British Honduras Newsletters: 1957 – July – No.1
1 Memo to Heads of Government Departments in connection with the British Honduras Newsletter
British Honduras Newsletters: 1957 – July – No.1
1 Queen's Birthday Honors
1 Visit of Navy Survey Ship
1 B.H. Firm Offers Pay Increase
2 19th Century Wreck Found (Sunken ship found off Ambergris Caye)
2 Appointments in Civil Service
2 C.D. & W. Grants (Grant towards further improvement at the Belize hospital)
3 Visit of US Agricultural Expert
3 Scholarships for Puerto Rican Training
4 Bequest to Jubilee Library (Donation of books to Library)
4 Yellow Fever Threat
4 Rabies Control in B.H.
4 Statement by Member for Natural Resources (Hon. George Price speaks on his recent visits to the United States and Guatemala)
5 Red Cross Week
British Honduras Newsletters: 1957 – August – No.2
2 Negotiations of Immigration for Mennonite Community
2 First B.H. Credit Union Conference held
2 Union concludes agreement for 1957 Chicle Season
2 Big Cattle export trade possible
3 Airport Liaison Committee named
3 New Music Society Formed
3 New US Consul
3 Rotary International Club Formed
3 Delegations & Visitors (Representatives to the Eight Conference of the Federation of British Civil Service Associations in the Caribbean Area)
5 CD&W Grant for Home Economics Officer
5 Imports/Exports Figures for April
5 Domestic exports for Month of April, 1957 showing group commodities and
6 Belize index of retail prices
British Honduras Newsletters: 1957 – September – No.3
1 B.H. Government signs Oil Agreement
1 Revision of laws approved
2 B.H. 20 Years in Broadcasting
2 Wesley Colleges- 75 Years Old
2 10th of September Celebrations
2 R.C. Bishop resigns
3 Former Jesuit Superior Dies
3 Fort George Hotel gets ship’s relic
3 Preventative Measures (Rabies, Polio)
4 B.H. Blood Bank
4 C.D. & W. Grants (Grant approved to Kekchi Indian Liaison Officer)
4 Western District gets electric lights and new market
5 New Broom Factory
5 UNICEF provides funds for Midwifery programme
5 Forty persons get I.C.A. Certificate
5 Aviation ((Group Travel Plan extended to include the months of August and September)
6 Delegations and visitors
7 New principal for Government Training College
7 B.H. student tops Cyprus class
7 Four BR. Hondurans leave for training
8 Imports, exports figures for June
9 Domestic exports of wood & timber for the year 1956
9 Maximum and minimum temperatures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1957 – October– No.4
1 B.H. celebrates 158th anniversary
1 American Company gets Land Concession
2 New tourist summer resort under construction
2 Government to build 13 low-cost houses
2 Extensive drilling programme under way
3 Oxygen lung set donated to Government
3 B.H. Chamber of Commerce makes Revolutionary Proposal
4 Belize Rotary Club gets charter
4 Aviation- Flight to Chetumal Inaugurated
4 B.H. Red Cross gets letter of thanks
5 Three Senior Civil Servants promoted
5 Successful Home Economics course held
5 Arrivals and departures
7 Obituary (Three prominent people died)
8 Imports, exports figures for July
9 Maximum and minimum temperatures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1957 – November– No.5
1 B.H. Delegation to London
1 B.H. attends Agricultural Conference in Costa Rica
2 27th Airstrip opened
2 Jesuits open Agricultural College
3 Manual training centre opened
3 Education Week celebrations
3 Education week celebrations
3 Belize Hospital School of Nursing to improve training
4 PUP Annual convention supports Government delegation
4 Two private companies offer cold storage facilities
5 Famous Canadian actress-Playwright to adjudicate at B.H. arts festival
5 National Society of Music formed
5 Deluxe shoe store opened
6 Airlift to marooned families
6 New Chief Justice appointed
6 Third local forester named
7 Belize Hospital gets new medical officer
7 B.H.B.S. announcer granted British Council bursary
7 $80,000 fire losses at Army Camp
7 Arrivals and departures
10 Imports/Exports for September
11 Belize index of retail prices
British Honduras Newsletters: 1957 – December- No.6
1 Oil Companies Merge
1 Oil found but not in Commercial Quantities
2 $4,700 in Grants to B.H.
2 First agricultural extension course held
2 Four agricultural scholarships for B.H. farmers
3 National Park proposed
3 Successful B.H. Festival of Arts held
4 Caribs of Southern districts celebrate Settlement Day
4 Reconstruction of Anglican Parish church started
4 New Anglican Dean installed
5 Countess Mountbatten to visit B.H.
5 New US Consul in
5 P.W.D. Executive Engineer Transferred to Grenada
5 Third Credit Union to acquire own office
6 Shipping
6 Arrivals and Departures
7 Exports Figures for October
8 Maximum and Minimum temperatures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – January- No.7
1 B.H Delegation returns home
2 Assembly pledges loyalty to crown
2 People’s United Party expresses confidence in its leaders
2 New Delegation named
3 UK Hurricane Grants give Modern Building to Corozal
3 Mennonites conclude Immigration Negotiations
4 Three Nursing scholarships for B.H.
4 Juvenile Delinquency Expert for BH
4 $2,000 Grant for Advancement of Archeology in BH
5 First Airstrip on BH Coral Island
5 Airstrip in Remote Indian Village
5 SJC Graduates 36
6 Project to aid handicapped children underway
6 Villages get libraries
6 B.H. Civil Servant promoted
7 Visitors during the month
8 Export/Import Figures for November 1957
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – February No.8
1 Princess Margaret for B.H.
1 B.H. reconstituted Delegation returns to London
2 Countess Mountbatten visits Belize
2 Jesuit Mission gets new superior
2 Sister of Mercy celebrate 75th anniversary
3 Pallotine Nun to be in charge of school for handicapped
3 H.E. addresses 19th annual conference of federation of teachers
4 Scholarships for B.H.
4 Lobster prices drops
5 Grand Horticultural show held
5 British Honduras girl wins wings
5 New Director of Education appointed
6 Transferred to Barbados
6 Social Welfare conference held
6 B.H.B.S. announcer back from B.B.C.
6 A Successful mission
6 Civil servants honored
7 Lady Thornley, President of Y.W.C.A.
7 British Honduras boxer starts come back campaign
7 Citrus pioneer passes
7 Dies at 101 (Eleanor Trapp)
8 Arrivals and departures
9 Index of retail prices in Belize on 2nd January, 1958
10 Statement showing the principal figures of retail prices index for the working class as on 2nd January, 1958
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – March-No.9
1 Reconstituted B.H. Delegation Returns
2 Her Majesty the Queen accepts verses from B.H. delegation
2 H.E. sets up Advisory Committee for Royal Visit
3 HMS Daring & HMS Delight call at Belize
3 Pallotine nuns nurses for Corozal new hospital
3 350 books gift for jubilee library
4 Two British Honduras win prizes in “Voice of America” contest
4 45 years a teacher
4 Famous British pianist gives concert
5 1958 Arts festival commences in April
5 Fort George hotel gets new manager
5 Education Officer honored
5 B.H. Red Cross and volunteer blood donors service link
6 $12,660 grants for livestock
6 First Belize –Merida excursion
6 “Davey Jones Locker” claims 70-ton motor vessel
6 Promotions
6 Arrivals and departures
9 New Chief engineer named
10 Imports, exports figures for December 1957
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – April-No.10
1 Programme for Royal visit announced
2 B.H. prepares for Princess Margaret
3 H.E. lays foundation stone of new Anglican Church
3 Nazarene Church celebrates Golden Anniversary
3 New R.C. Bishop named
4 H.H. pays tribute to nursing profession
4 Juvenile delinquency expert leaves
5 Locust research team visits B.H.
5 Malaria eradication campaign enters second spraying cycle
5 BBC regional head visits Belize
6 Cost of living expert arrives
6 Surveys expert visits B.H.
6 New manager for Listowel
7 Chamber of Commerce elects officers
7 Mr. H.C. Fuller re-elected president
7 New Comptroller of Customs named
8 Volunteer Guard holds Annual Camp
8 Luxury yacht for tourist resort
8 Arrivals and Departures
10 Imports, exports figures for January
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – May-No.11
1 The Key to the City of Belize
1 R.A.F. represented in Belize during Royal visit
2 Jewel box for Princess Margaret
2 Band of Worcestershire Regiment for Royal visit
2 B.H. linked by radio-telephone to U.K. and U.S.A.
2 B.H. sends goodwill message
3 B.H. represented at inauguration of Federal Parliament
3 New R.C. Bishop to be consecrated in Belize
3 Stanley Field air terminal building gets modern waiting room
4 Guatemalan President not allow to visit Western District
4 Tribute to late B.H. Banker
4 Gulf Oil Company’s geologist in
5 Malaria eradication campaign continues
5 8 inch pipes lay to ease water shortage
5 Arrivals and departures
7 Imports, exports figures for February for February, 1958
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – June-No. 12
1 H.R.H. the Princess Margaret visits Belize
2 Message from H.R.H. The Princess Margaret to H.E.
2 Princess Margaret sends message to Mayor of Belize
3 Under Secretary of State for the Colonies visits BH
4 H.I.P. & N.P. send Petition to Mr. Profumo
4 Executive Council rejects Guatemalan pretensions of sovereignty
5 Sir Colin Thornley addresses civil servants
6 Government’s attitude toward Guatemalan scholarships clarified
7 Parliamentary delegation on one week visit to B.H.
8 W.I. Federal Parliament Deputy Opposition Leader visit BH
8 High dignitaries of R.C. church due here for consecration of Bishop of Belize
9 Provisional recognition for Mexican Consul
9 BH Nurse wins U.C.W.I. Prize
9 100% passes at teachers’ examinations
9 B.H. at regional labor board meeting in Trinidad
10 Assistant Superintendent of Police to retire after 38 years of service
10 Two civil servants promoted
10 B.H. nurse wins U.C.W.I. prize
11 Arrivals and departures
12 Export/Import Figures for March 1958
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – July-No. 13
1 H.E. Sir Colin Thornly goes on leave
2 Two Party System adopted in BH
2 R.C. Church gets new Bishop
2 Legislature passes Coconut Industry Bills
3 Four B.H. Civil servants get birthday honors awards
3 Radio-Telephone Service Stays
4 Tourist Committee Appointed
4 Census of BH Population due in 1960
4 People of Orange Walk receive letter of thanks
5 Valuation Officer arrives
5 Famous Evangelist visits BH
6 B.H. libraries join U.S. Book exchange service
6 Honduran student returns with B.A.
6 Promotions in the civil service
7 An unprecedented accident
7 Arrivals and departures
9 Export/Import Figures for April 1958
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – August-No. 14
1 Two new Oil Company to start Exploration Operations
2 Cable & Wireless to take over BH Telegraph Service
2 P.W.D. dredge “GIBNUT” has heavy programme
3 British Honduras at 33rd International congress of Americanisms
3 Coconut Industry Board set up
4 Oil Company donates $2,000 for Archaeology Work
4 Scoutmasters council set up
4 BH Civil Service Association appoint Fact finding Commission
5 Civil Servants Promoted
6 $40,000 Insurance to be constructed
6 4th July Celebrated
6 BH Students get degree, Diploma in Chicago
7 32 British Honduras leave for Jehovah Conference
7 Trinidad athletes to visit British Honduras
7 Director of education on official Mexican tour
7 Guatemalan Teachers visit Belize
8 Arrivals and departures
9 Export/Import Figures for May 1958
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – September-No. 15
1 H.E. gives radio talk on Government’s development program
1 Government plans for Sugar Industry Development Outline
2 NIP delegation received by acting governor
3 PUP Demonstration for "Self Government Now"
3 Cache of Arms found on Coral Island seized by Customs
4 Hurricane victims to get free grants
4 Gulf Oil abandons another Wildcast Test Well
4 City Fathers & Central Government exchange Properties
5 British Honduras represented at three conferences overseas
5 Cambridge Archaeologist visit British Honduras Maya Ruins
6 Trade union leader returns after four weeks tour of the U.K.
6 Third political party formed
6 Government training college renamed
7 New principal for St. George’s College
7 Training college advisory board formed
7 Well known politician passes
7 Noted B.H. athlete dies
8 British Steamship Company donates lifeboat to sea scouts
8 Matron Adamson transferred
9 More B.H. students leave from training
10 Arrivals and departures
11 Export/Import Figures for June 1958
British Honduras Newsletters: 1958 – December-No. 18
1 Governor Horsley attends Carib Settlement Day Celebrations
3 Governor receives reply from Holy See
3 BH Federation of Women's Day Nursery opened
4 Sir Harold Mitchell sees great future for sugar industry
4 25 oil mining leases granted to gulf
5 C.D. & W. GRANT for construction and improvement of city streets and drains
5 Settlement officers arrives
6 Two areas in Belize District set aside for agricultural settlement scheme
6 Drama adjudicator praises Bliss Institute auditorium
6 Jesuit Missionary leaves British Honduras after 44 years continuous service
7 Belize Rotary Club to build equip School for Handicapped Children
7 Village sends birthday greetings to Prince of Wales
7 Guatemala students visit Belize
8 Appointments & Promotions
9 Arrivals and departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – January-No. 19
1 Secretary of State replies to PUP Memorial
3 His Excellency calls for Resolution of Loyalty
5 Pine Lands license transferred to Belize Estate & Produce Company
6 British Honduras featured in B.B. C. Commonwealth roundup
7 Successful agricultural field day held
7 New suction dredge grant approved
8 Government grants interest-free loans to high schools
8 Sir Colin Thornley re-elected president of Guild of Graduates
8 Peoples United Party wins municipal and Town Board Elections
9 7,000 demonstrate in “No Guatemala Parade”
9 Mercy Pioneer Nun passes after 66 years in colony
9 Sugar factory and GWU sign Memorandum of Agreement
10 Rotary club starts filling site for the handicapped school
10 B.H. students at U.C.W.I. form musical trio
11 Chamber of Commerce donate Christmas tree to the city of Belize
10 Colonial office official on one week visit
11 Visitors to British Honduras
11 Arrivals and departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – February-No. 20
1 BH Legislature rejects Guatemalan Claim
2 Legislature passes nine million dollar budget
2 Printing press gift from Odeca seen as unacceptable interference
3 H.E. addresses 200 teachers at 20th Annual conference
3 150 Roman Catholic teachers attend 5th Convention
4 Two receive New Year’s Honors
4 British Honduras represented at regional labor board parley
4 Trainee leaves on agriculture extension information course
5 Luxury Cruise Ship to call at Belize
5 Ancient Mayan Storage Chamber Rediscovered
5 B.H. Anglican church leaders attend synod in Trinidad
6 Appointments & Promotions
6 Arrivals and departures
8 Import and export figures for November, 1958
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – March-No. 21
1 Sir Colin Thornley addresses Chamber of Commerce Annual meeting
2 Two members of Parliament visit British Honduras
3 Cost of Living index expert completes survey
3 Prospect of recruitment of B.H. farm workers in U.S.’ improved
4 Four B.H. civil servants get top administrative posts
4 Aircraft and engine mechanic trainee returns, leaves
5 Seven trainee return from Puerto Rico
5 Enlarged teachers training college opened
6 Arrivals and departures
8 Imports, export figures for the month of December, 1958
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – April-No. 22
1 S.S. ARIADNE visits Belize
1 BH Government Launch Development Loan
2 Baron Bliss Day celebrated
2 BBC official on short visit
2 Local Rotarians celebrate
3 His Excellency the Governor attends two-year in-service training
3 Proposed casino for British Honduras
3 New Suction Dredge for Belize
4 Mayan Archaeologist on visit
4 Youth club leader on three-week course
4 Local estate bought by American investors
5 Volunteer Guard training camp
5 British Council representative in Jamaica on visit
5 British Honduras featured in Comic magazine
6 Arrivals and departures
7 Statement showing the exports of domestic produce during the period ended 31st January, 1959
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – May-No. 23
1 Tamsa Airlines on Goodwill visit
1 Weekend training course held
2 New Runway at Stanley Field
2 British Council Bursary Scheme
2 St. George's Teachers Graduation
2 Festival of Arts
2 St. Catherine’s Academy graduating exercises
3 Queen Birthday celebrated
3 British Honduran ordained as priest
3 Nurses week celebrated in British Honduras
4 British Honduras represented at standing advisory committee for research in British Caribbean
4 WHO officials visit
4 Presentation of awards
5 Promotions and appointments
6 Arrivals and departures
7 Statement showing the exports of domestic produce during the period 1st January to 28th February 1959
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – June-No. 24
1 Parliamentary Under-Secretary of state visits British Honduras
1 Four man Mexican delegation visits Belize
1 Presentation to Jubilee library
2 Three Shackleton aircraft visit British Honduras
2 Second Annual Village Council Conference held
2 New clinic opened at San Pedro
2 Teachers vacation training course
3 Commissioner to be appointed recommend on constitutional reform
3 British Council Representative leaves
3 British Honduras Designated Rescue Sub-Centre
3 Managing Director of Michigan Credit Union league on visit
4 New Matron and Assistant Matron appointed
4 Fourth annual library course held
4 Strikes at Pembroke Hall
5 Arrivals and departures
6 Promotions and appointments
7 Statement showing the exports of domestic produce during the period 1st January to 31st March, 1959
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – July-No. 25
1 Gulf Oil Company Managers pay visit
1 Volunteer Guard Officer sworn in
1 Gulf Oil company managers pay visit
2 Ten British Hondurans leave for study in Puerto Rico
2 Training course in agricultural credit
2 United States Coast Guard plane on Mercy Mission
3 Graduation of Air Traffic Control Officer
3 Installation of Ferry at San Antonio, Orange Walk approved
3 American sea-scouts visit Belize
4 Slum Clearance in Belize
4 Blind Girl receives sight
4 Government negotiates for Belize Estate Lands
5 Controversy over New Customs Regulations
5 New Roman Catholic School Opened
5 Street in Cayo manned after PUP Leader
5 Red Cross week celebrated
5 Prisoner Escaped from Central Prison
6 Appointments and promotions
6 Arrivals and departures
7 Statement showing the exports of domestic produce during the period 1st January to 30th April, 1959
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – September-No. 27
1 Constitutional Commissioner arrives
1 Governor in Council stops City Council from spending funds under false name
3 His Excellency speaks on 10th of September celebrations
4 Separate celebrations for tenth off to good start
4 Two Oil Companies get Licenses
4 Sugar Industry expert visits BH
5 His Excellency attends Citrus Field Day
5 Statutory Public Service Commission to be set up
6 Seven members of the 1959-60 Cambridge expedition to British Honduras arrive
7 CDU man goes to Caribbean Labor Parley
7 Corozal sugar factory and General Workers Union reach Agreement
7 Lighthouse keeper awarded Imperial Service medal
8 Two leave to study Government Administration
8 Pallotine nun dies after 38 years Missionary work in British Honduras
8 Four more leave for training in Puerto Rico
9 Promotions and Appointments
9 Arrivals and departures
10 Statement showing the exports of domestic produce during the period 1st January to 31st July, 1959
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – October-No. 28
1 Princess Royal to visit British Honduras
1 Guatemala claims BH at United Nations
2 Mexico will claim BH if...........
2 U.K. letter to the United Nations
2 Guatemalan President calls Governor Dictator, People Slave
3 Executive Council rejects charges of Guatemalan Presidents
3 NIP tells U.N. of the desire to stay within Commonwealth
4 U.K. –B.N. Parley may be held if considered necessary
4 Economic expert arrives
4 St. George's Caye Day celebrated in Traditional Manner
5 PUP send memorandum to Secretary of State for the colonies
6 British Hondurans in Britain celebrate 10th
6 H.M.S. Ulster and Worcestershire band visit B.H.
6 Grant of #131,000 made for research in "Bay Sores" Disease
7 Consultant engineer to investigate Harbor Development
7 Police radio link up saves aircraft in distress
8 ICA experts investigate rice disease
8 Two overseas volunteers arrive
9 Promotions and appointments
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – November-No. 29
1 Sir Hilary blood hands in constitutional reform report
2 New Legislative Building Recommended
2 BH Sugar Quota increased from 5,000 to 25,000 tons
2 Committee set up to probe timber industry
2 Benevolent fund for ex-service men
3 Hoja Blanca Disease affects Rice Crops
3 New British Council representative assumes post
3 Member of the Guild of Drama adjudicators visits
4 British Honduras to take part in Inter-American Geodetic survey
4 Visits of YWCA delegates
4 Boy Scouts camp site given association
4 To develop park into modern sports ground
5 BH Officer to be trained at International Bank
5 BH at Grenada nurses conference
5 11th Anniversary of Credit Union Day observed
6 Former Superior of Jesuit mission here dies
6 Dies at age 127
6 Receives commendable service award from U.S.
7 Arrivals and departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1959 – December-No. 30
1 Sir Colin in London for Financial Talks
1 To boost Population to 300,000 by 1975
2 To offer home to refugee year authorities
2 Princess Royal to visit Stann Creek
3 New Wing constructed at Technical College
3 Government Leakage Probe
4 Mexican Governor pays four days visits to Belize
4 First Youth Hostel under construction
4 Carib Settlement Day held
5 Three Commemorative Stamps to be issued
5 Government to build modern sports ground
6 Guatemalan deported
6 City Council launches vigorous campaigns against stray dogs
6 NIP holds National Congress
7 B.H. Festival of Arts big success
7 U.S. Coast Guard on three day visit
6 Arrivals and departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 – January-No. 31
1 London talks on British Honduras
1 British Honduras condemn Guatemalan interference
2 Financial delegation returns
2 British Honduras receives thanks for contribution to world refugee year
3 B.H. hopes to offer homes to world refugees
3 His Excellency President of Guild Graduates
3 Mr. George Price re-elected Council President
3 Training within industry course held
4 107 farm workers off to USA
4 Three Shackleton aircraft pay courtesy call
4 Public Service commission set up
5 Hydro electrical survey adviser visits B.H.
5 To advise Government on sewage problem
5 Principal Nursing Officer appointed
5 On secondment to B.H.
5 Other appointments
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 – February-No. 32
1 BH to have Ministerial System
2 UK to grant BH 5.75 million dollars
3 PUP-NIP United front Repudiate Guatemala's Claim to British Honduras
4 UK & Guatemala exchange notes over BH
5 Sir Colin praises spirit of give and take at conference
5 British Honduras delegate reaffirms view on Guatemala
6 New Financial Secretary named
6 Bill for prolongation of Assembly to be presented to Legislature
6 $40,000 loans to Pallotti High School
6 Back from courses in United Kingdom
7 Famous West Indian cricketer trains local teams
7 Chamber of Commerce elections
7 Back from Agricultural extension training
7 Appointments and promotions
8 150 aerial masts erected for New Radio transmitter
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 – March-No. 33
1 1960 census of BH is launched
1 HRH Princess Royal names Youth Hostel
1 Princess Royal has two busy days in Belize
2 HRH Princess Royal names Youth Hostel
2 HRH The Princess Royal and the Governor exchange greetings
3 Prolongation of Legislation for six months
3 Sir Colin attends diplomatic mission’s conference
4 $100,000 annex to St. Catherine's Academy
4 Civil Servants Association Protest Financial Secretary's Appointment
4 Make Civil Servants first Finance Minister
4 NIP offers home to 1,000 African Families
5 To advise Government on Port Facilities and Harbor Development
5 Canadian grantees Oil Prospecting Licenses
5 Plane Crash Report
5 Photographers form new association
6 Scout camp opened
6 TSS "Ariadine" brings 120 Tourists
6 G.W.U. signs agreement with sugar factory
6 Blind child sent to Mexico for operation
6 Young Honduran actor in Chicago
7 Off for Agricultural Information Training
7 U.C.W.I. Registrar visits Belize
7 Promotions
7 Back from courses overseas
7 Consumer Price Index 1960
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 – April-No. 34
1 BH Population 90,343
2 New Constitution Bills before the Assembly
3 Revised Laws of British Honduras nearing Completion
3 54 Senior Official in B.H. Thirty of Them – Natives
3 Civil Service Association Hold 38th Annual Meeting
4 Saw Mill destroyed
4 “Friends of B.H.” group in Commons
4 M.C.C. visits British Honduras
5 British Honduran honored in U.S.
5 Ten teachers graduate
5 S.C.A. graduate forty-six students
6 Festival of Arts very successful
6 NIP offer rejected
6 Young Honduran lawyer returns home
6 Barclays Bank clerk off to training –UK
6 Governor visits Chetumal
7 Promotions & appointments
7 Arrivals & departures
8 Consumer Price Index- Belize, April, 1960
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 – May-No. 35
1 Governor's Term of Office extended one year
1 Mr. Vickers for Mauritius
1 Deputy Colonial Secretary Resigns
2 Governor hands over new Town of Corozal
2 Land Use Survey Report Released
2 Questions on Immigration to BH in Commons
3 People’s Representation Ordinance Passed
3 Birds Stamps for 1961
3 Governor Invites Princess Margaret to Visit BR. HON.
4 Revision of Salaries for Teachers
4 Farm and Home Management Planning Seminar Held
4 Labour week Celebrated
5 Government concerned over weak Labor Movement here
5 Blind Girl Undergoes Successful Eye Operation
6 Member for Public Utilities in Bogota
6 Two Graduate in Puerto Rico
6 Awarded Canadian Scholarship
6 Two get Scholarships awards
6 Promotions
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 – June-No. 36
1 Three honored by the Queen
1 Assembly passes New Constitution Bill
2 Delimitations Commission Named
2 Canadian Mennonites to come to BH
3 Unions Amalgamate
3 Fairweather Back From world Housing and Planning Congress
4 Federation of women get American award
4 B.E.C. sole chicle supplier to Wrigley
4 Agricultural Credit Loans
4 Credit Union course held
5 Belize Lawyer dies
5 Man loses leg in boat accident
5 New dental clinic planned
5 Civil Aviation students graduate
6 B.H. medical students pass at U.C.W.I.
6 B.H. singer entertains in London
6 British Honduran graduates at Marquette
6 Promotions & appointments
6 B.H. sends six to Caribbean games
7 Arrivals and departures
7 Consumer Price Index- Belize, June, 1960
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 –July-No. 37
1 Incentives Ordinance passed
1 BH seek US Sugar Quota
1 R.A.F. Shackletons pay five days visit
2 Guatemala protests Shackletons' visit
2 Hurricane Abby strikes Villages of Stann Creek District
3 Modern Abattoir house planned
3 Fact finding commissions set up
3 Trainee returns
4 New Wesley College opens
4 Pleads for BH in Parliament
5 Marketing Board Officer to retire
5 Local Government Conference Held
5 B.H. Represented at Grenada Cooperatives Parley
5 Canadian technical Air to British Honduras
6 Wins Journalistic award
6 Naval Officer to visit B.H.
6 New Colonial Secretary
7 Two young Social Workers get Hostel Appointments
7 Belize Rotarians celebrate
7 Promotions and Appointments
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 –August-No. 38
1 Governor on Leadership
1 Registration of voters begins
1 Labor Ordinance proclaimed
2 Labor Ordinance Stipulates Compulsory Insurance
2 New Sugar Factory
3 Displaced Tenants to Receive Land
3 Agricultural Policy under examination
3 RC Bishop warns against Communism
4 Guatemalan Authorities arrest 12 chicleros
4 Cooperative Seminar Held
4 Sinking Construction to be Raised
5 Successful Citrus and Cocoa Field Day Held
5 NIP to contest all 18 seats
5 To Study Frog Calls
6 $72,000 for Street Construction
6 B.H. represented at W.H.O. Parley in Cuba
6 Experiments in shipping
6 B.H. at C.U.T. conference
6 Arrivals and departures
7 Promotions and appointments
8 Consumer Price Index-August, 1960
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 –September-No. 39
1 Nearly Seventy percent voters register
1 Governor of Guatemalan Claim
1 PUP Leader would like to stay in Commonwealth
2 Governor regrets divided celebrations
2 Six Voluntary Service Overseas Tutors Arrive
3 BH may be first to eradicate Malaria in Central America
3 Maternity Protection Benefits under new Labor Law
3 Mauritius delegation visit B.H.
4 B.H. at C.U.T. conference
4 B.H. at C.U.T. Conference
4 Turtle colony to be established
5 I.C.A. expert will not return
5 Six students off to U.WC.W.I.
5 Blood donors service official returns
6 Gets U.C.W.I. award
6 Arrivals and departures
7 Appointments and promotions
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 –October-No. 40
1 "Sell" BH to outside World Trade Commissioner
1 High Standard of Education in B.H.
2 Clothing Factory in BH
2 Handsome mahogany desk and chair gift for Princess Margaret
2 Place of honor for British Honduras gift at Kensington palace
2 New leader for C.D.P.
3 Member for Social Services visits UCWI
3 Teachers pension scheme introduced
4 B.H. on T.V. in America
4 Orphanage for Belize planned
4 Visit of International Foresters
5 BH Chicleros released in Guatemala
5 Local Labor Commissioner appointed
5 New Marketing Board Officer appointed
6 Boy Scouts drive
6 Methodists delegates return from Antigua synod
6 40 years a Missionary
6 American Professor of Journalism holds seminar in B.H.
7 Arrivals and departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 –November-No. 41
1 Col. Chief press photographer in Caribbean
1 B.H. to continue excellent relations with U.K.
1 PUP Leader reports on U.S. Canadian tour
2 Douglas Hyde gives lectures on Communism in B.H.
2 New Industry under Consideration
3 Union Representation for Citrus workers to be decided by Poll
3 New Bridge over Haulover Creek to be constructed
3 Belize Estates offers Scholarships
4 Pan American Schools Scholarships
4 Toronto Chapters Adopt three High Schools
4 Scouts Invited to National Youth Camp in Mexico
4 BH Timber on displayed in London
5 Stann Creek Districts gets Supreme Court
5 Carib Settlement Day Celebrated
5 A.I.M. Adopts Constitution
6 Cleopatra White Highly Commended at Art Festival
6 Former Mayor of Belize dies
6 H.M.S. Rothsay on visit
6 Appointments, promotions and awards
7 Arrivals and departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1960 –December-No. 42
1 Assembly passes $9.4 million budget
1 New Road will link entire country
1 Governor’s Christmas Message
2 Chairman of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association on visit
2 Intimate Opera Company performs here
2 New Bridge for Belize City Proposed
3 Pensions scheme for teachers adopted
3 Assembly passes Housing Scheme Bill
3 New Y.W.C.A. Hostel Opened
4 Governor opens Remodeled Science Laboratories
4 PUP leader addresses Rotary club
4 C.D.P. leader at Rotary meeting
5 C.D.U. WINS Citrus polls
5 Mexican Architecture exhibition in Belize
5 Sir Colin at High School graduation
6 Commercial Broadcasting Prospects
6 Maskall gets Commercial Water Cistern
6 Gets “Student of the year” award
6 Bowman retires
7 Sugar industry pioneer dies
7 I.C.A. pioneer in B.H. dies
7 Arrivals and departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1961–February-No. 44
1 Forty Seven to contest elections
1 Heavy poll expected in General Elections
1 PUP opens National Elections Campaign
2 NIP opens Election Campaign
2 To Shirk Responsibility is to Invite Communism
3 Anglican Bishop calls for malice free election campaign
3 Protestant Council calls for truth and fairplay
3 Churches must provide spiritual guidance
4 Ministerial Government Code of Ethics published
4 Development Finance Company under study
4 Fishing industry being studied
5 Inquiry Commission into Hurricane Funds
5 Colonial office official on visit
5 M.V. Joanne sinks with 74 B.H. mailbags
5 First Pusine Judge for BH
6 Ed Yorke heads Belize Technical College
6 Dr. Howes to recommend future plans for secondary education
6 Other appointments and promotions
7 Garment factory partner dies
7 Arrivals and Departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1961–May-No. 47
1 BH becomes Associate Member of ECLA
1 First Minister gives Press Conference in Guatemala
2 Economic studies of BH to be carried out
2 Guatemala backs BH Admission to ECLA
2 Ministerial delegation visits North America
3 Feeder road for farming areas
3 Coral & Reef expedition arrives
3 Police Force Strengthened
4 Annual village council’s conference addressed by Minister
4 Annual in-service teachers’ training course held in capital
4 Head of the Universal Negro Improvement Association dies
4 Farmers conference in Cayo District
4 Governor visits Boy Scouts Camps
5 Governor addresses Civil Servants
5 Mother of nine chosen as “Mother of the Year”
5 Malaria Eradication Campaign Triumphs
5 Radio/Telephone Service Extended
6 Cabin cruiser explodes- one dies
6 Agriculture census in June
6 Sub- Librarians training course
6 Record shipment of sugar and citrus made to the UK
7 Methodist minister dies
7 Four awarded University Scholarships
7 British Council of churches aids YWCA
7 BH workers for US Farms
7 BH scenes for U.S. television
8 Local company merges with American corporation
8 Work on sports field to begin soon
8 Sugar production up
8 Two new companies formed
9 Guatemalan Citizen gives Statue to Roman Catholic Parish
9 Arrivals and departures
10 Appointments and promotions
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–January 6th-No. 1
1 New Development in Guatemala's Claim to BH
1 First Minister makes statement on Guatemalan Question
2 Four B.H. in New Year’s Honours List
3 Curfew may be lifted on January 15
4 Sugar Board decides on Interim for Cane
4 Cacho to head rehabilitation work in Stann Creek
5 M.C.C. reported to have offered to rebuild M.C.C. grounds
5 BH Hurricane Appeal Fund in Britain expected to reach $400,000
6 Sir Ronald appeal for BH realizes almost $9,000
6 Aged woman found dead
6 First Minister tours Stann Creek villages
6 Another hurricane dead found
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–January 13th-No. 2
1 Britain again calls on Guatemala for talks on BH Dispute
1 Cargo plane crashes Pilot and Co- Pilot seriously injured
2 Information and Broadcasting goes to Minister of Education, Health and Housing
2 Minister denies press statement
3 Hurricane Insurance losses in BH estimated at $28 million
3 First Ministers Ends Southern Tour
3 Arbitrator proposed for Sugar Dispute
4 Sugar Board fixes Grinding Season
4 Hurricane proof schools to be built on Cayes
5 Clean-up campaign ends
5 More than three Hundred school children registered at Hattieville
6 Mother of five drowns at Hattieville
6 Mennonite disaster team leaves
6 Marketing adviser arrives
6 Second & Third charges against Goldson squashed
7 Another electrician dies
7 Longsworth posted as District Commissioner, Toledo
7 Library service announces Rehabilitation Programme
8 Hercules official visits B.H.
8 Police Commissioner on leave
8 Nadia sends greetings
8 Record year in Sugar Industry
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–January 20th-No. 3
1 Legislative Assembly Meeting
2 Guatemala accepts British Proposal for Informal talks on BH Dispute
3 Governor visits Corozal District
3 U.N. funds allocated for economic survey of B.H.
4 Pilot Meredith dies
4 Rehabilitation programme in Stann Creek underway
5 Heavy road building equipment shipped to Toledo
5 Curfew continues
5 Hurricane- proof schools to be built on cayes
8 Nurses attend weekend course
8 Supreme Court opens
9 Work starts on field hospital at Hattieville
9 Shot Gun License Fee removed
9 Ministry of Labour reports on wages agreement in sugar cane industry
10 Boy charged with manslaughter
10 Body of baby girl found in sea
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–January 27th-No. 4
1 Interim Budget for 1962 adopted by Legislative Assembly
2 Guatemalans infiltrate into British Honduras
3 First Minister visits Stann Creek
4 Rehabilitation of Internal Telecommunications after Hurricane Hattie
5 Vehicles used by Executive Council members to have special plates
5 Official Hurricane Death Roll totals 262
5 Del Caribe helps school children
5 High Civil Service official visits British Honduras
6 YWCA Caribbean Area Secretary visits British Honduras
6 Volunteer Guard promotions
6 First Minister’s reconstruction proposals being studied in London
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–February 3rd-No. 5
1 Guatemalan infiltrators face Life Imprisonment
1 British Trade mission to visit British Honduras
1 First Minister visits Crooked Tree Area
2 Jamaican schools send aid for needy students in B.H.
2 Curfew lifted
3 Coroner's Jury gives verdict on killing of looter
3 Protestant Council Delegation attends retreat in Guatemala
3 Currency Circulation
4 G.W.D.U. now affiliate of Caribbean Congress of Labor
4 City Council meeting postponed
5 Three year- old girl drowned at Bomba
5 Chief Mechanic on murder charge
5 Salvation Army Commander replaced
5 Jesuits do research on Catholic Mission
6 Hurricane “Hattie” Air Force teams win efficiency awards
6 Bishop of Belize leaves for Bishops’ meeting in Jamaica
7 Minister impressed by Carib farmers
7 Labor Commissioner goes to Regional Labor Board meeting
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–February 10th-No. 6
1 Infiltrators from Guatemala committed to Supreme Court Trial
1 Duke of Edinburgh to visit British Honduras
2 Belize Rural Area visited by First Minister
3 C.A.R.E. to open mission in B.H.
3 First Minister visits Cayo District
4 Minister opens food handlers’ seminar
4 Local Constructor to build Feeder Roads in Cayo District
5 Rotary to rebuild school for handicapped children
5 Cayman islands aid hurricane victims
5 Food for millions sends suppliers
6 U.C.W.I. professor due here next week
6 Ortega acquitted
6 Government Ministers travel to districts
7 Chamber of Commerce elects New Officers
7 P.T.T.I. representative visited here as C.S.A. guest
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–February 17th-No. 7
1 Assembly passes Important Land Reform Bill
1 H.E. to go for talks at Colonial office next month
1 Governor visits cayes
2 Government acquires Land in Cayo District
2 Ministerial part visits Crooked Tree area
3 Governor opens Civil Service Seminar
4 Caribbean citrus research scheme officials tour B.H.
4 Cane workers strike ends
4 Canadian trade Commissioner on special visit
5 Labor Commissioner returns from meeting of regional Labor Board
5 Stann Creek Town to remain as administrative capital of the district
6 Professional & Technical scholarships awarded for 1962
6 Pollard to form Christian Workers Union
7 Reconstituted Public Service Commissioner announced
7 Dr. Perez now acting D.M.S.
7 Cain now Asst. Accountant General
7 Lightburn & Bradley get American certificate in welding
8 Stann Creek news
8 New Capital to be at mile 50
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–March3rd-No. 8
1 Earl Mountbatten to visit Belize City on March 12th
1 Disastrous Forest Fires begin
2 First Minister now Responsible for Hurricane Precautions.
2 First Minister explains Government responsibilities to Stann Creek citizens
3 Minister of Labor to launch trade & vocational preparation course
3 Governor visits Gallon Jug sand Hillbank
3 Viscount Lambton on four- day visit
4 Agriculture expert here to see if imported crops can be grown locally
4 New agreements signed between GWDU & Corozal Sugar Factory
5 Question of aerial survey of B.H. being pursued
5 Inter-American surveyors working here
5 City Council president reports on progress of street repairs
6 Stann Creek Supreme court opens
7 CSA to send token financial aid to Mauritius
7 Chief of Royal Engineers replies to First Minister
7 Rural teaching practice successful
8 Sampson now Government Dental Surgeon
8 Papal volunteers teaching in P.G.
9 Pollard away for three months
9 Sister Andrea dies
9 Vernon promoted to Assessor of Income Tax
9 Man arrested in alleged hit-and-run case
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–March10th-No. 9
1 Governor goes for talks at Colonial office
1 Ministers tour southern districts
2 Baron Bliss day celebrated
3 Labor Minister addresses men’s meeting
4 Apprenticeship Law to be revised
5 Three die in traffic mishap
5 Club verandah collapses injuring dancers
6 BHVC disembodied an Emergency Force
6 Demonstration held by N.I.P.
7 Animals leave for Dublin zoo
7 Cayo to start education campaign
7 Library service expands
8 Anglicans & Catholics hear pastoral messages
8 Chest & heart association sends aid to B.H.
9 Royal Bank official praises people of B.H.
10 Frankson attends ECLA conference
10 President of Rotary International on brief visit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–March17th-No. 10
1 Government delegation goes to London
1 Government House issues release on coming tripartite talks
2 Earl Mountbatten spends few hours here
3 Alleged Guatemalan infiltrators on trial
4 Lord Lampton tells Guatemalan President that Britain will not hand over BH
5 Police say four thousand is official estimate of NIP sponsored parade
6 Splash! Surprise development in trial of Guatemalans
6 Sir Peter received by the Queen
6 First Minister sues billboard and Taylor for libel
7 Herbert Fuller dies
7 First Minister Expresses Sympathy ay Death of Mr. Fuller
8 Public Works minister visits road works in Cayo District
8 Two female M.P.’s to visit B.H.
8 Credit Union Saving reaches one million dollars
9 Fiji Credit Unionists help B.H. Credit Unions
9 Overseas guides help local guide association
10 Bishop Hodapp returns
10 GWDU bargaining agent for B.E.C. sawmill workers
11 Government delegation holds discussions at United Nations
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–March24th-No. 11
1 Tripartite talks to be held in Puerto Rico on April 16th
1 Trial of infiltrators nears end
3 Ministry clears wrong impression created by press report on buzz-men battle
3 Governor returns from London
4 Hunter goes to U.C.W.I. conference
4 Labor shortage in the north
4 Stann Creek C.D.U. signs agreement with citrus company
5 Committee set up to consider claims for requisitioned vehicles
5 Murder charge against Humes withdrawn
6 Circus in Town
6 Seventy-seven pass exams
6 Two go to represent civil service at B.G. seminar
7 Grant now Asst. Assessor of Income Tax
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–March31st-No.12
1 Leaders of Guatemalan Infiltrators sentenced to ten years imprisonment
2 London delegation members start returning
3 Minister opens new village school
4 Governor visits Cayo
4 Guatemala Delegation to tripartite talks
4 Parliamentary association gives luncheon for B.H. ministers
5 Cable & Wireless to take over telecoms on April 1st
5 British trade mission on four-day visit here
6 Miami Meteorologist visits here to sees about improved Hurricane Service
6 Church world service to increase aid plans
7 Four councilors walk out of B.C.C. meeting
7 Another forest fire breaks out
8 V.S.O.S. teachers arrive to work at Hattieville
8 Library officials tour service points in south
8 Driver dies in road accident
9 Secretary of West India Committee spends four days here
9 Bruhier appointed lands officer
9 New B.H. stamps interest Londoners
10 Trade mission leaves
10 Youth killed in road accident
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–April7th-No.13
1 Prince Phillip spends five hours here
2 Prince Phillip replies to Governor’s message
3 School holiday in honor of Duke’s visit
3 Governor answers allegations made against ex co members
4 First minister says colonial office is stalling
4 Cable & Wireless chairman sends greetings
5 Sales heavy for new issue of stamps
5 Education officials address teachers in the south
5 Library functions held in Orange Walk
6 GWDU and Belize Estate resume negotiations
6 Fire Palace Hotel
7 Three Police promotion announced
7 Explorer’s daughter plans to return to this area
8 Circus returns to Belize City
8 Human remains found in Police compound
8 Youth club to be formed at Hattieville
9 Members of B.H. delegation to Puerto Rico talks announced
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–April14th-No.14
1 B.H. delegation leaves for Puerto Rico talks
1 British Puerto Rico delegation to be led by Lord Dundee
2 NIPS hold demonstration against government delegation to Puerto Rico
2 First Minister addresses British Caribbean Association
2 B.H. asks Britain for $64 million in grant & loan
3 Governor visits Orange Walk
3 New Cement Products Company to begin work soon
4 Queen‘s Birthday celebrations on April 27
4 Army fires heavy guns
5 Two female M.P.’s to arrive on Wednesday
5 Annual village council conference to be held at San Estevan
5 Storm spoils Saturday night entertainment
6 Pamela gives up children’s hour
6 Two more V.S.O.’s students arrive to teach at Hattieville
6 P.U.P. Congratulate Bustamante
7 Chamber of Commerce activities
7 Two St. Catherine students win B.H. Open Scholarships
8 Guide trainer returns home
8 Youth club formed at Hattieville
8 Information men on three- day visit
9 Roy Young goes oh housing finance course
9 C.S.A. members return from B.G. seminar
9 Mayor of Miami aids library service
10 B.H. constitutional talks to be held in London early next year
10 Government Puerto Rico delegations busy in Jamaica
11 Forest fires under control
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–April21st-No.15
1 Puerto Rico talks end
2 Part of B.H. delegation returns from Puerto Rico
3 Peyton Jones commended for bravery in Belize Harbor Fire
3 Good chances that Sugar Quota will again be achieved this year
3 Female M.P‘s on week’s visit
4 St. Peter Claver College in P.G. officially opened & blessed
5 American firm helps extra-mural class
5 Corozal GWDU plans Labor Day celebration
5 Housewife drowns in canal
6 Young boy dies after fall from verandah
6 Fisherman drowns in Belize River
6 Miguel wins Cross Country Race
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–April28th-No.16
1 Courtenay reports on Puerto Rico conference
2 Two members of Puerto Rico delegation report to EX CO.
3 Secretary of State answers questions on Hurricane aid for B.H.
3 Annual Queen’s Birthday parade draws crowd
4 Governor presented Insignias & Medals
4 50 graduates from St. Catherine's Academy
5 Government Medical Officer dies suddenly
5 Police Constable dies following accident at sea
5 Co-operative Officers & Members Enroll in Correspondence Course
6 Questions asked at City Council Meetings
6 Gunman arrested
7 Festival presentations a success
7 Forest Fire breaks out in Toledo
7 Female M.P.’s leave after a week’s visit
8 Former D.I.C. leaves
8 P.W.D. Employees Dies following Traffic Accident
8 B.H. craft instructress takes weaving course in Britain
9 CARE receives first shipment of goods for BH AID Programme
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–May 7th-No.17
1 Eight receive diploma from St. George’s Teachers Training College
2 B.H. honors the working man
3 Circus enhances Corozal May Day Parade
3 Minister opens two important events in Social Work
4 I.L.O. Director here for labor talks
4 Trade Unionists leave for courses
4 Labor Department conciliates between C.S.A. & Cable a& Wireless
5 Youth club formed at Boom
5 Trade Unionists to attend British Council course
6 Governor goes to Costa Rica
6 Stann Creek widens Main Street
6 Dakers & McKesey now Administration Officers
6 Governor to visit BHVG Camp
7 YWCA President leaves for Switzerland conference
7 Credit Unionist leave for the U.S.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–May 14th-No.18
1 Mr. Maudling tells commons about aid to B.H.
2 Sir Peter visits B.H.V.G. camp
2 Lady Stallard arrives
3 C.J. goes on leave
3 Minister Sees Agricultural Progress in Stann Creek
3 Minister in traffic collision
3 W.H.O. makes additional contribution to Anti- Malaria Programme in B.H.
4 U.S. increases food contributions to B.H.
5 Nine Libraries in B.H. are Members of U.S.B.E.
5 Library service points now 46
5 Mayor of Miami passes through
6 Herrera leaves for Duke of Edinburgh’s study conference in Canada
6 Jamaica Home Economics Officer here to examine students
6 Sugar worker killed in accident
7 U.C.W.I. Professor arrives for lecture tour of country
7 Forest fires under control in the South
7 More than $3 M... in currency in circulation in B.H. at the end of April
8 C.S.A. meeting opens
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–May 21st-No.19
1 First Minister returns after talks in London, Puerto Rico and Washington
1 Governor on unofficial visit to Chetumal
1 Minister of Local Government returns
2 Last two members of London delegation return
2 Teacher Training Programme opened by Education Minister
3 Village Council Conference held at San Estevan
4 Minister of Public Works Inspects Works in Toledo
4 Minister of Natural Resources visits Hurricane Damaged "Cocals"
4 U.N. Expert on Visit
5 School Teacher acquitted on murder charge
5 Young Men Charge with Disorderly conduct following Political Meeting
5 U.S. Peace Crops Man here for Consultations
6 Sir Colin Thornley to retire
6 Former Pallontine Superior here now Superior General
6 Mrs. Pandy is Mother of the Year
7 Scouts begin camp
7 Hurricane Mercy ship returns
8 Legislative Assembly prorogued
8 Mexican fined for burning cane
8 Jamaican Ministry official leaves
9 Grant now Office Superintendent at Treasury
9 Library training course opens
10 First Minister Visit Orange Walk
10 Minister of Natural Resources off to Washington
10 New Agricultural Station at Yo Creek
11 American Consul leaves
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–May 28th-No.20
1 First Minister addresses teachers on subject of nation building
2 First Minister visits Mountain Pine Ridge
2 First Minister tours Stann Creek
3 Government will not tolerate exploitation of workers, says Minister
4 Public works Minister Inspects Construction Project in Cayo
4 New Blood Transfusion Room opened
5 Commonwealth Day celebrated in BH
5 Goldson & Williams before Magistrate
6 Magistrate hears disorderly conduct cases
6 Canadian Immigration Official may visit here this year
7 Poll will decide who represents water front workers
7 Memoir of Hurricane Days to be placed in Bliss Institute
7 Scouts end camp
8 CUNA official attends B.H.C.U.L meeting
8 Principal Nursery Officer in Stann Creek
8 New Manager for Phillips petroleum
8 Almoner goes on study course
9 Housewife attacked
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–June 4th-No.21
1 Twelve in B.H. on Queen’s Birthday Honor List
2 Puerto Rico recommendations approved
2 Sagastume and Rosado refused leave to appeal
3 First Minister holds reconstruction talks in Stann Creek
3 First Minister sees work in progress on Bermudian Landing-Rancho Dolores Road
4 BH Sugar Quota Application Filed
4 Public works Minister Visit Boom & Rancho Dolores Road
5 Mckoy Visits Stann Creek Rural Areas & Toledo District
5 Goldson & Williams case ends
6 Mrs. Bradley Flown to Panama
7 Governor Visits Stann Creek
7 Air Transportation Licensing Authority hears Representations
8 CWU to represent United Fruit Company stevedores
8 Stevedore drowns
8 City Council approves re-survey of Royal Bank of Canada site
9 New hotel opens
9 Civil Engineer is new Principal of St. Michael’s
10 CUNA helps B.H. league
10 American company sends maps to schools here
10 Police on church parade
11 Youth club tour Sugar Industry
11 Anglican Minister to leave
11 GWDU and Belize Estate sign collective agreement
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–June 11th-No.22
1 New Legislative Assembly Session opens on June 15
1 First Minister inspects construction projects in Corozal
2 First Minister gives radio talk
3 First Minister visits August Pine Ridge and Rockstone pond
3 Public Works Minister visits Stann Creek Rural areas
3 Placencia gets new Water Cistern
4 Mrs. Williams bound over
5 Sugar Industry optimistic of fulfilling Export Quota
5 Phillips petroleum drilling sixth well here
6 Silk Grass now political responsibility of Hon. D. Mckoy
6 Stann Creek Town Board discusses reconstruction plans
7 Sagastume’s Mother petitions the Queen
7 Stann Creek citizens discuss plans to form disaster committee
7 Sir Colin congratulates Queen’s Birthday award winners in B.H.
7 Alleged smugglers to appear in court
8 Jamaican library service sends more books to B.H.
8 High Trade Union official on familiarization tour
8 Trade Unionist returns from course in Mexico
9 Surinam sends pre-fab houses to B.H.
9 Escalante to receive Major British Council Scholarship
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–June 18th-No.23
1 Second session of Legislative Assembly opens
5 Several drown in Temporary Bridge Tragedy
6 BH Application for US Sugar Quota to go before Congress
6 B.C.C.A. meeting takes two decisions that will help Citrus Industry here
7 N.I.P. leader slightly injured in traffic mishap
7 “Radiosonde” picked up by Heron H.
8 Three shops raidedunder heavy rain
8 Youth clubs visit Corozal
8 A.I.D. staff increase
9 First Minister challenges accusers
9 B.H. gets another Air Traffic Control officer
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–June 25th-No.24
1 Legislative Assembly votes against Battalion Motion
2 Hurricane names announced
3 Hurricane Precautions Plans Published
3 First Minister Speak about National Day
4 First Minister speaks to Stann Creek citizens on reconstruction
4 Public Works Minister Holds Talks with Mennonites
5 Supreme Court June session opens
5 Governor visits Gales Point
5 Co- operatives course being held in Corozal
6 New priest for St. Mary’s
6 Pollard goes to Jamaica
6 Marin to attend Trade Union course in Venezuela
6 Stann Creek continues reconstruction plans
7 Peace Corps official visits Stann Creek
7 St. John’s Cathedral rededicated
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–July 2nd-No.25
1 Governor appoints Commission of Inquiry into Potion Bridge Accident
1 First Minister Speaks About Puerto Rico Conference
2 First Minister inaugurates Benque Viejo Light Plant
3 Sugar Industry nears end of Grinding Season
3 Three City Council Projects Completed
4 Hattieville plans big civic project
4 Government officials discuss reconstruction plans with Stann Creek district villagers
5 First Minister visits Orange Walk district
5 Library gets biggest ever shipment of books
5 Arana gets RBC Scholarship to UCWI
6 Governor Petition on Tenth of September Law
6 Philips Announces Temporary Close-Down
6 Trade Union Representation Poll to be taken at Mango Creek
6 Post Officer gets Automatic stamp vending Machines
7 Lindo gets LLB
7 Another BH Student gets LLB
8 Agricultural cooperatives Seminar Ends
8 Smith now Collector of Taxes
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–July 9th-No.26
1 Three Members of US Survey Team arrive
1 First Minister tell people of Economic Survey
2 Legislative Assembly approves Import Bill
4 First Minister tours the North
4 Rogers representing B.H. at Trinidad Conference
4 Mother & Son arrested on Mail Stealing Incident
5 Acting Postmaster tell press about steps to curb P.O. irregularities
6 New Market to be Opened Today
6 Hurricane Photograph Exhibition draws Crowds
7 Governor opens rebuilt Pomona Anglican School
7 Mahogany from Peten to be taken out through Toledo
8 Farm Workers return from U.S.
8 Americans here celebrate Independence Day
8 Orange Walk Hurricane organization meets
9 44% passes in Teachers Exams
9 Silva to represent B.H. at Parliamentary conference in Nigeria
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–July 16th-No.27
1 First Minister and Other ministers tour Southern communities
2 First Minister talks about Constitutional advance
3 Mayor opens New Market
4 More than ten thousand see Hurricane Exhibition
4 No truth in Rumour about Cubans Landing says Acting Chief Secretary
4 Inquiry into Pontoon Bridge Accident begins
5 Sugar Industry will fall short of Last Year's Record
5 British Army Brass here
5 U.W.I. Lecturer on a week’s visit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–July 23rd-No.28
1 UN Mission begins Survey of Districts
1 Peace Crops Advance Party Here
2 US give Sugar Quota to B.H.
3 New & ex-Secretaries of State send Messages to Governor
4 Governor Receives Telegram from Mr. Tshombe
4 First Minister goes to Orange Walk
5 Rootes Mission says there are opportunities for light industries in B.H.
5 Hercules to begin Production in October
6 POU Issues Statement of Policy
8 Chamber of Commerce meets ministers
8 Minister of Labor returns from Common Services Conference
8 F.M. visits Freetown
9 P.O.U. discuss housing with Minister
9 S.C. Town Board on familiarization visit to Chetumal
10 Avila sworn in as Ag. District Commissioner
10 B.H. craft instructress trains in England
11 First B.H. Queen Scout at Jamaica Scout Camp
11 Palatine Pioneer dies
11 Cinderella Town contracts awarded
12 Library Service now has 48 Service Points
12 Trade Unionist leaves for U.C.W.I. course
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–July 30th-No.29
1 Gallon Jug visited by First Minister
2 Former Assessor of Income Tax dies
3 Application for lots in the New Capital being received
4 U.N. Survey mission visit Cay District
4 Mr. Cattouse to represent B.H. at Jamaica Independence celebrations
4 CARE stoves arrives for schools
5 Governor tours Toledo District
5 F.M. Discusses problems with Sibun Area Farmers
6 Nuns contribute books to library
6 Miss Wiltshire’s training course extended
6 Government Issue Long Term Lease on Citrus Lands
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–August 6th-No.30
1 Legislative Assembly to send congratulations to Jamaica
1 Government Representative & Excursionists leave for Jamaica Independence Celebrations
2 Government's Position explained on Increase of Salary for Non National Civil Servants
3 F.M. speaks out about plans for new capital
4 American surgeon arrives for one month Mercy Mission
4 Peace Corps volunteers to arrive here on August 27
6 F.M. Inspects R.C. school in Benque Viejo and Tours Gales Point
6 Sugar Production falls short of Last Year's record
7 Regular Residual spraying of Houses to end
7 C.S. & Wellingtons Arrive
7 City Council approves Building Code
8 CU League makes the First Rehabilitation Loan
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–August 13th-No.31
1 First Minister tells men’s meeting about nation building
2 Jamaicans here celebrate Independence
3 Hunter to represent B.H. at Trinidad Independence Celebrations
4 Ministers hold discussion at Big Creek
5 Minister of Local Government gives radio talk
5 Local Government conference being held in El Cayo
6 Minister of Local Government tours the North
6 Forestry Department seeds forest from the air
6 Librarians go to Jamaica for study visit
7 Lynam College teacher goes to Puerto Rico for training
7 Workmen injured by falling house
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–August 20th-No.32
1 Fresh developments in New Capital project
1 Sir Peter spends two days in Corozal
2 U.N. economic survey team visit rural areas of Belize District
2 Local Government conference held in El Cayo
3 First Minister visits remote areas of Orange Walk District
3 San Andres Agricultural Officer’s quarters burned
4 Space scientist lectures at B.T.C.
4 Peace Corps instructor returns
5 Assembly member speaks to farmers
5 Maya Airways gets Concession
6 Public Works Minister visits churchyard area
6 Striking shipwright’s and employers meet
6 Another Lynam College teacher goes for training abroad
6 Heavenly Body seen over B.H.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–August 27th-No.33
1 F.M. denies that Guatemalan President will come here
2 Town Planner speaks about New Capital and about rebuilding of Stann Creek
3 Minister speaks on Government’s wages policy
4 Minister urges students to prepare for responsibilities of nationhood
4 Sir Peter opens Boy Scout Week
5 R.C. Bishop speaks out against commercialized vice here
6 Hurricane Fund closed
6 P.O.U. and C.S. discuss overseas service and scheme
7 F.M. goes north
8 Next Year’s sugar crop may be seriously affected by the froghopper
8 United Nations economic survey team visit Belize Rural areas
8 Sugar Board still looking for an Arbitrator
9 Hattieville Youth Club to expand activities
10 First Banking service for Mango Creek-Big Creek Area
10 Century now has 51 Sub- Libraries
10 Sub-Post Office to be set up at Hattieville
10 Escalante goes to Exeter University
11 Belisle goes to U.S. for course in Electricity
11 Toledo Co-op Officer to take course in the U.K.
11 Fuller appointed to Administrator Officer
12 Rotary Club Governor on overnight visit here
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–September 3rd-No.34
1 National Day celebrations get Under Way
2 F.M. speaks about Government’s efforts to get United Celebrations
2 F.M. says National Day celebrations symbolize March to Independence
3 Peace Corps volunteers arrive
3 Minister welcomes Peace Corps
4 Sir Peter meets Peace Corps volunteers
4 Fourth member of U.N. economic survey mission arrives
4 New Capital consultants to arrive this month
5 Minister attends Trinidad Independence celebrations
5 F.M. lays Cornerstone of Mechanics Temple
5 Another step to be taken in reconstruction of S.C.
5 Public Works Minister tours Stann Creek district
6 Youth leaders meet at Silk Grass
6 Credit Union course opened in Stann Creek
6 Fishermen Co-op gets own freezer plant
7 New ice plant for Corozal
7 First Minister visits Orange Walk
7 City Council approves commercial firm’s offer to improve park
8 First Literacy workshop opened
8 Trade Unionists return from courses
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–September -10th.No.35
1 Two die in plane crash
1 F.M. makes statement on allegations about National Day
2 F.M. assures minority of their rights
3 Jamaican cricketers and footballers arrive for 10th celebrations
3 Jamaican excursionists call on F.M.
4 Minister tells Rotary of his Ministry’s work
4 B.H. Guides attend village service project in Mexico
5 More than 22 B.H. students get University Scholarships & other awards this year
5 Peace Corps volunteers go to districts
6 Fifth member of U.N. economic survey team arrives
6 Rotary to send token gift to Persian earthquake victims
6 Milpero killed by lightening
7 Willie Hoy promoted to Principal Secretary
7 Diaz gets scholarship
7 New sea freight service introduced between U.S.A. and B.H.
8 Police Credit Union receives CUNA Insurance payment
8 Vernon Leslie leaves for U.K.
9 Silva goes to Nigeria for Commonwealth Parliamentary Assoc. Conference
9 U.N. expert leaves
9 British Voluntary teachers leave
9 Fire destroys three houses in Stann Creek
9 Pallotti superior celebrates Golden Jubilee
10 Old time Miler dies
10 PAN.AM. School of Agriculture offers more scholarships to B.H.
10 I.L.O. expert advises Government
10 Another successful Shakespeare play at the Bliss Institute
11 Guatemalan athletes return home
11 First two members of New Capital consultants to arrive on September 21
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–September 17th-.No.36
1 National Day celebrations a great success
1 First Minister’s Address
2 Governor replies
3 Miss Independence installed
3 Queen of the Bay crowned
3 School children parade
4 U.K. approves reconstruction and rehabilitation plans
5 Sir Alan Burns sends annual message
5 Bridge may be built at Santa Elena
7 Latin American report features B.H.
7 Legislators go U.S. to see elections
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–September 24th-.No.37
1 Minister of Education, Health and Housing reports to the people
2 F.M. tours Northern Cayes and Sarteneja
2 Governor holds investiture ceremony
3 Governor tours Orange Walk district
3 First two New Capital consultants arrive
4 U.N.I.C.E.F. expert arrives here
4 St. George’s old boys end tour
5 Three B.H. nurses graduate in the U.S.
5 Trade Unionists end North American visit
5 Drama graduate returns home
6 Aircraft mechanic completes studies abroad
6 Local conductor gets British Council bursary in U.K.
6 Mexicans here celebrates Independence anniversary
7 Four seriously injured in traffic mishap
7 Government ministers attend funeral of City Councilor’s father
7 Punta Gorda gets important visitors
8 Mahler now Executive Engineer
8 Miguel wins first Belize-Chetumal cycle race
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–October 1st-.No.38
1 Assembly ratifies overseas officer’s scheme
3 BH history book to be prepared
3 Assembly passes important land bill
5 Public Works Minister reports to the people
6 Queen sends thanks for messages of loyalty
6 New equipment ordered for Radio Belize
7 F.M. visits El Cayo and Benque Viejo
7 Four members walk out of CITCO meeting
8 U.N. experts continue survey of B.H.
8 Miami papers gain citations for Hurricane Hattie pictures
8 Malaria down but not out says eradication service
9 Shipwright dispute ends
9 B.H. team to go to Commonwealth games in Australia
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–October 8th-.No.39
1 F.M. tours the Cayo and Stann Creek districts
1 P.O.U. opens district convention
2 Gilly Young to act as Labor Commissioner
2 B.H. to send team to Commonwealth Games in Australia
3 Tropical depression experienced here
4 P.O.U. convention held in Corozal
5 Hercules top officials visit company’s plant here
5 National Federation of Christian Trade Unionists formed
6 Pollard leaves for Trade Union work in Caribbean
6 Noel Vaz arrives
6 Minister of Local Government visits Freetown
6 Supreme Court’s October session opens
7 Public Library Service featured in two Foreign Publications
7 Anthology of local poems complied
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–October 15th-.No.40
1 Rumors of invasion of B.H. by Guatemala found to be false
2 F.M. ends visit to Southern districts
3 Bishop Hodapp represents B.H. at Vatican Council
4 Phillips to resume oil exploration here
6 Minister opens Credit Union week
6 H.M.S. whirlwind now due mid-November
7 P.O.U. Convention adopts resolution on Carib Settlement Day
7 Another mysterious fire in Stann Creek guts two-storey residence
8 More green turtles for B.H. waters
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–October 22nd-.No.41
1 City Council elections to be held on December 12th
2 Assembly passes Reconstruction and Development Corporation Bill
2 Building Code Bill passed
3 Report of inquiry into Pontoon Bridge accident presented to L.A.
4 U.N. Economic survey mission gives preliminary report to Government
4 Government determined to improve standard of living says Minister
5 Three more New Capital consultants arrive
6 Cayo agricultural exhibition a success
6 C.A.R.E. tools for Youth Hostel handed over to Minister
8 R.A.F. completes aerial survey of B.H.
8 Asst. Supt. of Prisons ends U.K. course
9 International Credit Union Day
9 Exhibition of Local Industries at Information Office
10 New Fire-Fighting unit ordered for Stann Creek
10 Keith Gardener Here to Instruct B.H. Athletes
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–October 29th-.No.42
1 B.H. Government concerned over Cuban crisis
1 Minister opens Education Week
2 Governor and F.M. address teachers’ meeting
4 F.M. visits schools
4 F.M. sees O.W. roads in rainy season
5 Governor Tours Cayo District
5 LST National elocution contest held in Belize City
6 Mail Clerk not guilty
7 Wellingtons doing Pine Ridge exercises
7 School boy shocked to death
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–November 5th-.No.43
1 Hurricane Hattie-The First Anniversary
1 Work on New Capital to commence in 1963
2 The First Minister speaks on National Unity and Constitutional advance
3 New Town Hall for Orange Walk
3 Seminar on Delinquency
4 Sir Peter tours
4 The First Minister addresses youth group
4 Municipal Elections date Confirmed
5 Postman not guilty
5 Ministers meet Police Officers’ representatives
6 Teacher training
6 Three man team for Commonwealth Games
6 The First Minister at Bullet Tree
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–November 12th-.No.44
1 Reconstruction and Development Board appointed
1 Chicle Workers allegedly detained
2 Government assistance to sport-outlined
2 Mr. Price tours in the South
3 Mr. Price in the Belize Rural Area
3 B.H. and the Caribbean Meteorological Service
4 Happy Settlement of salaries dispute
4 Advertising abroad
5 Book on Hurricane Hattie
5 Official to observe Jamaican Sugar Industry
5 W.J. Hoy for Fisheries Conference
5 33rd Peace Corps Volunteer arrives
6 Traffic fatality
6 Hon. L.S. Sylvester visits Northern Cayes
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–November 19th-.No.45
1 Legislative Assembly meets
1 Government representatives return and report
2 Hon. Silva on Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
2 Hons. Mckoy and Perdomo on U.S. Congressional Elections
3 The Chief Secretary reports
4 Government pursuing inquiries about chicleros detained by Guatemalans
4 New seaport city for capital
4 Special Meeting of City Council
5 Ministerial Party in Stann Creek
5 Remembrance Day
6 Goodwill visit by H.M.S. Whirlwind
6 British Ambassador in Mexico visits
7 Commonwealth Ex-Servicemen’s League Secretary General In
7 Steamship grounded
7 Hummingbird Highway incident
8 Annual guide rally
8 A.I.D.evaluation survey
8 Team for Commonwealth Games off
9 1962 Hurricane season officially over
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–November 26th-.No.46
1 American Consul denies charge that U.S. regards Local Government as Pro-Communist
1 Settlement Day Celebrations –Address of Loyalty
2 The Governor replies
2 The First Minister’s address
3 “Whirlwind” visit ends
3 The First Minister’s return to the Capital
4 Replies in the Assembly: The “Hattie” Relief drive and repairs to the Swing Bridge
4 Weekly Ministerial Report- Public Power
5 Labor Poll in the Citrus Capital
5 Successful Boy Scout Drive
6 British Honduran U.W.I. student runner-up in “Student of the Year” selection
6 Two new appointments to the medical service
6 Former Governor dies
7 Chief Justice back
7 Sugar official back from observing Jamaican Sugar Industry
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–December3rd-.No.47
1 Minister reports on land in British Honduras
2 Protest erroneous listing of B.H. as Department of Guatemalan Republic
3 Colonial Office official to visit
3 Municipal elections- December 12th
4 The Royal Bank of Canada: 50 years of service
4 Troops on Goodwill tour
4 C.W.U. begin talks with shipping representatives
4 Succotz remembers
5 The First Minister in the North
5 Traffic fatality
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–December10th-.No.48
1 Nominations for City Council elections
1 No increase in Municipal taxes
2 Ministry confirms no tax increase
3 Anuario Mundial corrects error on B.H.
3 $5 million Hercules plant now in operation
4 First Minister appeals to Rotarians
4 Commencement exercises at Pallotti High School
5 Radio talk by Minister of Labor
6 Building materials to be cheaper
6 Arbitration in the Sugar Industry
7 Government financial advisers for London talks
7 Colonial office representatives tours
7 Minister inspects aided- self-help project
8 Trade Union leaders back
8 National Economic Development Council set up
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–December17th-.No.49
1 Belize City Council elections
2 Registrar’s statement on the Registration of voters
2 Five detained Chicleros return
3 Applications invited for housing loans
3 Automobile fire at Guatemalan Consulate
4 The First Minister on economic and political advance
5 Senior Finance officials discuss financial matters in London
5 Minister of Natural Resources challenges graduating class
6 Other graduation exercises
6 Presentation of prizes and certificates to Nurses
7 Colonial office man tours
7 R.C. Bishop Returns
8 Traffic Safety Week
8 GWDU-BEC disagreement on wage proposals
8 Regional planning conference
9 Reclamation progresses in Stann Creek
9 The F.M. at church dedication ceremony
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–December24th-.No.50
1 The City Council- New Mayor and Deputy elected
1 Francisco Sagastume released
2 The Legislative Assembly- Christmas recess
2 Prisons Ordinance amendment
2 U.N. Technical assistance board to aid economic development
3 Fonseca and Cottrell back from London financial talks
3 Traffic Safety Week
3 International Bridge across the Rio Hondo
4 Grand Civic opening for El Cayo’s new water supply system
5 New Community centre for Calcutta
5 Arbitration award in sugar dispute
6 “Cooling- Off” periods in waterfront dispute
6 Mr. Piper’s tour ends
7 British Garrison headquarters nears completion
7 Soldier wounded in training exercise
8 Police Passing Out Parade
8 Annual exhibition at St. George’s Training College
9 Christmas cheer for hundreds-Generous donations by Rotary Society
9 British Council exhibition
10 Colombian footballers on stop- over visit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1962–December31st-.No.51
1 Christmas Greetings by Government Ministers
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–January7th-.No.1
1 First Minister’s New Message
1 New Year Messages- Trade Union Movement
2 Moratorium on Anglo- Guatemalan talks
2 New Year’s Honors
3 Hercules- Pine Harvesters combine services
3 New Development in waterfront dispute
4 Development pace quickening in the South- First Minister tours
5 Teachers’ Annual Conference
5 The Sugar Industry
6 Coroner’s jury on death of Antolin Thompson
6 Temporary Superintendent appointed
6 Henriques and wooding honored
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–January-14th.-No.2
1 Reconstruction programme begins in earnest this month
1 Social Development Department Annual Staff Conference
2 National Development Council Inaugural meeting
2 The Belize City Council
3 Grouper Season On
3 GWDU and sugar factory study 23-point agreement
4 1963’s first forest fire
4 Four more students off to pursue studies
5 P.O.U. officials have friendly exchange of views with Mayor
5 Combination school/hurricane shelters nearing completion at Caye Caulker and San Pedro
5 Sister Mary Xavier passes away
6 New rector at St. Mary’s
6 Mrs. Jenner returns as Principal at St. Hilda’s
7 New telephone system by October
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–January-21st.-No.3
1 Rebuilding at St. Michael’s
1 Teacher-Training College opened
2 Placencia’s new pier opened
3 National now heads medical services
3 New Tuberculosis sanatorium
4 Strike on the waterfront
4 New contract for Heron H. Crew
4 Conference on Co-operatives
5 Reconstruction Officer in
5 Cacho attends Economic Planning Seminar
5 Supreme Court resumes
5 Agricultural students return to Honduras
5 Pepita Pinney successful
6 British film critic on lecture tour
6 British Embassy official pays courtesy visit
6 Muriel Laing trying for L.R.A.M.
6 C.A.R.E. at work
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–January-28th.-No.4
1 Waterfront feud ends
2 First Minister’s firm reaction to act of bad faith by shipping agent
3 G.W.D.U. tops Gallon Jug poll
3 The P.O.U. National solidarity fund
3 P.O.U. off to good start with airport staff representations
4 Brighter future for the Citrus Industry
5 Legislative Assembly meets
5 Cheap diminishing risk insurance for Public Officers; Housing loans
5 Other business
5 Punta Gorda’s new hospital
6 Peace Corps Director to visit
6 Mayor speaks on importance of hygiene
7 Native son on important survey mission
7 New Solicitor General appointed
8 Mexico’s First Lady on stop-over visit
8 Public Officer successful in bar finals
8 Ida Ann Collins earns Sixth Queen’s Guide Badge Award
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–February -4th.No.5
1 Record budget for 1963
2 Protest diversion of savings
3 Formal dedication of Hercules Big Creek plant
4 The First Minister visits Seine Bight and Placencia
4 Progress report on New Capital
4 CARE donating $75,000 U.S. for medical services
5 Visiting eye specialist from focus incorporated
6 Nazarene mission’s Benque Viejo clinic dedicated
7 Minister of Public Works in the North
7 Peace Corps Director on brief visit
7 Union leaders meet Minister
8 Representations- Government Manual Workers
8 44 cent minimum hourly rate at B.E.C. sawmill
8 First Forest fire
8 District municipal elections
9 Top level Anglican Confab. In Mexico City – Bishop returns
9 New U.S. Vice Consul
9 New Acting U.W.I. extra mural tutors
10 British Council visitor
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–February11th.-No.6
1 Belize River seen as big asset in New Capital project
1 Halcrow studies reconstruction problems in Stann Creek
2 Hurricane aftermath reflected in trade upset
2 The First Minister in Corozal
3 Minister surveys Public Works project
3 Information and Communications Department split
4 Chamber of Commerce reports on 1962
5 Castillo heads Information Department
5 Punta Gorda Water System to be improved
5 Peace Corps Director sees work of volunteers here
6 School year, Holidays changed
7 Salada- S.C.U. bargaining agreement
7 Former Governor on Sentimental visit
7 Wellington’s C.O. surveys training localities
8 P.C. 183 Ketchel Trapp buried
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–February 18th-.No.7
1 Mishap at Stanley field
1 The F.M.’s grassroots tour of the West
2 Ministers meet Public Service representatives
2 Trade Union negotiate wages hike in Citrus Industry
3 Follow-up traffic Safety campaign
3 Sir Alan and Lady Burns: Sentimental journey ends
4 A.I.D. gives library $7,000 book donation
4 Local boy at U.W.I. scores
4 Students visit houses of Parliament
5 Labor Commissioner on U.K. group tutorial
5 Aunt E lla dies a Centenarian
5 B.E.C. satisfied with land acquisition settlement
6 Veteran Foreman Supervisor on advanced course
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–February 25th-.No.8
1 Another Constitutional step forward
1 The First Minister in the Belize Rural Area
2 Sir Peter goes south
2 Cable and Wireless-C.W.U. agreement on conditions for Manual Workers
3 Clean-up campaign in Stann Creek Town
3 Rural Services conference in Orange Walk
3 St. George’s Annual teaching practice exercise
4 Claude Nelson receives Gallantry
4 Housewife charged with attempted murder
4 B.H. teachers on Commonwealth Bursary Scheme
4 New U.S. Vice Consul
5 Sister Mary Alfonsa, Pioneer Missionary Nun dies
5 Vallant to complete aerial survey
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–March 4th-.No.9
1 The F.M.’s goodwill visit to Quintana Roo
3 Conference on Internal Self Government next July
3 Hurricane shelters on off- shore islands inspected
3 Monthly meeting of the City Council
4 “Oklahoma” producer donate $100 for Educational work
4 Belize City Punta Gorda by road by mid- 1963
5 Guatemalan job seekers put across the border
5 Exports to Britain up by 400%
6 Minister opens one-week training course for Co-op and C.U. leaders
6 Climax of traffic safety campaign
7 Yet another food handler’s seminar ends
8 Mr. D.I. Goodwin-Relief- Labor Commissioner
8 Annual R.C. Pastoral letter
9 Annual Pastoral Letter – Anglican Communion
9 Hofius Hardware Co. Scholarship
10 P.O.U. Annual General Meeting
12 Stann Creek sitting of the Supreme Court
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–March 11th.-No.10
1 Latest Government statement on Guatemalan claim
2 From the record
2 Call for United Front
2 Statement on the Training of Nationals
3 University Week
3 Two teachers gain U.W.I. Certificate of Education
4 Forest fires take heavy toll of Natural resources
4 Getting set for the large-scale reconstruction programme
5 First Minister meets Ferguson Bank Farmers
5 Mango Creek residents want new name for their settlement
5 Labor Education Seminar ends
6 S.C.U. now a registered Trade Union
6 Hotel Management student returns
7 Traffic Safety Campaign goes north
7 The Chief Justice returns from Stann Creek criminal settings
7 Lt-General Sir Charles Jones visits
8 Adviser on scientific training ends visit
8 Bliss Bank holiday observed
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–March 13th-No.11
1 Terms for rehabilitation and reconstruction loans published
1 Yet another gesture of Goodwill by the Mexican Government
2 Halcrow addresses Rotary Club
3 Rebuilding in Stann Creek expected to commence shortly
3 Problems of Small Farmers surveyed by First Minister
4 Minister of Local Government visits Burrell Boom
4 New GWDU- Storage Ltd. Agreement
4 Impressive Credit Union growth in 1962
5 Town Board Elections
5 Minister attend meeting of Hattieville Village Council
6 More Forest fires
6 Royal Bank of Canada opens another branch
6 50 ton American Yacht runs around
6 Fire Alarm for Pickstock Street
7 H.E. visits Orange Walk
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–March 25th-No.12
1 Government deprecates Hon. Philip Goldson’s Interference with Costa Rica
2 New R.C. School dedicated at Benque Viejo Del Carmen
3 The First Minister’s inspection tour of Eastern Light houses
3 The F.M. reports on Agricultural recovery in Belize rural area
4 U.S. AID to be varied
5 Minister released with Science display
5 Hon. L.S. Sylvestre at Burrell Boom
6 Open Scholarship awards
6 ‘Independence’ off to Good Start
6 Stann Creek Town now linked by road with Hopkins
6 Supplies Control bill explained
7 Daily Gleaner Editor visits
7 Sister Eleanor’s Jubilee
8 Traveling Scout Commissioner goes south
8 House gutted at Yarborough
8 Avilez now Registrar of Co-Operatives
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–April1st-No.13
1 First Minister recommends inclusion of minority representative at July Constitutional talks
1 First Minister opens Labor Seminar
2 First Minister receives union delegation
3 Vacation week at Landivar
4 Mexican journalists on tour with First Minister
4 Minister of Labor at Rotary question and answer session
5 British Minister receives Guatemalan Ambassador
6 Big increase for power for Radio Belize
6 Belize City Council monthly meeting
7 Scientists down on research mission
8 New Mullins River model village
8 I.L.O. man down for vocational training talks
8 Traffic Fatality
9 Assistant Superintendent Bruhier retires
9 Police promotion
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–April 8th -No.14
1 First Minister spends working weekend in the South
1 First Minister exhorts farmers to grow more food
2 First Minister sees Municipal projects in Corozal
2 Housing Co-ordination committee
3 Government helping people to acquire homes on hire-purchase plan
3 $50,000 in aid to small Citrus Growers
4 Punta Gorda report
4 G.I.S. Forest Fire prevention campaign intensified
4 Labor Education seminar ends
5 Dr. Eaton sees Stann Creek schools
5 Minister of Local Government sees Toledo projects
6 Regional programming conference at Burrell Boom
6 Sir Peter attends San Salvador Ambassadorial conference
7 Investiture at Government House
7 Airlift of replacements for Airport Garrison to be under operational conditions
7 Hotel Continental opened
8 Multi-purpose building nears completion
8 More equipment arrives for Radio Belize
9 Traffic Fatality
9 Truck driver acquitted
9 Attempted suicide
9 C.B. Hyde, a national, now heads Postal Service
10 Football
10 Dr. Griffiths, former D.M.S. is dead
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–April15th -No.15
1 New Capital report due next month
1 Repair and Reconstruction programme gets underway
2 Mexicans to finish Santa Elena bridge by December
2 “New Look” for Stann Creek Town in the making
3 C.I.O. corrects billboard allegation
3 The N.E.D.C. recommends 16 projects
4 Labor seminar in Corozal
5 Forest fires reap a grim harvest
6 Stann Creek gets center for training nursing aids
6 Sir Peter visits two cayes
6 Consultant on secondary education to visit
7 Two promotions in volunteer guard
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–April 22nd -No.16
1 St. Michael’s College: Speech night and the new extension
2 The First Minister’s Southern tour In P.G. - An atmosphere of Progress
5 Minister of Local Government in Belize Rural Area
5 Two more Nationals ordained to priesthood
5 Medical service starts large-scale anti-tetanus campaign
6 Fire guts Albert Street building
6 National donates $500 encyclopedia set from New York
7 Festival adjudicator arrives
7 World Champion class table tennis visitors play at Riverside Hall
7 Father Kramer’s challenge to youth
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–April 29th- No.17
1 Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly: Friday, April 26th.
2 The First Minister on Capital formation and the wise use of Credit
3 1,000 hear F.M. on National Symbols and development in Orange Walk
4 Minister of Local Government at Succotz
4 Economist here on Feasibility study
4 N.I.P. Convention
5 Industrial training extension to Claver College
5 Eight leaving ceremony- St. George’s Training College
6 14 Papal volunteers leaving- 25 more to come
7 Orange Walk welcomes its first native R.C. priest
7 Air disaster averted
8 S.C.U. wins Mango Creek poll
8 Third Quarterly P.O.U.
8 The 1963 National Festival of Arts
9 Two senior promotions in the Public Service
9 Customs case ends
9 Arrest follows traffic incident
10 Queen’s official birthday celebrations
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–April 6th -No.18
1 Good News from the South
2 Labor Day celebrations
4 Exports rallying
4 Salada Plant doing well
4 New Township-Independence- Taking Shape
5 The Belize City Council-Principles for Assessing post Hattie property taxes
5 NIP Convention ends
5 First successful north-face assault on Victoria Peak
6 Handicraft instructor returns
6 Volunteer Hattieville Firefighters commended
7 Rev Harris arrives for Anglican Synod
7 Father Schenk – Retreat Master - Arrives
7 Two privately endowed High School Scholarships
8 P.O.U. President for P.T.T.I. Conference
8 First woman sentenced to be hanged
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–May13th -No.19
1 First Minister on private visit to Mexico
1 Forest fire hazard extreme- Havoc in the forest continues
2 Task Force successful in Chiquibul Forest
2 Scorched earth in Belize River Area
2 Village Council conference
3 Intermediate teacher training on the move
4 Eight Annual Library Course
5 More effective aid by ‘care’
6 Large incident-One missing and presumed drowned
6 H.E. visits Corozal
6 T.U. officers, unionists, attending seminar
6 G.W.D.U.-B.E.C. talks
7 G.W.D.U.-C.C.B.H. accord
7 New U.W.I. resident tutor
7 Rehabilitation programme gaining momentum
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–May-20th -No.20
1 Gleaner gives prominence to interview with First Minister
1 Anglicans mourn the passing of Dean Vernon
2 Scorched Earth: Forest fires on a rampage
3 Minister of Labor sees important first stage works at NEW Capital site
4 NEDC considers agriculture and the budget
4 The 1963 Hurricane season
4 Mrs. Marcelina Castillo- Mother of the Year
5 U.N. Special Fund Director visits
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963–May-27th -No.21
1 Recapitulation on Forest Fire havoc
2 Haggard Army Man takes on menacing bush fire
2 Dr. Kingsley Grant visiting
3 Ministry of Local Government clarifies position on Western Alcalde
3 Local Government- A visit to the North and a beach in the making
4 Post Office helps “Freedom from Hunger” campaign
4 Winners announced in Art Contest
4 Girl Guides go to “Our Cabana”
5 R.D.C. acts on Housing agriculture
5 Peace Corps Associate Director here on new assignment
5 Cayetano and Rhamdas promoted
6 Well- known educator, musician passes
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– June 3rd- No.22
1 First Minister Back
1 First Minister receives New Capital report
1 Governor conducted round New Capital site
2 Minister acknowledges Mexico’s latest goodwill gesture
2 Profiteering in sugar will not be tolerated Ministry of Natural Resources warned
3 Follow up action on condensed milk
3 Hon. Minister of Labor: Advice to Trade Unionists
4 Scholarships for five announced
5 H.E. in Orange Walk
5 G.I.S. Exhibition on Toledo
5 Something new in road building and a warning to vandal drivers
6 Another fire near Army Camp
6 Fire hazard down- but the danger period is not over
7 Big City Council programme for June
7 Mexican Governor gets warm welcome
7 Important occasion for Pallontine Sisters
8 I.L.O. expert doing man-power survey
8 Focus Incorporated sends eye specialist
8 Emergency landing at Stanley Field
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– June 10th- No.23
1 Friday’s Legislative Assembly Meeting
3 Assembly Meeting- Other Business
3 Assembly sends Vatican message of Sympathy
4 Sir Peter goes on leave
4 First Minister inspects road building/Hurricane Shelter
5 Intermediate Training College- First Commencement Exercises
6 Minister of Labor at Stann Creek T.U. Seminar
7 Chairman of the Orange Walk Town Board resigns
7 Press Conference on the Sugar situation
8 Control prices on condensed milk
8 Courtesy of CARE-6 sewing machines, 12 needle trade kits for Hattieville Center
8 CLASC conferees back
9 Big search organized for aircraft in distress
9 Rangers and Guides back from “Our Cabana”
10 Queen’s Birthday honors
10 Death sentence carried out
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– June 17th- No.24
1 Public hearings on Constitutional proposals
3 Other Proposals
3 Seminar in Community Development
4 Dramatic climb in export
4 More encouraging primary school results
4 Studies on closing the trade gap
5 Thousands see New Capital display
5 Big survey exercise underway
6 Maya Airlines get provisional O.K. for new International Service
6 Professional and Technical Scholarships
7 Two die in traffic Mishap
7 Acting Governor visits Cayo, Stann Creek
7 Lightning starts fire
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– June 24th- No.25
1 Select Committee reports to Assembly
2 Self- Government proposals taken to people
5 Legislative Assembly- Other Business
5 Secretary of State replies to Opposition Leader
6 Forum on Constitutional advancement
7 CARE expands programme
8 Labor Officer visits
8 Fire hazard low
8 National successful abroad
8 Another civil servant successful
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– July 1st- No.26
1 Country- wide backing for Self- Government proposals
5 Progress Report on Economic Projects
9 CARE Executive Director visits
9 Forum on New Constitution ends
10 Progress report-Reconstruction and Development
11 Mayor reports on City’s affairs
11 U.S. Consul presents library service with technical books
11 Augustine and Engleton get teacher grants
12 Police promotions
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– July 8th- No.27
1 Constitutional talks starting July 10th
1 Acting Ministerial appointments
1 U.S. pickets destroyer visits
2 American Colony observe July 4th
3 Barrister A.L. Staine, Crown Counsel
3 Father Pick now Jesuit Superior
4 Papal volunteers set for re-opening of High Schools
4 New Methodist College at Corozal
5 First U.S. student exchange programme
5 New fifteen-room hotel opened
6 More U.S. book donations for Library Service
6 Nurses Recruitment Campaign
7 Commonwealth Chief Scout expected in October
7 Jehovah Witnesses attend around-the-world Convention
7 Liduvina Galvez on bail
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– July 15th- No.28
1 Constitutional Conference
2 BBC reports arrival of delegates
2 Acting Governor visits Toledo
2 New record forecast in sugar production
3 Yet another imposing Community Centre opened
4 Course for Nursing Aids ends in Stann Creek
4 G.W.D.U. wins poll
4 Fourth P.O.U. district conference
5 Information Chief on leader grant
5 Senior Education Officer back
5 Co-operatives Officer scores
5 U.W.I. Staff Tutor in Education here
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– July 22nd- No.29
1 The Constitutional Talks
2 Report on Teachers’ Examinations
2 Muriel Laing, L.R.A.N. pursues graduate degree
2 Trade Union leaders attend seminar
2 Mexican artist in piano marathon
3 Another Native Deacon
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– July 29th- No.30
1 London Constitutional Conference: “Full Internal Self- government by January 1 st, 1964”
2 Guatemala breaks diplomatic relations with Britain
2 Acting First Minister deplores Guatemala action
3 Table tennis trip cancelled
3 Acting Governor visits Crooked Tree
3 First Minister addresses British Businessmen
4 First Minister visits pre-fab buildings plant
5 Record Sugar production
5 Rotary President says thanks
5 Nurses Workshop
6 Christian Social Council issues Certificates
6 Teacher training practice
6 Building activity in Punta Gorda
6 Mestizada grossed $2,300.
7 Sr. Mary Sarita heads St. Catherine’s
7 Maurice Chopin at Royal (Agricultural) Show
7 Exchange student return to U.S.A.
8 P.W.D. driver killed in roller mishap
8 Commonwealth student teacher successful
8 Clive Brackett-Examiner of Accounts
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– August 4th- No.31
1 Government in close touch with border situation
2 Guatemalan press reports denied
2 Mexico’s attitude seen as stiff rebuke to Guatemala
2 S. of S. reports to Commons on Constitutional Conference
3 Formal waterfront settlement initialed
3 Rotary district Governor Visits
3 City Council report
4 Fire guts Daly Street building
4 Mayor visits home town
5 Two B.H. students on U.W.I.Guild of under-graduates
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– August 12th- No.32
1 Ministers show keen interest in condition of roads
1 Minister to address Caribbean Cane Farmers Association
1 Financial Adviser back
2 Three British M.P.’s to visit
2 Local delegates for Anglican Congress in Canada
3 Literacy campaign extended to Corozal
4 P.O.U. helps British Guiana C.S.A.
4 Habet’s San Luis sawmill gutted
5 Two Civil Service promotions
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– August 19th- No.33
1 First Minister Back
1 White paper on Constitutional talks published
2 Minister pushing Agricultural development
2 Government pleased with Peace Corps programme
3 Minister of Local Government at the Cayes
3 Acting Governor Address Passing out Parade
4 Youth conference in Placencia
4 ‘Hilda Rosado Hut’ re-opened
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– August 26th- No.34
1 Three M.P.s visit
1 Sir Peter opens Scout Week
2 Books from CARE
3 Bishop Hodapp urges hard work
3 Jamaica lauds Government’s incentive ordinance
4 Movements of Ministers
4 C.I.O. back from U.S. tour
5 Fire engines for districts
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– September 2nd- No.35
1 Minister of Govt. resigns
1 National Day celebrations open
2 Self- Government celebrated
3 N.P.s impressed with progress here
3 Modern school for St. Ignatius Parish
4 Youth Conference studies Self- Government
5 C.W.U. & BATA sign agreement
5 Labor leader studies in Mexico
5 $90,000 issued for housing reconstruction
6 City Council meets
6 Red Cross centenary stamp to be issued
6 I.O. for Journalism course
7 Sea claims Caye Caulker housewife
7 Comedy makes a hit
7 Promotion for Sgt. Munoz
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963– September 9th- No.36
1 Governor returns for National Day
1 National Day Celebrations, Patriotic Rally
4 New Commonwealth praises F.M.
5 F.M. visits Rockstone Pond & Maya excavation site
5 People of Silk Grass to own houses
6 Anglican Congress delegates return
6 Chief Education Officer assumes duty
7 Road tragedy
7 C.U. leader leaves for training
7 Labor leaders return
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-September 16th- No.37
1 Lands for New Capital agreed
1 May airlines get International Franchise?
2 Dominica Republic’s President stops over for one hour
2 New Hurricane shelter-school opened
3 National Day- Self-Government celebrated
8 Y.W.C.A. organizer here
8 Nationals leave for higher studies
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-September 23rd- No.38
1 Government is Anti-Communist
2 National Airlines on Maiden flight
3 Nearly $1,000 housing loans made
3 United Nation information man on short visit
4 Belize Estate SCU opens talks
4 Mexico’s Independence feted here
5 PUP holds Mammoth rally
6 British soldier transferred
6 Belizeans take part in weight-lifting championship
7 D.C. Bautista passes
7 Arrivals and departures
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-September 30th- No.39
1 Religious leaders say Government definitely not Pro- Communist
2 PUP holds National Convention-proposes national Symbols
3 Government moves to ease Housing shortage
4 Red Cross centenary celebrated
5 Swine fever in Orange Walk
6 2000 green turtles are put in sea
6 Another Sub – Library set up
6 Maya fitted in Merida and San Pedro Sula
7 Bishop Hodapp off to Rome
7 C.L.A.S.C. official on short visit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-October 7th- No.40
1 New Automatic telephone exchange opened
2 4.8 million granted for development
2 First Minister reshuffles Cabinet
2 Development Bank Board named
3 Housing loans to 56 Public Officers
3 1199 loans approved
4 HE tours west
4 First Minister in Corozal district
4 Maya ruins excavation to begin January
5 Six off to Canada for training
5 Nearly 4000 pigs inoculated against swine fever
5 Aero experts visit here
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-October 14th- No.41
1 Sir Peter addresses Public Officers
2 First Minister Message to Credit Unions
2 Villagers pledge support to Government
3 Yo Creek
- San Lazaro
3 Trinidad
3 August Pine Ridge
4 San Felipe
4 San Antonio
4 Warm welcome to First Minister at Burrell Boom
5 First Minister at the North
6 Hurricane Flora Relief Fund
6 B.H. not being used by revolutionaries in transit
7 Sir Charles Maclean warmly welcomed by Scouts
7 Belize Technical College CARE to the workshop
8 Cooperative Officer back
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-October 20th- No.42
1 P.W.D. improvement committee named
1 Hurricane State of Emergency ends
1 First Minister and Minister of Public Works address rally
2 First Minister continues Northern tour
3 Hurricane Flora Relief fund
3 Building Code expect on visit
3 Speaker lectures on New Constitution
4 Credit Unions celebrate
5 Sir Charles leave
5 Exports to United Kingdom
5 Building named after Hon. Cattouse
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-October 28th- No.43
1 U.N. flag raised by First Minister
2 Education Week opened
3 First Minister on Education
4 Tate & Lyle take over
4 Small Farmers hold field day
5 Pech off to Malaysia
6 Placencia gets hurricane proof school
6 More housing loans issued
7 Good will tour of Jamaica
7 First Minister tours south
8 Father Jenner now Canon
8 Silk Grass gets new market
9 Sugar workers get 5% bonus
9 Hurricane fund passes $3,000
9 Farewell to the Meadors
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-November 4th- No.44
1 D.F.C. launched
2 Assembly hold final meeting
3 Economic growth is 7.9 % since 1954
4 Agriculture on the march
6 Hattie anniversary marked
6 Hunter off for Citrus talks
6 $20,000 Teachers Training College opened
7 Pakistan says thanks
8 P.G. Notes
8 New Rector for S.J.C.
9 Sittee pledged loyalty
10 New Head for P.W.D. named
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-November 11th- No.45
1 Assembly prorogues to reconvene 15th November
1 War dead honored
2 Chinese to invest in D.F.C.
2 Credit Union buys 1,500 shares
3 Hoy off to Fisheries Institute
3 First Minister tours west
5 Relief fund nearing $5,000
5 Agriculture gets new director
5 Cousins, Locke off to Antigua
6 City Engineer named
6 Young to understudy for Internal Affairs
6 New Anglican Dean named
7 Goodwill teams end successful tour of Jamaica
7 Union Leader for Germany
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-November 18th- No.46
1 3rd Session of Assembly opened
1 Self Government
1 Development plan
2 Development Finance Corporation
2 Reconstruction & Development Corporation
2 The New Capital
2 Emphasis on Agriculture
3 Speculators to be discouraged
3 Conservation of Lobsters
3 Labor policy
4 Health & Housing
4 Education
4 Volunteers agencies thanked
4 Nationals first
5 Town Board elections in December
5 Public Works
5 No racial discrimination to be tolerated
5 DCF passes $100,000
5 Block and Cement plant opened
6 Rotarians urged to invest in D.F.C.
8 F.M. visits Stann Creek
8 FM addresses Roaring Creek Village
9 Modern School of nursing to be opened
10 1,705 housing loans now issued
10 Hunter back from Citrus Parley
10 Mckoy visits Cayo District
11 Mckoy visits Toledo
11 Exports to U.K. trebles
11 NFCTU launches campaign to invest in DFC
12 18 Cuban refugees arrive here en route Miami
13 Flora fund nearing $6,000
14 New drugs store opened by FM
14 Red Cross field officer leaves
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-November 25th- No.47
1 B.H. mourns President Kennedy
1 Settlement Day observed, F.M. sends message
2 F.M. tours Belize District
4 Minister Rogers visits Toledo
5 Flora relief: $6,414
5 D.F.C. now $127,180
5 Supplies Control being enforced
6 Honey exports up
7 E.G. Waight heads radio
7 Big Agricultural Show for Cayo District
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-December2nd-No.48
1 Memorial mass for President Kennedy
2 F.M. warmly welcomed in four villages
4 Gales Point warmly welcomes F.M.
5 Minister Cattouse tour North and Cayes
6 Mckoy visits Western District and Stann Creek
7 Guatemala claim refuted in United Nations
7 Successful agricultural show in the West
8 Careful supervision urged by F.M.
9 New home for Anglican Bishop
9 Aided self help in Mullins River
10 Streets for Roaring Creek
10 P.W.D. to undertake new projects
11 Who discovered Lubaantun? Dr. Gann says Ministry
11 B.W.I.A. stops weekly run
12 Flora relief fund closed
12 Speech Day at St. Hilda’s
13 Vehicle presented to mission
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-December 9th-No.49
1 Lynam Agricultural College graduates ten
3 President Johnson replies
3 Town Board elections December 27th
4 Tate & Lyle take over Sugar Factory
4 Sweet times ahead in Sugar Industry
5 $1/4 million School of Nursing opened
6 Over $1,000,000 for nursing now issued
6 F.M. & Mckoy in Stann Creek
7 Pallotti graduates 22
8 New look for S.J.C.
8 Hurricane Shelter opened
9 F.M. tours Belize District
10 Anglican priest expresses confidence in Government
11 Four national agronomists graduate in Spanish Honduras
11 DFC passes $150,000 mark
11 Gillette gets diploma
11 Guide movement growing (Girl’s Guide)
12 Medical Officer of Spain appointed (Dr. Gonzalez Hipolito Perez)
12 Rogers vacations in Mexico
13 S.O.S. from Belizean Star (Freight Vessel)
13 More clergy for Anglican Church
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-December 16th-No.50
1 Nigel Fisher for Self-Government celebration
4 F.M. on Human Rights Day
4 F.M. in Toledo District
4 Ken opens impressive exhibition in Pembroke Hall
5 Books donated to Library buy U.S. students
5 Bishop Hodapp returns home
5 Three promoted
6 618 invest in D.F.C.
6 Bank willing but Kirk authorities say no
7 Minister Rogers in Mexico
7 HMS URSA on three day visit
8 Fruits, timber exports to UK increase
8 Rotary brings Xmas cheer
9 Town Boards dissolved, Nominations Day December 18th
10 S.J.C. graduates 31, College has big plans
11 Muffles College graduates 15
11 Austin High graduates six
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-December 23rd-No.51
1 U.K. Guatemala discusses B.H.
1 No devaluation says F.M.
1 99 to contest Town Board election
2 Cane farmers buy in D.F.C.
2 F.M. Tours South
2 Mckoy tours Orange Walk
3 City Council hold last meeting for 1963
4 37 teachers graduate
5 7 years plan for B.H.
5 SCU & Fruit Company signs Agreement
6 H.M.S. URSA leaves
6 IFC-TU UIP for Self- Government celebrations
6 New agreement signed for sugar growers
7 Scouts collect $2,600
7 Policemen remembered
8 Bent gets “Gentleman of the Year Award”
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-December 30th-No.52
1 Self-Government bill passed
2 PUP wins 5 towns NIP 2
3 Premier and Minister of Education address teachers
4 Sir Peter’s Christmas message
4 First Minister’s Christmas message
5 Mennonites give help
5 Mental hospital gets specialist
5 Old friends to meet
6 Xavier College graduates 12
British Honduras Newsletters: 1963-January 7th-No.52
1 First Minister’s New Year message
1 New Year Messages-Trade Union Movement
2 Moratorium on Anglo-Guatemalan talks
2 New Year’s honors
3 Hercules-Pine Harvesters combine services
3 New development in waterfront dispute
4 Development pace quickening in the South-First Minister tours
5 Teachers’ Annual Conference
5 The Sugar Industry
6 Coroner’s jury on death of Antolin Thompson
6 Temporary Superintendent appointed
6 Henriques and wooding honored
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-January 6th-No.1
1 Premier’s message for Self- Government
1 Self-Government
2 Bishop of Belize on Self- Government
3 Greetings from Church of Scotland
3 7 schools to be opened
3 Crooked Tree Village pledges to work hard
4 Fonseca gets top post
5 D.F.C. to close February 15th
5 Town Boards pick Mayors
5 Three honored on New Years list
6 Social Administration Specialist to conduct course
6 Eye specialist offers service
6 Two retiring officials praised
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-January 13th-No. 2
1 Mass Choir performs
1 Sir Peter and the Premier address Legislature
3 Premier and Mr. Fisher get tumultuous welcome in all districts
6 Premier, Ministers sworn in
7 Security Council holds First Meeting
7 External Affairs Committee named
8 Premier addresses teachers
8 Teachers hold conventions
9 Bishop Hodapp on Self- Government
10 Bishop Brooks on Self- Government
10 Minister Cattouse opens Social Development Course
10 Major Johnson now Commandant of B.H.V.G.
11 B.E.C. gives 5 scholarships
11 Two senior appointments
11 Trade Union leader in
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-January 20th-No. 3
1 United Nations to supply technical assistance
2 Premier and Ministers address Public Rally
3 Country politically ready for Independence-Fisher
3 Mr. Fisher’s Press Conference
4 Reception for Mr. Fisher given by Premier
5 Rogers Hurricane Shelter opened
5 Thousands at School Children rally
6 Thousands march in torchlight parade
6 Police Training School Opened
7 Essay, poem contest winners announced
8 Central American newsmen get good impression
8 Congrats from Mexican President
9 Bishop Brooks message
9 Protestant Council’s message
9 Arzu looses petition, Arthurs retains seat
10 Guiders off to Mexico
10 Gales Point school chapel opened
10 19,120 shares bought in D.F.C.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-January 27th-No. 4
1 General Sir Richard Hull due here in February
1 Development Finance Corporation over $200,000
1 Sawmill men buy 71 shares
2 No offer made to 100 Salvadoreneous
2 More congrats on Self- Government
3 Salvation Army hall and school half finished
3 Minister Silva on tour
4 2,255 gets housing loans so far
4 National Economic Development Council meets
4 Search for “Mercy Plane” continues
5 Port Labor Committee established
5 C.W.U. and B.E.C. sign agreement
5 Two new Anglican Priests in
6 Cacho praises London facilities for research
7 Mrs. L. Cacho to study Domestic Science
7 Promotions in the Public Service
8 Oiler killed in explosion
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-February 3rd-No. 5
1 Minister Rogers addresses Rotary
2 United Nations Banking & Financing expert in
2 Methodist Synod congratulate Premier
3 New face for Memorial Park
3 Lord Mayor Wesby on Self Government
4 Government and Rotary help six get medical treatment abroad
4 8 New Justices of Peace appointed
4 Commemorative overprint stamp on sale
5 D.F.C. now $215,500
5 8 volunteers to work at Crooked Tree
5 Belizean boxer takes Jamaican title
6 Baron Bliss Harbours? Regatta
6 Captain Charles Eyles loses arm in traffic mishap
6 All out effort to eradicate malaria
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-February 10th-No.6
1 Citrus export almost doubled
1 Forecast of increased sugar production
1 Development Finance Corporation now $241,630
2 Mckoy addresses Methodist synod
2 Colonial office official on visit
3 Fonseca for E.C.L.A.
3 Dean Higginson leaves
3 Baron Bliss regatta announced
3 Police promotions
4 Other promotions
5 Other promotions continued
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-February 17th-No.7
1 Development Finance Corporation
1 Rice production up 60%
2 11/2 million out in housing loans
2 Fisher sees stable and progressive government
3 Trade Unionism in an emerging nation
4 Rogers named to external affairs committee
4 Two full time banks to open in Corozal Town
4 Community center and hurricane shelter opened in San Pedro
5 Punta Gorda gets water supply system
5 Anglican Bishop’s Pastoral letter
6 R.C. Bishop appeals for financial support
7 Joe Blinco to preach here
7 C.Y.O. basket ball tournay opened by Premier
7 The friendly crocodile
7 Two J.P.’s honoured
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-February 24th-No.8
1 Warm welcome for Premier
2 Security Council meets
2 Shropshires in- Wellingtons out
3 Training in Co-ops
4 Fonseca back from ECLA
4 Fisheries expert arrive
5 St. Hilda’s expands
6 More CARE aid
6 Gift of cedar paneling for ECLA HQ.
7 Successful end to Evangelistic crusade
7 Relics found at Scots Kirk site
8 “Discover Belize”-New Taca brochure
8 Actor and actress to visit
9 Trade Union leaders off to conference
10 Amicable solutions to land problems
10 Boys Brigade weeks
11 Lord Baden Powell remembered
11 Two Civil Servants promoted
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-March 2nd-No.9
1 Premier and two other ministers, to tour Central America
1 “Belize City” resolution passed
2 Mckoy addresses Public Officers
4 Chamber of Commerce to open permanent office
6 87 park benches now donated
6 New church, school opened at Gracie Rock
7 Popular Public Officer dies
7 Scholarships award announced
8 Sir Ian Lyle in for short visit
8 Four Trade Unionists back from seminar
8 C.W.U. wins Gallon Jug poll
9 Scouts honor Baden- Powell
9 Arzu given leave to appeal
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-March 9th-No.10
1 Ministers on goodwill tour of C.A.
2 Mexico’s Presidential candidate pledges friendship
2 Arthurs to study parliamentary procedure
2 Cayo District capital renamed
3 Immigrant labor for cane fields
3 Minister of Public Works tours Cayo District
4 $120,000 hurricane rehabilitation approved
4 James Brodie inaugurates pension scheme
4 Crosby bids farewell
5 Beautification of Memorial Park
5 Trade Union officials in and out
6 Assistant Trade Commissioner Visits
6 A.R.B. official discusses aircraft maintenance
6 Schools library service
6 Mexicans to participate in Cross Country race
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-March 16th-No.11
1 Goodwill tour of Central America
4 Filtered water supply for Stann Creek town
5 Government Workers rules revised
6 Queen replies to congrats
6 Extra- Mural conference
7 Baron Bliss day celebrated
8 U.N. Fisheries expert visits Stann Creek
8 Orange Walk Town Board member resigns
9 A.L.A. discusses technical assistance
9 Thompson for Labor administration course
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-March 23rd-No.12
1 Goodwill tour of Central America
3 M.P.W. inspects progress in Stann Creek District
3 Minister Mckoy in Stann Creek district
4 Telephone services inaugurated in villages
4 B.E.C. workers on strike
4 U.N. engineer investigates hydro-electricity
5 New fire station for Stann Creek town
5 C.U. savings up
5 Association formed in U.K.
6 Librarian qualifies
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-March 30th-No.13
1 Premier and Ministers return
2 Mother and six daughters perish in fire
2 Premier gets letter from Salvadoran
3 June Reid donates bench
3 Premier praises Salvation Army work
4 $27,500 Methodist Church in Stann Creek town opened
4 Johnito Miguel wins Cross Country cycle race
5 Argentinean world cyclist calls here
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-April 6th-No.14
1 Costa Rica reiterates support for Belizean self- determination
1 Premier, Ministers report on tour
3 Esso gives four scholarships
4 Hurricane shelter for Hopkins opened
4 Mullins River gets hurricane shelter
5 Deputy speaker off to London
5 Porcher leaves
5 New names in Stann Creek town
6 Brodies gets new Managing Director
6 Gonguez appointed Sanitary Engineer
6 Sanchez awarded Associateship of London University
7 Teachers to prepare booklet on Mountain Pine Ridge
7 By election in Orange Walk town
7 New table tennis camp
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-April 13th-No.15
1 Cattouse sends condolences to Governor of Quintana Roo
1 Mcmillan on World Health Day
2 Hunter off to U.S. & Canada for citrus talks
2 Silva in Mexico for Civil Aviation meeting
2 Supreme Court runs in favor of Real Estate Ltd.
3 DFC shareholders meet May 15th
3 Professor Hiscocks end 6 day visit
3 Salvadorans industrialists due April 24th
4 Two famous artists for festival adjudicators
4 Belize Estate awards two scholarships to U.W.I.
4 CLASC supports self determination for Belizeans
5 William Fonseca now an Associate of London University
5 Flowers of N.I.P. win bye election in Orange Walk
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-April 20th-No.16
1 Premier in Toledo
1 $1.6 million in loans and grants for housing rehabilitation
1 Festival of Arts opened
2 Festival of Arts awards
3 Fonseca reviews economic position
4 Macmillan opens Adventist Church
4 CLASC hails goodwill tour
5 CARE to give more machines
5 Woods for Senior Labour Inspector
6 Five Police honored
6 Investiture at G.H.
6 Swift seconded to U.K.
7 World tennis champs on short visit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-April 27th-No.17
1 Salvadorans investigate investment possibilities
2 Belizeans aspirations just & human – says San Pedro C. OF C.
3 L.A.R. says C.A.tour very important
3 St. Michael’s extends
4 Premier to Gallon Jug by road
4 Belizeans can manage their own affairs- M/Co-ops
5 Hunter back from North America
6 New Collective agreement
6 Army holds press conference
7 Tobago says thank you
7 Queen’s birthday celebrated
8 “The Premier speaks”
8 Ministers tour Stann Creek district
9 M/L opens community centre
9 Another multi-purpose building opened
10 Vice –Chancellor visits
11 Trade Unionists for Industrial Relations Course
11 Scout Executive Officer off for training
11 Medals for policemen
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-May 4th-No.18
1 Labour Day celebrated
2 Subvention to Benque Viejo Town Board suspended
3 Hunter makes statement on Sugar Industry
3 U.N. expert to advice on P.W.D. organization
4 W.H.O. Nursing Consultant here
4 Two Labor leaders go to U.K.
4 Water Board may be set up
5 New bridge at Bullet Tree Falls
5 Hurricane shelter at Burrell Boom opened
6 S.C.A. graduates 80
7 Farming Community Life Survey to be made
7 Scouts hear message from Sir Charles
7 Jamaica says thanks
8 New lodge temple dedicated
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-May 11th-No.19
1 $15 million budget passed
1 It was passed by the House
4 Committee on Mental Health to be formed
4 Forest fires hazard high
5 W.H.O. & Government bring improved water supply for villages
6 New physician specialist for hospital
6 U.S. eye specialist in
7 Ray Barrow promoted
7 Union official studies in Jamaica
7 Mejia studies how to test water
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-May 18th-No.20
1 Foundation Stone of International Bridge lay
1 Hercules B.H. gets new General Manger
2 18,945 tons of sugar produced so far
2 D.F.C. elects five shareholders
3 Mexican foresters hold final session here
4 Change in school summer holidays
4 Rockstone Pond gets Cooperative truck
5 Peace Corps supervised exhibition opened
5 Clothes for school children from U.K.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-May 25th-No.21
1 “Friendship Bridge” at Rio Hondo
2 New Crooked Tree roads to be built
2 Feeder roads to join three villages
3 Nearly 3,000 housing loans & grants approved
3 P.W.D. show many projects finished
4 Two more hurricane shelters opened
5 Cattouse opens Regional Village Councils Conference
5 Ten laws passed
6 Govt. appoints Rafael Fonseca & Willie Francis to D.F.C.
7 Ambassador Wright on short visit
7 West Germany donates records to Radio Belize
7 Jamaican Credit Union to address National League
8 Hurricane names released
8 C.W.U. & Storage Ltd. sign Collective Agreement
9 Independence Town progressing
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-June 1st-No.22
1 Guy Nord is Chairman of D.F.C.
1 Rotary hands over Stella Maris School
2 U.N. Lady Expert for finance Ministry
3 FR. Fairweather gives scholarships
3 Peace Corps come& go
4 Premier expresses deep sympathy to New Orleans
4 German Consul on short visit
5 Cooperative men on study course
5 Monkey river gets Hurricane Shelter
6 Keith Hall on 10 day visit
6 C.A.R.E. to take over food distribution programme
7 Mennonites give $40.00 to hospital
7 5 U.S. businessmen call on Premier
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-June 8th-No.23
1 Radio Belize goes commercial July 1st
1 San Felipe gets modern health centre
1 Zuniga opens Monkey River shelter
2 Sugar: - $31/2 M exported so far
2 Starch Co-op formed
3 R.B.C. branch for O.W. town
3 National bird lecture draws large crowd
4 City Council recommends city bus service
4 For Hotel Management Training
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-June 15h-No.24
1 St. Hilda’s gets Domestic Science Department
2 Premier in Toledo
2 8 U.S. Social Workers for Crooked Tree
3 P.W.D. works shows good progress
3 New Peace Corps director makes orientation visit
4 4 honored by queen
4 Guaranteed price for pimento offered to farmers
4 To conduct man power survey
5 Orange Walk gets banking service
5 Orton Clarke is Toledo’s new D.C.
6 Radio Belize T.A. off for studies
6 Electrical Workers’ Unions form Industrial Council
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-June 22nd-No.25
1 U.F.C.O. to invest here
1 3,151 people have received loans & grants
2 Premier appoints five more to N.E.D.C.
2 New General Manager for R.C. schools
3 Premier sees progress in timber and banana industries
3 Premier praises Toledo rice farmers
4 Douglas gets water tank
4 Old map of ‘BELISE’ presented to Premier
5 Inspector Brown off for training
5 Extension for H. Escalante
5 Teacher Tathum to study Youth Welfare matters
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-June 29th-No.26
1 Premier accepts invitation to visit Mexico
2 Mexican mission seeks increased friendship between Mexico and Belize
2 Elections by 1st March1965
3 Fisheries regulation tightened up
4 Grain Dryer for Toledo rice farmers
4 S.C.A. girl wins National Elocution contest again
4 City mission pioneer dies
5 Douglas grateful for tank
5 Mexican archaeologists pay short visit
5 CLASP awards first scholarship to Belizean
6 Co-op officer off to Canada for training
6 Four J.P.’s appointed
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-July6th-No.27
1 Independence within Commonwealth says Premier
2 Tate & Lyle to invest $31.000.00 in Sugar Industry
2 3-man U.N. education planning mission to study all aspects of education
3 Radio Belize goes commercial
3 Bishop Brooks off to Antigua for Bishops’ Conference
4 Another national ordained
4 “COURTHOUSE PLAZA” is official now
5 Three promoted to Principal Secretaries
5 Trade Union Officer off to course in Jamaica
6 To study Auto Mechanics
6 Rice farmers visit model farm
6 Fire destroys Old Tannery
6 Food Handlers get certificates
7 He walks again
7 U.S.S. Duval County here for 4th July
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-July13th-No.28
1 Premier calls on Belize Corps of Nation Builders
2 3 U.S. Congressmen make overnight visit
2 Minister Rogers takes salute at police Passing-Out parade
3 Record sugar production from 28,000 to 34,000
4 C. & W. to build $400,000 Wireless Station
4 C.A.R.E. & Govt. sign new contract
5 Premier sends message of condolence to Mexico
5 Fishermen Co-op opens new cooling room for crawfish
5 Loan to build new bridge to be raised
6 Regional village council conference held
7 New Methodist head inducted
7 Salivation Army gets new school
8 Lord Mayor Wesby honored
9 National heads St, Hilda’s
9 13 teachers graduate
10 Legion of Mary Worker here
10 Two nationals get awards
10 Two nationals get Diplomas of Education
10 E. Castillo now Labor Inspectors
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-July 20th-No.29
1 Regional cane farmers scheduled to parley here in mid-August
1 Belizeans claim right to be a free nation says Premier
3 U.S. trade mission impressed
3 $240,000 electricity schemes for Stann Creek town
4 S.J.C. graduates 41
4 Hunter speaks on Nationalism to Xavier Grads
5 Macmillan review government’s role in education
6 Pallotti high graduates 15
7 Technical College graduates 17
7 Mexican engineer advisees on airport improvements
8 National art contest opens
8 Vote of confidence for Roy Lizama
9 Northern village council conference held
10 Credit unionist meets to discuss insurance
10 L.P.records gift for Radio Belize
11 H.E. in Orange Walk district
11 Two doctors appointed
11 Tillett on factory inspection course
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-July 27th-No.30
1 Premier says no room for conflicting movements of independence
3 U. F. Co. to invest $13,000,000 here
4 Premier Price tells teachers hoe to reach Goal of Nationhood
5 Macmillan speaks at Home Economics Centre graduation
5 Research in woods being conducted here
6 H.E. presents medals to forces
6 Anglican Diocese announces changes in personnel
7 4 Headmasters off to Trinidad
8 Librarians to meet in Belize City in August
8 Old coin of 1871 found
8 Flag monument dedicated to Premier
9 Lizama back
9 Dunrites play first ever game under the lights
10 New light plants for Corozal Town
10 French ship due here Aug. 4th
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-August 3rd-No.31
1 National Day Celebrations - 1964
1 Further announcements and an appeal in the house
2 City farmers support National Day Programme
2 Mexican goodwill tour- A follow up
4 Hon. J.N. Meighan cites “Calculated Falsehoods”
5 New poetry competition on a National theme
5 Interim report from UNESCO team
5 Youth’s nation-building role
6 The Premier on a new formula for Independence
7 Scout Executive returns
8 Six trained nationals return
8 Dr. Pike-Anesthetist
8 Bullet Tree farmers make presentation
9 Belizean boat builders score
9 Experts see forests as 1st Class asset
10 V.I.P.’s received by Premier
10 Pollard for CLASC Parley
10 E.W. Meghan- Housing Officer
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-August10th-No.32
1 Mexican Goodwill tour-An auspicious start
2 How the Government is carrying on
2 CLASP supports call for Christian Democratic nation
2 Government moves to rescue stranded excursionists
3 Run to Earth – One Alleged Intruder
3 Big search for oil- by Shell
4 12 University level scholarships so far this year
4 Six who have Returned
5 2nd anniversary of Jamaica’s independence
6 9th Annual Library training courses
7 Stewardship in the Anglican Diocese
7 Anglicans dedicate missionary boat
7 Crooked Tree Rotary project ends
7 G.W.D.U. Branch secretary back
8 French Naval escort visited
8 Grinage gets Admin. Post
8 Robert Reyes on Architecture scholarship
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-August17th-No.33
1 Fruits of the Mission to Mexico
2 Some highlights of the tour
6 Guatemalan reaction
8 The Sugar Industry (Record production and an important conference)
9 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-August24th-No.34
1 The Premier returns from Mexico
1 In Mexico – Last Official Act
2 In the Guatemalan Assembly- A Resolution
3 Orit’s Juaregui
3 The Guatemalans would talk
4 The NFCTU: “ Congrats”
4 U.S. Agric. Official sends thanks
4 Caribbean Cane Farmers’ Assn.
5 Conference Special
6 President Girwar
7 Dr. Banda to Premier
7 Seine Bight gets pier, reservoir & shelter
8 3 more British Council Awards
8 Primary results out
9 Most Beautiful girl-St. Creek and San Ignacio
9 Scots Kirk reopened
10 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-August31st-No.35
1 The Mission to Mexico
2 National Day celebrations
3 From the Capital-Guards on Parade
3 New school hurricane shelter for Sibun
4 $2,000,000 out in Rehab. Loans
5 New bridge for Queen’s square
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-September7th-No.36
1 National Day programme drawing overflow audiences
4 Cycle Races and Grand Fair
4 National Day of Prayer
5 Mexican support reiterated
7 Belize City-Venue for yet another Caribbean Conference
7 Belize City gets new high school
8 Alexander John Hunter dies
8 Bonanza for Cane Farmers
9 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-September14th-No.37
1 The National Day
3 Special Visitor
3 Youth Rally
4 Art Too
4 Voice of Belize
4 Decorated Floats Competition
5 Prizes – Prize winners:
5 Some Events in the Districts
6 More Congratulations
6 Premier’s Challenge to Returning Students
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-September21st-No.38
1 Record sugar crop
1 Government & Sugar Factory Sign Memorandum of Understanding
3 Crayfish Industry- Government seeks expert advice
4 25 Peace Corp volunteers in
4 S.J.C. 6th form opens
5 Belize celebrates with Mexico
5 Honduran Consul lays wreath
5 Large crowds witness band contest
6 Zone achievement day big success
7 Don Lane to give seminar
7 Fr. Avila back from Rome
8 Mayor of Miami enjoys stay
8 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-September28th-No.39
1 Premier welcomes Consul-General
1 Echoes of the Mexican tour
2 Christian literature centre opened
2 W.H.O. officials visit
2 S.C.U. wins 10% wages hike
3 Lynam College- Forging Ahead
3 New series at Central Farm
4 Peace Corps volunteers welcomed
4 Five Public Officers for training
5 Premier welcomes Hernandez
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-October5th-No.40
1 Costa Rican Trade Unionists laud Premier
1 Minister explains Benque Viejo Del Carmen situation
2 Central American Industrialist visits
3 Big night for the nurses
3 Rehabilitation scheme in high gear
4 Top Red Cross honor for the Hon.’ Mac’
4 Labor Dept. goes where it is needed
4 “Prisoner Creek” – Will go
5 J.L.Blackett heads promotion list in Education Dept.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-October12th-No.41
1 Orit Secretary General visits
2 From Premier’s Office
2 Credit Unionism here comes of age
3 Municipal talks in P.G.
3 Tourism spectacular
4 Obituary: R.E.Gabourel
4 Mixed results in Teachers’ Exams
4 M/Education at Wesley Graduation exercises
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-October19th-No.42
1 Mexican Technical assistance group here
2 Immediately available-Ten Scholarships
2 “Premier’s Challenge for U.S. Students
2 “Thank You”- Argentine President
2 And From Zambia - Appreciation
3 Salada strike off
3 Peace Corps book drive
4 Credit Union Day- The 21st Anniversary
4 Word from Father Ganey
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-October25th-No.43
1 New Col. Sec. Sends greetings
1 U.N. Day
2 No December egg shortage
3 Peace Formula for Citrus Industry
3 Billboard “Silva” screamer untrue
4 From the Mayor of Miami- A Commemorative Plague
4 Rio On claims Papal volunteer victim
4 Boys’ Brigade celebrate
5 Better library facilities for St. Creek
5 The Cayo Agric. Show
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-November1st-No.44
1 S.J.C. marks 6th form development
3 Premier goes north
6 Tour ends in Corozal South
6 Minister of Labor sees men at work
6 C.P.A. delegates visit
7 Seminar for Village Councils leaders
7 Tourism Minister meets Chamber of Commerce
8 Commanders-In –Chief on tour
8 Search for Rio on victim called off
9 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-November 8th-No.45
1 Premier tours Orange Walk
2 $148,488 More in Rehab. Loans
3 Prince Phillip on Mexican tour
3 Mexican survey completed
4 ‘Mac’ to have complete rest
4 10 Scholarships holders for Chetumal
5 Village Council CONFAB out West
5 Body recovered from Rio On
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-November15th-No.46
1 The Assembly: The 4th session
4 Big Show at San Ignacio
5 Independence gets ‘Multi-Purpose’ Building
6 Workers for the Sugar Industry
7 Women Federation’s Mrs. Douglas Johnson
7 The Hon. Macmillan: “Feeling Well”
8 No tax hike in ‘65
8 Armistice Day Observance
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-November22nd-No.47
1 The Premier comments
1 Premier in Kayo North Division
4 Exchange of letters with President Lopez Mateo’s
4 Visitors for the Premier
5 UNICEF’s Alice Shaeffer
5 “Belizean Poets”
6 Third Course fro Village Councils
6 Hon. AA. Hunter at Fisheries Parley
7 Expert here to set up Provident Fund for Workers
7 H.E. sees new bridge over Rio Hondo
7 Carib Settlement Day
9 Postal facilities extended
9 Obituary (Ralph Eyes Sr.)
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-November29th-No.48
1 Rio Hondo International Bridge opened
2 Premier in the Cayo South Division
6 Getting set to build the New Capital
6 Farmers’ Day for Stann Creek
7 Municipal parking lot designated
7 Japan-Belize shipping connection inaugurated
7 Belizean appointed Surveyor-General Western Nigeria
8 Craft exhibition at San Joaquin
8 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-December 6th-No.49
1 The Premier’s Country-wide tour continues
4 New Mullins River Site opened
4 Arts and Craft exhibition
5 Co-op Dept. to be expanded
6 Labor Minister announces seminar
6 Post Office gets set for Xmas
7 Lic. Diaz Ordaz- President of Mexico
7 Master of Liberian Tanker fined
7 Sister Dosetea visits
8 Investiture
8 Promotion
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-December13th- No.50
1 The Toledo tour ends
1 In P.G. ….. Some Improvements
2 The Premier in Belize Rural Area
4 Seminar for Trade Union leaders
5 Sibun Tragedy
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-December20th- No.51
1 Assembly meets- Estimates presented
2 Film Premier at the Bliss Institute
4 Reconstruction progressing at good pace
4 At the Cayes
5 Down the coast
6 Lobster Bonanza
6 Mayor and Deputy to continue in office
6 Guatemala raises claim at United Nations
7 Fraternal greetings to Honduranean Diplomat
7 Ministry keeps an eye on labor flare up
8 The Premier’s office: Some notable visitors
10 Training College exhibition
10 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1964-December27th- No.52
1 Greetings for Belizeans
2 Star studded Radio Show
2 Big road improvement programme
3 President Diaz Ordaz… “Distinguished Consideration”
3 The Premier’s country-wide tour ends
4 Ministers to study P.O.U. salaries proposal
5 Hon. A.B. Cattouse at Scout function
5 ‘MAC’ taken ill
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-January3rd-No.1
1 The 1965 budget
2 Premier addresses teachers
3 The Premier’s New Year’s message
4 Trade dispute- Inquiry
4 ‘Red Carpet’ for Former Mexican President
5 New Airport Beacon
5 Carlos Norberto continues as Mayor
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-January10th-No.2
1 Spotlight on education- Two important conventions
3 Bishop Hodapp on Education
4 Course for Government extension workers
4 Minister for New Orleans Clinic
5 C.D.U. – B.E.C. Agreement- Timber Operations
6 Offshore exploration for oil
7 Sugar: Grinding begins on Jan. 18th
8 Mexico keeps a promise
8 Noted Archaeologist returns
9 The Premier’s visitors
10 Anglican Canon from New York
10 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-January17th-No.3
1 Self Government: The First Anniversary
1 The Premier’s Office: Some Visitors
2 Mexican Senators visit
3 Minister speaks on Community Development
3 Malaria Eradication: The Final Phase
4 Minister seeks solution to labour shortage
4 Hon. Macmillan returns
5 Obituary
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-January24th-No.4
1 Elections March 1st
2 Minister addresses the Guard
3 Minister deplores ‘ANTI COLOURED’ advertisement
4 Premier acts to secure art treasure
4 Another ‘Lord’ Rhaburn special
4 New Progresso Community Centre
5 Go North young man
5 The Premier goes to Corozalito
6 Tight traffic in the North
6 Anglican Synod
7 Memorial to Theresa Conajkowski
8 Tate and Lyle Director visits
8 Four Br. Officials to visit
8 Hyacinth Waight on information course
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-January31st-No.5
1 Final Meeting of 1961-4 Assembly
2 Memorial Services in the churches
3 Reconstruction- $2,653,456 given out to date
3 Big Boom in Tourism
4 Minister of Labour on inspection tour
4 Minister injured in fall
4 “Lake Independence” injured in fall
5 Father Weber off to important conference
5 Important U.W.I. visitor
6 Renewed support from Mexico
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-February7th-No.6
1 The Premier speaks about our expanding road network
2 New Sub Fire Station
3 S.J.C. extension to award certificates
3 Progress report on sugar
4 Premier hears Tate & Lyle May Diversity
4 Belize Estate officially received by Premier
5 Big day for Stan Creek farmers
5 Ford of Britain praises Belizean Mahogany
5 Towards Better Sanitation
6 Folklore Extravaganza
6 Obituary- Mr. Arthur Balderamos
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-February14th-No.7
1 Nomination Day
2 B.E.C. sawmill gutted
3 P.W.D. reports-“A Pattern of Achievement”
3 Ten for studies in Mexico
4 Received by the Premier
5 First down town parking lot
5 Shooting incident
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-February21st-No.8
1 Despite fire B.E.C. mill employment at same level
1 Move to update district telephone service
2 Goldson broadcast false statement
2 That ‘White Couple’ advertisement
3 Arzu appeal dismissed
3 Important happenings at the U.W.I.
4 Visiting Bishop sees “Nothing but Victory”
4 Canada’s own flag hailed
5 More Agric. Scholarships to Mexico
5 First Forest Fire of the season
5 C.O.I. Ace Photographer on special mission
6 Teachers’ Exhibition
6 Milton Arana writes book on Hattie
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-February28th-No.9
1 Unions honor Premier and Former Labour Minister
2 Foreign Correspondents to cover election
3 Premier meets reporters
4 N.I.P. leader meets correspondents
5 Reconstruction report
5 Received by the Premier
6 Land for the people
7 Police drill
7 Ministers visit St. Ignatius School
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-March7th-No.10
1 Sweeping victory for the P.U.P. Government returned with big majority
2 Victory rally
2 Goodwill messages
3 The U.N. information centre, Salvador
4 The New Cabinet
5 B.B.C. election commentary
6 S.J.C. speech contest
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-March14th-No.11
1 National Assembly meets
1 Greetings for the Premier
3 The Premier’s visitors
5 Minister of Education- First Official document
5 Successful tour for Father Weber
6 On record
6 $61/2M Tower Hill factory contract signed
7 CARE donates school bus
7 Fifth Barclays Bank
7 The spoken word
7 A sense of history
8 B.T.C. field day
8 Bliss Day observed
8 Anglican Bishop’s return
9 Two more Belizean Barristers
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-March21st-No.12
1 Assembly inaugurated
3 Senate President calls on Premier
3 Those letters of congratulation
7 Belizean ladies in the front rank
7 The Guild of graduates
8 Hercules closing down
9 Passing out parade- 29 new Police Officers
10 Hospital auxiliary presents orthopedic bed
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-March28th-No.13
1 The new capital- Progress report
1 Jamaica’s good wishes
2 Lake Independence-Expanding suburb
3 Reconstruction continues
3 Minister donates three scholarships
3 Government, Rotary help Stella Maris invalids
4 Youth leadership training
4 External Publicity
4 Arts, Culture highlighted
5 To honor Wellington Warrior
5 Planned manpower use
6 Succotz Council returned “En Bloc”
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-April 4th-No.14
1 New Capital- Dramatic Breakthrough
2 In the Senate- Support for throne speech
2 Labour shortage critical in the North
3 U.W. I.’S Dr. Bishop surveys the position
3 The Princess Royal- messages
3 Regional Conference- Commonwealth Parliamentary Assn.
4 To step up tourism drive
4 City Council meeting
4 Leadership training
5 To assist Anglican Clergy
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-April 11th-No.15
1 The New Capital – more details
2 7- year plan booklet
3 Tourism- Minister demands action
4 Vacation course for teachers
4 Labor Minister opens Youth Leadership Course
5 Credit Union assets -$1,691,661
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-April 16th-No.16
1 Belize- Jamaica trade to be increased
1 Three for Barbados
1 Rockstone Pond V.C. requests change
2 Free medicine for school children
2 Port Labour Committee meets
2 Public Utility projects
3 Highway tragedy
3 Big traffic watch
3 Easter sports- Cycling
4 Easter sports- track
4 Theresa Donajkowski Memorial
5 Employers’ Federation visits
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-April 25th-No.17
1 Sugar report-steady progress
1 Central Farm school reopens
2 St. Ann’s Youth Group tours the Capital
2 Belize City gets eye, ear, and nose & throat specialist
3 Festival- Very good response
3 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-May 2nd-No.18
1 Labour Day observed
2 Extension for Stann Creek Town
3 Deputy Premier welcomes new record
3 Big Day for Flowers Lime Walk
3 UNICEF officer visits
4 Mayo Carlos Nolberto on ‘leadership’
4 Sewing certificates distributed
5 City Council works programme
5 The San Jose De Succotz Fiesta
5 Sister Mary Liguoria is dead
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-May9th-No.19
1 The London talks
1 Education Minister in the North
2 New Capital Engineer visits
2 Thirteen to tour the U.S.A.
3 Return of the delegates
3 Stage set for relocation of displaced workers
3 Reconstruction: In 2 years- 5,000 applications, over $3,000,000 issued
4 Red Cross Day observed
4 Two for Canadian Labor Course
4 Rural Field Day
5 Promotions in the Public Service
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-May 16th-No.20
1 Premier returns
1 Education Week
2 Provisions for retarded children
2 Salaries Commissioner appointed
3 Minister returns
3 For Scientific Fisheries Management
3 Courtesy Tour
3 The Premier’s Office
4 Festival of Arts- 1965
5 Fire Sours Sugar Outlook
6 Traffic Safety Week
6 Manhunt- 3 soldiers lost during exercise
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-May 23rd-No.21
1 The Premier at the U.W.I.
1 With the Premier in the farming belt
2 National Conference of Village Council leaders
3 Arts and Craft in the Cayo District
3 Education under the spotlight
4 The Premier’s Office
5 Belizean Legislators look over Washington, D.C.
5 Mexico- Belize on the sport field
6 School transport for rural areas
6 Seminar on Social Work
7 Belize based rescue mission for San Salvador
7 S.C.A. scores again in speech contest
7 Chamber President challenges food handlers
8 Establishments
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-May 30th-No.22
1 Premier challenges Credit Unionists:
2 Congrats. For Caribbena
2 Traffic Safety Week
3 Minister praises Voluntary Social Service Organizations
4 The Premier’s Visitors
6 The Premier at Lynam
6 Belize Law Makers tours the U.S.A.
7 City Council business
7 Corozal Town Catholic church being re-built
7 Conference on Social Administration
8 The Public Service
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-June 6th-No.23
1 The Premier’s Office- Visitors
3 Labor Minister in the Sugar Belt
3 Quick end to stoppage
3 Inter-School track meet
4 Sports rally in P.G.
4 Chamber of Commerce quarterly meeting
5 The Ladies score in Motor Car Rodeo
5 Belizean Representatives end tour
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-June13th-No.24
1 Major Archaeological find
1 Challenge for Belizean businessmen
2 Reconstruction report
3 The Premier’s Office: Visitors
3 Belizean Youth: On Parade
4 P.W.D. - Projects
4 Speaker, Senate President for London
4 Hon. A.E. Cattouse tours Stann Creek District
5 Sugar report
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-June 20th-No.25
1 The First Three and a half months
3 The Premier’s Week
6 The Hon. Santiago Ricalde
6 Mr. Jose Tux Alcalde of Santa Elena
7 Airport Expansion
8 Ministry Intervention helpful
8 SCA Commencement Ceremony
9 Chamber of Commerce-$8,000 gift to International Body
9 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-May 30th-No.26
1 The Premier on Co- Operation and nation building
2 The Premier: An Assessment from Mexico
3 Report from the Premier’s Office
5 Minister tours in Belize City
5 CWU wins poll
6 Fishing Co-op heading for brighter prospects
6 One Careless food handler
7 To maintain the high standard
7 The DFC now has a manager
7 News in brief
8 Chief Traffic Officer, Inspector Winston Carcamo
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-July 4th-No.27
1 Big Fair climaxes Co-op Week
1 Save the Children
2 Ag. Premier at Cockloft
2 $10,000 band stands- Gift of the Lebanese Community
3 National Valuation Service
3 The Premier’s Office
3 Operation Hurricane Watch
4 Second Time Round- Claver College Graduates
5 For the Caribena Co-operative
5 Trade Union Seminar
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-July11th-No.28
1 Reconstruction Report
1 The Premier’s Office
1 Studies for T.U. Leaders
2 Its Graduation Time
2 Belize City SJCU
3 Belize City- Pallotti High
4 Stann Creek Town- Austin High School
4 Stann Creek Town- S.C. High School
5 Minister receives Chamber of Commerce delegation
5 Sugar Report
6 Rev. Claude L. Cadogan visits
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-July 18th-No.29
1 Operation “Link Up” – Central American Telecommunications
1 ‘Best Ever’ prices expected in Lobster Market
2 Graduation Time- Continued
2 St. George’s Training College
3 Mueffele’s- Orange Walk Town
3 Sacred Heart- San Ignacio
4 Big Occasion for Flowers Bank
5 P.W.D. progress report
5 “Sugar Line”- Montreal- London Run
5 World Heavyweight Champ coming
6 His Excellency
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-July 26th-No.30
1 Mohammed Ali receives warm welcome
2 New line calls at Belize
2 $20,000 cutters launched
3 Government’s promotion of Education landed
3 Lynam graduates 13
4 S.J.C. extension holds first graduation
5 Two U.W.I. staff visit Belize
5 Belizean student tour Leeds
5 Med- Tech graduate back
6 California Clergyman visits Premier
6 Two students return
7 Nolberto off to Canada for Trade Union Course
7 Home for a visit
7 Peace Corps hold Annual Conference
8 Three youths die river mishap
8 Honduran tennis team here
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-August2nd-No.31
1 City Council makes good progress to improve Water Supply in Capital
2 Teacher Training Colleges merged
3 Big Open Day held at Central Farm
3 Stann Creek plans Big Farmer’s Day
4 Youth Conference at Progresso
4 Operations- Telecoms Linkup
5 S.J.C. introduces scholarship programme
5 Malaria breaks out in Toledo
6 Shell donates insectide to combat malaria
7 Seminar of Marketing & Accounting opens
7 Anglican Church appoints two
7 More students return
8 University team from Merida on 5 day visit
8 Six guides off to Jamaica
9 Three chosen for Miss Belize contest
9 Luxury yacht in
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-August 9th-No.32
1 New school at Willows Bank
2 Seminar for Trade Union leaders
3 Seminar in Stann Creek
4 45 Youth groups hold exhibition
4 Airport runway consultant in
4 Shell-S.J.C. scholarship inaugurated
5 Obtain Diploma in Journalism
5 4 Canadians picked for beauty contest
6 Belize has promising Future Visitors Day
6 Back to serve in Belize
6 Br. Council award dance, Art Bursaries
7 Radio Belize gets News Editor
7 Schools Broadcasting Officer in
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-August 16th-No.33
1 30 bed hospital for Punta Gorda Town
1 Secretary of State coming
2 National Day celebrations
2 They saw the Premier
3 Tenth Annual Library Course
3 Trade Union Seminar
4 Teachers’ vacation course
4 Regional Development Course
4 Progress report- P.W.D.
5 Mrs. Lizarraga on Government Housing Compounds
5 Sugar Report: Grinding season extended
6 Creole- Subject of Special Study
6 First Belizean female lawyer
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-August 23rd-No.34
1 New Capital- Ground Breaking Ceremony in October
1 Paraiso gets Community Centre
1 They saw the Premier
3 National Day Celebrations
4 $140,000 for sugar roads
5 New boats to help in Fish survey
5 Tourism- Getting ready for accelerated development
6 “Belize”- To fly U.S.A. and C.A. Route
7 Orange Walk Town gets labor challenge
7 Community Centre for Unitedville
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-August30th-No.35
1 National Day celebrations
1 New bandstand and Miss Belize District selection
2 Concert
2 Carmelita Farrias- Miss Independence
3 First Report plans in the districts
3 They saw the Premier
4 Brandeis University students
4 New Road: Cristo Rey- Macaw Bank
5 Local Government- Minister Tours west
6 West India Chronicle Special
6 Princess Royal Hostel Band
7 Inter Church Relations
7 Clique Sarco in the picture
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-September 6th-No.36
1 Tribute to Belizean Patriots
5 The Nation at Worship
5 Radio Hams too
6 They saw the Premier
8 Minister of Labor returns
8 News from City Hall
9 Industry gives scholarship
9 Premium honey …. Half as costly as Foreign Honey
9 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-September 13th-No.37
1 The National Day
2 Other events
3 Q. Roo Police Band on stage
3 Pageant of Belizean Ethnic groups
4 Battle of the Bands
4 Meanwhile … In the districts
5 They saw the Premier
6 Senate President for World Law Parley
7 Frankson, Castillo takes National Scholarships
7 Papal Volunteers- The New Batch
7 Voluntary Service Overseas
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-September 20th-No.38
1 Secretary of State coming Oct. 7th
1 Rural applicants score
1 They saw the Premier
4 Teachers’ Colleges get together
5 Our neighbors celebrate
5 Sportsmen too
5 PUP wins Bye- Election
5 Honorable Albert Cattouse on Community Development
6 Salaries Commissioner
6 Stann Creek District Agric. Show
6 Public Works Progress Report
7 Another Agricultural Show
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-September 27th-No.39
1 Report from the House
1 Two Reps. for Michoacan
3 Great Day for Stann Creek farmers
3 Belize- Mexico cultural ties strengthening
4 Radio Belize goes to school
4 Tourism- big push for development drive
5 President Francis- First Belize spokesman on World Peace through law
5 To help SJC grow with Belize
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-October 4th-No.40
1 The Premier in the Sugar Belt
2 Sees expansion project
2 No tax hike
2 Four British M.P.’s visit
3 10,000 ft. in search of ‘Black Gold’
3 Stann Creek Town Board
3 The British Council presents
4 Honduras hit by floods
4 C.U. League meets at San Ignacio
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-October11th-No.41
1 Belize Assembly “Fulfils all the conditions of democracy”
2 NIP letter
4 The New Capital- Unveiling Ceremony
5 City Fathers honor Greenwood
6 British M.P.’s continue tour
7 Preserving our heritage
7 Friendly contacts with Mexico continue
8 Leadership training at the ‘Y’
8 To get manpower information
8 Confab on Credit Union Insurance
9 More Sanitary food for Belizeans
9 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-October18th-No.42
1 Secretary of State concludes visit
2 They saw the Premier
3 And now… The Beginning of the end of the water problems
4 Credit Union Week
5 New Pier for Stann Creek Town
5 Teacher Training
5 Progress Report
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-October25th-No.43
1 Independence Day
1 $1,200,000 loan authorization
2 How the U.N. helps
3 They saw the Premier
4 Red Cross Week
4 The Senate
5 Texaco- Going Places
5 New look for CARE Programme
6 Book exhibition
6 International Credit Union Day
6 Education/Minister out West
6 Belize Chevron Oil Co. to explore here
7 To improve Belizean livestock
7 Two Belizeans in U.K. art contest
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-November1st-No.44
1 With the Premier in the Orange Walk District
2 10,000 ton U.S.A. sugar quotas
3 Mexican Editor deplores slanted report in Miami Herald
3 City Council in action
4 Minister supports Red Cross appeal
4 Top Engineer here on review mission
5 Police passing out parade
5 Police V.H.F. links span Belize
6 It’s going to be a great show
6 New $40,000 airport lounge
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-November8th-No.45
1 Weightlifters withdraw from C.A. games
1 Cane farmers urged to modernize
2 PWD Progress Report
3 Electricity Board to take over Stann Creek Town Plant
3 San Ignacio prepares for big agricultural show
4 S.J.C. 75th anniversary to be marked with big expansion
5 Sugar belt gets school buses
5 Merida Chamber of Commerce here on overnight visit
6 New Capital and Belizean flag on T.V.
6 Heavy rains cause floods
7 New Anglican Pastor inducted
7 S.S. Naturalists pay first visit here
7 French Navy says thanks
8 Nolberto back from Trade Union course
8 Land Reclamation in new areas to commence
8 Labor Officer in Britain
9 HMS Rothesay coming back
9 Pay hike for Fort George hotel workers
9 Barclays sends two off for training
10 “Critica” Magazine to feature Belize
10 Latin American report says no confidence lost on Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-November15th-No.46
1 The Premier’s “Magnetism and Ability”
1 Holiday pay for more workers
2 Carib Belizeans celebrate
3 Set up Tyre Recapping Plants
3 Senate busy
4 The C.S.F’s big three
4 Seeing things for himself
5 Another successful Western Show
6 Twenty one for sixth form studies
6 Texaco- Growing with Belize
6 Belizean musicians mean business
7 To act for Minister of Natural Resources
7 O.W. district students in Belize City
7 New Mexican Consul
8 Mexican Businessmen end visit
8 Sir Patrick Renison, O.M.
9 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-November22nd-No.47
1 U.S.A. Mediator for British- Guatemalan dispute
1 Rhodesia trade links cut
1 Water at your door
2 “Freedom from hunger” helps
2 Leaf Tobacco- A new industry
2 $3,000,000 plus in reconstruction aid
3 They saw the Premier
4 Four villages and “Achievement Day”
5 Big Deal in Mayan Artifacts
5 Carib Belizeans celebrate
6 Tourism- Sports fishing leads
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-November29th-No.48
1 24 Communities receive their Premier
3 Important Tourism Development
4 Hon.A.A. Hunter back from U.S.A. talks
4 National Unity emphasized in Senate
4 “My visit to Belize”
5 Technical training- A new Look
6 Congrats, to California
6 From Slogan to Reality
7 They saw the Premier
8 Community Workers’ CONFAB
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-December6th-No.49
1 Belize City Council dissolved
1 The outgoing City Council
2 Freak accident slows traffic
3 In Stann Creek Town
4 Getting set for the 1965-66 sugar cane season
4 They saw the Premier
5 The state of our Medical Services
6 Seventy scholarships to secondary schools
6 Fisheries Advisory Board
6 Record downpour causes flooding
7 First modern fish market
7 The Library Service
8 Proposed Library Association
8 Belize in the movies
9 New Post Cards Issue
9 The Arts
9 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-December13th-No.50
1 B.T.C. graduates fifty five
2 Twenty in Cit. Co. Race
2 Political Broadcasts
3 Premier’s Election Appeal
3 More Achievement in Rural Belize
4 Meeting of the Senate
5 The discussion was about roads
5 All set for the Stann Creek Town
5 Better Health, Improved productivity in the Stann Creek District
6 Independence gets new market
6 They saw the Premier
8 Public Act of Church Unity
8 Student Exchange Popular
9 For Better Homes
9 Scouters for Nicaragua Camporee
10 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-December20th-No.51
1 1966 Budget Proposals
4 Reports in the Assembly
5 Swift action by the Senate
5 Budget highlights
5 First Junior High School
6 Canada will finance second bridge
6 Clean sweep for P.U.P. in City Council elections
7 Victory “All the Way” celebrated
7 They saw the Premier
9 Madame Ministra out West
10 Caledonia’s New Community Centre
10 Yet another Community Centre
11 Count down at the New Capital Site
11 News in Brief
12 Royalty here for Jaguar Hunt
British Honduras Newsletters: 1965-December27th-No.52
1 The Budget-Priorities defined
1 1966 budget approved
1 Out goes the radio license
2 Merchants’ good response
2 Belizean Industry encouraged
2 Christmas in Belize
3 Radio Belize variety show
4 Premier at Salvation Army function
4 Youth hostel plays host to the aged
4 Corozal Town
5 Stann Creek Town too
5 $8.8 million for development projects
5 New City Council ready for action
6 They saw the Premier
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-January3rd-No.1
1 …Came the New Year
1 On “The List”
2 In the Churches
2 The Senate applauds
3 Golden handshake on the waterfront
3 Chamber of Commerce seek closer ties
3 Reconstruction Corp. to the rescue
3 Collecting Agents
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-January10th-No.2
1 House of Representative fills in the details
2 To keep rents in line
2 Fishermen to help modernize their Industry
3 Action to improve road system
3 Minister addresses Catholic teachers
3 Senator Leslie’s challenge
4 Veteran Caribbean Teacher advises
4 Taking the message to the Public
5 In the Senate
5 They saw the Premier
6 The Jesuit Mission announces
7 Around the districts
7 Streamlining for Development
7 Vegetable Co-op does well on 81/2 acres
8 Toledo farmers get together
8 Stann Creek and Cayo districts prepare Agricultural shows
8 Tragedy in Corozal District
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-January17th-No.3
1 Ambassador Webster here
1 U.K., Canada and U.S.A. to assist
1 The Alliance- here to talk about partnership
2 500% increase in tourism budget
2 Minister strengthens Tourist Board
3 Challenges to Community Development Workers
3 Valuation progressing smoothly
4 Methodist Mission gets Government Land Grant
4 They saw the Premier
5 Move to improve communications
5 Requiem for John Mark Jacoby
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-January24th-No.4
1 The Mediator sees all
1 On the Frontier
1 A Clear declaration
2 House of Representatives
2 V.I.P. conferees for Cham
3 Golden Key- Symbol of Friendship
3 Tourist Board: “Make Belize More Beautiful”
4 To produce fresh milk and diary products
4 Co-op Staff Conference
5 Maskall-Bomba May get Co-op
5 New Stamp Issue
5 Shell expansion continues
5 Toledo Pioneers tame 72 acres
6 Father Weber for CICOP
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-January31st-No.5
1 The Senate
1 ITC Swan song
2 Reconstruction report
2 Belize USA Quota- From 100 to 650
2 For the Farmer- Land
3 Tourism-“Welcome to Central Farm”
3 Holding the Line on Prices
4 Labor Minister back from the North
4 News from City Hall
4 Northern lights
5 The word goes forth
5 New Justices of the Peace
5 New step towards church unity
6 First short story anthology- Walter, Bradley, Vernon
6 Water-serious discussions in Stann Creek town
7 Corozal teachers get together
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-February7th-No.6
1 U.S.A. investment now has ample guarantees
2 OK for the new capital- revised plan
2 Sugar report
2 $20,000 Oxfam grant
3 They saw the Premier
4 Commissioner to work on laws
4 P.W.D. progress report
5 Ministry takes steps to promote tourism
5 New type Agriculture plan for Mullins River
5 New Governor
6 Festival in 1966
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-February7th-No.6
1 Straight Talk about Land
1 Our Best Known Resource
2 Ian Smith’s “Independence Bonds” Not Valid Here
2 Senate Considers Land Question
2 Archaeology – De. Pendergast Returns to Altun Ha
3 Rural Health Nurses doing “Excellent” Job
3 Festival Has Ambitious Targets
3 Former F.B.I. President Sees Good Future for Sugar
4 Methodist Visitor from Roatan
4 To Punta Gorda – By Road
4 New J.P’s. Sworn in
5 U.S.A. Journalist see Belize
5 The Accent is on Agriculture
5 P.G. Town Board Gets New Dump Truck
5 Stann Creek Show Committee ‘On the Ball’
6 Mexican Goodwill Visit
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-February14th-No.7
1 “Boom goes the tourist industry”
1 Mexican publication pays tribute
2 Local Government Minister in Toledo
2 Another Belizean called to the Bar
3 Miami Herald hails
3 They saw the Premier
5 El Cayo Farmers’ Co-op doing well
5 The progressive pioneers of Hattieville
5 Youth Hostel earns high praise
6 Spread the Ecumenical spirit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-February21st-No.8
1 The “Washington Post” on Belize
2 New S.O.S. hopes to see Premier “Before too long”
2 New City market in prospect
3 ‘Mesop.’ C.U. presents- A Sanctuary for the Movement
4 Labor Minister on the spot
4 What’s new in Corozal Town?
5 Mexico affords ‘Favored Nation’ status
5 Tourism: No lowering of standards
6 To improve Belizean rum
6 New book on Belize
6 Chamber of Commerce- The Annual General Meeting
7 New Labor Advisory Board
7 Harbor Advisory Group
8 Toledo going all out
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-March7th-No.10
1 Alliance anchored here through “Partnership” Scheme
2 The chance to own a home
2 Tourist Board reconstituted
2 New Mexico City- Belize flight
3 Friends across the Rio Hondo
3 War on pests
4 Chronicle of advance
4 Training for T.U. leaders
4 Guidebook on Belize
4 They saw the Premier
5 CARE helps agriculture, Community Development
6 Changes in the Catholic Diocese
6 Elocution
6 Holiday Pay for Citrus Workers
6 News in Brief
7 Corrigendum
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-March14th-No.11
1 Tourism Minister moves to establish National Parks
1 Hercules donates $20,000
2 Flowers for a great benefactor
2 Field day at Chan Pine Ridge
3 Minister on fact finding visit
3 Seventeen fine new policemen
3 Father Weber’s successful mission
4 Important contacts
4 Sugar report- 20% in six weeks
4 Two for training
5 S.J.C. presents
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-March21st-No.12
1 Mr. Price interviewed by Miami Herald
2 Partners for an alliance
2 Production figures up
3 The Fisheries Advisory Board
3 Lobster experiment
3 San Ignacio gets new slaughter house
3 Exam. Time for teacher
4 Transport Board
4 The Lynam story- more development
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-March28th-No.13
1 Belize abroad- The Good Image
2 The Premier on “Culture and the Community”
2 Labor Seminar in Orange Walk
3 Corn: Quality is the thing
3 The Senate
4 They saw the Premier
4 The Credit Union Movement- more school work
5 Public Works Minister in the North
5 Christian Democracy offers a solution
6 Residential course for ladies
6 Minister Cattouse... “Eloquent Manifestation”
6 Village Council leaders confer
7 Anglican Bishop resigns
7 Further development in Inter- Faith activities
7 R.B.C. facilities for Orange Walk district
8 The Spoken Word
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-April 4th-No.14
1 Goldson favors Central American economic link
1 Belize observer for Christian Democrat Parley
1 Education and Statistics reports tabled
3 New Capital commands attention abroad
3 Government’s concern for Police Welfare
3 Labor Minister reports progress
4 They saw the Premier
4 City Fathers maintain free parking
5 The Fall of the Mayan civilization- New insight from Altun Ha
5 Reconstruction report
5 G.W.D.U. –C.S.F. accord
6 Encouragement for starch producers
6 New revenue source
6 New labor survey
7 The representative
7 New postings in the R.C. church
7 New style retreat
8 Tennis
8 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-April 11th-No.15
1 Governor Romney to the Premier
1 Michigan alliance partners arrive
2 Great Festival for the church
2 Easter
2 1966 cycle race
3 Operation “Traffic Eye”
3 New Secretary of State for the Colonies
3 Salute to W.H.O.
4 Fine gesture by B.M.A.
4 Rev. Cousins’ goodbye
4 Broom Industry in prospect
5 Tale of two shows
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-April 18th-No.16
1 Michigan team optimistic
1 Traveling around
2 Agriculture and Tourism
2 King Sugar
2 Second Team due April 19th
2 They saw the Premier
4 New tonnage and wharf age rates
4 Xunantunich- attractive tourist centers in preparation
4 Sugar- sales to U.S.A. up
5 The emphasis is on administration
5 That second bridge- nearer
5 Minister sees the work at Hill Bank
6 Rural leadership training
6 Natural Resources Minister meets villagers
6 The Arts
7 … And Percival Cain
7 Hon. Hector Silva for London
7 Sir Peter away for one week
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-April 25th-No.17
1 Salaries increase- Teachers, junior officers first
1 Second Michigan team
2 $500,000 Industrial gas plant
2 Meat packing plant
3 Queen’s Birthday
3 They saw the premier
4 New Anglican Dean of Belize
4 Around the districts
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-May 2nd-No.18
1 Second Michigan team concludes visit
1 H.E. Returns
2 Stann Creek district scores high again
2 New land tax effective 1.1.1967
3 They saw the Premier
4 News from City Hall
4 New assault on Haulover swamp
5 Public Utilities Minister sends envoy
5 Arts Festival- The Premier lends his patronage
5 Labor Day, 1966
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-May 9th-No.19
1 House approves salary increase
2 Tripartite team in action
3 Annual Village Council Conference
4 Tower Hill Factory- on schedule
4 The Senate
4 U.N. Specialist
5 Teachers’ demonstration
5 Education- whose business
5 To push sports fishing
6 Creative Work highlights Festival
6 Belizean Medical Student doing well
6 Expansion in sports fishing
7 New valuation rolls for Stann Creek Town
7 Position on mixed marriages explained
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-May 16th-No.20
1 ‘Green Light’ for salary hikes
1 Senate approval
1 Tripartite survey progresses
2 Here for Bridge study
2 Br. Army aids clean up campaign
3 Lady Minister looks in
3 Finding out what the soil can do
4 Only Important Shipyard between Vera Cruz and Panama
4 Formal unveiling in Stann Creek Town
4 Bumper audiences followed 1966 Festival
5 International gangs after Mayan treasures
6 Management change at B.E.C.
6 P.W.D. projects inspected
6 Four die in traffic accident
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-May 23rd-No.21
1 Pay raise for CIT-CO employees
1 Two Ministers visit Mexico
2 Seminar for Sales Clerks
2 Assembly in recess
2 British Official on tour
3 Hon. C.L.B. Rogers represents Belize
3 Clean up campaign
3 New conquest on Victoria Peak
3 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-May 30th-No.22
1 British Press lauds Belizean efforts
2 One day Book fair
2 Books and their value
2 To preserve our Archives
3 Five Belizean youths for Br. Army
4 Goodwill visitors from Honduras
4 Where the side walk should be
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-June 6th-No.23
1 Belize City Water Authority
2 Government complies
2 Operation “Booktock” Mounted In Miami
3 Travel writer discovers Belize
3 C.U. league annual meeting
4 Library Branch expands
4 New CARE Director
4 St. John’s, St. Catherine’s graduate
5 Go forth
5 Belize District Council
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-June 13th-No.24
1 Statement on claim talks
1 Hon. A.A. Hunter speaks about tourism
2 Sir Peter appointed Governor, Isle of Man
2 Minister appeals for greater mobility
2 To improve Factory Inspection
3 Sugar: Warning on overproduction
3 Merchant sponsors scholarship
3 Fred Gill heads C.U. League
4 Stamps: New Capital
4 H.E.’s Farewell in Toledo
4 Safer traffic for San Ignacio
4 Red Cross Appeals week
5 Corpus Christi processions
5 Stann Creek group to get house
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-June 20th-No.25
1 Premier clears the air
1 The Commonwealth connection
2 Public reaction
2 Throne speech
4 Strong plea for Investment in Industry Tourism
4 Chamber of Commerce scores
5 Belize gets favored nation terms
5 Raise for marketing Board Staff
5 Stann Creek District ready
5 Sugar Industry
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-June 27th-No.26
1 The Premier on “Good Citizenship”
2 Minister Rogers, Hunter Back
3 They support the Premier’s stand
3 Minister gives direct commission
4 Improved Electricity Service for Benque Viejo Del Carmen
4 Reconstruction report- loan finance all issued
5 Sir Peter’s goodbye
5 Ken for Rome seminar
6 Gomez, Perdomo back from Montego Bay Conference
6 Brodies gets new head
6 Good market for Orange Walk district honey
6 For more co-operations in Orange Walk
7 Feast of St. John the Baptist
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-July4th-No.27
1 Flare up over Guatemalan claim
1 Repeat performance
2 Curfew
2 Public Officers sit down
2 Country wide support
3 Confident voices from the villages
4 The church calls for peace
4 Sir Peter’s three assurances
5 Graduation time
7 Another residential course
7 More amenities for Silk Grass
8 News from City Hall
8 Electricity for the Farm
8 New Company
9 Valuable trials at Central Farm
9 Catholics making big effort
9 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-July11th-No.28
1 A fond goodbye for a popular, progressive Governor
1 To force closer links with Canada
2 No further incidents reported- curfew lifted
2 Supports for the Premier
3 Graduation time- continues
5 Minister off on leader grant
5 Commonwealth foundation’s Mr. Chadwick
6 By Election, July 14th
6 Reconstruction Corp. eases payment problem
6 Too much rain hampers sugar harvest
7 To study the dance
7 The man from Oxfam
7 H.R.C.U. expands
8 U.S.A. industrialists look things over
8 Payment for members of the Public Service Commission
8 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-July18th-No.29
1 Greetings from Canadian Prime Minister
1 New Governor welcomed
3 They saw the Premier
4 Grass Roots support
5 Graduation time for Lynam
5 Impressive show by B.T.C.
6 Arzu wins bye election
6 H/Ville Children welcome Minister
6 Corozal Town’s new electricity service
6 Big boost for beautification drive
7 Preliminary construction at new capital site
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-July25th-No.30
1 First fruits of the Michigan partnership
1 Support for Premier unwavering
1 Confident, still building
2 Crayfish: An important foreign exchange earner
2 Using what we have
3 For those that waited in darkness…light!
3 Balancing cane requirements
4 Repairs for Hawkesworth Bridge
4 New Governor says “Howdy!”
5 U.S.A. investors confident
5 Branch library improved
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-August1st-No.31
1 House acts on Broadcasting policy, Defence
4 U.K. lends instructors for teacher’s Vac. Course
4 Eleventh Annual Library Course
5 Tower Hill Bridge contract awarded
5 The Seventh squad did well
6 Health survey among school children
6 M/Public Utilities inspects
6 Belize Teachers College
7 Hon. Cattouse to act as M/Labor
7 From City Hall
7 New Marine product for export
7 S.J.C. merit scholarships
8 Michigan Partners-The Follow- Up
8 C.W.U. official returns
8 Belizean Teachers score
9 Belizean team for Commonwealth games
9 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-August 8th-No.32
1 Mexico- The Good Neighbor
2 “Belizeans work efficiently”
3 Trade Union Federation speaks out
3 Who Sanitary Engineer welcomed
4 Swan Song for Colonial Office
4 Library Course ends
4 Teachers’ vacation course
5 Welcome mat for San Salvador touring party
5 Cable and Wireless Expands
6 Sugar: grinding season extended
6 Customs head receives Chamber Reps.
6 Proposed Air Service to Ambergris Caye
6 H.E. goes north
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-August 15th-No.33
1 House of Representatives- Towards improved facilities
1 The Senate – Confidence Reaffirmed
2 Gala celebrations this year
3 The Guatemalan Consulate replies
3 Ban on Public Meetings out
3 Confidence in Public Service
4 Belize Rural Conference
4 Those Michigan scholarships
5 Stann Creek youth gets training
5 Distinguished visitor for S.J.C.
5 Father Francis looks in
6 Business likes investment climates
6 First to do International Law
6 Said Musa successful
7 New Site for Western Agriculture Fair
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-August 29th-No.35
1 Glittering start for celebrations
1 Conserving our folklore heritage
2 Premier also Acting Minister of Public Utilities
2 Minister exhorts Youth leaders
2 Co- operation with Mexico improving
3 C.W.U. helps tug boat men
3 Improvement in courts noted
3 Michigan scholarships awarded
4 Esso Scholarships – second time round
4 Premier lays foundation
5 Robinson Point Company shows imitative
5 Mario Valdez markets Novelty Tie
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-September5th-No.36
1 National Day Celebrations continue
1 Vocal Group contest
1 Bugle Band contest
2 Honor Belizean Patriots
2 Exciting talent parade
2 District report
3 Public invited to make suggestions about political broadcasting
3 Two more applicants for Development incentives
3 Sir John Paul: ‘Getting to know you’
4 Belize Rep. for Canada Conference
4 FALO attending U.N. Seminar
4 Minister of Labor to report
5 World prices force increase in rice price
5 News form City Hall
5 Catholics mourn Father McCormack
5 Top Belizean artists contributing to Xavier church
6 New Head for Wesley College
6 More Scholarships from Canada
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-September12th-No.37
1 National Day… “A notable triumph”
3 Voices of Belize
3 Battle of the Bands
3 Pageant- A glittering affair
4 Impromptu- Pyrotechnics Galore
4 Meanwhile in the Districts
4 Representatives secure better fire protection
5 27 successful in Commercial Course
6 NFCTU’S Miguel Rosado for Oxford seminar
7 N.T.U.C. sends three for training
7 Senate acts on salaries, Library and firearms
7 Seven for teacher training
8 S.J.C. Extension
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-September19th-No.38
1 Early start for Belize City Bridge
1 A chance to be heard
1 First Jet for Belize-U.S.A. runs
2 Centenary stamp issue
2 M/Labor in Constituency
2 About planners and planning
2 C. of C. quarterly meeting
3 Partners CONFAB in Rio
3 Salute to Mexico
3 Orange Walk Town to have better lighting
4 $100,000 contracts for Shipyard
4 Citrus Sales to Britain
4 Belizean Manager for Fort George Hotel
5 Puga, Gough take open Scholarship
5 Drama students present “Impromptu”
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-September26th-No.39
1 Loans for Housing, Expansion of Sugar Industry
1 Better Hospital Service
2 Britain’s stand on Mediation reaffirmed
2 S.J.C. 75th Anniversary project off to good start
3 Development official on visit
3 German Ambassador visiting
4 Effort to improve Canadian sugar market
4 Development review for Stann Creek District
4 Hon. Hector Silva back
4 Extra time to peruse voters list
5 T.U. officials in the move
5 G.W.D.U. also scores
6 Construction underway at New Capital
6 Belize represented at Rio Parley
6 S.J.C. Alumni Association
7 Premier thanks Nazarene Mission
7 Credit Union weekend in Stann Creek town
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-October 3rd-No.40
1 They study defense, internal security
1 Post Office Centenary issue
1 Closer links being forged with West Germany
2 Michigan Partnership programme
2 Beautification campaign attracting attention
3 Salaries increase for CITCO workers
3 Three off for CLASC meeting
4 Bids to Great Provident Fund for Citrus Workers
4 Turtle Restocking Project
4 Mafradi Farmers’ First Harvest
4 Taca, Tan boost scholarship drive
5 New head for Jesuit Mission
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-October 10th-No.41
1 Belize will celebrate with Barbados
1 Hurricane readiness test
1 Hurricane Inez
1 Move to improve water supply
2 Reconstruction wrap up
3 Esso helps with Youth training
3 New school through pooled efforts
4 Hon. D.L. McCoy in Stann Creek District
4 Stewardship programme gathers momentum
4 Discussion for National progress
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-October 24th-No.43
1 Govt. initiates closer study of bills
1 Divorce petition by O.W. Cane Farmers
2 Senate Report
2 To increase family income at H/Ville
2 Chamber of Commerce week
3 Contribution for Sugar Labor Welfare
3 The Premier on Belize-Jamaica relations
4 First scheduled jet service
4 Electricity Board Takeover for Punta Gorda Town
4 Credit Union
6 H.R.C.U. -$1million baby
6 T.U.C. elects officers
6 Bumper tourist season expected
7 Boy Scout Week Appeal
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-October 31st-No.44
1 Assembly Report- the reluctant raise
3 More towards sugar industry reorganization
3 New Capital contracts attracts big name engineering firms
4 No tax increase
4 Special salute to the U.N.
4 Belgian Ambassador visits
5 To study Citrus Industry Bill
6 Quintana Roo official aids tourism development
6 Chamber Drive very successful
7 U.N. official visits
7 Citrus Labor talks produce good results
7 G.W.D.U. representing Tower Hill Workers
8 Minister aids beautification drive
8 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-November 7th-No.45
1 Tripartite Survey report handed in
1 Opportunities for Mexico- Belize- Co-operation in Tourism Development
2 Belizean airline seeks to open new route
2 Public hearings on Sugar Industry Bills
2 D.F.C. report-modest profit, no dividends yet
3 Plans for second bridge being finalized
3 Defense review
3 Health Ministry advises withdrawal of ‘STARLAC’ milk
4 Punta Gorda joins the National Electricity scheme
4 1965, Co-op Credit Union report
4 Gillett studying Technical Education in Britain
5 ‘Fruitful’ attachments in Jamaica for Training Officer
5 Premier receives ranking Methodist visitor
5 Arenal gets new school
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-November 14th-No.46
1 Last Friday in the House
2 Premier’s tribute to the Caribs
2 Labor in the Sugar belt
3 Western Agriculture Show
3 Visitor facilities at Xunantunich opened
4 More dynamic regional approach to tourism drive
4 Govt. backing 50 sixth form students
4 More University scholarships
5 New representatives for Cane Farmers
5 House Committee on education
5 Police graduations
6 George Gabb’s art wins recognition
6 R.C. Bishop condemns slurs on Belize
6 U.W.I. educators visit
7 Remembrance Day
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-November 21st-No.47
1 The Tripartite team’s report
2 The search for oil
3 Settlement Day, 1967
3 H.E., Lady Paul in the South
4 P.G. town joins National Electricity scheme
4 Ground breaking at Santa Clara
4 Three more university scholarships for the U.W.I.
5 First ever National Arbor Day
5 New contract for Citrus Workers
6 Rotary Governor Visits
6 Young people’s discussion circle
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-November 28th-No.48
1 Sugar Industry bills Okayed by house
1 Tripartite report out on December
1 For San Ignacio: “An aggressive wave of expansion”
2 Completion scheduled for two big projects
3 Health Minister boots Sanitation programme
3 Good news for San Roman
3 Minister spearheads tree planting
4 If disaster strikes
4 U.N. information official visits
4 New series of Maps
5 Honduranean businessmen visit
5 Voluntary fasting on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-December 5th-No.49
1 Highlights of the Premier’s budget speech
1 End of Treasury Control
1 Follow up action on Tripartite Report
2 Cheaper telephone rates
2 Good news on the housing front
2 Debate on educational system
3 Select Committees report
3 Progress with Sugar Industry Bills
4 Minister of Local Govt. returns
4 ‘Proof Wetting’ at New Capital site
5 Municipal elections
5 To look into Prison conditions
6 Trade Union news
6 T.U.C. students return
6 Obituary- Alfred Owen Longsworth
6 From City Hall
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-December 12th-No.50
1 House passes 1967 Appropriation Ordinance
2 Toledo road being improved
2 Airport extension to be opened
2 Belize Technical College graduation
3 Sugar Industry bills clear Senate
3 $250,000 meat packing plant nearing completion
4 Planning Committee for Orange Walk Town
4 Timber Production- Premier gets the inside story
5 CARE aids Physical Education
5 Corozal District farmers protest low cane farmers
6 Tasty Pastry- By Pallotti High School
6 Ivor watts gets new British Council appointment
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-December 19th-No.51
1 Opening of Airport extension
2 Warmer Canada- Belize relations
2 Details of the bridge accord
3 Approval in principle for housing loans
3 Belize supports Vietnam peace efforts
3 Senate debate SJC Amendment Bill
4 Senate clears Appropriations Bill
4 Minister reports on Caribbean tour
5 Youth Hostel graduates fourteen
5 Municipal elections
6 Community facilities opened at Georgetown
6 Historic recording of folksongs by Belize Teachers’ College
7 The Name ‘Belize’ in History
7 Big increase in Volunteers from Britain
8 Church World Service in Belize
8 Belize Teachers College Exam results
9 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1966-December 26th-No.52
1 Christmas in Belize
2 “Boss Fred” Re-elected Lord Mayor
2 Municipal Elections
2 Steady Progress at Georgetown
3 Vocational Training School for Stann Creek Town
3 San Jose, Trinidad Villages get Community Centre
4 Shrimp Industry
4 Cigarette prices pegged
4 C.W.U. officials from training
4 New Trade Directory
5 R.C. Bishops will confer in Rome
5 Two Ministers on leave
5 Belizean students in Michigan
5 Death on Christmas Day
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-January 2nd-No.1
1 The New Year-“An exciting Adventure” – The Premier
1 Messages from Trade Union leaders
2 The New Year Cometh
2 Town Board Election Results
2 The Jet Age dawns for Belize
3 Two More students under Michigan partnership
3 UNESCO Consultant for Teacher Training Project
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-January 9th-No.2
1 Government intervention improves sugar price
1 New Town Boards settling down
2 Teachers confer
2 Staff Conference for Community Development Workers
3 Study ways of improving health
4 More progress with Archives
4 C.W.U. Officials on the road
5 League President for CUNA Parley
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-January 16th-No.3
1 Premier opens Tower Hill Factory
2 More on the Sugar Industry – Grinding Season
2 National Parks study gathers momentum
3 Was human sacrifice practiced at Altun Ha?
3 Safeguarding the Nation’s Health
4 Labor Inspectors confer
4 Belize Desk Officer in Washington visits
5 Colonial Office phased out
5 $12,000 U.S.A. grants for S.J.C.
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-January 23rd-No.4
1 Spotlight on nursing
1 B.T.C. graduation- The 8th Place
2 Big Boost for tourist industry
2 Permit still needed for Altun Ha visit
3 Village Council elections
3 Minister meets two councils
3 Tourism promotion film
3 Specially for the Belizean farmer
4 Scouting for Boys
4 Co-operative Marketing at Independence
4 G.W.D.U.’S Rosales for Orit Conference
5 Maestre’s industries forge ahead
5 Wage hike for Cable and Wireless employees
5 Corozal town’s futuristic church dedicated
6 Methodist Synod
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-January 30th-No.5
1 Premier to visit Michigan
1 Our Farmers- “Salt of the Belizean Earth”
1 Community Centres for two more villages
2 Sugar Labor- Successful formulas found
2 CO-OP, staff conference
3 Urbina for Commonwealth Parley
3 Education Minister sees Corozal District schools
3 Local Government Conference
4 Representatives tour Cayo District
4 To improve Benque Viejo Del Carmen sanitation
4 P.T.A. for St Peter Claver School
4 Hon Mckoy tells about St Vincent visit
5 Toledo notes
5 Cane Farmers go Co-Operative
5 CWU press for waterfront improvement
6 Gains by Southern Christian Union
6 C. of C. president honored
6 An important “first” for Sherilyn Ferrera
7 S.J.C. presses on with expansion drive
7 New Methodist Minister
8 R.C. Bishop for Convention
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-February 6th-No.6
1 Modernizing the Primary School system
1 “CIVISMO” does in depth report on Belize
2 Move to broaden home ownership
2 Bid for equitable exchange for Mexican Pesos
3 “My favorite charity”… by the Minister of Health
3 News from City Hall
4 Customs Officials nab Mayan stellar
4 More on National Parks
4 Orange Walk District news
5 Belize hails Canadian Centenary
5 CWU in Sugar Industry talks
5 GWDU official back from Orit Conference
6 Wage hike for Tower Hill workers
6 Belizean Manager for Br. American Insurance Co.
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-February 13th-No.7
1 Ministers lead subscriptions to new debentures
1 Improvements slated for Northern roads
2 To streamlined the Citrus Industry
2 National Parks study progresses
3 Minister of Labor in the West
3 Plan for O.W. town taking shape
3 40 for Interim Teacher Training Course
4 For Equitable, stable peso exchange
4 Oil search continues
5 Belizean Poets- Volume Two
5 Sugar report
6 Development is the theme in Stann Creek District
6 Blackett heads Education Department
6 R.C. Bishop’s explanation on Finance
7 Church of God conference
7 Assemblies of God visitor
7 Chicks and chicken feed for Forest Home
8 Visitors study mass media
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-February 20th-No.8
1 Belize supports Inter American system
1 Michigan partners active
2 Ground work for the Michigan Conference
2 M/Education attends U.W.I. Council meeting
2 M/Public Utilities in the South
3 Municipal Conference
3 Electricity Board
3 Mafredi group forms Co-operative
4 Exhibition by Louis Belisle
4 Beautification Committee studies Chetumal’s success
4 New Anglican Bishop
5 New Head for Calvary Temple
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-February 27th-No.9
1 From the House- Greetings for Governor Romney
1 On National Symbols
2 New Capital-Progress Report
2 Minister moves to activate Sugar Industry administration
3 Legislator for C.P.A. Conference
3 Belize at International Promotion Show
3 Chamber Annual General Meeting
4 School aquarium at San Pedro
4 Municipal Parley
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-March 6th-No.10
1 Premier off on Michigan visit
1 Greetings to Michigan- the Senate agrees
2 Education Minister back form UWI Parley
2 Hearings on Education Amendment Bill
2 Heavier tax on peddlers
2 San Ignacio group acts to solve land problem
3 BTC students do well in finals
3 Vernon Alcoser- War hero
4 Biological research centre planned
4 More Michigan Scholarships
4 To honor Baron Bliss
5 Field day at Sibun
5 Supreme Court Southern District session
5 Belizean footballers mourn death of Mexican player
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-March 13th-No.11
1 A timely warning from the U.S.A.
2 The National tour- How Belize was represented
2 They honored Belize
2 Spotlight on Belize-U.S.A. trade
3 Hearings on Land Tax
3 “Goodbye, safe return”… for war hero
3 Traffic lights solve traffic problem
4 Elocution contests- SJC Sacred Heart
4 Royal Bank of Canada VIP group visits
4 Red Kidney Bean purchase delayed
5 Stann Creek District’s agricultural show
5 Stolen Mayan Artifacts being returned to Mexico
5 Baron Bliss Day
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-March 20th-No.12
1 Premier ends successful U.S.A. tour
1 Highlights of the tour
2 “When religion and learning cease….civilization dies”
2 At St Stanislaus- A reunions
3 House of representatives
3 Minister visits with the guards
3 No deliberate stalling on opening of Tower Hill Bridge
4 Royal Bank of Canada visitors
5 B.T.C. project week
5 Study further development of the B.T.C.
5 Belize at Latin American- Caribbean talks
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-March 27th-No.13
1 The Premier returns
1 Premier extends hand of friendship to Jamaica
2 San Ignacio fair
2 Cabinet hears from visiting U.S.A. ambassadors
3 Intensive course for teachers
3 Holy Saturday cycle race
3 Here to shoot missionary film sequence
4 R.C. Bishop Returns
4 Obituary: Leopold Grinage
4 Happy end to massive air, sea search
4 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-April 3rd-No.14
1 Follow up to U.SA. Tour
2 COCESNA to handle aeronautical services
2 Field visit by St. Louis U. Scientists
2 Canada Week and Trade fair
3 Shell ends drilling programme
3 Tourism: “Outstanding International Display”
4 Tourist resort for Stann Creek Town
4 City Council assumes a moral responsibility
4 Support for debenture drive
5 New owner for Maestre’s
5 To spur banana exports
5 Citrus labor accord
6 Food Handler’s seminar
6 Clean-up, beautification campaigns
6 Louis Belisle’s gift to British Council
7 Youths release
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-April 10th-No.15
1 Legislators will tour the Caribbean
1 World Health Day
2 Belize, more than “A piece of land”
2 From Honduras- “Thank You”
3 U.S.A. Ambassador to Salvador visits
3 Premier praises Anglican effort
3 Canada Week and trade fair
4 Beautification suffers because of ‘kite season’
5 Three for training in Fisheries
5 Hearings on Immigrant Labor
5 Hon. Phillip Goldson returned as NIP leader
5 Thanks, Chevron
6 Pollard confirmed in International Post
6 Can George Gabb do it?
6 The R.E.’s are here
7 “Brother John” to visit
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-April 17th-No.16
1 New Capital contract awarded
1 Tower Hill Bridge opened
2 To study development trends in the Caribbean
2 Belize honors with Jamaica
2 Minister sees his constituents
3 Municipal CONFAB
3 Sugar Industry report
3 Public Consultations on O.W. Town improvements
3 Hon Urbina back from Britain
4 Beautification- Big push at Newtown Barracks
4 $1,000 in awards for beautification drive
4 Seminar for C.U. employees
5 Vocational Training in the districts
5 $150,000 tire recapping plant
5 Marketing policy review
6 Away 32 years- He visits Belize
6 Smuggler fined
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967-April 24th-No.17
1 Belize greets Queen
1 Memorial Service for P.M. Sangster
1 Sympathy to Germany
2 3 for E.C.L.A.
2 Senator Courtenay at Human Rights Conference
2 Premier invited to visit 7th Day Adventist Headquarters
3 Village Councils discuss new construction
3 H.R.C.U. - $1M in shares this year
4 Self-Help – A New Industry
4 A Credit Union for Rancho
4 Seminar for C.U. Employees
4 Festival of Arts in Belize
5 Studies Educational needs for handicapped
5 Peace Corps volunteers give scholarship
5 Takes International Relations Course
5 New D.O. for Toledo
6 Seventh Day Adventist Church News
6 Rev. Harry Haines, Methodist visitor
6 Brother John here
7 Festival of Arts
7 Carnival in the streets
7 Fire destroys Corozal manse
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- May 1st-No.18
1 Rogers, Silva, Fonseca represent Belize at ECLA
1 Belizean workers honor Labour Day
2 Right down to work on new capital
2 Hunter says Citrus Industry on the move
2 Royal Engineers leave
3 Madam Liz visits Crooked Tree, Back Landing
3 CITCO votes down censure motion
4 Anglican Bishop speaks out
4 Body of drowned crewman fished out of water
4 Fined for Customs evasion
5 French Consul-General visits
5 Chamber supports tolls
5 Rural ladies meet
5 Cedric Grant ends research
5 Prizes for best performers
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- May 8th-No.19
1 Caribbean Nations, Belize will discuss Britain and Common market
1 Hunter for Citrus talks in London
2 House passes Sugar Amendment Bill
2 Minister opens Education W EEK
2 House considers mining Bill
3 GWDU, Billboard sign agreement
3 Methodist Church official visits
3 Castillo ends Labor Course
4 German Ambassador visits
4 Pech, money for Parliamentary Conference
4 Michiganders end visit
4 Delegates back from economic tour
5 Education official visits
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- May 15th-No.20
1 Commission of Enquiry to be setup
1 ECLA Parley ends in Caracas
1 $1 Million plus in C.D. & W. Grants: Further grants for secondary education
2 Sharp found dead: Foul play suspected
2 German envoy urges ties with Europe
3 House of Representatives meet
3 Taca Air traffic goes up
4 Income Tax law amended
4 Benguche area gets water project
4 Twin otter demonstration
4 Electricity scheme for Orange Walk Town
5 Ground breaking for new school
5 Arts exhibition in Santa Elena
5 At passing out parade: Policemen, Prison Officers honored
5 Belizean pride for Miami- Nassau marathon
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- May 22nd-No.21
1 British Company gets $3M airport contract
1 Police Recruit killed in crash
2 Belize to take part in World crisis
2 Belize looks to ECLA
2 U.K. makes Citrus commitments
3 Sugar bulk worth $2million shipped to U.K.
3 Gill for CUNA Conference
3 New Scope for Baysore Unit
4 Boy, 4 drowns in Stann Creek River
4 Police, soldiers fight bush fires
4 Mexican found after 4-day search
4 Hunter for trade conference
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- May 29th-No.22
1 Commissioner of Enquiry arrives
1 ECLA delegation returns home
2 Other visits
2 Silva opens new $240,000 electrical system
2 Four invested in Commonwealth Day ceremony
3 Cacao: New Industry on the move
3 Billboard Workers get pay hike
4 Autonomy for Methodist church
4 UNICEF official visits
4 Boy, 10, dies in traffic mishap
5 Worker burnt in engine blaze
5 Last rites for Police Recruit
5 A.H. Anderson dies
6 New Post for Fr. Sylvester
6 Miss Hulse speaks on Ecumenism
6 Chamber pledges support to Credit Unions
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- June 3rd-No.23
1 Commission of Enquiry clears Premier
2 Bloomfield comments on Anglo-Guatemala dispute
3 Bass project for Pine Ridge streams
3 Gov’t accepts higher sugar production offer
4 Gov’t Homes Offered on Hire - Purchase
4 Scairn’s Bay leveled
4 Farmer, 19, drowns in Macal
5 ICAES meeting slated for Belize
5 14 graduate from S.J.C. Sixth Form
5 Austin High sheds 13
6 Minister’s son drowns in Belize River
6 GWDU wins poll
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- June 11th-No.24
1 Newport Development Corp plans Belize study
1 Development Bank meeting
1 Lawmakers of Housing loan
2 House of Representatives meeting
2 C.D. & W. Grant for livestock
2 Secondary school grant
3 CARE, Gov’t sign agreement
3 Electricity for San Jose Palmar
3 Four Belizeans honored by the Queen
4 Sister Mary Aguet: 50 years a nun
4 Gomez for CCA meeting in Panama
4 73 graduate from SCA
5 Minister. Publisher talk books
5 Chicle Contractor crushed under Cohune Tree
5 New CARE Assistant Director arrives
5 Prisoners sent to safer jail
6 Coleman ends nine year stint
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- June 18th No.25
1 Trade delegation for talks in London
1 Gov’t guarantees DFC loan to meat packers
1 Mortgage Security
2 Died in Airport fight: L/Cpl Waring buried with military honors
2 Three youths arrested
3 Pauling’s correct wage rates
3 Housing projects for Policemen
4 B.I.G. group arrives
4 Four buildings raised in Corozal Town fire
5 Sylvester installed as Archdeacon
5 MSU scientists end research
6 Agric. Officers get USA study grants
6 Fred Gill: President for third time
6 Tower Hill worker dies in pit fall
7 Obligation society is 28 years old
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- June 25th No.26
1 Positive thinking: Theme of Premier’s graduation address
1 Senate passes Bill to control Public Meetings
2 Town Board knocks fire reports
2 Army Brass to investigate soldier’s death
2 Vocational Training for all districts, Mckoy
3 Family believed suffering from food poisoning
3 Villager reportedly shoots self
3 Minister Cattouse closes ladies’ course
3 Mckoy in the North
4 Pollard tours Germany
4 Gomez for CCA Parley
4 UK gets most of Belize Sugar
5 New man due for US Consulate
5 Emergency radio contact with Washington
5 Encalada, Escalante wed
5 “Scopitone” comes to Belize
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- July 2nd No.27
1 U.K. will protect Commonwealth interests
1 Corrective Ordinances
2 Masked men make $3,573.73 heist
2 Murder Charged Dropped from Youth
3 Ministers see airport facilities
3 Two centers for teachers up North
3 Police raid slaughterhouse “JOINT”
4 Village officials meet
4 Minister speaks of Belize-Mexican relations
4 Anglican Bishop strikes out for Ecumenism
4 Union, Company agree: No more strike
5 Requiem for a sportsman
5 “National” Festival of Arts sought
5 Telephone for isolated Georgetown
6 Police investigate Fisherman’s drowning
6 Nazarene Volunteers arrive
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- July9th No.28
1 Plans for National Day underway
1 Partners of Alliance officials visit
1 Premier gets retreat singers LP
2 Molasses laden barge sinks in squall
2 Fishermen safe after ordeal at sea
3 “Brother” Brochin found dead
3 Belizean Boy Scouts for World Jamboree
3 Hansen hurt in plane crash
3 Graduation news
4 77 graduate from S.J.C.
4 Sacred Heart, Muffles, Wesley
4 Stann Creek High
4 Further study sought
5 Blackett for USA Course
5 First ever Ecumenical Education Conference
5 Cattouse opens Co-operative course
6 Rogers on Inspection tour
6 Child, 6, hurt in traffic mishap
6 Vehicle crashes into house
6 Wesley church 16 years old
7 Professional ballet dancers to perform in Belize
7 Belizeans observe softball week
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- July 16th No.29
1 Big Construction Project starting shortly
1 BTC students salute Premier
1 Management Seminar: Brighter Hopes
2 Ecumenical Conference on Education
2 Big night for Belize Teachers’ College
3 Premier at Benque Viejo Del Carmen
3 Open season on lobsters
4 Worst recorded fire sears San Ignacio
4 Lynam Agricultural College graduation
4 Anglican Bishop for New York, London
5 Premier at Salvation Army fair
5 Gospel Missionary Union official visits
5 Infirmary patients remembered
5 Planaforte concert
6 Punta Gorda Town plans for National holiday
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- July 22nd No.30
1 The Guatemalan Claim- latest development
1 “Offensive stamps”… Back they go!
1 Graduation at Lynam
2 Weather reporting improves
2 Widening section of Albert Street
3 Three for PAN-AM games
3 For Belize Scouts-First World Jamboree
4 NFCTU’s Pollard returns
4 Three study transportation workers’ problems
4 Training for Businessmen in the districts
4 For the districts-Two fire fighting appliances
5 The best in new techniques for our teachers
5 Carlos Franco for Priesthood
5 Gospel Missionary union V.P. pleased
5 CARE’S ready and effective assistance
6 National Day celebrations
6 New approach to Social Rehabilitation
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- July 30th No.31
1 Meeting of the House
1 Better coverage for the poor
1 Anglo-Guatemalan talks
2 USA Consulate denies pressure
2 P.U.P. Annual Conventions
3 Senate approves Inferior Courts measure
3 Jump in sugar production
3 Residential Course for housewives
4 Its school for teachers in spite of vacation
4 R.C. Teachers get instruction in Religious Education
4 Political Broadcasts soon
5 Premier receives Chamber of Commerce delegation
5 Goodwill gesture by Mexican Congressmen
6 Drive for Botanic Garden
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- August 5th No.32
1 Jamaican Leader wants friendly ties
1 Belize supports proposed Regional Development Bank
2 U.W.I. Economist on special mission
2 Two vacation courses for teachers
3 75 win Government scholarships
3 Moderning Government accounting system
3 Housing our Growing Population
3 Airport extension starts September 18th
4 Belize City- Crooked Tree link up started
4 National Day celebrations
4 “Traffic Eye” will guard your life
5 Trend in Traffic Safety Promising
5 U.W.I. helps farmers
5 Two qualify at Institute of Education
6 Transport Workers Federation being formed
6 G.W.D.U. bargains successfully for bonus
6 B.E.C. employees get pay hike
6 Farewell to the Methvens
7 R.C. vacation courses
7 Cold stream guards coming
7 New outlook on Mental Health Treatment
8 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- August 13th No.33
1 Governor “No sell out” assurance repeated
1 Denial from U.S.A. Consulate
2 Premier would reject and resist
2 Foreign office official holds talks in Belize City
2 Guatemalans warned against “False Hopes”
3 NIP demonstration
3 Arrests following demonstration No. two
4 National Day Celebrations
4 Belize studies economic integration
4 Labor Minister in U.S.A.
4 “Frank” talk on Merchants” problems
5 451,000 lb. lobster quota
5 Stann Creek Town Civic Centre
5 Festival for Stann Creek Town
6 The stamina of Nelson Diamond
6 Successful tour for Ballet dancers
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- August 19th No.34
1 Towards a United Front on the Guatemalan Claim
1 Premier: The dancers of a one-crop economy
2 Craft Work: A noble and profitable undertaking
2 A bevy of beauties for Miss Independence Contest
2 Youth- Our Country’s most valuable resource
3 Loans must be repaid
3 Junior Secondary school ready for March, 1968
3 Expansion at the Belize Teachers’ College
4 Help for Low Income houseless
4 UNICEF aids the fight against Malaria
4 Getting ready for the new bridge
4 Carib cane farmers to meet in Belize
5 Bananas for export
5 Government aid to All Saints School
5 C.W.U. - Hadsphaltic sign accord
6 Better Miami Herald coverage
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- August 27th No.35
1 Premier calls for effective Caribbean Co- operation
2 Two Belizean youths to study in Jamaica
2 Carballo will speak for Belize
2 $1,000,000 A.I.D. housing guarantee
3 Premier in Toledo district
3 National Day celebrations
3 This year’s pageant
4 Library service expanding
4 Puerto Ricans survey trade possibilities
5 Fined for launching missile
5 Businessmen want “speedy, permanent solution to claim dispute”
5 International relations seminar
5 Belize Studies Caribbean economic integration
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- September 3rd No.36
1 A role for the small
1 Anglo- Guat. Dispute before U.N. Committee of 24
3 R.C. Bishop: “The Healing Power of Love”
3 National Day Celebrations commences
4 Mayor gets three months leave
4 District inspection- Health Minister on tour
4 Labor Minister is back
4 Senator Courtney’s mission to Trinidad
5 Encouragement for San Jose Village
5 Fourteen for Court Martial
5 San Ignacio gets $4,000 meat van
6 Fisheries laboratory being built
6 Young Nazarenes with a purpose
7 Court fines follow missile launching
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- September10th No.37
1 Belize for Barbados gathering of Caribbean leaders
1 National Day celebrations
3 Fourteen British soldiers guilty of improper conduct
4 Belize in delegations on legal education
4 Michigan law maker visits
5 Goodbye to the Wright Family
5 The Passing of Fr. Clement Andlauer
6 Two for passing Salvation Army training
6 S.C.U.’s Castillo for training in Europe
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- September16th No.38
1 “From Independence, mediation will not deter us!”- Premier
2 Goodwill messages
2 Naughty Beulah threatens a visit
3 The struggle has passed to us
3 Vocational Training coming along fine
4 Mexican Rep. brings goodwill resolution
5 New Secondary School- Kings Bible College
5 13 to study in Canada
6 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- September23rd No.39
1 Mercy mission to stricken neighbors
1 How Belize prepared to face Beulah
2 Norma Engleton’s fine record
2 Valley Combo says thanks
3 CARE donates science lab. To Wesley College
3 Discussion on tourism
3 Nelson Diamond’s second marathon
4 Three more civil servants for training abroad
4 New market for Corozal town
4 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- September 30th No.40
1 New C. & W. building nearing completion
1 Big development planned for Caye Chapel
2 Citrus research intensified
2 New look for mental institution
3 Banana production looking up
3 S.J.C. alumni giving 70 scholarships
3 28 volunteers from Britain
4 New trade union formed
4 A bus for Stella Maris from Michigan
5 Artist to tour Mexico
5 Madam Liz to N.O.
5 Anglican Bishop back
6 Sgt. Neal is buried
6 Rare Orchid found
6 Gov’t gives $4,000 to Stann Creek town projects
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- October 6th No.41
1 Six more Belizeans for U.W.I.
1 Five M.P.’s visit Belize
1 Husband and wife Barristers admitted to bar
2 Mexican Art exhibition at Bliss
2 Free trade union week held
2 C.L.A.S.C. officials confers
3 Pitts for CUNA Conference
3 Lobster movement being studied
3 Joins U.S.Consulate staff
4 Gomez for Ecuador
4 Bahai Faith lecturer in
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- October 13th No.42
1 British M.P.’s see Belize
1 Ricalde represents Belize at C.P.A.meeting
2 The Premier on art and the Belizean personality
2 Minister challenges the Credit Union movement
3 Government may restore a “Period House”
3 Columbus Day
3 Government gives 35 scholarships for sixth form work
4 Sea view hospital carries on
4 “Comparative peace on the labor front”
5 Christian Workers’ Union representing hadsphaltic employees
5 Temporary shift of Ministerial responsibility
5 Four who studied abroad returns?
5 Rev Carty back from Honduras
6 The Leslies of Placencia open two unit motels
6 Modern teaching methods demonstrated in Corozal Town
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- October22ndNo.43
1 Premier heading delegation to Barbados Parley
1 Conference on Economic Development in Guatemala
1 Importance of the Meteorological Service stressed
2 Minister of Education returns
2 Better bathing at the Barracks
2 Students go, return
3 Visitors from St. Vincent for Carib Settlement Day
3 Pollard goes to CLASP Conference
3 Credit Union week
3 A visitor for Rotarians
4 Tourist Committee studies accommodation situation
4 First Church of the Nazarene, Belize City
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- October29th No.44
1 Top flight delegation at Barbados Parley
2 Results of the Conference
2 New clock for Stann Creek Town
2 Teachers get examination results
3 The St. Vincent Caribs are coming
3 Magistrate’s Court sits at Maskall Village
3 Cruises from Belize planned
3 More tourist promotion
4 Second new church for Nazarene Mission
4 Winston Middleton, Government Printer
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- November5th No.45
1 Premier reports to the nation
1 Report on the Guatemala City ECLA Conference
2 Tenth squad of Police recruits graduates
2 News from City Hall
3 Golden Jubilee for Boy Scouts
3 Belize Global moves into posh, downtown office
3 First District festival
4 “Help!”- Electricity Board Superintendent
4 Trade Unions in the news
5 Benefits for hadsphaltic employees
5 News for Stann Creek Town
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- November12th No.46
1 Ricalde back from C.P.A. meeting in Uganda
1 Results of teachers’ examinations
1 More scholarships from Mexico
1 Warning on illegal lottery
2 Stann Creek district festival
2 Methodists awaiting Rev. Sherlock
3 Carib Settlement Day, 1967
3 On the Trade Union front
4 Sister Mary Aldertine is dead
4 Golden Jubiliee for scout movement
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- November 19th No.47
1 House of Representatives meet
3 Norris Hall puts on one man show
4 Minority leader at the U.N.
4 Thanks from Governor of Yucatan
5 Mexican Agricultural specialists look around
5 C.P.A. Conference delegates report
5 St. Vincent Caribs arrive
6 125th anniversary of Holy Family order
6 Reverend H.O. Carmichael visits Methodist Protestant church
6 West German Ambassador meets educators
6 President of the Methodist Conference visits
7 Spotlight on Maskall village
7 Obituary for Sir Arthur
7 H.W. Flowers-Social Development Officers
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- November 26th No.48
1 British has responsibility for External Affairs, Defence
2 Mediation continues
2 Premier’s devaluation
3 Government will crack down on profiteering
3 1968 Budget clears House of Representatives
4 Trade Union news
4 The target- 75,000 tons of sugar
5 Settlement Day celebrations
5 News from Stann Creek Town
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- December3rd No.49
1 Rogers to set U.N. record on Belize straight
1 Government moves to curb unfair increases
2 Follow up action- as promised
2 The Chamber of Commerce states its position
3 Premier speaks about Belize-U.S.A. relations
3 Senate report
4 Work advances on 2bd Belize City Bridge
4 Two more trained in Co-operatives
4 Exhibition of Children’s art planned
5 Anglican synod
5 New Capital site gets Post Office
5 New Police ‘Traffic Eye’
5 3rd Annual Meeting for D.F.C.
6 T.U.C. official back
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- December10th No.50
1 Government party tells U.N. about its views on the Future of Belize
2 A.I.D. offers $1m housing guarantee
2 Some import duty reduced
3 U.N. expert on Agriculture Education takes up Post
3 Stamp issue for International tourist year
3 Goodwill between Belize-Jamaica Police Force
3 Financial Advisor visits
4 Here to advice on weather reporting
4 Training for sales clerks stepped- up
4 Belize featured in ‘CIVISMO’
4 Improvement in P.G. electricity service
5 Minister of Trade consults in Jamaica
5 Minister tours Listowel School
5 Councilor Marie Usher in Britain
5 Thatch, Palmetto houses may disappear in the North
6 U.W.I. Extra Mural Dept. fills a gap
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- December17th No.51
1 Rogers back from the U.N
1 The Premier on: “Knowledge and its use”
2 Senator Courtenay speaks on U.N. mission
3 Senate clears three bills
3 Minister repeats siren warning on profiteering
3 Municipal projects inaugurated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen
4 Co-operative movement forges ahead
4 Public records now more secure
5 1966 crime report shows decrease
5 Traffic on our roads
5 Medical programme developing under Michigan partnership
6 Clean Up Campaign for Christmas
6 News about the British Volunteer Programme
7 Kings Bible College
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1967- December 24th No.52
1 James Meighan now Lord Mayor of Belize City
1 Memorial Service for Harold Holt
2 C.W.U. congress
2 1968 Agric. Show for New Capital site
2 Welcome Dr. Heusner
2 Christmas cheer
3 H.E. at Red Cross function for the elderly
3 600 at Salvation Army function
4 Price Control measures have “teeth”
4 Teachers get stipend
4 To mark Human Rights Year
5 Community Center for Douglas Village
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- January1st.No.1
1 Governor appeals for Goodwill
1 Premier inaugurates San Estevan projects
2 Norris Hall donation to Bliss Institute
2 Esperanza Community Centre opened
2 Sagastume ejected
3 Corozal Town gets library
3 “New Look at Belize” by Latin American report
3 Sixth Form students back from El Salvador
4 Nazarene official visits
4 They bring good tidings
4 Two Mayors elected
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- January8th.No.2
1 The Premier: “Clear the way and build”
1 New Year honors
1 Awards for the guards
2 First Joint Teachers’ Convention
2 U.K. asked to provide expert
3 Police get training under A.I.D. scheme
3 Nazarene Church growing
4 Fire in Stann Creek Town
4 Tragedy on Fabers Road
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- January15th.No.3
1 Hope for the houseless
1 They would tarnish the country’s good name
2 Hon. Albert Cattouse opens two staff conferences
2 Joan Wally lends a hand
3 Improvements to Water System
3 High costs force cancellation of planned exercise
3 H.M.S. Falmouth due here in February
4 Russel Grant visiting
4 Anglican Priest for Pomona
4 Expert advises on Aeronautical information
5 Public Utilities Minister tours in the North
5 Aerial photographic mission to aid planning
5 Eight scholarships for T.U.C.
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- January22nd.No.4
1 Mexican Governor given great welcome
1 Seminar on “The Community and the Offender”
2 Mayor discusses City Improvement
2 Foreign workers will not displace Belizeans
2 Altun Ha may date back centuries B.C.
3 Stann Creek Town gets new clock
3 New Community facilities for Calcutta Village
3 Representatives tours Pickstock division
4 The 1968 Agricultural Show
4 The U.N’S helping hand
4 Premier hears about El Salvador tour
5 Baptist Missionaries visit
5 Festival going International
6 Two handicapped children for treatment
6 Visitors praise Social Development Staff
6 Church Unity
7 Obituary for “Sir Hoare”
7 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- January29th.No.5
1 Research- Key to survival in Citrus Industry
1 ‘Cordial’ exchanges between Teachers’ Union, Minister
1 Investment Conference
2 U.S.A. State Department visits
2 Caribbean Unionists study Economic problems
3 They are raising funds for a new church
3 Possibility of Satellite Communications discussed
3 Four intruders convicted
3 Scale Fish exports
4 Jesuits spending $75,000 in Education projects
4 Father Provincial visits
4 Methodists Synod
5 Bishop Hodapp for St. Louis conference
5 Methodists missionary volunteers
5 Visitors for Assemblies of God
5 J.L. Blackett to head St. Michael’s
5 Drama Society active
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- February 5th.No.6
1 Investment Conference
1 Public Utilities Minister in the West
2 Labor Minister seeks training opportunities
2 U.S.A. Ambassador on fact finding visit
2 Central Farm course for Northern Farmers
3 When in New York call 542- 0670
3 36 teachers graduate
3 Corozal Town raises volunteer Fire Brigade
3 New Trade Union
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- February12th No.7
1 Human Rights Year programme Okayed by Government
1 Belize- Michigan investment Conference
2 Saluting the “Orchids of Belize”
2 Trade Union News
3 Hattieville Report
3 British peer visits
3 Significant Anniversary for Mexico
3 Belize-Miami jet service
4 Church of God convention
4 Johnston now Lieutenant Colonel
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- February26th No.9
1 The Premier speaks on mediation, Independence
1 Sugar strike ends
1 Lebanese Ambassador visits
2 Livestock Association being formed
2 Agricultural Show at Chan Pine Ridge
2 Scheduled visit by H.M.S. Falmouth
3 Minister highlights nutrition problems of children
3 Government aid to Village Councils will continue
3 Stann Creek Valley Centre destroyed by Fire
4 Toledo report
4 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968- March 4th No.10
1 Beware of Forest fires
1 Minister of Local Government in Sibun Area
1 Georgetown gets telephone
2 Anti-Rabies vaccine from Quintana Roo
2 New Mexican Consul
2 From City Hall
3 Refresher Course for Teachers
3 French Envoy visits
3 Belize is well protected from Foot and Mouth
4 History textbook for Secondary Schools in preparation
4 Gomez heads Chamber of Commerce again
4 Merida exhibition features scenes of Belize
4 Help asked in search for three U.S.A. citizens
5 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-March11th No.11
1 More improvements for International Airport
1 Minister to review temporary permission for immigrant masons
2 U.S.A. Consulate helps with investment promotion
2 Belize Chevron aids Lynam College
3 G.W.D.U.-B.S.I. sign New Agreement
3 Successful onion crop
3 Bishop Young Vaughan for talks in Miami. Caribbean
3 Methodist volunteers doing fine job
4 Belize schools ‘twined’ with schools in Ontario
4 Baron Bliss Day
4 Specialists look at deformed children
4 Consultant on craft work here
5 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-March18th No.12
1 Help it to get irrigation system
1 Madame Liz opens new school
1 Placentia- Seine Bight ferry link
2 Lobster season ends
2 The Hattieville Coop is on the move
2 The Salvation Army top brass on first visit
2 Archivist of Jamaica surveys National Archives
3 Weekend school for 30
3 Two back from training
4 Off for Specialized training
4 Life in the Army- two weeks of intense training
4 Mother of two pardoned
4 Smyth reprieved
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-March25th No.13
1 Sun God Jade Head found at Altun Ha
1 C & W opens $600,000 radio station
2 Hunter at Guyana talks
2 Goldson re-elected NIP leader
2 First Course in Plant and Animal Quarantine held
3 Nicaraguan Minister of Agriculture visit
3 Mutual Co-operation with CIRSA
3 Bishop Vaughan back from Barbados
4 New school for Concepcion
4 C.A.R.E. Chief in
4 Silva, Sylvestre given keys to City of Miami
5 Charles Martinez for Parliamentary Course
5 Chamber gives citation to new tourist facilities group
5 Clark now Tourist Board Secretary
6 Leader Grant for Adolphus
6 Carlo: Franco to be ordained
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-April1st No.14
1 Independence not possible in 1968
1 Nigel Fisher on Belize’s Independence
2 Reconstruction and Development Corp will be able to borrow from banks
2 D.F.C. approved $154,000 in loans
2 History book: for school
2 Premier welcomed in Chetumal
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-April8th No.15
1 House mourns Dr. King
1 Paramilitary Force planned
2 Three Guard Men promoted
2 New stamp issue
3 New U.S. Vice Consul
3 Maurice Leslie dies
3 Two for Partners Parley
3 U.N. Engineer in
3 A helping hand from Indiana
4 Back to build the nation
4 After seven years: They re-visit home
4 Bermuda Union man on visit
5 Studies Agricultural Marketing
5 Course for Taxi Drivers
5 Handi-Crafty seminar held
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-April15th No.16
1 Three Grand Officers of Mechanics visit Belize
1 Air link between Jamaica and Belize
2 New Bus Service to P.G
2 German Ambassador to Jamaica visits Belize
3 More Publicity for Belize
3 Lebanon interested in investment
4 Miguel wins 4th Cross Country race
4 Two back from Trade Union Seminar
4 Anglican Prelate of N.Y. on visit
5 Lights for Caye Caulker
5 Three killed in airport accident
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-April22nd No.17
1 Mediator’s report handed in top level delegation goes to Washington
1 21 houses destroyed in large fire
2 From Mt. Pine Ridge- Help for Fire Victims
2 New School in Queen’s Square
2 Radio telephone service on Sundays now
3 C.A.R.E. Executive on 3-day visit
3 Drafting machine given to government
4 Festival of Arts-Adjudicators announced
4 Craft exhibition held
4 Three police officers complete training
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-April29th No.18
1 Proposed treaty presented to house
1 Queen’s Birthday observed
2 H.R.C.U. heading for its second million
2 Fonseca to Regional Bank talks
2 German Archaeological Commissioner appointed
3 New school opened: And old one being demolished
3 To study Bar Association Constitution
3 Book Gift for drama groups
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-May6th No.19
1 Delegation to receive proposals return
1 Mediator’s proposals published
2 Education Week
2 Anglican Bishop returns from Parley
3 Ballet Folkloric visits
3 Social Dev. Sponsors Field day
3 Calvary Temple extends
3 Minister opens Joint Agricultural Show
4 Labour Day
4 Regional Development Bank
5 More on the Proposals
6 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-May17th No.20
1 Premier calls for Unity
1 Premier gets countrywide support in stand to reject proposals
2 Violence denounced by Government
2 Madam Liz on Education Week
3 Latest in wave of mysterious explosions
3 Sylvestre, Hunter in Gales Point
3 New Pastor for All Saints
4 British Soldier injured
4 Rev. Carty on long leave
4 Bishop Bennett for Miami
4 New Garrison Commander in
5 Exhibition of over 200 pieces
5 U.N. highway expert in
5 P.W.D. strengthened
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-May20th No.21
1 House unanimously rejects proposals
1 Villages support Government
2 H.E. on the mediation
3 Constitution Committee at work
3 Bishop Vaughan, Chairman at N.C.E.
4 Wake Forest to establish Research Centre here
4 Scottish Mechanic Grand Master visits Belize
5 Back home after 20 years
5 Evan Hyde gets two citations
5 Barclays Agric men in
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-May27th No.22
1 U.K. rejects treaty
1 Increased interest in Belize Investment possibilities
1 More messages of support
2 Wave of terrorism hits Belize City
3 Jamaican Ambassador to U.S. on four day visit
3 Bahai Convention held
3 Sugar Workers poll inconclusive
4 28 new policemen
4 New stamp for Human Rights Year
4 New Community Centre at Crooked Tree
5 70 Villagers visit Corozal Town
5 Bye election in Stann Creek
5 Softball team for Jamaica announced
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-June 3rd No.23
1 No Guatemala- Premier in Puerto Rico
1 No intrusion of interference to be tolerated
1 PUP wins in Stann Creek town
2 Standard exchange agreed
2 G.M.T. 6 hours ahead year round
2 Chamber of Commerce collects $2,416.55
3 Constitution Committee continues work
4 Solidarity for Belizean Independence given
4 Position of exploration and prospecting companies defined
5 Mental hospital to get aid from Michigan
5 33 ladies attend course
6 3 Fisheries Officers to Canada
6 Man charged with arson
7 Nine get certificates
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-June10th No.24
1 C.W.D.U. wins polls
1 CUNA man here
1 130 years old landmark to go
2 S.C.A. graduates 54- Austin High 20
2 C.L.A.S.C. to hold seminar here
2 C.A.R.E. donate projector for Agricultural extension
3 $4,500 in books donated to schools, libraries
3 New Manager for Salada
3 C.A.R.E. and government sign 7th agreement
4 Stele unearthed at Xunantunich
4 Martinez reports on visit to London
5 Premier expresses deepest sympathy
5 Queen’s Birthday honors
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-June 17th No.25
1 Mental Health Week- A New Approach
1 Great agricultural potential seen
1 Commonwealth foundation representative spends 2 days here
2 Belize City/ Alabama telephone link
2 Klondike marching band here
2 New Superior for Mercy Sisters
3 Requiem mass for Senator Kennedy
3 TACA present Fishing Film to Government
3 A.I.D. training assistance resumed
4 Corozal Town presents solid proposals
5 El Salvador establishes Consular Services
5 57,000 tons of sugar produced
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-June 24th No.26
1 Housing project on the move
1 Santa Clara’s new community centre
2 Village self help projects
2 Klondike Band gives four performances
2 Regional survey Officer here for one week
2 Belize at Nazarene Church Assembly
3 Agricultural Minister visits Belize
3 Clean Sweep- Belize wins triangular series
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-July 1st No.27
1 Toledo for Republic
1 Cattouse opens co-cooperative course
2 Representation of the People Ordinance amended
3 B.T.C. graduates 71
3 Regional Committee of Stann Creek meets
3 Calgary University to hold summer school here
4 10 years as a Bishop of Belize
4 5 Nazarene colleges’ students to work here
4 Rev. Ralph Clark transferred
4 Wins free trip to Michigan
5 P.G. host to Village Council Parley
5 To attend people to people meeting
5 New officers for S.I.D.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-July 8th No.28
1 Premier opens Vocational School in Punta Gorda
2 Closing exercises
4 People to people
4 Summer course- friendly cooperation between Canada and Belize
5 Overseas visitors
5 Guy Kirk man leaves for India
6 The Sherman’s bid farewell
6 New Executive Secretary for Chamber of Commerce
6 U.W.I. work camp
6 Our overseas students
7 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-July 15th No.29
1 Colonial Insurance inaugurates modern officer building
1 107 teachers get diplomas
1 Belize may be at Olympic Games
2 End one month Missionary work
2 C.L.A.S.C. officials in Belize
3 First Belizean Anthropologist
3 Fuller gets U.S. leader grant
3 Lobster season opens
3 “The Reporter”, a weekly newspaper
4 200 quotas for U.S.A.
4 Xavier College graduates 35
4 Association of Professions Elect Officers
4 S.J.C. Alumni Association meets
5 Father Franco for San Ignacio
5 Ann Arbor/Belize City relations
5 B.I.S. man on short visit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-July 22nd No.30
1 Money talks at Finance Ministry
1 Seminar at Central Farm
1 Greetings from Michigan
2 Lynam graduates 15
2 Michigan partners on the move
2 U.W.I. lends a helping hand
2 Youth Centre opened
3 Medal for Gallantry
3 Killed by lightening
3 B.S.I. trains here
4 Home after 30 years-sees vast improvements
4 Brother and sister visit homeland
4 Just Pollard for C.R.Meeting
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-July 29th No.31
1 Record sugar crop 63,588 tons
1 New Office building for Cane farmers Association
1 15 top ranking officials from U.K. spend two days
2 Bennett to head Junior- Secondary School
2 U.K. Economist to strengthen Planning Unit
2 Third Belizean Economist with Planning Unit
2 End 3 month Anthropology research
3 Three nurses for Jamaica Leadership Conference
3 Councillor Marie Usher gets Diploma
3 Kent Clare back from U.K.
4 Vice Dean of Calgary here
4 Changes in Holy Family
4 Del Valle in Barbados
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-August 5th No.32
1 Court of Appeal to sit in Belize
1 60 teachers for vacation course
1 Forest Home boasts of New Community Centre- Hurricane Shelter
2 Toward new electoral polls
2 Constitutional Committee hears more recommendations
2 B.E.C. gets pension fund
3 Polo Orio opens Livestock Field Day
3 News from the Sugar Belt
3 Caribbean Citrus Growers meet
4 Belize City to have Public Baths
4 Tourism pushes on
4 Imperial Defence College Personnel visits
5 Bigger 10th celebrations
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-August 12th No.33
1 Sir John Paul on leave/Fonseca, Acting Governor
1 Jamaica’s Independence celebrated
2 “Strive to Climb Higher”- Minister Cattouse urges
2 Bishop Hodapp on birth control
2 Seminar on teaching of retarded children
3 In training for wardens
3 77 Government scholarships awarded
3 Two Directors of Henderson Group here
3 Del Valle back
4 Scout drowns- camp broken
4 Lord Rhaburn sings
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-August 19th No.34
1 Belize City gets bus service
1 Hunter, Gill back from Carifta talks
1 C. & W. conducts survey gets new manager
2 Tropical Depression passes over Placentia
2 Gets donor’s eye
2 4-H expert in, out
3 Martinez urges Mechanization
3 Here for Young People Camp
3 Rev. Lockwood sees great potential
4 Father Kellet Transferred to U.S.A.
4 Death at New Capital Works
4 6 Get Merit Scholarships
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-August 26th No.35
1 Para Military Body in Formation
1 Geodetic Survey to be resumed
2 Registration of voters slow
2 Canadian to organize Statistics Unit
2 Chamber of Commerce endorses entry into Carifta
3 World War 11 Forester back home after 27 years
3 Two race horses killed in traffic mishap
4 Weightlifting- Four chosen for Olympics
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-Sepetember 2nd No.36
1 Most important Ceramic find discovered
1 New school year for Copper Bank
2 Orientation course for C.I.I. R. volunteers
2 New Community Center for Bermudian Landing
2 National Day Celebrations
3 Airlines officials on visit
3 Bishop Bennett back from speaking tour
3 Col. Johnston retires from BHVG- Public Service
3 Another Belizean qualifies
4 Smelley promoted to Vice- Consul
4 “New Look” for Newtown Barrack beach
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-Sepetember 9th No.37
1 Cayo beauty wins Miss Independence
1 Miss Jamaica comes for celebrations with military band
2 Los Atlanticos win band contest
2 Mr. City of Belize Contest won by Sidney Garbutt
3 Thousands see “Epic of Belize”
3 Word/Music contests held
3 New Minister for Kirk
3 Two teachers leave for training in the U.S.A.
4 Young/Coleman off for courses
4 Silk Grass to beautify
5 School for the mentally retarded opened
5 Bermudian Landing gets Community Center
5 Labor Minister meets Trade Union officials
6 Premier’s Address- National Day-1968
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-Sepetember 16th No.38
1 Pollard off to Europe
1 Thousands celebrate our National Day
2 Cables on National Day
2 Home for the “tenth”
2 Jamaican band and beauty queens end tour
3 D.F.C. to meet
3 New Methodist Church in P.G.
3 Tax Chief to look at U.S. tax system
4 C.A.R.E Chief In
4 Sports Official here for Consultations
4 6 get U.W.I. degrees
4 St. Michael’s faculty strengthened
5 Open Scholarship awards
5 Ballet dancer here
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-Sepetember 23rd No.39
1 Premier calls on Mexico, C.A. to respect Belizeans Independence wish
1 Premier in London
1 Bank of Nova Scotia opening shortly
2 The New Belize City bridge first phase completed
2 British Army & R.A.F. exercises opens here
2 Two new buildings for Teachers College
3 S.C.U. gains wage increase for Citrus Workers
3 D.F.C. meets
4 Team for Olympics announced
4 Greatly surprised at Improvements
5 Passes Nursing course in U.K.
5 Public Officers return from training
5 Three children burnt to death
5 Dunn studies Labor dispute settlement
6 Greenwood at B.B.C.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-Sepetember 30th No.40
1 Premier back from London
1 U.S. under no obligation
2 New Runway opened
2 Carry out Aerial Survey of Toledo
3 Project to guide future economy and Development starts
3 Cattouse for Olympics
3 To improve Technical College
4 Registration time extended
4 Esquivel head S.J.C. Alumni
4 Two Co-operative officers on training
5 School for mentally retarded opened
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-October7th No.41
1 International Human Rights Year C.U.s celebrate
1 Army exercises begin
1 Objective achieved, Housing Co-op disbands
2 Goals attainable with hard work- Cattouse
2 Operation Green Turtle continues
2 Festival of Arts in November
2 Miss Independence in Jamaica
3 Silva in Costa Rica
3 Develops Curriculum for Lynne School, leaves
3 To promote hunting safaris
4 4 to Michigan on Scholarship
4 Radio Play contest
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-October14th No.42
1 21 prospecting licenses for Belize Chevron Oil Co.
1 Public Service Joint Staff Relations Council
2 Belize for the Olympics
3 Credit Unions an integral part of Nation’s Economy
4 World Scout Bureau Commissioner Visits
5 Miss Independence returns
5 Trade Union news
5 News from the districts
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-October 21st No.43
1 Sir John Paul back
1 Oil search continues
1 Seminars for teachers all over the country
2 Credit Union Week observed
3 Four ladies get devoted service badge
4 Two Public Health men to Jamaica to study
4 Back from highway engineers seminar
4 Two honored by B.E.C.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-October28th No.44
1 U.N. Day observed
1 13 U.S. citizens held
2 McCoy stresses importance of Vocational training
2 Heifers Inc. may help Belize
3 A.I.D. lends hand
4 Festival adjudicators named
4 Perdomo off to Nassau
4 Petroleum adviser here
4 Searle plugs Belize at Taca Parley
5 Taca sales- Conference here next year
6 More Belizean off to higher studies
6 Tourist facilities meeting in November
6 News bakery for S.C. town
6 Roy Belisle studying insurance
7 Back home from Social Science
7 Isaacs back from course
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-October14th No.45
1 U.S. Adventurers deported
1 U.S. Consul on development
2 Lime factory established
2 Good Coco exports started
2 To be corporate body
3 Electricity expert from Michigan
3 Grain marketing specialist to advice government
4 McCoy inaugurates several projects in S.C.
4 St. Hilda’s staff strengthened
4 Red Cross instructor in the country
5 Marin back from Caracas
5 Flowers off on Social Development Leader Grant
6 Back from Teachers Training course
6 Norris Rudon sees many improvements
6 Will return home to live
7 Popular Agricultural Officer dies
7 Canadian acquitted on arson charge
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-November11th No.46
1 Convoy with $80,000 gifts comes from Michigan
1 R.B.C. execs express confidence
2 S.C.U. /B.H.C.C. sign collective agreement
2 Assad Shoman back as Barrister
3 Princess Royal Youth Hostel holding their own
3 Bishop Bennett for church conference
3 Bishop Hodapp at Nassau Parley
4 To conduct stewardship campaign
4 Attends school Broadcasting seminar
5 Art exhibition at Fort George
5 Mi Amor blazed to ground
5 Placencia Coop offers help to area fishermen
6 Miss Settlement Day chosen
6 Guatemalans deported
6 Bus Service pioneer dies
7 Ernest Hofius dead
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-November18th No.47
1 First sitting Court of Appeals held
1 Michigan partner sent $50,000 in supplies
2 Makes strong bid for higher quota
2 Chinese community gives public baths
3 Fishing lodges ready for 1969 season
4 Invitation to participate in Grenada fair
4 Survey teams airlifted
4 Literary group formed
5 Back to stay
5 British Council helps drama development
5 Premier pays tribute to Carib Belizeans
6 First Belizean/ Principal Auditor
6 Searle plugs for more tourists
6 War dead honored
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-November25th No.48
1 Carib Belizeans celebrate November 19
1 Hon. A.A. Hunter back home from Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Conference
1 New Control Price of Beef takes effect
2 “The Proposal” highly praised by adjudicators
3 Green Howards “B” company is being replaced by “C”
3 Twin – Engined Plane Missing
3 C.S.C. donates first- aid kit to Government
4 Police Chief visits Belize
4 Rev. John Redmayne in Belize
4 President of United Theological College left Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-December2nd No.49
1 $2.4 million housing project to start next year
1 $150,000 modern bakery established in Belize
1 Ice- making plant to be installed by N.F. producers Co-op
2 Ecumenical Church for New Capital
2 Executives of B.A.E. plans to invest in Belize
3 Agricultural Fair held in P.G.
3 Minister Hunter on tourism
4 Fr. Frank Stobie resigns from priesthood
5 T.V actor visits Belize
5 Top-ranking Galilean fishermen visits Belize
5 Bishop Bennett returns from convention
6 New Radiographer for B.C. hospital
6 Nazarene Missionaries visit Belize
6 Hillbank workers and B.E.C. sign agreement
7 Small Farmers Association to be formed
7 Belizean successful in examination
7 ROCAP scheme for construction workers
8 Yarborough Cemetery to be historic shrine
8 Off the press- leaflet of Altun Ha
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-December9th No.50
1 Texaco’s Service Station & Marina officially opened
1 Bank of Nova Scotia opens in Belize City
2 Brewery to be built in Belize
2 B.C.H. School of Nursing graduates 65 nurses
2 Hon. Mckoy returns from visit to Northern Districts
3 C.S.M. to be school snack diet
3 General Manager of SPCK visit Belize
4 B.B.A. officer visits Belize
4 Vocational Training Advisor to work in Belize V.T.C.
4 B.O.A.C. donates globes to primary schools
5 Wage increase for Belize Electricity Board employees
5 Waterfront workers get wage increase
5 Belizean Scouters enjoy Scout Week
6 Mr. Willoughby holds revival meetings
6 New Officer –In –Charge for Br. Council
7 Fr. Beman’s departure from the country
7 Weekend classes held in San Ignacio
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-December16th No.51
1 Premier visits Mexico
1 Orit official ends visits
2 Top trade union officials to attend conference
2 Canadian firm conducts Aero- magnetic surveys
3 B.D.D. official spends 4 days in Belize
3 UNESCO official leaves Belize after carrying out a study
3 Executive Director of COMA visits Belize
4 World famous forestry authority in Belize
4 Bahamas Surveyor inspects C.A.D.
4 Canadian Archdeacon leaves Belize
4 Belizeans return home after conference
5 Forman Brothers open Jetty & Welding station
5 Fenton Bradley gets Stone Cutting equipment
5 Pan concludes survey
British Honduras Newsletters: 1968-December23rd No.52
1 Recruit Squad No. 12 passes out
1 C.I.U. conference ends
1 Hon. Mrs. Lizarraga speaks on Agriculture
2 B.C.C. elects Mayor & Deputy Mayor
2 Altun Ha popularity overtakes Xunantunich’s
2 Radio/Telephone service sets up between Belize City & Stann Creek
3 Federal Republic of Germany offers scholarships
3 R.C.S. holds programme for meritorious people
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-December30th No.1
1 His Excellency gives Christmas message
1 Premier Price gives Christmas message
1 Electricity supply service for San Jose, Succotz
2 Stann Creek district gets telephone link, etc.
2 B.C.P.S. gets diesel electric-generating set
2 A.P.A./Radio Belize is back
2 S.C. Town Board elects Mayor
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-January6th No.2
1 Governor appoints Parliamentary secretaries
1 Re-shuffling in the Cabinet
1 Nationals awarded with Queen’s honors
2 “British Honduras” on sale
2 Famous violinist ends visit
3 Teachers’ Convention begins
3 San Ignacio elects Mayor
3 Minister of Education back home from U.S.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-January13th No.3
1 Senator V.H. Courtenay to fill Ministerial post of Attorney General
1 Hospital for New Capital
1 Teachers’ Associations elect officers
2 Educationalists leave after Convention
3 UNESCO Consultant in Belize
3 Rotary Governor visits Belize
3 Bliss Management release postcard
4 P.A. Swaby visits Belize
4 SACO holds lecture in Punta Gorda
4 Commissioner Watson says goodbye
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-January20th No.4
1 D.F.C. holds meeting
1 Junior Secondary school opens
2 A.P. school opens in San Ignacio
2 Hon. Cattouse back in Belize City
2 Hon. F. Hunter tours Northern districts
3 Mayor of P.G. visits Belize
3 Specialists hold clinics in Belize
3 Improvements to Altun Ha road begins shortly
4 Belizean acts as Commissioner of Police
4 Airport Manager studies in the U.S.A.
4 Belizeans take up courses abroad
4 Beauty salon to be opened soon
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-January27th No.5
1 E.C.’s official presents film to Premier
1 New consignment of rifles for N.V.G.
2 Electricity project for Placencia
3 C.V.S.S. holds annual meeting
3 Police Constables leave for Cayman Island
4 Arrivals for Anglican Diocese
4 B.B. official leaves Belize
4 I.A.G.S. resumes duty
5 Workers needed in the Citrus Industry
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-February3rd No.6
1 Belize may enter CARIFTA
1 Archbishop of Canterbury to visit Belize
2 Steel mill in Belize
2 Possibility of National Lottery under consideration
2 S.C.U. & B.H.F.C. signs agreement
3 C. of C. prints currency exchange cards
3 Hon. Martinez visits Barranco
3 Rev Carty ends mission in Belize
4 Rev Barnett ordained in Methodist Church
4 Trinidad-Born writer leaves Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-February10th No.7
1 Hon. A. Hunter leaves for Trinidad
1 N.V.G. gets transceivers
1 Minister Silva visits Cayo District
2 Forty teachers graduate from Interim Course
2 More Development aid
2 Church Committee helps improve agriculture
3 I.L.O. official visits Belize
3 F.A.S. forms in Belize
4 Farmers Co-op ships agricultural produce
4 Rev. Richardson visits Belize
4 Rev. Sylvester returns home
4 T.A. Grade 1 studies in London
5 Social Development Officer back home
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-February17th No.8
1 Minister Hunter attends C.C.H.G.C.
1 Final details of Archbishop Ramsey visit announced
1 Post of A.G. now Ministerial
2 Presiding Officers & Clerks of standing Committee of CCC tours the country
2 Minister of Health off to Trinidad
2 Sec. /Trea. Of CCL in Belize
3 R.D.C. for Stann Creek holds meeting
3 Crique Sarco Village to increase rice production
3 Sugar workers to hold poll
4 Coop societies in formation
4 Minister Hunter entertains Belizean students in Trinidad
4 Insurance Company promotes Belizean
4 Public Officers promoted
5 Church dignitaries visit the Premier
5 First Cattle auction market held
5 San Ignacio Board to improve business centre
6 Accomplished Pianist to visit
6 Bell’s Brothers Circus in Belize City
6 New piano for Bliss Institute
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-February24th No.9
1 School children to participate in ceremonies for Archbishop Ramsey
1 Hon Cattouse, President of B.C.A.
2 Hon. Silva addresses Co-op leaders in Orange Walk
2 B.M.P. Ltd puts up abattoir
3 New Hotel opens in Belize City
3 President of N.L.A. speaks of Association’s urgent problems
3 Community projects in Bullet Tree Falls
4 S.J.C. offers summer classes
4 N.F.A.C. changes date
4 Bishop Hodapp tours Cayo district
4 Byron Lee & Dragonnaires to visit Belize
5 Divers gather along Barrier Reef
5 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Farland visits Belize
5 Fire season begins
6 Dr. Pike returns home
6 Belize benefits from tourist attractions advertisements
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-March3rd No.10
1 Archbishops arrives in Belize
1 Belizeans witness dedication of Ecumenical Centre
2 Ecumenical & Civic welcome for Dr. & Mrs. Ramsey
3 Archbishop writes house
3 Hon. Rogers returns to Belize
4 Chamber of Commerce elects officers
5 Brewery to be set up in Belize
5 Sonny Bradshaw seven to visit Belize
6 Second Cattle auction big success
6 Hon. Silva appoints Returning Officer
6 Dr. N. L. Mason- Browne Chief Medical Officer
7 Appointments increase in Magistry
7 B.R.N.D. participates in beautification competition
7 Belizean teachers back home
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-March17th No.11
1 New type low- cost housing for Belize City
1 “Junior History of Belize” now published
2 San Ignacio now boasts a Pediatric Ward
2 San Hill Zion Methodist School dedicated
3 S.A.J. Adolphus promoted Commissioner of Belize
3 Claver College gets Science Lab
3 Belinda Wright and Jelko Yuresha once more for Belize
4 Nelson Diamond “Star about to be born”
4 Charles Arzu off to the U.K.
4 Youth Groups to affiliate to F.Y.A.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-March24th No.12
1 Success through “Co-operation, self- sacrifice. Civic Pride”- Silva
1 Countrywide environmental sanitation programme continues
1 Yorke now Chief Education Officer
2 Good Year for Northern Beekeepers
2 Agreement reached in sugar dispute
2 B.C.C. election campaigns under way
2 Credo official conducts survey
3 Overseas visitors
3 Dr. Murillo up another round
3 Education Officers back from study tour
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-April1st No.13
1 Wage increase for Govt. & Municipal employees
1 Cabinet visit V.G. Training Camp
2 Duty on Local Cigarettes up
2 U.N. gives $22,000 worth of equipment
2 Joint Staff Relations Council meet
3 Lord Mayor reports on Progress in Belize City
3 Project School to school- A.C.T. to Assist
4 Operation school supplies to make first shipment to Belize
4 Trade Mission from Trinidad & Tobago
4 More spacious school building for Forest Home
5 Fruit & Vegetable preserve industry in making
5 Jamaican youths return visit
5 Belizean song included in Michigan student song book
5 Festival News
6 Cardenez for Royal Bank, Caymans
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-April 7th No.14
1 Another film on Belize in the making
1 “Mercy” plane found
2 Committee for revision of salaries
2 Caribbean Development Bank
2 U.W.I.-Dept. of Agric. Investigate mutual benefits
2 New Marketing Board appointed
3 Belize-German Society sponsors art exhibition
3 Leadership trainer for Ecumenical Commission
4 Court of Appeal sits
4 Prison Officer successfully completes course
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-April14th No.15
1 A healthy Labor force for increased productivity- Minister
1 Archbishop Ramsey expresses thanks
2 Caracol Maya “Treasure” equal to Peten?
2 Chairman, Michigan Partners of Alliance die
2 Jabiru becoming rare-Audubon
3 B.C.C. elections on April 30
3 Nova Scotia opens Sub- Branch
3 Belize City Bus Service to Expand
3 Rudy Miguel new cycle champs
4 H.M.S. Minerva to take goodwill visit
4 D.O.S. official discusses further survey projects
4 Masonic Lodge delegates off to Florida
4 Rev John Makey leaves
4 Nationals return from study
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-April21st No.16
1 Minister Hunter for ECLA
1 Founder of C.U. Movement returns
1 H.R.C.U. celebrates Silver Jubilee
2 New electricity system for Placencia
3 B.H. $3,000 tools for J.S.S. from C.A.R.E.
3 First shipment of desks for School-to-school
3 Guide Book on Altun Ha out
4 Presbyterian Church sponsors seminar
4 Galilean fishermen visits
4 Leonie Felix & Linda Coye train in Jamaica
4 Ballet team bids adieu
5 Dr. Hoy now Govt. Obstetrician/Gynecologists
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-April28th No.17
1 Queen’s Birthday marked
1 Gift from Sterling Drugs International
1 Book exhibition at Br. Council
2 2,800 arithmetic books presented
2 Small twister plays havoc in Corozal Towns
2 Storage Ltd.-D.I.U. agree
3 Pearl Mission head here
3 Galilean fishermen hold Jamaican night
4 Stewardship expert in Belize City
4 Bahai hold convention
4 Glenn Godfrey win radio play contest
4 Jack Murphy plays here
5 Two promoted
5 Thow to leave
5 Scouts pick new officers
6 San Ignacio teachers build their own centre
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-May5th No.18
1 Hunter back from ECLA
1 Development concessions for M$13.7 investments
2 High poll for B.C.C. elections
2 Growing maturity in relationship between Management and Labor- Mckoy
3 89 teachers try for S.C. in Education
3 Vernon fro I.A.C.T.A.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-May12th No.19
1 Belizean tax structure to be overhauled
1 Three for C.P.A, meeting in Antigua
1 “Helping the small man to help himself”
2 Senator James Meighan re-elected Mayor George Dakers Deputy Mayor
2 “Father of Credit Unions” leave
3 House-to-House water for San Pablo- San Jose
3 Mtce of Industrial harmony of utmost importance- Mckoy
3 Labour seminar for Corozal
4 $-H Clubs major of Village co. Conference
4 Gallilean Fishermen & Sonny Brad Shaw Bid Adieu
4 Jamaican Youths End Goodwill visit
4 Belize Getting in Shape for Triangular Meet
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-May19th No.20
1 Premier Price receives keys to St. Louis
1 Education for a moral, patriotic and independent citizenship
2 Man-O’ War visits
2 S.J.C. now member of American Assn of Jr. Colleges
2 New airline for Belize
3 Your best slide forward
3 Freetown’s “Centre” opened
3 Bullet Tree farmers irrigate for the dry season
3 Byron Lee given biggest welcome
4 Belizean dramatists for U.W.I.
4 Two more missionaries for Anglicans
4 Matheson to act C.A.O.
5 Satchwell now Vice-Principal of B.T.C.
5 Howard returns qualified
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-May26th No.21
1 Belize to be member in International Sugar Agreement
1 Commission of Inquiry fro Sugar Industry
1 Cattle problems not insurmountable- Hunter
2 Youths of British Columbia salute Belize
2 Alvin Bentley Memorial Fund to be established
3 Br. Dev. Division officials discuss aid
3 Allan Castillo for World Labor Leaders Conference
3 Round of Graduation ceremonies start
3 Making Belize more beautiful
4 Belize to participate in Miami International Exhibit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-June2nd No.22
1 Top Ministers visiting abroad
1 New Canadian High Commissioner on familiarization visit
2 Dr. Ramsey has great admiration for people & Govt. of Belize
2 $2,000 more from project 100
2 A.I.D. programmes to continue
3 “We await with high hopes results of your work”
4 Salvation Army hands over Listowel School
4 Vasquez gains Diploma in Social Leadership
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-June9th No.23
1 Deputy Premier for Caribbean Commonwealth Govts’ Conference
1 “Teachers guide in Agricultural Orientation” now available
1 B.T.C. resumes two year course
2 Graduation round continues
2 Government to utilize $22,424 from enemy property acct
3 New Capital Workers on wildcat strike
3 15 scholarships to U.W.I. by C. & W.
3 2 for Meadow Brook Summer School of Music
3 Festival of Arts emphasis on folk & traditional dancing
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-June16th No.24
1 Belize to participate in Caribbean Dev. Bank
1 C.W.U. & Pauling & Co. agreement
1 “I.S.O. holds great hopes for country”- Hunter
2 Govt TO draft legislation to project antiquities
2 Silva calls on Belizeans to change attitude towards local products
3 Mental Health concern of whole community- Mckoy
3 CARE-Govt sign new agreement
4 Mayor of Biloxi greets Premier
4 Two receive birthday honors
4 66 more young women to seek careers
5 Minita Gordon gets her M.A.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-June23rd No.25
1 Rogers back from PAHO talk
1 Wildcat strike in its 3rd week
1 Belize will not be Communist Sanctuary- Rogers
2 Sugar Labor Welfare to give 10 scholarships
2 Govt-Churches-CARE Co-operate to build schools
2 Consular Corps established
3 Ross promoted to Puisne Judge
3 Bowman presents Mayan hut & relics to Gov’t
3 Belizean Dr. Kent Trench visits
3 Said Musa President of P.O.U.
4 Claver graduates 27
4 Belize ahead in triangular meet
4 Orange Walk champs in inter-district competition
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-June30th No.26
1 Courtenay clears the air on Govt’s Development Policy
2 End of strike in sight
2 Premier on increase to Govt. employees
2 Goldson continues to lead N.I.P.
3 211 Nationals on scholarship
3 Belizean Artists to appear on T.V.
3 Senator Leslie addresses B.T.C. graduates
4 N.C.U. members attend seminar on land reforms etc.
4 New Water System for Benque Viejo Del Carmen
4 Prof. Cowen assists once more
5 Belizeans study music direction
5 Village leaders study administration
5 Mrs. Heloise Lewis of U.W.I. lectures
6 Two more Nationals to Minister
6 Belize champs again
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-July7th No.27
1 Premier O.O.C. on private visit
1 Caribena Co-op forges ahead
1 Hospital Auxiliary does their bit
2 Best of 48 winners for Miami/New Orleans/Mexico
2 Preparations for National Day celebrations in train
2 Assad Shoman admitted as Solicitor to Supreme Court
3 New Manager for Hofius
3 Wesley to embark on five year course
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-July14th No.28
1 Cost of living index to be revised
1 Labour Dept. Branch for Cayo
1 Linda Vista Development getting off ground
2 Toledo’s tourist attractions get boost
2 Love everyone you come in contact with
2 The “IMPALA” opens in Benque Viejo Del Carmen
2 Canadian undergrads lend a working hand
3 George Gabb to teach in Kentucky
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-July21st No.29
1 Grinding operations end- Sugar Industry to bring in $10 M.
1 Co-ops to receive quotas for 1,425,000 lbs lobster
1 CARE gives $30,000 Linotype Machine
2 Everyone has part to play
2 Francis talks to policemen on their role in political life
2 Tibor Yusti for Belize once more
3 Lynam’s own Fr. Augustine addresses them
3 Bahai lecturer visits
3 Known C.U.N.A.Rep. On routine visit
3 Paul Szabo wins slide competition
4 75 More get Govt Scholarships
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-July28th No.30
1 Caribbean Development Bank to be inaugurated in December
1 Premier Price for Michigan
1 Government to buy out small shareholders in D.F.C.
2 $67,725 for Youth Welfare
2 Wake Forestry University contributes to Archives
2 C.U. league to get expert tech. assistance
3 First-ever installation ceremony for 4-H clubs
4 School built under school-to-school project
4 Seminar for Southern Trade Unionists
5 1st National in 15 yrs for Anglican Ministry
5 Reverend Pot to be inducted Pastor, Nazarene Church
5 Methodists hold Youth Camp
5 Paul Rodriguez goes to Reporter- Miss Anna Castillo now Secretary of Chamber
6 Two Education Officers awarded Bachelor of Education degree
6 Dunrite champs again
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-August 4th No.31
1 “Financial Times” survey on Belize
1 Improved Communications system for P.G.
2 National Archives to be put on Microfilm
2 B.E.C. works get appraise
2 Basle U. makes study for Toledo
3 “Children must be trained to develop right attitude towards rural studies”
3 National Day Poetry contest is on again
4 Roy Young gains Diploma from University College, Swansea
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-August 11th No.32
1 Premier to Bahamas
1 Cttee to study Tax structure named
1 Minister Silva on leader grant
1 Public Officers salary revision progressing
2 Basil Blackman to retire as Secretary-Treasurer, C.C.L.
3 Piggery project for Hattieville area
3 Expert visits to advice on transfer to New Capital
3 Field Centre may be set up in Augustine
4 Parliamentary delegation for Belize
4 Salvation Army’s Capt Green returns to Jamaica
4 After successful visit, George Gabb asked to return to Kentucky
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-August18th No.33
1 “With all working together as team we can look to future with bright hope”
1 Minister Lizarraga notes rapid growth in Library Services
2 Commission of Enquiry for Sugar Industry named
2 Toledo increases agricultural yields
2 Monument to cane farmers unveiled
3 ICAO official visits
3 Hotel CARIBELIZE – new hotel for Caye Chapel
4 Rev Chambers off to conference
4 Public Service Joint Staff Council meets
4 Belize gives good account against Orlando rebels
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-August25th No.34
1 Premier returns from Nassau talks
1 Livestock Association publishes newsletter
1 Governor of Rotary District 624 visits
2 Trade Union officials for Venezuela
2 Methodists in the News
2 More Belizeans return qualified
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-September1st No.35
1 If something is worth fighting for, we must do own job and not expect someone
else to fight for us….
2 Abattoir & Meat Packing Plant nearing completion
2 Calcutta- site of new Agricultural College
3 New Collective Agreement for B.E.C. tugboat workers
3 S.J.C. holds summer schools
3 Bill board press gutted
3 New District Superintendent for Methodists Rev. Carty says farewell
4 Bishop Hodapp for Antilles Conference
4 New Lodge for Corozal Town
5 Lois Young wins open scholarship
5 Belizean Policemen train in Jamaica
5 More Belizeans equipping themselves
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-September8th No.36
1 Hurricane Francella’s backlash- Damage expected to be high
1 Countrywide National Day Celebrations continue in spite of Francelia
2 Silva back from Leader grant
2 Trade Union officers come and go
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-September15th No.37
1 “Our Gov’t is as determined to protect this society as it is dedicated to build it” 3 Citrus to employ about 1,000 persons
4 Bishop Hodapp speaks out on casinos
4 “Do not be afraid we will sell out this country to Guatemala… We are not working too hard to build this nation”
5 Expert to set up Organization & Methods Unit
5 New Market for Corozal
5 Belizean tenor given ovation
6 Nationals in the news
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-September22nd No.38
1 Vet lab invaluable in surveying incidence of disease
2 Planning Unit officials return from tax incentives seminar
2 Belizeans form their own Insurance Company
2 A glimpse at the church
3 News in brief
3 Civil servants in the news
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-September29th No.39
1 No casino for Govt’s decision
1 Rogers for C.P.A. Conference
1 Br. Minister gets bird’s eye view of New Capital
2 Top Church dignitaries to visit
2 School- to-school assists in Hurricane Rehabilitation
2 New Collective agreements for B.E.C. and Citrus Workers
3 I.O.G.F. delegation leaves for Jamaica
3 First graduate under Quintana Roo Programme returns
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-October6th No.40
1 Belize makes bid for Independence
1 The Independence petition
2 British Minister pays significant visit
3 Gov’t will do best to assist enterprising businessmen
4 Minister Lizarraga calls on all to help prepare Youth to Face Future
4 “Neglect of Youth can be disastrous to Society”
4 “Benque Viejo Del Carmen does it the Co-op way”
5 Govt most anxious to make increases to Civil Servants
5 Statements in the House
6 All District capitals now boast a Labor Office
6 David Leslie- Poet of 1969/70
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-October13th No.41
1 Rogers for C.P.A. Conference
2 National Livestock Assn. get together with Minister
2 Minister Cattouse & Aides see road building techniques through swampland
2 Belizean Appointed A.T.A.N. Representative in Miami
3 New Managing- Director for Brodies
3 Training Nationals for more active part in tourism
3 Farmers Co-op for Concepcion
4 Youth salute the United Nations
4 Two Festivals for November
4 St. John’s Ambulance overseer visits
4 A glimpse at the church
4 Pan –Am Day celebrated in the north
5 Corrigendum
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-October20th No.42
1 Rogers stresses need for Defence PACT
1 No date set for Independence Conference
1 Sugar Inquiry in Full swing
2 Guests from the C.P.A. enjoy shimmering Ambergris Caye
3 U.K. linguists to study effects of multi-lingualism in Belize
3 Increased rice yield for Toledo-despite “Francella”
3 Statements in the house
4 Canadians to bird watch in Belize
4 W. Clifford & party for happy fishing
5 Jamaica- Belize I.O.G.F. to award scholarship
5 Vaughan for XI Latin American Council of Workers
5 “Miss Credit Union” for U.S.A.
5 Roy Hutchinson now MGR of Citrus Company
5 Belizeans on study courses- Kisling studies Documentary film-making
6 Boxing
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-October27th No.43
1 U.N. Day observed
1 House of Representative Action
2 Belize City Sewer System to start
2 Proud of our African Heritage
3 Water for Orange Walk and Monkey River Towns
3 Wage hike-House approves increases
3 Mckoy opens Labour seminar
3 Green Light on Progresso-Chunox Road
4 Mayor Meighan gets buffalo city key
4 French Consul General on 4 days visit
4 Mopan farmers Co-op gets rice dryer
5 Salvation Army Top Brass changes
5 Glenn Reyes impresses his teachers
6 Winners of U.N. poster contest
6 First Belizean on German scholarship
6 Canadian bird watches to view Belizean bird’s bonanza
6 Memorial scholarship set up
7 Labor leaders back from Ecuador
7 Labor man trains in England
7 Memorial Day November 9
7 Two to study Social Work in U.K.
8 5Y.P.’’s in Belizean sun
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-November3rd No.44
1 Minister’s lobby at U.N. for support for security guarantees
1 $100,000 investment in liquor refinery
2 British Parliamentarians optimistic on future of Belize
2 Bahai’s donate US $236 to UNICEF
2 Livestock Assn to hear 3 specialists
3 S.C.U. & H.T.A. Ltd. sign new agreement
3 First National to be Peace Corps Director
3 Matthew Velasquez First National on German scholarship
3 New Stamp issue
4 MIKI news
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-November10th No.45
1 Belizeans go to polls Dec.5
1 High West Africa Church dignitary visits
1 Cattouse warns all ethnic groups to work together one common goal
2 Belizeans see Canadian crafts
2 In the house
3 U.W.I. team to assess country’s educational needs
3 Monastery for Belize?
3 School feeding product-C.A.R.E.
3 New Consul for Salvador
4 J.B.C. General Manager visits
4 Tourist board puts out new “Quick Facts”
4 Trade Unionists for Costa Rica
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-November17th No.46
1 Inauguration of new Queen Square Anglican school-Built under Church-State system
1 P.G. now has Civic Centre
2 Festival Starts Tonight
2 Overseas visitors
3 Bunting Barrow scholarship to be instituted
3 Trade Union News
3 Boxing
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-November24th No.47
1 37 nominated to contest elections
1 Belcan Bridge opens next week
1 Deep Water harbor study to be made
2 Premier calls on Belizean Caribs to continue to work constructively together
2 Williamson Industries goal: 300,000 garments annually
2 BH $40,000 hospital supplies from Michigan partners
2 To boost the Tourist Industry
3 The Church in the News- New Head for Salvation Army
3 Bishop of Bangor to visit
3 Lizama for B.M.A. meeting
3 Nelson Diamond making his mark on International Market
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-December 1st No.48
1 Minister sees 4-H way as solution to youth problem
1 New election for Town Boards
2 Altun Ha makes its mark with National Geographic
2 Canada-Belize Aid programme
2 Increased salaries for City Council staff
2 U.W.I. research man for Citrus lab in Stann Creek
3 The Church in the news
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-December8th No.49
1 P.U.P. victorious at polls
1 Belcan Bridge evidence of vitality of country Canada’s High Commissioner
2 Britain will not hand people of dependent territory to third country against their wishes
2 Q. Roo. To donate $40,000 playground to Belize City
2 Another Belizean product takes the market
3 Dr. Lizama reports
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-December15th No.50
1 Premier Price names new Cabinet
1 Caribbean leaders express solidarity for Independence of Belize
2 Voters once more to polls on December 29
2 The church in the news
2 News in Brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-December22nd No.51
1 New National Assembly meets
1 Hope & desire converted into vivid reality
2 Teachers are soldiers of the Belizean culture
2 R.B.C. sub-branch opens in San Ignacio
2 Teachers Convention starts Jan 5
3 Church in the news
3 News in brief
British Honduras Newsletters: 1969-December29th No.52
1 P.U.P. increases seats by 6 in Town Board elections
1 Canadian Prime Minister vacations
1 Christmas message
2 Toward feeding ourselves
2 Fish exports up
2 D.F.C. meets on Jan 14
2 Bob Reneau presents “Christmas Package”
British Honduras Newsletters: 1970-February2nd No.5
1 The New Capital- to be peopled in early May
1 Minister Hunter attends inaugural meeting of Carib Dev. Bank
2 Sylvester discusses plans for 1970
2 Arthurs takes a look at country’s Communications & Works
3 Mckoy urges Farmers to improve their standard of living the cooperative way
3 39 more qualify to train the nation
4 Pallotti expands
4 Educating for Nationhood
4 COCESNA officials visit
4 Christian leadership Conference ends in success
5 The church in the News
5 News in brief
6 Softball
British Honduras Newsletters: 1970-February9th No.6
1 Public Service Minister calls for Cooperation of Civil Service in implementing
Government’s programme
2 Sir John Paul back in the saddle
2 Government at work
3 Belize gets its first steel mill
3 Closing the Gap
4 The Church in the News
5 News in Brief
6 Boxing
British Honduras Newsletters: 1970-February17th No.7
1 Radio telephone link for San Ignacio
1 Perdomo for U.W.I. Council Meeting
1 U.S. Consul makes 2nd donation of books
2 Government of work
2 Belize applies for membership in MET Institute Barbados
2 Trading News
3 Closing the Gap
3 3¢ per HR. Increase for Sugar workers
3 Belizean artist to carve prizes for Louisiana Rodeo
4 The Church in the News
5 News in Brief
5 7 Athletes for C.A. & Commonwealth Games
6 All Star team for Florida
British Honduras Newsletters: 1970-February23rd No.8
1 “KINICH AHAU” is back home
1 “You’re important part of New Belize”
2 Faculty of Law for U.W.I.
3 Sugar inquiry digs in
3 Government at work
3 Tourism
4 The Church in the News
5 News in brief
5 Sports
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-January3rd No.1
1 Belize featured in National Geographic
1 Three Belizean honored in New Year
2 Radio Belize man back from U.K. course
2 Spanish Professor here to conduct seminars
2 Bank Manager resigns- go into private business
3 American Methodist on working tour of Belize
3 Deputy Mayor cause upset in Town Board-NIP’s resign
3 Another building for new telephone network
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-January 10th No.2
1 U.S. educator on visit
1 Church V.I.P on one week visit
1 Citrus Company changes name
2 Student nurse home on visit
2 Trade Union Congress holds Annual Convention
2 Accused murderer off with “Nolle Prosequi”
2 Dynamite missing from storehouse
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-January 17th No.3
1 Belizean dollar will not be devalued
1 Traffic accidents decreasing
2 Telex service for Belmopan –Belize City
2 St John’s College extension moves into new home
2 Education Minister opens two Primary schools
2 Mate kills in accident at “Offshore Depot”
2 Rain hinders cane harvesting-grinding delayed
3 “Mass in Blues” L.P. hits records market
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-January 24th No.4
1 Women make history at opening of Supreme Court
1 Two new Crown Consuls appointed
1 Fruit Company ships concentrate
2 Outstanding Belizean nurse dies in U.S.
2 NIP’s out of Orange Walk Town Board- No bye elections
2 Fisheries Biologist gives talk on Lobster Industry
2 Air Traffic expert in Belize to train Nationals
3 Two die of gunshot wounds
3 Dr. Gill appointed Medical Officer
3 Enterprising Belizeans from new company
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-February 7th No.5
1 Sketch of proposed Scotia Bank
2 Black Power leader up on ammunition charge
2 Premier addresses “New” policemen
2 Health Minister off to Regional Health Conference
2 Two return from training in Britain
3 Rhaburn goes Latin
3 Scouts to erect $18 thousand structure in “Do it yourself” project
3 Trailer park in operation at Newtown Barracks in Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-February 14th No.6
1 Trade Ministry moves to improve quality of marine products
1 Nine thousand acres of sugar lands to go to nationals
2 Will support Government for peoples welfare says T.U. President
2 Customs fish fishermen for illegal fishing
2 Trade Minister calls for more national participation in Tourism
2 Local dancers go to Mexican Carnival
3 St. Hilda’s celebrate anniversary
3 Co-op Officers receive in-service training
3 Minister tours municipalities
3 Radio man gets top post
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-February 21st No.7
1 Guatemala calls for end to territorial dispute
1 Regional bank accept Venezuela’s application for membership
1 Forest Officer appeals to public to prevent forest fires
2 U.W.I. Chancellor on official visit to Belize
2 Mother gives birth to triplets
2 Consumers form Assn. to study raising cost of living
2 Chief Medical Officer calls nurses “Ambassadors of the Noblest Profession”
2 Labor Congress to analyze labor situation in Belize
3 One-day seminar for young people
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-February 28th No.8
1 Polio immunization campaign to be launched this week
1 Government to make cash available for tourism development
1 Coast Guard discovers cache of arms-Police arrest two
2 Electrical system opens in Monkey River
2 Governor on familiarization tour
2 Police recruitment campaign successful
3 First ’72 Citrus shipment for U.K.
3 Aircraft crash lands- occupant unhurt
3 Scouts-Guides mark “Founders Day”
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-March 6th No.9
1 Million-Dollar Agric
1 Director of British Development Division on tour
2 Frank Norris new C of C President
2 Minister addresses Labor Convention
2 Technical Education Advisor tours Northern Districts
2 Sports Stadium for Silk Grass
3 New Cinema opens in Belize City
3 Minister of Local Government opens Social Staff Conference
3 Another hotel opens in Stann Creek
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-March13th No.10
1 No go for British troops-Guats. Suspend talks over Belize
1 Economic Commission to study Belize-possible closer ties with Central America
2 Red lights on importation of hams, bacons….
2 More on illegal fishing- Coastguard makes big haul
2 Health Ministry spring- boards Polio Campaign
2 Public holiday in memory of Benefactor
3 Agric Show in Orange Walk by Rotary
3 Development Specialist talks to Farmers Forum
3 Librarian back from Book Conference in Mexico
3 First Indian cargo vessel to visit Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-March 20th No.11
1 Head of State off to London for talks with U.K. Government
1 Guats to seek support of Latin neighbors on Belize claim
1 NIP’s parade-“To mark the arrival of British troops in Belize”
1 Villager shoots British soldiers- arrested
2 Trade Ministry moves to tighten grip on Price Control regulations
2 Home Minister tells police officials “No time to become complacent”
2 International softball tourney opens in Belize May
2 After wet start harvesting of sugar cane gains momentum
3 Media Personnel may train at U.W.I. under UNESCO programme
3 Artifacts thief arrested, charged and fined
3 Belize invited to Telecom conference
3 Vice- P of U.S. National Audubon Society visiting Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-March 27th No.12
1 Education Minister attends top level talks on Education
1 More advanced technical education with Technical College expansion
1 Students observe “Belize Week” at University
2 Make Crooked Tree lagoons Wild Life Reserve says Belize Audubon
2 Political books presented to Acting Premier by German Representative
2 National 4-H gets gift from Michigan counterpart
2 Clergy man dies in Barbados- “A True Patriot”
3 College students to spend working vacation
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-April3rd No.13
1 Xunantunich turns up more Maya Civilization
1 Premier and delegation back from London talks
1 Fish! Fish! Fish! Coastguard confiscates illegal catch-captain fined
2 Village Boy wins National Cross Country Cycle race
2 New thing this Easter- A “Youth Bram”
2 Home Minister opens annual Succotz fiesta
2 Horse race stadium opens in San Ignacio
3 German Ambassador presents musical instruments for light concert orchestra
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-April10th No.14
1 Premier goes on Goodwill visit to Honduras
1 Agreement reached in water-front dispute- strike ends
2 Health Minister opens World Health day
2 Miami “drops out” of softball meet
2 Puisine Judge call on Public Officer’s to appreciate Ministerial system
2 New trawler for fishing Co-op
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-April17th No.15
1 Guatemalans most wanted man freed
1 Government to spend half- a million in Stann Creek Town
1 Acting Labor Minister appoints Tribunal in Labor dispute
2 Trade Minister opens botanical gardens in San Ignacio
2 British Labor Advisor tours Stann Creek
2 Polio Immunization campaign proving successful-89% received vaccine
2 British Council will give books to Belize City High School
3 Police promotions announced
3 “Skippy” Fuller heads Shell
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-April24th No.16
1 OAS to send observer to Belize
2 Uruguay supports Belizean people in political struggle
2 Premier thank Jamaican Government for intervention at OAS
3 Youths move to build Belize
3 Ceremonial Parade held on Queen’s Birthday
3 Rice Co-op registered
4 Union officials study labor and economy
4 First of Annual track meet for schools held
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-April31st No.17
1 Caribbean Bank to lend money for farming and industry
1 Belize Anglican Diocese has new Bishop
1 Canadian consultants to undertake feasibility study for water and sewage systems
2 Ordinance to protect antiquities goes into effect
2 Guats withdraw resolution at meeting of OAS
2 Communication workshop opens for churchmen
3 Pine forest under fire-strong winds hampering fire fighting
3 New Hattieville rises out of Hurricane refugee camp
3 Eight more overseas appointments announced in Public Service
3 People to people visit arranged by Belize Rotary
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-May7th No.18
1 San Ignacio fire destroys thirty houses- estimated damages $1m
1 Home Minister gives go- ahead to study Public Service structure
1 D.F.C. holds annual meeting- considers loan from Development Bank
2 Clerk of Belize National Assembly dies
2 Honduras forbids trawl fishing in National Waters
2 World Health official on visit
2 OAS appoints observer to assist British troops in Belize
3 Michigan partners officials on visit
3 Premier return from Costa Rica
3 New President for cattle men
3 Tobacco Specialist on feasibility study
3 And this Offer
3 The New Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-May14th No.19
1 O.A.S. observer arrives in Belize
1 Investment promotion programme for Belize
2 Action Peace Corps Directors in Belize
2 More vaccines for Anti-Polio campaign
2 Sugar experts to date $6m
2 Guards off to annual camp
3 Tourism Minister holds Pow Wow with tourist board
3 Mayor of Belize City welcomes softball team
3 Another “Walk for Progress” announced
3 To undergo training in Trade Unionism
3 Anglican diocese to establish church army in Belize
4 Sitting of court opens in Stann Creek Town
4 Did you Know?
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-May 21stNo.20
1 Education Minister opens Education Week with address on nationwide radio
2 Trade Minister meets with businessmen on Price Control
2 Rocap to assist in vocational training
2 Municipal Conference to be held in P.G.
3 Exhibition of Marine products opens Trade Industry makes statement on industry
3 New appointments to College Board of directors
3 Women may enter Methodist Ministry
4 International softball tourney opens at M.C.C. grounds
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-May 28th No.21
1 Our first line of defense is our will to be free home Minister tells guard
2 Canadians to conduct study for water and sewer for Belize City
2 Panama workers support Belize in aspirations
2 Premier on doctor’s visit to Jamaica
3 Belize retains softball cup
3 “Credit Unions exchange the community and maintain the dignity of man”-
Bishop elects Sylvester
3 Did you know?
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-June 5th No.22
1 House of Reps holds sitting after long recess
1 Chamber of Commerce makes contribution to fire victim’s fund
2 Pharmacist predicts that Belize Technical College with Belize’s first College of advanced Technology
2 Librarian goes to book conference in Britain
3 Cane farmers go to seminar on land reform
3 Off for Drugs Conference in Guatemala
3 Hospital Auxiliary makes another contribution to City Hospital
3 Army Colonel to visit Belize
3 Lyn School for retarded children gets financial assistance from mission singers
4 Wash-O-Rama for Scholarship fund
4 Ministry for Tourism sponsors scuba diving seminar
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-June 12th No.23
1 O.A.S. reports describes British Forces in Belize as “Fundamentally Defensive”
1 “CARIFTA meaningless without your markets” Trade Minister tells Jamaica Counterpart
2 Shareholders of D.F.C. agree to support from C.D.B.
2 Tourist influx shows remarkable increase
3 Canadian High Commissioner pays farewell visit to Belize
3 Cable and Wireless scores a century
3 U.W.I. students to conduct summer programme in Belize
4 Churches Appeal for dominations for Victims of coal mine Disaster
4 Rhaburn and Combo returns from successful tour of New York
4 Coastguard Patrol nets fishermen
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-June 26th No.24
1 National Fire Service controls fire in Guatemala
1 Minister of Education delivers main address at graduation ceremonies
2 Visiting Australian M.P. says Belize may play important role in Caribbean/Latin American affairs
2 U.N. Industrial expert to study industrial free zones
2 Amigos Internacionales presents Mobile Dental Unit to Health Minister
3 More Belizeans qualify in medicine
3 Tropical Biology summer course to be conducted in Belize City
3 Belizean Parliamentarians goes to Conference
3 Cayo District Teachers joins NTU
4 Fishermen hold business meeting
4 Salvage operation begins to save “Gina Maria”
4 Coop Officer Awarded Diploma in Coop Principles and Technique
5 Drama producers off to summer theatre workshop in Michigan
5 Centenarian scores plus
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-June 19th No.25
1 Government to study Public Service for more efficiency
1 Weather Radar goes into operation mid- August
2 Bishop elect goes to Barbados for consecration
2 Seminar on Tourism opens at Bliss
2 Labour Minister meets with Reps of S.C.U.
3 South African Missionary on visit to Belize
3 Miss Independence goes to Honduras
3 4 H-ERS from U.S. to work in Belize
3 Mexican liner runs aground
4 Cycle Champ receives new cycle for Mexican races
4 Matchless players staged “The Mousetrap”
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-July 3rd No. 26
1 The Collection of Blood Plasma potentially dangerous to Health says Health Minister
1 C.D.B. approves $120 thousands to D.F.C.
1 New Bishop of Anglican Diocese to be enthroned July 4th
1 Garment Manufacturer applies for Development Concession
2 Ford foundation to finance Language Research
2 “Development means the development of all peoples”- Financial Secretary to Wesley graduates
2 Medic Department conducts Refresher course in Malaria eradication
3 Two Belizean successful in law finals
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-July 10th No.27
1 New Anglican Bishop enthroned
2 Home Minister calls on teachers to Banish illiteracy
2 Figian Credit Unionist guest of H.R.C.U
3 San Ignacio fire victims fund tops $10- thousand D Mark
3 Scout Chief returns from training in Britain
3 World Heavyweight Champ to visit Belize
4 More teachers affiliated with N.T. U.
4 Co-op News
4 School teacher back from professional training in Britain
5 Arkansas students to join National Youth Corp in summer project
5 This years National Agricultural Show will run for three days
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-July 17th No.28
1 House passes two important bills
1 Lobster season opens with 530 thousand pounds quota
2 Locally manufacture brooms for Jamaican Market
2 British Council approves book grant
2 Summer vacation course for teachers open
3 Weather man gets M.Sc.
3 Belize City businessman honored by Norway
3 Hospital Auxiliary appoints Belizean Patroness
4 Caribbean play “Belle Fanto” plays to packed houses
4 American Nazarene Students help church in Belize
4 Public Administration seminar to be held in Stann Creek
5 Go slower says Home Ministry
5 Merrymaking in Western Border Town
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-July 31st No.30
1 Task Force from Eastern Caribbean meets with top Government officials
1 House gives go ahead for acceptance of loan from C.D.B.
2 P.O.U. signs collective agreement with C&W
2 Programme for National Day Celebrations drawn up
2 Citrus Company studies unions demand for bonus to Citrus Workers
3 Caribbean Citrus Growers attend Association’s meeting in Belize
3 Cable and Wireless man goes to Guyana Conference
3 Barclay’s Staff member goes on Transfer to Turk and Caicos
3 Permanent Pastor appointed for Presbyterian Church
4 Social moves to combat Juvenile Delinquency
4 Methodist holds summer camp in Corozal
4 Police-Customs search futile
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-August 7th No.31
2 Speaker of the House of Representatives selected for UWI Kudos
2 Premier congrats Jamaican Prime Minister and the goes to U.S.
3 A.G. attends opening of Legislative Assembly building in Cayman
3 Belize to be represented at Caribbean C.U. Conference
3 CARE Office in Belize gets new boss
3 U.N. expert to work in Social Development
3 CPSA holds Second Annual Conference in Belize
4 Extra Mural seminar studies causes of water contamination
4 Lomont enterprises invited to join CCA
4 17th Annual Training Course opens this month
5 American Dance Orchestra makes debut in Belize City
5 Belizeans dancers and musicians make hit in Mexico
5 Belizean cyclist brings home coveted Mexican cup
5 Education Minister opens Seminar Workshop on Rural Studies
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-August 14th No.32
2 Canadian Encyclopedia gift received
2 $90,000 Barclay Building opens in Orange Walk Town
2 Destiny of Belize in the Hands of Nationals
3 4-H getting Government support
3 7 High School Principals for Mona Conference
3 B.T.C. will admit 104 students
3 Studying to make leadership more effective
4 22 Teachers at Central Farm
4 Caribbean Modlib being studied
4 To help strengthen and expand scouting
5 Holy Spirit Dove by George Gabb dedicated
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-September 4th No.35
1 No cut back on textile exports to U.S.
1 Joint Ventures in less developed countries is priority
2 F.B.I. them with stealing Maya treasures
2 New Methodist head arrives
3 Frazier’s visit postponed
3 Miss C.U. for Jamaica
3 Sewing seminar held
4 Firms donate gifts for children talent show
4 Tenth Coop Registered this year
4 Villagers build own school
5 British film star to perform at Bliss Institute
5 Belize at Youth Parley in December
5 Crooked Tree boy with M.A. heads Nazarene High School
6 Usher, Prince represent CITCO on rent assessment board
6 Cadogan here on short visit
6 Orange Walk gave over $1,000 to fire victims
7 Jesus Acosta’s Professionals in top board
7 Wins Miss Belize Title
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-September 11th No.36
1 Beauty contest attracts thousands- C&W employee wins Miss Independence
1 Premier of Belize delivers traditional address
2 Premier to study recommendation for Natural Reserve
2 New Commandant for Guards
2 Record passes in summer General Certify Exams
3 Prison Officer Returns from training in Britain
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-September 18th No.37
1 C.D.B. mission to visit Belize later this month
1 Electronic equipment to be manufactured here
2 Solicitor of Supreme Court swore in
2 Police Commissioner dispel tear gas allegations
2 Cane Farmers go to Regional Cane Conference
3 CARIFESTA ends in Guyana
3 Eminent British actor plays Dickens at Bliss
3 Course for 4-H leaders opened by Vice President of National 4- H
4 Date altered for the registration of voters
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-September 25th No.38
1 CDB team arrives in Belize on fact finding mission
1 Record number of students goes to U.W.I.
2 C of C Vice President goes to Aruba Conference
2 Labor Minister opens T.U. seminar
2 Home- Economic course opens in Stann Creek
3 Village Councils must articulate the needs of their communities says Minister
3 Baptist church marks 150th anniversary
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-October 2nd No.39
1 Destitute Asians offered new future in Belize
1 More money for housing
2 Paper- converting industry to be established in Belize
2 Hotel seminar calls for more and better facilities
3 Co-op movement development momentum
3 Radio Belize’s Programme Organizer return from U.K. Conference
3 Lebanese Ambassador visits Belize
4 Air Traffic Officer for training in Britain
4 St. Michael’s to be renovated and an increase in staff
4 Secondary Schools softball tourneys on the mound
4 Gov’t officials successful in accounts exams
5 Theatre Workshop for young actors
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-October 9th No.40
1 Premier goes to Heads of Government Conference
1 British M.P’s on official visit to Belize
1 Ministry of Trade moves to “set prices right”
2 Tragic Accident claims lives of Missionary and his family
2 Union- saw millers sign agreement on wages
3 National Festival opens Nov.20
3 $1/2 million goes into housing
3 Three Public Officers go on training- Others get new posting
4 Sasha will fly New Orleans, Belize, Honduras
4 New Hotel opens in Belize City
4 450 chicks for village 4-H club
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-October 16th No.41
1 U.K. Government will continue efforts to solve Anglo-Guat dispute over Belize
1 Premier returns from Heads of Gov’t Conference
8 British M.P. ends tour of Belize
8 Shrimp trawler goes into operation soon
9 Trade Minister appoints Fisheries Advisory Board
9 C.B.O. off to Radio Conference
9 Traditional service for war-dead in November
9 Pan Am Day celebrated in Northern districts
10 Admin. Building in Stann Creek town now completed
10 International Credit Union Week celebrated this week
10 British Navy vessel in Belize on social visit
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-October 23rd No.42
1 Chief Justice retires
1 House moves for quicker justice
2 New fish market for Belize City
2 Technical Education Officer on familiarization tour
2 Eye doctor offers free service
2 Hotel Seminar successful say tourist board spokesman
3 Settlement Day programme released
3 Belize invited to Carifta games
3 Police moves against marijuana trafficking
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-October 30th No.43
1 Carifta Conference opens in Belize City
1 U.N. marks 27th birthday
2 More pay for waterfront workers
2 Health Minister presented with cash gift by northern mayor
2 Scout Commissioner tours Belize
2 Social sponsors youth leaders seminar
3 Cameron of Jamaica to fight Dakers at Birds Isle
3 New single engine aircraft for internal flights
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-November 6th No.44
1 Minister makes statement on missing mails
1 Bill provides for new basis for the valuation of imported goods
2 Shoe manufacturers to form association
2 C.B.O. returns from broadcasting conference
3 Maya now fully in the hands of Belizeans
3 Police tightens grip on crime
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-November 13th No.45
1 Premier leaves for talks in San Salvador
1 Third National Agric Show opens in Belmopan
2 Belize now eligible to ship meat to U.S.
2 Bank official here on visit
2 National returns home with Law degree
2 C.D.B. grants loan for cattle project
2 Trade Ministry mat grant development concession to manufacture turpentine
3 Expansion Programme for Belize Electrical Network moves with C.D.B. loan
3 Government of Ceylon offers scholarships
3 Carib Settlement Day to be celebrated on Monday Nov 20
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-November 20th No.46
1 House of Representatives pass Banana Bill
2 Southern districts celebrate Carib Settlement Day
2 Curtains open for 19th Festival Year
2 U.S. Congress moves to stop importation of ancient monuments- Belize will benefit with move to close artifacts black market
3 Conference held for staff of children institutions
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-November 27th No.47
1 Hon. Premier gives toast at Lebanese Anniversary Party
1 Canadian High Commissioner tours Belize
2 Promotions in guard announced
2 Home and Health Minister delivers main address at nurses’ graduation
3 Library Service Citizens of Belize for 37 years
3 Trade and Industry sponsors seminar for brokers and importers
3 Elections December 8 say Minister of Local Government
4 Labour Union seminar opens in Orange Walk town
4 New Market opens in Benque
4 Fisheries Biologist back from Gulf- Caribbean Conference
4 Michigan Educators here to discuss Michigan Scholarships
5 Festival winners announced
5 Festival Adjudicator tour Belmopan before returning home
5 C.E.O. represents Minister at V.T.C.
6 Belizeans cyclists again scores in Mexican race
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-December 4th No.48
1 Promotions in Guard marks beginning of an officer structure says Home Minister
1 Names of New Consular Representatives announced
1 Honduran Consul in Belize confirms overthrow of Government in Honduras
2 Minister of Local Government opens Village Council Seminar
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-December 11th No.49
1 Soybean oil extraction plant to be established
1 Municipal elections results in PUP’S stronger
1 Trade Minister goes to Guyana for Carifta meeting
2 U.W.I. scholarship exams next February and March
2 Officials return from Tourism Conference
2 Trade fair held at Bird’s Isle
2 Law graduate appointed Crown Counsel
3 Garment Industry has great potentials economic research revealed
3 Consul General of El Salvador pays courtesy call on Premier
3 Tourist Board provides tourist facilities at Goff’s Caye
3 Anthropologist delivers lecture on Carib culture and origin
3 Community Development Officer back from Regional Workshop
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-December 18th No.50
1 New telephone exchange in Corozal Town goes into operation next week
1 Kalamazoo folk dancers will visit Belize
2 Mexican film firm to shoot film in Belize
2 PAHO consultant here to examine programme for Maternal and Child Care
2 Shipping agents-union sign collective agreement
3 Nun dies
3 Annual Christmas party for senior citizens held at St. John’s
3 Students put polish to old land park
4 Footballers from neighboring Honduras for games in Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1972-December 25th No.51
1 Premier delivers 1973 speech
2 B.S.I. to expand sugar production
3 Dakers New Mayor of Belize City
3 Teacher’s Convention Jan. 3
3 Arts Committee makes donation to Sanatorium
3 Former President of Marquette University on visit
4 Three Army Officers for Anglican Diocese
4 Belize joins Circle of Lionism
4 Journalist dies
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-January 1st No.52
1 Premier delivers New Year’s message to the nation
1 A new Teacher Training College and a University Centre to be established
2 Two distinguished visitors from UWI to visit Belize
2 First National Studies Journal published
3 Kalamazoo Folk Dancers in Belize
3 Local Dance Band to tour U.S.A
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-January 8th No.1
1 Premier re-shuffles Cabinet
1 Third Annual Teachers Convention opens at St. Mary’s
2 Delta conducting offshore seismic survey
2 Customs Officers left Belize for Overseas Training
2 Management Board for B.T.A. appointed
3 Former President of St. John’s now heads Missouri Providence of Jesuits
3 ‘Tourism is my business and yours too’ theme of conference
3 U.S. Gov’t gives final approval for importation of beef from Belize
3 Citrus juice from U.K. Market
3 Belizean Journalist for Caribbean Training Course in Communications
4 More Promotions in the Guard
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-January 15th No.2
1 Mexican authorities lift ban on Belizean Vehicles
1 Off to attend T.U. seminars
2 Belizean Professor on visit to Homeland
2 Army band arrives in Belize
2 Telephone Engineer awarded travel fellowship
2 Area Representative tours Constituency
3 Nicaraguan earthquake fund now more than $5,000
3 Teakettle to form Farmers’ Coop
3 Outstanding citizens die in Benque
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-January 22nd No.3
1 H.E. approves new appointments in Service Commission
1 Retiring British Commissioner to Jamaica on familiarization visit
1 Assembly Clerk for attachment to House of Commons
1 Officials of Jamaica Building Society here to study development Possibilities
2 Education Minister and his adviser attends Education Conference in Barbados
2 Extra Mural Dept. of U.W.I. celebrate foundation Day- Eminent orthopedic surgeon will deliver lecture
3 Civil Aviation authority here to inspect aircrafts
3 Jamaican dollar devalued
3 Another booklet on Belize off the press
4 In search of the Jabiru stork
4 Belizean in U.S. makes donation to Health Service
4 B.E.C. gets new manager
4 Tragic mishap at Boom ferry
5 Fire Station opened in Corozal
5 Music school opens
5 ‘Bragging Tuba’ staged in Belmopan
5 Band Concert to be given by army band
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-January 29th No.4
1 Commission appointed to study Organization of the Public Service
1 National appointed C.M.O.
2 Belizean educator gets M.A. with dissertation on education policy in Belize
2 Methodist Church holds Annual Synod
2 Premier sends condolence to bereaved families following Boom incident
3 Nicaragua relief fund closes Feb. 15
3 Yacht aground off Glover’s reef – captain, crew and passengers all safe
3 College art exhibition opens at Bliss
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-February 5th No.5
1 Royalty to be imposed on private forests
1 Former P.S. now with Cabinet
1 District Synod of Methodist Closes
2 Priest does study of the church and its use of mass media
2 New sugar board appointed
2 Grapefruits for Florida
2 More cattle for auction by government
3 Belize meats in new hands
3 Teachers graduate from interim course
3 Book published on the theatre of Belize
4 Duke of Edinburgh award scheme to be launched in Belize
4 Co-ops Department holds annual staff conference
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-February 12th No.6
1 Premier of Belize to address graduation ceremonies at U.W.I.
1 Co-ops Conference ends –Minister Deliver’s closing address
1 Belize National anthem recorded by a British symphony orchestra
2 100 member orchestra from Michigan to visit Belize
2 Cattle raiser will move to protect their industry
2 Supervisor of elections names
2 Irish guards replace D&D’s
3 Home Affairs announce name of Joint Staff Relations Council
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-February 19thNo.7
1 “Better things lie in reality…change does not rule”. Premier at U.W.I.
1 CARIFTA to become CCM
2 Health Ministry may establish health education unit
2 Radio announcer for training in U.K.
2 Earthquake funds top $15 thousand
3 A 4-H club on the ball
3 “To BE”- Film on Belize
3 Portable control tower for airport
3 President of T.U.C. attends conference in Miami
4 New Local Government Minister meets with San Ignacio Town Board
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-February 26th No.8
1 Premier returns from Jamaica
1 Agriculture Minister tours Agric. Research station
1 Air traffic expert for assignment in Belize
2 Court of Appeals to consider two sentences
2 Scouts/Guides mark Founders Day
2 Extramural/ Ministry of Local Government
2 Youth institution holds conference for parents and guardians
3 Fire Officers for training in Trinidad
3 Jamaican Pop’ Artist on business visits to Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-March 5th No.9
1 Premier presents Bill to house for country’s new name
2 Commissioners to study Public Service arrive in Belize
2 Agriculture review shows favorable condition
3 Belizean elevated to senior position with Barclays International
3 Cultural contingent for Chetumal festival
3 House considers fashion
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-March 12th No.10
1 Care/Fishing Coop gives assistance to farmers
1 Belize honors Bliss with traditional holiday
2 Home Affairs Minister to open art exhibition
2 Economist for course in Washington
2 Farmers rally to be held under Premier’s patronage
2 Minister of Education to open labor seminar
3 St. John’s 160 years old
3 Fiesta opens in Succotz
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-March 19th No.11
1 Belize is British Says Delegate at U.E. Meeting
1 Belize gets Caribbean support for Independence
2 House passes “Belize” Bill
2 Trade Minister signs banana contract
2 Premier/Fin.Sec, for ECLA meeting
3 Mays utilized swamplands for cultivation
3 Home Minister opens art exhibition
3 SLWFC approves housing grant
4 Reps. of Michigan partners Belize
4 Premier Presents Cheque for Nicaraguan Relief
4 C of C elects Mcfield as President
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-March 26th No.12
1 Premier attends U.N. Conference in Ecuador
1 Trade Minister attends U.K. sugar talks
1 Committee appointed to assess needs for research in Sugar industry
2 Trade Minister urges local craftsmen to step-up production
2 Bob Reneau‘s dance troupe performs in Merida
2 Tourist Board Secretary for attachment in Mexico
2 Drive for education launched in Stann Creek
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-April 2nd No.13
1 Premier address U.N. Conference
1 Sugar price will go up gradually says sugar authority
1 Belizean Senator attends U.K. Seminar
2 Secretary General for teaching profession in Belize
2 Principals to meet for discussion on Education
2 Belize businessmen on tour of San Pedro Sula
2 Television will do documentary of Caribbean region
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-April 9th No.14
1 Trade Minister Reports on sugar talks
1 High level delegation attends CARIFTA Meeting
2 Premier east- bound for Guyana
2 “Health begins at home” says Health Minister
2 More pay for workers in sugar industry
2 CVSS Director on visit to Belize
3 Children’s festival opens adjudicators announced
3 World famous cricket umpire in Belize
3 Yacht club formed in Belize
3 Public Officers re-elect Thompson as President
4 Teachers elect new president
4 Punta Gorda Sister of Dewitt’s
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-April 16th No.15
1 Government of Belize agrees to the establishment of Caribbean Common market
1 Home Minister commends High Spirit of Guards
2 P.S. Education returns from labor conference
2 Tourists Board Secretary back from Regional Conference
3 Big “Bram” for Jesus
3 Scout Ass’n holds General Meeting
3 Police Sergeant qualifies in Auto Technology
3 Home Minister will address graduates of Police School
4 British Royal Frigate will visit Belize
4 Minister without portfolio travels south for official engagement
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-April 23rd No.16
1 Minister makes strong statement regarding in equal land distribution
1 Caribbean Common market seeks economic integration
2 Caribbean heads move to establish Investment Corporation
2 Trade Ministry sponsors exhibition of local produce
3 Hutchinson Wins Cross - Country Race Again
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-April 30th No.17
1 Governor goes to U.K. on leave-Fonseca acts
1 Workers discover skeleton of West Indian
1 Steel band tours State of Michigan
1 Manpower survey of Caribbean to be undertaken
2 COMPOL for top Police Conference in Trinidad
2 New Labor Inspectors appointed
2 Charger hits the Local Market
2 Union/Recondev signs Labor Agreement
3 Belmopan Sporting and Cultural Assn donates cash for Branch Library
3 “Y” celebrates founding of organization
3 Methodist missionary joins Honduras circuit
3 Rotary sponsoring agric show in Orange Walk
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-May 7th No.18
1 Premier returns from Miami conference
1 Fishermen lost at sea for days
2 C.D.B.will makes soft funds available to Regional members
2 British Parliamentarian on visit
2 Union official here on visit
2 A new soft drink introduced in Belize
3 Maya Airways announced new schedules to North
3 Labor Day rally held in Belize
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-May 14th No.19
1 Tourist Board to release color brochure of Belize
1 C of C Executives pays courtesy call on Premier and Ministry of Trade
2 Artifacts thieves arrested
2 Social man goes to Canada
2 Woods appointed Fisheries Officer
2 Co-op Workshop held in Arenal
2 Three killed in Traffic accident
3 Bahai’s return from Haifa Convention
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-May 21st No.20
1 Arenal farmers will re-settle in Maya Mountains
1 Santos joins D.F.C.
1 House approves $450 thousand for housing, agriculture and industry
2 Mining Engineer on an assignment with Belize Government
2 National Agriculture Show slated for August
2 Trade Administrator returns from Promotions seminar
3 Government and U.W.I. to study development of livestock feed
3 CARE will assist government in primary schools
3 Agricultural Ministry assigns Ellis to banana project
4 Land in airport area will soon be available for housing schemes
4 Belize places in International Stamp Competition
4 Belizean scout receives silver acorn award
4 Cinema opens in Belmopan
5 Favorable future for tobacco exist in Belize
5 C of C meets Premier and Trade Minister
5 Radio Announcer back from B.B.C course
6 Vita Rep. goes to Santo Domingo Assembly
6 Music Examiner for Royal School of Music arrives in Belize
6 Forty three receives Associate Degrees
6 New Head Master appointed for St. Michael’s
7 Credit Unions getting together for Annual Meetings
7 Farmers Day held in Toledo
7 4-H’ers awarded Certificate of Achievement
7 T.U.C. elects New Executive Council
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-May 28th No.21
1 Minister of Lands looks into Land Problems
1 Home Minister opens fire station in San Ignacio
2 W.H.O. expert on official visit to Belize
2 Belize City businessmen may take advantage to modern electronics
3 Mexicans want to buy coconuts
3 Prosser gets new Manager
3 Production ups in rice, corn and beans
4 U.S. sugar quota for Belize increased
4 Premier visited by lodge officers
4 Queen says Commonwealth provides opportunities for cooperation
4 Church moves along with Government as country’s name is restored
5 Students will walk for typewriters
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-June 4th No.22
1 Queen gives assent to restoration of the country’s name
1 British M.P. on familiarization visit to Belize
1 British Development team arrives in Belize
2 Oil discovered but not commercially
2 Toledo South Rep. and Senator go to conference in Jamaica
2 Shares totaled near $3 million says H.R.C.U. president
3 New fire station opens in Orange Walk
3 Mental Health Week declared open by Minister of Health
3 B.S.I. man goes for Technical training in Britain
4 Landivar proceeds for scholarship fund
4 Red Cross Director off to Caribbean Conference
4 Musical Youth of Michigan arriving in Belize early July
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-June 11th No.23
1 British M.P. says Belize Government “Level- headed” about economic problems
1 Head of Government tours Toledo
1 D.F.C. will move to meet with people wanting money
2 Post Office to release overprints
2 Fourteen J.P.’s commissioned by Home Minister
2 New York Publishing House gives recognition to the work of Belizean Playwright
3 S.C.A. graduates 87
3 Vicar General to attend International Conference of Catholic Pentecostals
3 Minister of Local Government opens Community Centre
4 Vice President of Chamber of Commerce goes to Chamber meeting in Florida
4 Minister of Local Government declares leadership course closed
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-June 18th No.24
1 Trade Minister opens Fisheries exhibition
1 P.S. Power & Communication attends MET Conference
2 Food fair to be opened by Community Minister
2 Hospital Auxiliary holds tenth Annual General Meeting
2 Alamilla and Tillett found guilty of artifacts possession- will appeal
3 Jaycees International to organize a chapter in Belize
3 Dakers Wallops Cameron in non-title fight
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-June 25th No.25
1 Minister of Agriculture impressed by productivity of fishermen
1 Jabiru Stork will enjoy protection by law
2 Retirement fund established for waterfront workers
2 Education Minister delivers main address at B.T.C. graduation ceremony
2 Government acquires specialize equipment for fighting forest fires- expert will train nationals
2 Ministry of Housing now has service of a town planner
3 President of hospital auxiliary presents $3-thousand cheque to health Minster
3 Teacher completes course in Edinburgh
3 Salvation Army officers arrive in Belize on new assignment
4 Team named for Bermuda tour
4 Young artist mounts his first exhibition
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-July 9th No.26
1 Education is a big task says Education Minister
1 M.Y. I. makes debut in Belize
1 Education Minister Delivers main address at Secondary School graduation ceremonies
2 Steel band makes hip in Belmopan
2 Social sponsors seminar for better awareness of Community agencies
3 Fire at sawmill causes $1/4 million lost
3 Agricultural Co-op formed in Benque
3 More meaningful summer for residents of childrens’ institution
3 Annual fair opens in Benque
4 Cigarette workers get wage hike
4 Wesley church marks 22nd anniversary
4 University drama society plays in Belize
4 Boxing Association scouting for participant in Pan Am games
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-July 16th No.27
1 Premier does extensive tour of Corozal district
1 ’73 summer course for teachers opened
2 Salada gets new manager
2 Sarteneja fishing coop holds general meeting
2 Nationals obtains degree in plant protection
3 Fire at sawmill causes $1/4 million lost
3 Agricultural Co-op formed in Benque
3 More meaningful summer for residents of childrens’ institutution
3 Annual fair opens in Benque
4 Cigarette workers get wage hike
4 Wesley Church marks 22nd Anniversary
4 University drama society plays in Belize
4 Boxing Association scouting for participant in Pan Am games
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-July 23rd No.28
1 Government studies pay hike recommendations-civil servants may get
Salary increase
1 Pindling expressed hope for an early independence for Belize
1 Government officials go to C.P.A.conference in Jamaica
2 C.I.R.I. officials here on brief visit
2 Trade Minister back at his desk
2 Flour Company goes on P.R. drive with local bakers
3 New Prison Sup’ appointed
3 Peace Corps Volunteers arrive for assignment in Belize
3 4-H’ers travel to Michigan on Cultural exchange programme
4 Local organization sponsors course in Family Financial Counseling
4 Methodist Youth Camp to be held in Central Farm
4 B.S.I. employee to study sugar chemistry
4 Dance troupe goes on London/New York tour
5 Playwright attends U.W.I. Arts workshop
5 Belize Lions gets charter
5 Doc. Pike heads Jaycee Belize
6 Belize Youths for Inter- Diocese exchange
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-August 13th No.30
1 Premier of Belize tours Stann Creek district
1 Village Council Conference opens in San Antonio
1 Postal Clerk Wins Playwriting Contest
2 P.O.U. week opens
2 Nuns mark 75th anniversary in Belize
2 Ministry of Co-ops sponsors course in Orange Walk district
2 Students from neighboring republic will study English in Belize
3 CIT-CO prepares for “Clean- Up”
3 Caribbean Bishops concerned about the “HOWS” of spreading the gospel
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-August 20th No.31
1 Home Minister off on visit to Lebanon
1 Fin. Sec. returns from Caribbean Bank meeting
1 Nurses will be trained in anesthetics
2 Local artists return from U.W.I. summer school
2 “Productivity can be increased” Chairman of Service Commission tells Public Officers
2 Theatre audience in Belize City sees first street theatre performance
2 Trade Unionists leave for South America
3 Anglican summer exchange programme ends
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-August 27th No.32
1 Premier attends meeting of Caribbean Finance Ministers
1 P.W.D.Chief obtains M.Sc. in Engineering
1 Former R.C. Bishop dies
2 Library course opens in Belize City
2 D.F.C. approves approx. $1M for local projects
3 Teachers will attend Educational Development Programme in Washington
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-September 3rd No.33
1 Premier returns from Caribbean Conference
2 Home Minister ends Middle East tour returns home
2 Approval given for Belize National Anthe says composer
2 C.D.B. will return to Europe says President
3 Government announces winners of open scholarship
3 Belize Government sends expression of sympathy to Mexican President
3 Government Auditor attends U.N. Conference in West Berlin
3 Investiture ceremony held at Belize House- Governor confers Queen Awards
4 Home Affairs Ministry announces folklore and literary competition
4 Michigan partners will award more scholarships
5 Bee talks held in Orange Walk
5 Maya resumes flights to San Pedro
5 Another Bob Reneau reproduction goes on stage
5 Trinidadian boxer defeats boxer from Ali’s camp at Bird’s Isle
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-September 10th No.34
1 Thousands celebrate National Day
1 Premier leaves for talks with Trudeau
2 Premier Price is a responsible and interesting statesman says Canadian Prime Minister
2 In other News this Week:
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-September17th No.35
1 Tobacco cultivation expected to be increased to meet local and export demands
1 Home Minister calls on students to contribute more to country’s development
1 J.S.A. students end study tour of Belize
2 100% passes in Teachers Examination reports Principal of B.T.C.
2 Chairman of Citrus Growers Ass’n warned against complacency
2 Professionals Combo releases L.P.
2 Methodists missionaries to take up assignment in Stann Creek
3 Church and Community leaders’ returns home from Seminar in Jamaica
3 Union boss goes to Belgium
3 Ministry of Trade and Industry protects John Crow curlew
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-September24th No.36
1 Government moves to tighten-up on contraband traffic
1 $35 thousand water system opens in Gales Point
2 Team from Durham University study aspects of Anthropology in Belize
2 Ministry of Agriculture will receive assistance from CYMMYT
2 Tourist Board releases color brochure on Belize
3 Banana Board Fortis Committee for the Selection of Banana Farmers
3 Extra Mural announced passes in University exams
3 Telephone network now links the entire country- To be inaugurated next week
4 District Officer calls for cooperation among beekeepers to develop the industry
4 Festival Committee announces plans for this year’s festival
4 Celebrations for I.C. U. week slated to commence October 14
5 Planning Unit released economic survey for 1971
5 Official holiday declared for Northern Districts
5 Belize represented at seminar for the study of deafness
5 Principal Auditor returns from International seminar in Berlin
6 Stolen antiquities recovered
6 Par Sec opens Coop seminar
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-October 11th No.37
1 Premier begins working tour of the Belize district
1 Government moves to combat shortage of basic commodities
2 Par Sec returns from Parliamentary Conference
2 Home Minister opens exhibition of flowers and creative arts
3 Principals of Secondary schools considering Common Entrance exams
3 Belizean gain B.Sc. in Economics
3 Vicar-General leaves for Rome
3 Forestry built a dam and named it D’Silva dam
4 Archaeological division of Trade Ministry discovers another ancient monument
4 Students leave for U.W.I.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-November5th No.41
1 Home Minister declares open Mental Health Week
1 Cooperatives training course opens in Gales Point
1 Activities in connection with Carib Settlement Day begins this week
2 Citrus workers get pay hike
2 Poultry producers holds inaugural meeting
3 Christian Social Council week opens
3 P.O.U. President returns from Grenada
3 Successful year reported for Mopan farmers
3 Memorial Service held for victims of Hattie
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-November12th No.42
1 Government to adopt business agreement
1 Maya exhibition in London
2 Trade Minister moves to protect local light industries
2 Yet another Co-op registers
2 Rotary Governor will visit Belize
3 British Council representative in Belize
3 CARE denies press report
3 Remembrance Day Service held in Belize
4 B.S.I. announces new staff appointments
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-November 19th No.43
1 Carib Settlement Day celebrated in Southern Districts
1 New Solicitor General appointed
1 Foreign and Commonwealth office man in Belize
1 Home Minister opens G.I.S.
2 Anglican Bishop goes to Caribbean Church Conference
2 N.T.U. Officials Returned from Germany
2 High Level Lodge Delegation gives Major Courtesy Call
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-November 26th No.44
1 Trade and Industry calls for restraint in full consumption
2 Belize awarded a larger sugar quota by U.S. Government
2 Home Minister opens new fire station and drill hall in P.G.
3 Mr. Universe visits Belize
4 Bread prices go up
4 Former Prison Superintendent dies
4 Local food preserves go on sale
4 New Fisheries Coop formed
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-December 3rd No.46
1 Government tightens-up to combat oil crises
1 Power and communications Minister denies press report
2 Woman is one of the mainsprings of Human progress nun declares
2 CITCO accepts report of salaries review commission
2 Training centre for scouts at Camp Oakley completed
3 Education Minister opens conference of Latin American educators
3 Union signs agreement with Salada
3 Central fishermen co-op held inaugural meeting
4 Belizean qualifies as State Registered Nurse
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-December 10th No.47
1 Trade Ministry lifts ceiling on basic food commodities
1 Premier presents $38.4 million budget
1 Tribunal says Esso was wrong
1 National Festival of Arts 1973
2 C.D.C. studies aid in development project
2 Ex-soldiers will get the H.Q.
British Honduras Newsletters: 1973-January 1st No.52
1 Premier delivers New Year’s message to the nation
1 A new Teacher Training College and a University Centre to be established
2 Two distinguished visitors from UWI to visit Belize
2 First National Studies Journal published
3 Kalamazoo Folk Dancers in Belize
3 Local Dance Band to tour U.S.A