec | 1986 | |
ASR-928 | Native Legume Distribution and Collection. | Report of obejctive to continue identifying grasses and native forage legumes with potential in the region in order to increase beef and dairy production in Belize. | Carol Stassen | 1977 |
ASR-929 | The Status and Role of Livestock Production in the Agriculture of Belize. | Dr. B. M. Silva | 1981 | |
ASR-930 | Some Observations on Citrus Production Problems in British Honduras with Special Emphasis on the Fruit Drop Problem. | Report of visit to consult on the "fruit drop" problem which for the past few sesons has materially reduced the crop of fruit in British Honduras and to outline a research profram which ultimately might lead to a practical solution. | Walter Reuther | 0 |
ASR-931 | The Pattern of Education in a Developing Society British Honduras as a Case Study. | Norman Ashcraft and Cedric | 0 | |
ASR-932 | Family Life in Rural Belize (Belize District). | Research objective was to provide a base for comparison between family life in urban and rural Belize. | Roland E. Price | 0 |
ASR-933 | Appraisal of Property of Belize Electricity Board, Belize City. | Purpose of appraisal is to determine the Current Cost and Cost Less Depreciation of the property as of March 31, 1981. | Stone & Webster Appraisal Corporation | 1981 |
ASR-934 | Belize Electricity Board Financial Forecast and Tariff Structure Review. | Report examines the projected income of the BEB from opertations during the period 1981 through 1984 and sets out the revenue increases necessary to meet these loan covenants. | Stone & Webster Management Consultants, Inc. | 1982 |
ASR-935 | Long Range Study Belize Electricity Board. | The electric facilities of the Belize Electricity Board were surveyed in March 1968. As a result a four part program was set up to provide managerial assistance to the BEB. This report covers the second step of that program. | Consumers Power Company | 1968 |
ASR-936 | Education Sector Survey An Analysis of the Education System and Recommendations for its Development. | Purpose of mission was to assess the achievements and shortfalls of Belize's educational system and to make recommendations for remedial action in the areas critical for improvement and for the development of education in the country. | 1983 | |
ASR-937 | Report to the Government of British Honduras on Fisheries Management and Potential. | Report of MR. R. H. Baird, Marin Biologist, who was appointed to advise the government on the management of fisheries resources with particular reference to the spiny lobster. | Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations | 1973 |
ASR-938 | Improvement of Facilities and Services for Civil Aviation Project Findings and Recommendations. | T. R. Thomson | 1974 | |
ASR-939 | The Production of Grain Crops by Large-Scale Mechanized Means in Belize. | The study covers the feasibility of producing corn, red kidney beans, grain sorghum, soybeans, and peanuts and the market potential for these crops in the Caribean area. | Ministry of Trade and Industry | 0 |
ASR-940 | Improvement of the Sawmill Industry of Belize. | Appraisal of the sawmilling efficiency in Belize based on visits to the main sawmills in March/May 1978. | A. S. Astell | 1978 |
ASR-941 | A Survey of Agricultural Production Costs in British Honduras. Miscellaneous Report No. 147 | Report is synthesised from data collected in British Honduras, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobego which has been modified to British Honduras conditions and prices. | J. S. Briggs | 1972 |
ASR-942 | Sugar Cane Production in British Honduras. | Report focuses on sugarcane nutrition, density of planting and cane varieties. It also contains a brief history of the development of the sufar cane industry and also a general description of the climate and topography of the cane growing area. | Department of Agriculture | 1965 |
ASR-943 | A Report on the Financial Situation of the Belmopan City Council at 28th February 2006. | Belmopan City Council | 2006 | |
ASR-944 | The Agricultural Potential of the Belize Valley Volume 1A | Report describes the environment and land capacity of the Belize Valley. It also examines the economics of crop and livestock production, including the availability of external markets for agricultural products from Belize. | R. Jenkin, R. Innes, J. Dunsmore, S. Walker, C. Birchall and J. Briggs | 1974 |
ASR-945 | Technological, Trade and Vocational Training Review and Recommendations. | Report focuses on the development of training opportunities in the Technological, Trade, Craft, Business and Service Fields. | 1981 | |
ASR-946 | Electric Power in British Honduras (Belize) | Report of study made into the advantages to British Honduras if it were to associate with other countries of Central America in the coordination of their repective electrification and water resources development programme. | Central American Electrification and Water Resources Mission of the BTAO | 0 |
ASR-947 | Towards the Development of Television in Belize. | Report of a UNESCO project to study the feasibility of establishing a scheme designed to utilise video technology, specifically small gauge equipments, to help provide a limited number of Belizeans with basis skills in television production. | Richard A. Best | 1981 |
ASR-948 | Report of Conditions of the Sugar Workers and the Sugar Industry in British Honduras. | Thomas F. Martinez | 0 | |
ASR-949 | Overview of the Structure of the Ministry of Education of Belize. | Study focused on the indications of structural and administrative contraints existing and recommendations on strategies for re-organising the ministry and improving the administration. | H. C. Moss-Solomon | 1982 |
ASR-950 | Domestic Food Production and Processing for Import Substitution in Belize Phase I. | Study focused on the existing situation, the identification of major constraints to expand domestic food producation, and policy changes needed to be more competitive. | Fred A. Magum | 1992 |
ASR-951 | Electrical Power Generation from Timber Harvesting Slash, Tree Plantations, Bagasse and Other Biomass Resources in Belize. | Purpose of this project is to develop a reliable inexpensive, indegenous source of electricity for Belize. This work includes the utilization of renewablw fuels in Wood Burning Power Stations. These fuels could include any biomass but the focus will be on wood. | Robert Hodam and Michael Lesser | 1981 |
ASR-952 | British Honduras Primary Education (UNESCO/UNICEF) | Projects main objective is the improvement of the quality and enrolment capacity of teacher-training colleges by a reorganization of teacher-training facilities, and the accelertation of in-service primary teacher training. | J. Campillo | 1968 |
ASR-953 | Appraisal of a Scheme for the Establishment of Road Maintenance Units for Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, St. Kitts and British Honduras. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1973 | |
ASR-954 | Caribbean Development Bank Preliminary Investigation on Peat in Belize. | Organization was commissioned by the CDB to carry out an Investigation of Peat for the Ministry of Energy and Communication of Belize. | Mattis Demain Beckford & Associates Limited | 1980 |
ASR-955 | The Forest Resources, Forest Administration, Forest Management and Forest Industries in Belize. | Edward S. Fellows | 1976 | |
ASR-956 | The Soils of the Belize Valley, Belize Volume 1 | This report describes in detail the morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of the 50 soil series and their constituent phases occuring withing the Belize Valley. | C. J. Birchall and R. N. Jenkin | 1979 |
ASR-957 | A Forest Inventory of Part of the Mountain Pine Ridge Belize | Report of an inventory studt made during 1969-1970 of one of the principal areas of pine forest in Belize. | M. S. Johnson and D. R. Chaffey | 1973 |
ASR-958 | Identification of the Food and Nutrition Problem in Belize. | This documents represents an effort to use all available information to functionally describe the Belize nutrition problem, with a view of laying the basis for the development of a food and nutrition policy for the country. | 1977 | |
ASR-959 | Hurricane Janet Progress Report No. 1 | Secretariat | 1955 | |
ASR-960 | Labour and Immigration in Belize | Investment Promotion Unite, Development Finance Coperation | 1979 | |
ASR-961 | Crop Surveys in the Belize Valley, British Hondiras 1970-71. Miscellaneous Report No. 135 | Three crops featured in the report are Maize, Rice and Red Kidney Beans. | J. R. Dunsmore | 1972 |
ASR-962 | Toledo Research and Development Project 1983 Annual Review. | Report of pilot project carried out at Blue Creek. | 1983 | |
ASR-963 | Current Factors Affecting Establishment of a Regular Steamship Service Between Canada and British Honduras. | Report presents economic, geographic and political factors which have bearing on the feasibility of establishing a regular steamship service, owned by Canadians, between British Honduras and Canada. | Robert B. Gayer | 1962 |
ASR-964 | Report of the Committee Appointed to Review the Salaries of Public Officers. | D. R. Gill, H. E. C. Cain and L. S. Lindo, E. N. D. Fuller, and M. J. Hulse | 1969 | |
ASR-965 | Domestic Food Production and Processing for Import Substitution Phase II. | Purpose was to analyze the performace of the food processing industry and provide information on needed improvements to become more competitive. | Dr. German Cano-Munoz | 1992 |
ASR-966 | The Geology of British Honduras. | Leslie H. Ower | 0 | |
ASR-967 | Proposed Planning, Housing, Rehabilitaton; and Development Programme for British Honduras 1955-1960. | Report on Planning and Housing Proposal. | Donald R. Hanson | 1955 |
ASR-968 | A Review of the Toledo Research and Development Project 18-24 October 1984. | Carlisle House | 1984 | |
ASR-969 | Agricultural Credit in Belize (British Honduras) | Report of review conducted on agricultural credit availability and needs in a number of countries. Recommendation of the report is for the establishment os a Credit and Savings Bank. | Hunting Technical Services Ltd. | 1971 |
ASR-970 | Toledo Rural Development. A Structural Outline with Particular Relevance to BELDA Project Toledo. | Study places the BELDA scheme in perspective in relation to more general Toledo rural development and proposes a phased approach to broad rural development of the overall area. | K. T. Sanderson and W. J. Orsman | 0 |
ASR-971 | Lime Industry Expert Final Report. | Report os study on the establihsment of a lime industry. | G. W. Talbot | 1970 |
ASR-972 | Report of a visit to Grand Cayman and Belize 1 to 12 June 1975. | Report of request made to examine to what extent design and construction building standards need to cater for the natural hazards of earthquakes and hurricanes. | J. D. M. Lloyd | 1975 |
ASR-973 | Various aspects of the Lobster and Scale Fishery in Coastal Waters. | Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations | 1985 | |
ASR-974 | Situational Analysis for Water Supply and Sanitation in Belize. | Report of request to assess the current water and sanitation situation in order to determine the assistance that would be required in order to provide 100% WATSAN coverage to Belize by the year 2000. | CARE/UNICEF | 1990 |
ASR-975 | Survey of Meteorological Capabilities and Requirements in British Honduras. | Robert J. Grace | 1966 | |
ASR-976 | Cane Transportation Problems in Belize. | B. Persaud | 1974 | |
ASR-977 | Preliminary Survey of Hydro-Electric Resources. | Purpose of survey was to examine the possibilities of establishing small and medium size hydroelectric installations throughout the territory as a suplement to the existing Diesel plants. | Societe d'Etudes Sechaud Et Metz | 1975 |
ASR-978 | A Survey of Diseases of Domestic Livestock in British Honduras. | John H. Robins | 1956 | |
ASR-979 | The Tourist Industry and Its Place in the Economy of British Honduras. | Report of assessment of tourist potential in British Honduras and recommendations as to its development and promotion. | Stanton Robbins & Co. Inc. | 1961 |
ASR-980 | Provisional Blueprint for Tourism Development | Report of assessment of tourist potential in British Honduras and recommendations as to its development and promotion. | Stanton Robbins & Co. Inc. | 1961 |
ASR-981 | Land and Water Resources of the Blue Creek Lowlands. | Report describes the land and water resource of 2 160ha of Toledo District lowland were the Government of Belize wishes to initiate planned development based on the extension of TRDP farming systems research. | S. H. Walker and I. P. Anderson | 1983 |
ASR-982 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Preparation Report Annexes A to G. | International Fund for | 0 | |
ASR-983 | Child Health on the Belmopan Periphery. | This report presents dta concerning child health status in the Belmopan periphery communities of Cemetery Road, Armenia - Manantial and Las Flores. | Nancy Moss | 0 |
ASR-984 | Ministry of Works Report Miles 0-15 Western Highway Belize Volume 1 | Richards and Dumbleton International Consultuing Engineers | 1983 | |
ASR-985 | Ministry of Works Report Miles 0-15 Western Highway Belize Volume 2 | Richards and Dimbleton International Consultuing Engineers | 1983 | |
ASR-986 | Ministry of Works Report Miles 0-15 Western Highway Belize Volume 2 | Contain 3 Plans. | Richards and Dimbleton International Consultuing Engineers | 1983 |
ASR-987 | Belize Improvements at Toucan Match Company. | Report of technical assistance given to the Toucan Match Company in order to improve methods and quality of product. | 1985 | |
ASR-988 | Tourism and National Parks: Belize (British Honduras) | Report of study conducted by CIDA into the tourism sector of the Belizean economy. Report makes recommendations with respect to tourism and national parks. | R. Lane and H. K. Eidsvik | 1972 |
ASR-989 | Final Water and Sewerage Project Status Report and Project Completion Estimates. | D. R. Wilson | 1981 | |
ASR-990 | Water and Sewerage Project Progress Evaluation Part II Program Extension. | D. R. Wilson | 1980 | |
ASR-991 | Water and Sewerage Project Progress Evaluation Part III Program Extension. | D. R. Wilson | 1980 | |
ASR-992 | Producers, Canners and Distributors Agricultural Products from Belize. | 1975 | ||
ASR-993 | Impact of Reform in International Payments on Belize. | Study designed to evaluate the critical economic repercussion of continous decline in settlement payments on Belize telecommunications industry. | John Prince | 2000 |
ASR-994 | Belize-Nova Soctia Fisheries Training Project 1978-1985 Evaluation Report. | Report of the effectiveness and impact of Training Project started in 1978 to provice techinica training to fisherues personnel from Belize. | H. R. Amit | 1983 |
ASR-995 | Report on the Fisheries Scheme for the Period 1950-1955. | E. P. Bradley | 1956 | |
ASR-996 | Belize Citrus Industry | Study of the citrus industry focuses on contraints to growth and viability, how existing areages might be made more productive, marketability of Belize produce, possibilities for additional acreages and the macro and micro economuc analysis and financial requirements. | G. M. Tout, A. G. Anderson, D. A. Estall, T. A. Freeman and J. Ryan | 1979 |
ASR-997 | Industrial Development Policy and Programmes Final Report | Report covers Industrial Policy, Incentives and Concessions, Development Finance Corporation, Training of Counterparts and Findings, Recommendations and Plan of Action. | D. H. Butani | 1978 |
ASR-998 | The Cohune Palm in British Honduras | Report of its occurrence in British Honduras and efforts to exploit the nuts. | J. W. D. Goodban | 1955 |
ASR-999 | Tourism in British Honduras Part I, A Regional Perspective. | This report attempts to put the potential of tourism in British Honduras into regional perspective so that a formal blueprint may be drawn up to guide and promote the development of this industry within pre-established parameters. | Thomas H. Miner & Associates, Inc. | 1970 |
ASR-1000 | Perspectives on Ageing in Belize. | Study seeks to break new ground in that an international voluntary agency specialising in the field of ageing and fundraising for age welfare, offers its services to a developing country in order to work towards an integrated national strategy on ageing in that country. | Ken and Jai Tout | 1985 |
ASR-1001 | Belize City: Planning for Social and Community Services, and Public Open Space. | Objective of this study is to invetory the organisations supplying social and community services to Belize City residents, outline the basic social and community service needs of Belize City residents and highlight the policy issues for the Comprehensive Development Plan for the city. | Margaret-Ann Thornton | 1988 |
ASR-1002 | An Approach to Industrial Programming in Belize. | Vladimir S. Zerjavich | 1977 | |
ASR-1003 | Child Health Outcomes Among Refugees and International Migrants: Evidence from Central America. | Purpose of the study was to investufate the effect of international migration , including refugee status, upon child health outcomes. | Nancy Moss, Michael C. Stone, Jason B. Smith and Mario Chavarria | 0 |
ASR-1004 | Child Spacing and Awareness of Family Planning Among Refugees: Evidence from Central America | Purpose of the study was to describe how international migration, including refugee status, affects child spacing and awareness of and interest in family planning. | Nancy Moss and Michael C. Stone | 0 |
ASR-1005 | Preclassic Maya Burials at Cuello, Belize | Study based on burials excavated at Cuello between 1975 and 1987. | Cynthia Robin | 1989 |
ASR-1006 | Prehistoric Maya Community and Settlement at Nohmul, Belize | Project objective was to outline the population structure of the prehistoric Nohmul and to identify changes in that structure over times. | K. Anne Pyburn | 1989 |
ASR-1007 | Belize National Drug Awareness Household Survey Final Report. | Report documents the results of the Household Drug Awareness Survey. The survey was implemented to elicit information from Belizeans about drug awareness, the dangers of drug abuse to society and about issues involving solutions to the problem. | Mary Comstock | 1989 |
ASR-1008 | Report on Rural Development Strategy in a Refugee Village, Belize. | Report presents the findings and recommendations of a project carried out in St. Margarets; a refugeee affected village along the Hummingbird Highway in Belize. The aim of the project was to produce a Rural Development Strategy to address issues of integration, farming and conservation. | M. P. Warner and L. A. White | 1990 |
ASR-1009 | Report of First Sugar Cane Extension Workshop. | Report of workshop conducted to bring together Extension personnel with the aim of exchanging views and ideas with farmers and technicians in a concerted effort to find solutions for problems and contraints that affect the Sugar Industry. | Edited by: E. A. Awe, A. Cawich and E. Zetina | 1981 |
ASR-1010 | The Feasibility of Producing Machine-Intensive Crops in British Honduras and Marketing then in the Caribbean Free Trade Area and Selected Caribbean Markets. | Thomas H. Miner & Associates, Inc | 1972 | |
ASR-1011 | Synthesis of Drug Awareness and Education Research. | Research objective was to investigate the extent of adolescent drug use, when and where are drugs are used and how have the figures changed between 1986 and 1989. | Mary Comstock | 1989 |
ASR-1012 | Socio-Anthropological Aspects of Development in Southern Belize. | Ann Osborn | 1982 | |
ASR-1013 | The Consolidation of Caracol: Touristic Development of Belize's Premier Archaeological Site | Report of two year peoject designed to study the effects of Caracol's two successful wars on the population living outside the Caracol epicenter within its core center. | A. and D. Chase | 1989 |
ASR-1014 | Excavations at Cuello, Belize, 1990: a preliminary summary | Report of 1990 season at Cuello intended to elucidate the earlier sequence of buildings on the north side of the Middle Preclassic courtyard, while a secondary objective was to open a new trench on the southside. | Norman Hammond | 1990 |
ASR-1015 | Excavations at Cuello, Belize, 1897 A Preliminary Summary | Report of 1987 season from January to April. Season focused on evidence of economy and environment along with the functions of buildings in the Middle and Early Formative periods. In particular the resolution of whether early structures at Cuello had been of domestic of ceremonial function. | Norman Hammond | 1987 |
ASR-1016 | The Cahal Pech, Belize Project: A Progress Report of the Second (1989) Season of Investigations. | Season objectives were to excavate a couple mounds in th site core, to survey and map the immediate peripheral zone of the site, to excavate a few structures in the periphery and top ascertain the chronological limites and cultural complexity of Formative occupation at the site. | Jaime J. Awe, Cassandra Bill and Mark D. Campbell | 1990 |
ASR-1017 | Wild Cane Cay, Belize: Ancient Maya by the Sea Report. | Report of March 1988 research intended to answer two questions: (1) What was the origin and development of the coastal trade at Wild Cane Cay and (2) Were there other communities in the southern Belizean coastal areas that also participated in this coastal trade? | Heather Mckillop and Lawrence Jackson | 1988 |
ASR-1018 | Colha Operation 1988 | Report of 1988 excavations at Operation 4046 of Colha. Work concentrated on an area near the edge of an aguada where material of presumes Archaic date wer excavated by the author during the 1987 season. | Gregory Wood | 1988 |
ASR-1019 | The Human Skeletal Remins from a Terminal Classic Skull Pit at Colha, Belize. Papers of the Colha Project Vol. 3 | Objectives of this investigation were to detect and evaluate conditions affecting the life and death of the individuals whose cranial remains were preserved in the skull pit at Colha. | Virginia Massey | 1989 |
ASR-1020 | Geology, Archaeology, and Biology of the Chiquibul Caverns, Belize. First Report of National Geographic Grant # 3089-85 | Geologic study of the origins and the unique cockpit karst landscape. Geologic objectives were to test the theory that the karsts had a fluvial origin, and to add to general knowledge of these karsts by determining their age of formation and the rates of operation of solutional processes. | Edited by: T. E. Miller | 0 |
ASR-1021 | Current Economic Situation and Prospectus | B. P. Thomson | 1976 | |
ASR-1022 | Belize Airways Limited | Report of an inspection which took place between 20th October and 6th November 1977 | A. P. Mason | 1977 |
ASR-1023 | Inquiry Into Report of certain Irregularities at Government Printing Department, Belize City. | R. H. Barrow | 1974 | |
ASR-1024 | Belmopan An Ex-post Evaluation | General evaluation of the Belmopan project specifically covering technical, economic and social aspects, with the object go producing a report including: recommendations regarding the ODA's approach to similar projects, means of inprovement and advice on future development of Belmopan. | Llewelyn-Davis Weeks Forestier-Walker and Bor and Social and Community Planning Research | 1974 |
ASR-1025 | The Private Sector in the Economy of Belize | Report in the role of the private sector and obstacles thereto in Belize. | 1981 | |
ASR-1026 | Belize Decent Work Country Programme | The Programme is the mechanism through which the ILO will support the efforts of Tripartite contituents in Belize in the three priority areas identified. | International Labour Organization and Ministry of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development | 2009 |
ASR-1027 | National Child Labour Policy: A National Policy Response to Child Labour in Belize. | Policy identifies key programme areas and focuses on three categories of Child Labour requiring urgent attention. | Government of Belize | 2009 |
ASR-1028 | Report on National Symposium on Local Governance | Purpose of the Symposium was to engage local government stakeholders in a dialogue that would help inform (a) the development of better national local government policy and (b) a strategic plan to guide local government decisions and actions in the immediate and long term. | Ministry of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development | 2008 |
ASR-1029 | Health Statistics of Belize 2003-2007 | Publication presents data relating to health situation during 2003-2007 and the tables presented are based on data recieves from the differentpublic health facilities in Belize and to certain extent, the private health care facilities. | Epidemology Unit, Ministry of Health | 2008 |
ASR-1030 | Health Situation in Belize, Belize Basic Indicators 2007. | To provide evidence to monitor and evaluate Belize Health System. | Epidemology Unit, Ministry of Health | 2007 |
ASR-1031 | User Friendly Version of 2009 CPA | Objective of this study is to identify the extent, characteristics and causes of poverty in Belize, to evaluate the effectiveness of current policies and programmes, and to make recommendations for future policies and programmes. | National Human Development Advisory Committee, Ministry of Economic Development | 2010 |
ASR-1032 | Belize Environment Outlook GEO Belize. | Report highlights that important natural resources of the country and the services they provide, are seriously threatened by insustainable use. | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | 2010 |
ASR-1033 | Situacion De Los Recursos Hidricos En Centro America. Hacia Una Gestion Intefrada | Global Water Partnership, Union Europea, ZONAF and BCIE | 2011 | |
ASR-1034 | Surface Water Drainage Belize City Belize Volume 2 | Conducted to advise the Government of Belize on the feasibility of improving the surface water drainage of Belize City. | Richards & Dumbleton International Consulting Engineers | 1983 |
ASR-1035 | Ministry of Natural resources and the Environment Report Card | Accomplishments of the Ministry of Natural Resources | Ministry of Natural Resources | 0 |
ASR-1036 | Summary Report of Recommendations of Political Reform Commission | Report of the findings and recommendations of the system of governance improvement. | Belize Civil Society Movement | 2000 |
ASR-1037 | The Belize National Food and Nutrition Assessment | Assessment was administered to REAP students in the upper division classes and their families to analyze the nutrient intakes and food habits of selected rural school children and their families. | Lee D. Gelb, Dr. Jan Dodds, Dr. Lillian Young, Grace Damio | 1985 |
ASR-1038 | Tourism Development Project Report for Non-Archaeological Component of the Tourism Development Project | This report recommeds that with the increasing interest in the Maya among tourist, the Government should consider developing its ancient sites and cities into perfect tourist destinations. | PEU | 2013 |
ASR-1039 | Toward Equality of Opportunity for Equality of Results: A Situtation Analysis of Gender and Politics in Belize | Objectives included providing data and analysis on the participation rate of women in both elected office and appointed positions since 1988, as well as an analysis of the current political and policy context and structural barriers affecting women in the political process. | 2012 | |
ASR-1040 | Belize Livestock Development Project II. Dairy Production Programme | Rafael Ledesma, Ph.D and Orlando Habet | 1991 | |
ASR-1041 | Report of Agriculture Survey | Survey of the beekeeping possbilities of Belize and its present problems. | G. F. Townsend | 1979 |
ASR-1042 | Final Evaluation of the Belize Livestock Development Project | The purpose of the prokect is to improve production efficiences of small and medium size farms in the rearing of livestock to expand market outlets for lievestock products, primarily through import sustitution activities. | Thomas King, Ned. S. Raun, Kenneth Young | 1987 |
ASR-1043 | Belize: Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture Project Assessment Report Volume III | Purpose of this review is for the MOA Staff to be knowledgeable of this USAID Mission in Belize policy dialogue with the GOB regarding agricultural development efforts. | Dennis H. Wood, Wendel Parham, Albert Williams | 1989 |
ASR-1044 | The Revised National Gender Policy (Part 2) | The policy indetifies and examines the inequities experienced by both men and women and suggests strategies to corrrect gender disparities as well as gives direction for the co-ordination and implementation of the policy. | National Women's Commission, UNDP, UNICEF | 2013 |
ASR-1045 | Child Labour in Belize: a Statistical Report | Survery forms part of the Statistical Information and Monitoring Programme on Child Labour and is aimed to provide urgently needed data on the character, dimensions, magnitude, patterns, determinants, and consequences of child labour in Belize. | Elizabeth Arnold-Talbert, Leticia Contanza-Vega | 2003 |
ASR-1045 | 1999 Belize Family Health Survey Males | Provides bench mark data, and presents information on the knowledge and attitudes of Belizean men on contraceptive use, child bearing, HIV/AIS, c ondoms and domestic violence and other areas of concern. | Central Statistical Office | 2001 |
ASR-1046 | 1999 Belize Family Health Survey Females | Objectives of the survey are to have ab updated database for urgent use in decisions related to family health. The survey will provide needed information on fertility of females, infact and child mortality, famiyl pratices, and the use of maternal and child health services in Belize. | Central Statistical Office | 2001 |
ASR-1047 | Human Development Report 2000 | United Nations Development Programme | 2000 | |
ASR-1048 | Millennium Development Goals Report and Post 2015 Agenda | Third report that document's Belize's progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals between 2010 and 2012. The report highlights lessons learnt and best practices, it identifies additional measures required, and impact the prospects for targeted achievement by 2015 | United Nations Development Programme and GOB | 2013 |
ASR-1049 | Feasibility Study for Rattan Production in Belize | Feasibility study on production of commercial rattan species in Belize to determine the biological and economic feasibility of establishing commercial plantation of rattan in Belize, to determine the suitability of native species for commercial prodution, to define the cultural requirements, harvesting and processing and to identify potential areas for the establishment of rattan plantations. | William R. Palaypayon | 1989 |
ASR-1050 | Status of Critical Habitat in Belize | Report of recommended work which resulted from a 1992 workshop to review the status of protected land and critical habitat in Belize. | Lou Nicolait | 1993 |
ASR-1051 | Feasibility Study Report Belize OIC Development | Purpose of the was to study the causes of unemployment among youth and determine the most vible solution withing the framework of OIC methodology and capabilities. | Gary Robinson, Planning Department | 1988 |
ASR-1052 | A Conceptual Proposal for Recreational Development and Use of the Sapodilla Cayes | (Contains Proposal Map) | Ney C. Landrum | 1988 |
ASR-1053 | Descriptive Analyis and Evaluation of The Agriculture Commodity Marketing System Performace in Belize (First Draft) | Study objectives were to observe and describe the marketing organization and functional activities of the Belize agricultural Commodity Marketing system, to identify problems, contraints, potential demand growth, marketing performance and effectiveness of market insitutions, to make an action or policy recommendations to improve the system and to provide imputs into other sections of the US/AID Belize Agricultural Sector Assessment report. | Kenneth E. Egertson, University of Minnesota | 1984 |
ASR-1054 | The Soils of Central Farm, Belize | Miscellaneous report of the Land Resources Division Project to assess the agricultural development potential of the Belize Valley. (Includes Maps) | R. N. Jenkin | 1975 |
ASR-1055 | Factors in Belize's Food and Nutrition Planning; Suggested Policies and Programes for the Next 5 Year Planning Period | Report of the fourteenth West Indian agricultural Economics Conference. The objective of the conference was to produce a working document to be used by the Ministry of Agriculture in elaborating proposals for the future development of Belize's agricultural sector. | Hayden Blades and Winston Phillips | 1979 |
ASR-1056 | Report of Maize, Sorghum, and Soybean variety Trial Conducted at Central Farm, Belize, Ca | Report of a feasibility study conducted at the Government Experiment Station, Central Farm | Samuel H. Galloway | 1973 |
ASR-1057 | Report on the Proceedings of the Social Sector Dialogue | Report on a Social Sector Strategy Dialogue oraganized and carried our by GOB (Ministries of Human Development and Women, Education and Sports, Rural Development and Culture and Health) with assistance from IDB. The objectives of the SSSD were to prioratize social programs within fiscal and institutional realities, review past experinces in inter and intra sectoral coordination and strengthen mechanisms for coordination among all stakeholders. | Anselmo Castaneda | 1999 |
ASR-1058 | Proposal to Provide Technical Assitance to the Toledo Agricultural Marketing Project in Belize Volume One Technical Proposal | Chemonics International Consulting Division and Walker Williams and Company | 1988 | |
ASR-1059 | Accessing Justice in Belize: The Impact of the Proposed Constitution Amendments | Report of a Forum held to enable an informed debate of the implications of the Bill and about the issues of access to justice, crime and violence, increase dialogue and public awareness of the Bulll, develop recommendations to inform agencies advocacy campaigns and strengthen the network between organizers and the three tiers of society. | ANDA, HRCB, UNDP and SPEAR | 2003 |
ASR-1060 | Evaluation of Accelerated Cocoa Production Project Belize | Report of the evaluation of the second annual Accerlated Cocoa Production Retreat. | Robert Gaarder | 1986 |
ASR-1061 | IRDC-Belize Forage Legume and Pasture Research Programme Technical Report Phase II | Two year report from November 1979 to October 1981 of a programe to continue to identify grasses and native forage legumes with potential in the region and to develop pasture management techniques in order to increase beef and dairy production in Belize. | Wendel D. J. Parham | 1981 |
ASR-1062 | IRDC-Belize Forage Legume and Pasture Research Programme Final Report Phase II | Four year report from November 1984 to December 1988 of a programe to continue to identify grasses and native forage legumes with potential in the region and to develop pasture management techniques in order to increase beef and dairy production in Belize. | Elide Valencia | 1989 |
ASR-1063 | Indian Church Milpa Project Report on Field Studies and Laboratory Analyses Mary 1978- June 1979 | Report consists of three sections which covers analysis of the High Bush milpa, the Cohune Ridge or Corozal milpa and the amalysis of soild from milpas of varying ages at Succotz and Indian Church. | Dr. J. D. H. Lambert and Dr. J. T. Arnason | 1979 |
ASR-1064 | Toledo Agricultural Marketing Technical Proposal | Louis Berget International, INC. | 1988 | |
ASR-1065 | Millennium Development Goals Report and Post 2015 Agenda | MDG Progress Report takes a stocktaking assessment of the progress towards achiecing the Milennium Development Goal documenting challenges that hindered progress and clearly indentifying the 'unfinished business' or remaining and emerging priorities within the context of each MDG. | GOB and UNDP | 2013 |
ASR-1066 | National Sustainable Tourism Masterplan for Belize 2030 Executive Summary | Summary of the National Sustainable Tourism Master Plan that will serve as the blueprint for the industry, guiding Belize towards its vision for tourism for the next 20 years. | Belize Tourism Board | 2012 |
ASR-1067 | Official Comments on the Report of the Tripartite Survey Mission | Comments on a report conducted to analyse the economy and its growth potential and suggest guide lines for development over the next five years. | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | 1966 |
ASR-1068 | Major Revenue Changes in Period 1948-68 | Reports action taken on the main proposals of the Fiscal Revision Committee which was appointed to made as complete a survery as possible of the whole field of taxation and make recommendations for revisions. | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | 1969 |
ASR-1069 | Comments on the British Honduras Hurricane Assessment Mission Report and Proposals for a Programme of Rehabilitation | Program for the Rehabilitation of the country after Hurricane Hattie | Government of British Honduras | 1962 |
ASR-1070 | Belize National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan | National Biodiversity Committee, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment | 1998 | |
ASR-1071 | Forestry in British Honduras | A statement prepared for the British Forestry Conference Australia and New Zealand | J. N. Oliphant, Conservator of Forests | 1928 |
ASR-1072 | Compedium of Living Conditions and Dietary Statistics of the Labouring Classes | Report from a survey of the conditions under which the average familt of the masses exists. | Black Cross Nurses | 1938 |
ASR-1073 | Forestry in British Honduras | A statement prepared for the British Forestry Conference South Africa | N. S. Stevenson, Conservator of Forests | 1935 |
ASR-1074 | Erection of New Block and Addition to Hospital | Specification of work to be done and materials to be used for the new hospital block. | Government of British Honduras | 1953 |
ASR-1075 | Treaty establishing the Caribbean Community | Official Text of the Treaty, the Final Act and the Agreement establishing the Common External Tariff | Caribbean Community Secretariat | 1973 |
ASR-1076 | Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community Appendix B The Caribbean Common Market | 1973 | ||
ASR-1077 | Damage Assessment and Rehabilitation Plan for Belize Water and Sewerage Authority Aftermath of Hurricane Keith | 2000 | ||
ASR-1078 | Hurricane Emergency Plan | The general objectves of this plan is to Allow the Ministry of Health to respond effectively in the event of a Hurricane, to coordinate the health secot's hurricane preparedenss plans, to function as a guideline for continued development of Ministry of Health's Hurricane Preparednedd Plans and to coordinate the Ministry of Health's Hurricane Preparedness Plan with those of other Ministries. | The Health Sector Hurricane Disaster Management Committee | 1991 |
ASR-1079 | Expansion of the Sugar Industry of Belize | Document outlines the history of the sugar industry, the expansion of the industry to date, gives brief references to studies completed to date, the potential for further expansion, the constraines on expansions and the importance of the industry in providing employment, direct revenues and foreign exchange earnings for Belize. | Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. | 1982 |
ASR-1080 | Belize International Aiport Feasibility Study and Final Desgins for Airport Development | Proposal in response to an invitation to submit a non-proced technical proposal for consulting services required in connection with Belize International Airport. | N. D. Lea Itnternational Ltd. & Phillip E. Andrewin | 1987 |
ASR-1081 | A Survey of Middle Managers in the Civil Service of Belize, 1984 | This study is one of a series of surveys conducted by CARICAD in order to provide basic manpower data on the region's oublic services. The information enables Establishment Departments and Training Divisions to plan their programmed of human resource development. The data indicate the need for administrative reform in the field of public personnel management. | F. E. Nunes | 1984 |
ASR-1082 | Report from the Joint Select Committee on The White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independence Belize | Seventh Meeting of the Joint Select Committee Apponted to examine, consider and report on the White Paper - Proposed Terms of a Constitution for the Independent Belize, held in Orange Walk Town, Tuesdau, February 24th, 1981 | For House of Representatives | 1981 |
ASR-1083 | Economic Memorandum on Belize Report No. 3823-BEL | The report looks at the finances of the country and discusses prudent economic and fiscal policies that could be implemented in order for it to be considered creditworthy for borrowing on conventional terms. | World Bank | 1982 |
ASR-1084 | Activities and Accomplishments of the Ministry of Health for the Period 1990 to Present | Report of accomplishments from 1990 Plan to promote better Primary Health Care | Ministry of Health | 0 |
ASR-1085 | Education Policies and Social Participation in A Multi-Ethnic Context The Belize Component First Three Month Report 15th April to July , 1989 | Report of the Central American Programme of Research on Education Policies and Social Participation in a Multi-ethnic Context to indentify and descibe the relvenant socio-demographic, economic, poltitical and cultural aspects of the different ethnic groups living in the Atlantic Coast and to describe the countries' official education policies as regards, curricula, content and methodology with special reference to how these policies favour or ignore the mother tongue of groups. | Inez E. Sanchez and Francis Fonseca | 1989 |
ASR-1086 | Port Development Investigation | Report of investigation conducted to deterine in what respect and at what cost existing Port facilities at Belize reqiore improvement in order to handle increased future general trade and to use the findings to report on the feasibility of providing a pier for lighters at Commerce Bight (Stann Creek), with an estimate of approximate cost. | Rendel, Palmer and Tritton | 1950 |
ASR-1087 | The Feasibility of Vegetable Canning in Belize | Report of an investigation into the feasibility of establishing a vegetable canning plant in the Belmopan area based on a land settlement scheme involving small farms; the posibility of an export trade in fresh vegetables based on production from such a land settlement scheme and the feasibility of alternative forms of processing and packing other than canning | B. Persaud | 1974 |
ASR-1088 | Evaluation of Public Sector Fiscal Performance in Belize | Report of a study conducted to evaluate the performance of the consolidated non-financial public sector of Belize in meeting the savings target of the ESF stabilization program during fiscal year 1985-86. | Booz.Allen & Hamilton Inc. | 1986 |
ASR-1089 | Observations and Recommendations for Initial Planning of Community Based Services for Disabled Belize | Report of a four day visit for planning an integrated project directed towards the development of community-based services for disabled children and adults. | Garren Lumpkin | 1984 |
ASR-1090 | Improving the Food and Nutrition Situation in Belize | Suggested Programmes and Projects with Particular Reference to the Agricultural Sector | Joseph S. Johnson | 1979 |
ASR-1091 | A CARICOM Grains Project in Belize Volume 2 Pilot Project Implementation and Management | Volume II presents the costed analysis of implementing the proposed project. | 1981 | |
ASR-1092 | Traditional Milpa Agriculture in Belize | In 1977 a Canada-Belize co-operative project was initiated to assess the potential of the new area and the problems facing farmers using traditional methods. The focus of the project was to gather baseline data on soils, weeds, crops and microclimate in order to assess the problems and potentials of traditional agricultrural systems. The report documents some of the findings of the three year study (1977-80) on nutrient cycling in undisturned forest and milpa. | John D. H. Lambert & J. Thor Arnason | 1982 |
ASR-1093 | Belize Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Main Text and Annexes 1-6 | Report of an identification mission conducted to identify a project for small farmers in the Toledo or Cayo Districts. | A. G. Apodaca, O. M. Strachan, K. M. Pelzer, J. N. Landers | 1985 |
ASR-1094 | Memorandum on the Public Sector Investment Programme of Belize | 1987 | ||
ASR-1095 | The Belize Barrier Reef Ecosystem: An Assessment of it Resources, Conservation Status and Mangement | Report of project conducted to compile and evaluate available data appropros the "health" of the Belize Barrier Reef and its support systems, the role of the reef in the society, and the readiness of belize to maintain the biological integrity of this truly remarkable and unique marine resource. | Judith S. Perkins | 1986 |
ASR-1096 | Belize: Selected Tax Issues | Report of a request from Belizean authorities for technical assistance on the tax field. The request stemmed from the intention of the authorities to improve tax administration, simplify the tax system, and, if necessary, raise revenue in the short term to help close the overall fiscal deficit. | Charles Mansfield & Charles Miriani | 1986 |
ASR-1097 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 1 Hurricanes and the Forests of Belize | Report contains a list of hurricanes known to have struck Belize and a general discussion of matters relating to hurricane-prone forest resource. | Jon Friesner | 1993 |
ASR-1098 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 2 The Burdon Canal Nature Reserve | Report of proposal to extend the boundaries of the Nature Reserve. | Jon Friesner | 1993 |
ASR-1099 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 2 Belizean Secondary Hardwoods: Production and Pricing | Warren Benfield | 1994 | |
ASR-1100 | Mangrove Habitats of Belize: Extent ,Characteristics and Research Needs | Summary of the extent and nature of Belizean mangrove communities, and highlights the inventory requirements necessary to determine their full resource value. | Simon A. Zisman | 1990 |
ASR-1101 | Mafredi Rehabilitation | This paper gives a brief background to the decision to rehabilitate some of the abandoned rice land in the Toledo district of Belize. It includes a summary of the results achieved in 1984 and discusses those of 1985 in more detail. | Stephen Hickman | 1986 |
ASR-1102 | The Case for Matahambre Cropping of Corn in Toledo | M. W. Brown & D. E. Johnson | 1984 | |
ASR-1103 | Matahambre Corn The production of Maize during the Off-Season | A survey was made of the matahambre system of maize production, with a particular interest being paid to the systems potential for reducing land pressure. The following report describes the current husbandry practices for matahambre maize production and further agronomic details, such as weed, pest and disease incidence. | C. L. Baskerville | 1984 |
ASR-1104 | Production of Beans in the Uplands of Southern Toledo | Report of a survey carried out in 1984 to examine the husbandry techniques used for bean productions, paying particular attention to the problems in the cropping systems. | C. L. Baskerville | 1984 |
ASR-1105 | The Impact of Hurricanes in Belize: Hazrd Planning and the Public Perception | Philippa Thompson | 0 | |
ASR-1106 | Bulletin 48 Agricultural Development Prospects in Belize | One of three reports that completes the land resource assessment of Belize undertaken ny NRI from 1986-1990. The aim of this report is to asses the entire agricultural resources of the country, present and assessment of how they can be used to best effect, both in short (economically) and long term (by protecting the environment) and present a map indicating the preferred use for each part of the country. | R.B. King, J.H. Pratt, M.P. Warner, S.A. Zisman | 1993 |
ASR-1107 | School Repetition and Drop-out Situation in Belize | Dr. Una Paul - Allyson Hammel Smith | 1996 | |
ASR-1108 | Vegetation of The Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area, Belize | This report presents a vegetation map of the 110,000 acre, eastern section of Rio Bravo and describes the different vegetation types in that section, with quantitative descriptions of some major forest types. | Nicholas V. L. Brokaw, Elizabeth P. Mallory & Programme for Belize | 1993 |
ASR-1109 | Ministry of Health National Health Insurance (NHI) A gateway to better health for all | Ministry of Health | 0 | |
ASR-1110 | A Study on the Feasibility for Commercialization of White Potato and Onion in Belize | Report on the feasibility of commercializing both White Potato and Inion and integrating these crops into existing production systems in appropriate agroecological zones. | Rowland Fletcher, Kelvin Craig & Frederick Payton | 1991 |
ASR-1111 | Decentralization and Local Governance in Belize: A Chronicle of Developments and Identification of Key Issues for Further Dialogue and Action | Primary purpose of this Working Paper is to document decentralization and local governance experience in Belize so as to inform the preparation and implementation of a project proposal on furthering results-oriented dialogue and action on these issues. | Dylan Vernon | 2008 |
ASR-1112 | The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Children in Belize | Report of a rapid assessment and response process conducted which focused exclusively on child vulnerability caused by HIV/AIDS and what could be done about it. The broader context of child vulnerability is describes in two studies completed around the same time - the non-government report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, and a situation analysis of children and adolescents by UNICEF. | 2004 | |
ASR-1113 | Situation Analysis of Children with HIV Belize and Stann Creek Districts Belize (DRAFT) | Study of a rapid assessment of the situation of children living with HIV to form the development of a strategic framework for the provision of care and support to children with HIV and AIDS. | Adele Catzim-Sanchez | 0 |
ASR-1114 | Role of Small Farmers in the Development of the Agricultural Economy | Report of Seminar Proceedings | J. Seepersad | 1991 |
ASR-1115 | Cocoa Farm Economic Report and Development Models | Report on economic development models of cocoa farm developments prepared to assess the viability of small-scale (10 acres) cocoa production units in Belize and to outline an economic development plan for such farms. | James M. Corven & Janine Leydet | 1987 |
ASR-1116 | Background Documentation for the Third Meeting of the Assembly of Caribbean Community Parliamentarians (ACCP) | 2000 | ||
ASR-1117 | The Right to a Future 2000 A situational analysis of Children in Belize | Fourth publication in a series of reports, which chronicles the country's progress toward securing the rughts of Belizean children. It gathers in one document, the most recent statistical data and provides an a analysis of the major social indicattors vital to the develoment and growth of children in Belize. | UNICEF | 2001 |
ASR-1118 | Belize National Gender Policy 2002 | National Gender Policy which sets our to indentify the inequities experiences by both men and women and suggests action for the correction of gender disparities as well as giving direction for the coordination and implementation of the policy. | Robert Johnson | 2002 |
ASR-1119 | The National Security Strategy of Belize | The National Security Strategy outlines the combines use of the political, economic, social, informational, and secutrity instruments of national power. It clarifies the institutional framework wihin which the security forces and civil instutions of the state will coordinate their activities to create an intefrated and cohesive national security network to safeguard national interests. | Ministry of National Security | 0 |
ASR-1120 | Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Belize Barrier Reef Complex Independent Final Evaluation | Report presents the findings and recommendations of the independent final evaluation of the evaluation which was implemented from May 1999 to July 2004. The project which aimed to support the Government of Belize in addressing the needs and consolidating the integrated coastal zone management programme by undertaking targeted interventions of biodiversity protection in a sustainable manner. | Lawrence P. Hildebrands, Allen D. Putney, Maria Vega | 2005 |
ASR-1121 | Assessment of Abatement Impact of the Solar Panel Project for the village of San Benito Poite and The Replacement of Incandescent Bulbs with Flourescents Project on Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Belize | Mark J. Mullet and Dr. Ludwig Palacio | 0 | |
ASR-1122 | An Assessmnet of Land Tenure and Land Administration in Belize | This report decribes the existing land tenure system which shapes the cadastral surveying, ajudication,land registration and land administration system; it describes the current cadastral surveying system and land registration system and identifies problem areas and made recommencations for improving and modernizing them; and, it describes the steps necessary to formalize property rights. | Heiner J. Sander | 1995 |
ASR-1123 | Progress Report for the Period April 1983 to March 1986 Geology and Petroleum Unit | Report on the activities carried out during the time period and is divided into eleven chapters dealing with seismic work, drilling activity, building a database, geochemical studies, micropalaeontoloial studies, mineral exploration and consultancy services. | R. Prasada Rao | 1986 |
ASR-1124 | Macro Socio-Economic Assessment of the Damage and Losses Caused by Hurricane Dean | Report prepared at the request of the Government of Beliez following the passage of Hurricane Dean on August 21st, 2007 which posed a need, apart from the immediate humanitarian response, for a rapid assessment of the social and economic impact. It explored the vulnerability contect of the affected groups and the wider macroeconomic framework of the country. | UNDP & IICA | 2007 |
ASR-1125 | Monkey River Village Erosion Study: An Assessment and Proposed Mitigation | Specific objectives of the study were to access the main agents of erosion in Monkey River Village; quatify the rate of erosion; provide and assessment of the social economic and environmental cost of erosion to the village; propose mitigation measures for erosion control; and, build capacity to assees and implement mitigation measures towards erosion control. | Galen University | 2007 |
ASR-1126 | Land Management Program Workplan and Budget April 2007-January 2008 | Report sets out the activities, timelines and budget to January 2008 for the completion of the Land Management Program Activities. | Gob & IDB | 0 |
ASR-1127 | An Environmental Agenda for Belize 2008-2013 Full Report | Belize Audubon Society | 2008 | |
ASR-1128 | Regional Policy on Private Protected Areas | Mesoamerican Network of Private Nature Reserves | 2007 | |
ASR-1129 | Project Document Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Belize's Second National Communication to the United Nationa Framework Convention of Climate Change | The project encorporated the findings and recommendations of the 2005 National Capacity Self- Assessment and climate change self assessment exercies as well as recommencationd from consultation workshops. The main components are and inventory of the greenhhouse gases for years 1996-2000; vulnerability assessments of the impacts of climate change and adaptation measures; and, research to improve quality of information. | UNDP | 2006 |
ASR-1130 | Foraminiferal Micropaleontological Report on Coco Plum-I Well Offshore Belize | R. Ramanathan | 1988 | |
ASR-1131 | Geologial Work in Belize | Presented at the workshop on Geology and Resource Development of Central american in Antigua, Guatemala | R. Prasada Rao & Clinton Gardiner | 1985 |
ASR-1132 | Report on the Reconnaissance Investigation of Silica Sands | K. M. Nair & P. A. Cho | 1986 | |
ASR-1133 | Foraminiferal Micropaleontological Report on Coco Yalbac-I Well Offshore Belize | R. Ramanathan | 1989 | |
ASR-1134 | Porosity Evaluation in the Corozal Basin | J. H. Cornec | 1986 | |
ASR-1135 | Oil Exploration in Belmopan Area | R. Prasada & K. M. Nair | 1987 | |
ASR-1136 | An Oil Policy for Belize | R. Prasada Rao & Clinton Gardiner | 1985 | |
ASR-1137 | Closing the Gap National Census of School Children in Belize, 1996 | Ministry of Education | 1996 | |
ASR-1138 | Land Management Program Update | Ministry of Natural Resources | 2007 | |
ASR-1139 | Beltraide Action Plan 2007-2008 | Fourth Annual Action Plan for the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service | 2007 | |
ASR-1140 | Public Service Review March - May 1986 | Executive Summary of Volumes 1, 2 and 3 | Hamish Millar-Craig, Kofi Ankomah, Bal Raj Virmani | 1986 |
ASR-1149 | British Honduras Developmetnt Plan 1964-1971 | Plan is based on the report of a mission of international experts recruited and financed by the United Nationsl Technical Assistance Board. | 0 | |
ASR-1142 | Belize Development Plan 1972-1975 | (First Draft) | 0 | |
ASR-1143 | British Honduras Development Plan 1950 | Draft | 1950 | |
ASR-1144 | British Honduras Development Plan Immediate Plan Part II | 1950 | ||
ASR-1145 | British Honduras Development Plan 1955-1960 Part III Revised Draft | 0 | ||
ASR-1146 | British Honduras Development Plan 1955-1960 Part III | 1955 | ||
ASR-1147 | Government of Belize 1977-1979 | Central Planning Unit | 1977 | |
ASR-1148 | Government of Belize 1980-1983 | Central Planning Unit | 1980 | |
ASR-1141 | Public Service Review March - May 1986 Volume 1 | 0 | ||
ASR-1150 | An Analysis of The Public Service Review (Report 1986) | Permanent Secretarues | 1986 | |
ASR-1151 | Proposed Oil Refinery for Belize, Central America | Belize Power Producers Ltd. | 1983 | |
ASR-1152 | Belize Reef Community A Description of the process involved in preparing the concept master plan, the land use regulations, and the development master plan for North Amergris Caye | A Description of the process involved in preparing the concept master plan, the land use regulations, and the development master plan for North Amergris Caye | Community Design Institute, Inc. | 1993 |
ASR-1153 | Technical Proposal Livestock II (RFP Belize 89-004) | Experience Inc. | 1989 | |
ASR-1154 | Development and Implementation of a Land Information System in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Belize | Contract No. 32 of 2006/2007 for Consultants' Services between GOB and Stewart Information International, Inc. | 2007 | |
ASR-1155 | The Belize National Protected Areas System Plan | The Natoinal Protected Area System Plan is the end prodicts of 2 years of work by the Protected Areas Task Force, an inter-inter-ministerial group charged with the development of a coherent approach to protected area establishment and management on a national scale. | 2005 | |
ASR-1156 | National Plan of Action for the Control of Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution in Belize (Draft) | Department of Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment | 2008 | |
ASR-1157 | Strategic Plan 2005 to 2010 Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) | Dr. Roy Young, Ms. Luz Longsworth, Dr. Larry Wolfe, Dr. Victoria Macfarlane, Lance Lilley | 2004 | |
ASR-1158 | Report of the Constitutional Commissioner | Report of inquiry into the working of the present constitution of British Honduras and to make recommendations for any changes which may be thought desirable | Hilary Blood | 1959 |
ASR-1159 | Ministry of Education: A review of the system and programmes and strategies for development | This document outlines a vision for education as an integral part of a national development stategy for Belize. It outlines the policy goals the government proposes to pursue in different areas of education and indicated significant new policy directons for the education system as a whole. | 1997 | |
ASR-1160 | Sand Report, Carmelita Village Orange Walk District | 1996-2000 proposed National Development Strategy | E. Garcia, National Project Director | 1988 |
ASR-1161 | Foraminiferal Micropaleontological Report on Monkey River Well-I, Onshore Belize | RM. Ramanathan | 1985 | |
ASR-1162 | Protected Areas Conservation Trust Environmental Education Strategy Plan 2007-2012 | The plan sets out s strategic framework that guides and directs the PACT in the enhancement and development of environmetal education in Belize. This strategy poitns to the relevant environmental education issues that can eb addressed to meet a sustainable future for Belize. | Anna D. Hoare, Vincent Palacio, Olivia Carballo-Avilez | 2007 |
ASR-1163 | Granite Project Preliminary Report | Belize Investment, Inc | 1994 | |
ASR-1164 | Employee Assistance Policy for the Belize Public Service | Ministry of the Public Service | 2014 | |
ASR-1165 | Belize Public Service Regulations | Ministry of the Public Service | 2014 | |
ASR-1166 | Portfolio of Informaiton on British Honduras | Department of Information and Communication | 1961 | |
ASR-1167 | Five Year Macro-Economic Plan for Belize 1985-1989 | 0 | ||
ASR-1168 | Proposal for the Hol Chan Marine Reserve | Janet Gibson | 1987 | |
ASR-1169 | A Conservation and Environmental Data System (CEDS) for Belize (Proposal) | Land Information Center, Ministry of Natural Resources | 1993 | |
ASR-1170 | Project Proposal for Small Farmer Development in Belize | CARDI | 1988 | |
ASR-1171 | Recommendations on Industrial Effluent Quality Standards for Belize (Draft Final Report) | Natural Resource Management and Protection Project USAID Project No. 505-0043 | Miller and Miller Limited | 1994 |
ASR-1172 | Insitutional Assessment of Local Non-Governmental Organizations in Belize Final Report | Miller and Miller Limited | 1993 | |
ASR-1173 | Results of Baseline Survey in Toledo, Stann Crekk and Cayo Districts (Draft) | Sustainable Agriculture Production Program | 1993 | |
ASR-1174 | Measures for Improving Local Practices in Agriculture (MILPA) Project Phase I | Project Proposal | Sylvano Guerrero, John Link, Gary Burniske, Anne Selting | 1987 |
ASR-1175 | The Potential for Exporting Belize Rice to Caribbean Common Market Countries (Draft) | Loren L. Parks & Kenneth Cassman | 1989 | |
ASR-1176 | Repot of the Reconstruction and Development Corporation January 1963 to July 1966 | Reconstruction and Development Corporation | 1966 | |
ASR-1177 | Final Report on Inter-Ministerial Coordination | Prepared for the Natural Resource Management and Protection Project | Carlos G. Santos | 1993 |
ASR-1178 | Maya Archaeological Sites Development Programme Final Report | John Morris | 2001 | |
ASR-1179 | Report on Feasibility Assessment of the Government of Belize Information System | Charlotte Malther & Peter Vendelbo | 1999 | |
ASR-1180 | Cultural Resource Management Plan for the Conservation and Mangement of Belizean Archaeological Sites | Dominic Green | 0 | |
ASR-1181 | The National Food and Agriculture Policy 2002-2020 (Draft Copy) | Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Cooperatives | 2003 | |
ASR-1182 | Health Sector Reform Programme 1999-2003 Project Documents | Health & Life Sciences Partnership | 1999 | |
ASR-1183 | Belize Ministry of Health and Sports Health Sector Reform Project Final Revised Third Quarter Report | Project No. ATN/SF-4686-BL | Camberidge Consultin Corporation & Resources Management Consultants | 1997 |
ASR-1184 | Maya Archaeological Site Development Programme (Work Programme and Component Costs) | T.H.R. Technical Assitance, Department of Archaeology | 1997 | |
ASR-1185 | 0 | |||
ASR-1186 | Report to Ministry of Education on Work of Primary Education Project for Year 1983 | UWI/US-AID Primary Education Project | 1983 | |
ASR-1187 | Report of a Study to Operationalize the Lynam Natural Resources College of Belize | Dr. Wesley Nelson, RADA | 1994 | |
ASR-1188 | DFID CDI Mission to Belize December 2004 Social Development Report | Report gives the social development perspective on a dept for international development Commonwealth Debt Initiative mission to Belize in December 2004. The purpose of the mission was to advance a GOB-led process for CDI assessment covering governmamce, economic managemet and poverty reduction, with agreed benchmarks for each of the three aspects. | Dr. alison Tierney | 2005 |
ASR-1189 | Environmental Impact Assessment for the Relocation and Expansion of the Landing Strio Caye Chapel | Miller and Miller Ltd. | 1998 | |
ASR-1190 | Belize Red Cross Hurricane Keith Response October 2000 - May2 001 | 2001 | ||
ASR-1191 | Belize Medium Term Strategy 2000-2002 | Presented at the Caribbean Group for Cooperation in Economic Development Meetign held in Washington D.C., June 2000 | Ministry of Economic Development | 2000 |
ASR-1192 | Belize City Comprehensive Development Plan | The purpose of this plan is to show how the physical problems of the City related to land use, housing, traffic circulation and environment may be solved, while trying to guide future urban growth in an efficient and equitable way. | Henry C. Fairweather, David F. Brown, Jeanne M. Wolfe | 1989 |
ASR-1193 | A Strategic Public Relations and Marketing Plan to Increase Tourism Travel to Belize (with special emphasis on adventure travel and eco-tourism) | Adventure Travel Society, Inc | 1993 | |
ASR-1194 | A Partnership Project for Agricultural Education Development in Belize, 1996-2000 | Iowa State University | 1995 | |
ASR-1195 | El Pilar Management Plan El Pilar Landscape: Gateway Between Two Nations | Proected Area Technical Evulation Committee | 1999 | |
ASR-1196 | Museum of Belize Report on the State of Affairs as of June 30th, 1993 | Cubola New Art Foundation | 1993 | |
ASR-1197 | Museum of Belize Report on the State of Affairs as of June 30th, 1993 Annexes Volume 3 | Museum of Belize Coordination and General Planning Office | 1993 | |
ASR-1198 | Conditions of Contract, Bill of Quantities and Specifications for Refurbishment of Museum Storage Building in Belmopan | Quantity Surveyor, Ministry of Works | 1996 | |
ASR-1199 | Proposal to Plan for the Proper Development of the Proposed Port Honduras Marine Reserves | William Maheia | 1997 | |
ASR-1200 | Proposal to Improve Tourism Infrastructure in Rural Toledo | William Maheia | 1997 | |
ASR-1201 | Report on Certain Aspects of the Livestock Industry in British Honduras | Report of a survey into the livestock position and potentialities of the colony and recommendations on subjects related to the livestock industry of the colony. | Rodger M. Arnold | 1950 |
ASR-1202 | An Empirical Examination of Competition Issues in Selected CARICOM Countries: Towards Policy Formulation | Proposal of a project aimed to provide data and analyses to inform the shaping of and implementation of competition regimes at the national and regional levels so as to serve developmental purposes, and for the development of policy and position for responding to external trade negotiations. | Dr. Taimoon Stewart | 2002 |
ASR-1203 | Toledo: A Study in Elusive Development | The findings of a Country Poverty Assessment released in September 2003 confirmed that the Toledo District, with 79% of the population below the poverty line, remained the poorest District in Belize. The purpose of this study of to better grasp the causes, meaning and persistence of poverty in the district and provide data on the severest levels of poverty in Belize for the revision of the National Poverty Elimination Strategy and Action Plan. | Government of Belize and UK Department for International Development | 2004 |
ASR-1204 | PROCACAO National Cacao Assessment | Results of the Cacao survey for Belize | Norman Smith | 1989 |
ASR-1205 | Establishment of the Project Management Division in the Ministry of Finance | Report for Period Ending 30th June, 1994 | Juan Coye | 1994 |
ASR-1206 | Consumer Price Index | Report for Second Quarter May, 1985 | CSO, Ministry of Economic Development | 1985 |
ASR-1207 | Technical Proposal for Toledo Agricultural Marketing Project Belize (RFCAA #88-001) | IRI Research Institute | 1988 | |
ASR-1208 | Belize Ministry of Health and Sports Health Sector Reform Project Revised First Quarter Report Volume 2 Appendices | R. Cortez Nurse | 1996 | |
ASR-1210 | Hanbook of Policies and Procedures for School Services | A compilation of documents related to ensuring the efficient and equitable delivery of quality education. | Ministry of Belize | 2000 |
ASR-1209 | Belize Forestry Action Plan | Forestry Sector Review Executive Summary | 1989 | |
ASR-1211 | Port of Belize Offering Memorandum Prospectus 2002 | Offering for sale realating to Government of Belize Sharesholdings in Port of Belize Limited | 2002 | |
ASR-1212 | Grass Productivity Trials in Belize 1968-1970 | Report of investigations undertakes as part of a study of the agricultural development potential of the Belize Valley carried out by the Land Resources Division. This report is a more detalied account of the grass productivity trials previously reffered to in 1972 and should be read in conjuction with the previous report. | R. Rose-Innes | 1973 |
ASR-1213 | An Assessment of Belize's Agricultural Sector (Draft) | onsortium For International Activities, INC, Unites States Agency for International Development and Ministry of Agriculture Government of Belize | 1988 | |
ASR-1214 | Free Trade Agreement Mexico-Belize | 1997 | ||
ASR-1215 | A Situational Analysis of Women and Children | UNICEF-Belize | 1991 | |
ASR-1216 | National Strategy for Literacy and Post Literacy | 1991 | ||
ASR-1217 | Jaragua Grass for Pastures | Article was originally written in 1960, all information has been updated. | R. H. Neal & a. G. Patten | 1978 |
ASR-1218 | Multiple Indicator Culter Survey 2006 Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women | A nationally representative sample survey of household women and children. Introduced in recognition of the need for indicators to develop goals and targets and to monitor and evaluate progress in human development particularly the situation of children and women. | Statistical Institute of Belize, United Nations Children's Fund | 2006 |
ASR-1219 | Soild and Environment in Belize, Special Belize Report II | The purpose of this study was to assess soil variations in Belize with respect to natural factors and the effect of human activity | M. D. Frost | 1979 |
ASR-1220 | Strengthening the Ministry of Agriculture of Belize: Draft Review of the Management Capacity | Assessment of the management capacity of the Department of Agriculture aimed at strengthening its capability to direct and support an expanding and more diversified agricultural sector. | Malcolm McDonald, Liborio Gonzalez, Balmore Silva, Sylvan Wittwer | 1988 |
ASR-1221 | Report on the Development of a Forensic Science Service in Belize and Annexes to the Report. | British Executive Service Overseas | 0 | |
ASR-1222 | Medium Term Economic Strategy 2003-2005 | Ministry of Economic Development | 2002 | |
ASR-1223 | Health Sector Reform Project Final second Quarter Report | R. Cortez Nurse | 1997 | |
ASR-1224 | Belize Southern Highway Project (Section 3) Rapid Environmental Appraisal | Mott MacDonald | 1998 | |
ASR-1225 | Environmental and Social Technical Assistance Project (Working Draft) | Objective of the project is to put in place a comprehensive policy response and provision of administrative mechanisms to address the proccesses of environmental and social transformation, anticipated as a result of the upgrading of the Southern Highway. | 1996 | |
ASR-1226 | Belize Tropical Forestry Action Plan | Summary of individual project proposals with project check list | 1989 | |
ASR-1227 | Toledo Agriculture Marketing Project (TAMP) Joint USAID-VITA Evaluation | Dave Gibson, Jeff Allen, Fred Hunter Jr., Deborah Crooks, Frank Gorrez, Ken Turk, Wade Bacon, Karen Fauss | 1991 | |
ASR-1228 | Multi-Purpose Funding Proposal to Support Program for Institutional Growth and Sustainability 1991-1995 | The National Development Foundation of Belize | 1990 | |
ASR-1229 | Lievstock Central Market Operational Plan | 1991 | ||
ASR-1230 | Project Proposal for Small Farmer Development in Belize | CARDI | 1988 | |
ASR-1231 | Sustainable Agriculture Production Program of Activities for Target Areas in Toledo, Stann Creek and Cayo Districts | A component of the Natural Resource Management and Protection Project. Objective of the project is to identify and promote technologies that will increase and maintain agricultural productivity on a long-term basis while preserving natural resources and avoid76ing environmental degradation. | 1993 | |
ASR-1232 | Evaluation of Commercialization of Alternative Crops Project | Howard Steele, Agripino Cawich, David E. Hahn, L. George Wilson | 1988 | |
ASR-1233 | Southern Highway Rehabilitation Program Igigenous Peoples Consultation Process (draft report) | Blackstone Corporation | 1996 | |
ASR-1234 | 1991 Census Sample Tables | Central Statistical Office | 1992 | |
ASR-1235 | Working Document for the Twelfth Inter-Sessional Meetings of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community | CARICOM | 2001 | |
ASR-1236 | Attachements I-IV to the Working Document for the Twelfth Inter-Sessional Meetings of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community | CARICOM | 2001 | |
ASR-1237 | Belize Ministry of Health and Sports Health Sector Reform Project Draft Third Quarter Report January-April 1997 Appendices IV & V | Cambridge Consulting Corporation & Resources Management Consultants | 1997 | |
ASR-1238 | Government of Belize 1990-1994 Development Plan | This plan sets out the majour objectives, strategies, programmes and projects of the Government of Belize for the period 1990-1994. The policies in the plan reflect the Government's strong emphasis on the attainment of sustainable growth, human development and social equity for all. | Ministry of Economic Development | 0 |
ASR-1239 | Belize Trade and Investment Development Service Action Plan for April 1st, 2004 to March 31st, 2005 | BELTRAIDE | 2004 | |
ASR-1240 | Beltraide Action Plan Report 2005-2006 | Beltraide | 2005 | |
ASR-1241 | First National Communication to the Conference of the Parties of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | Ministry of Natural Resources, the Environment, Commerce and Industry | 2002 | |
ASR-1242 | The National Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Belize | Purpose of this strategy is to facilitate improved management of coastal resources at a national level in Belize, to ensure economic growth is balanaced with sound environmental management. | Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute | 0 |
ASR-1243 | A Comprehensive School Effectivements Evaluation Report of Excelsior High School | Ministry of Education | 1999 | |
ASR-1244 | Report on Contractor's Claims | Purpose of this report is to explain the claims submitted by Pauling and Company (Overseas) Limited under their contract for the construction of the New Capital and to put forward proposals for treatment of them. | Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners | 1975 |
ASR-1245 | Reconnaisance Geochemical and Geologial Investigation of the Maya Mountains of Southern British Honduras | contains maps | J H Bateson & I H S Hall | 1970 |
ASR-1246 | Planning Component of the Primary Education Development Project Progress Report for the Period July 1st, 1993 to September 31st, 1993 | Report reviews the technical progress of the Planning Unit in relation to its 1992/93 implementation plan, identifies problems and contraints and suggest some measures for resolving the problems and for making adjustments in the implementation schedule. | Barbara Elrington | 1993 |
ASR-1247 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Quarterly Report October - December, 1992 | Ministry of Agricultire and Fisheries | 1992 | |
ASR-1248 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Six Monthly Report October 1991 - March 1992 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1992 | |
ASR-1249 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Quarterly Report April - June, 1993 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1993 | |
ASR-1250 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Semi-Annual Report October 1992 - March 1993 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1993 | |
ASR-1251 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project January- February, 1993 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1993 | |
ASR-1252 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Quarterly Report April - June, 1994 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1994 | |
ASR-1253 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Programme of Work and Budget October 1993 - 1994 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1994 | |
ASR-1254 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Semi-Annual Report Oct. 1993 - Mar. 1994 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1994 | |
ASR-1255 | Fourth Report Made by the Integrity Commission Pursuant to Section 5(1) of Prevention of Corruption in Public Life Act | Fourth report voering the period March 1998-February 2001 | 2001 | |
ASR-1257 | Manpower Report | Second periodic report and study on employment in all districts of the country dealing with the employment situation at six monthly intervals on March 31st and September 30th each year | Labour Department | 1966 |
ASR-1256 | Manpower Report No. 1 March - September 1965 | First report of the comprehensive manpower assessment made in 1964. This report is based upon returns collected from establishments in both the public and private sectors concerning the numner of persons employed on the last working days on March and September 1965 and the number of vacancies that arose during that period. | The Labour Department | 1965 |
ASR-1258 | Primary Sector Plan for Belize 1985-1989 | Analyses of the primary sector in Belize from various perspectives and indetification of key issues to be addressed. | Office of Economic Development | 1985 |
ASR-1259 | Conservation and Sutainable Use of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Project | Financial Statements for the ten months ended December 31, 2001 and Independent Auditor's Report | Deloitte & Touche | 2002 |
ASR-1260 | Maya Archaeological Sites Development Programme (M.A.S.D.P.) Final Report | 1998 | ||
ASR-1261 | Conservation and Integration at El Pilar: 1999 Field Report | Anabel Ford, Vanessa Bunton, William Poe, Rudy Larios, Nicole Girardo, Christine Ageton, Anne Girardin | 1999 | |
ASR-1262 | A Proposal to Modernize the Agricultural Health Services on Belize | IICA & Ministry of Agriculture anf Fisheries | 1996 | |
ASR-1263 | Port Feasibility Study Big Creek Week 8 Briefing Report | The object of this report is to advise ODA and the Ministry of Agriculture, Belize, of the activities performed during the first eight weels of the study and of the preliminary findings based upon the five week site visit to Belize | Posford Duvivier | 1987 |
ASR-1264 | Tender Document for Belize Investment Management Company | Mitchell-Moody Associates | 1992 | |
ASR-1265 | Regeneration Carbon Finances Restores Belize's Devastated Mountain Pine Ridge Reserve | Evolution Markets LLC | 2002 | |
ASR-1266 | Loan Agreement between Belize and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Second Power Development Project | 1994 | ||
ASR-1267 | Maya Archaeological Site Development Programme Technical Assistance Services Tender Dossier | Ministry of Tourism and Environment | 1996 | |
ASR-1268 | BRASS/EL PILAR Chart of Cermaics Rim Shapes and Time Sequences by Rim Shape | Anabel Ford | 2002 | |
ASR-1269 | Market and Attitudinal Survey on Long Term Mortgage Loans/Financing in Belize (sele | 0 | ||
ASR-1270 | Status of Human Development in Belize, 1999 | Social Enterprise Consulting Ltd. | 1999 | |
ASR-1271 | Environmental Impact Assessment of Castaways Reed Resort (IDB Corporate Retreat Club Ltd) | 2002 | ||
ASR-1272 | Southern Highway Upgrading and Rehabilitation Project Feasibility Study Volume 3 Volume 2 Annex | Kicks Consult GMBH Consulting Engineers | 1994 | |
ASR-1273 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Progress Report No. 2 | Progress Report to 31st Decemner 1992 | CONSULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 1992 |
ASR-1274 | Belize Lovestock Development Project II Swine Production Technological Package | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1992 | |
ASR-1275 | Marketing Options and Prospects for Cocoa in Belize | written for the Belize National Cocoa Forum | Wendel Parham and Albert Williams | 1988 |
ASR-1276 | Report of Fieldwork, 1990: The New River Historical Archaeological Survey | Daniel Finamore | 1990 | |
ASR-1277 | Archaeology at Cerros, Belize, Central America Volume III The Settlement System in a Late Preclassic Maya Community | Vernon L. Scarborough | 1991 | |
ASR-1278 | National Poverty Elimination Action Plan 2007-2011 | Patricia B. Mendoza & Yvonne S. Hyde | 2007 | |
ASR-1279 | National Poverty Elimination Strategy 2007-2001 | National Human Development Advisory Committee | 2007 | |
ASR-1280 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Annual Report October 1988 - September 1989 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 0 | |
ASR-1281 | Long Term Agricultural Policy in Belize A Preliminary Report | 1977 | ||
ASR-1282 | Manpower Report No. 3 | Labour Department | 1967 | |
ASR-1283 | A Poverty Profile for Belize Final Report | This reports offers the first quatitative assessment of the incidence, depth, and severity of poverty in Belize | Blane D. Lewis | 1994 |
ASR-1284 | National Plant Protection Service Project Inception Report | Report reviews the current status of crop protection in Belize and identifies those areas whereby technical resources and personnel for strenghtening the National Plant Protection Service will be provided during a three-year period under the terms of a Project Memorandum made between the Governments of Belize and the United Kingdom | S. J. Eden-Green, P. Hunt 7 L. Shaxson | 1992 |
ASR-1285 | Preparing the Grounds for the Ombudsman Office of Belize | Report analyses the background to the establishment of an Office of the Ombudsman, the implications of wider socio-economic and political environment of Belize for the institution as well as the strengths and main shortcomings of the 1994 Act. It discusses the institutional issues cocerning its establishment and underscores the pressing need to a | Victor O Ayeni | 1999 |
ASR-1286 | Protected Areas Conservation Trust Rapid Management Assessment: developing a Community Co-Management Park System for Belize Project | Dr Malcom Penn | 2001 | |
ASR-1287 | State of the Coast Report 1999 | Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute | 2000 | |
ASR-1288 | Mayor's Report 2000-2003 (San Pedro Amergris Caye) | San Pedro Town Council | 2003 | |
ASR-1289 | Plan Maestro Reserva del la Biosfera Maya Monumento Cultural El Pilar 2000-2004 | Canan K'aax | 0 | |
ASR-1290 | An Assessment of Belize's Agricultural Sector Final Report | Report summarizes the physical and infrastructural enviornnment for agriculture in Belize, the major limitations and opportunities to Belize's agricultural development and sets forth specific interventions appropriate for GOB and/or donor actions and programs. | Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc. | 1985 |
ASR-1291 | Technical Assistance to the Maya Archaeological Site Development Programme Technical and Financial Proposal | Ministry of Tourism and Environment & European Union | 1997 | |
ASR-1292 | Report of the Auditor General on the Accounts of Belize Volume I | Report for year ending 31st March 1984 | M. B. Guerrero, Auditor General | 1984 |
ASR-1293 | New Detention Facility Proposal | Report on the existing facility and recommendation for alternate sites for a new and modern facility | New Prison Sub-committee | 1989 |
ASR-1294 | Belize Forage Legume and Pasture Research Program Annual Report 1988/1989 | 1989 | ||
ASR-1295 | Belmopan Master Plan | Plan intended to provide the strategic framework for the development of Belmopan for the next 25 years | Simon Robson | 1999 |
ASR-1296 | Pre-Feasibility Study Expansion of Belize Deepwater Port | Report on the costs and benefits of expanding the Belize Port | Wason Consultants Ltd | 1980 |
ASR-1297 | Draft of Orange Walk Town Planning Scheme | Housing and Planning Department | 1967 | |
ASR-1298 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Quarterly Progress Report July - September, 1991 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1991 | |
ASR-1299 | Agricultural and Economic Studies in Belize Supplementary Report 16 | Data collected in connection with a survey of the agricultural development potential of the Belize Valley. Report covers crop surveys in the Belize Valley, grass productivity trials from 1968-1970 and agricultural export possibilities. | J R Dunsmore, R Rose Innes, J S Briggs & R n Jenkins | 1977 |
ASR-1300 | Deep Water Port Study Volume 1 Report | Study if the requirements for deep water port facilities in the country | Livesey, Henderson & Partners | 1970 |
ASR-1301 | Belize City Feasibility Study Water Supply and Sewerage Volume 5 - Drawings (Draft) | CBA Engineering Ltd. | 0 | |
ASR-1302 | Financial Appraisal Under Banana Ccontrol Board Re-Structure Recommendations | Banana Control Board of Belize | 1978 | |
ASR-1303 | Report of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Agriculture | CARICOM | 1995 | |
ASR-1304 | Technical Report Phase I IDRC-Belize Forage Legume and Pasture Research Programme July 1977 - November 1979 | R. H. Neal | 0 | |
ASR-1305 | Community-Initiated Agriculture and Resource Management Project/Rural Development Project Progress Report for the Month of January 2000 | Project Coordination Unit | 2000 | |
ASR-1306 | Proceeding of the Sixth National Agricultural Research and Development Symposium 14-15 September, 1984 | M.B. Holder & E.A. Awe | 1986 | |
ASR-1307 | Master Plan of Operations for a Programme of Cooperation between the Government of Belize and the United Nations Children's Fund 1997-2001 (Draft) | 2001 | ||
ASR-1308 | Community-Initiated Agriculture and Resource Management Project/Rural Development Project Progress Report for the Month of December 1999 | Project Coordination Unit | 1999 | |
ASR-1309 | Appraisal Report on Rural Development Belize | Report of proposed project to provide opportunities for households in the Southern Region of the country to improve their incomes and to enhance the capability of communities in the region to effectively address matters affecting their social and economic development. | Caribbean Development Report | 1998 |
ASR-1310 | Belize: Fiscal Policies for Stabilization and Growth Public Expenditure Review Volume 1 | World Bank Caribbean Division | 1996 | |
ASR-1311 | The Belize National Plan of Action on Ecology and Health to the Year 2000 | plan which emphasizes the critical need for the Environment and Health Sectors to collaborate closely for the achievement of sustainable development which placed human beings at the center of concerns. It includes vital linkages to the Caribbean Integration Process and historical Sub-regional cooperation efforts in the environmental health sphere. | K. Mustafa Toure | 1992 |
ASR-1312 | Human Resources and the Commissioning of the New Hospital of Belize City: Quantitative and Qualitative gaps | Objectives of the consultancy was to identify specific needs in the area of human resources within the context of the five year proposal for health manpower development, to help the process of staffing and the define areas with lack of training in which resources should be focused. | Dr. Felix Rigoli | 1993 |
ASR-1313 | Toledo District's Primary Health Care Project/Program 1982-1984 The First Two Years | Dan Domizio, Marie Coye, Rebeca Requena | 0 | |
ASR-1314 | Public Service Review March - May 1986 Volume 2 | Hamish Millar-Craig, Kofi Ankomah, Bal Raj Virmani | 1986 | |
ASR-1315 | Medium Term Economic Strategy Paper 1994-1997 | Paper presents the policies that the government intends to put in place, to enable Belize to successfully meet the challenge of quickly stabilizing the economy while also initiating a comprehansive reform program | Government of Belize | 1994 |
ASR-1316 | Management of Belize Economic Development | K. T. Sanderson & E. R. Peter | 1983 | |
ASR-1317 | National Environmental Education Strategy for Belize July 1995 - June 2000 | Gustavo Medina | 0 | |
ASR-1318 | Review of Situation and Services for Persons with Disabilities | Review of the situation of disabled people in Belize, with an emphasis on children, and the services available to them through governmental and non-governmental agencies. | Social Planning Unit & Disability Services Division | 1994 |
ASR-1319 | Proposed Master Plan for Ambergris Caye | Plan to promote the Socio-Economic development of the residents of Ambergris Caye by setting targets for the expansion of tourism, fishing and commerce as well as himan settlement needs, assessing the implications of these targets of the frowth for the use and demand for land on the whole island. | Ambergris Caye Planning Authority | 1992 |
ASR-1320 | Assistance to Belize Electricity Limited to Identify and Assess Strategies to Control Electricity Demand and Plan the Supply Technical Report Vol. 2 Training Program | Report summarizes the training program on "computer based energy and electricity planning" withing the UNIDO project. The objective on the training program was to introduce two employees of BEL on energy methods and to familiarize them with computer-based energy planning models. | Bernhard Bosl, John Mencias & Jose Armando Moreno | 1993 |
ASR-1321 | Assistance to Belize Electricity Limited to Identify and Assess Strategies to Control Electricity Demand and Plan the Supply Techinical Report Vol. 3 | Final Report including Hardware and Software Report, Commissioning Report and Second Mission of Consult. Report on mission to analyze data retrieved from a nation wide household energy survey and to assess the influence of demand side strategies on the electricity demand of the household sector. | Bernhard Bosl | 1994 |
ASR-1322 | Toucan Match Company Evaluation of Investment in Match Making Plant | Swedish Match Consumer Products | 1987 | |
ASR-1323 | Development Concessions in Belize | Report focuses on the development concessions administered by the Ministry of Economic Development. It analyzes their impact on the attitudes and behaviour of investors in Belize, assesses the effect on the efficiency of the Belizean economy and makes recommendations aimed at streamlining the concession granting procedure and improving the overall investment climate | William Loehr | 1988 |
ASR-1324 | The Wetlands of Belize: ecology, environment and utilisation | Report of the 1991 Belize Research Project, University of Edinburg | P.A. Furley & D. M. Munro | 1993 |
ASR-1325 | Avian Survey Half Moon Caye Natural Monument | Carolyn M. Miller & Brice W. Miller | 1995 | |
ASR-1326 | A Guide to DBASE Techniques for Forest Management Analysis Consultancy Report No. 14 | Guide covers the use of BDASE to carry out a number of common tasks of importance to forest management in Belize. It demonstrates ow databases created by the author under the Forest Management and Planning Project can be accessed and used. It also provides a guide to a series of training sessions. | Denis Adler | 1994 |
ASR-1327 | The Formulation of Development Plans Consultancy Report No. 13 - Physical Planner | Report of the formulation of development plans for Monkey River, Burrell Boom/Hattieville/Ladyville, Manatee, Corozal District East and Cayo District West | J. N. A. McGill | 1994 |
ASR-1328 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 4 Baseline Information, Main Environmental Issues and Information Needs for the Upper Mullins River Agricultural Development Project | Report describes the nature of the Upper Mullins River Agriculture Development Project, highlights the environmental issues arising from it, collates existing information relevant to these concerns and identifies information gaps related to these concerns. | Simon Zisman | 1994 |
ASR-1329 | Institutional Development and Sustainable Financing Mechanisms for Coastal Zone Management in Belize Phase One Draft Report | Preliminary report objective is to explore a number of options avaulable for the more effective co-ordination and significant enhancement of existing Coastal Zone Management Activities and to recommend a possible blueprint for consideration by Government. | David Freestone | 1995 |
ASR-1330 | Land Resource Development Centre Mountain Pine Ridge Project | Report describes a study of the Mountain Pine Ridge and its potential for forest exploitation in relation to the environment, domestic and export markets, and the costs of forest management and utilisation. | M.S. Johnson & R. J. Grimble | 1987 |
ASR-1331 | Regional Development Plan for Southern Belize | Primary focus of this plan is to integrate the identified social and economic infrastructure needs of the region, with specifically tailored land tenture and environmental management recommendations, in order to ameliorate the sustainability of broad-based economic growth in the southern region. | 2000 | |
ASR-1332 | National Health Plan 1996-2000 | Ministry of Health and Sports | 0 | |
ASR-1333 | Dairy Development Project (First Draft) | Belize Public Investment Project | 1982 | |
ASR-1334 | Tourism Development 1984-1990 Strategy and Action Plan | BERL-CAWTRAN CONSORTIUM | 1984 | |
ASR-1335 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Second Monthly Report (March 1994) | Report of project to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of Belize city and its visitors throught the execution of several infrastructure works in the areas of traffic and roads, canals, and coastal defences. | CONSULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 1994 |
ASR-1336 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Feasibility Report Volume 2 Annex A - Traffic Management and Roads | Annex sets out the approach adopted for the traffic management and roads component of the Belize City Infrastructure project, it describes the work undertaken and presents the findings reached | CONSULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 1993 |
ASR-1337 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Feasibility Report Volume 3 Annex B to D - Stormwater Drainage | Annex describes the components of the feasibility study carried out by the Drainage Engineer. It covers Hydrology, Topography, Canal Modelling, Roadside Drainage and Work Packages. | CONSULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 1993 |
ASR-1338 | Belize City Infrastructure Project Feasibility Report Volume 4 Annex E to G - Economic Evaluation | CONSULTIBERICA-HALCROW | 1993 | |
ASR-1339 | Belize City Infrastructure Project | Consulting Services for the Belize City Infrastructure Project Invitation of Proposals for the Feasibility Study | Ministry of Works | 1992 |
ASR-1340 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 12 Socio-Economic Aspect of the Farming Systems of San Vicente, Jalacte and Pueblo Viejo Villages, Toledo District | Rachel Marcus | 1995 | |
ASR-1341 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 5 Expedition to Doyle's Delight Southern Maya Mountains, Belize | Sharon Matola | 1995 | |
ASR-1342 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Mid-Term Evaluation | Monitoring and Evaluation Division | 1992 | |
ASR-1345 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Final Report Volume III - Financial | Ministry of Economic Development & Ministry of Works and Housing | 1992 | |
ASR-1343 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Final Report Volume I - General Report | Ministry of Economic Development & Ministry of Works and Housing | 1992 | |
ASR-1344 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Final Report Volume II - Quality Control | Ministry of Economic Development & Ministry of Works and Housing | 0 | |
ASR-1346 | Work Plan for Promotion of Non-Traditional Products | Attam Parkash | 0 | |
ASR-1347 | An Agribusiness Education Project for Belize, Serving Producers, Importers and Exporters in the Americas in the 1990's | Proposal for a training program for small farmers | CAPS, SABER, UCB | 19995 |
ASR-1348 | Perspectves on Adolescent Pregnancy Among Young Women in Belize | Tirbani P. Jagdeo | 1993 | |
ASR-1349 | Study Series No. 9 Analysis of Investment Processes in Health and the Environment in Belize | Ian McMillans | 0 | |
ASR-1350 | National Plan for Vocational-Technical Education | Plan developed to embrace recent technology, education thought and methodology. | Ministry of Education, Vocational Technial Training Unit | 0 |
ASR-1351 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Internal Report Series Volume 10 January to June 1995. | (1) Report Visit to Jalacte, San Vicente and Pueblo Viejo (2) Forest Management in Belize (4) Possibilities for Local Revenue Generation Arising from Commercial Timber Extraction (5) Cross-border Agricultural Incursion into Chiquibul National Park… | R. B. King, N. M. Bird, M. Glaser, W. McCalla, N. Namis, Help for Progress | 0 |
ASR-1352 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 10 A Faunal Survey of Freshwater Creek Forest Reserve | Brit Reichelt & Cengiz Philcox | 1995 | |
ASR-1353 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 11 The Establishment of Two Permanent Sample Plots at the Union Camp in the Columbia River Forest Reserve | A. D. Smith | 1995 | |
ASR-1354 | The Forest Planning and Management Project Ministry of Natural Resources Consultancy Report No. 18 Report of the Training Consultant | Objective of study was to develop a training programme for forest guards and park wardens and to make recommendations for promotional opportunities for these officers withing the Public Service Structire. The consultant was required to consult with the Forest Department and the Belize Audubon Society to make recommendations with regard to training. | Sheriff Faizool | 1995 |
ASR-1355 | A Review of the Valley of Peace Settlement Project (Phase I) in Belize with an Assessment of and Recommendations for Further Expansion and Development | Review of technical mission to assess progress achieved in Phase I, review programme proposal to initiate Phase II including budgeting and planning of operations for Phase II implementation; to assess marketing possibilities and to assess complementary income-generating activities for Valley of Peace Rural Settlement Programme. | Christian Koch & Michael Schultz | 0 |
ASR-1356 | Fisheries Legislation Revision and Training for Monitoring, Control and Surveillance | Report summerizes the findings of the legal consultant and includes the proposed new Fisheries Act and regulations. | Maria Teresa Cirelli | 1993 |
ASR-1357 | Tender Documents for Valley of Peace Infrastructure Project (Phase II) - Roads Component | Wolric H. Lind | 0 | |
ASR-1358 | Project Profile Hospital Rehabilitation and Construction Project | Ministry of Economic Development | 1993 | |
ASR-1359 | Belize - Tourism Planning Stage I | Document is the first stage in a programme to provide the Government of Belize with a sound basis for a tourism development policy, covering legislative framework, land use and administration. Its aim was to determine the amount and quality of information availabel as a guide to the more detalied studies to be undertaken in a second stage. | The Overseas Development Administration | 1991 |
ASR-1360 | Belize National Cultural Policy 2016-2026 | This policy provides the framwork for the safeguarding of Belize's tangible and intangible cultural heritage; the promotion of cultural expression and creativity, the development of cultural and creative industries and the wise management of Belize's cultural resources. | National Institute for Culture and History | 2016 |
ASR-1361 | Urban Development Survey St. Martin De Porres Belize City | The objective of this survey was to provide the necessary statistics about the area from which priority needs may be identified and future actions could be taken. | The Statistical Office, Central Planning Unit | 1982 |
ASR-1362 | Loan Agreement for Belize City Infrastructure Project | Loan agreement between Belize and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | The World Bank | 1993 |
ASR-1363 | Development Plan for the Ministry of Home Affairs and Defence 1990-1994 | Document seeks to develop a planning aid through which to improve the effectiveness of the state in the Belizean Society. | Carlos Wobbe Lema, UNDP Consultant | 1990 |
ASR-1364 | Youth Start Plan Proposal | This document speaks to the emergence of youth enterprise and describes how the Government of Belize can facilitate the implementation of a youth enterprise initiative through the collaboration and commitement of the NGO community, the private section and the international donor community | Jonathan Burke for OAS | 1994 |
ASR-1365 | 'Women's Non-Formal Education for Child Survival in Central America and Panama" A Proposal for UNICEF | The Department of Women's Affairs | 1987 | |
ASR-1366 | First Meeting of the Coordinators fo the AGFUND Project for the Prevention of Blindness Final Report | PAHO, WHO | 1987 | |
ASR-1367 | Facilitator's Report Strategic Planning Workshop for Labour Department | Henry N. Anderson | 1997 | |
ASR-1368 | Belize Beef Corporation Limited Guide for Investment | Belize Beef Corporation Limited | 1977 | |
ASR-1369 | Technical Assistance to Cashew Grove Company Limited Belize 2006 | Report of a review into the progression of the cashew select prgram to made recommendations for change where required and continue to map out how CGC would progress into commercial production | Ian E Duncan fir Center for Development of Enterprise | 2006 |
ASR-1370 | OAK Belize Foundation Annual Summary Report | Oak Foundation Belize | 2006 | |
ASR-1371 | Proceedings of the National Land Symposium Towards a Comprehensive National Land Policy | National Land Advisory Committee | 2004 | |
ASR-1372 | Ministry of Tourism and the Environment Policy, Strategies and Plan of Action | The aim of the document preparation process was to develop through consensus building a direction and set of actions areas that will help to build a Belizean society where each ministry and department is given a fair chance to develop themselves and the nation. | Ministry of Tourism and the Environment | 1997 |
ASR-1373 | Proceeding of the Medicianl Plant Workshop | Rafael Manzanero and Virginia Vasquez | 1996 | |
ASR-1374 | NEMO Hurricane Preparedness Instructions "Storm Guards" Exercise | 2008 | ||
ASR-1375 | Oil Prospecting Licence (Crown and Alienated Lands) for PECTEN Belize Company | 1986 | ||
ASR-1376 | Report for Ministry of Tourism and the Environment 1997 Strategic Planning Retreat | Carlos G. Santos | 1994 | |
ASR-1377 | Belize Law Reports Volume 4 | Report contains a selection of judgements decided in the Supreme court by Denys Barrow S.C. during the period February to August 2004. | Editors Godfrey P. Smith and Minnet Hafiz | 2004 |
ASR-1378 | Restructuring the Civil Aviation Administration of Belize | Lufthansa Consulting | 2001 | |
ASR-1379 | Proposal for Crocodile and Reptile Breeding Farm | R. David Hill | 1991 | |
ASR-1380 | The National Museum of Belize Mission | National Museum Committee, Ministry of Education, GOB | 0 | |
ASR-1381 | Interim Report on the Training Programme in Archaeology and Culture Resource Management for Belize 1979-1982 | Dr. Paul F. Healy, Trent University | 1982 | |
ASR-1382 | Proposal for Master Plan, Exhibition Design and Project Management Services for The National Museum of Belize | LORD Cultural Resources Planning & Management Inc. | 1993 | |
ASR-1383 | Dress Code for The Belize Public Service | Ministry of the Public Service | 2012 | |
ASR-1384 | Public Finance Reform a working paper | Hon. Said W. Musa, Attorney General's Ministry | 2005 | |
ASR-1385 | An Evaluation of the 1994/95 Rice Crop and Projection for 1995/96 | Dr. Albert Williams | 1994 | |
ASR-1386 | Belize Rice Action Plan | Harry Parham & Neville C. McAndrew | 1996 | |
ASR-1387 | National Breastfeeding Policy | Ministry of Health | 1997 | |
ASR-1388 | Concept Paper for the Administration of the Oak Foundation Discretionary Funds | Protected Areas Conservation Trust | 2007 | |
ASR-1389 | Workshop Report "Alcaldes and the Legal System: Traditional Leadership and the Law" | Objectives of workships were to clarify the Alcaldes the extent of their powers and functions under the law and to explore challenges to the Alcalde system and to discuss ways of dealing with these challenges. | Dianne Lindo, BICETD Coordinator | 1998 |
ASR-1390 | A Postal History of Belize | E. W. King | ||
ASR-1391 | HIV/AIDS Peer Counseling for Girls and Women Training Manual Training Guide | Martha A. Carillo & Courtney Coburn | 2006 | |
ASR-1392 | Facilitation Guide | Guide designed to help Women Development Officers and other staff members of partner agencies to facilitate sessions in specific subject areas. | Martha A. Carillo, Ministry of Human Development | 2006 |
ASR-1393 | Toward Gender-Focused National Development Planning in Belize: a Gender Integration Reference Guide for Public Officers | Womens' Department, Ministry of Human Development and Housing | 0 | |
ASR-1394 | Project Report for Model and Petroleum Development Contract and Related Documents | R. Daniel Vock | 1993 | |
ASR-1395 | The Right to a Future A Situation Analysis of Children in Belize | The purpose of this situational analysis is to provide a basic, up-to-date, reference document and analysis of all the major social indicators relvant to the development of positive policies to benefit children and women. | National Committee for families and Children & UNICEF | 1995 |
ASR-1396 | The Right to a Future A Situation Analysis of Children in Belize, 1997 | The purpose of this updated situational analysis is to provide a basic, up-to-date, reference document and analysis of all the major social indicators relvant to the development of positive policies to benefit children and women.vb b | National Committee for families and Children & UNICEF | 1997 |
ASR-1397 | The Belizean Child A Situation Analysis of Adolescents in Belize, 2004 | UNICEF | 2005 | |
ASR-1398 | National Youth Development Policy of Belize 2012-2022 | UNICEF | 2012 | |
ASR-1399 | Conservation Management and Techniques Conservation Skills Week Training Manual | One in a series of three manueals resulting from the Conservation Skills Week held from February 26 to March 1, 1996 to provide training and improve conservation related skills. Theme three covers Project design and proposal writing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Environmental education techiques, Presentation techniques and Fund Raising. | NARMAP | 1996 |
ASR-1400 | Summary Presentation of the Proposal to Provide Technical Assistance to the Private Sector Component of the Toledo Agricultural Marketing Project in Belize | Chemonics International Consulting Division | 1988 | |
ASR-1401 | Strategic Plan for Multi-Sectoral National Response to HIV/AIDS in Belize (2006-2011) | This document in a broad national strategic plan designed to guide Belize's response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It is not a plan specific to the health sector, but a statement for intent for the country as a while, both withing and outside the government. | National AIDS Commission | 0 |
ASR-1402 | National AIDS Commission of Belize National Policy on HIV/AIDS | National AIDS Commission | 2003 | |
ASR-1403 | National Poverty Elimination Strategy 2007-2011 | National Human Development Advisory Committee | 2007 | |
ASR-1404 | General Orders for The Public Service 1982 | Regulatings governing the conditions of service for Public Officers. | Joint Staff Relations Council | 1981 |
ASR-1405 | Contract Documents for Bascule Bridge and Roadway over Haulover Creek, Belize City | Indeco enterprise Ltd. | 1990 | |
ASR-1406 | Strengthing Agricultural Statistics in Belize | Study includes a review of current and past agricultural statistics compilation and reporting capability of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, a review of the 1987 Wigton proposal to improve agricultural statistics in Belize, and recommendations for the development of an appropriate agricultural statistics system for Belize for present and future use. | Dan Tucker | 1992 |
ASR-1407 | Government of Belize Drilling and core sampling of the seabed of Belize Port, Belize | 3D Marine Belize Limited | 2000 | |
ASR-1408 | Audit Report of the Treasury Department, Belize City - Post Financial Management Development Project Implementation | Rosalie Saldivar & Valarie Samuels | 2001 | |
ASR-1409 | CARICOM-EU Trade Relations After Contonou: Issues and Options for Belize (Draft) | CTPL/BELTRAIDE | 2002 | |
ASR-1410 | Report on Regional Seminar "Benchmarking in the Public Sector" | 2003 | ||
ASR-1411 | Environmental Impact Assessment for The Development and Resubdivision of Caye Chapel, Belize District | Report provides available infomration on the proposed development and its potential impact on water, resources, liquid wastes, solid wastes, energy generation, transportation, flora and fauna, coast protection; and, cultural and socio-economic issues. It was written to identifu specific mitigation measures which may alleviate all or a portion od the adverse socio-environmental impacts associated with the project. | Environmental Solutions (Belize) Ltd. | 1995 |
ASR-1412 | c | Child friendly booklet explaining the National Plan of Action for Children and Adolescents that resulted from discussions held at the United Nations General Assembly Sepcial Session for children. | Marleni Cuelllar for National Committee for Families and Children | 2006 |
ASR-1413 | Report on a Regional Seminar held in Barbados 24-28 November 2003 | Report and recommendations | Mr. Ron Mountford | 0 |
ASR-1414 | Directory of Schools in Belize 2011-2012 | Ministry of Education Policy and Planning Unit | 2011 | |
ASR-1415 | National Cultuure Policy Working Document July -October 2012 | National Insitute for Culture and History | 2012 | |
ASR-1416 | Accomplishments within the Belize Rural North Constituency and the Ministery of Public Utilities, Energy, Communication and Immigration August 1998-December 2000 | Ministery of Public Utilities, Energy, Communication and Immigration | 0 | |
ASR-1417 | Report Card for the Mesoamerican Reef An Evaluation of Ecosystem Health 2008 | Copies in English and Spanish | Healthy Reefs | 2008 |
ASR-1418 | Report Card for the Mesoamerican Reef 2012 | The 2012 report card highlights three focal sections - existing and emerging threats to reef health; an assessment on the current state of the reef and social context; highlights of reef conservation actions across the region, including the prioritized recommendations to foster healthy reefs and healthy people. | Healthy Reefs | 2012 |
ASR-1419 | Report Card for the Mesoamerican Reef 2010 | The 2010 Report Card highlights three focal sections - an assessment on the current state of the reef and an update on existing and emerging threats to reef health/ | Healthy Reefs | 2010 |
ASR-1420 | Report Card for the Mesoamerican Reef 2015 Report Card | Healthy Reefs | 2015 | |
ASR-1421 | PRODERE Belize Progress Report for Period January - June 1992 | Report of project to continue the facilitation of integration by refugees and displaced persons into every aspect of Belizean Life. | UNDP/PRODERE Belize | 1992 |
ASR-1422 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Progress Report No. 2 | Section: Sibun River to Monday Morning Hill | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1992 |
ASR-1423 | Economic Memorandum on Belize Report No. 7892-BEL | IBRD, IMF and CDB | 1989 | |
ASR-1424 | Air Transportation Sector Masterplan Volume 1 | This section is an abridged version of the main report setting out the master plan for the Belize Air Sector and should be read in conjunction with the remainder of the report and drawings. | Ministry of Energy and Communications | 1993 |
ASR-1425 | Report on Trade Policy and Facilitation Assignment in Belize | Report of two year assignment covering a systematic study of the trade policy of Belize and other trade-related subject. | Attam Parkash | 1994 |
ASR-1426 | The 1994 Narrative Master Plan for North Ambergris Caye Volume 1 and 2 | Community Design Institute and Belize Reef Community Limited | 1994 | |
ASR-1427 | Culture As a Tool for Development | Report on a two-day workshop sponsored by the National Garifuna Council | Egbert Higinio | 1991 |
ASR-1428 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Progress Report No. 10 | Section : Sibun River To Monday Morning Hill | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1993 |
ASR-1429 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Progress Report No. 12l | Section : Sibun River To Monday Morning Hill | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1993 |
ASR-1430 | Improvement of the Hummingbird Highway in Belize Progress Report No. 21 | Section : Sibun River To Monday Morning Hill | Societe Nouvelle Ingeroute | 1994 |
ASR-1431 | Belize Electricity Limited Power Sector Development (Power II Project) | Belize Electricity Limited | 1994 | |
ASR-1432 | Business Base Proposal and Alternative Energy Program for Belize141 | Written report involving a description of ZIA's business plan ideas, forecasts and projections into the financial, economic and philosophical business world competitive advantage concepts for Belize. | AIZ Engineering & Technical Service, INC. | 1991 |
ASR-1433 | Agreement for Macal River - Mollejon Hydro-Electic Project | 1994 | ||
ASR-1434 | Background Information for Beize City Infrastructure Task Force | Report of a study for the improvement of the infrastructure, environment and appearance of Belize City to meet demands of City growth, current and future traffic, drainage, transportation and tourism. | Consultiberica and Halcrow | 0 |
ASR-1435 | The State of Poverty in Belize District, Belize | Report seeks to address the state of poverty in the Belize District in the country of Belize. It reflects the pilot project of an impending national study which intends to define as ascertain the extent of poverty, in a Belizean context, and from a 'people-oriented perspective'. | Colleen Edwards | 1994 |
ASR-1436 | National Iodine Survey Belize 1994-1995 | Report of survey conducted to assess the iodine status of the population of Belize for control and prevention of iodine deficiency disorders. | Ministries of Health and Education | 1995 |
ASR-1437 | Economic Survey Belize for the year 1982/1983 | Office of Economic Development | 1983 | |
ASR-1438 | Export Development Study, Exports of Fresh Papaya, Mango and Ginger and Processed Papay aand Mango from Belize Issues and Prospects | Perampalam Murugasu | 1991 | |
ASR-1439 | A Brief Survey of the Four Highways of Belize | Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities | 1987 | |
ASR-1440 | Proposed University System | Project proposal for the development of a complete university system for Belize | Autonomous Belizean Citizens National University System, Inc. | 1976 |
ASR-1441 | Proposal for Government of Belize Nationality Act Development Program | Program proposal to provide the G.O.B. with 75,000 annually through the fiscal incentives regulations as supported by the 1985 amended Belizean Nationality Act. | 0 | |
ASR-1442 | Proposal for University of Belize Medical School and University Hospital of Belize | Proposal for the planning, design, financing, constuction and operation of a medical school and affiliated teaching hospital in or near Belmopan. | Medical Management Associates | 1976 |
ASR-1443 | A Position Paper on Housing in Belize | Paper aimed at providing a starting point from which policy makers can begin to formulate effective policies and programmes that address the actual situation in Belize to provide adequate and affordable housing for all Belizeans. | Carolyn Trench Sandiford | 1989 |
ASR-1444 | A Project Proposal for A Housing Project in Corozal | Report to bring to the Ministry's attention housing problems experiences by twelve families in the Corozal District who are living in sub0standard and inadequare shelters because of their inability to afford a decent unit. | Carolyn Trench Sandiford, Antonio Gonzalez, Lloyd Flowers | 1989 |
ASR-1445 | An Industrial Free Zone for British Honduras (Belize) and Other Economic Development Factors | Ricahed H. Lake | 1975 | |
ASR-1446 | The Livestock Industy in Belize (British Honduras) and the Export Market Potential for Beef and Meat Products in the Caribbean | Study investigates the livestock industry and the potential for exports to CARIFTA and other selected Caribbean Markets | Ministry of Trade and Industry | 0 |
ASR-1447 | Central Bank of Belize Economic and Financial Review January - June, 1993 | Review examines economic and financial developments during January and June 1993, prospects to the end of 1993 and presents policy recommendations to support monetary and wider economic stability. | Central Bank of Belize | 1993 |
ASR-1448 | Disaster Management Plans for Hurricane Preparedness Vol. I | NEMO | 1997 | |
ASR-1449 | Disaster Management Plans for Hurricane Preparedness Vol. I | NEMO | 1999 | |
ASR-1450 | Comments on the Report of The Committee on the Re-organization and Restructuring of the Public Service in Belize (Frankson Report) | CARICAD | 1982 | |
ASR-1451 | Prequalification Documents for Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport Project Belize | U.K. Airports Group | 1988 | |
ASR-1452 | Belize External Trade Quarterly Bulletin (March 1986) | Central Statistical Office | 1986 | |
ASR-1453 | Economic Plan of Belize 1980-83 | Development Plan covers the period 1980-1983 and is designed to promote a balanced development between the rural and urban areas; to continue the process began earlier in laying the basis for development and; to enable Belizeans to share in the processes and benefits of development. | Central Planning Unit | 1980 |
ASR-1454 | Hospital Facility Planning Strategy for Belize | Study focuses on the strengthening of health facilities with the aim of improving the operational capacity of the Health System in Belize, through the identification of weaknesses in the overall strategy to improve th health system in operation. | Jimena Castro and Dr. Arnulfo Duarte | 1985 |
ASR-1455 | Evaluation of the Caribbean Environmental Health Institute 29th September to 10th December | Doctors Mervyn Henry, Vicente M. Witt and Antonio Cruzado | 1986 | |
ASR-1456 | National Youth Policy | Youth Developmebt Department | 1995 | |
ASR-1457 | Seven Year Development Plan 1964-1970 | Ministry of Finance and Development | 0 | |
ASR-1458 | Social Aspects of the Toledo Rural Development Project | Research aimed at identifying crops and farming methods suitable for a range of lowland soils little used by farmers and to development alternative crops and farming systems for use where milpa farming is currently practiced. Paper outlines the necessary work on social development that should be associated with the programme that will leas to the develipment of a fully integrated programme of rural social and economic development. | David A. Preston | 1978 |
ASR-1459 | Financing Agreement between The European Economic Community and Belize | Financing agreement for project to assis the Belize Government to improce the transmissions of the National Broadcasting System.29 | 1979 | |
ASR-1460 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 8 Forest Reserve Boundaries in the Central Coastal Plain | Bruce King | 1995 | |
ASR-1461 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 9 Income Generating Project in the Toledo District | Report of survey carried out between November 1994 and February 1995 of partricipants and non-participants in income generating projects, and of village leaders, in 7 villages in the Toledo District | Rachel Marcus | 1995 |
ASR-1462 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 13 Review of the Timber Licences of Belize | This paper attempts to present an authoritative analysis for all current licences. With this comprehensive information synthesis complete, further policy development regarding the licensing system could take place. | Andrew Mitchell | 1997 |
ASR-1463 | Forest Planning and Management Project Occasional Series No. 15 Belize: Timber Licences, Production and Royalties | Report builds on the work undertaken in the Review of the Timber Licences of Belize. Dince then the timber licences database has been expanded to include timber production and royalty statistics. This report analyss these new statistics and reaches some conclusions and recommendations are made. | Andrew Mitchell | 1997 |
ASR-1464 | Forest Planning and Management Project Silvicultural Research Paper No. 1 Experimental Design and Background Information | The fist of a series of papers that will report ona long-term loggin experiment in the Chiquibul Forest Reserve. | N. M. Bird | 1994 |
ASR-1465 | Draft Forest Management Plan Columbia Forest Management Unit | The Goal of this plan is the conservation of the natural forest withing two Government Protects Areas, the Columbia Ruver and maya Mountain Forest Reserves. This will be achieved through a sert of actions which will ensure that the health of the forest ecosystem and its productive capacity are maintained. | N. M. Bird | 1994 |
ASR-1466 | Project Document for Development for the Smaller Hotels Sector | Project plans intended to provide specific assistance in product development, financial and opertaional management and marketing for the "smaller" hotels and "bed and breakfast" sector of the Belize tourism industry. | Mr. John Blamey | 1991 |
ASR-1467 | Sectoral Support Mission Carried out in Belize by the World Tourism Organization and Finances by the United Nations Development Programme | Report of mission to assess the technical assistance needs to the "tourism supplu and bed and breakfast" facilities. The specific terms of the project were to identify the problem of this sector in the fields of marketing, finance, management, training and other areas. | Mr. John Blamey | 1990 |
ASR-1468 | A Review of its Financial Operations for the Belize Electricity Board | A. Osei | 1984 | |
ASR-1469 | Central Government Finance Statistics on the OECS and Belize 1980-1985 Volume IV | Publication provides data on central government activities for the purpose of economic analysis. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1987 |
ASR-1470 | Central Government Finance Statistics on the OECS and Belize 1980-19874 Volume III | Publication provides data on central government activities for the purpose of economic analysis. | Caribbean Development Bank | 1986 |
ASR-1471 | Strengthening Food Inspection Capabilities and Proper Food Handling in Response to Cholera | Project objective was to improve food inspection practices related to street food and other priority poducts in response to Cholera | Cirilo Lawson | 1993 |
ASR-1472 | Food and Agricultural Policy | Ministry of Agriculture | 1986 | |
ASR-1473 | Initial Investigation into the Problems and Prospects of the Irrigation of Fruit and Vegetables on the Belize Commercialization of Alernative Crops Project | Giles Paget-Wilkes | 1986 | |
ASR-1474 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 1 (Administration and Organization) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1475 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 2 (Communication and Management Skills ) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1476 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 3 (Map Reading ) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1477 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 4 (Mensuration and Sales) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1478 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 5 (Dendrology) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1479 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 6 (Introduction to Fire Management) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1480 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 7 (Forest Management) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1481 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 8 (Park Management) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1482 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 9 (Wildlife Indentification) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1483 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 10 (Trainers Guidelines) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1484 | Forestry Skills for Belize A Modular Training Programme Trainers Handbook Module 11 (Dendrology) | S. Faizool, I. Joseph and M. Underwood | 1998 | |
ASR-1485 | B.T.A. Plan for the Introduction of Digital Switching and International Direct Dialing | Belize Telecommunication Authority | 1985 | |
ASR-1486 | Belize: Improved Monitoring of Externally Funded Project | Report of mission to advise the authorities on measures to improve monitoring of externally funded project and examine other issues of fiscal reporting and accounting of concern to the authorities and recommend steps to improve the system in these areas. | Bill Allan and David Kloeden | 1992 |
ASR-1487 | An Education Policy for Improving Access, Efficiency and Quality of Education | Draft Policy | Ministry of Education | 1994 |
ASR-1488 | Youth in Belize Problems, Policy and Response | Report examines the social context and anyalyses the various responses made to the needs of young people. | John Harrison | 1991 |
ASR-1489 | Revised Draft Report Regional Applied Rice Research for Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname | Report of an overview of rice research and rice production in the CARICOM region and the outlook for regional cooperation | Government of Suriname, European Economic Community | 1990 |
ASR-1490 | National Plan of Action for Human Development Children and Youth 1992-2000 | 1991 | ||
ASR-1491 | Draft of The National Development Strategy 1997-2000 | Ministry of Economic Development | 0 | |
ASR-1492 | Rice, Maize & Livestock Appraisal and Feasibility Study (Big Falls Ranch) | Prairie International | 1984 | |
ASR-1493 | Southern Highway Upgrading and Rehabilitation Project Financial Proposal | Ministry of Finance | 1993 | |
ASR-1494 | Prequalification Questionnaire for Contractors Interested in Retrofitting Buildings to Be Used as Hurricane Shelters Under the Hurricane Rehabilitation and Disaster Preparedness Project. | Ministry of Works | 2000 | |
ASR-1495 | Big Falls Bridge Project 1991 Financial Statements | Price Waterhouse | 1991 | |
ASR-1496 | Tender Document for Primary Education Development Project Proposed Queen Square Anglican School Building (Attachment 2) | 1992 | ||
ASR-1497 | Observations and Recommendations of the Procedures, Work Systems and Management Problems, Ministry of Works | wason Consultants Ltd. | 1993 | |
ASR-1498 | Technical Proposal to Government of Belize for Professional Engineering Services Commerce Bight Pier | Wallace Evans & Partners | 1975 | |
ASR-1499 | Procedures for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment | Winston McCalla, NARMAP | 1994 | |
ASR-1500 | Private Sector and Government Cooepration Within the Belize Wood Industry | Belize Wicker & Wood Furniture Company Ltd. & Belize Wood Products Manufactures Association | 1992 | |
ASR-1501 | The Southern Highway Upgrading and Rehabilitation Project Financial Proposal for Consulting Services | Beca Interational Consultants Ltd. | 1993 | |
ASR-1502 | Proposal for a Five Year Plan for Human Resources in Health | Eugenio Villar & Reuben Middleton | 1992 | |
ASR-1503 | Medium Term Plan for the Belize AIDS/STD Prevention and Control Program 1991 through 1997 (Draft) | Six year medium term plan aimed at the prevention and control of the transmission of HIV/STD infections; reduction of morbidity and mortality due to HIC/STD infection and minimize the impact of AIDS on society. | Ministry of Health | 1991 |
ASR-1504 | Memorandum and Recommendation on a Proposed Loan to Belize for the Belize city Infrastructure Project | Proposed loan for the equivalent of $US20 million to help finance the project. | The World Bank | 1993 |
ASR-1505 | A Pine Regeneration Scheme for the Southern Coastal Forests of British Honduras | Forest Department | 1956 | |
ASR-1506 | Rural Access Bridges Project GOB Financial Contributions | Financial Statements for period April to September 1993 | Ministry of Works | 1993 |
ASR-1507 | The Southern Highway Upgrading and Rehabilitation Project Consultancy Services Financial Proposal | KAMPSAX International | 1993 | |
ASR-1508 | Tender Documents for the Government Administration Building\] | Ministry of Finance | 0 | |
ASR-1509 | Conditions of Contract and Bills of Approximate Quantities for Erection and Completetion of Centre for Employment Training | Ministry of Works | 1990 | |
ASR-1510 | Contract Documents for Access Roads and Drainage Between The Government of Belize and Bella Vista Development Company Limited | , | 1992 | |
ASR-1511 | The National Accounts of Belize (British Honduras) 1968-1970 | Dennis McFarlane | 1971 | |
ASR-1512 | Economic Conditions and Development Potentials in British Honduras | Dr. Werner Gatz | 0 | |
ASR-1513 | Agreement Between Belize Electricity Board and Ontario Hydro | Agreement for consulting services for personnel to manage coordinate and supervise the Power I Project | 1987 | |
ASR-1514 | Tender Document for Proposed Independence Primary School Building | Mitchell-Moody Associates | 1992 | |
ASR-1515 | Contract Documents for USAID Bridge Guinea Grass | Ministry of Works | 1993 | |
ASR-1516 | Contract Documents for USAID Bridge San Lazaro Trinidad and Yo Creek | Ministry of Works | 1993 | |
ASR-1517 | Belize Livestock Development Project Phase II Final Report | Kary Mathis | 1991 | |
ASR-1518 | Proposal to Water and Sewer Authority for the Supply of Potable Water to Amergris Caye | Reliable Water Company, Inc. | 1990 | |
ASR-1519 | Loan Agreement Between The Export -Import Bank of The Republic of China | 1991 | ||
ASR-1520 | Territory of Belize Proposals for Telephone Development on a Nationwide Basis | Cable and Wireless Ltd. | 1970 | |
ASR-1521 | Proposal for the Provision of Consultancy Services - Belmopan Convention Hotel | References submitted to the Financial Secretary for consultancy services | Peter Arnold, Association of Canadian Community Colleges | 1990 |
ASR-1522 | Loan Agreement between Belize and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project (Draft) | Eabbot Legal Department | 1983 | |
ASR-1523 | Museum of Belize The Prospect Now | Museum of Belize Project Coordinationa and General Planning Office | 1992 | |
ASR-1524 | Integrated Tourism Policy and Strategy Statement | Ministry of Tourism and Environment | 1991 | |
ASR-1525 | Proposal for the Provision of Consultancy Services - Belmopan Convention Hotel | References submitted to the Financial Secretary for consultancy services | Alpha Management Services | 1990 |
ASR-1526 | Japanese Loan Agreement between Belize and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project (Draft) | 1988 | ||
ASR-1527 | Financial Proposal for the Belize Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project | Deloitte Haskins and Sells for DFC and Ministry of Economic Development | 1990 | |
ASR-1528 | Technical Proposal for the Belize Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project | Deloitte Haskins and Sells for DFC and Ministry of Economic Development | 1990 | |
ASR-1529 | Technical Proposal for the Belize Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project | IRI Development Corp | 1990 | |
ASR-1530 | Business Management Proposal for the Belize Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project | IRI Development Corp | 1990 | |
ASR-1531 | Government of Belize Second Road Maintenance and Road Rehabilitation Project Addendum to Contract between The Government of Belize and Beca Worley International Ltd. | Ministry of Economic Development | 1988 | |
ASR-1532 | Insitutional Aspects of Planning and Public Expenditure Programming (Draft) | Jose S. Marques, UNDP Consultant | 1991 | |
ASR-1534 | Development of North Ambergris Caye Belize An Investment in the Future Volume II (draft) | Dr Len Ishmael | 1994 | |
ASR-1535 | Guarantee Agreement Between Belize and Caribeban Development Bank (Third Port Project) | Loan No. 8 | 1996 | |
ASR-1536 | Belize Affordable Housing Project Volume I (Draft) | Confidential information memorandum presents the detailed features and understanding to date regarding a lower to middle income housing development project for Belize by the Government of Belize in participation with the private sector. | Trevor F. Clarke and Associates | 1997 |
ASR-1537 | Belize Affordable Housing Project Annex Volume II (Draft) | Confidential information memorandum presents the detailed features and understanding to date regarding a lower to middle income housing development project for Belize by the Government of Belize in participation with the private sector. | Trevor F. Clarke and Associates | 1997 |
ASR-1538 | Working Paper on the Establishment of the Belize Home Mortgage Bank | Omar R. Mitchell | 0 | |
ASR-1539 | Report of a Workshop on Refugees in Belize | Government of Belize | 1987 | |
ASR-1540 | The Proposal for The Belize School of Agriculture Project | Ministry of Natural Resources & Institute of International Agriculture College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | 1985 | |
ASR-1541 | Incremental Financial Analysis for the Supply of Water to San Pedro | Reliable water Company | 0 | |
ASR-1542 | Proposal to Provide Consulting Services to Water and Sewerage Authority of Belize | Deloitte & Touche | 0 | |
ASR-1543 | Ministry of Health National Five Year Plan 1990-1994 | Ministry of Health and Urban Development | 1989 | |
ASR-1544 | A Proposal for a Wildlife Preserve Featuring Crocodiles on Big Falls Rice Farm | R. oward Hunt & James Tamarack | 0 | |
ASR-1545 | Protected Areas Conservation Trust Strategic Plans | RME Consultants Group | 1997 | |
ASR-1546 | Preliminary Report for Child Mortality and Diarrhea Survey for the Toledo District | Ministry of Social Servies and Community Development | 1992 | |
ASR-1547 | An Analysis of a Report of the Committee on Government Expenditure on Telephones | Ministry of Energt and Communications | 1984 | |
ASR-1548 | Belize Livestock Producers Association BLPA Fondo Ganadero Proposal | Fondo Ganadero | 1990 | |
ASR-1549 | Draft Report of Water and Sewerage Feasibility Study for San Pedro Ambergris Caye | Reid Crowther International | 1990 | |
ASR-1550 | National Environmental Action Plan | This NEAP aims at providing an overview of the major environmental issues facing Belize and at guiding the government in the prudent use and management of natural resources. It focuses on issues, policies and programs which are considered most critical to Belize. | Government of Belize | 1996 |
ASR-1551 | An Evaluation of the Papaya Industry of Belize with Special Focus on the Institutional Strengthening of the Papaya Growers Association | Better Business Enterprises Ltd. | 1994 | |
ASR-1552 | National Plan of Action for Human Development 1994-2000 | Comprehensive statement of priorities, policies, goals, objectives, strategies, and programmes which are geared to the overall goal of Human development of all the citizens, with particular emphasis on the needs of children, youth and women. | Ministry of Youth Development, Human Resources and Women's Affairs | 1994 |
ASR-1553 | Maya Archaeological Site Development Programme Technical Assistance Financial Proposal | Ministry of Finance, Department of Archaeology | 1997 | |
ASR-1554 | Sarstoon-Temash National Park Transcropt of Stakeholder's Workshop | Community Conservation Consultants | 1998 | |
ASR-1555 | Forest Planning and Management Project Sustainable Timber Harvesting in Belize: The Columbia Controlled Felling Programme | N. M. Bird, Ministry of Natural Resources | 0 | |
ASR-1556 | Proceedings of a Workshop on Permanent Hillside Agriculture: A System for Toledo Uplands and Contraints to Adoption | Ludwig Palacio, Lalit M. Arya | 1995 | |
ASR-1557 | NARMAP On-site Appraisal of Target Areas of Sustainable Agriculture Production Activities (Toledo, Stann Creek and Cayo Districts) | Lalit A. Arya, Edward L. Pulver | 1993 | |
ASR-1558 | Program of Works for Road Maintenance for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 1990-1991 | Report of activities carried out by district and road section. | Ministry of Works | 1991 |
ASR-1559 | Rural Access Roads and Bridges Project | Project proposal for the increase of Belize's agricultural production through the rehabilitation and maintenance of all-weather rurall access roads and the provision of all-weather bridges. | USAID, Ministry of Works | 1990 |
ASR-1560 | Forest Management and Development in Belize Project Wildlife and Protected Area Management in Belize | Report on two month long consultancy on wildlife utilization and management and protected areas management undertaken from May to July 1991. | J. A. Bindernagel | 1991 |
ASR-1561 | Recommendations for the Development and Control of the Fisheries of British Hodnuras | Report of reconnaissance survey of fisheries to determine whether a fullscale investigation would be necessary. Areas accessed were whether the present politices of the Government concerning the lobster industry were likely tp safeguard the fishery for overexploitation; in what manner the scale fish industry could be expanded and protected and in what manner marine sport fishing could be encouraged and protected. | C. P. Idyll | 1961 |
ASR-1562 | Programa de Exploracion Geologico - Minera de la Region Ceibo-Chiquibul | Secretaria de Energia Minas e Industria Paraestatal | 1991 | |
ASR-1563 | Internation Conference on Central American Refugees (CIREFCA)Preparation Meeting | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Refugee Department and Ministry of Economic Development | 1992 | |
ASR-1564 | Oxford University Expedition to Monkey Bay National Park, Belize Herpetological Survey July to September 1997 | Report of a qualitative survey of herpetofaunal diversity. | Sam Turvey, Anna Cooper, Chris Gadd and Louise Michalowicz | 1997 |
ASR-1565 | The Scout Association of Belize Strategic Development Plan 2002 | Scout Association of Belize | 0 | |
ASR-1566 | Rudimentary Water System for Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District | Preliminary estimates for a water supply system | WASA | 1992 |
ASR-1567 | Rudimentary Water System for Sarteneja and Chan Pine Ridge Villages, Corozal District | Preliminary estimates for a water supply system | WASA | 1992 |
ASR-1568 | Working Document for the Sixth Inter-Sessional Meetings of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community | Caricom Community Secretariat | 1995 | |
ASR-1569 | CARDI into the 21st Century - The Strategic Vision | Report of a National Consultation | CARDI, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 0 |
ASR-1570 | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mission to Belize | Report of a mission visit to review the situation of the rural settlement in valley of Peace, Belize | D. Mora-Castro | 1984 |
ASR-1571 | Convention on the Rights of the Child | UNICEF | 1998 | |
ASR-1572 | Revenue Generation Strategy for Protected Areas of Belize | Summary of findings and recommendations | Drs. Robert Aukerman and Glenn Haas for Ministry of Natural Resources | 1992 |
ASR-1573 | Belize U.S. Trade Profile | Jaxport, Jacksonvulle Port Authority | 1997 | |
ASR-1574 | Belize International Seaport Terminal (Passengers) Project Documents | Fort Point Development Ltd. | 0 | |
ASR-1575 | Belize Visitor Expenditure and Motivation Survey Winter 1986 | Report of survey carried out in seven CTRC member countries to provide a range of additional tourism information for analysis and planning within the countries themselves as well as CTRC. | H. Arley S. Sobers | 1986 |
ASR-1576 | Report on Technical Assistance Mission to The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Nathaniel Lord | 1991 | |
ASR-1577 | Belize Indigenous Training Institute (BITI) Development Plan | A proposal to develop a business plan for the creation of the Belize Indigenous Training Institute which is a joint effort between the Indigenous peoples of Belize and the Inuit of Canada. | BITI Advisory Committee | 1995 |
ASR-1578 | 1994 Toledo District Literacy Survey Final Report | Dr. Leopold Perriott | 19995 | |
ASR-1579 | Belize National Conference on Governance and Sustainable Development Report | Report of conference to provide a forum for Belizean parliamentarians, ministers, mayors, senior government officials, village council leaders of civil society organizations to dialogue on issues related to good governance for sustainable development. | UNDP, SPEAR | 1997 |
ASR-1580 | Delivering Justice A Three Year Plan of Action for Improving the Administrative Justice in Belize | Proposals aimed at impriving the administration of justice in belize and making justice more accessible to ordinary Belizeans. | Attorney General's Ministry | 1999 |
ASR-1581 | Nineteenth Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community | Attachments VI and XII | CARICOM | 1998 |
ASR-1582 | Moving Towards Full Privitization of Belize's Electricity Industry A Public Offering of Government Shares in Belize Electricity Limited | The Belize Electrcity Limited | 1999 | |
ASR-1583 | National Poverty Elimination Strategy and Action Plan 1998 - 2003 | National Human Development Advisory Committee | 0 | |
ASR-1584 | Beliez International Airport New Terminal Building and Control Tower Tender Document Volume 5 Bills of Quantities and Schedule of Rates | Sir Halcrow & Partners Ltd | 1987 | |
ASR-1585 | Belize International Airport A Qualification Submission from N.D. Lea International Canada | Lea Associates | 1987 | |
ASR-1586 | Belize Water & Sewerage Authority Belize City Water Expansion Contract Stage 1 | Biomechanics Environmental | 1993 | |
ASR-1587 | Replacement of Water Transmission Line and Miscellaneous Works | Government of Belize & Water and Sewerage Authority | 0 | |
ASR-1588 | Tender Documents for Supply of Water Equipment | Government of Belize & Water and Sewerage Authority | 1985 | |
ASR-1589 | Tender Documents for Installation of Hydrant Assembly | Government of Belize & Water and Sewerage Authority | 1986 | |
ASR-1590 | Tender Documents for Construction of Water Mains and Connections Victoria Street - Lindo's Alley | Government of Belize & Water and Sewerage Authority | 0 | |
ASR-1591 | Water and Sewerage Authority Aggregate Supply Addendum No. 1 | Governement of Belize | 1986 | |
ASR-1592 | Public Sector Reform Charting the Way Forward - 2000 and Beyond | Public Sector Reform Council | 2000 | |
ASR-1593 | Progress Report on the Possibilities of Development of Small and Medium Industries in British Honduras | Report presented to the Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations of the United Nations | Hugo Yanes | 1962 |
ASR-1594 | Prequalification Submission to The Government of Belize for Consultancy Services Belize Airport | Sir Frederick Snow (International) Limited; Rendel Palmer & Tritton Ltd. & The UK Civil Aviation Authority | 0 | |
ASR-1595 | Hydro Electric Power Development and Markets in British Honduras | R. L. Walker | 1960 | |
ASR-1596 | Proposal to Belize Electricity Board and Ministry of Energy for Construction and Operation of Solid Fuel Fired Industrial Power Plants | Belize Energy and Environmental Conservation | 0 | |
ASR-1597 | Fee Proposal for Belize International Airport Terminal Building | Sir William Halcrow & Partners LTD | 1986 | |
ASR-1598 | Report of the Third Meeting of CARICOM Ministers Responsible for Telecommunications | Caribbean Community Secretariat | 1989 | |
ASR-1599 | Water and Sewerage Authority South Side Reservoir and Miscellaneous Work | GOB, Ministry of Natural Resources, WASA | 1987 | |
ASR-1600 | Agriculture and Marine Policies of the Agriculture and Fisheries Sector | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1997 | |
ASR-1601 | The Proposed Restructuring of Rural Schools in the Stann Creek District submitted to The Ministry of Education and Sports | Stann Creek District Education Office | 1999 | |
ASR-1602 | Belize Water and Sewerage Authority Canada/Belize Water and Sewerage Project Stage II Quarterly Report for 1897/88 | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited | 1987 | |
ASR-1603 | Canada/Belize Water & Sewerage Project Design Brief for a New Wilson Street Reservoir | Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited | 1985 | |
ASR-1604 | White Paper on Economic Citizenship Investment Programme (Draft) | Government of Belize | 1995 | |
ASR-1605 | Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport Site Tests | British Airport Services | 1990 | |
ASR-1606 | Expression of Interest Airport Consulting Services | Mouchel & Partners Consulting Engineers | 1987 | |
ASR-1607 | Report of the Auditor General on the Belize Economic Citizenship Programme for the Period 1989-1993 | O. G. Nicholas, Auditor General | 1997 | |
ASR-1608 | Water and Sewerage Authority Construction of Sewer Force Main and Miscellaneous Works | Tender document for Phoenix Ltd. | Phoenix Ltd. | 1985 |
ASR-1609 | Water and Sewerage Authority Construction of Water and Sewer Systems Zone N-7 | Tender for Cisco Construction Limited | Cisco Construction Limited | 1986 |
ASR-1610 | Water and Sewerage Authority Construction of Water and Sewer Systems Zone N-6 | Tender for Cisco Construction Limited | Cisco Construction Limited | 1986 |
ASR-1611 | Water and Sewerage Authority Audited Statements 1986/87 | Swift & Associates | 1988 | |
ASR-1612 | Water and Sewerage Authority Draft Budget Estimates 1988/89 | WASA | 1988 | |
ASR-1613 | Proposal for An Intensove Mariculture Facility in Belize | Aqua-Mar Belize Ltd. | 1988 | |
ASR-1614 | Agricultural Diversification Project Profile | Request to the Government of Belize under the United States of America Sugar Quota Offset Program | Belize Cane Farmers Association, Northern Agricultural Diversification Company | 1987 |
ASR-1615 | Ministry of Works 1994/1995 Road Maintenance Programme | 0 | ||
ASR-1616 | Proposal to Establish the Mussel Creek Drainage as a Wildlife Sanctuary | Dora Weyer | 1994 | |
ASR-1617 | Inspection and Evaluation of Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Components Swing Bridge Over Haulover Creek | Yaskin Engineering | 1992 | |
ASR-1618 | A Brief Description of Tertiary Level Education in Belize, 1994 | Descriptive study intended as a first step towards the long term goal of setting minimum standards of quality and relevance in tertiary education and the parallel goal of setting up a mechanism in Belize that woul help monitor and where necessary assure that such minimum standards are complied with. | National Council for Education's Accreditation Committee and ATLIB | 1994 |
ASR-1619 | The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Its Role in Belize Development | Belize Chamber of Commerce | 1993 | |
ASR-1620 | Activities of Geology and Petroleum Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources | R. Prasada Rao | 1985 | |
ASR-1621 | Observation Mission Re-Register of Voters | OAS Unite for Promotion of Democracy | 1997 | |
ASR-1622 | Belize Port Authority Cruise Facility | Project proposal for the development and operation of a cruise passenger terminal and a commerical center at the Fort George are in Belize City. | 1998 | |
ASR-1623 | Tourism Action Plan for Belize | Report of a study conducted to set out guidelines for early action, within the framework of a longer term strategy, in order to provice immediate improvement in the effective planning, marketing and monitoring of the tourism section by the government. | John Hawkes, Alan Fitch | 1985 |
ASR-1624 | Proposal to the Government of Belize for Development of a 20MW Hyrdroelecttric Power Plant on the Macal River | International Energy Equities, Inc. | 1991 | |
ASR-1625 | A Business Plan for a Six Hunfred Acre Fresh Water Fish Farm | Belizean Star Aquaculture, Ltd. | 1990 | |
ASR-1626 | Executive Summary Pre-Feasibility Analysis Tourism Development and Cruise Market Potential Southeastern Belize | Indigo Service Corporation | 1990 | |
ASR-1627 | Current Economic Position and Prospects of Belize | World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office | 1979 | |
ASR-1628 | Project Proposal for Installations of Infrastructure and Utility Services; and Incorporation of the Communities of Las Flores and Salvapan, into Belmopan. | G. Aleman and A. Cruz | 1996 | |
ASR-1629 | The Belize Zoo & Tropical Education Center: Position concerning the proposed Solid Waste Management Site at mile 27 Western Highway | The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center | 0 | |
ASR-1630 | Conference on the Pariticipation in Belizean Development Final Report | Ministry of Local Government | 1985 | |
ASR-1631 | Family Law and Administration in Belize: An Evaluation of Existing Facilities and A Proposal for a Family Court | Report of an evaluation of the legal and social facilities for dealing with the problems of children and families in Belize with a view to making a recommendation leading to the establishment of a Family Court | Inez Morrison | 1986 |
ASR-1632 | Environmental Treaties Ratified by Belize | Result of a project undertaken to identify the various environmental treaties and conventions which have been signed by MesoAmerican countries and to analyze the obligations and responsibilities that each party has towards these treaties and to what level these obligations have been met. | Mario Fernandez, Alejandra Sobenes and Edmundo E. Vasquez | 2000 |
ASR-1633 | Proposal dor Belizean National Airline Carrier Project | 1990 | ||
ASR-1634 | Macal Mollejon Hydroelectric Facility Discussion with Belize Government Officials | Belize Electric Company Limited | 1993 | |
ASR-1635 | The Declaration of Dangriga " A Food and Nutrition Security Policy and Plan for Belize | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Health and Sports | 1997 | |
ASR-1636 | The Children of Toledo A Food and Nutrition Perspective | Report of a study conducted to identify probably factors causing food and nutrition insecurity in one of the most deprived areas, the Toledo District. | Ministry of Health and Sports, Ministry of Education | 1997 |
ASR-1637 | Development of North Ambergris Caye Belize An Investment in the Future Volume I | Dr. Len Ishmael, Inter-American Development Bank | 1994 | |
ASR-1638 | Development of North Ambergris Caye Belize An Investment in the Future Volume I | Dr. Len Ishmael, Inter-American Development Bank | 1994 | |
ASR-1639 | National Seminar on Food and Nutrition Security Proceedings | Marcelino Avila and Ricardo Sibrian | 1997 | |
ASR-1640 | Belizean Partners in Service to Belize (Draft) | Report of a Conference on Participation in Belizean Development | 1985 | |
ASR-1641 | Green Reef-Belize to the Year 2000 | Strategic Plan for 1998-2000 | Green Reef-Belize | 2000 |
ASR-1642 | Conclusions of the Special Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community | Report of special meeting regarding common external tariff | Caribbean Community | 1992 |
ASR-1643 | Brief of The British Honduras Cane Farmers' Association for The Sugar Commission of Enquiry | British Honduras Cane Farmers' Association | 1970 | |
ASR-1644 | Opportunities Industrialization Center Belize | Proposal for the creation of OIC center to train and retrain the underemployed on a qualitative and massice scale in prepaeation for employment and industry | Opportunities Industrialization Center | 1971 |
ASR-1645 | Belize City Water and Sewerage Project Tenders for Zones N1, N4, S6 and S8 | Government of Belize | 1984 | |
ASR-1646 | Belize Policing Plan 2000-2005 | Belize Police Department | 2001 | |
ASR-1647 | The Sugar Industry of Belize | Belize Sugar Industies Limited | 1985 | |
ASR-1648 | Agriculture Diversification for National Food Security and World Niche Markets | Angel Tzec | 1994 | |
ASR-1649 | Progress for Belize Project Guide | Guide detailed the first of a series of projects, which it is intended, shall be undertaken in the country of belize over the next ten to fifteen years. | Progress for Belize | 1994 |
ASR-1650 | A Project Proposal for Establishing a National Youth Cadet Service Corps | Keith B Hamilton | 1993 | |
ASR-1651 | Agreement for Engineering, Construction and Operation of the Macal Hydroelectroc Project Mollejon and Vaca Power Plants and Manatee Road | Unsigned contract agreement between The Government of Belize and Liberty Power, Ltd. | 1991 | |
ASR-1652 | Belize Medical Associates Limited Application for a Development Concession | Jose A. Bautista | 1998 | |
ASR-1653 | Proposal for Offshore Gaming in Belize | Professional Management & Project Development Company Ltd. | 1996 | |
ASR-1654 | Macal River Hydro Electric Project | Contract offered to GOB by BECHO, Incorporated Specialty Contractors | BECHO, Incorporated Specialty Contractors | 1990 |
ASR-1655 | Proposal to The Government of Belize, Central America for Development, Financing, Design, Construction and Operations of 20 megawatt Hyrdroelectric Generating Facility and Associated Power Transmission Lines at Macal River and Mollejon Creek. | International Energy Equities & Dominion Energy | 1991 | |
ASR-1656 | In-Depth Analysis of Child Work and Education in Belize | Report addresses the social, economic and educational context in which child labour occurs and presents an analysis of child labour based on the data collected by the survey. Recommendations are presented to address the root causes of child labour to indicate ways in which the current state of child labour can by controlled and rectified. | Leopold L. Perriott | 2003 |
ASR-1657 | Agriculture Production Programme for Niche Markets | Angel Teck | 0 | |
ASR-1658 | Contract Outline for Build, Own, Operate & Transfer (Boot) Scheme Water Treatment Plant | Proposal No. 711-6191 given to WASA | Infilco Degremont Inc | 1992 |
ASR-1659 | A Project Proposal for A Soil Survey and Land Capability Classification for the Country of Belize | First draft of a proposal Rationalizing the need for a soil survey and land use capability classification for Belize | Ministry of Natural Resources | 1985 |
ASR-1660 | Belize: Urban Poverty and Social Crisis (Draft) | Judy L. Baker, Ramon Lopez, Eugen Finkel | 1994 | |
ASR-1661 | State of the Coast Report 2000 | Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute | 2001 | |
ASR-1662 | Veterinary Espedition to Belize 1981 | Expedition sought to carry out a study of tick-born diseases and survey ticks of cattle in thr Northern region of Belize and a study of the epidemiology of gastro-intestinal helminths (primarily Nematodes) in cattle during the transition from the dry season to the short rainy season. | Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh | 1981 |
ASR-1663 | Agricultural Cooperative Development Cayo District 1993-1993 | Belize Federation of Agrocultural Cooperatives Societies Limited (BFAC) | 0 | |
ASR-1664 | Abstract of Education Statistics 2000-2001 | Ministry of Education and Sports | 0 | |
ASR-1665 | Government of Belize Draft Housing Policies and Programs 1996-1998 | H. E. Elrighton | 1993 | |
ASR-1666 | Belize Police Force A Development Plan | Belize Police Force | 1994 | |
ASR-1667 | Proposal for Procurement of Dredging Equipment | Project document provides background and justification for a proposal that envisages the procurement of various items of dredging equipment needed for land-reclamation. | Wilfredo Guerrero for Minitry of Works and Housing | 0 |
ASR-1668 | An Investigation of the Impact on Reef Environments of Changing Land-Use in The Stann Creek District of Belize Executive Summary (Module 2) | The Watershed Reef Interconnectivity Scientific Study 1997-2000 a three year European Union funded research project with the objective of promoting a balance between sustainable land-use development and reef conservation in Belize. | Ron Nunny, Marcos Santana, Peter Stone, Delia Tillett, Prof. Des Walling | 2001 |
ASR-1669 | An Investigation of the Impact on Reef Environments of Changing Land-Use in The Stann Creek District of Belize Technical Report (Module 3) | The Watershed Reef Interconnectivity Scientific Study 1997-2000 a three year European Union funded research project with the objective of promoting a balance between sustainable land-use development and reef conservation in Belize. | Ron Nunny, Marcos Santana, Peter Stone, Delia Tillett, Prof. Des Walling | 2001 |
ASR-1670 | An Investigation of the Impact on Reef Environments of Changing Land-Use in The Stann Creek District of Belize Methodologies (Module 4) | The Watershed Reef Interconnectivity Scientific Study 1997-2000 a three year European Union funded research project with the objective of promoting a balance between sustainable land-use development and reef conservation in Belize. | Ron Nunny, Marcos Santana, Peter Stone, Delia Tillett, Prof. Des Walling | 2001 |
ASR-1671 | An Investigation of the Impact on Reef Environments of Changing Land-Use in The Stann Creek District of Belize Presentations and Newsletters (Module 5) | The Watershed Reef Interconnectivity Scientific Study 1997-2000 a three year European Union funded research project with the objective of promoting a balance between sustainable land-use development and reef conservation in Belize. | Ron Nunny, Marcos Santana, Peter Stone, Delia Tillett, Prof. Des Walling | 2001 |
ASR-1672 | Greater Belize City Strategic Growth Plan Stage 1 | Farnet Architects - APC/BURK - Kleinpeter, Inc | 1992 | |
ASR-1673 | Possibilities of Economic Coorperation Between British Hondruras (Belize) and Central America | Economic Commission for Latin America | 1968 | |
ASR-1674 | Ministry of Health Hurricane Preparedness Plan | The Health Sector Hurricane Disaster Management Committee | 1992 | |
ASR-1675 | Hurricane Plan Search Rescue and Initial Clearance | Ministry of Works | 1990 | |
ASR-1676 | Tourism Is Our Future 2003-2004 Action Plan | Belize Tourism Board | 2003 | |
ASR-1677 | Report on the Elections: Parliamentary, City and Town Council | Report of the March 5th, 2003 elections by the Chief Elections Officer | I. Myrtle Palacio, Elections and Boundaries Department | 2003 |
ASR-1678 | Agricultural Development in the 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities | Two papers presented No. 1 The Status if Agriculture and Agroindustry in Belize Today by Carlos Santos and No. 2 A Farmer's Viewpoint by Anthony Chanona | Belize Institute of Agricultural Sciences | 1986 |
ASR-1679 | Natural Resource Management and Protection Project Conservation Skills Week Training Manual (Financial Management) | NARMAP | 1996 | |
ASR-1680 | Gladen Spit and Silk Cayes Marine Reserve Management Plan | Friends of Nature | 2003 | |
ASR-1681 | British Honduras Development Plan 1964 - 1970 | Office of the Premier | 1964 | |
ASR-1682 | A Summary of William Wigton's Report Regarding A Statistical System for the Ministry of Agriculture | Policy Unit, Ministry of Agriculture | 1988 | |
ASR-1683 | A Summary of Ronald Aine's Report on A Import Policy for Agricultural Inputs | Policy Unit, Ministry of Agriculture | 1988 | |
ASR-1684 | Meeting of the Binational Commission Mexico-Belize | 1995 | ||
ASR-1685 | Strengthening the Ministry of Agriculture, Belize | Paper on strenghtening Agricultural Statistics and starting the Belize National Agricultural Statistics System. | Albert Williams, Sylvan Roberts, William Wigton | 1987 |
ASR-1686 | Institutional Development Plan for the Environmental Division of the Ministry of Tourism and the Environment | Report of assistance given in developing the environmental division of the Minsitry of Tourism and the Environement. The scope inclided indentifying the missions, obejectives and areas of responsibility of the environmental division of the ministry and recommending a structure, operating plan, budger, traning plan and sources of potential funding for its activities. | Ministry of Tourism and the Environment | 1989 |
ASR-1687 | Review of the National Drug Abuse Prevention Programme | Review of the national programme conducted with the intention of making recommendations on future action to be taken in the anti drug thrust. | Peter D. Lewis | 0 |
ASR-1688 | A Review of the Off-Shore Financial Services Sector in Belize | Rodney Gallagher for GOB | 1994 | |
ASR-1689 | Master Plan for Ambergris Caye | Summary of Master Plan Planning Scheme for Ambergris Caye | 1989 | |
ASR-1690 | Belize's Sugar Industry: A Synthesis of its Current State, Challenges and Recommendations | CEPPO, IICA, Ministry of Sugar Industry, Labour and Local Government | 2001 | |
ASR-1691 | Recommendations for A Public Awareness Program | Recommendations for an awareness program to gain support and involvment for the policies and measures required to effectively protect the environment and manage the natural resources of the country in a sustainable manner for future generations of Belizeans. | Arnold Communitcations Group, Ltd & Belize Enterprise for Sustained Technology | 1994 |
ASR-1692 | Tender for Duty Free Stores in the Arrival Lounge and Departure Lounge Stores 2, 3, & 4 | Tender presented to The Belize Airport Authority | Lauren International Duty Free Ltd. | 1993 |
ASR-1693 | The Establishment of a Commerical Free Zone | Proposal for a Commercial Free Zone at the Western Border, Benque Viejo Town | C & M Consultancy | 1997 |
ASR-1694 | Belize Development Plan 1980-1983 | Government of Belize | 0 | |
ASR-1695 | Strategy for the Development of the Services Sector | Report of a commission tasked with indentifying emerging opportunities in the service sector and to develop strategies for the promotion, marketing and further development of the same. | Task Force on Services | 1999 |
ASR-1696 | Memorandum on Cacao with Particular Reference to Conditions in British Honduras | Report of a reconnaissance of the Cayo, Stann Creek Valley, Sittee River and Toledo areas of Belize. Report deals with the conditions under which cacao may be grownand its future position relative to British Honduras agriculture. | F. J. Pound | 1948 |
ASR-1697 | Project for the Establishment of a Global Action Against Drug Addiction in Belize | Lucien J. Engelmajer | 0 | |
ASR-1698 | Rice Production in the Toledo District | Jorge F. Cawich | 1995 | |
ASR-1699 | The Grain Stabilisation Programe for Belize | Albert Williams | 1988 | |
ASR-1700 | National Strategic Plan for the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Belize | National AIDS Task Force | 1999 | |
ASR-1701 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project The Monitoring and Evaluation System | Christos Xenos, IFAD Consultant | 1990 | |
ASR-1702 | Belize Water Services Limited Prospectus | Offer for sale relating to Government of Belize shareholdings in Belize Water Services Limited | Belize Water Services Limited | 2000 |
ASR-1703 | Domestic Production and Processing of Food for Import Substitution in Belize Rice and Soybean | Edward Pulver & Bert Vaughna | 1992 | |
ASR-1704 | A New Tourism for the Toledo District, Belize (Draft) | Dr. Auliana Poon, BTIA Tourism Adviser | 1991 | |
ASR-1705 | Policy of the Banana Growers Association with Respect to Negotiations with the Governement of Belize on the Future of the Belize Banana Industry | Banana Growers Association | 0 | |
ASR-1706 | Development Plan and Proposal to Support The Institutional Strengthening of The National Development Foundation of Belize 1995-2000 | Michael M. Seepersaud | 1995 | |
ASR-1707 | Ministry of Tourism and the Environment Five-Year Plan 1992-1996 | Document presents the implementation and monitoring framework of a long-term plan for the Environement within the framework of the objectives and strategies for the tourism sub-sector indentified in the Government's Five Year Plan 1990-1994 | Ministry of Tourism and the Environment | 0 |
ASR-1708 | Proposal to Buy Majority Shared of the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) | Proposal submitted to Government of Belize by Mohamed Abdulmohsin Al-Kharafi & Sons and Ionics Incorporated Consortium | Kharafi Group & Ionics | 2000 |
ASR-1709 | Analysis of Water & Sewerage Authority Management Information Systems | Belize Electricity Limited | 0 | |
ASR-1710 | Proposed Loss Reduction Program for Water and Sewerage Authority | Report intended to be a guide for the establishment of a comprehensive Loss Reduction Program for WASA. It is does not attempt to identify any of WASA's specific problems or to recommend any potential solutions to such problems. | John P. Avery | 0 |
ASR-1711 | Trade Dispute Between WASA and WASA Workers Union Summary of Reorganizational Exercise | Water and Sewerage Authority | 2000 | |
ASR-1712 | Strike Action Contingency Plan for the Technical and Support Operations of the Water and Sewerage Authority | Plan addresses the deployment of WASA's managerial and non-union employees along with other external staffing so as to allow technical operations and some support functions to continue uninterrupted should there be a strike. | Water and Sewerage Authority | 2000 |
ASR-1713 | License Granted to Belize Water Services Limited Under Section 15 of the Water Industry Act, 2000 (Draft) | Public Utilities Commission | 2001 | |
ASR-1714 | Share Purchase Agreement between The Government of Belize, Belize Water Services Limited and CASCAL, B.V. | 2001 | ||
ASR-1715 | Second Power Development Project Contract Document for Power Station Clean Up | Belize Electricity Limited | 1999 | |
ASR-1716 | Sectoral Analysis in Water Supply and Sanitation in Belize | This study represents the first step in developing a consensus for the advancement of the water and sanitation sector. The long-term objective is to develop a comprehensive strategy for reversing falling investments and to accelerate the development of these basic services. | Regional Plan fror Investment in the Environment and Health | 1995 |
ASR-1717 | BEL Second Power Development Project Environmental Technical Assistance Consultancy: Summary of Remediation Investigation Results and Recommended Approach to Clean-Up | Ecoengineering Consultants Limited | 1998 | |
ASR-1718 | National Anti-Drug Strategy for Belize 1999-2004 | National Drug Abuse Council | 2000 | |
ASR-1719 | Belize Livestock Development Project II IRI Research Institute Progress Report August- December 1989 | Rafael Ledesma and Luis Tergas | 1989 | |
ASR-1720 | Contract Agreement for Belize Dredging and Reclamation Works of Belize City Port Access Channel and Haulover Creek Entrance | Government of Belize | 2001 | |
ASR-1721 | Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture, Belize: Draft Review of the Research/Extension Capability | Elmer R. Kiehl | 1987 | |
ASR-1722 | Development of the Coconut Industry in the Caribbean Final Report Volume 1 - Summary | Report of a project desgined to indetify development options of the industry and, based on those options, to identify and prepare a number of projects of a regional character aimed at increasing the viability of the industry. | Minster Agriculture Limited | 1984 |
ASR-1723 | Proposal for Partnership Programme Swine Production | Swine Production | 1992 | |
ASR-1724 | Guidelines for the Establishment of Improved Pastures in Belize | Harold Parham & Marvin Allen | 1987 | |
ASR-1725 | Lethal Yellowing of Coconuts | A report on the Present Status in Quintana Roo Mexico and the Threat to Belize | Robert Black and Clare Sampson | 1988 |
ASR-1726 | Lethal Yellowing of Coconut Palms and a Proposed Prevention Programme for Belize | Alan Chubb | 0 | |
ASR-1727 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Practical Swine Management | Rafael Ledesma & Melanio Pech | 1990 | |
ASR-1728 | Livestock Development Project Phase II | Project Paper Amendment | 1988 | |
ASR-1729 | Proceedings of the First Protection Workshop 11-16 April, 1893 | Contains in expanded form the content of the classroom lectures given at the workshop. | Edited by J. C. Mertely for Ministry of Natural Resources | 1984 |
ASR-1730 | Belmopan City Council A Presentation of Management and Stewardship 2006-2015 | Belmopan City Council | 2016 | |
ASR-1731 | Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture, Belize: Draft Review of the Accounting and Financial Management Capability | Report of an assessment of the accoutning and financial management capability of the MOA alng with specific recommendations for action to improve the financial management information sytem | Margaret Bartel, Gilbert Galvez, Sylvan Wittwer | 1987 |
ASR-1732 | Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture of Belize: Draft Review of the Degree of Coordination Between GOB's Development Plans, Policies and Actual Activities. | Glen Allen, Wendell Parham, Albert Williams | 1988 | |
ASR-1733 | Review of USAID/Belize Policy Dialogue with the Government of Belize | Assessment carried out for the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture to be knowledgeable of the Policy dialoque regarding agricultural development being carried out by the United Stated Agency for International Development Mission in Belizewith the GOB. | Dennis H. Wood, Wendell Parham, Albert Williams | 1988 |
ASR-1734 | Ministry of Agroculture Management Training Needs Analysis | study was conducted to provide recommendations for public administration training which will improve the management skills of MOA personnel. Background information on the agricultural sector in Belize and on the administrative structre and services provided by the MOA is given to show the context in which training recommendations are made. | David Reidenbach | 1987 |
ASR-1735 | Potential Crops for Belize | List of a wide range of commodities which are currently produced in Belize and crops which have potentials for cultivation. | Agricultural Information Unit, Ministry of Natural Resources | 1985 |
ASR-1736 | Prospects for the Soybeans Production in Belize | Marion Cayetano, Rene Montero, Anil Sinha | 1991 | |
ASR-1737 | The Role of BABCO in the Commercial Production of Soybeans | Agripino Cawich | 1990 | |
ASR-1738 | A New Export Crop for Belize Annatto | C. Wright, J. Chen and Belize Export and Investment Promotion Unit | 1987 | |
ASR-1739 | Belize Livestock Development Project Evaluation of Central Farm Swine Facility | Aim of paper is to objectively evaluate the resources of the Central Farm Swine Unit. | Walkter D. Cooke | 1984 |
ASR-1740 | IDRC-Belize Forage Legume and Pasture Research Programme Catalogue of Germplasm for Tropical Forage Legumes | Central Farm | 1982 | |
ASR-1741 | Belize Livestock Development Project Developing and Managing Pastures for Swine Production | Marvin Allen, Harry Parham | 1985 | |
ASR-1742 | Proceedings of IDRC/Belize Pasture Leguume Research Programme Worshop | Proceedings of a workshop held from March 30th to April 3rd 1981. Report divided into three parts: Part 1 - Environmental conditions in Belize; Part II - Present Livestock situation in Belize; and Part III - Pasture legume Programme - Belize. | E. A. Awe | 1989 |
ASR-1743 | How Belizean Agriculture Can Be Environmentally Sound - A Non-Governmental Organization Perspective | Paper presented at the 21st West Indies Agrocultural Economics Conference | Anselmo Castaneda | 1991 |
ASR-1744 | Report on San Esteban Bridge Corrective Measures | Ministry of Works | 1991 | |
ASR-1745 | Beef Production in Belize (Draft) | Rene J. Montero, Livestock Officer | 1990 | |
ASR-1746 | Agriculture Policy and Plans for Cocoa Development in Belize | Document emphasizes the areas where agriculture would be development and the particular crops which will be produced in each area. | Liborio Gonzalez, Wendel Parham, Albert Williams | 1988 |
ASR-1747 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Proposal for the Implementation of the Project Preparation Mission | 1987 | ||
ASR-1748 | Tobacco Production in British Honduras | Commodity Series Paper No. 8 | 1955 | |
ASR-1749 | Joint Venture Proposal for Seafood Production in Belize | Draft Agreement between the Hopkins Fishermen's Coopertative and Vietnamese Investors | Thanh (Tony) Huu Dang | 1988 |
ASR-1750 | Glover's Reef Atoll Draft Management Plan | Plan provides protection to defend critical habitats withing the atoll ecosystem while allowing reasonable economic benefit through fishing and tourism. The need to developm a permanent scientific reasearch station on the atoll is stressed. | Janet Gibson | 1988 |
ASR-1751 | Agricultural and Food Policies for Belize: Towards a More Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture in the 21st Century (Draft Copy) | Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Cooperatives | 1999 | |
ASR-1752 | Establishment of Micro-Enterprises for A Target Group in the Cayo District | Consultancy by the Belize Chamner of Commerce and Industry for the establishment of micro-enterprises based on the identification of economically viable activities, demand and supply of good and services in the district and potentials and capabilities of persons under PRODERE. | B. K. Rai | 1992 |
ASR-1753 | Proposal for Establishment of Trade and Investment Promotion Service (TIPS) in Belize | Ministry of Trade and Industry | 0 | |
ASR-1754 | Sugar Statistics of Belize 1980-1983 | Report inteded to be a modest collection of statistics related to various aspects of the sugar industry of Belize. | A. L. Ayuso | 1984 |
ASR-1755 | Proposed New Fuel Storage, Handling and Distribution Facilities (Dangriga Port) | Financial proposal submitted to Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Communications and Immigration | Smith Equity Builders, Inc. | 2001 |
ASR-1756 | Belize Communication Techniques Workshop | Proceedings from the workshop held September 26-29th | Agriculture Canada, Government of Belize, Commonwealth Science Council | 1977 |
ASR-1757 | Program of Product Development and Export Promotion in Belize | Grant Request to the Swedish International Development Agency aimed at providing the financial means to will allow the full operation and improvement of one of BEIPU's programs. | Belize Export and Investment Promotion Unit | 1994 |
ASR-1758 | Expression of Interest for the Modernization of Agricultural Health Services | Consortium for International Development | 1998 | |
ASR-1759 | Cohune Nut Processing in Belize Summary of Results | J. H. Beaumont, G. Breag, N. MacFarlane, W. H. Parr | 0 | |
ASR-1760 | A Working Document for the Honey Producing Industry | Strategic Plan of the Belize Honeu Producer's Federation of Cooperative Societies Limited and the Orange Walk Beekeepers Cooperative | Reynaldo D. Guerrero | 1999 |
ASR-1761 | Proceedings of the Second Agricultural Research and Development Symposium 6-8 December, 1979 | Pages 111-120 of report containing The Cultivation of Rice in the Toledo District and its Socio-Economic and Agronomic Problems presented by E. Garcia and L. B. Frutos | R. H. Neal, E. A. Awe | 1981 |
ASR-1762 | Proceedings of the Second Agricultural Research and Development Symposium 1-2 April, 1982 | Pages 29-47 of report containing Sociological Research on Milpa Farming in Reference to Toledo Rural Development Project presented by Ann Osborn | R. H. Neal, E. A. Awe | 1982 |
ASR-1763 | Rice Production and Marketing Systems Profile | Document is intended to serve as an input into the work of the Agricultural Policy analysis and Economics Unit of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. | University of Vermont, MAF, IICA | 1998 |
ASR-1764 | Hot Pepper Prodution and Marketing Systems | Document is intended to serve as an input into the work of the Agricultural Policy analysis and Economics Unit of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. | University of Vermont, MAF, IICA | 1998 |
ASR-1765 | Milk Production and Marketing Systems Profile | Document is intended to serve as an input into the work of the Agricultural Policy Analysis and Economics Unit of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the dairy development project being implemented in collaboration with the Agricultural Institute of Canada | University of Vermont, MAF, IICA | 1998 |
ASR-1766 | Papaya Production and Marketing Systems Profile | Document is intended to serve as an input into the work of the Agricultural Policy analysis and Economics Unit of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. | University of Vermont, MAF, IICA | 1998 |
ASR-1767 | Cocoa Production and Marketing Systems Profile | Document is intended to serve as an input into the work of the Agricultural Policy analysis and Economics Unit of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. | University of Vermont, MAF, IICA | 1998 |
ASR-1768 | Meat Residue Laboratory Analysis | IRI Institute | 1990 | |
ASR-1769 | Central Livestock Market Feasiblility Belize Livestock Development Project Phase II | Report of a study conducted to analyza the feasibility of establishing a central market facility to serve the livestock industry of Belize | Kary Mathis | 1990 |
ASR-1770 | Belize Livestock Development Project Phase II Pasture Evaluation for the Development of a Pasture Management Program | Luis E. Tergas, Elide Valencia | 0 | |
ASR-1771 | Utilization of Legumes for Livestock Production in Belize | Publication contains five conferences presented during a worshop held on 17th November, 1989 | Luis E. Tergas, Elide Valencia, Moises Cal | 1989 |
ASR-1772 | Belize Commercialization of Alternative Crops Projects Progress Report for Quarters II-IV | Chemonics International Consulting Division | 1989 | |
ASR-1773 | Loan and Grant Agreement for Economic Stabilization | Agreement between the Governments of Belize and The United States of America through the Agency for International Development | 1985 | |
ASR-1774 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Artificial Insemination Programme | Rafael Ledesma, Orlando Habet, Ismael Cal | 1990 | |
ASR-1775 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Beef Cattle Programme | Rafael Ledesma, Orlando Habet, Ismael Cal | 1990 | |
ASR-1776 | Belize Project Paper Toledo Agricultural Marketing | United States International Development Agency | 1987 | |
ASR-1777 | Restructuring The Belize Livestock Industry | Paper examines the contraints facing BLI and recaps the benefits to be had from a vibrant export-oriented livestock industry. | 1995 | |
ASR-1778 | Strengthening of the Ministry of Agriculture: Belize Draft Review of the Procurement Capability | Review assessed the procurement capabilities of the Ministry of Agriculture with conclusions followe dby specific recommendations and suggestions for implementation. | Robert Kudlacek, Corine Russell, Sylvan Wittwe | 1988 |
ASR-1779 | Food and Agriculture Policy of the Government of Belize: Suggested Next Steps and Institutional Roles, Relationships and Mechanisms for its Implementation | Suggestions for the implementation of the Food and Agriculture Policy of the GOB and fo the Policy Analysis and Economic Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture to help in that process. | Dennis H. Wood, Wendel Parham, Albert Williams | 1987 |
ASR-1780 | Agricultural Diversification Project Request Presented to the Government of Belize Under the United States of America Sugar Quota Offset Program | Belize Cane Farmer Association, Northern Agricultural Diversification Company | 1987 | |
ASR-1781 | Asssitance To Strengthen The Central Farm | Dr. H. M. E. Herath | 1988 | |
ASR-1782 | International Sugar Agreement, 1987 | Objectives of the agreeement are to further international co-operation in connection with world sugar matters and related issues; to provide and appropriate framework for the preparation of a possible new international sugar agreement with economic provisionsl to encourage the consumption of sugar and to facilitate trade by collecting and providing information on the world sugar market and other sweeteners. | United Nations | 1987 |
ASR-1783 | An Analysis of the Livestock Central Market Survey | Policy Analysis and Economics Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries | 1990 | |
ASR-1784 | Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture, Belize: Evaluation of the Livestock and Veterinary Sectors | Ecamination of the organization and activities of the MOA in relation to the ongoing and future needs of the livestock industry. Retraints to the effectiveness of the Ministry's activities were identified and recommendations made to improve the impact and cost effectiveness of programmes. | Eric Wells, Victor Gongora, Balmore Silva, Sylvan Wittwer | 1988 |
ASR-1785 | Strengthening the Ministry of Agriculture, Belize: Draft Rewview of the Marketing System, Crops and Livestock Produced and Recommendations for the Implementation of a Market Intellegence Service | Wendel Parham, Albert Williams, Clay J. Ritter | 1987 | |
ASR-1786 | Project Agreement for the Toledo Agricultural Marketing Project (Draft) | Agency for International Development | 1987 | |
ASR-1787 | Proceedings of the Belize National Cocoa Forum | Dr. J. Corven | 1988 | |
ASR-1788 | Strengthening the Ministry of Agriculture, Belize: Draft Review of Implementation of Recommendations for Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture (Draft Progress Report) | Sylvan Wittwe | 1988 | |
ASR-1789 | Ministry of Agiculture and Fisheries Strategic Plan to the Year 2000 (2nd Draft) | K. Mustafa Toure | 1993 | |
ASR-1790 | Candidates for Short Term Assistance on Assessment of Agricultural Research -- Strengthening MOA Project | Devres, Inc | 1987 | |
ASR-1791 | Evaluations and Recommendations for the Coconut Processing Industry in the CARICOM Region | United National Industrial Development Organisation | 1983 | |
ASR-1792 | Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute Belize Unit | Report for the period April to June, 1980 | K. Rai | 0 |
ASR-1793 | Food and Nutrition Policy | Policy presented to Hon. Ruben Campos, Ministry of Health | Food and Nutrition Multisectoral Task Force | 1994 |
ASR-1794 | The Belize Banana Industry (A Recommendation for Possible E. C. Aid) | Prepared for the Ministry of Agriculture as its constirbution to preparation of a proposal for aid under E. C. Regulation 2686/94. | Harold Parham | 1995 |
ASR-1795 | Economic Memorandum on Belize Report No. 10403-BEL | World Bank | 1992 | |
ASR-1796 | Draft Annual Work Plan for Fisheries Institutional Strengthening and Developments Sub-Project of the Cariforum Regional Integrated Agriculture Development Program Year 1 | CARICOM Fisheries Unit | 1997 | |
ASR-1797 | Technical Assistance to the Belize Handicraft Centre in Belize City | Barrington E. O . Brown | 1994 | |
ASR-1798 | Preliminary Market Development Strategy Including A Short Term Sales Promotion Strategy | Dr. Irwin Wilson | 1994 | |
ASR-1799 | Niche Markets | Jose Castellanos, Angel Tzec | 1996 | |
ASR-1800 | Discussion of Rice Industry in Toledo | Dr. Albert Williams | 1994 | |
ASR-1801 | Contingency Plans and Standing Operating Procedures for dealing with Major Criminal Activities Involving Military Assistance to the Belize Police | Publication sets out the arrangements for dealing with serious incidents of criminal activity which necessitate an operational response involving large numbers of police or other service personnel and to provide the framework for command and control of such incidents | Commissioner of Police, Belize Police Force | 1992 |
ASR-1802 | Farm Systems Report The Edge of Hills Areas of Southern Toledo | Working Paper No. 9 | P. J. Seager | 1985 |
ASR-1803 | Community-Initiated Agriculture and Resource Management Project Formulation Report Main Report (Second Draft) | Latin America and the Caribbean Division Programme Management Department | 1997 | |
ASR-1804 | Community-Initiated Agriculture and Resource Management Project Appraisal Report | Annex I presnets an analysis of the factors affecting the social and economic development of rural communities in the Southern Region of Belize. | Latin America and the Caribbean Division Programme Management Department | 0 |
ASR-1805 | Draft Proposal for The Belize College of Agriculture | Proposal from The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to USAID/Belize | Michigan State University, MSU Agricultural & Extension Education Department, North Carolina A&T State University, BCA | 1991 |
ASR-1806 | Bibliography of Agriculture Vol. 1 | Bibliography contains some 502 titles and are arranged according to author. It includes books, bulletines, journal articles as well as other conventional and non-conventional works. | R. H. Neal, E. A. Awe | 1984 |
ASR-1807 | Draft Final Report on the Establishment of the University of Belize | Inter-Ministerial Task Force, The University of Belize Secretariat | 1999 | |
ASR-1808 | Organization, Management, Courses of Study and Programs for The Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of Belize - A Proposal | M. Avila, H. O'Brien, A. Serano, H. Parham | 1999 | |
ASR-1809 | Report of a Consultancy to Assist in the Development of a Strategic Direction in Policing and Produce Strategies for Training and Community Policing | Dave Mellis, Mel Blunt | 0 | |
ASR-1810 | Report on By-Election Cayo South Electoral Division held October 229th, 2003 | I. Myrtle Palacio | 2003 | |
ASR-1811 | Belize Livestock Development Project II Breeding Plans for Central Farm Dairy Herd and Dairy Farmers | Rafael Ledesma, Orlando Habet | 1991 | |
ASR-1812 | Belize Livestock Development Project Phase II Internal Review | Report of Workshop held on 24th- 25th June, 1991 to evaluate the accomplishments of the BLDP II from June 1990 to June 1991; to obtain imputs on the activities to be implemented and to identify areas which are hindering the project accomplishments and design strategies for their solution. | 1994 | |
ASR-1813 | Swine Revolving Fund Evaluation | Evaluation conducted to determine the accomplishments of the National Development Foundation of Belize in realtion to the Swine Revolving Fund established under Phase I of the Belize Livestock Development Project. It provides recommendations on whether the programme should be renewed or terminated. | Melanio Pech, Moises Cal | 1992 |
ASR-1814 | Principles of Climate/Crop Yield Modeling and Other Agroclimatic Assessment Tools with Operational Procedures for Agricultural Belize Final Report | Douglas T. Smith | 1980 | |
ASR-1815 | Market Survey for Belize Fruit Juices in the Caribbean Regions | MAENDELEO | 1987 | |
ASR-1816 | A New Town for Belize: Keeping the Satellite City in the Public Interest | Julie Perkins | 2002 | |
ASR-1817 | Sustainable Agriculture Production End of Project Report | Ed Pulver, Lalit Arya, Renzo Quiroz, Ted Ogaldez, Jorge Cawich | 1996 | |
ASR-1818 | Livestock Development Project Paper Amendment No. 2 | United States International Development Cooperation Agency for International Development | 1988 | |
ASR-1819 | Livestock Development Project Paper Amendment No. 3 | United States International Development Cooperation Agency for International Development | 1988 | |
ASR-1820 | Toledo Small Farmer Development Project | Government of Belize, International Fund for Agricultural Development | 1987 | |
ASR-1821 | A Proposed Pension Plan for Secondary School Teachers and Ancillary Staff | Belize Association of Principals Secondary Schools | 1989 | |
ASR-1822 | Toledo Small Farmers Development Project Appraisal Report | International Fund for Agricultural Development | 1988 | |
ASR-1823 | Work Plan for the Belize Certification Programme for Medfly Host Commodities | Plan will be used as a guide for the certification and exportation of papayas, peppers, capsicum to the Usa during the 1991-1992 export seasons. | Belize Medfly Task Force Committee | 199 |
ASR-1824 | A Justification and Strategy for Participatory Planning in Southside, Belize City | Andrew Goodyear | 2002 | |
ASR-1825 | New Fuel Storage, Handling, and Distribution Facilities at Commerce Bight, Dangriga Town | Proposal by Smith Equity Builders, Inc. | Smith Equity Builders, Inc | 2001 |
ASR-1826 | Natural Resource Management and Protection Project End of Project Report | Final report cover the PVO support activities under the cooperative agreement with the WWF and the Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development. | Mark Nolan | 1996 |
ASR-1827 | External Debt and Adjustment: The Case of Belize 1980-1986 | Paper presented at the 19th Annual Regional Monetary Studies Conference | Yvette Alvarez | 1987 |
ASR-1828 | Report of the FAO/World Bank Cooperative Programme Identification Mission Report | Project Briefs and Annexes 1-3 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | 1986 |
ASR-1829 | Studies on Cultivation of Oilseeds in Belize | Paper presented at 6th symposium on Agricultural Research and Development in Belize | A. K. Sinha, B.K. Rai | 1984 |
ASR-1830 | Selection of Oilseed Crops for Cultivation in Belize | B. K. Rai, A. K. Sinha | 0 | |
ASR-1831 | A System of Raising Pigs by Small Farmers | B. K. Rai, A. K. Sinha, J. August | 0 | |
ASR-1832 | The Production of Grain Crops by Large Scale Mechanized Means in Belize (British Honduras) | Study covers the feasibility of producing corn, red kidney beans, grain sorghum, soybeans, and peanuts, and the market potential for these crops in the Caribbean area. | Ministry of Trade and Industry | 0 |
ASR-1833 | Proposal to Provide Technical Services for the Improvement of Livestock Productivity and Profitability Project with the Ministry of Agriculture in Belize | Project proposal to provide technical assitance and training to improve the livestock sector in Belize, including aspects such as improvements in pasture mangement, genetic enhancement of nation's herds, production technology, laboratory services, on-farm storage, animal health, etc. | MidAmerica International Agricultural Consortium, Oklahoma State University | 1989 |
ASR-1834 | Market Survey for Selected Aseptic Fruit Juices in the Caribbean Region Belize Supply | MAENDELEO | 1987 | |
ASR-1835 | Forest Policy and Belizean Development: Obstacles and Opportunities (Working Paper 4) | Prepared for presentation at the 48th National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration | George M. Guess | 1987 |
ASR-1836 | Sustainable Refugee Settlement in Orbignya cohune Standley Dominated Secondarized Humid Forest: Integrating Conservation and Development Through Agroforestry | Report on Joint Productive Project Formulation Mission "Young Gal" | Alain Retiere, Ricardo Radulovich | 1993 |
ASR-1837 | Youth Enterprise Fund Proposal (Draft) | Dr. Dennis Hoy, Francis Baizar, K. Mustafa Toure | 1992 | |
ASR-1838 | Status Report and Summary of Activities Concrning the Government of Belize, Paul Broadhead and The North Ambergris Caye Development Corporation (NACDC) | North Ambergris Caye Development Corporation | 1994 | |
ASR-1839 | Proposal for the Formation of the Belize Electric Association | Proposal to develop a sustainable rural electrification program which benefits all of the rural villages in the country. | Hugh Fuller, Louis Lue, Lloyd Geer, Sam Sampson, Ronald Mettler, Arturo Gallego, Ronald Orozco | 1990 |
ASR-1840 | Project Grant Agreement Between GOB and the Agency for International Development for Toledo Agricultural Marketing | 1987 | ||
ASR-1841 | National Policy for Older Persons | A National Policy to ensure that a National Plan for Older Persons will not be just one of provideing protection, care and residential services,but also of securing their involvement and participation in the national development process. | Ministry of Development, Women and Children and Civil Society | 2002 |
ASR-1842 | A Proposed Special Education Policy | Special Education Unit, Ministry of Education | 1998 | |
ASR-1843 | Recommendations for Development of The University of Belize | Florida Association of Voluntary Agencies for Caribbean Action | 2000 | |
ASR-1844 | Review of Special Education Services in Belize 2002 | Sharon August, Erlett Thomas | 2002 | |
ASR-1845 | YWCA Reaching Out Bridging The Gap | YWCA | 2000 | |
ASR-1846 | Community Forestry and The Role of Education | Study provides data regarding the current forestry situation in the Toledo District, Community Forestry alternatives, and suggestions regarding the role of education in developing and supporting these forestry alternatives. | John Sabella, Ministry of Education | 1999 |
ASR-1847 | Proposal for University of Belize Health Sciences Centre College of Medicine | Dr. Felix Oteruelo, Angel Asin, Joseph F. Oteruelo, Ignacio Orbe Villanueva | 2001 | |
ASR-1848 | Improving Quality in the Provision of Education for All in Belize: An Examination of the Impact of a Basic Education Project | J. Alexander Bennett | 1999 | |
ASR-1849 | Technology Generation and Transfer Belize Experience | Study undertaken by CARDI to examine the various approaches and strategies used to achieve its success and to see the extent to which these can be extended to other countries, projects and programmes. | Samsundar Parasram, Iftekhar Ameen | 0 |
ASR-1850 | Belize Education Sector Strategy Social Appraisal (Draft) | The overall objective of the appraial was to undertake a broad social analysis and a critical examination of current differences in educational opportunity (access) and provision (equity) according to location, ethnicity, gender and income. | Mary Surridge, Dylan Vernon | 1999 |
ASR-1851 | Appraisal Report on Enhancement of Technical and Vocational Education and Training | Caribbean Development Bank | 2000 | |
ASR-1852 | Report on School Improvement Programme Workshop and Consultative Meeting on Education Development in Small States | Ernest N. Raymond | 2000 | |
ASR-1853 | Education for All the Caribbean in the 1900's Retrospect and Prospect | Errol Miller | 2000 | |
ASR-1854 | Final Evaluation of the Belize Accelerated Cocoa Production Project | Robert Gaarden | 1987 | |
ASR-1855 | Strengthening The Ministry of Agriculture, Belize: A Draft Review of Agricultural Commodity Marketing, Identification of Needs for Improvement and Recommendations for Implementation | Robert V. Enochian, Wendel Parham, Albert Williams, Sylvan Wittwer | 1988 | |
ASR-1856 | Report of Legislative Assembly Meeting 20th September, 1963 | Report of Legislative Meeting held following the successful achievement self-government. | 1963 | |
ASR-1857 | NARMAP Report on Meat Inspection and Meat Processing Training | Dr. A. Z. Palmer, Mr. Homer R. Pritchard | 1996 | |
ASR-1858 | Report on Mental Health System in Belize | WHO, PAHO, Ministry of Health | 2009 | |
ASR-1859 | Caribbean Agricutural Research and Development Institute Country Highlights 2008 | CARDI | 2009 | |
ASR-1860 | National Policy on Local Governance in Belize | Ministry of Labour and Local Government, UNDP | 2009 | |
ASR-1861 | Ministry of Health Strategic Plan 2009-2011 | Lesbia Guerra, Robert Tucker, Michelle Vanzie | 2009 | |
ASR-1862 | Health Systems Profile Monitoring and Analizing Health Systems Change/Reform | PAHO, WHO | 2009 | |
ASR-1863 | Decentralization and Local Governance in Belize: A Chronicle of Developments and Identification of Key Issues for Further Dialogue and Action | A working paper to inform preparation of process of dialogue and action of decentralization of local government in Belize | Dylan Vernon | 2008 |
ASR-1864 | Medium Term Development Strategy 2010-2013 Building Resilience Against Social, Economic and Physical Vulnerabilities | Patricia B. Medoza | 2010 | |
ASR-1865 | E cud happen to any a wi: A Community Survey on Violence Against Women | Women's Circle of Belize | 2010 | |
ASR-1866 | Project Grant Agreement for Commercialization of Alternative Crops | Agency for International Development | 1985 | |
ASR-1867 | Report of The Joint Scientific Expedition to the Upper Raspaculo River, Belize, Central America January-February 1991 | Major Alastair D. R. Rogers, Dr. David A. Sutton, Mrs. Jill Hamersley | 1991 | |
ASR-1868 | Condition of Contract Specifications and Billsof Quantities for Erection and Completion of Extension to Natural Resources Building | Ministry of Workds | 2005 | |
ASR-1869 | An Inventory of Measures Restricting Trade and Investment in Services in Belize and Jamaica | A study contracted by the CARICOM Secretariat to compile an inventory of restrictions on trade and investment in services maintained in Belize and Jamaica which impede the rights of establishment, free movement of capital and matters incidental to. | David Thompson, Dr. Omri Evans | 2000 |
ASR-1870 | Revenue Generation Strategy for Protected Areas of Belize | Summary of Findings and Recommendations | Drs. Robert Aukerman and Glenn Haas | 1992 |
ASR-1871 | Southern Highway Upgrading and Rehabilitation Project Feasibility Study Inception Report | KOCKS Consult GMBH Consulting Engineers | 1993 | |
ASR-1872 | Southern Highway Upgrading and Rehabilitation Project Feasibility Study Volume 2 Annex to Draft Final Report | KOCKS Consult GMBH Consulting Engineers | 1993 | |
ASR-1873 | Belize International Airport Feasibility Study and Preparation of Final Designs for Airport Development | Wallace Evans and Partners | 1987 | |
ASR-1874 | Belize International Airport Prequalification Document for Consultancy Services | Wallace Evans and Partners | 1987 | |
ASR-1875 | Project Identification and Pre-Feasibility Study: The Potential for the Production of a Commerical Scale of Food-Grade Cassava Starch | Tate and Lyle Technical Services Ltd. | 1980 | |
ASR-1876 | On-Farm Programme 1984 | Report describes the works of the 1984 on-farm programme from two on farm surveys. Section one discusses the approach and practicalities of on-farm research and sections two and three documents the methodology and results of on-farm trials. | C. L. Baskerville | 1984 |
ASR-1877 | A Proposed Jaguar Country Management Plan | Proposal to establish a pilot Jaguar management program in Belize, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela basesd on the proposition that the potential Fees that could be charges for limited and controlled sport hunting of jaguars could provide the major portion of finances needed by government agencies to implement management measures. | Wendell G. Swank and James G. Teer | 1988 |
ASR-1878 | Shelter Committee Hurricane Manual | Housing and Planning Department | 0 | |
ASR-1879 | The Royal Belize Village, Ambergris Caye | Design Concept | McIntosh Alliance International Hotel Development, Inc. | 0 |
ASR-1880 | Vista Del Mar Development Project Mile 8 1/2 Northern Highway Appraisal Report | Investigation report to determine the value of the works completed to date, estimate the cost of construction of the project infrastructure, and the market value of the completed project. | Pjilip E. Andrewin | 1991 |
ASR-1881 | Belize Land Management Program Proposal for Consolidated Component for Co-Financing, NRD-Component Final Report | Norway Registers Development AS | 2002 | |
ASR-1882 | Pig Census 1980 | Department of Agriculture | 1980 | |
ASR-1883 | Toledo Farming System Report Bean Enterprise Report | Objective of report is to provide a database for bean production in Toledo, against which future recommendations can be judged. | P.J. Seager | 1983 |
ASR-1884 | Rehabilitation of Old Rice Lands Final Report | Report covers a trial carried out during the wet season of 1984 in Southern Belize concerning the rehabilitation of old rice lands heavily indested with wild rices. | S. Hickman | 1984 |
ASR-1885 | Report on a Survey of Red Kidney Bean Farmers in Toledo, Belize 1984/85 | M. W. Brown and M. Salam | 1985 | |
ASR-1886 | Co-Operation between The European Union and Belize Report | Report of the 1996 and 1997 programmes and project and activities related to the implementation of the development cooperation between Belize and the EU | Delegation of the European Commission | 1997 |
ASR-1887 | Report on a Survey of Cacao Farmers in Toledo | Report of survey conducted to assess the progress of small holder cacao farmers after one year and identify problems and to asess management practices and estimate costs of establishment and maintenance of young plants. | M. W. Brown and M. salam | 1985 |
ASR-1888 | Toledo Farming System Report Livestock Production Report | Report gives a broad outline of livestock production in Toledo against the background of national demand and production; explains the position of livestock productions in the farming systems of Toledo concentrting on the Maya; and; analyses the contraints and opportunities for livestock production in Toledo. | P. J. Seager | 1983 |
ASR-1889 | Upland Workshop | Papers presented by members of the TRDP Team and the Lands Department, covering sociological, economic, agricultural and land issues. | 1984 | |
ASR-1890 | The Case for 'Matahambre' Corn | Paper presented to the Belize Institure of Agricultural Science, Research Symposium | M. W. Brown and D. E. Johnson | 1984 |
ASR-1891 | Proceedings of the International Coastal Resources Management Workshop | Report includes presentations made during the workship and the final recommendations drafted by the participants | 0 | |
ASR-1892 | An Inventory of the Chiquibul Forest Reserve, Belize | Land Resource Study No. 14 | M. S. Johnson and D. R. Chaffey | 1973 |
ASR-1893 | Recommendations for Agricultural Research in British Honduras Part 1 Crops and Small Stock Miscellaneous | Report No. 134 An Interim Report | J. R. Dunsmore | 1972 |
ASR-1894 | Strenghtening The Ministry of Agriculture, Belize: Draft Review of The Extension Service Capability | Robert Johnson and Allen Turner | 1987 | |
ASR-1895 | Construction of a Water Supply System for Trinidad Village School Report No. 2 | Robert C. Miller | 1988 | |
ASR-1896 | Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture Through Milpa Integrated Cropping System The Toledo Experience Program and Learning Guides | 1991 | ||
ASR- | 0 | |||
ASR-1898 | Belize Rapid Ecological Assessment Workshop | Information presented at workshop conducted to develop a "rapid ecological assessment" methodology for use in Belize to determine conservation suitability in land use and development planning | The Belize Center for Environmental Studies | 1990 |
ASR-1899 | Recommendations to the Government of Belize to Ensure Adequare Air Safety Oversigh by The Civil Aviation Department, Ministry of Energy and Communications | Clyde K. V. Outram | 2008 | |
ASR-1900 | Community-Initiated Agriculture and Resource Management /Rurual Development Project Second Draft Workplan and Budget 2003-2004 | The Project Coordinating Unit | 2004 | |
ASR-1901 | NEMO Belize National Hazard Management Plan 3A Hurricane Response Plan | 2003 | ||
ASR-1902 | NEMO Belize National Hazard Management Plan 3B Hurricane Response Plan | 2003 | ||
ASR-1903 | New Conomic Agenda for Belize: Economy-Wide Planning System | Winston Dookeran | 1994 | |
ASR-1904 | Maya Archaeological Site Development Project (MASDP) Draft Feasibility Study | ARCOTECH | 1995 | |
ASR-1905 | Appraisal Report on Nasser Diab Building | Report of the formal evaluation of the subject estate in order to ascertain its suitability for use as a centralized office accomodation to pool the scatter offices of the Belize City Council. | Ministry of Works | 1996 |
ASR-1906 | Memorandum on The Public Sector Investment Programme of Belize 1992/93 - 1994/95 | Economics and Programming Department | 1992 | |
ASR-1907 | Feasibility Study on The "Youth Training & Entrepreneurship for the Future Development of Belize" Project | Project seeks to train youths countrywide equpping them with marketable skills, while preparing them to be entrepreneurs or gainfully employed. | Ministry of Economic Development | 2003 |
ASR-1908 | Belize Economic Report | Report of the work of a World Bank economic mission to Belize in June 1986. | 1986 | |
ASR-1909 | Report of The Fourth Meeting of The Council for Trade and Economic Development | 1999 | ||
ASR-1910 | Proposed Policy and Guidelines for Emergency Shelter Management in Belize | 2003 | ||
ASR- | 0 |