Census Index

Census Number Year Description No. Of Pages
Census-2 1816 A Census of the population of the British Settlement of Belize in the bay of Honduras, taken by order of Lieutenant Colonel George Arthur His Majesty's Superintendent, Commandant 93
Census-3 1820 Census of the Slave Population of Belize in the Bay of Honduras Taken the Thirty First day of December, 1820, Conformable to Law Passed the 2nd Day of November 1819 87
Census-4 1823 Population Census of 1823 164
Census-5 1826 Census of the population of The British Settlement, Belize, Honduras for 1826 260
Census-6 1829 Census of the Population of the British Honduras Settlement, Belize, Honduras for the Year 1829 180
Census-7 1832 Census of the Population of the British Settlement of Honduras for the Year 1832 131
Census-10 1861 Census of British Honduras (information includes Shipping, Churches, Cccupations, Age, Race and Birth Place) 7
Census - 8 1835 Census of the Population of the British Settlement of Honduras for the Year 1835 179
Census-11 1901 Report on the Result of the Census of the Colony of British Honduras 1901 30
Census-12 1911 Report on the Result of The Census of the Colony of British Honduras 47
Census-13 1921 Report on the Census of 1921 Part II - Tables (inaccessible) 134
Census-14 1931 Census of British Honduras 1931 53
Census-15 1931 Census of British Honduras 1931 70
Census-16 1946 Census of British Honduras 1946 36
Census-17 1960 Census of British Honduras 1960 Volume I 208
Census-18 1960 Census of British Honduras 1960 Volume 2 254
Census-19 1960 1960 Population Census File (Staff) 25
Census-20 1960 1960 Population Census File (Appointment - Supervisors and Enumerators 55
Census-21 1960 1960 Population Census File (Local Correspondence) 120
Census-22 1960 1960 Population Census File (Census Administrative Report) 111
Census-9 1840 Census of the Population of the British Settlement of Honduras for the Year 1840 34
Census-23 1970 Population Census 1970 Preliminary Bulletin (Working Population Part I) 17
Census-24 1970 1970 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean, Volume 4 Part 5 - Belize (Ecomonic Activity) 257
Census-25 1970 1970 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean, Volume 5 (Internal Migration) 25
Census-26 1970 1970 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean, Volume 6 Part 2 (Education) 52
Census-27 1970 1970 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean, Volume 7 (Race and Religion) 13
Census-28 1970 1970 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean, Volume 8 (Union Status) 16
Census-29 1970 1970 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean, Volume 9 Part 21 (Housing and Household) 77
Census-30 1980-1981 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean Volume 1 165
Census-31 1980-1981 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean Volume 2 411
Census-32 1980-1981 Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean Volume 3 62
Census-33 1990-1991 Population and Housing Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean 198
Census-34 1991 Population Census 1991 Major Findings 77
Census-35 2000 Population Census 2000 Major Findings 100
Census-36 2010 Population and Housing Census Country Report 2010 157
Census-1 1790 General Return of the Inhabitants in the Bay of Honduras 24
1839 Census of the Population of the Settlement of British Honduras for the Year 1839 85
1834 1834 Slave Register