Educational Report

Reference First Name Last Name Report Title Description Year Published
ERC001 Debbie Mendel Cultural Change in the Transnational Garifuna Community; A Case Study from Hopkins Village, Belize ..this paper is to bridge the effect of Garifuna transnationalism to the development of their emerging transnational culture… process will help to explain the ethno-genesis of the Garifuna identity & their resultant transformation across social & demography 30 April, 2004
ERC002 Edgar Ek Monitoring Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Belize, 1993 - 2003: A Digital Change Detection Approach. The main objectives of this research is not only to show that landscape changes are occurring in Belize but most importantly to quantify and measure the extent of change, and assess both patterns of change and changes of pattern. August, 2004
ERC003 Ivar Schout A Score to Settle: A Research into the Organisation of the two rival Belizean football federations. The aim of this study is to describe the world of football in Belize and how football in this country is organized. February, 2004
ERC004 Arjan Verhoeven A Case Study of Forty Years Amandala; A Belizean National Newspaper. The research at hand focuses on Amandala newspaper but also gives insight into the Belizean Print-media industry and the historical developments this industry went through and how people active in this industry today see the future, Belize and Amandala. 2006
ERC005 Carlos Aparicio Juridical Aspects of the Anglo-Guatemalan Controversy: in re Belize May, 1951
ERC006 Anne MaCpherson ' Those Men Were so Coward': The Gender Politics of Social Movements and State Formation in Belize, 1912-1982 1998
ERC007 Cecilia Thompson Women Entrepreneurs in Belize: Creating Successful Businesses Despite Obstacles and Challenges. The purpose of this thesis was to find out how women in Belize in spite of their many obstacles and challenges have created successful businesses and how women elsewhere undergo the same challenges have been successful at creating and managing their own b June, 2005
ERC008 Thomas Rainwater Ecotoxicology of Morelet's Crocodile in Belize August, 2003
ERC009 Hertha Gentle-Barber Effects of Minimum Wage Increase on The Belizean Retail Sector The objective of this study was to investigate and analyze the effects that an upward adjustment of minimum wages has on the level of employment and compliance in the Belizean retail sector. 2006
ERC010 Carol Fonseca "Dis Ya Time No Stan Like Bifoe Time" (Re) Thinking A Nation's Literature: Constructions of Women in Belizean Literature 1953-2003. This thesis aims to be an informed, historically contextualized study of the development of Belizean writings over the past fifty years, with specific attention being paid to literary constructions of women. 2005
ERC011 Myrte Berendse Belize, the Caribbean Gateway to the Hidden Maya World. The role of the government and tourism entrepreneurs in developing and representing a tourism destination January, 2004
ERC012 William Driver Chac Balam, Belize: Excavations and Architecture The study describes and interprets the excavations conducted at the site of Chac Balam, Ambergris Caye, Belize May, 1991
ERC013 Therese Strom Successful Ecotourism and Partnerships, Is There a Relationship? the study will debate the importance of tourism partnerships in its ecotourism industry. Further more it will consider factors vital for the implementation of successful tourism partnerships. April, 1997
ERC014 Tessa Matus The Anglo-Guatemalan Dispute Seems to Defy Solution May, 1998
ERC015 Leslie Grimes Co-Management and Community: A Case Study of St. Margarets Village The purpose of this study is to identify the attitudes toward Five Blues Lake by the residents of St. Margaret's Village. And how does the Association of Five Blues Lake (the managing NGO) relate to and influence co-management of the park. 2004
ERC016 Lyndsay Buckingham Visitor impact Analysis and Management Adaptation of Goff’s Caye In accordance with this study a Visitor's Impact Analysis will be conducted that will focus on the biophysical aspect of tourism on the reef system and on the island. There are two components, a snorkeling survey and a visitor's questionnaire. 2004
ERC017 Sharon Cech Mosquito Control on Caye Caulker The objectives of this study were to identify the species of mosquitoes inhabiting Caye Caulker, analyze the potential dangers to the wildlife and people on the island associated with the spraying of malathion as mosquito control agent, and then explore the efficacy of implementing a Bacillus thuringiensis israelenis based insecticide as a safe and economically viable alternative method of mosquito control. 2004
ERC018 Becca Wait Childhood in the Village of San Jose Succotz The purpose of this 5 week study was to document one small piece of childhood in Belize; the experiences of children in the village of San Jose Succotz in the Cayo District. April, 2005
ERC019 Erin Collinson Ethical Trade in the Toledo District This paper will examine and introduction to fair trade and organic certifications from the perspective of the world producer, through a case study of the Toledo Cacao Growers Association. I will further identify the arguments for and against the expansion of the Fairtrade mark and attempt to make predictions for the future of the fair trade movement. January, 2004
ERC020 Peter Dunham Coming Apart At The Seams: The Classic Development and Demise of Maya Civilization ( A Segmentary View From Xnaheb, Belize) This Dissertation contends not only that Maya polities were segmentary but that the segmentary state construct provides important insights into the processes behind the development and demise of Maya Civilization. 1990
ERC021 Kelly Washburn An Exploration of Traditional Midwife in Belize The purpose of this study is to learn about the practices and medicinal plants used by local midwives. This independent project took place in the Cayo District of Belize, specifically in and around San Ignacio Town. 2004
ERC022 Zach Fonner A Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of the Tourism Development Project. This independent Study Project focuses on the sites of Cahal Pech, Xunantunich, and Caracol, three of the six TDP sites. The objective of the Independent Study Project is to assess the work done at the sites and to see if the TDP work will positively impact the economic well-being of the people and communities around these three TDP sites. 2004
ERC023 Rebecca Kirlin Solid and Liquid Waste Assessment for Seine Bight The objective of this independent study project are: to assess the current situation of waste in Seine Bight, to determine its possible effects on the marine and estuarine environments, as well as risk to public health and to make recommendations for sustainable development. 2004
ERC024 Rebecca Tannebring Spirituality in Traditional Healing: A Case study conducted in Western Cayo This study aims to determine the role of spirituality in traditional healing and people’s conception of plants in healing the Western Cayo district of Belize. By looking at the history of healing through to its current role in society, this study focused on finding means to comprehend what forces and attitudes are impacting healing and people’s perceptions of what aids a cure. 2004
ERC025 Melissa Vasquez An Assessment of Snorkeling Impact on Coral Mortality at Lighthouse Reef, Belize. This Study examined the impact of recreational snorkeling on coral mortality in four sites on the Lighthouse Reef Atoll, Belize. (at Half-moon Caye Natural Monument and on site at Long Caye. 2004
ERC026 Shannon Carroll An Economic Assessment of the Queen Conch Fishery in Belize The goal of this study was to investigate and report the economic value of the Queen Conch, find out how a possible change in regulations would either harm or benefit fishermen, and to see what those involved in the Queen Conch fishery (fisheries officers, cooperative managers, fishermen, etc.) 2004
ERC027 Michelle Domocol Orchid Micropropagation at University of Belize. This independent study probelematizes the University’s management of the laboratory infrastructure and activity. The investigation of management will determine how and why the laboratory’s capability has reached its current status. 2004
ERC028 Candace Fallon From the Bush to the Bar: Contribo in Western Cayo The Purpose of this study is threefold: to briefly document past uses of contribo, to assess its current uses and to analyze the local beliefs and practices of this vine in the Cayo District (including San Ignacio, Cristo Rey, Santa Familia, Santa Elena and Bullet Tree). 2004
ERC029 Joel Frijhoff Hidden Waterfalls. A Description of Entrepreneurs and their Strategies in the Tourism Industry in Belize This thesis will deal with the involvement of small-scale entrepreneurs in the tourism sector in the Toledo District in Belize. This study will take place in this theoretical void and will focus on different types of entrepreneurs and the strategies these entrepreneurs use to handle their business. Discussion of: What are small-scale entrepreneurs, their motivations to open a business, how they are classified, what problems they face and how they deal with them. March, 2006
ERC030 Clarence Borland An Economic Study of Domestic Food Production in Belize Objectives of Study: outline the main factors - price, marketing, population, income, - which affect the production and the consumption of food; highlight major operations of the farming systems as practiced by both Milperos and the Mennonites; examine why Milperos have not significantly increased their output unlike Mennonites, discuss possible improvement to the Milpa System. 1975
ERC031 Michael Camille A Historical Geography of Toledo Settlement, Belize, 1868-1985: A Transition from Confederate to East Indian Landscapes. The purpose of this research is to reconstruct in detail the Confederate and East Indian Landscapes at their respective peaks, 1890 and 1985. For this periods, emphasis is placed on material culture, agricultural activities, and the transportation network. This paper provides the only case of the settlement where the two currents of out migration have converged. May, 1986
ERC032 David Lewis The Chinese of Belize: A Geographical Interpretation This study will provide further insight into the dynamics and motives behind overseas migrations by the Chinese group. This research emphasizes their economic activity, variety, spatial pattern and impact. In addition, examination of the Belizean Chinese in a geographical context can provide an increased understanding of the economic role of these immigrants in economically underdeveloped former colonies. May, 1989
ERC033 Gregory Gruszczynski Fifty Years of Buses: A Case Study of the Bus System in Belize The objective of this study is to assess the role and impact of the bus transportation system in Belize and to relate it to national development processes. May, 1989
ERC034 Francisca Norales Belizean Secondary School Teachers' Judgments of Discipline and problems and Belizean Secondary School Students' Attitudes Toward Education One purpose of this study was to identify which student behaviors teachers judged as discipline problems. This study reflected those attitudes that students in Belize hold toward their education. August, 1980
ERC035 Clara Pastor Education in Belize: History and Current Issues This study examines the evolution of preschool, primary and secondary education in Belize fro the period 1816-1994 in relation to access, quality, effectiveness and efficiency in the use of available resources. This study concludes that although preschool, primary and secondary education has expanded, much still remains to be done to provide equal access, and improve its quality, effectiveness and efficiency. March, 1995
ERC036 Marvin Frost A Biogeographically Analysis of Some Relationships between Man, Land, and Wildlife in Belize (British Honduras) The thesis is an investigation into changes in status of certain wildlife species in Belize and an effort to correlate these changes with hunting pressure and habitat changes, especially those resulting from influences of man. The analysis is confined to Belize with supporting data drawn from similar areas of other parts of Middle America. June, 1974
ERC037 Andre Parvenu Refugee Migration and Settlement in Belize: The Valley of Peace Project The purpose of this thesis is to provide a general understanding of refugee migration and settlement in Belize: its historical and contemporary impact of refugee settlement on Belizean Society; history and development of the Valley of Peace Project as a case study of refugee resettlement in C.A.; etc. 1986
ERC038 Michael Stone Caribbean Nation, Central American State: Ethnicity, Race, and national Formation in Belize, 1798-1990 This essay outlines an ethno history of the material and ideological circumstances pertaining to the insertion of the principal ethnic groups into the colonial polity, and their historical constitution as social entities. My concern is with the hegemonic fashioning of groups as ethnicities, as a matter of maintaining cultural and political consent, as I am concerned with the mutability of group identities, and with the dynamics of group redefinition through social struggle. May, 1994
ERC039 Lauren Sullivan PreClassic Domestic Architecture at Colha, Belize The primary objectives of this study were to determine the function of buildings composing residential communities, to excavate presumed house mounds, to determine form and function of these buildings, and to establish relative dates with ceramic chronologies. December, 1991
ERC040 Susan Jaeger Settlement Pattern Research at Caracol, Belize: The Social Organization in a Classic Period Maya Site The purpose of this research has been to begin understanding the social organization of a major Maya center which, based on the political statements recorded in the hieroglyphic monuments, influenced the histories of other Maya polities and of the Maya world during the Late Classic period. 21 October, 1991
ERC041 Edna Koenig Ethnicity and Language in Corozal District, Belize: An Analysis of Code Switching This work is a case study of the verbal behavior of a speech community in which a number of distinct ethnic groups have routine social interaction. The focal point of this study of bilingualism was on inter-group communication in Corozal Town. January, 1975
ERC042 Angel Cal Anglo Maya Contact in Northern Belize: A Study of British Policy Towards the Maya During the Caste War of Yucatan, 1847-1872 18 April, 1983
ERC043 Elaine Bliss Women in Tropical Agriculture: A Case Study of the Garifuna (Black Carib) in Hopkins, Belize In this study, I have examined in detail the role of women in farming in a single Garifuna Village in Belize (Hopkins), December, 1989
ERC044 Minita Gordon Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Achievement: A Study of Primary School Students Learning English in Belize, Central America The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether language learning aptitude and certain attitudinal and motivational variables were related to measures of achievement in written English at the Standard Six stage… the study extended and applied the work of R.C. Gardner and others to a new socio-linguistic situation. This study was to develop a valid and reliable test of written English achievement for Standard Six students in primary school. 1980
ERC045 Daniel Finamore Sailors and Slaves on the Wood-Cutting Frontier: Archaeology of the British Bay Settlement, Belize This research focuses upon the first 100 years of occupation of the British Bay Settlement (Belize), a period characterized by large-scale transformation from an egalitarian maritime society to a mainstream British colonial society. 1994
ERC046 Marilyn Masson Changes in Maya Community Organization from the Classic to Postclassic Periods: A View from Laguna de On, Belize The archaeological sites of Laguna de On are used to examine the evidence for continuities and differences in Maya household economy from the Late Classic to the Postclassic periods. At this site connections between material technology and identity are closely examined in the household economy of an agricultural community. May, 1993
ERC047 Santos Mahung Substance and Syntax in Curriculum Decision Making The thesis examines "substance" and "syntax" in curriculum decision making from the point of view of a single or unitary agent, first and subsequently from the point of view of decision-making structures and organizational processes. Substance includes the beliefs, values, and information on which curriculum decisions are based. Syntax includes the various procedures and strategies utilized in the decision-making process. 1982
ERC048 Carla Barnett The Political Economy of Land in Belize: "Machete Must Fly" This thesis analyzes social and economic relations in Crown Colonial Belize through an examination of the use and distribution of land. The general aim of this thesis is to examine historically the patterns of social and economic relations as they are reflected in the patterns of land distribution and use. The primary concern is with the relationship between the structure of production and the structure of land ownership. 1991
ERC049 Carlos Perdomo A Survey of Teachers and Administrators of Selected Schools in Belize City on Several Aspects of School Climate and school Tasks The primary purpose of the study was two-fold: first, to determine how teachers and administrators in four primary and two junior secondary schools in Belize assessed certain aspects of their school's climate and tasks. Second, to determine what suggestions for school improvement teachers and administrators might offer. May, 1979
ERC050 Diane Chase Spatial and Temporal Variability in Postclassic Northern Belize The data and interpretations presented in the following pages derive from investigations undertaken in northern Belize, between 1978 and 1981. During the summer of 1978, excavation were undertaken at Nohmul Str. 20 1982
ERC051 Palma Buttles Small Finds in Context: The Preclassic Artifacts of Colha, Belize This thesis presents a contextual analysis of the Preclassic artifacts recovered during excavations at the archaeological site of Colha from 1979 to 1989. The purpose of this study is to present descriptive data and a contextual information in a temporal framework of the individual artifacts and artifact classes. May, 1992
ERC052 Paulien Hillegers Spanish Lookout Belize, Mennonites in Perspective Objective of this research is to study the views, perceptions and interrelations, of and between Mennonite communities – especially the Spanish Lookout community – and the non-Mennonite community of Belize, on the local and regional and national level. November, 2005
ERC053 Suzette Zayden Towards an English Caribbean Cinema. A Social History of Film and Filmic
Representations in Belize, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados.
The object of this thesis is to present a social history of film and filmic representations of the English Caribbean. It encompasses the development of early cinema in the region, the local audiences' relationship with Hollywood classic films and analyses of foreign and local representations of the English Caribbean that include the local audiences reaction to the film. October, 2001
ERC054 Angel Cal Rural Society and Economic Development: British Mercantile Capital in Nineteenth - Century Belize Abstract from Table of Content: "Enclave Economy: Mercantile Capital, Timber and Slavery to 1838; Labor Relations: 1838-1900, Expansion of British Capital in the Regional Economy…" 1991
ERC055 Richard Hadel Carib Folk Songs and Carib Culture The present study is an attempt to pour a little knowledge into the lacuna of which Taylor speaks, specifically in the area of folk song. During the course of an eleven-month stay in the Carib Village of Seine Bight, I was able to observe and record a fairly sizable and representative body of Carib folk music. May, 1972
ERC056 Rebecca Zarger Children's Ethnoecological Knowledge: Situated Learning and the Cultural Transmission of Subsistence Knowledge and Skills Among Q'ECHI' Maya This dissertation is an ethnographic analysis of how learning about the natural world is shaped by cultural expectations, socioeconomic activities, gender roles, local ecology and modes of transmission. 2002
ERC057 Anne MaCpherson Women's Activism in the Nationalist Movement and the Gendered Creation of State Hegemony in Belize, 1950-1960 This thesis is an attempt to demystify the contested process of decolonization and state-making in Belize in the crucial decade of the 1950's, through a focus on the extent and meanings of women's activism, and on the gendered nature of the nationalist project itself. 1992
ERC058 Cassandra Bill Excavation of Structure 23 - A Maya "Place" at the Site of Pacbitun, Belize The research described in this thesis involved the excavation of a "place", or long range-type structure, at the site of Pacbitun, Belize. The intention of the excavation was to establish a chronological sequence of building phases and to determine the functional use of the structure, during the various periods of occupation, utilizing the different lines of evidence pertaining to function outlined by Harrison (1970) and Haviland (1985). May, 1987
ERC059 Mary McCready Late Preclassic Social Organization and Craft Specialization at Colha, Belize The primary goal of this thesis is to synthesize data derived from a number of different archeological context at Colha in order to create a model of Late Preclassic social organization and craft specialization. The data base was compiled from field excavation notes, unpublished and published results of lithic and ceramic analyses, and various sources including the Colha Project interim reports. August, 1988
ERC060 Fred Jr. Valdez The Prehistoric Ceramics of Colha, Northern Belize This thesis presents the Colha ceramic analysis through the 1986 field season. Efforts here have concentrated on ceramic typology, chronology, and variability in intersite distribution. A primary concern of the analysis has been to correlate the ceramically based chronology with changes in lithic forms. October, 1987
ERC061 Roy Murray "The man that says slaves be quite happy in slavery… is either ignorant or a lying person…" An Account of Slavery in the Marginal Colonies of the British West Indies. This study aims to refine the traditional interpretation of the term "marginal colony" in an effect to illustrate how economic developments in each of the Bahamas The Caymans, Belize, Anguilla and Barbuda during the best half century or so of formal slavery in the British Caribbean impacted upon the life and labour experiences of bondsmen and women in these territories. This Study attempts to define the "marginal slave experience " by examining the occupations of slaves in these territories, their living conditions and general treatment by their respective owners within the wider context of these experiences for slaves in the sugar colonies of the British West Indies. 1 October, 2001
ERC062 Elizabeth Gilgan Archaeological Heritage Management in Belize - A Case Study The two goals of this paper are to define the looting problem in Belize and to describe the heritage management program that the Government of Belize initiated in order to curb the looting and illegal export of archaeological material from the country. This paper describes my efforts to develop a comprehensive archaeological heritage management program that would address the problem of looting in Belize. 2000
ERC063 Leslie Shaw The Articulation of Social Inequality and Faunal Resource Use in the Preclassic Community of Colha, Northern Belize. This dissertation evaluated the interactional dynamics of emerging social inequality and the economics of basic necessities during the early development of Lowland Maya Civilization. This study focuses on one specific relationship: that between increasing social inequality and the procurement and distribution of animal resources. May, 1991
ERC064 Marilyn Masson Lithic Production Changes in Late Classic Maya Workshops at Colha, Belize: A Study of Debitage Variation This study examines synchronic and diachronic variability among four Late Classic Maya lithic workshop debitage deposits at Colha, Belize. The goal is to quantitatively examine variability within and between workshops. 1989
ERC065 A Breen Holocene Environmental Change: A Palaeolimnological Study in Belize This thesis reconstructs the environmental changes that have occurred in Belize over the last 100,000 years. The study focuses on two lagoons: New River Lagoon and Honey Camp Lagoon. 18 December, 2001
ERC066 Patricia McAnany Lithic Technology and Exchange Among Wetland Farmers of The Eastern Maya Lowland. The study demonstrates the significant potential of lithic studies to contribute to our understanding of the structure of ancient Maya society, and the critical role played by technology and production in the evolution of civilization in the tropical lowlands of Mesoamerica. July, 1986
ERC067 Joann Griffith Self-Concept Development and Ethnic Identity in Belizean Adolescent Students This research is a descriptive study that examines self-concept development in Belizean youth. The purposes of this study were to explore whether the self-concept of Belizean adolescents were similar to that of youth of the United States and other countries using the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire-Revised. The study examines a model of self-concept development to determine whether the self-concept of Belizean adolescents varied by gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, ethnic identity, or grade level. August, 2001
ERC068 Shawn Van Ausdal Development and Discourse Among the Maya of Southern Belize The goal of this project was to raise incomes, intensify land use and diversify cash crops. 2000
ERC069 Flemming Dauguard-Hensen Negotiating National Identity in Belize: Creole Processes of Identification and Differentiation
in Belize City
"I focused on how Creoles in Belize City related to Central American and Chinese immigrants, and how they related and negotiated their own identity through interactions with those whom they defined as non-Belizeans. Accordingly, this thesis analyzes identity processes among Creoles in Belize City as a dual process of both identification and differentiation. April, 2002
ERC070 Sharon Bennett Diet, Health and Status at Tipu. A Preliminary Study This study, as an integral part of the larger, research project, has 3 goals, to assess the nutrition at Tipu determine if there are differences in diet indicated between sexes and burial locations; and determine if there are relationships between skeletal pathologies or measures of health such as stature or cortical area and diet as indicated by trace elements concentrations. May, 1985
ERC071 Francis Higdon Farm Diversification and Specialization: The Adoption of Mennonite Households in Spanish Lookout, Belize This study is concerned with explaining how household variation contributes to the development of diversified or specialized commercial farms. 1997
ERC072 Carol Jenkins Patterns of Protein-Energy Malnutrition among Preschoolers in Belize This study is based on a survey to assess nutritional status among children from birth through 5 years old in Belize. The survey was conducted in 1979 in coastal (Stann Creek) and in inland (Cayo) Districts. This study examines bicultural factors associated with early childhood malnutrition in Belize. 4 ethnic groups are represented: Mestizo, Maya, Creole, and Garifuana. August, 1980
ERC073 James Flowers Pavement Design Procedure for Belize and Administrative Improvement in the Ministry of Works This thesis briefly describes Belize, and the problems of road planning, construction and maintenance. The objectives are: To establish guidelines for developing a rational pavement design procedure for Belize and provide administrative guidance necessary for the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of public works programs in Belize. August, 1973
ERC074 John Wyeth Currency Boards: The Background and Functioning of a Colonial Monetary System and a Case Study of Belize July, 1978
ERC075 Miriam Simonds The Development of the Land Cover Pattern in the Southern Part of the Toledo District, Belize, Central America The objective of this study is to document land use and the 1975 land cover pattern in the southern part of the Toledo District. This study combines an historical account of land use in the southern part of the Toledo District of Belize and a computer -assisted analysis, provided by satellite imagery, of the district's 1975 land cover. December, 1986
ERC076 David Aguilar Rural Land Utilization in British Honduras (A Comparative Study with Jamaica) The study takes into consideration the historical and geographical background of British Honduras, in particular the evolvement of its peoples, its agriculture, and its land tenure. June, 1972
ERC077 John Wyeth Development Strategies and Specialization in Small Countries: A Case Study of Belize The research presented here confines itself to the investigation of one of the most widely recognized structural features of small economies; that is a tendency to specialization. It identifies particular strands of thought in this field and uses two alternative approaches as a basis for the study of experience with specialization and potential for diversification in the case study of Belize October, 1978
ERC078 Simon Zisman Sustainability or Status Quo: An Assessment of Elite Influence in the Political Ecology of Belizean Mangroves This research, by investigating the actions of mangrove stakeholders in Belize, reveals why the ruling elite who govern resource use rarely benefit from more sustainable exploitation, and how they resist attempts to achieve it. This thesis therefore not only takes a pluralistic approach to the analysis of environmental degradation, but also puts the assessment of elite influence at the heart of environmental management. 1998
ERC079 Carl Smith Strategies for Developing Trainers Competence and Performance "… The issue being confronted is finding suitable approaches, strategies and solutions to performance problems. If the trainer performs professionally the influence would impact geometrically upon the organization…" May, 1992
ERC080 L Nicholas An Investigation of the Criteria Affecting the Success or Failure of Textbooks and Learning Packages in Developing Countries "The research is almost exclusively based upon the Western-European approach to publishing, which determined the research methods and approaches used for this research September, 1994
ERC081 Emory Whipple Music of the Black Caribs of British Honduras The following paper is based on information obtained both in the field and from library research. .. The buld of the following paper is devoted to a description of the Black Caribs musical culture. August, 1971
ERC082 Melissa Johnson Nature and Progress in Rural Creole Belize: Rethinking Sustainable Development This dissertation addresses the multitude of debates around sustainable development, an idea which has generated a tremendous literature in recent years. Research conducted in Crooked Tree Village, Belize District, Belize 1998
ERC083 Peter Esselman The Monkey River Baseline Study: Basic and Applied Research for Monitoring and Assessment in Southern Belize This thesis documents both new and expanded applications or rapidly assessing ecosystem condition, and also describes basic ecosystem patterns for the first time. 2001
ERC084 Evan Dakers Social Development Planning and Implementation in Belize The main thesis of this dissertation is that generally speaking, Belize's national planning and implementation machinery over the past three to four decades has been dominated by economic and financial issues, with relatively little attention being given to social and human development concerns. September, 1995
ERC085 Gyles Iannone Ancient Maya Eccentric Lithics: A Contextual Analysis This thesis explores data pertaining to temporal and spatial distributions, contexts and associations, origins, production and redistribution, and depictions in other plastic and graphic media. October, 1992
ERC086 James Mcleish British Activities in Yucatan and on the Moskito Shore in the Eighteenth Century May, 1926
ERC087 Jacob Plaisier The Impact of Central American Immigrants in Belize January, 1996
ERC088 Luis Mendez Morataya Análisis Espacial de Patulul y Soluciones de Equipamiento Urbanos April, 1983
ERC089 Peter Ashdown Race, Class and the Unoffical Majority in British Honduras 1890-1949 July, 1979
ERC090 H Enriquez An Investigation into Factors Affecting the Distribution of Project Bids This study investigated factor affecting the distribution of construction project bids based on tentative causal model as suggested by skitmore March, 1988
ERC091 Katie Ruddy The Impact of Education on Migration To and From Punta Gorda This paper investigates immigration from village of the Toledo District to Punta Gorda then elsewhere for education 2001
ERC092 Nicholas Atlas Breaking Down the "Babylon System" in Hopkins Village This project attempts to document a community currently enduring a state of rapid, unfamiliar and in many cases in alterable transformation. "… very few studies have focused their attention on the practical manifestation of westernization, the "capitalist mentality," and the presence of the "Babylon system" within a Garifuna Community..." 2001
ERC093 Meaghan Burritt The Continuity of Ritual Traditions - Maya of the Cayo District Past and Present This paper discusses the pathway of ritualistic traditions between the ancient and present day Maya. This research paper presents some of the ancient and present day Maya ritual traditions and attempts to explain how these traditions have evolved through time. 2001
ERC094 Matthew Lee Human Impact Mapping in the Northern Coastal Plain of Belize: A Case Study of the Crooked Tree Watershed Human impact mapping was conducted on the western, populated bank of Crooked Tree Lagoon, Black Creek, and Spanish Creek to provide spatially exact information about the locations and characteristics of human activities occurring along the banks. 2002
ERC095 Lauren Russell Environmental Interpretation as a Means for Conservation: A Study of Mangroves in Belize This study assessed the economic and environmental value of threats to and management of Belize' Mangroves. 2000
ERC096 Jesse Hastings Comparison of Reef Management in Three Reserve: A study comparing Glover's Reef Marine Reserve, Half Moon Caye Natural Monument, and Caye Caulker Marine and Forest Reserves This paper examines the history, background, managing techniques and effectiveness, and current uses and future plans of the three reserves. It also does a short overview of development and how it does, or could, affect the reserves studied. 2001
ERC097 Craig Madsen An Assessment of Spear fishing in Belize The purpose of this document is to assess the practice of spear fishing at Caye Caulker, Belize. The study reviews regulations pertaining to spear fishing in Belize and the main objective of the study is to determine if these regulations are environmentally and economically feasible 2001
ERC098 Kiley Lane The Democracy of A Dam: Searching for the 'Truth' behind Chalillo and What's Best for Belize Instead of writing a paper that determined the 'truth' of the Chalillo issue, the focus of my study became a determination to help the reader form his or her own opinion of what would be best for Belize. 2002
ERC099 Jenny O'Connor The Future of Development on Caye Caulker My project is an investigation into what people believe should happen with development on the northern island, whether the closing of the split will be beneficial or detrimental to the life of Caye Caulker, whether there is a potential for large-scale development, and generally what the future will bring to the island. 2001
ERC100 Edward Hosford Kayaking the Port Honduras Marine Reserve Through the assistance of the staff at Toledo Institute for Development and Environment (TIDE) and the aid of local residents, I have established two kayaking transects through the Port Honduras Marine Reserve. 2003
ERC101 Lara Pasternak The Process of Creating an Environmental Booklet for the Caye Caulker R.C. Primary School: A Caye to Learning about the Environment The scope of this project is to create a learning tool that will provide a fun way to learn about the environment of Caye Caulker and Belize. The booklet is to provide a creative outlet for kids to learn about conservation and preservation of Belize and the importance of their environment. Booklet name: A Caye to Learning about the Environment: An Environmental Booklet for the Caye Caulker R.C. Primary School 2003
ERC102 Anastasia Wincorn Poustinia: The Wilderness where the Spirit Dwells This study explores the history, development, present state and future plans of Poustinia Land Art Park located two miles outside Benque Viejo del Carmen in Belize. 2002
ERC103 Peter Schoene Map Development and Preliminary Ecological Survey of Middle Long Caye, Belize 2003
ERC104 Lenora Ditzler Lobster fishing and the Caye Caulker Marine Reserve: A Study of Traditional Trap Fishermen and Zonation of the Reserve This primary objectives of this study were to learn which lobster fishermen on Caye Caulker were fishing within the boundaries of the Caye Caulker Marine Reserve (CCMR) and to generate a map of their fishing territories, as well as a log of the number of lobster traps being used in these areas. 2003
ERC105 Joan Hemphill Commercial Species Monitoring Protocol at the Gladden Spit and Silk Cayes Marine Reserve This paper examined both the sampling and enforcement aspects of the monitoring process, focusing primarily on data collected on commercial species of conch and lobster, which were surveyed at 11 different sites in the Gladden Spit and Silk Cayes Marine Reserve between November 5 - 10 2002. 2002
ERC106 Rachel Paris-Lambert An Assessment of School Feeding Programs in the Toledo District, Belize One of the main objectives of the study was to document the actual operation procedures of the feeding programs. Particular focus was given to the value of the feeding programs, the methods of funding the feeding programs, and the impact of the organic school gardens. 2002
ERC107 Leanna Barlow An Assessment of the CAN Program in theToledo District: Evaluating the Primary Healthcare System in the Mayan Villages This study attempts to assess the efficiency of the Community Nurse's Aide (CAN) program in the Maya villages of the Toledo District. 2002
ERC108 Samuel Falzone African Drumming, The Caribbean Way This study examines the underlying characteristics of the Creole community at Gales Point Manatee and further into the alterations and transitions of those cultural entities as the village enters a more globalized world. 2003
ERC109 Jessica Bradford The Ecological Effects of the Human Psyche in Relation to Sharks This paper looks at the different reactions of divers and snorkelers upon sighting a shark. It analyzes the effects of advertisements and media, external attributes, the impact of shark feeding unnaturalness of marine reserves, on shark-diver interactions. This study observed the ecological effects that divers inflict upon sharks and the environment of San Pedro. 2001
ERC110 Suzanne Sullivan Study of Heavy Metals in Caye Caulker Groundwater The objectives of this study were to examine Caye Caulker's landfill contents, develop a chemical signature of the dump water to predict groundwater flow patterns, and to test the landfill and surrounding areas for heavy metal groundwater contamination. 2001
ERC111 Rebecca Rockefeller Conservation and Communities, A Case Study The goal of this study is to analyzing the details of the relationship between a conservation organization (Programme for Belize) and the local people it effects 2001
ERC112 Mary McKee The Significance of the Copal Tree and Incense to the Maya and Garifuna people of Belize This paper seeks to documenting the use of the copal tree and its incense in the Maya and Garifuna culture by examining the biological, historical and religion factors that have influenced its use. 2001
ERC113 Patience Churchward The Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve Perspective on Conservation Management This study uniquely addresses the social aspects that determine effective conservation management by focusing on the perspectives of the main stakeholders, determining who is involved and what is happening in the Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve. 2002
ERC114 Adam Knoff Animal Encounters: An Assessment of Tour Guide Practices at shark and Ray Alley, Caye Caulker Project goal was to create a list of recommendations aimed to keep animals, corals, tour guides, and tourists safe at caye caulker's Shark and Ray Alley 2003
ERC115 Alyson Abrami Nutrition Education in Punta Gorda This research project documents nutritional information related to diabetes and hypertension in an effort to promote and facilitate the continuation of future educational workshops and the
Punta Gorda Hospital, Public Health Clinic

Abrami; 1998; 35p.

ERC116 Jill Levine Looking for the Energy Balance at a Coastal Zone: A Case Study of the Monkey River Erosion The objective of the study is to find out the 'real' reasons of erosion on the Monkey level Town Seashore 1998
ERC117 Kari Kaech Ecology, Propagation, Cultivation and Harvesting of Various Selected Medicinal Plants in Belize The purpose of the document is to provide a source of information for the further research on medicinal plants 1998
ERC118 Torrey Podkaminer Assessment of village Health Care in the Toledo District: The Short Comings and Set Backs of Community Nurses Aides The purpose of the study is to look at the quality and quantity of care that these village members receive, particularly from the available Community Nurses Aides. It investigates the drawbacks and shortcomings that these Nurses Aides have to confront. 2000
ERC119 Cindy Lutzke Belizean Women in Business: Their Personal Accounts of their Changing Roles in Belize This project focuses on three women, each of whom are business owners in Placencia. Also, to delve into how the role of women in the society of Belize has evolved and changed in recent years. 1999
ERC120 Teo Grossman Pounding the Pavement: An Analysis of the Impacts of the Proposed Extension of the Southern Highway on Pueblo Viejo This study is an attempt to document the impacts both positive and negative that the construction of the highway would have on Pueblo Viejo. These impacts include issues of land rights and security, social and cultural changes, changes in the economics of the region, and potential harm to the environment surrounding the village. 2000
ERC121 Hesper Schleiderer-Hardy Traditional Garifuna Kitchen Implements This research paper took place in Barranco Village, Toledo District. The paper reports on 14 traditional kitchen tools that are used in the preparation of Garifuna dishes. 2001
ERC122 Carter Corbin Economically Sustainable Art Education in Toledo, Belize The objective of the project is to emphasize the recognition of art education as an important area of focus at the primary school levels through developing sustainable art by integrating an environmental focus. My aim was to guide my students to be inspired by all the many offerings of nature and to encourage the use of reusable household and natural products through creating arts and crafts. 2001
ERC123 Megan Tucker A Case Study of the Cornerstone Foundation: Interaction and Relationship to the Communities of San Ignacio and Santa Elena, Cayo District The purpose of this paper is to present my finding on how the organization interacts with the community. More specifically, it deals with the question of whether or not it is possible for someone who is born outside of a society to move beyond the cultural barriers to help the community in a meaningful way. 2001
ERC124 Laura Pagliarulo The Complexities of Public Health Care to the Maya Children of Toledo This document will explore the Maya people's perception of public health care, and why they do or do not choose to utilize its services. This study I will provide a general outline as to what
occurs within the mobile clinics of Toledo, and will present a clear picture as to present health status of the Maya children in these rural areas.
ERC125 Greg Connolly Belize Power Struggle: The History, Politics, Options and Solutions to the Belize Electricity Crisis This paper evaluate the energy crisis in Belize, the development options that would attempt to solve it, and the politics that have influenced it from the beginning until the present 2001
ERC126 Jennifer Brown Xibalba: Above and Within, A Study of the Relationship between the Ancient Maya and the Underworld This independent study project examines artifacts. Sacred architecture and rituals evidenced in Maya surface sites and caves 2000
ERC127 Amanda Navarroli Coral Reef Fish Assessment Study: An Assessment of Reef Fish Population within the Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Ambergris Caye, Belize as Compared to an Area of Unprotected barrier Reef North of the Reserve The objectives of the study were to assess the overall fish count, species diversity and population density inside the Hol Chan Marine reserve and compare their finding to an area of unprotected barrier reef adjacent to the reserve 2000
ERC128 Eli Barach Birds of Pueblo Viejo; A Study of the Avifauna of the Primary Rainforest Adjacent to Pueblo Viejo and the Impacts and Perils Facing Them This study attempts to catalog the bird life in these hills, comparing which species are present in different habitats in the area and the relative size of population 2000
ERC129 Elizabeth Addis Species Diversity and Richness of Understory Vegetation at the Che Chem Han, Belize This study attempted to determine what plant species were present and the diversity and richness of those species in primary, secondary, riparian, and disturbed forests of Che Chem Hah, Belize. 2000
ERC130 Theodore Rippey Caye Caulker's Tourism Industry and Where it is Headed The objective of this project is to aid the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) in deciding which sector(s), foreign or local, may need assistance for future tourism development. 2001
ERC131 Debbie Mendel A Geographical and Cultural Land Assessment of Hopkins Village The intention of this study is to expose and promote the awareness of the link between sustaining the Garinagu culture through conservation of the land, thereby resulting in the preservation of land for community. 2002
ERC132 Amber Jimerson A Review of Modified Flowstone Sculpture The goal of this study is to expand upon the information pertaining to the recent discovery of cave lineages identified as modified flowstones sculptures which were created by ancient Maya. (Study of caves in the Cayo District) 2001
ERC133 Frank Carter Paddling the Placencia Lagoon "… establishing kayaking routes within the lagoon, in hopes that the introduction of eco-activities will better facilitate the promotion of conservation…" 2003
ERC134 Peter Cutul Caracol: A Visitor's Guide This guide attempts to give visitor's their bearings and orient them at all on the site (via adequate figures and maps) 2002
ERC135 Maya Breitburg-Smith An Assessment of the Queen Conch in Northern Belize This study focuses on trends in the queen conch population observed in the back reef lagoons from northern border of Belize down to St. George's Caye. 2003
ERC136 Michelle Edwards Can Education Revive a Village? A Study of Primary Education in the Village of Gales Point Manatee, Belize This examines the role of primary education in a rural, isolated community of Belize. This paper begins to explore the educational effects of a changing community, struggling to move toward modernization and away from the historically practiced lifestyles of farming and fishing, a shift which seems to concern many as a common theme in both developing and developed worlds 2003
ERC137 David Jacob A Study of the Traditional Fishing Practices of Sarteneja The objective of this study was to learn about traditional fishing methods used by fisherman from Sarteneja 2003
ERC138 Ashley Milton Country and Culture: The Lives of Eleven Belizeans This study is a collection of personal histories from eleven individual Belizeans focusing on what constitutes a sense of Belizean Identity. A broad range of people was collected from ages eleven to forty-six with five different ethnic backgrounds. The stories are focused around one particular aspect of each person's life that most vividly exemplifies their view of what being Belizean means. 2002
ERC139 David Ciplet Education for Preservation; Caye Caulker, Belize This study will focus on planning and teaching environmental education lesson plans through creative exercises. The lesson plans will be taught to 10-12 year old students in the elementary school on Caye Caulker (Caye Caulker R.C. School), and will attempt to teach important environmental issues and curriculum specific to the area. 1997
ERC140 Trond Larsen Mosquitos in the Mist; Entomology of Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education (BFREE) 1996
ERC141 Eamonn Reynolds-Mohler Economic Growth Status and Business Structure of Ecotourism in the Punta Gorda region of Southern Belize This study seeks to economically analyze the business structure of ecotourism and gauge the growth status of ecotourism in the Punta Gorda region of Southern Belize. It also seeks to provide practical recommendations to improve upon the current business operations and suggest measures and direction for future development. 2004
ERC142 Sarah Margoles A History of Fishermen Cooperatives in Punta Gorda, Belize: Examining Failures of Past Co-ops and Current Challenges of the Rio Grand Fisherman Cooperative The purpose of this paper is to document the history of fishing cooperatives in Punta Gorda Town, including a report on the current state of the Rio Grande Fishermen Cooperative. 2002
ERC143 Lauren Cormier Conserving Tropical Forest with Organic Cacao, Toledo District, Belize This report will focus on the potential of organic cacao as a way to help conserve the rain forest. By changing over from shifting cultivation to sedentary farming, cacao farms: cause less pressure to bring more land under cultivation: provide habitat for many of the animals that inhabit the surrounding rain forest: are an environmentally friendly method of agriculture; and currently have dependable market in need of more production. 2002
ERC144 Gretchen Guffy The Distance Education Program: Perspectives on the Effectiveness of Teacher Training in the Toledo District This research study is an investigation into the effects of the Distance Education Program according to its participants and administrator, specifically in the Toledo District. This study thus analyzes the program requirements, the impacts they have on the teacher training process, and makes recommendations toward improving the overall program in the future. 1998
ERC145 Michele Cranwell A Pilot Study, Assessing and Comparing Pesticide Management and Safety Practices among Certified and Uncertified Farmers This pilot study surveyed forty pesticide applicators, both certified and uncertified, from four villages in the Cayo District, to assess and compare the pesticide safety and management practices of both certified and uncertified applicators. 1998
ERC146 Elizabeth McNeill The Practice of Healing: A Comparison of Mayan Traditional Healing and Modern Medicine 1998
ERC147 Patrick Drew Fly Fishing as a Sustainable Industry in Monkey River Village This study looks at the fly fishing industry and the benefits it can provide for Belize, specifically the community of Monkey River Village. 1998
ERC148 Karen Rylander A Guide to the Ancient Maya Cities of Cahal Pech and Xunantunich This paper gathers and condenses information about these two sites into one comprehensible guide. It looks at Cahal Pech and Xunantunich as archaeological sites, tourist attractions, and ancient Maya cities with information compiled from tour guides, caretakers of the sites, and previous archaeological research found in the Department of Archaeology library in Belmopan. 1998
ERC149 Alexia Hain An Assessment of Tourism in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve The primary objective of this research project is to inform the caretakers of Mountain Pine Ridge on the type of tourists, their interests and their pursuits in the Pine Ridge. Because tourism is not currently strictly monitored by the Forestry Department, an objective of this research is to understand its current impact. 1997
ERC150 Regina Davis Fish Species Composition and Biological Diversity: A Comparative Analysis at Hol Chan Marine Reserve 1988 - 1997 This study is a comparative analysis of the biodiversity and species composition of fish species found within the no fishing zone of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve. It encompasses survey data from 1988, shortly after the establishment of the reserve in 1987. this study focuses on 9 families totaling 45 species of fish prevalent within Hol Chan. 1997
ERC151 Sammie Arthur An Assessment of the Queen Conch (Strombus Gigas) Population in South Water Caye Marine Reserve 2006 Independent research focuses on the Queen Conch population in the back reef area of South Water Caye Marine Reserve. 2006
ERC152 Laura Kaiser Of Marriage, Mothers and Spirits: The Stories of Three Garifuna Women "My objective was to study a section of Belizean life and culture, reflect on the day to day life and atmosphere of a particular area, and document and preserve part of a rapidly changing time in Belize's History…" 1998
ERC153 Benjamin Stern An Assessment of Cacao Education in the Toledo District, Belize SIT Study This study focuses on the extension service programe, and visual and written education implemented by Toledo Cacao Growers Association and the program implemented by the Tumul K’in School. 2006
ERC154 Jennie Hardwick Water Quality Analysis of St. Margaret's Creek This report provides water quality data on St. Margaret's Creek, Cayo. 1998
ERC155 Timothy Adkins The Evolving Interpretations and Utilizations of Caves in Western Belize This project examines caves’ functional transition from spiritual to economic utilization, it also investigates spiritual interpretations of caves of modern Maya descendants and those who interact frequently with caves 2004
ERC156 Alyson Vislocky An Overview of Social and Psychological Issues Affecting Children in Punta Gorda, Belize This study addresses the need for counseling at the primary schools and the issues that students face 2004
ERC157 Beth Brady Voices Rising: A Case Study of the Emergence and Development of the Toledo Maya Women's Council This paper is an attempt not only to document the actions and initiatives of the TMWC, but also to provide a medium through which the women's ideas, opinions and request can be listened to. 1997
ERC158 Hollis-Ann Stewart Endangered Mythical Creatures of Belize Exploring Folktales, folklore of Belize 1997
ERC159 Brad Bernstein A Sustainable Outlook of the Rice Industry in Toledo, Belize This study reviews the milpa and mechanized production system and makes an environmental impact assessment associated with each. An analysis of the cost of production for each system is conducted. 1997
ERC160 Jamie Dawson The Comparative Behaviors of Semi-Captive and Wild Juvenile Black Howler Monkeys The objectives of this study were to determine whether or not the semi-captive monkeys displayed the same behavior patterns as their wild counterparts; to determine possible causes for any differences in their behaviors; and to assess the effectiveness of the Wildlife Care Center's Feasibility Study to Repatriate Howler Monkeys. 1998
ERC161 Maria Brown The Contribution of a Non-Governmental Health Clinic to the Toledo District of Belize: A Community’s Perspective This Project evaluates the services of a health clinic in the Toledo District of Belize called Hillside Healthcare Center. The study was focused on four main objectives, to determine the most common illnesses and discuss their cultural implications, to assess the services provided by the clinic their contribution, evaluate the perceptions of local communities about the healthcare received and to recommend ways to provide a more effective and efficient delivery system. 2004
ERC162 Rebecca Chaffee The Power of Food: To Hurt of to Heal The study's objectives were to determine what Belizeans typically eat, and in particular what four different ethnic families of Punta Gorda Town typically eat, to evaluate how diet relates to certain diseases, to determine why people eat the way they do, to list some healthier and smarter ways of eating, and to show how food can be used to prevent certain diseases. 1997
ERC163 Brett Stevenson Sea Turtle Conservation in Belize: An Assessment and Recommendations This study assesses what conservatory measures Belize has implemented with the purpose of protecting sea turtles, specifically hawksbill, green and loggerhead. It analyzes how efficient these implementations have been and makes recommendations towards more effective conservation. 1998
ERC164 Devon Lake Port Honduras Marine Reserve: A Case Study in Community-Based Marine Reserve Development This research study is an investigation into the development of the Port Honduras Marine Reserve and the way this process has set the stage for the future management of what will be Belize's largest marine reserve. 1998
ERC165 Travis Gray Logging and Alternative Land Uses in Toledo District, Belize 1998
ERC166 Amanda Herzog A Case Study of Sustainable Timber Harvesting in the Chiquibul Forest Reserve The purpose of this paper is to examine the procedures for the development of a sustained timber harvesting plan, observe restoration methods practiced, and explore options for increasing the economic incentives for timber harvesting in the Chiquibul Forest Reserve in Belize. 1998
ERC167 Thomas Buehrens The Mangroves of Bird Cay: A Port Honduras Marine Reserve Site Study and Review of Applicable Prior Research This work represents part of a larger body of onging ecological research and conservation efforts by the Toledo Institute for Development and Enviornment (TIDE) within Port Honduras Marine Reserve. 2006
ERC168 William Engelhardt The History, Development, Industrialization and Marketing Relationships of Agriculture in Spanish Lookout, Belize The purpose of this independent study is to address three main concepts concerning the Mennonites’ agricultural industry in Spanish Lookout. First to understand why agriculture was able to develop successfully in Spanish Lookout, to describe the most common agricultural industries occurring and to explain the relationship between the farming and business aspect of these agricultural industries. 2006
ERC169 Kalyn Bickerman Commercial Fishermen's Knowledge and Opinions on Sea Turtle Regulations and Marine Reserves in Belize The objective of this paper was to determine the knowledge of commercial fishermen of sea turtle regulation and marine reserves in Belize as well as their compliance with these laws. 2006
ERC170 Emily Blackman The Antillean Manatees of the Southern Lagoon, Belize: A Behavioral Study with a Focus on Mother-Calf Pairs This study seeks to provide information about Antillean Manatee behavior in the Southern Lagoon of Belize, especially that of mother-calf pairs, by observing manatees in one of the "manatee holes". This study also compares Antillean behavior with a description of Florida manatee behavior. 2006
ERC171 Alex Hildebrand Geology of Big Falls - Punta Gorda Area, Belize This project aims to provide detailed information about the outcrops in the area from Big Falls to Punta Gorda Town in the Toledo District. This project will provide basic geologic information about the outcrops along the Southern Highway and seek to serve as a reference tool for those in the Punta Gorda area. 1997
ERC172 Elise Parker Permaculture in Belize: Practice and Potential The objective of this research is to evaluate the potential for permacultre in Belize by developing case studies of selected sites. The analysis of these systems is intended to recognize permaculture designs, consider the potential for further permaculture development, and assess the practicality of permaculture for the current system and Belize alike. 1996
ERC173 Jennifer Tsao The Mayan Movement in the Toledo District of Belize: How Resource Mobilization Encouraged its Development and Contributed to its Success "This report examines the Mayan social movement's egress and assesses how leadership, organization, and the mobilization of resources contributed to the advancement of the movement as a whole. This study sets out to demonstrate how the underlying goal of the movement is to secure land for the Mayan people…" 1996
ERC174 Erin Kennedy Education's Toll Bridge: A Case Study of Secondary Education's Effects on a Maya Community Objective of this study were to determine: how accessible secondary education is, and has been over the past twenty years (an what factors determine its accessibility,) to what extent education serves as a mechanism of cultural alienation through an analysis of how many graduates are able to fit back into community and cultural roles, and how and why community values concerning education have been changed over the past three generations. 1996
ERC175 Kelly Buscher Impact of Economic Development on Maya Land Use This project seeks to survey current land use practices in a Maya Village, as contrasted with traditional use, to establish what role the pressure of economic development plays in effecting this change, and how such economic development will impact land use in the future. Also to be analyzed are the effects various land use practices have on the socioeconomic situation of the Maya, and in light of this, to what extent the Maya welcome the changes imposed on them by the powerful wave of economic development. 1996
ERC176 Shanda Denny Aquaculture: Impacts on the Community and the Environment 1996
ERC177 Belle Stone The Women of Laguna: A photo Essay on the Lives of the Women in Laguna Village, Toledo This Study is a photo-essay on the lives of the women in the Ke'kchi Maya Village of Laguna, located in the Toledo District of Belize. The photographs capture the daily lives of the women in the village and the culture, as it exists today. 2004
ERC178 Alexandra Freedman Tracing Historiographies and Hierarchical Structures: A Case Study of the Stann Creek, Belize Banana Industry This study provides and in-depth analysis of the ontological presumptions which inform the presumptions, practices and motivations of the Belizean banana industry. 2004
ERC179 Clancy Clark The Local Impact of Archaeological Research in Belize 1996
ERC180 Jessica Hansen Solid Waste Management in Hopkins Village This paper assesses the disposal practices most common in the village including, burial, burning, and sanitation service collection, and how those practices are affecting the lives of the residents of Hopkins Village 2006
ERC181 Ian Kyle An Action Plan to Revive Five Blues Lake National Park This study includes a description of the park and an action plan based on collaboration with the present board of directors and reviews of past management plans. The areas of focus of this study are community development, park infrastructure, communications, education and research and marketing. 2004
ERC182 Mary Coon Factors that Impact Early Pregnancy of Women in Toledo This study examines some factors that affect the lives of young Ke'kchi Maya women in the Toledo District. These factors include traditional gender roles, education and access to contraceptives. 2003
ERC183 Ellen Strickland A Nest Count of the Red-Footed Boobies on Half Moon Caye This study compares past nest counts with this count and tries to explain the difference in umbers. In addition, the study offers recommendation for setting up a plan for standardized and regular monitoring of the booby colony. 203
ERC184 Josh Whitney Human Impact Mapping and Village Level Conservation in the Rio Grande Watershed The main objective of this independent study was to contribute meaningful and necessary information to the Toledo Institute for Development and Environment's (TIDE) Rapid River Assessment Project. 2002
ERC185 Mona Scruggs Sustainability of the Toledo Ecotourism Association: The Toledo Ecotourism Association and Cultural Sustainability among the Mayas of Rural Toledo This study is intended to examine the practices of Toledo Ecotourism Association (TEA) and determine whether or not it is a culturally sustainable venture. 2003
ERC186 Emily Horne Traditional Spirituality Among the Garinagu of Belize: Cultural Empowerment or Extinction? This independent study is a study about traditional Garifuna spirituality and about the views that the Garifuna youth of Hopkins Village have about their traditional spirituality. The project reviews the origins of the Garifuna, the impact of the Roman Catholic Church on the Garifuna and particular focus on the Garifuna Settlement community of Hopkins. 2003
ERC187 Lindsay MacMillan The Environment Sustainability of Ecotourism Resorts: Cayo District, Belize This study looked at six different ecotourism resorts in the Cayo District in order to understand how each resort viewed ecotourism as well as what they were doing to strive to be environmentally sustainable. In order to assess this, the author created a list of ten environmentally sustainable criteria in order to evaluate all six resorts and their efforts towards creating an environmentally friendly resort. 2001
ERC188 Aimee Tow Traditional Garifuna Plant Use in Belize: Explaining the Relationship between People and Plants in Hopkins and Barranco Villages This study is about the use of plants in Garifuna culture in agriculture, food, herbal medicines, and crafts in Barranco and Hopkins villages in Belize. It examines how plants sustain Garifuna culture: how plant use has changed from the past and will change in the future. 2003
ERC189 Evan Paster Opportunites for Agro-Processing at Gales Point Manatee The purpose of this independent study project is to investigate the possiblilities of processing excess mangos and cashew with the goal of imporoving the general quality of lives for those living in Gales Point. 2003
ERC190 Blake Robertson Commercial Species Sustainability in South Water Caye Marine Reserve: Component of a Sustainable Management Plan The purpose of this study is to provide and objective perspective on the factors affecting sustainability of commercial species in South Water Caye Marine Reserve. 2003
ERC191 Lea Rembisz Sustaining Agriculture in Belize: A Guide to Vermiculture This study is based on the premise that the modern approach to agriculture is no longer appropriate in an environmentally distressed era and that progress toward a self-sustaining system that is energy-efficient, economically viable and socially acceptable is warranted. This paper is an effort to identify the ideas and practices that constitute the concept of vermiculture/vermicompost as it relates to sustainable agriculture in Belize. 2003
ERC192 Mariah Kennedy Knowledge and Attitudes about Relationships and Sex Education in the Cayo District This study conveys the attitudes and knowledge of a focused group of prenatal patients in the Cayo District. The data collected provides interesting insights into the experiences, beliefs and feelings of these women towards relationships and sex. 2002
ERC193 Ann Matute Analysis of Perinatal (Prenatal) Mortality - A Belizean Perspective This study analyzes the trends in perinatal mortality over a six year period - 2001 to 2006 in Belize. In addition, it assesses factors associated with prenatal mortality among public hospital deliveries in one year period - January 1 to December 31 2006. June, 2008
ERC194 Dennis Lopez "The Mayas of Belize: A Comparative Study of the Classic and Contemporary People" This paper aims at making a comparison between the Maya at the time of European Conquest and Colonization (the period when these people's civilization was dwindling) and the Mayas as they are today. 1979
ERC195 Marian Stellingwerf A Blessing or a Curse? A Community's Perspective on NGO's (Non-Governmental Organizations) involved in Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of Southern Belize. This research will focus on the legitimacy that people from the local community attribute to both organizations. That means it was not the intention to consider the NGOs' legitimacy by 'measuring' their activities on certain aspects, but by gaining relevant information on the community's opinions. January, 2006
ERC196 Winnel Branche Museum Planning: Developing Plans for the First National Museum of Belize 1988
ERC197 Matthew Bromley A Comparative Study of Tourism in San Ignacio and San Jose Succotz The main objective of this independent study project was to compare the economic, social and environmental impacts of overnight tourism and cruise tourism in the communities of San Jose Succotz and San Ignacio Town. This comparison included the examination of the different perceptions held by residents in these communities, as well as those held by visiting tourists. 2005
ERC198 Jacob Marlin The Peak: A Study of the Watershed of Richardson Peak 1996
ERC199 Christopher Wright Transportation in Belize: A Geographic Analysis Purpose of this study is to interpret and analyze the historical and present development of transportation in Belize. An attempt is made to elucidate the inducements and constraints to the evolution of transportation system in a small developing country, thus providing a contribution to the growing body of literature on the role of transportation in economic development March, 1976
ERC200 Carissa Carpenter Analysis of Post-Capture Behavior of the Antillean Manatees in Belize The purpose of the study is to ensure the safety and effectiveness of capture and tagging methodologies used to monitor the Antillean manatee populations of Belize. The objectives of the study are to compare the behaviors of previously-tagged animals to newly -tagged animals, to determine if capture and tagging methods are beneficial or harmful to the animal, to determine if manatee behavior is altered after the release of the animal, and to ensure that tagging equipment is functional. 2005
ERC201 Berkley Cline Options for an Environmental Education Curriculum for Sacred Heart Primary School The purpose of this independent study project was to develop an environmental education curriculum for Sacred Heart Primary School Standard 4 (Four) classrooms. 2005
ERC202 Julia Lieberman A Preliminary Social Analysis: The Rastafarian Identity in Belize This paper is a study of the Rastafarian identity within Belize. 2005
ERC203 Stephanie Kieper Traditional Belizean Medicinal Plants: Exploring the Traditional Methods of Healing in San Ignacio, Belize This independent study project is about the importance of medicinal plants in Belizean Society. It highlights commonly used medicinal plants that are used to treat a variety of ailments. There was a focus on plants that pertain to stomach aches, colds, diarrhea, skin conditions, menstrual conditions, fatigue, snake bites, and aches and pains. 2005
ERC204 Jennifer Bogle Saving the Jaguar: Problem Jaguar Rehabilitation Program at the Belize Zoo This independent project explores the process of rehabilitation in the Problem Jaguar Program. Behavioral changes of the jaguar throughout the program are described, as well as the developing relationship between the zookeepers and the jaguars. 2005
ERC205 Nathan Jones Natural Health-Care in Belize study on "bush doctors", natural healers, 1995
ERC206 Stephanie Hylen Solid Waste Management in Punta Gorda: An Assessment and Recommendations for Improvement This study assesses the current solid waste management system in Punta Gorda Town; a growing community of 4,900 in the far south of Belize. This study aims to initiate improvements in an area that is vital for sustainable development but so often neglected. 2005
ERC207 Kilian Thorin An Assessment of the Future of Tourism in Belize The purpose of this study is to document the current state of tourism in Belize, especially concerning that of cruise tourism and its impact on the country. 2004
ERC208 Diana Winingder The Habanero Pepper: An Important Food and Crop in Belize This study shows how the habanero pepper is consumed, grown, and exported. This study will also highlight some problems facing the Ministry of Agriculture, the local small farmers, and the export companies while recommending possible changes. 2002
ERC209 Nicholas Brandfon An Inquiry Into Indigenous Land Tenure Issues in Southern Belize: Shifting Paradigms for a Better Tomorrow The purpose of this study was to examine the different options for land tenure for the Mayas in Toledo and see what is best for them through interviews and background library research. 2002
ERC210 Reverend Philip Wright The Mission of the Anglican Church to the People of Belize A Look at the Past with a View of the Future Purpose of the Paper is to seek and survey the work of the Anglican Church of Belize (past and present), and make recommendations, under the title 'Toward a Theology of Mission', for its work in the future. September, 1999
ERC211 Enrique Valdez Hernandez Estudios Sobre La Propagacion Sexual Y Asexual Del Achiote November, 1991
ERC212 Floor Benink Intercultural Management at the Lodge at Chaa Creek A Case-study in intercultural management at the Lodge at Chaa Creek, Cayo, Belize December, 2008
ERC213 Genevieve Klomp Educational Change in a Mennonite Settlement in Belize This Thesis addresses the changes concerning education within a Mennonite Settlement in Belize Called Spanish Loookout. February, 2009
ERC214 Daphne Gehrels The National Reform Party About a third party in Belize This Thesis is about a political party, the National Reform Party (NRP) in Belize
ERC215 James Arrigoni Jr. Rapid Zoological Assessment Forest Hill Area Bladen Branch Parts of the 1153 acre parcel of land controlled by Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education will undergo a significant degree of development in the realization of their efforts. Before the brunt of the change is undergone, it will be useful to determin the characteristics of the prevailing natural environment for a variety of reasons. December, 1995
ERC216 Susan Sussman Serenity or Destruction: A Rapid Ecological Assessment of Placencia Lagoon. This project is a study of of one ecosystem (Placencia Lagoon) and how it works. The study shows how the human interferance has affected an area and how important it is to preserve Earth. Fall, 1994
ERC217 Nancy Paul Biological Corridor Assessment: Belize River Valley The purpose of the study was to assess the feasiblility of implementing a corridor in the Belize River Valley. The objectives were to design a network of sustaiable activities which could occur in the corridor by landowners and local communities, to determin the best possible placement and location and to detemine whether or not the corridor would and could be used by wildlife. Fall 1997
ERC218 Wade Miller Down The Monkey River A Prelimianry Environmental Impact Assessment Ojectives were to estimate the current status, extent and magnitude of impact occuring on the watershed, to provide environmental decision makers with valid interpretive reports describin the health of the Monkey River Watershed, gain better understanding of watershed ecology and natural history and function. Spring 1998
ERC219 Megan Zumstein Assessment of Income Generating Activities in Placencia The purpose of this paper is to determin if residents of Placencia are becoming deprendent on the tourism industry, and to make it known what jobs are available in the village as alternative income sources. Spring 1999
ERC220 Alexia Hain Assessment of Tourism in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. Fall 1997
ERC221 Gail Crick Protection of Mangroves in Belize: An Assessment of Legislation Over a Ten-Year Period, 1989-1999. The aim os to critically examin the effectiveness and impact of Government Regulation and management by the Forest department via a permit procedure after its first ten years, since it was introdued in 1989. This dissertation recommends wasys in which the current management of mangroves in Belize and the permit procedure could be improved. 20th March, 2000
ERC222 Susan Caplow A Coral Health Assessment for Three Sections of the Belizean Barrier Reef. This study focuses on coral biodiversity, abundance and average health oer colony withinig the patch of reef sections of three different Marine Protected Areas on the Belizean Reef: Bacalar Chicho National Park and Marine Reserve, South Water Caye Marine Reserve and Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve. Spring 2002
ERC223 Erica Hamilton Garifuna Traditions of Healing: The Spiritual and Material Rhythm of Harmony The purpose of this Study is to Document these Traditions for the Garifuna People as a Resource, so that the younger generation may be inspired to learn of their own healing traditions. Spring 1994
ERC224 Chad Taylor San Victor: The development of a School and Community This Study explores the way in which the San Victor R.C. primary school has reached their ultimate stage of development. It will examine the connection between the school and the development of the community of San Victor. The study will give insight on how San Victor is moving towards "true development" Spring 2002
ERC225 Rob Larkin The Living Tradition of Garifuna Drumming in Belize The purpose of this study is to document the main aspects of the Garifuna drumming that has been inherited from Africa and brought to Belize by the minority group of the Garinagu. Spring 1999
ERC226 Emily Sprowls Coral Bleaching at Bacalar Chico: An Assessment of hard coral species using multiple survey methods The main Purpose of this Independent study project is to contribute information for the regional analysis and review of the Belizean coral bleaching event to be done by the CZMU. This was accomplished by thoroughly assessing coral bleaching in one localized area of the Belize Barrier Reef, specifically North Ambergris Caye. Fall 1995
ERC227 Sarah Look A Study of the Economic, Social, and Environmental: Impacts of the Sports Fishing Industry in Belize The purpose of this independent study project was to research and analyze the sports fishing industry in Belize. Information was gathered in formal interviews using a set of questions involving social, economic, environmental, and governance themes. Spring 2006
ERC228 William Sheets A Comparison of Mayan and Garinagu Cultural Traditional Healing Practices in the Toledo District The objective of the ISP wereto Journey through the countries of Guatemala, Belize and Mexico observing humanity. The research of the paper dealt with traditional healing, comparing the two cultural practices of the Maya and the Garinagu. Spring 2000
ERC229 Aaron Cohen Everybody Punta: Garifuna Music and the Belizean National Imagination, 1960-2000 This thesis includes a broader discussion of how the Garifuna are part os a larger shaping of the Belizean national imagination. The argument will be made that the process of recording and distributing Garifuna music redefines mationhood. October 2003
ERC230 Jenny Aitken Life, Sugar, and Change in Northern Belize The objective of this study were to determine what Maya-Mestizo culture was like before the sugar cane industry came to northern Belize; how the sugar cane industry operates; and what the social and economic changes were, focusing on material culture, education, farming techniques, language, women's roles, and attitudes. Fall, 1999
ERC231 Whitney Hogan An Investigation into Maya Land Tenure Methods of Southern Belize: The Struggle for Autonomy and Self-Determination The purpose of this independent study project is to accurately portray what communities desire, as a method of self-determination. So that, at the very least, their desires are documented. Furthuring this, this study hopes to shed light on the land tenure issue - without succumbing to any romanticized views, or preconceived notions, as to how indigenous cultures should live. Fall, 2005
ERC232 Nicole Anderson A Guide to: Butterflies in Belize Spring, 2003
ERC233 Wade Miller Down The Monkey River: A Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment The Objective of this study is to explore the instances of environmental impact along the watershed which seem to be adversely effecting the quality and dynamics of this ecosystem. Spring, 1998
ERC234 Catherine McLinn Enhancing Environmental Education in the Primary Schools of the Greater San Ignacio Area This Study Aims to Determine ways in which San Ignacio's Cornerstone Foundation can supplement the environmental programming in five local primary schools. It was found that principals, teachers, and parents from the relevant schools had similar goals for ecological studies in the classroom. Fall, 2004
ERC235 Karen Nickerson Multiple Teaching Approaches to Developing Environmental Awareness Among Standard VI Students at San Pedro Columbia R.C. School This Independent Study Project was conducted to develop environmental awareness among the Standard VI students at San Pedro Columbia R.C. School. The Students were taught one-hour lessons three to four times a week for three weeks on a variety of environmental issues. After the lessons, students were given a comparative test to reassess their environmental awareness levels and to determine the effectiveness of the teaching approaches. Fall, 2004
ERC236 Nathan Brown The Sun is On Fire: A Fictional Account of the World Today The purpose of this project is to compile an ongoing fictional work that will address the issues facing people, Nationas, and mankind in the present and in the future. By creating a fictional work, it is the objective of the project to utilize the resources of language, images, and other literary techniques to focus the dreams and the nightmares of our personal and communal identities.
ERC237 Patricia Wiener Improving Tourism Advertising in the Toledo District by Updating the Website This Project aims at advancing tourism marketing in the Toledo district by increasing and improving its presence on the internet. Fall, 2005
ERC238 Lee Perlow Conservation and Protected Areas Management in Belize The primary focus of this paper is on the contemporary atmosphere of conservation and protected areas management. Considering the global context of conservation, the study examines the history and influences of conservation in Belize, legislative and organizational, that effet protected areas management in Belize. Spring, 2001
ERC239 Andrew Ogden Spiritual Healing: My Quest for Ancient Knowledge The story is an account of the month long spiritual adventure which I underwent in my attempt to learn about the spiritual beliefs of traditional healers. Spring, 1997
ERC240 Amy Lint Port Honduras Proposed Marine Reserve: The Planning Process This Study was an attempt to follow the planning process used by the Toledo Institute for Development and Environmental (TIDE) for finalizing the proposed Port Honduras Management Plan. Spring, 1998
ERC241 David Appleton The Marginalization of Rural Fishermen in Belize The paper offers an analysis of the Belize fishing industry's history with development, and foreign markets. It traces the way the cultures of rural fishermen have reacted and adjusted to development plans in fishing methods and the growth of tourism by finding new ways to use their trade or become marginalized by foreign investors. Fall, 2004
ERC242 Lindsay Fromme An Assessment of Plenty Belize's GATE (Garden-based Agriculture for Toledo's Environment) Program This study is an assessment of Plenty Belize's GATE (Garden-based Agriculture for Toledo's Environment) Program. The program's mission is to create a replicable model of local sustainable livelihood and environmental benefit based on arganic school gardens. Fall, 2006
ERC243 Ed Boles Following the Path of the Rain God This Course is designed to provide participants with a unique experience within a relatively short period of time. This syllabus is detailed because of the nature of this kind of learning experience. Summer, 1996
ERC244 Deborah Schober The Garinagu of Punta Gorda & Barranco: Striving to Keep the Language and Culture Alive The Purpose of this independent study is to assess the degree to which the school system, community, and households of Barranco and Punta Gorda promote or discourage Garifuna cultural education in the youth. Fall, 2005
ERC245 Kerri McAllister The Distance Education Program: Teacher Training in the Toledo District, Belize, Central America, Exploring the Views of the 1999 Students and their Supervisors The main objective of the program is to increase the quality and quantity of trained teachers in Belize. This study examines the perspectives of program supervisors and the 1999 teaching students participating in the Distance Education Program in the Toledo District of southern Belize. Spring, 2000
ERC246 Jill Chen Project Proposal: Development of Ecotourism in Crique Sarco, Toledo Districts The ultimate goal of this project is to generate additional income to Crique Sarco, by means of an organized ecotourism syndicate. This operation will provide numerous jobs for the local villagers, to enhance individual earnings and family savings. In doing so, JCCG will also promote communal cooperation to develop the area, as many villagers have long expressed interest in doing but have not yet taken the initiative. Fall, 2003
ERC247 Erica Bush Eye Care Services in Belize: A Study of the Belize Council for the Visually Impaired This Independent study project evaluates the services provided by B.C.V.I.(Belize Council for the Visually Impaired). Throughout this study, the process that the organization uses to ensure children receive proper treatment for visual problems was evaluated. Suggestions were made in which the organization could use to improve and ensure that each child receives the needed eye care. Spring, 2005
ERC248 Zachary Schulman The Social and Environmental Factors of Production Along the San Antonio-Jalacte Road in the Toledo District of Belize The farm systems of Jalacte and Santa Elena, two communities along the San Antonio-Jalacte Road, Toledo District, are the focus of this research. Information was gathered from villagefarmers, community leaders, village experts and districts experts about the workings of agriculture along the road, specifically focusing on Jalacte and Santa Elena. Spring, 2002
ERC249 Jessica Zuraw Behavioral Study of Nurse Sharks and Southern Stingrays: In Relation to Tourist Contact This study observed the behavioral effect of tourism on Southern Stingrays and Nurse Sharks at Shar-ray Alley in the Hol Chan Marine Reserve. The project also included interviews with the guides and tourists who took trips out to the site. Fall, 2000
ERC250 Jessica Coleman Exploring Dynamics of Cultural Sustainability in Succotz Spring, 2001
ERC251 Lindsey Kolb A Study of Erosion Intervention on St. George's Caye, Belize The principal outcomes for this project are to provide tourism resort with the appropriate methods of removing habitats and construction on the shoreline, to minimize erosion and utilize the resource best to their ability. Experiments were conducted on St. George's Caye to investigate the removal of sea grass debre from the shoreline to asses the presence of sand when the beach is raking. Fall, 2005
ERC252 James Tumulty A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of the BFREE (Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education) This Field guide is intended to help visitors to BFREE identify some of the more common species of reptiles and amphibians here. A brief description of the animal's apperance is included with information on size. Fall, 2005
ERC253 Emily Nelson Life Stories of Creole Women in Crooked Tree These stories contribute to the empowerment of womenby aiding them in the discovery of their own capabilities and worth. Spring, 1999
ERC254 Jessica Nack Explorations of Garifuna Spirituality: The Dugu Ceremony The Garifuna ceremony called dugu was the focal point of this study. One purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of dugu to different Garifuna men and women in Belize; particularly those in Hopkins Village and Dangriga. Details of the Dugu ceremony were attained from both literary sources and interviews. Spring, 1999
ERC255 Sonja Fridell A Strategy Towards Developing Mangrove Conservation Awareness at Caye Caulker Roman Catholic School The main objective of this independent study project was to gauge the local youth population's environmental awareness of mangroves and their conservation. This was achieved by creating a "previous knowledge questionnaire" and then teaching an interactive and stimulating lesson plan to instill priceless conservation ethics. Spring, 2006
ERC256 Deborah Payne An Evaluation of Co-Management in Saint Margrets's Village The purpose of this project is to evaluate the system of co-management of Five Blues Lake National Park with the community of Saint Margaret's village. Fall, 2000
ERC257 Josh Katzman Caye Chapel: Impacts and Lessons of Development The study was conducted in an effort to evaluate the impact the development of Caye Chapel is having on the reef and seagrass ecosystem near the island and the lobster industry of Caye Caulker. This paper also explores some of the political context behind the development, especially in relation to the lobster industry. It is meant to give an overview of this complicated issue, and make suggestions for environmental protection and compensation for the losis of fishermen from Caye Caulker. Fall, 1999
ERC258 Kristin Convey Community Health Needs Assessment: Adolescents in Laguna Village This project examines the health care needs of adolescents within Laguna village, Toledo, providing an opportunity for the adolescent population to express their concerns about their own health issues and the care available in their surrounding environment. Spring, 1999
ERC259 Maggie Turner Modern Art in Belize: An Assessment of the Past, Present and Future The study was conducted to assess what is happening with modern art in Belize. In doing so, this study simultaneously investigates the young history of art in Belize and the future art for Belize. The objectives of this study were to meet popular Belizean artists, travel to Havana Cuba to see a Biennial show that included Belizean artists Yasser Musa and Gilvano Swasey, and help with the reconstruction of the Image Factory gallery in Belize City. Fall, 2003
ERC260 Mike Jangl My Journey to Understanding Maya Traditional Healing and Spirituality in the Toledo District: The Peopls's Views about their Healers This independent study project documents Maya traditional healing and spirituality(knowledge, beliefs, and practices) in its present state within the Toledo district of Belize using participant observation, and interviews as methods of data collection. More Specifically this study examines Maya spiritually (knowledge, beliefs, and practices) under the framework of traditional healing as well as the role of traditional healers within communities, the dynamics and nature of traditional healing, and the efforts being made to increase awareness and education of Mya traditional healing and spirituality in the Maya Communities of Toledo. Fall, 2005
ERC261 Hannah Fredrickson Human Impacts on the Mt. Pleasant Creek Watershed: A Study of Creek use and Impacts in the Salvapan Community Belmopan, Belize The main objectives were to gather geographical information and data about Mount Pleasant Creek and the Salvapan Community to create a human impact map, and examine the impacts in detail. Lesson plans, were created for use within the Salvapan School to create awareness about pollution, it's origins, and how it affects the invironment. Spring, 2006
ERC262 Megan Horton A Case Study of Midwifery in Stann Creek District The ultimate objective of this study is to provide information to those agencies responsible for improving women's health care (Ministry of Health, Pan American Health Organization, Belize Rural Women's Association, and Belize Family Life Association). Fall, 1994
ERC263 Lindsay Young An Assessment of Shallow-Water Coral Bleaching in Belize, November 2005 This study examined the extent of coral bleaching occuring along the Belizean barrier reef during November of 2005. Snorkeling transects were taken at each site to establish the presence of bleaching, as well as to observe the site for possible causes for the bleaching. Fall, 2005
ERC264 Rebecca Schillo An Assessment of Programs for Youth in the Cayo District The nature of this study An Assessment of Programs for Youth in the Cayo District is to examine the specific needs of youth in Cayo and analyze how the existing programs available in the district address these needs. Spring 20003
ERC265 Lynne Whitebeck An Exploration of 'Continuity and Change' Within Central American Refugee Cultures In Las Flores and St. Margaret's Villages, Belize The purpose of this independent study project is to determine the impact of Belizean culture on the culture of Central American refugees who migrated to Belize primarily during the political unrest of the region in the late 1970s to mid 1980s. The study also attempts to identify ways in which the refugees have affected native Belizeans. Fall, 2002
ERC266 Kathleen Fitch The Macal River Education Tour Proposal: A Water Quality Monitoring Program The Macal River Education Tour Proposal creates a program which incoporates riparian habitat education, actively taking water quality and collection samples, with excitement and fun paddling challenges along the river. It establishes a continuous collection of water quality data that is later placed in archives at the University of Belize. Fall, 2004
ERC267 Sarah Rhinelander Education for Preservation: Do the Old Ways Have a Place in the New World? This study is an attempt to discover and describe the value inherent in cultural autonomyand protection. The paper consists of three parts; a formal description of the introduction, background, methodology and conclusions of the research itself,a short book aimed at local Maya children, and a descriotion of the schedule, activities, and results of a day long workshop held for seven children of Succotz. Fall, 2001
ERC268 Molly Etherington Che Chem Hah: A Belizean Owned Ecotourist Resort This research attempts to address the advantages and constraints of a Belizean run ecotourist resort. By defining ecotourism, as well as what it means to be Belizean, I analyze the resort based on the benefits for tourists, the environment, and the community. It is the aim of this analysis to unravel the importance of local resort ownership, while also understanding the expectations of tourists. Fall, 2000
ERC269 Tammy Graff Marine Debris Source Identification: Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District I Hope that this study will bring a clearer understanding of the contribtion the village and outside sources make to this global problem and begins a change in the attitudes of the people of Hopkins Village and other communities with similar problems on their beaches. Spring, 2003
ERC270 Jennifer Willsea Dealing with Death Through Garifuna healing Rituals: the Practice of Traditional Spirituality in Hopkins Village The objectives of this study were to gain insight into the traditional Garifuna understanding of death and death rituals and to ascertain how this knowledge is being passed on in the larger context of cultural preservation. Fall, 2000
ERC271 Ally Keefe The Economic Impacts of Hurricanes on the Tourism Industry and Hurricane Preparedness in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye The purpose of this study is to provide the citizens of San Pedro with information that can help them become more aware of their hurricane vulnerability and become more prepared for future hurricanes. Fall, 2005
ERC272 Emily Narrow Manatee Tourism and the Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary This study observed the characteristics of manatee tourism in the Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary. The study examined the manatee tourism industry, the general practices of tour guides, the adherence of tour guides to sanctuary rules, and the behavior of manatees within the sanctuary. Spring, 2006
ERC273 Maaike Petrie Coral, Algae and Urchins in the Reef along Ambergris Caye The objective of this research is to gain a general overview of the coral and algae species in the area around, and the effect on their health from activities in the town of San Pedro. The health of the reef was looked at by comparing two areas, the research zone of Hol Chan Marine Reserve's zone A and the reef directly in front of San Pedro Town. Spring, 1998
ERC274 Hannah Kusinitz Impacts of Tilapia Invasion on Rural Creole Culture in Crooked Tree Village This independent study project was conducted to look at how cultures respond to changes in environmental conditions. The objectives of this study were to look at the changes tilapia has ushered in on several realms of culture in Crooked Tree, namely the livelihoods of fishermen, the local cuisine, village celebrations, and villagers' patterns of meaning. Fall, 2005
ERC275 Brandon Shomoda Wood Narratives of Hopkins Village: The Cultural Ecology of Woodworking The main objective of this study is to relate the stories of woodworkers in Hopkins Village, using their work as the focus around which their days progress. This study shows what it means to work with wood and whether or not the work has a life span beyond the days that have created it. Spring, 2000
ERC276 Jill Weitz An Analysis of the Levels of Comliance to the Environmental Compliance Plan for the Chalillo Dam Cayo, Belize, Central America This independent study project examines aspects of the Environmental Compliance Plan for the Chalillo Dam, located in Belize, in environmental and social categories including: hydrometeorology and disaster preparedness, waste management and pollution control, social and health related issues, public awareness and education, and mercury risk management. Fall, 2005
ERC277 Damon Hull A Punta Gorda Cookbook: We Cu Cook A Punta Gorda Cookbook: We Cu Cook is a collection of recipes that reflects the great diversity found in Punta Gorda Town and the surrounding area. It illustrates the role of various dishes in the local food culture and allows cooks in Belize and abroad to prepare, appreciate and enjoy the cuisine of Punta Gorda. Fall, 1998
ERC278 Erin Hudson Magic Hands of Belize: Stories of Women, Craft and cloth The fictional stories of this independent study project present the dynamics of how the traditional feminine association of handy-work empowers or marginalizes women in Belize City today. One story is about a woman who works in the Williamson Garment Factory in Belize City, and theother about a craft maker who helps manage The Fajina Craft Center in Punto Gorda. Spring 2000
ERC279 James Crall Class Formation and Industrial Development: Unionization in the Citrus Industry of Belize, Central America This study examines the dynamics of unionization within the citrus industry of Belize, Central America. Through an examination of the history and current state of the citrus industry in and around Pomona, Stann Creek District, combined with a short - term ethnography with a specific focus on field workers and factory workers, the differential success of unionization within different subgroups of the citrus worker population was examined. Spring, 2006
ERC280 Megan Moore Predeparture Guidelines for Monkey River Excursions It is the goal of this study to identify the negative impacts that tourism has on some of the natural ecosystems of Belize, and create a set of educational predeparture guidelines for tourists to review before traveling to sensitive areas. Dry Season, 1998
ERC281 Ed Boles Terrestrial Ecology Fall, 2005
ERC282 Cassandra Waterman Evaluation of the Manatee Rehabilitation Program in Sarteneja and Gales Point Manatee, Belize The purpose of this study project is to evaluate the effectiveness of Belize's manatee rehabilitation program so that a decision about the program's necessity becomes clear. The primary objective of this independent study project is to examine the roles of Belize's manatee protectiion programs in detail and to evaluate the ways in which they compliment each other. The second objective is to thoroughly examine the rehabilitaion process, assessing the past, present, and future successis and failures of the program. The final objective of this independent study project is to examine the effects of the rehabilitaion program on the manatee themselves, on the surrounding communities of Sarteneja and Gales Point Manatee, and on the country of Belize as a whole. Fall Semester, 2004
ERC283 Amanda Chisholm An Assessment of Waste Management in Belmopan This study sought to investigate the past, present, and future of municipal waste management in Belize and specifically in the capital city of Belmopan. The study analyzed the effectiveness of the waste disposal systems currently in place and how they negatively affect the environment in and around Belmopan, and the health of residents and those who work with minicipal wastes. Fall, 2006
ERC284 Caitlin Frates Belizean Culture and Cuisine Spring, 2005
ERC285 Alexandra Salmon Instinct: A Guidebook to Surviving the Jungles of Belize Fall, 2003
ERC286 Michelle Groenevelt The Riparian Ecosystem of the Sibun River Mid-Reach The objectives of the study were to collect and identify riparian tree samples, map the impacted riparian sites, and explore restoration possibilities for the impacted sites. Spring, 1998
ERC287 Margaret Gibson The Sea of Belize: A Coloring Book This book is meant to be an educational tool that allows children to express themselves artistically while at the same time learning scientific facts about marine ecology that are specific to Belize. Spring, 2005
ERC288 Jared Fertman The Practical Guide to Sport Fishing in Belize This text describes and compares ten reputable sport fishing operators throughout Belize, in an attempt to provide relevant information to someone interested in planning a fishing vacation. It brings to light various aspects of each lodge that would not be attainable through any other source. It includes descriptions of accommodations, facilities, staff, atmosphere and location. Spring, 2002
ERC289 Alexandra Aronson The Health of Belize; A H.A.N.D. - On Analysis of Public Health in Stann Creek West Primary School Children The independent study project provides information on the current public healthcare status of primary school children living in Stann Creek, a district of Belize containing 30,000 people; 2/3 of which live in rural areas (Belize Central Statictical Office, 2005). Fall, 2006
ERC290 Kari Barklis Riparian Tree Species of Belize: A Field Guide The purpose of this study was to begin developing resources that aid in the identification and classification of riparian tree species in Belize. Fall, 2006
ERC291 Lindsey Noguchi Garifuna Cultural Preservation Through Art The main objectives of this study is to accurately document a general selection of artifacts representative of the Garifuna culture. The documentation includes research pertaining to the history, purpose, and construction of various artifacts. Spring, 1998-*-
ERC292 Ian Taff An Observational Study of the Nesting Behavior of Red Footed Boobies' on Half Moon Caye fall, 2005
ERC293 Leah Kelly West Indian Manatees and Ecotourism, Caye Caulker, Belize My Objectives were to identify the issues facing manatees in Belize, and evaluate the status of manatees under the current policies. Fall, 1996
ERC294 Brigitte O'Donoghue Dam Iguana: A study of the Macal-Mollejon hydroelectric dam and a survey of iguana populations in specific areas of Belize A study of the Macal-Mollejon hydroelectric dam and a survey of iguana populations in specific areas of Belize 10 December, 1994
ERC295 Robert Johnson Learning from the Lost Decade: The Human Development Reports, and a Case Study of Central America with Special Reference to Belize. The dissertation concludes that future Reports must more effectively impact upon the processes that secure human development that is measurable and strives for individual equality. The Reports can and should contribute to national policy development directed towards necessary structural reforms in gender relations, in a strong state role in wealth redistribution, in improved economic and donor practices by Western nations, and in human development oriented national economic management. April 1994
ERC296 Gillian Hadley A Village Within a Wetland: a case study of the causeway which brought development to Crooked Tree. Spring 1995
ERC297 Kristin Harclerode A Pilot Food Habits and Patterns Study in Placencia Village Pilot study carried out in the rural village of Placencia, Stann Creek District using the surveys that are currently used by Dr. Roach and her students in their urban studies. The pilot involved 17 random surveys of households in Placencia villahe as a data source. As the pilot study, the first objective were to present the food patterns and habits found in Placencia and also to determine the effectiveness of existing surveys for the use in rural areas, making recommendations for future rural studies. Fall 1995
ERC298 Jamie Zagorski An Investigative Study into Family Planning in Belize. Objectives are to compile and evaluate existing demographic data and data pertaining to contraceptive awareness, use and availability in Belize, to look at women's status in Belize society and how family planning affects women and as a result the society as a wole, to gather data about Toledo Community College fourth formers and Independence High School fourth former and to find out information about institutions that play a major role in family planning in Belize. Fall 1995
ERC299 Mary Parham Why Toycie 'Bruk Down": A study of Zee Edgell's Beka Lamb.
ERC300 Renu Singh Belize: The Place, The People and Their Healing Practices. Spring 1987
ERC301 Helmut Schneider Tradition and Change in Belize (central America) - A Sociological Comparative Study of the Communities of San Ignacio and Upper Barton Creel in the Cayo District. The theme of the study is a comparison between the ethnically heterogenous community of San Ignacio and the Ethnically homogenous community if Upper Barton Creek. 11 July, 1990
ERC302 Donald Simmons Jr. A Study of the Effort of Confederate Exiles to Establish Settlements in British Honduras: 1961-1970. March 1992
ERC303 Vimala Ramachandran Traditional and Modern Medicine in Toledo, Belize The main objective of this study is to assess the extent to which traditional medicine and modern medicine have integrated in the Toledo District of Belize. Fall 1995
ERC304 Jennifer Kessler Change Among the Maya Indians of Toledo, Belize: An Analysis Using Ecological Anthropology. This thesis provides analysis of the Maya Indians living in the Toledo District of Belize, Central America. Using the perspective of the "new ecological anthropology", it analyzes the Maya's relationship to the land they live on, and looks at the many changes their culture is struggling with due to recent contact with the Western World. Winter 2000
ERC305 Liza Grandia Unsettling Land Dispossession and Enduring Inequity for the Q’eqchi’ Maya in the Guatemalan and Belizean Frontier colonization Process. This dissertation explores the fate of Q’eqchi’ migrants who fled highland coffee plantation labor over the past century to establish subsistence farms in the north lowland Maya forests. Spring 2006
ERC306 Maynard Cliff Lowland Maya Nucleation: A Case Study from Northern Belize. Primary goals are the presentation of a new body of data pertaining to the presence of a Late Preclassic nucleated village at the site of Cerros, to define and present a generalized theoretical model for the specific type of settlement nucleation which characterized the ancient Maya and to develop an historical model to explain the pattern of nucleation in an evolutionary context. 10 November 1982
ERC307 Sarah Lansdale A Study of the Cashew Crop in Crooked Tree and Implication for Promoting Sustainable Development. Analysis conducted to extrapolate information to make future predictions about the status of cashews as an export crop and its role in promoting sustainable development in the community of Crooked Tree. 9 May, 1994
ERC308 Lisa Kessler Cultural Education in Belizean Primary School. A Study of Three Villages: Hopkins, Maya Center and Crooked Tree. To examine what kinds of Belizean studies take place in the primary schools, how much of social studies is emphasis on the different ethnic and cultural groups and how the different ethnic groups utilize the classroom as a tool to teach national and ethnic culture. Spring 1994
ERC309 Don Wilmot Mayan Knowledge and the Language of Plants Spring 1994
ERC310 Evelyn Lipscomb Integration of Central American Immigrants in Belize: Background and Case Study of Blackman Eddy Village, Cayo District. Paper will present information of government and non-government organizations that are involved in the integration process of Central Americans in Belize and discuss a case study of Blackman Eddy village which will assrss levels of integration. Spring 1994
ERC311 Andrew Kundtz Visual Techniques Used to Assess and Monitor The Health of Tropical Streams in the Toledo District of Belize: A Case Study of The Rio Grande River. Study attempts to incorporate the use of the Stream Visial Assessment Protocol (SVAP) and Impact Mapping to generally access the ecological health of watersheds withing the Maya Mountain Marine Areas Transect (MMMAT). Spring 2000
ERC312 Erin Stege A Study of Child Care Institutions in Belize. Study attempts to examine whether the standards set for child care institutions in Belize are sufficient, whether they are monitored and what needs to occure in order for the child care institutions to offer sufficient services to the abused and neglected children of Belize. Fall, 1999
ERC313 Melissa Lowitz Conservation of Laughing Bird Caye National Park. Study aimed at discovering what effects ecotourism plays on a marine national park. Spring 2002
ERC314 Mark Moberg Between Agency and Dependence: Citrus, Strategy and Class in Southern Belize. This monograph examines the causes and consequences of an ongoing transition from traditional milpa cultivation of crops for domestic ise to commerical citrus farming in Stann Creek District. 1989
ERC315 Elinor Abbot Black Caribs, Belizean Nationalism, and The Carib Development Society in Stann Creek, British Honduras. A report on the 1965 Summer Field Work in British Honduras
ERC316 Tommie Montgomery Refugees in Belize, A Report to The United States High Commissioner for Refugees. The purpose of this report is to identify who the refugees are; where they have come from; where they are currently living; the socio-economic conditions in which they are living; and the human rights condition they encounter in Belize. 8 December 1991
ERC317 Philip Castillo A Retrospective Cohort Study on Factors Associated with Mortality among HIV Infected Individuals in Belize. To examine the predictive factors for death among HIV Individuals more than 15 years of age from 2001 to 2007 in the country of Belize. July 2010
ERC318 Sheila Cosminsky Interesting Relations in Punta Gorda, British Honduras: A Preliminary Report. This paper is a preliminary report in on observations and understanding of interethnic relations in a moxed community, punta Gorda, British Honduras. Spring 1966
ERC318 Grant Jones A Preliminary Report on Social Conflict and Culture Change in a Mopan Maya Village Report is a distillation of the author's present understanding of certain aras of social life in San Antonio, Toledo, a Mopan May Village in southern British Honduras. January 1966
ERC318 Myron Kaplan Carib Self Identity: A First Analysis In the lIghts of thei mixed cultural and, to some extent, racial origin or background, how do the Black Caribs vire themselves? January 1966
ERC318 David Snow Anthropology 300 Seminar Paper Paper presents the author's understanding of certain aspects of the spouse and residence preferences of a small segment of the population of San Antonio, British Honduras. Spring 1966
ERC318 Joanna Malmgreen Study of a Creole Coastal Village in British Honduras and exploration of the methodological complexity of arriving at statements about the village, and in particular, about the sustem of values operative within the community and the manner in which it articulated with its social organization. Spring 1966
ERC319 Christopher Studdard Slavery In Belize. Aim of the paper is to compare the evolution of slavery from the sugar islands of the British Caribbean to the logging settlement at British Honduras by investigating selected histiographic research. Fall 1995
ERC320 Richard Wilk Colonial Time and Tv Time and Historical Consciousness in Belize. January 1988
ERC321 Milton Jamail Too small to Throw It's Weight Around: Belize-United States Relations in the 1980's. May 1986
ERC322 Angel Cal Capital-Labor Relations on a Colonial Frontier: Nineteenth Century Northern Belize. 1989
ERC323 Belize Ethnicity and Development Contains the following Papers: (1) The Ethnic War in Belize by Harriot Topsey, (2)The Maya and Belize by Lita Krohn, (3) The Politics of Ritual: The Development of the Garifuna Cult of the Dead on St. Vincent by Byron Fosterand (4)The Role of the Maya-Mestizo in the Development of Belize, 200 B.C. to 1984 by Mateo Ayuso. 1987
ERC323 Belize Ethnicity and Development Contains the following Papers: (5) Recent Demographic Trends of Belize by S.A. Roberts, (6) The French in Belize by G. A. John St. John Robinson, (7) Race, Ethnicity and National Integration in Belize by Nigel Bolland, (8) Why Cooperatives Fail by Roy Cayetano, (9) Double Jeopardy: Trade Union Relations with Party and State The Case of the UGWU, (10) The Role of NGO's in the Future Development of Belize by Jewe Patten-Quallo 1987
ERC323 Belize Ethnicity and Development Title: Ecotourism Questioned, Case Studies from Belize. Desc.: This article evaluates the extent to which tourism at case study sites in Belize achieves three ecotourism objectives: generation of financial support for protected area management, generation of local economic benefits and generation of local support for conservation. Author: Kreg Lindberg, Jeremy Enriquez, Keith Sproule. Publ. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 23 No. 3. Date/Publis: 1996. No. Pgs: 19 (11) Distribution of Recent Foraminifera in the Near Shore Environment of Northern caye by Evadne Garcia, (12) Development Strategies and Their Impact on Women In Belize by Cynthia Ellis, (13)Age as a Source of Social Differentiation within a Garifuna Village in Southern Belize by Joseph Palacio and (14) Belize in Central America and the Peace Process by Wilfred Elrington
ERC324 National Cross-Cultural Awareness Contains the following Papers: (1) Inter-Ethnic Relations in Belize by J. Alexander Bennett and (2) May The New Creole Please Rise by Dr. J. O. Palacio. March, 1988
ERC325 Amy Kooyoomjiam Garifuna: Surviving in the Middle (a photo essay of Seine Bight) Spring, 1997
ERC326 John Everitt Toponomy as a Tool for Reconstructing Past Environments: The Case of Belize, C.A. April 1980
ERC327 Harriot Topsey "New Developments in the Cultural Resource Management of Belize" 1980
ERC328 Dylan Vernon International Migration and Development in Belize: An Overview of Determinants and Effects of Recent Movements. Basic objective of this work is to provide a general understanding of the relationship of (1) the Belizean migration to the United States and (2) the Central American migration to Belize, to certain aspects of Belizen problems of development. April, 1988
ERC329 Thomas Sealy Visual Area and Cultural Significance in the Country of Belize, Central America 20 February, 1979
ERC330 Contains the following Papers: (1) Perspectives on Resistance and Change in Belize by Assad Shoman, (2) EThnic Resistance in Punta Gorda (3) Garment Workers: Know Your Rights by Betty Waight (4) The North American Free Trade Agreement and Belize's Major Export Industries by Patricia Mendoza
ERC330 Contains the following Papers: (5)Small Farmer Development in Belize by B.K. Rai (6) Small Business Specialization and Economic Growth: The Case of Belize (7) Domination and Everyday Forms of Resistance Among Immigrant Workers in the Belizean Banana Industry by Mark Moberg (8) Local Knowledge as Resistance: The Case of the Belize Rural women's Association by Peta Henderson
ERC330 Contains the following Papers: (9)The Origins of Belizean Political Culture in Petitions to the Colonial Government, 1916-1934: Limits of Community Resistance by Anne Mcpherson (10) Is There Resistance to Gender Equity in the Belize Labour Market? (11) Revolutionary Consciousness of Belizean Youth in Beka Lamb (12) "And They Would Not Be Slaves: The Garifuna of Central America" by Joseph Palacio
ERC330 Eight Annual Studies on Belize Conference: People's Resistance and Social Change in Belize. Contains the following Papers:(13) Anglo-Icaiche Maya Confrontation in Belize, 1856-1872: 'The Caste War' of Belize by Angel E. Cal (14) The Roots of People's Resistance in Colonial Belize, 1508-1733 by Grant D. Jones
ERC331 Dorla Humes Trading Patterns In Belize 1970-1979
ERC332 Nancie Gonzalez Garifuna Tradition in Historical Perspective
ERC333 Michael Day Karst and Landuse in Central Belize.
ERC334 Douglas Pearce Developing a Spatial Strategy for Tourism in Belize. Paper outlines the author's participation in the preparation of a Ten Year Tourist Development Plan for Belize.
ERC335 John Heath Rural Poverty and Public Policy in Belize Paper is devoted to considerin the incidence of rural poverty in belize and to provide information on indicators appropriate to monitoring advances in rural development. September 1893
ERC336 David Cruz An Overview of Sports and Sports Administration in Belize Towards Formulating a Sound Policy. View of the paper is convening the development of social and recreational facilities, and facilities along the same lines on at lease a major organization in every town and large village.
ERC337 David Cruz Straight Jacket Metality The Belize Civil Service Approach to Development Administration. Paper will look at the historical development of the civil service, to outline a critical appraisal of the current situation and to pose some challenges which confront the public service of Belize.
ERC338 Norris Hall Elections in Belize or Where Personal is Political. Paper presented at the Caribbean Studies Association. May 1987
ERC339 Tony Thorndike Belizean Political Parties: The Independence Crisis and After. May 1982
ERC340 Harriot Topsey The Ethnic war in Belize. Paper looks at the enthnic groups in Belize and is followed by a historic perpective. The present state of ethnic prejudice is discussed, and finally, we looked at the future directions of ethnic prejudice. May 1987
ERC341 Mary Parham Form and Function in the Hispanic Folk Legend of Belize. Analysis of folk narratives from the Hispanic oral tradition of Belize; the narratives deal with a more dwarf0like creature commonly known as the duende.
ERC342 Wayne Clegern Central America, Belize and the Third World.
ERC343 R. Neal Present Status of Pasture Production and Improvement in Belize. Paper will attempy to analyse the present status of pastures in Belize by marking particular reference to the latest cattle census in comparison with previous years.
ERC344 C. Grant The Legislative Process and the Backbencher: A Study of Political Competition in the British Honduras House of Representatives.
ERC345 C Grant Belize-Multiple External Orientation: The Caribbean Dimension Paper traces the development of Belize's relationshio with the metropolitan countries of Britain and the united States and also with the two regional groupsof countries, Central America and the Commonwealth Caribbean. May 197
ERC346 Joseph Palacio State of Anthropology in Belize - A Case for Third World Countries Paper is an attempt to trace the development of Anthropology in Belize. November, 1974
ERC347 Mateo Ayuso The Role of the Maya-Mestizos in the Development of "Belize" 200 B.C. to 1984.
ERC348 Herman Lewis This is A Revolution Withing a Revolution (A Political View) 1972
ERC349 Nigel Bolland The Labour Movement and the Genesis of Modern Politics in Belize. 1985
ERC350 Laurie Kroshus Belizean Citrus Politics: Dialectic of Strategy and Structure Paper examines the dilectical interation between the structures which regulate power withingthe citrus industry in Belize and the competing interest groups engaged in processes of negotiation and maximization of power. 3rd June, 1987
ERC351 Joseph Palacio Age as Source of Differentiation withing a Garifuna Village in Southern Belize. Paper analyses the social organization that still persists withing a Garifuna village in Southern Belize. April, 1987
ERC352 Byron Foster The Politics of ritual: the development of the Garifuna cult of the dead on St. Vincent. Paper seeks to begin to explain Garifuna ritual by looking at the process of its formation in history, including the development of the symbolic forms which it utilizes.
ERC353 Joseph Palacio The Makings of Community Paticipation in Belize - experiences from an urban and rural community. Paper reviews the process of introducing communiy participation withing a newly built neighborhood of Belize City and a Maya Village. Implicit in the analysis is that community participation is a dialectical process in the interplay between the nation-state and grassroots organizations.
ERC354 A. McLeod English Writing in Belize: Creativity and Nationalism May 1987
ERC355 Nigel Bolland Cultural Pluralism, Cultural Synthesis, and National Integration in Belize.
ERC356 Richard Kirby Belizean Culture and St. Vincent - The Caribbean Connection. Paper traces the beginings of the Garifuna, called Black Caribs in the Eastern Caribbean, from St. Vincent until they reached the Roatan Islands off Honduras. September 1984
ERC357 Richard Wilk The Mayan Contribution to Belizean History and Culture. Paper discusses the identity and originsa of "The Maya" the ancient inhabitants of BElize and the present inhabitants of Belize whoa re of Maya cultural heritage. September 1984
ERC358 Colville Young Belize Creole as a National Language. Paper presents the various arguments for and against the adoption of Belize Creole as the national language of Belize. September 1984
ERC359 Sebastian Cayetano Garifuna Thanksgiving Ceremony. Delineation of the Gariduna ancestral rites. September 1984
ERC360 Wilfred Elrington The Geo-Political Crisis an Belize. Paper discusses the present political crisis in the Caribbean basin from an historical perspective and how Belize is affected. September 1984
ERC361 Grant Jones Prophets and Idol Speculators: Forces of History in the Lowland Maya Rebellion of 1638. Paper seeks to demonstrate that much of colonial period Maya resistance in the Yucatan Peninsula was a process of separatism and avoidance of Spanish Control.
ERC362 Dorla Humes The Efficacy of Monetary Policy in Belize. Paper analyses the success/failures of monetary experimentation. The effective of policy discussions made will be examined not only in terms of impact on targets by also on terms of the institutional framwork within which policy makers have had to operate.
ERC363 Frederick Gilson Jr. The Case for a Cooperative Beef Venture in Belize. 8th December, 1971
ERC364 Leon Wengrzyn A study of the rural village of St. Margaret on the Hummingbird Highway and speculations on the future of roadside villages in the area. The object of this paper is to describe the developmental process of a rural village in the newly independent country if Belize, Central America. The effort here is to describe the various influences from within and withoit on the evolution of theSt. Margaret community. Fall 1986
ERC365 Emily Blumsack By The Waters of Babylon: Power and Politics of the Chalillo Dam Paper explores the many controversies surrounding the proposed Upper Macal Storage Facility at Chalillp, particularly as they pertain to three main subject areas: the environment, economics and politics. Spring 1999
ERC366 Land Change in the Hummingbird Karst. Contains the following articles: (1)Landuse Change in the Hummingbirth Karst - an Introduction (2) Physical Geography of the Hummingbird Karst (3) Belmopan, the Hummingbird Highway and Development of the Hummingbird region (4) Agricultural Development in the Hummingbird Region (5) Population Change in the Hummingbird Region 1987
ERC367 W Cavanagh Port Development for British Honduras Fall 1970
ERC368 Bruce Soltis An Idea for Independence Paper explores tourism as a form of economic development, the advantages it can offer a country, and a course of action the government might follow to effectively develop the industry in the country. 8th Decemner, 1970
ERC369 Myrtle Palacio An Overview of the Media in Belize March 1985
ERC370 I. Sanchez Maya Folklore: A Brief Survey Brief survey of the folklore of the Maya ethnic group. 1987
ERC371 Nancy Lundgren Blond-haired Dolls and Blue-eyed Christs: The Impact of Colonialism on the Development of Children's Ethnic Identity in Belize. Paper argues that the children of Belize, as members of a world policitcal economy, have been socialized in such a way as to jeopardize their ability to realize their full potential. 1986
ERC372 Richard Wilk United States - Belize Relations in a Time of Tension: 1861-62 This paper summarizes and quotes some of the despatches sent to the United States by The U.S. Cousuls and the effect that it had on the relationship between the U.S. and the British. 13th August, 1989
ERC373 Jeremy Dahl Conservation of Nonhuman Primates in Belize, Central America Report summarizes the findings of the 1982-84 surveys and pinpoints the issues which appear have greatest relevance for the formulation of what could be a productive conservation policy for Belize and for other regions.
ERC374 Mark Moberg Class Resistance and Class Hegemony: From Conflict to Co-optation in the Citrus Industry of Belize.
ERC375 Mark Moberg Citrus and the State; From Factions to Classes in Rural Belize. This paper examines local-level politics and their consequences for class formation in neighboring Belizean Villages. (Charlestown and More Hope)
ERC376 Mark Moberg Marketing Policy and the Loss of Food Self-Sufficiency in Rural Belize, 1971-1986 1986
ERC377 Julie Tasker-Brown A Preliminary Analysis of Low-Income Housing Policy for Belize City. Paper objective is to provide guidelines for the formuation of housing policy in Belize City. The idea is to present options for action and indicate the respective advantages and desadvantages of various alternatives. December, 1989
ERC378 Mark Cote Land Use Policy Guidelines for New Development Areas in Belize City. Objective is to provide guidelines for the formulation of the land-use policy for new development areas in Belize City. The report focuses on the obstacle to development, namely, the shortage of buildable land and the concomitant high costs associated with land preparation. December, 1989
ERC379 George Clark The Creative Arts in Belize Schools: A Discussion Paper August, 1989
ERC380 C Young The Educational System of Belize. 1988
ERC381 Olga Puleston A Processual Model for the Rise of Classic Maya Civilization in the Southern Lowlands.
ERC382 J. Mackinnon Archaeological Investigations in the Placencia Area, Stann Creek District, Belize, Central America, 1983-1986 Aim of the research was to look at Maya Civilization from sea level rather than from the top of a Pyramid.
ERC383 Cathy Crane Late Preclassic Maya Agriculture, Wild Plant Utilization, and Land-Use Practices at Cerros. April, 1984
ERC384 Diane Chase Postclassic Lowland Maya Organization at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize. 18th November, 1984
ERC385 Angel Cal A Brief Historical Background of Fiestas in Northern Belize. 29th January, 1991
ERC386 Caroline Pomeroy Half Moon Caye Natural Monument April, 1989
ERC387 Grant Jones Ethnohistorical Problems and Research Needs in the Central Maya Lowlands. 1979
ERC388 Grant Jones Symbolic Dramas of Ethnic Stratification: The Yucatan Fiesta System on a Colonial Frontier 1981
ERC389 Grant Jones Historical Methodology in the Anthropological Study of Frontier Societies.
ERC390 Grant Jones The Political Structure of the Chan Santa Cruz Maya: The Role of British Support. Paper discusses a major aspect of Maya affairs in Yucatan during this period; that is, their economic and political relationship with the British.
ERC391 Grant Jones Native Elites on the Colonial Frontiers of Yucatan: A model for Continuing Research 1981
ERC392 Arlen Chase Cycles of Time: Caracol in the Maya Realm Paper argues that much of Classic Period Maya prehistory can be explained by reference to the cyclical passage of time as seen in the "Short Count" or passage of 13 katun periods. 1986
ERC393 Diane Chase Lifeline to the Gods: Ritual Blood-Letting at Santa Rita Corozal This Paper will attempt to answer some questions using examples from excavations at the site of Santa Rita Corozal. Questions such as who lets blood? How? When? And In what context is it appropriate? 1986
ERC394 Diane Chase Postclassic Maya Elites: Ethnohistory and Archaeology Paper will review some of the more commonly used ethnohistoric descriptions of Maya Society with respect to the Maya elite and their spatial organization within a Maya site. November, 1987
ERC395 Diane Chase The Classic Maya City: Reconsidering "The Mesoamerican Urban Tradition"
ERC396 Arlen Chase Maya Veneration of the Dead at Caracol, Belize Paper compares and contrasts data found at Caracol with that from the resr of the Maya realm to define a very specific Classic Period "Cult of the dead" that was operative throughout much of the Southern lowland Maya area. 1989
ERC397 Arlen Chase Putting Together the Pieces: Maya Pottery of Northern Belize and the Central Peten, Guatemala. It is the author's contention that the use of subcomplexes will allow Maya ceramicists and archaeologists to develop a more precise understanding of the nature of Maya society and its organization. December, 1985
ERC398 Arlen Chase Private Versus Public Space at Caracol, Belize: Implications for Classic Maya Organization Paper examines how the Classic Maya were organized and howmight thatorganization be reflected in the spatial distributions of their sites. 1985
ERC399 Diane Chase Archaeological Insights on the Contact Period Lowland Maya 1985
ERC400 Marie Danforth Health and Nutrition in the Colonial Population at Tipu Using economic stratifications, the authors tried to indetify the immigrant Itza and Native Tipu Maya in order to isolate the special effects of refugee status from the health pattern of the local Maya under colonial rule. 1985
ERC401 Sharon Bennett Trace Element Evidence of the Colonial Mayan Diet at Tipu, Belize Paper discusses the association between a decline in health and the change from hunting and gathering to agriculture at Tipu. 1986
ERC402 Eve Danziger The acquisition of Social Identity in Mopan (Maya) Project investigates the developing conpetence of children in the construction of interactional events. It focuses of the acquisition of terms and concepts of social identify among the Mopan maya of Souther Belize and on the construction of social self in this community. Spring 1988
ERC403 Richard Leventhal Southern Belize Ancient Maya Region Paper argues that a single site within the maya area did not dominate because small separate regions were the primary political and economic focus for the ancient Maya people.
ERC404 Heather McKillop Wild Cane Caye: An Insular Classic Period to Postclassic Period Maya Trading Station Research was designed to recover data on the developmentof Maya sea trade as well as investigare more general problems of exchange mechanisms for trade of exotic materials in prehistoric, complex societies. September, 1987
ERC405 Arlen Chase Elites and the Organization of Classic Maya Society Paper discusses the idea of how Maya sites and regions were organized and integrated over space and particularly to the ways in which segments of Maya populations were spatially located. 19th November, 1987
ERC406 Diane Chase Routes of Trade and Communication and the Integration of Maya Society: The Vista from Santa Rita Corozal, Belize. 9th May, 1987
ERC407 Paul Healy Caledonia (Cayo), Belize: An Ancient Maya Multiple Burial august, 1983
ERC408 Arlen Chase Jungle Surveying: Mapping the Archaeological Site of Caracol, Belize
ERC409 Arlen `Chase Maya Warfare and the Classic Period Site of Caracol, Belize 20th November, 1988
ERC410 Arlen Chase Organizational Aspects of Classic Period Santa Rita Corozal, Belize 18th November, 1984
ERC411 Miguel Barrena U. A Geographic Analysis of the Land Tenure System of Belize District, British Honduras. Purpose of the study is to define and explain the contemporary land tenure system of Belize District, British Honduras, and how this system affects land utilization. 1971
ERC412 Harriot Topsey Intensification of Maya Agriculture May 1984
ERC413 Eleanor King Recent Discoveries on the Colha Settlement 1986
ERC414 Sharon Bennett An Overview of Skeletal Biology in the Colonial Period Maya Population from Tipu Paper reports on work completed on first three excavation at Tipu in regards to the health of Maya populations on the Spanish Colonial frontier in the century after first cotnact by comparing skeletal indicators of health for thi popultion with those of other Colonial and Pre-Colonial Group.
ERC415 Sharon Bennett Social Patterns in the Colonial Population from Tipu, Belize Analysis of the Colonial population from Tipu social structure as it was influenced by Spanish conquest. December 1985
ERC416 Diane Chase Perceiving the Past: Typologies and the Preclassic Period in the Maya Lowlands. Paper focuses on Pottery excavations at the Santa Rita site. November, 1983
ERC417 Diane Chase The Cultural Dynamics of Prehistoric Maya Warfare November, 1988
ERC418 J Mckinnon Coastal Maya Trade Routes in Southern Belize Abstract: Changes in settlement patterns on the coast and cays of southern Belize over time may reflect the different coastal trade routes followed in different periods of Maya prehistory, stopever points and ultimate destinations, and the changing nature of the Maya Economic system. May 1987
ERC419 Marie Danforth Childhood Health Indicators and Possible Presence of Inroduced Diseases in a Colonial Maya Population The site of Yipu represents an opportunity to test hypotheses concerning the effect of European contact on the health of New World Populations. In this paper various sources of health information, especially dental, will be evaluated to see if effects might be detected. 1987
ERC420 M Danforth Age Determination in a Colonial Maya Population Paper will attempt using dental histological variable in both published and population-specific regression formulas to predict age in a colonial Maya population. Results will then be compared with those obtained from application of the new macroscopic aging standards. 1986
ERC421 Richard Leventhal The Development of a Regional Tradition in Southern Belize Paper focuses on the hypothesis that numerous similarly sized cities evident thoughout the lowlands indicate the likely existence of regions with internal cohesion focused upon numerous cities and not a primary center.
ERC422 Marie Danforth A Comparison of Childhood Health Patterns in the Late Classic and Colonial Maya Using Enamel Microdefects. Analysis of enamel microdefect formation was used as a biological test of archaeological and historical models concerning two periods of rapid culture change in Maya prehistory. November 1989
ERC423 Mark Moberg Between Agency and Dependence: Belizean Households in a Changing World System Thesis analyzes the cause and consequences of an ongoing transition from traditional milpa cultivation of crops for domestic use to commercial citrus farming in Stann Creek district, Belize. 1988
ERC424 J Mackinnon Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Prehistoric Maya Settlement, Procurement, and Exchange on the Coast and Cays of Southern Belize. Study reveals that coastal utilization by the prehistoruc Maya of Southern Belize had distinctly different motivations and manifestations in each of the major periods of Maya civilization. 1989
ERC425 Scott Fedick Prehistoric Maya Settlement and Land Use Patterns in the Upper Belize River Area, Belize, Central America Study combines archaeological settlement survey with detailed land resource in a fine-scaled examination of prehistoric Maya subsistence economy in the ipper Belize River area of Belize, Central America. December 1988
ERC426 James Meyers BElize (British Honduras) in Anglo-Spanish Relations: The Independent Englishmen of Central America, 1630-1834 Paper is concerned with the settlement of Belize during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries its development into an independent entity during the War of the French Revolution, the beginnings of its role as an entrepot during the Napolenic Wars and its steady expansion during the restoration. July 1974
ERC427 Dorie Reents-Budet The Archaeology of Petroglyph Cave, Belize August 1986
ERC428 Tanya Santos Improving forest governance in Belize: stepping stones towards community forest management Study analyzes the option for the formal inclusion of community-based sustainable forest management (CBSFM) as an element of a revised sustainable forest management framework for Belize. 2009
ERC429 Assad Shoman Reflections on Ethnicity and Nation in Belize Contains: (5)British Imperialism and the creation of "Creole" culture (8) Nationalism and its Effects (16) "Aliens" Lay Bare Underlying Tensions (21) 'Race', Ethnicity, Nation (27) Ethnicity in the Belizean State: Weapon, Shield or Camouflage? (40) Indigenous Rights and "One Nation": Irreconcilable Differences? (45) Missed Opportunities, Bad Turns, Future Shifts and (52) Constructing the "Creole" identity: the "myth of origin" April, 2010
ERC430 Carel Rossingh "We are growing Belize': modernisation and organisational change in the Mennonite settlement of Spanish Lookout, Belize Article addresses the entrepreneurial and organisational activities of a specific Mennonite group in Belize called the Kleine Gemeinde community of Spanish Lookout.
ERC431 Carel Roessingh Mennonite entrepreneurship in Belize. 2010
ERC432 Carel Roessingh Mennonite communities in Belize Paper addresses the entrepreneurial activities within different Mennonite communities and the way religious differentiation plays a role in their entrepreneurship. 2007
ERC433 Carel Roessingh Social capital and Mennonite entrepreneurship: the case of Circle R in Blue Creek, Northern Belize. Paper investigates how the concept of social capital is reflected in the dailt practice of the Mennonite organization of Circle R. 2010
ERC434 Carel Roessingh Working Ladies: Mennonite women in the enterprises of Spanish Lookout, Belize Description of the position of women in the Mennonite labour system will be provided using literatire on the Mennonite women, combined with empirical data from the Mennonite community of Spanish Lookout, Belize. 2008
ERC435 Carel Roessingh From Collective Body to Individual Mind: Religious Change in an Old Colony Mennonite Community in Belize 2006
ERC436 Lilia Zalasar Migracion de Mayas y Yucatecos en Honduras Britanica 1848-1883 August 2010
ERC437 Assad Shoman Belize's Road to Independence: Decolonisation by Internationalisation. Thesis studies the diplomatic actions of a small state (Belize) whose independence was delayed because of a militart threat from a neighbouring country (Guatemala) that claimed its territory. It explains how and why it was possible for Belize to resist eh pressures of the colonial power… 2008
ERC438 Sean Downey Can Properties of Labour-Exchange Networks Explain the Resilience of Swidden Agriculture? Social network analysis used to analyze farmer labour-exchange networks within a chronosequence of fice Q'eqchi Maya villages where swidden agriculture is used. 2010
ERC439 Laurie Medina When Government Targets "The State: Transnational NGO Government and the State in Belize Article explores how NGO alliwance had used ecotourism, a market-based mechanism to fund protected areas, to elicit actions in favor of conservation from state officials. November, 2010
ERC440 Lennox Gladden Jr. A Study of Crop Coefficient and effect of Water Deficit on Field Grown Tomatoes. Aim of this research was to emphasize the importance of selecting the appropriate reference evapotranspiration estimation model to formulate a evapotranspiration based irrigation schedule. 30 May, 2011
ERC441 Lily Guerra Measuring Hospital Efficiency in Belize: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. Study provides the first baseline mechanism pertaining to technical efficiency information which could be used by the respective governmental authorities in monitoring future efficiency performances. May 2011
ERC442 Maxine Monsanto Review of the European Union Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated Fishing Regulation EC No. 1005/2008 in the First Year of Implementation Since January 1, 2010 Focus of this study is to determin the effectiveness of the Eu IUU Regulation in combating IUU fishing. 19th September, 2011
ERC443 Maria Recinos An Assessment of the Training Needs in the San Ignacio Area. 29th April, 2006
ERC444 David Hernandez A Lack if a National Strategic Plan - Its Impact in International Business Thesis describes and assesses the impact that the lack of a National Strategy Plan is having on Belize's banana industry. The problem that the current 'strategy' in place is not coordinated and this is not effectively assisting the banana industry. May 3rd, 2008
ERC445 Esmie Flowers The Strategic Business Transformation Project: An in-depth Analysis on Social Security's Experience of Change. Study analyzes a social security board in a small developing country and the quest for change. Starting with a historical perspective, the paper then focuses on a systems view of quality leasership, effective communication, strategic planning and the dynamic natire of how these relationships impacted the outcome of the organizations effort to transform. December 2009
ERC446 Duane Koenig Opportunities for the Expansion of Historical Activites in the Territory of Belize, C. A. Suggestions for the collection and preservation of historical materials for the promotion of history in British Honduras and the Central American-Caribbean area. 25 August, 1966
ERC447 Martha Horvers Bus Business: An Etnographic research about the identity of Belizean bus drivers and conductors. This thesis addresses the way organizational change process within the Belizean Bus Industry since 1998 influences the identity of the Belizean bus drivers and conductors. December, 2008
ERC448 Gil Freitas The Caribbean Spiny Lobster in Caye Caulker, Belize (An Assessment of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster within the Caye Caulker Marine Reserve, Caye Caulker, Belize Assessment of the population of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster in the surrounding waters of Caye Caulker, Belize and to assess the different factors that influnce this population. Fall 2001
ERC449 Margaret Sanford Disruption of the Mother-Child Relationship in Conjunction with Matrifocality: A Study of Child-Keeping Among the Carib and Creole of British Honduras Purpose on to examine "child-keeping practices" in British Honduras; that is, the housing of a child anywhere except the householf which includes the mother, the genetrix. 1971
ERC450 Partick Killpack Deep Roots: The Fabric of the Ancient Maya Economy and the Tradition of Intensive Cultivation of Perennial Cotton. It is the contention of this essay that cotton, like cotton , like cacao, was traded out of the Maya lowlands especially to those highland areas that could not grow either product. It will show that cotton was frown as a perennial, and is this not compatible with shifting types of agriculture. July 2004
ERC451 Jaime Awe Dawn In the Land Between The River: Formative Occupation At Cahal Pech, Belize And Its Implication To Preclassic Development In The Maya Lowland Objectives of this research were to determin the temporal limits if Formative occupation at Cahal Pech, and to ascertain the socio-political complexity of the site during the Preclassic Period. 1992
ERC452 Mick Day Bill Reynolds Five Blues Lake National Park, Belize: A Cautionary Management Tale Impact the drainage of the Lake had on the management of the area. Management and promotion of hydrologic features withing protected areas needs to take sucks possibilities into account, emphasizing variability and change and avoiding a focus on conditions that may not prevail at any given time. August 2013
ERC453 Institute of Archaeology Research Report in Belize Archaeology Papers of the 2011 Belize Archaeology Symposium Volume 9 Section One: Trade and Exchange in the Eastern Maya Lowlands and Section Two: A decase of Research at Chan, A Modern Maya Ritual at Xunantunich, Belize and its Implications for Ancient Maya Ritual Behavior, The Last Waltz at Minanha, Better Late Than Never: Las Cuevas, Ritual Landscapes of the Caves Branch River Valley, Preliminary Observatiosn on the Investigation of Midnight Terror cave, Excavations at the Classic site of Uxbenka, Constructing and Using GIS for Fieldwork, Paleoenvironmental Reconstriction, Wetland Environement and Ancient Maya Management Systems, The Archaeology of St. George's Caye, Archaeology and the "Grey Lady" Ghost of St. George's Caye 2011
ERC454 Ed Boles Watershed Ecology Seminar Guide
ERC455 J. Lopez A Study of Some Ways by Which The Teaching of Mathematics in Belmopan Junion School, Belize, Might Be Improved. Study to discuss the teaching of mathematics in Belmopan Junior School, Belize and to suggest some ways by which the teaching of this subject in this particular school might be improved.
ERC456 Mark McReynolds Patterns of Seasonal Variation in Diet, Abundance, and Movement of the Scarlet Macaw (Ara Macao) in southern Belize Study was conducted in 2008 and 2009 to determin if Scarlet Macaws (Ara Macao), in their subtropical soutehr Belize, Central America, are seasonal and elevational elevational migrants and if their movement is influenced by seasonally abundant food. 11 May, 2012
ERC457 Douglas Reeser Health and Traditional Healers: The Bounds of Belief: Health, Belief and Biomedicine in Southern Belize 2012
ERC457 Eleen & Eve Contini-Morova & Danzing Cultural Forms: Introducing Referents in Mopan Maya 2012
ERC457 Lilia Zalasar The Political and Social Relations of Yucatecans in British Honduras in the Late Nineteenth Century 2012
ERC458 Kai Schoenhals Belize and Revolutionary Grenada: A Partnership in the Caribbean, 1979-1983
ERC459 Paige Fisher Integrated Models of Sustainable Development: Plans, Perceptions and the Special development Area in Monkey River Village 7th May, 1993
ERC460 Kate Hester Approaches to Hard Coral Indentification at Tackle Box Reef San Pedro, Ambergris Cay To document the hard coral species of the Tackle Box Reef dive site off Ambergris Caye. 8th May, 1993
ERC461 Cameron Richardson The Role of the Drum in Garifuna Culture Spring 1993
ERC462 Stephanie Fryberger Stories of the Toledo Maya Myth, Folklore, Ritual and Worldview 5th May, 1993
ERC463 Kristin Coates Gales Point Manateee and Ecotourism Objective was to learn of the changings in the village since the Coop began, the positives and the negatives the hopes for the village in the future, how foreigners in the village have affected the villagers way of life, their reasons for joining or not joining the Coop, and observe the human to human and human to nature relationships. 8th May, 1993
ERC464 Seth Robinson Visitor Expenditure and Motivation Survey Xunantunich Survey conducted to illicit information regarding visitor expenditure patterns and motivation at Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, Lamanai and Xunantunich to create a profile to enhance the visitor experinece. 7th May, 2008
ERC465 Nelly Rosario Belize Public Health Bureau Water Quality Control Laboratory: Water Sampling and Testing Manual April, 1993
ERC466 Michael Phillips Imaging Belize: Tourists and Tourism Advertising January , 1994
ERC467 Bruce Ergood Belize As Presented in Her Literature March, 1993
ERC468 Catherine Macklin Apects of Black Carib Religion Thesis concetrated on the beliefs and rituals associated with the main feature of Carib relifion, namely the beliefs surroundiing the ancestral spirits, gubida. 1972
ERC469 Dion Weaver The History of Television in Belize 1980 - Present Paper deals with the history of television in Belize. Contains a brief overview of broadcasting and the press.
ERC470 Philip Reeder Speeological and Geoarchaeological Investigations on the Northern Vaca Plateau, Belize, Central America Research of reconnaissance of the karst and geoarchaeological resources in the vicinity of Spanish Water Hole in western Belize approvimately 10 kilometers east of the border between Belize and Guatemala. 23rd January, 1993
ERC471 Irma Mclaurin-Allen Do you See What I See? Do You Know What I Know? Differing Perceptions Among Men and Women in Belize, Central America 4-7 March, 1993
ERC472 Stephen Piscitelli United States Foreign Policy and Belize: Motivations and Context March, 1993
ERC473 Joseph Palacio A Survey of Central American Immigrants in Four urban Communities in Belize Report discusses the result of a survey of 313 immigrants from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras in four urban communities. 30th November, 1985
ERC474 Charles Rutheiser Culture, Schooling, and Neocolonialism in Belize 1991
ERC475 Karen Judd Elite reproduction and ethnic identity in Belize Examines the construction and representation of ethnic identity by elite groups over time in Belize, focusing on the ceole middle class of the late 19th century. It analyzes the formation and reproduction of local white, creole, "spanish" elites in terms of their economic and social locations as well as hrough the reproduction over several generations of representative elite families. 1992
ERC476 Michael Phillips The History of Attempts to Formulate a National Cultural Policy in Belize 3rd March, 1993
ERC477 Murna Morgan The Tourism Industry in Belize (Draft)
ERC478 Catherine Gibson Implications of Mangrove Clearing in Invertebrate Communities Joe Taylor Creek, Punta Gorda Town, Belize Study is to usees the macrofunal community to assess the impact of development, specifically cutting, on R. mangal communities. It also investigates the relationship between fauna and the vegetation. 8th December, 1994
ERC479 Kristin Howard The Cornmill of San Pedro Colombia: The Gender Implications of a Community Grinding Mill Fall, 1994
ERC480 Sara Peskin Environmental Education Activities for Belizean Schoolchildren Fall, 1994
ERC481 Lo Duong Survey of Standard II Students with Reading Problems in the Cayo District Objective of the survey is to bring to the attention of the educational department and the public the need for a reading program for children with reading problems. Fall, 1994
ERC482 Erin Dombrowe Environmental Education: an extracurricular Approach Fall, 1994
ERC483 Matthew Golden Primate Research and Habitat Evaluation in The Manatee Forest Reserve Fall, 1994
ERC484 Christopher Peknik The Manatee of Southern Lagoon Manatee at Gales Point 7th May, 1993
ERC485 Craig Maclay Caye Caulker Marine Reserve Baseline Data/Presentation Study shows some effects of the overfishing in the marine ecosyste, outlines the struggling history of the much neededimplementation of the marine reserve on Caye Caulker, discusses the rationale supporting the reserve and shows the benefits is can bring to the surrounding areas. 12th December, 1993
ERC486 Vernon Scarborough Water Management Studies at Kinal and Adjacent Areas (Draft) Long term study of seeveral archaeological sites and their immediate environs to bettwe understand the degree of centralization associated with reservior management in the Maya area. Report includes survey and reconnaisance, detailed survey, excavations and subsoil coring.
ERC487 Robert Heinzman Commercial Non-Timber Forest Products in Belize Current and potential non-timber forest Products in Belize. Examination of markets, as well as methods and history of production for many of the NTDP's in Belize.
ERC488 Michaela Pfeiffer Conservation Vs. Development: Does the Development of the Tourist Industy Accelerate the Need for Conservation? Highlights the difficulties that Belize faces as a result of relying upon tourism as a primary source of income. Fall, 1994
ERC489 Mara Madden A Glimpse into Dolomite: The Economic, Social, and Environmental Effects of Belize Minerals Limited Fall, 1994
ERC490 Lindsay Frantz Revealing Rhythms: Uncovering the Creole Culture, History and Spirituality of Gales Point Manatee Through the Drum Fall, 1994
ERC491 Jeffrey Aguello Bridging the Gap An Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Industry and their Emerging Role in the Conservation Movement Fall, 1994
ERC492 Steven Platt Wildlife Survey of Gold Button Ranch, Belize Survey done in conjunction with a study on the status, nesting ecology, and food habits of Morelet's crocodile in Belize. 3rd November, 1993
ERC493 Steven Platt Preliminary investigation of the nesting ecology, and juvenile and subadult food habits of Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in Belize Study objectives were to gather data on the nesting ecology and to determine the wet-season food habits of juvenile and subadult crocodiles. 1992
ERC494 Wayne Clergen D.A.G. Waddell: A Transatlantic Scholar 5th March, 1993
ERC495 Lenore Santone Chart Tools from Northern Belize: Ancient Maya Exchange and Economy Paper focuses on the exchange of Colha-produced stone implements in northern Belize during the Late Preclassic and Late Classic periods and summarizes the result of a study which develops a model of exchange based upon demand structure and transportation costs. March, 1993
ERC496 Louis Woods Regional Integration, Foreign Trade, and Economic development: CARICOM and Belize Paper focuses on the role that regional integration schemes have played and might play in the economic development of Belize. October, 1992
ERC497 Louis Woods Tourism as a Developmental Tool: The Case of Belize Paper exposits the potential positive economic benefits that tourism could generate for Belize.
ERC498 Carla Barnett Looking Beyond the Year 2000: The Implications of Developments in Belize's Economy in the 1980's and 1990's
ERC499 Nicholas Brokaw Population Characteristics of Commercial Timber Species and the Effects of Logging in their Regeneration, In the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area, Belize. Study of the effects of selective logging, as traditionally prectices in Belize, on the regeneration of commercial timber species and on the bird community in the Hill Bank area of Rio Bravo. Data used in devising a plan for the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area.
ERC500 Louis Wade The Evolution of Belize's Export Base: Transition from and Extractive to a Service Economy Paper traces the development of the Belizean export economy by examining the evolution of its export base through the three stages: from primary forest and agricultural products, through the products o f the country's agro-industies, to the recent emergence of tourism.
ERC501 Louis Woods The Role of agro-industries in Belizean Economic Development Since Independence Paper provides a brief historical overview of Belize's economic development tracing structural shifts in the country's export base and examines the establishment and growth of export agro-industies(sugar and citrus) as the country's major export during the post World War II period. July, 1994
ERC502 Louis Woods The Changing Structure of the Ethnic Mix of Belize: Differential Immigration and Emigration Patterns, 1980-1991 Paper identifies the patterns of population change that have taken place over the past decade, reviews the processes that have accompanied these realignments, and considers the spatial and political implications of the demographic changes that have taken place in Belize.
ERC503 Vincent & Stephen Palacio & McCool Motivations of Tourists Travelling to Belize 1993
ERC504 Steven Platt The Ecology and Status of Morelet's Crocodile in Belize Investigation of the nesting ecology, food, habits and population of the Morelet's crocodile in Northern Belize from 1992 to 1995 August, 1996
ERC505 Michael Camille Government Initiative and Resource Exploitation in Belize Study outlines Belize's development in terms of the differing effects that timber extraction and agriculture had on the shaping of its landscape this providing fresh opprtunity to understand the special course the country has taken relative to the rest of the Caribbean. December, 1994
ERC506 Valerie Andrewin-Jenkins Early Socialiazation, Current Sexual Practices and Risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases of Female Sex Workers in Three Districts in Belize Study was designed to investigate the prevalence of a defined set of demographic and lifestyle variables and their relationship to the transmission of STD/HIV in Brothel and Freelance sex workers. 1994
ERC507 Myrtle Palacio Redefining Ethnicity: The Experiences of the Garifuna and Creole in post-Independent Belize Examination of self-identity and ethnic affiliations of offsprings, resulting from the intermarriage of the Creole and Garifuna residing in Belize city. December, 1995
ERC508 Assad Shoman Central American Immigrants in Belize: Threat of Opportunity 13th June, 1990
ERC509 Mark Lucey Recommendation and Evaluation for the Toledo Village Guesthouse and Ecotrail Program of the Toledo Ecotourism Association 10th December, 1993
ERC510 Joel Wainwright A Survey of Cane Farming and the Sugar Cane Industry in the Orange Walk District December, 1993
ERC511 Meredith Dudley Freetown Sibun: A case history of hiccatee river turtle exploitation and one community's efforts to initiate a community based conservation plan 7th May, 1993
ERC512 Elizabeth Nelson A Comparative Analysis of Fish Populations at Hol Chan and Rocky Point Fall 1994
ERC513 Matthew & Robin Siegel & Stein Maya Centre and Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary" An Analysis of the Relationship Between Idigenous Land Use and Conservation Fall 1994
ERC514 Josh Aronson An Investigation of Sub-division and development at False Sittee Point 11th December, 1993
ERC515 Joel Wainwright Decolonizing Development: Colonialism, Mayanism, and Agriculture in Belize December, 2003
ERC516 Jeremy Enriquez The Sociocultural and Socioeconomic impact of Ecotourism on Rural Belizean Communities: The Case of Crooked Tree Village. Study investigates sociocultural and socioeconomic impact of ecotourism in Crooked Tree Village, adjacent to a wildlife sanctuary and the level of community support for the sanctuary. 1993
ERC517 Elizabeth Chavarria Developing a Results-Oreinted Traiing Program for Middle Managers in The Belize Public Service Thesis identifies competencies requried of middle management and suggests programs will will provide the targeted skills 1994
ERC518 Yvette Alvarez The Belize Experience in the Management of Monetary Policy 1980 - June 1986 November, 1986
ERC519 Joseph Perry Human Resource Development In A Third World Country: The Case of Belize Study uses available data to delineate patterns of population and employment growth in Belize ans suggest oncoming problems of education and training. October 1992
ERC520 Joseph Perry Sugar Consumption, Sugar Policy, and the Date of Belizean Cane Growers Paper reviews the policies and patterns that have contributed to the world sugar market crisis, and suggests some questions that wil have to be answered. October 1992
ERC521 Jules Graybill The Church at San Felipe: Missionaries and Social Change Among the Kekchi Maya of Belize Paper presents and examination of the church's role in development with the context of the Keckchi village of San Felipe, a small village located approximately ten kilometers notheast of the coastal town of Punta Gorda. Spring 1995
ERC522 Thomas Perry IV Environmental Disturbances in Monkey River Watershed Paper addresses the development along both branches, the significance in the watershed continuum, and the community involvement necessary to arrest the exploitation of the Monkey River watershed. 9th December, 1995
ERC523 Alison McCarthy Tourism: As Seen Through the Eyes of the Women on Caye Caulker Effects of tourism on the lives of the women who reside in Caye Caulker Spring, 1995
ERC524 Ryan Mckim A Geographical Map of the BFREE Sanctuary Fall, 1995
ERC525 Dana Hanselman Non-Coral Marine Invertabrates of the Caye Caulker Barrier Reef Area Identification of Invertabrates in order to determine the biodiversity of the Belize Barrier Reef of Caye Cualker and provide a preliminary baseline for later in-depth studies. 9th December, 1995
ERC526 Adam Wynne A Census and Survey of Research on the Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra) Paper examines the conservation approach at the Community Baboon Santuary and makes recommnedations to Monkey River for the management of the forest and tourism. Spring, 1995
ERC527 Natasha Brash Garifuna Folktales: The People and Their Stories Paper Documents Garifuna stories and determines their significance in the Garifuna culture, their origins and how they have survived. Fall, 1995
ERC528 Maggie Franzen Investigation of Coral Bleaching East of Caye Caulker Mahor trends in the coral bleaching occuring within the caye Caulker Area Fall 1995
ERC529 Scott McDowell A Short Term Ethnography of the Creole Village of Bermudian Landing with a Focus on Scociolinguistic Phenomena Fall, 1995
ERC530 Stephen Kisternmacher Caracol: The Great Ancient Maya City of Belize Paper contains a history of the ancient Maya civilization, Maya archaeology in Belize and a description of the site itself. Fall 1995
ERC531 Christopher Armes The Process of Mopan Maya Ethnicity Spring 1995
ERC532 Alyssa Hawkins A Crab's Eye View: Joe Taylor Creek Paper focuses on the needs of the Joe Taylor Creek watershed 9th December, 1995
ERC533 Rachel Henault Use of Land and Labor: The Banana Industry in Belize Paper provides a broad background of the issues invilved in large-scale agriculture, more specifically the banana industry in Belize, and most specifically the banana farms and their communities at Cowpen. Spring 1995
ERC534 Sarah Walbruch The Sibun River Watershed - Awareness and Education Paper presents ecological, vegitation, geological and aquatic background and presents background information about different watershed processes and the unique characteristics of the Sibun River and her tributaries. It summarizes survey findings and offers conclusions and recommendations for an educational outreach program. Fall, 1995
ERC535 Robert Johnson Is There Resistance to Gender Equity in The Belize Labour Market? 20th October, 1994
ERC544 Joseph Perry Privitization and Economic Growth in Belize Paper examines the nature of privitization, and explores the pattern of privitization over the past two decades in selected countries where the movement has been most extensive. It then assesses the privitization movement in Belize, and suggests some guidelines for policy makers. October, 1993
ERC536 Joseph Perry The Belizean Balance of Payments and IMF Intervention Paper examines the circumstances in Belize that contributed to its balance of payments problems, the effects of IMF conditions on its recovery from recession and international imbalance, and the implications of current economic trends. October, 1993
ERC538 Tessa Carlson The Impact of Human Disturbances on Black Howler Monkeys Assessment of the impact of toruism on the natural behavoir of School Troop. Howling is looked at specifically in order to assess what impact induced howling may have on natual howling patters. Fall 1997
ERC539 A Kennedy An In-site Sanitation System for Gales Point Belize, Central America: Case Study
ERC540 C Borland Relations Between Urban Growth and Riral Development In Belize April, 1986
ERC541 Lisel Alamilla Villagers Beliefs About Tourism in San Jose Succotz, Belize Study carried out to identify the beliefs which the residents of San Jose Succotz hold toward tourism/ July, 1995
ERC542 Lawrence Vernon A History of Political Parties in Belize 1950-1981
ERC543 Stefanie Cohen A Testament to Creole Drumming Fall 1995
ERC536 Carla Barnett Public Policy, Human Development and The Expanding Citrus Economy of Southern Belize October, 1993
ERC536 Central Statistic Office Belize: External Trade 1980 - 1992 Paper deals with trade from serveral aspects and its effect on certain sectors of the economy. October 1993
ERC536 Assad Shoman Satisfy My Soul: Belize as National State and the Making of Public Policy Beyond The Year 2000 October 1993
ERC536 Anselmo Castaneda Agriculture, Trade and The Environment Paper makes an introductory questioning on the impact to Belizean society by the effects of agricultural and non-agricultural trade unser the conditions in the mid-1990's of a New Global Economy which seeks to liberalize trade by removing tarrif barriers. October 1993
ERC536 Report on the Granting of Belizean Nationality and Implications for Voter Registration October 1993
ERC536 BOWAND BOWAND's Minimum Wage Campaign October 1993
ERC536 Joseph Laure Belize: 1889-1990 A century of slow change in the purchasing power of low wages October, 1993
ERC536 Mark Moberg Out of Work in the Fields of Gold: Belizean Labour and the Banana Industry October 1993
ERC545 Steven & John Platt & Thorbjarnarson Status and Life History of the American Crocodile in Belize Study objectives were to assess the status of C. acutus in the coastal zone, identify populations that would benefit from protection, and provide conservation recommendations to enchanve recovery and insure maintenance of viable populations in Belize. 27th November, 1997
ERC546 Ilona Smiling Project for Caribbean Political Systems 1991-1992 To determine the relative and precise significance and social relations of the cultural, racial, and political factors affecting the Ketchi in differing contexts - historical and contemporary, together with their specific implications at all levels of the social structure of Belize. June 1992
ERC547 Joseph Palacio The Socio-economic Integration of Central American Refugees in Belize Study lays the groundwork for further insight into the unique role that Belize has played within the region as a host country for the displaced persons in neighbouring countries, July 1958
ERC548 Sarah Kaiser Motorboats and Manatees: The State of Swallow Caye Hole Study examines the growing tourist destination and the determine opinions, attitudes and feelings about the status of the site. Suggestions are made for monitoring and law protection and aims to find implications for these suggestions. Fall 1997
ERC549 Risa Kass Destination Nicholas Caye?! Fall 1997
ERC550 Abigail Hipps Views on a proposed community reserve in Gales Points paper examines the existing attitudes of the residents of Gales Point-Manatee about the proposed community reserve. Fall 1997
ERC551 Chris Templeton Bird Distribution by Habitat Type at Monkey Bay Fall 1997
ERC552 Sephra Albert Traditional Medicine: An Underutilized Resource? Study object is to explore whether traditional healing is beneficial or detremental to the health of the community of Punta Gorda Town (PG). Fall 1997
ERC553 Meera Patankar Expansion Potentials at The Community Baboon Sanctuary A Study of Local Involvement in Habitat Preservation Study investigates potentials for the expansion of the Community Baboon Sanctuary to certain uninvolved and unapproached areas both outside of the sanctuary boundaries, in the two neighbouring villages of Rancho Dolores and Lemonal; and withing the boundaries of the immigrant Taiwanese community. Fall 1997
ERC554 Kristin Hultgren Benthic Invertebrate Biodiversity in Port Honduras Research intends to complete a comprehensive biodiversity survey in the form of a species list of invertebrates found in Port Honduras, Belize. It also focuses in particular on the invertebrates founf in the benthic habitants of the shallow banks surrounding the cayes. Fall 1997
ERC555 Maria & Harry Vargas & Barbosa Los Creole De Belice: Un Estudio Comparativo De Flowers Bank Y Gales Point Manatee de 1950-1970 2012
ERC556 Bruce Ergood The British Heritage in Belize: Different Realities A listing of social and physical objects brought by the British and still found in Belize.
ERC557 Bruce Ergood European Impositions of Introductions Into the New New World: The British to Honduras 1992
ERC558 M. Laetitia Solis Policies to Promote Sustainable Agricultural Development: The Case of Belize Working paper discusses the Government of Belize's agricultural policies over the 1980-1991 period. It analyses the extent to which these policies have assisted in the development of sustainable agriculture in Belize and looks at issues that must be addressed in order to achieve the policies' objectives.
ERC559 Amber Bacca Internationally Funded Development Projects: Toledo Paper investigates the impact of internationally finded development programs in the Toledo District. It documents the history of these programs, indetifies specific problems that have occurred and also provides recommendations to alleviate those particular issues. Fall, 2001
ERC560 Mavis Campbell St. George's Cay: A Short History August, 1998
ERC561 The Garifuna People and Garifuna Settlement Day
ERC562 Jeffrey McNeely Economic Incentives for Conserving Natual Resources in the Caribbean 30th September, 1898
ERC563 Stephen Fairweather The History of the Mestizos and Mayans of Belize
ERC564 Elizabeth Gilgan Looting and the Market for Maya Objects: A Belizean Perspective March 2000
ERC565 Diane Bensel The Effects of Mondernization on Family Structure in Crooked Tree Village Paper focuses on the historical background of Crooked Tree's community and family structure. Spring 1994
ERC566 Erika & Carrie Schatz & Brownstein Indetification of Coral Species in the Tackle Box Area; a Contribution to the CARICOMP Regional Scientific Program Report of contribution to CARICOMP project to understand productivity, structure and function of the three main coastal ecosystems in the Caribbean: mangroves, sea grasses and coral reefs. Goal was to make standardized, coordinated and long-term observations of the respective habitats. Spring 1994
ERC567 Christoffer Schlarb A Cultural Music Anthology of the Creole, Maya and Garifuna Paper documents the process by which a cultural music anthology was recorded and produced. Spring 1999
ERC568 David Ludwig The Land Rights Issue in the Toledo District of Belize An Exploration of Arguments, Opinions and Suggestions Paper serves as an objective guide to the different arguments and ideas concerning the welfare of Toledo District communities as they deal with the problem of securing rights to land. Spring, 1998
ERC569 Christine Cordner The Effects of Jaguar Conservation Legislation on the Small Cattle Ranchers of Crooked Tree Village Spring 1994
ERC570 Carrie Conway "Caye Cauker, Coconuts and Changes" Study objectives were to assess what life was like on the island before tourism, the economic, social and environmental effects of tourisn, the degree of foreign investment and intervention if the island and threats of the future. Spring 1994
ERC571 Aimee Althoff Preserving Masewal Culture: The Use of Medicinal Plants in Mountain Pine Ridge Paper explores the history of San Antonio's relationship with Mountain Pine Ridge, and the significance of medicinal plants to the Masewal culture. Spring 1998
ERC572 Amber Fisher Development in Toledo - The effects on Mayan Women in the Toledo District Study assesses how development effects Maya women and children of the Toledo District by studying their culture and the work they do. Spring 1998
ERC573 Richard Wilk Consumer Goods, Cultural Imperialism and Underdevelopment in Belize Paper argues that more than economic development is needed for Belize to become more self-sufficient. October, 1989
ERC574 "And They Would Not Be Slaves: The Garifuna of Central America"
ERC575 Dion Phillips An examination of the Belize Defence Force
ERC576 B Rai Small Farmer Development in Belize and Open Markets October 1994
ERC577 Silvana Woods Belize Creole: Prevalant Crippling Attitudes paper explores the linguistic status of Belize Creole and discusses the effects of derogatory attitudes to it, drawing on research findings and examples from Belizean writings and situations. October 1989
ERC578 Joseph Palacio The Rise of Local Area Community Organizations in Belize 1989
ERC579 Louise Smith Factors Affecting Youth in Belize
ERC580 Derek Warren Public Access to the Broadcast Media Paper addresses to what extent should government departments and NGOs and international bodies working in the social sectors have right of access to the broadcast media for communication fod public service messages.
ERC581 Diane Haylock Shattering the 90% Myth: Literacy in Belize from a Popular Education Perspective
ERC582 Michael Stone Towards an Agenda for Refugees, Immigration and National Development in Belize June 1990
ERC583 E Cayetano Towards a Common Garifuna Orthography July, 1991
ERC584 Kristin Schmelz The Garifuna Dugu and the Catholic Church of Belize Paper explores the convergence of the Garifuna Dugu and the Roman Catholic faith and the controversy surrounding them. Spring 2000
ERC585 Tara Ellicott The Sustainability of Cacao Farming in the Toledo District Paper examines cacao farming for export to determine if it is a positive alternative for Toledo farmers. Spring 2000
ERC586 Michael Day Development Issues in the Cayo District: An Introduction Paper presents a selection of development and conservation issues affecting the Cayo District, centered around the towns of San Ignacio and Santa Elena. 1996
ERC586 Michael Day Conservation of Karst in the Cayo District Assessment of the progress of a conservation program which affords varying degrees and protection to the country's karst landscapes and their varies resources. 1996
ERC586 Jeffrey Kueny Expansion of Citrus Cultivation in the Karst of the Cayo District 1996
ERC586 Timothy Barta Forest-Pasture Boundary Dynamics: An Initial Assessment of Human Impact on Forest Edge Vegetation in the Western Cayo District 1996
ERC586 Eric Riser Ecotourism in the Western Cayo District 1996
ERC586 Kae DonLevy Solid Waste Treatment Issues in the Western Cayo District 1996
ERC586 Nicola Ahrens Belizean Viewpoints and Involvement in the Maya Archaeological Sites in the Cayo District 1996
ERC587 Montserrat Duran Publishing in Belize in the Context of Economic and Cultural Globalization Paper makes an attepmt to analyze the advantages, disadvantages and dangers of the top five conglomerates controling eighty percent of the publishing market and its repercussions in Belize. March 2001
ERC588 Deacon Cathers A Possible Cause of Our Education Problems in Belize
ERC589 P.C. and E. Esselman and Boles Status and Future Needs of Limnological Research in Belize 2001
ERC457 James Waldram Cultural Research with Traditional Healers 2012
ERC457 Elizabeth Cunin People and events in Belizean History: Robert Sydney Turton Against the Mexican Government: Forestry Economy, Migratory Policies and Relations of Power in the years 1920-30 2012
ERC457 Nigel Encalada June 1st, 1797: The Public Meeting and the Flowers Bank 14 2012
ERC457 Adonofe Iyo Flight from Enslavement in the Bay of Honduras to Freedom in Peten, Guatemala: Premilinary Findings 2012
ERC457 Lyra Spang Food, Identity and Tourism: Politicizing and Commoditizing Food in Placencia, Belize 2012
ERC457 Phylicia Pelayo Grand Ball in the 'Kolcha' capital: Exploring the Origin and Cultural Significance of a European Tradition in a Post-Colonial Era 2012
ERC457 Rolando Cocom Carnaval in Caledonia 2012
ERC590 Gyles & Sonja Iannone & Schwake Alternative Approaches To Socio-Ecological Crisis: Perspectives From Eblize's North Vaca Plateau 2012
ERC590 Arlen & Diane Chase Temporal Cycles in the Archaeology of Maya Residential Groups from Caracol, Belize 2012
ERC590 Laura, Holly, Mark, Barbara Kasakowsky, Moyes, Robinso, Voorhies Ceramics of Las Cuevas and The Chiquibul: At World's End 2012
ERC590 Jaime Awe Journey on the Cahal Pech Time Machine: An Archaeological Reconstruction of the Dynastic Sequence at a Belize Valley Maya Polity Paper aims to demonstrate that we can identify a sequence of rulers, spanning from Preclassic times, at Cahal Pech. 2012
ERC590 Jason, Sylvia, Sara, Bernadette, Jason Yaeger, Batty, Bratsch, Cap, Whitaker Recent Excavations at the Buenavista Del Cayo West Acropolis 2012
ERC590 Fred & Vernon Valdez Jr. & Scarborough Time, Distance and the Ancient Maya of La Milpa 2012
ERC590 Kathryn Brown Missing Persons: The Role of Ancestors in the Rise of Complexity 2012
ERC590 Astrid, Mareika, Eleanor Runggaldier, Brouwer, Harrison-Buck Hats Kaab: A Newly Discovered E-Group at the Closing of the 13th Baktun 2012
ERC590 Eleanor, adam, Satoru Harrison-Buck, Kaeding, Murata A Network of Waterways in the Eastern Belize Watershed: Recent Survey and Excavation of the 2012 Field Season 2012
ERC590 David, Thomas, Lisa Mixter, Jamison, LeCount Actuncan's Noble Court: New Insights into Political Strategies of an Enduring Center in the Upper Belize River Valley 2012
ERC590 Sarah Kurnick The Importance of the Past to the Ancient Maya Political Present: Recent Investigations at Callar Creek, Belize 2012
ERC590 Sara & Lisa Shults & LeCount Obsidian Form and Distribution at Actucan, Belize 2012
ERC590 Kathryn, Leah, Whitney, Thomas Brown, McCurdy, Lytle, Chapman Recent Investigations of the Mopan vcalley Preclassic Project at Xunantunich, Belize 2012
ERC590 Jon, Teresa, Terry Spenard, Wagner, Powis Of Shells, Soda Straws, Caves, and Kings: Crafting, Body Practices, and Identity Making Among the Ancient Maya of Pacbitun, Belize 2012
ERC590 Jennifer & Terry Weber & Powis At the End of the Road: Investigations of Termini Complex at Pacbitun, Cayo District, Belize 2012
ERC590 Lisa & Colleen Lucero & Lindsay Into the Depths of Cara Blanca: Exploring the Maya Underworld 2012
ERC590 Brett, Matthew, Krystle, Vincent Houk, Harris, Kelley, Sisneros The 2012 Investigations at Chan Chich and Kaxil Uinic 2012
ERC590 Alec & Helen McClellan & Haines Casting a Light in the Wilderness: The Ancient Maya Site of Ka'Kabish, Northern Belize 2012
ERC590 Rissa Trachman The Site of Dos Hombres and Nearby Hintherland Households: A Multiscale Prespective of Previous and Ongoing Investigations 2012
ERC590 Lauren, Brett, Gregory, Lindsey Sullivan, Houk, Zaro, Moats Deciphering a Terminal Classic Surface Artifact Deposit at Courtyard 100, La Milpa: The View from the Cermaic Data 2012
ERC590 James Aimers Maya Pottery Production and Exchange: What We Think We Know and What We Wish We Knew 2012
ERC590 Thomas Guderjan Landscapes and Maya Settlement in Northwestern Belize 2012
ERC590 Mikael, Chelsea, Geoffrey Fauvelle, Fisher, Braswell Return to the Kingdom of the Eagle: Archaeological Investigations at Nim Li Punit, Belize 2012
ERC590 Amy, Claire, Keith Thompson, Ebert, Prufer Shifting Dynamica and Use of Space at Uxbenka 2012
ERC590 Valorie, Keith, Clayton, Brendan, Douglas Aquino, Prufer, Meredith, Culleton, Kennett Constraining the Age of Abandonment of Uxbenka Site Core Using Archaeologcal Stratigraphy and AMS C Dates 2012
ERC590 Elizabeth & Heather Sills & McKillop Underwater Excavations of Classic Period Salt Works, Paynes Creek National Park, Belize 2012
ERC590 Rachel, Heather, Elizabeth Watson, McKillop, Sillis Brine Enriching Slag Heaps or Mounded Remains of Salt makers Homes? Earthern Mounds in the Mangroves at the Paynes Creek Salt Works 2012
ERC590 Anabel & Cynthia Ford & Ellis Teaching Secrets of Conservation and Prosperity in the Maya Forest 2012
ERC590 Lauren Springs Results of the Skeletal Analysis for the 2011 St. George's Caye Archaeological Field Season 2012
ERC591 Christine, Mary, Henry, Fred white, Pohl, Schwarcz, Longstaffe Isoptopic Evidence for Maya Patterns of Deer and Dog Use at Preclassic Colha Based on an assessment of human expolitation of animals in the New World, it is proposed that one criterion for domestication should be dependence upon humans for foor, a trait testes through isotopic analysis of faunal remains. 2001
ERC592 Christine, David, Fred, Kimberley White, Pendergast, Longstaffe, Law Social Complexity and Food Systems at Altun Ha, Belize: The Isotopic Evidence Study reports stable carbon-isotopic ratios for both bone collagen and apatite, and nitrogen-isotope ratios for bone collagen for 72 Maya skeletons from 9 zones reprenting contrasting status groups at Altun Ha, eblize 2001
ERC593 Shawn Van Ausdal Development and Discourse among the Maya of Southern Belize Article investigates a prevailing notion in development texts from the refion that population pressure respresents an environmental threat and examines the consequences of apparent attempt by the government to employ development projects to disfuse lical contention over plans to privatize Maya land tenure. June 2001
ERC594 Laurie Medina A Class 'Politics of Difference': Ethnic Mobilization Among Workers in Belize Paper evaluates the prescriptions for working class political activity advocates by two alternative theoretical frameworks. 1998
ERC595 Donna Bonner Garifuna Children's Language Shame: Ethnic Stereotypes, National Affiliation, and Transnational Immigration as Factors in Language Choice in Southern Belize Article explores the effects of ethnic stereotypes, demographic shifts, and nationalism on language choice in thw town of Dangriga, Belize. January 2001
ERC596 Chad Thomas Digression and Insertion in a Belizean Folktale 2000
ERC597 T.R., B.M., S.G., T.A, G.P., S.T. Rainwater, Adair, Platt, Anderson, Cobb, McMurry Mercury in Morelet's Crocodile Eggs from Northern Belize Analysis of mercury testings in 31 nonviable Morelet's crocodile eggs collected from eight nests across three localities in northern Belize. October 2001
ERC598 Ted, Thomas, Steven, Scott, Todd Wu, rainwater, Platt, McMurry, Anderson DDE in Eggs of Two Crocodile Species from Belize Asssessment of contaminant exposure to Organocholrine in Belize Crocodiles, nonviable eggs. 2000
ERC599 Steven, Thomas and Scott Platt, Rainwater, McMurry Twinning in Morelet's Crocodile (Crocodylys Moreletii) and a Brief Review of Twinning in Crocodilians 2000
ERC600 Thomas, Steven, Ricahrd and Scott Rainwater, Platt, Robbins, McMurray Ticks from a Morelet's Crocodile in Belize 2001
ERC601 Deborah Best Gender Concepts: Convergence in Cross-Cultural Research and Methodologies Article discusees socialization experiences and cultural expectations that may be linked to gender differences and concepts. 2001
ERC602 Peter Hitchen State and Church in British Honduras Education, 1931-39: A British Colonial Pespective 2000
ERC603 Charles Clark State Leasehold and Mayan Customary Cultivation Rights in Belize 2000
ERC604 Tracy, Jeffrey Farrell, Marion Identifying and Assessing Ecotourism Visitor Impacts at Eight Protected areas in Costa Rica and Belize 2001
ERC605 Rosaleen Duffy Shadow Players: Ecotourism Development, Corruption and State Politics in Belize Article examines the way that developing societies have been increasingly incorporated into global networks, and the eggect that this has had on the states themselves. 2000
ERC606 Richard Wilk Consuming Morality Paper addresses the close relationship between moral discourse and the practices of consumption. 2001
ERC607 Richard, Steve, Thomas, Wendy Robbins, Platt, Rainwater, Weisman Statistical Measures of Association Between Amblyomma Sabanerae Stoll (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) and the Furrowed Wood Turtle, Rhinoclemmys Areolata (Dumeril and Bibron) (Testudines: Emydidae), in Northern Belize Results of a study of 159 rick collection, comprising 411 specimens frm 261 adults and juveniles of the furrowed wood turtle, on a tract of pine forest and savanna in northern Belize 2001
ERC608 Jason, Robert, Belito, Itzhak Bonander, Kohn, Arana, Levav An Anthropological and Epidemiological Overview of Mental Health in Belize Article presents a preliminary overview of the mental health needs and resources in Belize using historic, demographic, epidemiologic and ethnographic methods to survey both the needs and societal resources available to the ethnically heterogeneous population of this country. March 2000
ERC609 Donna Bonner Beauty, Propriety and Status in a Former British Colony: European Aesthetic Theory and Social Distinction Based Upon Racial 'Appearances" in Dangriga, Belize March 1999
ERC610 Michael Crossley Cross-cultural Issues, Small States and Research: Capacity Building in Belize Article examines ways of improving the contribution of research and evaluation to the process of educational development in small states. 2001
ERC611 Richard Wilk Whose Forest? Whose Land? Whose Ruins? Ethics and Conservation Using the example of the recent lawsuit over logging on Mayan Indian reservations in the Cental American country of Belize, this paper argues that cultural essentialist positions are no longer tenable. 1999
ERC612 Norman, Amanda, Sara Hammond, Clarke, Donaghey The Long Goodbye: Middle Preclassic Maya Archaeology at Cuello, Belize 1995
ERC613 R.E.W., Norman Adams, Hammond Maya Archaeology, 1976-1980: A review of Major Publications The review examines major publication by geographical area, and then analyzes current knowledge of several key topics in Maya Archaeology. 1982
ERC614 Grace Brooks Managing Human Impacts on South Water Caye, Belize Objectives of this study were to determine in what ways humans are impacting South Water Caye and the adjacent reef, how these impacts have increased over time, how these impacts might be managed by the Fisheries Department in the South Water Caye Marine Reserve. Spring 2002
ERC615 Sarah Raines Fire Management in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve Paper reviews fire fighting techniques as well as the history if fire management in the Reserve and analyzes the effectiveness of current management. It also examines the role that the stakeholders in the management of th Reserve play. Spring 2002
ERC616 Wilder Daniels Caracol and the Tourism Development Project: For a Better Future Study focuses on public opinion of Caracol Maya ruin, to provide necessary feedback for the TDP, MOT, and IDB on the success of the Tourism Development Project taking place in Belize. The Results of this study show the success of the project, but cautions on the over-developing such a fragile site. 2002
ERC617 Chriss Earnest Buccaneers and Baymen: British Colonists in Belize A Short History of Belize Research paper investigares not only the initial European settlement on the remote coast of Belize during the 17th century, but also the subsequent development and expansion of Belize during the 18th and 19th centuries. Special empahis is places on the later emergence of the tulmultuous period of the Caste Wars during the 19th century. Included is a section on the 19th century archaeological material recovered during the 1984 season of the Corozal Postclassic Project. 30th September, 1988
ERC618 John Arana Draft: Pamana Embassy in Belmopan, Belize Research presented is the draft "Embajada de Panama en Belmopan, Belize" is an alternative to the government of Panama to build a suitable facility for diplomats in Belize. 2001
ERC619 Terry, Fred, Thomas, Jeffrey, Stanley Powis, Valdez, Hester, Hurst, Tarka Spouted Vessels and Cacao Use Among the Preclassic Maya Paper provides a contextualand functional analysis of Preclassic spouted vessels found across the Maya lowlands and highlands. Additionally, the results of chemical analyses on residues collected from spouted vessels found in Middle and Late Preclassic burials and Colha. 2002
ERC620 Anabel Ford Maya Settlement Pattern Chronology in the Belize River Area and the Implications for the Development of the Central Maya Lowlands 1985
ERC621 Adrian Bannister Women's Co-operative Groups and the empowerment Process in Southern Belize Dissertation represents an illustrative and exploratory analysis ofwomen's cornmill co-operative groups in Maya communities in Southern Belize. Two case studies were investigated, to compate and contrast the issues affecting different co-operatives initiatives in the area. 2001
ERC622 Carel, Karin Roessingh, Bras Garifuna Settlement Day: Tourism Attraction, National Celebration Day, Or Manifestation of Ehtnic Identity Articke focuses on the way the government of Belize, a postcolony nation in Central america, has to maneuver between its aim to work towards a nation-state mentatlity and the existence of local ethnic manifestation, which emphasizes the internal diversity in this multiethnic society. 2003
ERC623 Michael Stone Diaspora Sounds from Caribbean Central America July-December, 2008
ERC624 Joel, Joe Wainright, Bryan Cartography, terriroty, property: postcolonial reflections on indigeious counter-mapping in Nicaragua and Belize Paper outlines an analytic for examining indigenous mapping projects, drawing upon two prominent instances - by the Maya of Belize and the Mayangna community if Awas Tingni in Nicaragua- where human rights lawsuits have been woven together with participatory mapping. 2009
ERC625 Joel Wainwright 'The first duties of persons living in a civilized community': the Maya, the Church and the colonial state in southern Belize Through a close reading of archival texts from the late 19th century and early 20th century, this paper examines the spatial and political relations between three froups" the Catholica Church, the British colonial state and the Maya communities of souther British Honduras. 2008
ERC626 Sarah, Megan O' Braitis, O' Brien Community Development in New Settlements Lessons from San Carlos and Indian Church Study is an effort to understand the development experience of these two communities and dervice lessons which could be useful for the promotion of development in similar communities throughout Belie. July, 1998
ERC627 Greg Taylor Torrens' Contemptaneous Antipodean* Simulacrum* 2007
ERC628 Carel, Hanneke, Myrte Roessingh, Duijnhoven, Berendse Caribbean Delight: Moving Beyond the Sustainability Discourse iin Tourism Although debates on sustainable forms of tourism deelopment are a positive direction for the tourism field, this paper argues that these debates will not really contribute to the progress of the field as long as there is a lack of local accounts of actors in such tourism destinations. It presents empirical data from Belize and the Dominican Republic, the aim is to move beyond the dominant 'sustainability discourse' in the field of tourism in which mass tourism is per definition 'bad' and small scale tourism is 'good', and gain insight into what is actually goin on at the micro level. 2008
ERC629 Carel, Karim Roessingh, Darwish Self-employment and the chicle trade: the case of the Lebanese minority in the cayo district of Belize. The focus of this article is on the Lebanese migration to Belize and how the Lebanese used self-employment to become successful entrepreneurs in Belize. 2013
ERC630 Anne, Carrel Kok, Roessingh Where "God sleeps at night": Integrations, Differentiation and Fragmentation in a Mennonite Colony This paper is about the community of Shipyard Colony in Northern Belize, home to over 3000 Mennonitesm the majority Old Colony Church members, a minority Kleine Gemeinde and Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church members. It lookes at Shipyard from three cultural perspectives, that of integration, differentiation and fragmentation to explain how changes in the last 50 years affected community life
ERC631 Carel, Margot Roessingh, Nuijten Female self-employmnet among the Kleine Gemeinde in the Mennonite settlement of Blue Creel, Northern Belize This study explores the underexposed possibilities of starting and running a business by Mennonite women in the Kleine Gemeinde community if Blue Creek, Belize. 2012
ERC632 Carel, Kees Roessingh, Boersma 'We are growing Belize': modernisation and organisational change in the Mennonite Settlement of Spanish Lookout, Belize. This article addresses the entrepreneurial and organisational activities of a specific Mennonite group in Belize called the Kleine Gemeinde community of Spanish Lookout. Building upon Christian beliefs, agricultural skills and strong work ethos, this group was able to build up a stable, local economic network. The authors suggest that their collective resistance against other social groups and their day to dat strictness lead to processes of 'selective modernity'. 2011
ERC633 Marissa, Carel Pompa, Roesingh The overseas Taiwanese in Belize an exploration of a South-South development project in a Belizean context. paper aims to give an account to describe the way the South-South development programme is realized between Taiwan and Belize. 2010
ERC634 M. Kellman Dry Season Week Communities in the Upper Belize Valley Objectives of this research were to examine the composition and dynamics of week communities of farmland in the upper Belize valley in the hope that the results achieved would enable predictions to be made about the week communities that are likely to evolve in the valley as agricultural activities expand within it, and suggest possible improved contril measures. December, 1973
ERC635 Kristina Baines Good Men Grow Corn: Embodied Ecological Heritage and Health in a Mopan Maya Community Paper explores the connection between ecological knowledge and practices, and the concurret construction of heritage, and communityhealth and wellness, broadly defined. 2014
ERC635 Aminata Maraesa In A Good Position: Avoiding The Risk Of Fetal Malpresentation article looks at some of the cultural beliefs prevalent in southern Belize surrounding health and healing that are expressed through 'nointing alongside the structural contraints faced by pregnant women in the Toledo District to explore how perinatal risk is conceptualized and purportedly mitigated though 'nointing.
ERC635 Alicia McGill Oal Tingz, Kolcha, and Rooinz: Belizean Community Member Prespectives About Archaeology and Cultural Diversity Paper begins with an overiew of public archaeology and current trendsin heritage studies. It then contextualizes such work in Belize, and summerizes general findings in reards to youth learning about archeology and cultural difference, community concerns about cultural preservation, and community interests in archaeology and tourism development. It concludes with specultation about potential future public archaeology and heritage projects.
ERC635 Kathryn Brown Celebrating 2012: It's About Time Paper compares and contrasts ritual celebrations at two important archaeological sites in the Maya Lowlands, Caracol and Chichen Itza.
ERC635 Lyra Spang Eating Belize: Tourism Experiences and Expectations With Food
ERC635 Selene Solis The Influence of Contact Linguistics in the Behavior of the /S/ Phoneme of Residents of Las Flores, Belmopan: A Socio-Phonetic Study Paper highlights the phenomenon of language contact through a sociolinguistic study of the village of Las Flores loacated in the City of Belmopan.
ERC635 Christian Wells The Impacts of Tourism Development on Perception and Practices of Sustainable Wastewater Management on the Placencia Peninsula, Belize Paper examines the ways and extent to which human perceptions and practices related to wastewater management impact coastal health and livelihoods in tourism-depedent economies on the Caribbean.
ERC635 Rebecca Zarger Sharing and Sustaining Maya Environmental Heritage in Southern Belize Paper documents an approach to sharing and sustaining Maya environment and cultural heritage though the development of a primary school curriculum and associated activities in order to bring cultural knowledge and practives to formal school settings.
ERC635 Lilia Zalasar The First Immigration Laws of the English Colony Against the Arrival of Migrant Groups (XIX Century) Paper presents the history and traits of legal mechanisms created upon the arrival of new migrants groups to British Honduras since the nineteenth century to the early twentirth century.
ERC636 Alicia McGill AAL A WI DA WAN?: Cultural Education, Heritage, and Citizenship in the Belizean State Dissertation is an ethnograpgic examination of the state through the domains of cultural education and heritage practices in Belize. It explores state ideologies about national identity, cultural diversity, and citizenship that are filtered and reinforced though education and heritage practices. August 2012
ERC637 Dana Ayuso Employees' Perception of Human Resource Management Functions and Its Impact on Employees' Performance at the Treasury Department in Belize City Quatitative study to determine the correlation between Human Resource Management Functions and employees' perception and job performance. It sought to investigate if demographic data such as age, gender, and years of service, education background and job position have any significance on employees' perception and job performance. 31st May, 2014
ERC638 Marisol Torres Hernandez Refugiados Salvadorenos En Belize: En Busca De Un Lugar En La Historia June 2013
ERC639 Charles Collins Refugee Resettlment in Belize Belize has become the destination for an estimated 30,000 refugees from political unrest elsewhere in Central America. Most refugees seek accomodations privately, but some have settled in a project jointly sponsored by the Belizean government and the United Nations. This articles examins refugees' perceptions of the two types of resettlement. 1995
ERC640 Richard Wilk The Search for Tradition in Southern Belize: A Personal Narrative
ERC641 Mark Moberg Crown Colony as Banana Republic: The United Fruit Company in British Honduras, 1900-1920 This article examines the relationship between the United Fruit Company and the colonial government of British Honduras. Contrary to claims of administrative impartiality, colonial as company advocates before the Colonial Office, actions that ultimately undermined the colony's independent banana producers. 1996
ERC642 Mark Moberg Myths that Divide: Immigrant Labour and Class Segmentation in the Belize Banana Industry The relationship among ethnicity, nationality and resistance is examined in this case study, which analyzes how national and ethnic identities are reproduced by the recruitment of labour in the banana inudstry of Belize, Central America. 1996
ERC643 Stuart & Erlet Mcminn & Cater Tourist Typology Observations from Belize This examination of tourism on the island of Amergris Caye, Beilze, utilizes site investigations, questionnairs and in dept interviews in order to ascertain the carious impacts on a rapidly growing Third World destination. 1998
ERC644 Riad Ajami Strategies for Tourism Transnationals in Belize This paper examines the economic and political contexts and proposed strategies for establishing a large-scale, first class tourist resort in a small developling country: Belize. This study evaluates the Caribbean tourism market, the current and unexpected business climate, and the major political and economic forces. 1988
ERC645 Laurie Medina Commoditizing Culture Tourism and Maya Identity This ethnographic study examined how the commoditization of culture for tourism affected traditional practices in a formerly Maya village adjacent to the most-visited Mayan ruins in Belize. 2003
ERC646 D Lancaster Life History of the Boucard Tinamou in British Honduras Part I Distribution and General Behavior and Part Ii Breeding Biology Paper presents a study of the Boucard Timanou carried in British Honduras in the spring of 1957 and 1958. 1964
ERC647 William Davidson In Search of Garifuna, Beachfolk of the Bay of Honduras Article reprinted from National Geographic Society Research Reports, Vol. 14, pages 129-141 1982
ERC648 Richard Wilk Little House in the Jungle: The Causes of Variation in House Size Among Modern Kekchi Maya Interpreting variation in the size and quality of houses is a difficult task for the archaeologist. Are larger houses a sign of a larger household which has lived at the site longer than others> This paper uses ethnographic data on the Kekchi Maya to test these alternative explanations. The discussion reveals a complex relationship between social posititons,wealth and house size. It is suggested that houses serve different symbolic functions in settlments with different kinds of economies. 1983
ERC649 Mark Moberg Structural Adjustment and Rural Development: Inferences froma Belizean Villages This article examines how IMF intervation and structural adjustment policies negotiated at the national and multilateral levels were experiences by residents of a village in Stann Creek district, Belize. 1992
ERC650 Karl & Amber Roessing & Schoonderwoerd Traditional Farmers or Modern Businessmen? Religious Differentiation and Entepreneaurship in Kleine Gemeinde Mennonite Community in Belize. This article addresses the religious and entrepreneurial differentiation within Spanish Lookout, a Mennonite Community in the Cayo district in Belize, Central America. 2005
ERC651 Steven, Thomas & Stephen Platt, Rainwater & Nichols A recent population assessment of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Turneffe Atoll, Belize 2004
ERC652 Davis, Jennifer, Steven, Thomas, Adam, Scott… Ray, Dever, Platt, Rainwater, Finger, McMurry… Low levels of nucleotide diversity in Crocodylus moreletti and evidence of hybridization with C. acutus 2004
ERC653 Anne Mcpherson Citizens V. Clients: Working Women and Colonial Reform in Puerto Rico and Belize, 1932-1945 2003
ERC654 Michael Steinberg Folk House-types as Indicators of Tradition: The Case of the Mopan Maya in Southern Belize It is often assumed that indigenous folk house-types are indicators of traditional cultural patterns. Indigenous villages that are dominated by folk structures are generally thought to maintain many traditional culture traits in contrast to villages that are dominated by modern, national-culture house-types. This paper discusses cultural circumstances that argue against the assuption that traditional housing can be correlated with traditional cultures. 1996
ERC655 Anne Mcpherson Colonial Matriarchs: Garveyism, Materialism, and Belize's Black Cross Nurses, 1920-1952 2003
ERC656 S. G., T.R., S.W. Platt, Rainwater, Brewer Aspects of the burrowing ecology of nine-banded armadillos in northern Belize 2004
ERC657 Carel & Myrte Roessingh & Berendse Combining Sustainable Tourism and Cruise-Ships in Belize This article focuses on the way tourism entrepreneurs and the government of Belize cope with the aparently conflicting processes they come across while developing their tourism products. Although traditionally focused on small-scale, sustainable tourism Belize has recently been discovered by cruise ship lines. The case of Belize is used to further develop ideas on practicing sustainable tourism and cruis tourism, with a focus on the role of govenments and tourism entrepreneurs in this development. 2005
ERC658 Nick Williams An Introduction to Cave Exploration in Belize Systematic speleological exploration has been taking place in Belize since about 1960. An estimated total of 250 km of passage have now been mapped, ranging from low dry grovels to large, active river passafe, and two of the largest underground chambers in the world. The author assigns caves to either geographical areas and describes the history of recent exploration in each. Future exploration problems and priorities are also discussed.
ERC658 Pete Hollings The Value of Small Expeditions to Regional cave Research: A Reconnaisance to the Cayo District of Belize During a five week perios, 19 caves were explored by a team of four cavers comprising the 1994 Mendip Caving Groups expedition to Belize. Six sizeable caves were identified in the Cretaceous limestone, west of the Maya Mountains, and surveyed a total length of 2.5km. Time spent in the field in broken down so as to show both the advantages and disadvantages of small-scale expedition.
ERC658 Logan McNatt Cave Archaeology of Belize Approximately 300 caves have been documented in Belize in the 100 years. These include 198 registered archaeological sites. Ethnohistoric, ethnographic, iconographic, and archaeological sources indicare the importance of caves in Maya culture over a period spanning at least 1,500 years. Looting Is a major problem, and lack of funding seriously compromises not only the protection of cave sites, but also the preservation of materials and publication of the iunformation recovered by archaeological research.
ERC658 Thomas Miller Geologic and Hydrologic Controls on Karst and Cave Development in Belize
ERC658 Philip, Robert and Edward Reeder, Brinkman and Alt Karstification on the Northern Cava Plateau, Belize
ERC658 James & George Reddell & Guatemala Biology of the Chiquibul Cave System, Belize and Guatemala
ERC658 Michael Day Conservation of Karst In Belize
ERC659 Mark Moberg Transnational Labor and Refugee Enclaves in a Central American Banana Industry This article assesses the origins and migration plans of immigrantn workers in the Belizean banana industry. Despite diminishing conflict in their homelands, most immigrants workers do not intent to return home permanently. They nonetheless retain an transnational orientation through sustainedn determinants of their settlement intentions. Policy recommendations are made that would alleviate the abusive conditions to which many immigrant workers are subjected.
ERC660 Michael Camille Historical Geography of the Belizean Logwood Trade For the first century of English settlement in Belize, the territory's place in the worl economic system and British Imperial system was largely determined by the strenght of the longwood industry. Logwood extraction in Belize satisfied the growing demand for natural dyestuffs in Europe. This study describes the geography of early logwood extraction and its effects on the Belizean landscape and places the industry in a wider economic and geopolitical context 1996
ERC661 Robert Horwich Breeding Behaviors in the Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra) of Belize Adulterous breeding between a female howling monkey (Alouatta pigra) of one troop with a male of an adjacent troop occurred despite territorial defense between the two troops. The Specific behaviors are describes as well as a synopsis of daily events which occurred between the female and two males from adjacent troops. A discussion of how this interaction and the behavior patterns relate to what is known about breeding in howler monkeys and related species follows. 1983
ERC662 Robert Horwich Geographical Distribution of the Black Howler (Alouatta pigra) in Central America The geographic range of the black howler, Alouatta pigra in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize was investigated by travelling through and visiting 65 locations withing or close to the expected range. The existence of the species was noted through first hand observations or was documented by talking with residents and knowledgable people in the area. 1986
ERC663 Robert & Kris Horwich & Gebhard Roaring Rhythms in Black Howler Monkeys (Alouatta pigra) of Belize Roaring was recorded during 15 min intervals for 55 days from April 29 to July 14, 1981 in the area arounf Bermuda Landing, Belize. Results indicate a gradual change in the daily profile of roaring from dry to rainy season. 1983
ERC664 Robert Horwoch Species Status of the Black Howler Monkey, Alouatta pigra in Belize Small troop sizes which averaged 5.23 members per troop and the early descent of male testes in Alouatta pigra show a marked difference from A. palliata. These differences strenghten Smith's (1970) observations of morphological differences between pigra and A. Palliata. 1983
ERC665 Wallace Joefield-Napier External Public Debt and Public Finance in OECS Member Countries and Belize: 1977-1982 This paper analyses the past trends in the external public debt, debt serving capacitues and public finances of OECS member countries and Belize. It also analyses trends in the external public debt of OECS member countries and Belize over the 1977-82 period and provides a brief review of the financial performance of individual country's public sector, and estimate that magnitude and impact of public sector changes on the external public debt. 1985
ERC666 John Everitt The Growth and Development of Belize City The purpose of this paper is to gather together much of the scattered material on Belize City, in the hope that this codification will help the reader to understand the growth and present status of the city, and perhaps, inspire others to do futher research on this, still the major urban centre of Belize 1986
ERC667 Trevor Petch Dependency, land and Oranges in Belize 1986
ERC668 G. Robinson Agricultural change in the Belize River Valley The Belize River valley is one of the principal areas of farmin activity in Belize. Agriculture is dominated by smallholders whose farming activities have been investigated by means of a survey of five communities in the Valley. Emphasis in this article is places upon recent changes, constrainrs affecting the farmers and upon atempts to improve their situation.
ERC669 O. Bolland The Social Structure and Social Relations of the Settlement in the Bay of Honduras (Belize) in the 18th Century 1973
ERC670 David Pendergast Lamanai, Belize: Summary of Excavation Results, 1974-1980 1981
ERC671 Douglas Pearce Planning for Tourism in Belize 1984
ERC672 E. Rowbotham The Design and Construction of the Hummingbird Highway
ERC673 Carl Jantzen From the Maya to the Mennonited: Intercommunity Relationships in West Central Belize This paper explored interethnic relationships in a newly emerging nation by focusing on a group of Mennonited who have established a colony in the Cayo District of west-central Belize. IT builds on a frame-work suggested and data supplied by Mazzarelli (1967) who studied community intterelationships in the same area ebfore the Mennonites were influential participants in this pural society. 1987
ERC674 J.D.H., J.T. & J. L. Lambert, Arnason, Gale Leaf-litter and Changing Nutrient Levels in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Hardwood Forest, Belize, C.A. 1980
ERC675 J. T. & J.D.H. Arnason & Lambert Nitrogen cycling in the seasonally dry forest zone of Belize, Central America 1982
ERC676 J.D.H., A.H. & J.T. Lambert, Siemens & Arnason Ancient Maya Drained Field Agriculture: It's Possible Application Today in the New River Floodplain, Belize, C.A. 1984
ERC677 John Lambert Distribution of Vegetation on Maya ruins and its relationship to ancient land-use at Lamanai, Belize 1978
ERC678 Paul, John, J.T. & Richard Healy, Lambert, Arnason & Hebda Caracol, Belize: Evidence of Ancient maya Agricultural Terraces This paper describes recent archaeological investigations at the major Maya ceremonial center of Caracol, Cayo, Distrcit, Belize, a poorly known region of the southern Maya lowlands. Research concentrated upon a six hectare zone of terraced hillslope and included detailed mapping and excavations. An examination of terraces and associated residential units is made, with discussion of the antiquity of these structures, their distribution, terrace size, form and probable function. The first radiocarbon dates for Caracol , as well as data on terrace soils and pollen, are presented. 1983
ERC679 T., J.D.H., J. J.& H. Arnason, Lambert, Gale, Cal, & Vernon Decline of Soil Fertility Due to Intensification of Land Use by Shifting agriculturists in Belize, Central America Intensificationof land use by shifting Maya agriculturalists in Belize, Central America, has led to a deline in soil fertility and crop yields. Examination of eleven nutrients in crop plants and soil, and changes in nutrient levels with the length of the cropping period, indicated that phosphorus was the limiting factor for plant growth. Physical analyses of the soil and visual evidence suggested that erosion is a contributing factor to declining soil quality. A variety of solutions to the infertility problem are discussed. 1982
ERC680 Davis. John, Hugh & Timothy Burton, Bickham, Genoways & McCarthy Karyotypic Analysis of Five Rodents and a Marsupial from Belize, Central America 15 May 1987
ERC681 Desmond Holdridge Toledo: A Tropical Refugee Settlement in British Honduras 1940
ERC682 Patricia McAnny Stone-Tool Production and Exchange in the Eastern Maya Lowlands: The Consumer Perspective from Pulltrouser Swap, Belize Ongoing controversy over the idetification of mesoamerican centers as the locus for specialized productions of stone tool is addressed by reference to a consumer locality in the eastern Maya Lowlands. Lithic data from Pulltrouser Swamp are used to shed light on the production intensity and scale of a distribution system centered at Colha, Belize. 1989
ERC683 Heather & Paul McKillop & Healy Coastal Maya Trade This paper presents some conclusions drawn from the work carried out at coastal sites in Belize. There are several general statements about coastal sites that can be mae which my be of use in guiding future research. All are concerned with the context within which coastal sites are studies and are integral to various assessments of coastal activity through time, including studies of treace. The bulk of theis paper focuses on conditions that affect the stratifgraphy and ecology of coastal sites. 1989
ERC684 Thomas & Harry Hester & Shafer The Ancient Maya Craft Community at Colha, Belize, and Its External Relationships Paper is a straightforward attempt to briefly summarize the lithic technology of Colha and to examine the manner in which the lithic commodities from the site were acquired and utilized by Maya consumers outside the Colha settlement area. April 1989
ERC685 Thomas, James, Herman, Fred, Helen & Frank Garber, Smith, Stross, Michel and Asaro Maya Maritime Trade and Sources of Obsidian at San Juan, Ambergris, Caye 1989
ERC686 Norman & Juliette Hammond & Gerhardt Early Maya Architectural Innovation at Cuello, Belize This article reports the small site of Cuello in Northern Belize, where a continuous stratigraphic sequence of architectural construction, beginning c. 1000 BC and ending c. AD 400, has been excavated. In the modest innovations of the early building at Cuello can be seen some of the origins of Classic maya architecture. February 1990
ERC687 O. Bolland Systems of Dominion after Slavery: The Control of Land and Labor in the Brtitish West Indies after 1838 October 1981
ERC688 William Green The Perils of Comparative History: Belize and the British Sugar Colonies after Slavery January 1984
ERC689 D.J. & J.A. Williams & Notley Operation Hurricane Hattie 1962
ERC690 Norman Hammond Archaeological Excavations at the Early maya Site of Cuello, Belize, Central America, 1978-1980 1978
ERC691 Harry & Thomas Shafter & Hester Ancient Maya Chert Workshops in Northern Belize, Cental America 1983
ERC692 Vernon Scarborough A Preclassic Maya Water System The Late Preclassic Maya center of Cerros, northern Belize (300 B.C. to A.D. 150) has revealed evidence of a sophisticated water control system. Canals and raised field platforms have been examined inside the community center. An underlying limestone caprock was systematically removed during the quarrying of monument fill to maintain and adequate drainage in the community. The result was a man-made relief or watershed across the entire core site area. The role of present and past microenvironments at Cerros is addressed. 1983
ERC693 Norman Ashcroft The Domestic Group in Mahogany, British Honduras A persistent problem in the Caribbean has been the linking of famlt, mating and household pattersn, both to each other and to other factors in the social system. Two issues which have arisen in the source of solving the problem are the defining of the units of analysis and determiing the structure of these units. The paper examins the concept of "household" and to descrobe some possible variables which critically influence its structure. 1966
ERC694 Major H.E.H. Newman Belize Revisited of What the Sappers sis in British Honduras 196
ERC695 Ione Marshall The National Accounts of British Honduras June 1962
ERC696 Geoffrey Laws The Survey of the Lubaantun District in British Honduras 1928
ERC697 Norman Hammond Preclassic to Postclassic in Northern Belize 1974
ERC698 Norman Hammond Early Maya Ceremonial at Cuello, Belize The formative period of Maya civilization has been the subject of recent attention, both in discussion and in excavation; several projects have been established specifically to investigate the processes that led to the Classic Maya florescence in the first millennium AD. This article summerizes the results of the third and final season of the Cuello Project which took place from January to March, 1980. November 1980
ERC699 Norman Hammond British Archaeology in Belize, 1976 March 1977
ERC700 S.R.R. Allsopp British Honduras The Linquistic Dilemma 1965
ERC701 A. Anderson Glimpses of a Lost Civilization 1952
ERC702 Norman Ashcraft Educational Planning in a Developing Society - The Case of British Honduras This study represents an investigation into the problems of coordinating educational methods and goals with the problems and goals of economic developlment policies. Specifically, the issie to be explored involves the type of educational system developing countries 'ought' to adopt. September 1972
ERC703 Peter Ashdown Antonio Soberanis and the Disturbances in Belize 1934-1937 1978
ERC704 C. Cacho British Honduras A Case of Deviation in Commonwealth Caribbean Decolonization 1967
ERC705 Herbert Curry British Honduras: From Public Meeting to Crown Colony 1956
ERC706 C. Grant The Civil Service Strike in British Honduras: A Case Study of Politics and The Civil Service September 1966
ERC707 C Grant Rural Local Government in Guyana and British Honduras March 1967
ERC708 Richard Hadel Black Carib Folk Music 1976
ERC709 John Andersen A Second Round Structure from Northern Belize, Central America The excavation of a large rounf masonry platform at Chan Chen, Belize, central America is described. 1978
ERC710 Denis Malone Magisterial Problems of Belize December 1977
ERC711 Sybil Armstrong Belize (British Honduras) 1978
ERC712 C.W.W.W Greenidge British Honduras December 1942
ERC Virginia Kerns Daughters Bring In: Ceremonial Social Organization of the Black Carib of Belize 1977
ERC714 Douglas Taylor Conversations and Letter from the Black Carib of British Honduras April 1948
ERC715 J. Jefferson & Susan M. MacKinnon & Kepecs Prehispanic saltmaking in Belize: New Evidence The discovery of a number of prehispanic saltmaking sites on the southern coast of Belize by Point Placencia Archaeological Project suggests a concern with local saltmaking during the Late Classic abd perhaps later periods. This paper describes the sites located by our survey and offers an interpretation of the local saltmaking process. It suggests that Placencia salt was inferior in quality to that from Yucatan, and that it might have been consumed by commoners, while elites were able to obtain pure Yucatecan salt. July 1989
ERC716 Arlen & Diane Chase The Investigation of Classic Period Maya Warfare at Caracol, Belize 1989
ERC717 Robin Robertson Fuctional Analysis and Social Process in Ceramics: The Pottery from Cerros, Belize This research is concerned with dividing and refining the cermaic chronology for the late Preclassics in northern Belize and possibly by comparison, other areas of the Maya Lowlands; as well as, identifying the ways in which the inhabitants of the sire utilized pottery. May, 1981
ERC718 Leslie Snyder Foreign Media and the Desire to Emigrate from Belize Among the troubles third world nations face today are two "flow" problems - the floww of foreign culture and values into developing antions vis the mass media, and the flow of population out of these countries and into more developed centers of the North. This articles explores the hypothesis that the first of these processes exacerbates the second. Winter 1991
ERC713 Joseph Palacio A Rural/Urban Environment for Central American Immigrants in Belize Paper discusses a case study done among twenty persons mostly housewives in Salvapan, a rural/urban community of Guatemalan and Salvadorann refugee/immigrants in Belize. It describes their biological characteristics, household structure, arrival and setllment, foos and household economy, and their use of health and education facilities. The theoretical framework is the process of adjustment that rural migrants undergo within a unique environment. It therefore has implications within a wide range f possibilities that are available for involuntary migrants. 30th November, 1985
ERC719 Graham Hurford The Moyne Commission in British Honduras. Public Opinion and the Policies of the Burns Administration 1934-1940. 1987
ERC720 Nancy, Michael, Jason Moss, Stone, Smith Fertility among Central American Refugees and Immigrants in Belize This study describes how international migration, including refugee status, affects both child spacing and awareness of an interest in family planning. Guatemalan, Salvadoran, and Belizean women with children under six years of age were interviewed in a survey conducted in 1989 in three settlements in Belize that have a high proportion of refugees and ecomonic immigrants. 1993
ERC721 Nancy, Michael, Jason Moss, Stone, Smith Child Health Outcomes Among Central American Refugees and Immigrants in Belize The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of international migration, including refugee status upon child health outcomes. 1992
ERC722 David Pendergast The Actun Balam Vase June 1966
ERC723 Kevin Kearns Belmopan: Perspective on a New Capital April 1973
ERC724 Richard Wilk 'It's destroying a Whole generation". Television and Moral Discourse in Belize This paper explores the ways television has affected the small Caribbean country of Belize during the last ten years. It focuses attention on the way people talk about television in public and provate, on the place of television in moral discourse. It suggests that by providing an objectified "other", foreign television may promote new forms of nationalism. 1993
ERC725 Patrick Cardiff Income Imputation and Househol Income Inequality in Belize Paper analyzes income distribution in the 1990-1991 Belize Household Expenditure Survey (HES). March 1993
ERC726 M. Day Resource use in the tropical karstlands of central Belize The karst of central Belize was used intensively for some six centurues by Maya farmers, but between the 10th and 19th centuries, followed by the expansion of subsistence and commerical agriculture after 1945. In the 1980's resource use has accelerated as population and other pressures increase. Much Karst remains forested, but there is increasing clearance for agricultural uses, particularly for citrus cultivation and small scale agriculture…Environmental stresses currently fo not exceed the threshold of instability, but the rapidly developing rural economy warrants careful monitoring of resource pressures. 1993
ERC727 Jan Meerman The Status of Crocodiles in the Eastern Corozal District Report of a short survey in the dry season of 1991 to establish the status of the Crocodiles in and around the Shipstern Nature Reserve 1992
ERC728 Clarence, Debra, Christine, David Abercrombie, Davidson, Hope, Scott Status of Morelet's Crocodile Crocodylus Moreleti in Belize This first part of this paper gives results of an investigation into the current status of Morelet's crocodile in Belize, particularly its distribution and population. The second section attempts to predict how the Belizean populations will fare in the future and concludes with a few recommendations on how they can be managed. 1980
ERC729 Gair, Amanda, Norman Tourtellot, Clarke, Hammond Mapping La Milpa: a Maya city in northwestern Belize Report of a project undertaken to build up a holistic picture of an ancient Maya community that appears to have flourished for several centuries, by mapping the pattern of settlement and its relationship to landscape, studying the range of mineral and plant resources available to the inhabitants and by carrying out surface collection and excavations to deterime the nature, extent and persistence of Maya culture there and understand the ancient city in its environmental context. March 1993
ERC730 Vernon Leslie The Belize River Boat Traffic September & December 1987
ERC732 Leeland Graham State Joint Venture Participation in Oil Exploration and Production in Belize July 1991
ERC733 Arlen & Diane Chase The Early Classic Period at Carcaol, Belize: Transitions, Complexity, and Methodolofical Issues is Maya Archaeology 2005
ERC733 Jaime & Christophe Awe & Helmke Alive and Kicking in the #rd to 6th Centuries A.D.: Defining the Early Classic in the Belize River Valley 2005
ERC733 Kathryn & James Brown & Garber The Role of Public Architecture and Ritual in the Ride of Complexity: An Example from Blackman Eddy, Belize 2005
ERC733 Lisa & John LeCount & Blitz The Actucan Early Classic Maya Project Progress Report on the Second Field Season 2005
ERC733 John & Anabel Morris & Ford Early Classic Manifestations At El Pilar and Mountain Cow 2005
ERC733 Palma, Lauren, Fred Buttles, Sullivan, Valdez Early Classic Manifestations in Northern Belize 2005
ERC733 Diane & Arlen Chase The Early Classic Period at Santa Rita Corozal: Issues of Hierarchy, Heterarchy and Stratification in Northern Belize 2005
ERC733 Thomas Guderjan The Early Classic Period at the Maya Site of Blue Creek, Belize 2005
ERC733 K. Pyburn Complex Deposits at Chau Hiix 2005
ERC733 A Goldsmith Explorations of an Early Classic Community at Chai Hiix 2005
ERC733 Keith Prufer The Early Classic in Southern Belize: A Regional View from Uxbenka and Ek Xux 2005
ERC733 Phillip Wanyerka Epigraphic Evidence of Macro-Political Organization in Southern Belize: A View from the Eatly Classic Period 2005
ERC733 Francisco Estrada-Belli Cival, La Sufricaya and Holmul: The Long History of Maya Political Power and Settlement in the Holmul Region 2005
ERC733 Darcy Wiewall Indentifying the Late Postclassic-Colonial Transition in Belize: Results of the 2003 Field Season at the Site of Lamanai in Northern Belize 2005
ERC733 Mazine & Marilyn Oland & Masson Late Postclassic-Colonial Period Maya Settlement on the West Shore of Progresso Lagoon 2005
ERC733 Scott Simmons Investigations in the Church Zone Maya Archaeomentallurgy at Spanish Colonial Lamanai, Belize 2005
ERC733 Steven Morandi Investigating the Spanish Colonial Frontier in the Sibun River Valley 2005
ERC733 Jason, Minette, Jennifer, Richard Yaeger, Church, Dornan, Leventhal Investigating Historic Households: The 2003 Season of the San Pedro Maya Project 2005
ERC733 Andrew Kinkella Bottles, Buttons and the BEC: The Historical Record at Yalbac 2005
ERC733 Heather McKillop Classic Maya Workshops: Ancient Salt Works in Paynes Creek National Park, Belize 2005
ERC733 Bretton & Heather Somers & McKillop Hidden Landscapes of the Ancient Maya on the South Coast of Belize: Discovering "Invisible" Settlement at Arvin's Landing 2005
ERC733 Cassandra & Geoffrey Bill & Braswell Life at the Crossroads: New Data from Pusilha, Belize 2005
ERC733 Patricia, Eleanor, Satoru McAnany, Harrison-Buck, Murata Desire and Political Influence the Archaeology of the Sibun River Valley 2005
ERC733 Sandra & Christopher Lopez Varela & Dore The Construction of Social Space and Production in the Sibun River Valley 2005
ERC733 Cynthia, Chelsea, Michael Robin, Blackmore, Latsch Household and Community Ritual in a Maya Farming Community: The 2003 Season at the Chan Site, Belize 2005
ERC733 Lisa Lucero Exploring the Role of Ancient Maya Temples at Yalbac, Belize 2005
ERC733 Carolyn & Jaime Audet & Awe The Political Organization of the Belize Valley: Evidence from Baking Pot, Belize 2005
ERC733 Dori, Ronald, Carolyn, Jaime, M. James Reents-Budet, Bishop, Audet, Awe, Blackman Act Locally, Think Internationally: The Pottery of Baking Pot, Belize 2005
ERC733 Jon, Timothy, Sheryl, Nicole Lohse, Beach, Luzzadder-Beach, Little Poitical Ecology in Upper Northwestern Belize 2005
ERC733 Fred Valdez Jr. Life and Livelihood of the Prehistoric Maya of Northwestern Belize 2005
ERC733 Richard & Kay Meadows & Sunahara In the Shadow of La Lucha: Modeling Ancient Maya Non-Urban Complexity in Northwest Belize 2005
ERC733 Shirley Mock The Terminal Classic to Postclassic Cermaics from Saktunja, A Coastal Site in Northern Belize 2005
ERC733 Jon Lohse Preceramic Occupation in Belize 2005
ERC733 Anabel, Melanie, John Ford, santiag Smith, Morris Community Integration and Adaptive Management at El Pilar 2005
ERC734 Diane & Arlen Chase Thirty Years of Archaeology at Caracol, Belize: Retrospective and Prospective 2015
ERC734 Arlen & Diane Chase The Domestic Economy of Caracol, Belize: Articulating with the Institutional Economy in an Ancient Maya Urban Setting 2015
ERC734 Bernadette, Meaghan, Jason Cap, Peuramaki-Brown, Yaeger Shopping for Household Goods at the Buenavista del Cayo Marketplace 2015
ERC734 Thomas, Catherine, M. Kathryn Chapman, Sword, Brown Late to Terminal Classic Household Production at Xunantunich Group E 2015
ERC734 Rachel Horowitz Production at the Source: Lithic Extraction and Production at Callar Creel Quarry, Belize 2015
ERC734 David & Michael Hyde & Stowe A Terraced Community in Northwestern Belize: Landscape Modifications at Medicinal Trail and Their Role in the Socio-Political Dynamics 2015
ERC734 Adrian & Aubrey Chase Cermaic Standardization and the Domestic Economy of the Ancient Maya: Belize Red Tripod Plates at Caracol, Belize 2015
ERC734 Lucas, Maureen, Arlen, Diane Matrindale Johnson, Carpenter, Chase, Chase Articulating with the Broader Economy: chert Pressure Blade Technology in a Caracol Residental Group 2015
ERC734 James, Elizabeth, Dori Aimers, Haussner, Farthing The Ugly Duckling: Insights Into Ancient Maya commerce and Industry from Pottery Petrography 2015
ERC734 Heather Mckillop Evaluating Ancient Maya salt Production and the Domestic Ecohomy: the Paynes Creel salt Works and Beyond 2015
ERC734 Shawn, Maruyam, Gabriel Morton, Isa, Wrobel Caves Were the Houses of the earth Lord, Right? Insight Into Domestic Economy of Central Belize from the Cave Context 2015
ERC734 Marisol, Sarah, Erik Cortes-Rincon, Boudreaux, Marinkovich Raw Material Economy and Technological Organization in the Hinterlands: Dos Honbres to Gran Cacao Archaeology Project 2015
ERC734 Brett & Gregory Houk & Zaro Lithic Production and Domestic Economy in an Ancient Maya Neighborhood At Chan Chich, Belize 2015
ERC734 Debora, Robyn, Fred Trein, Dodge, Valdez Domestic Economy in Northwest Belize: Hun Tun and La Milpa 2015
ERC734 Robin & Debra Robertson & Walker Trading Places: New Interpretations of the Late Preclassic Port Facility at Cerro Maya 2015
ERC734 Anabel Ford Ancient Maya Subsistence: The Domestic Economy of the Milpa Cycle and Development of the Maya and Their Forest 2015
ERC734 James Garber Doubloons, Dollars, Shillings, and Coppers: Coins and Monetary Units of the English Settlement on the Bay of Honduras 2015
ERC734 Jason, Kathryn, Christophe, Marc, Bernadette, Christie, Kokel, Sylvia Yaeger, Brown, Helmke, Zender, Cap, Rodriguez, Batty Two Early Classic Elite Burials From Buenavista Del Cayo, Belize 2015
ERC734 Borislava, David, Lisa Simova, Mixter, LeCount The Social Lives of Structures: Ritual Resignification of the Cultural Landscape at Actuncan, Belize 2015
ERC734 George & Terry Micheletti & Powis Origins of the Block Party: Investigations of Preclassic architecture Over and Under Plaza A At Pacbitun, Belize 2015
ERC734 John, Linda, Jaime Douglas, Brown, Awe The Final Occupation: The Terminal Classic Evidence from Plaza H, Cahal Pech, Belize 2015
ERC734 Norbert & Jaime Stanchly & Awe Ancient Maya Use of Dog (Canis Lupus Familiaris): Evidence from the Upper Belize River Valley 2015
ERC734 Holley, Mark, Barbara, Laura, Marieka, Erin, Nicholas, Shayna Moyes, Robinson, Voorhies, Kasakowsky, arksey, Ray, Bourgeois, Hernandez Dreams at Las Cuevas: A Location of High Devotional Expression of the Late Classic Maya 2015
ERC734 Amy & Keith Thompson & Prufer Airborne Lidar for Detecting Ancient Settlements, and Landscape Modifications at Uxbenka, Belize 2015
ERC734 E. Cory, Heather, E. Christian Sills, McKillop, Wells Chemical Analysis of Marine Sediment from chan B'I, Paynes Creek salk Work, Belize 2015
ERC734 Mark D. & Geoffrey E. Irish & Braswell Towards an Archaeological Chronology of Southern Belize 2015
ERC734 Marieka, Eleanor, Astrid Brouwer Burg, Harrison-Buck, Runggaldier Highways, Byways, Circuits and Paths: Modeling Movement Among the Ancient Maya in the Central Belize Watershed 2015
ERC734 Eleanor, Mareika, Mark, Chet, Satoru, Brett, Alex, Astrid Harrison-Beck, Brouwer Burg, Willis, Walker, Murata, Houk, Gantos, Runggaldier Brones, Mapping, and Excavations in the Middle Belize Valley: Research Investigations of the Belize River East Archaeology (BREA) Project 2015
ERC734 Jessica Harrison Clara Blanca: The Ceramics of Terminal Classic Pilgrimage and Ritual 2015
ERC734 Jean & Lisa Larmon & Lucero The History of Cara Blanca, Pool 6: Logging at the Mystic Pool 2015
ERC734 Emma Koenig Indentifying Abandonment Processes Through Terminal Ritual Diposits at Aguacate Uno, Belize 2015
ERC734 Kelsey, Gregory, Brett, david, Ashley, Edgar Herdon, Zaro, Houk, Sandrock, Booher, Vasquez Investigating Urban Form and Kingship: Preliminary Results of the 2014 Chan Chich Archaeological Project 2015
ERC734 Lauren & Fred Sullivan & Valdez Archaeology in Northwestern Belize: Recent Excavations of the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project 2015
ERC734 Kerry & Helen Sagebiel & Haines Never Ending, Still Beginning: A New Examination of the Cermaics of Ka'Kabish, Belize 2015
ERC734 Thomas & Colleen Guderjan & Hanratty Refining the Database: Ongoing Investigations of the Dynamics of Classic Maya Political Integration in Northwestern Belize 2015
ERC734 Laura, Robin, Debra Kosakowsky, Robertson, Walker The Ceramics from a Terminal Preclassic Chultun Style Burial at the Site of Blue Creek, Belize 2015
ERC735 Harold Lopez Informal Learning and Indentity Formation Among the Garinagu of Western Belize 2014
ERC735 Rachel & James Hall & Waldram The Q'eqchi Maya Healers of Belize: Rethinking Agenvy in the Era of Globalization 2014
ERC735 Myrna Manzanares Cultural Change in Gales Point Manatee: Auto-Ethnographic Reflections from a Community Member 2014
ERC735 Phylicia Pelayo Safeguarding Our Cultural Heritage: Addressing Change and Continuity of Bram and Carnaval in Belize 2014
ERC735 Filiberto Penados Food Security and Maya Land Rights: Crafting Paths of "Development with Identity" 2014
ERC735 Christian, Rebecca, Linda, Eric, Paola, Suzanna wells, Zarger, Whiteford, Koenig, Gonzalez, Pratt Technology and Tourism on the Placencia Peninsula: Exploring Contect-Sensitive Pathways for Sustainable Wastewater Management 2014
ERC735 Eric Koeing Baiting Coastal Sustainability: Collaborative Coastal Management, Heritage Tourism, and the Future of Fisheries in Placencia, Belize 2014
ERC735 Nicte Medina Let's Talk About Spanish: A Sociolinguistic Study of Spanish in Belize 2014
ERC735 Giovanni Pinelo Western Belize, 1916: In the Crossfire of a Counter-Revolution 2014
ERC736 Richard & Mac Wilk & Chapin Ethnic Minorities in Belize: Mopan, Kekchi and Garifuna In the face of persistent and ever-increasing forces of change, these groups have managed to retain their cultural cohesiveness to a substanial degree , however, their status as ethnic minorities placed them in a difficult and often tenuous position in the struggle for economic and political survival. Following the notion that a group's survival ultimately depends on a range of cultural, social, economic and political factors, this report attempts to present the borad contect in which the Kekchi, Mopan and Garifuna currently live. September 1988
ERC737 Jason Yaeger San Lorenzo: Exploring the Roles of Communities in the Upper Belize River Valley Paper addresses the importance of the community as a unit of archaeological analysis and posits some possible roles for communities in ancient Maya society. Preliminary results from the San Lorenzo investigations are presented. 31 May 1995
ERC738 Vincent & Stephen Palacio & McCool Identifying Ecotourists in Belize Through Benefit Segmentation: A Preliminary Analysis 1997
ERC739 Mavis Campbell St. George's Cay: Genesis of the British Settlement of Belize - Anglo-Spanish Rivalry 2003
ERC740 Jason & Lisa Yaeger & LeCount Social Heterogeneity and Political Integration in a Terminal Classic Maya Community: On-going Research at San Lorenzo, Belize Paper introduced on-going field work in the upper Belize River valley and present a model of the nature of community organization and integration during the Terminal Classic period 5 May 1995
ERC741 Jennfer, Angela & Jason Braswell, Angela & Yaeger Community Integration at Terminal Classic Xunantunich, Belize 4 december 1994
742 E Wyllys & Norman Andrews & Hammond Redefinition of the Swasey Phase at Cuello, Belize 1990
ERC742 Michael Stone La Politica Cultural de la Identidad Maya en Belice June 1996
ERC743 Tricia Soberanis The Effects of Tariff Rates on skill Intensity This study investigated the effect of tariff rates on the skill intensity within firms and industries using a cross-sectional panel data set at the firm level for 19 developing countries and 4 least-developed countries by applying simple OLS regression estimation. 31/8/2016
ERC744 Scott Simmons Small Projectile Points and Spanish Colonialism at Tipu, Belize 1992
ERC745 Thomas King Folk Management among Caye Caulker Lobster Fisheries: A Sustainable Success? 29 April, 1996
ERC746 Mark Moberg Continuity under Colonial Rule: The Alcalde System and the Garifuna in Belize, 1858-1969 1992
ERC747 Alvin Edgell The Role of Belizean Culture in the Development Causality: Is Development a State, or Spate, of Minds?
ERC748 Rein Ploeg Sociological Themes on Belize An Undergraduate Perspective March, 1993
ERC749 Luz del Carmen Vallarta Velez Des cruses que callan y cruces que hablan Identidad y region: Jesuitas y mayas en la frontera Mexico-Belice September, 1995
ERC750 Joel Wainwright The Colonial Origins of the State in Southern Belize 2015
ERC751 Arlen & Diane Chase The Consolidation of Caracol: Touristic Development of Belize's Premier Archaeological Site Report of the 1990 field seasonof the Caracol Archaeological Project 1990
ERC752 Lauren Poluha "Let's Worship Our Land as Garinagu": Sacred Music and the Negotiation of Garifuna Ethnicity This dissertation explores the ways that Garifuna communities in Belize, Central America use religious belief and sacred music to articulate ethnic identity. 2015
ERC753 Jaqueline Zinn The Krauskopf Project Premilinary Environmental Scoping Report of an independent study project done in to assess the environment of the area and obtain background in formation about water quality and liquies and solid waste options in Hopkins Village. December, 1995
ERC754 Robert, Emmanuel, Jan, Mary Goodland, Asibey, Post, Dyson Tropical Moist Forest Management: The Urgency of Transition to Sustainability 1990
ERC755 M Crawford The Anthropological Genetics of the Black Caribs (Garifuna) of Central America in the Caribbean 1983
ERC756 Laurie Medina Development Policies and Identity Politics: Class and Collectivity in Belize Article examines the relation between the construction of collective identities and the emergence of class alliances that shape economic development trajectories. 1997
ERC757 Laurie Medina Defining Difference, Forging Unity: The Co-construction of Race, Ethnicity and Nation in Belize Article examines competing nationalists projects which compete to constitute a Belizean nationa and explores how the essentialization of racial, ethnic and national identities facilitates their assimilation of one another. October 1997
ERC758 David Pendergast The Prehistory of Actun Balam, British Honduras 1969
ERC759 William Bullard Jr. Stratigraphic Excavations at San Estevan, Northern British Honduras 1965
ERC760 Thomas & Mary Gann Archaeological Investigations in the Corozal District of British Honduras 1939
ERC761 William & Michael Coe Excavations at Nohich Ek, Briish Honduras 1956
ERC762 David Pendergast An Inscribes Jade Plaque from Altun Ha April 1969
ERC763 David, Murray, George Pendergast, Bartley, Armelagos A Maya Tooth Offering from Yakalche, British Honduras December, 1968
ERC764 Don Rice The Archaeology of British Honduras: A Review Synthesis 1974
ERC765 Joel Wainwright The colonization of the Maya of Southern Belize 2016
ERC765 Alicia Ebbitt McGill "Language Problems, Village Improvement, and the Dulness of Rural Life": Colonial Education Reports and the Implications of Cultural Education in Belize 2016
ERC765 Yasser, Selmer, Carlos Musa, Tzib, Quiroz Our History, Our Pride: An Evaluation of the African and Maya History Program at St. Johns College, Belize 2016
ERC765 Lydia Loskot Communication Practices of the Mopan Maya: A Rhetorical Analysis 2016
ERC765 Lyra Spang Maya Entrepreneurship, Tourism and the Future of Belize's Chocolate Trail 2016
ERC765 Eric S, E. Christian, Sarita L. Koenig, Wells, Garcia Reclaiming Development: Community-Based Heritage Conservation and University-Engaged Research in Seine Bight, Belize 2016
ERC765 Kristina, Rebecca Baines, Zarger Maya Cultural Heritage Exchange in Southern Belize: A Dialogue Among Communities, Archaeologists and Sociocultural Anthropologists 2016
ERC765 Andrew Gordon Globalization in Belize: Weak and Strong Forces 2016
ERC765 Sophie Haines An Anthropological Perspective on the Role of Scientific Predictions for Water Resource Decision-Making 2016
ERC765 Lilia Zalasar Social and Economic Cross-Border Phenomena on the Mexico-Belize Border During the First Hald of the 20th Century 2016
ERC765 Francis Hymphreys "A First Class Journal" : The Belize Independent 1888-1946 2016
ERC766 David Pendergast Lamanai, Belice, Durante El Post Clasico 1985
ERC767 David Pendergast The Historical Content of Oral Tradition: A Case from Belize 1988
ERC768 M.H., H.J., M.W. Tobey, Shafer, Rowe Trace Element Investigations of Mayan Chert from Belize 1986
ERC769 James, Diane, Arlen Dunlop, Chase, Chase Photovoltaic Power for Remote Archaeological Research: A Case Study June 1989
ERC770 Norman, John, J.C., Deborah, Thomas, Colleen Hammond, Rose, Staneko, Muyskens, Addyman, Gleason Archaeological Investigations at Nohmul Belize, 1986 September 1987
ERC771 Hermann, David Hemuth, Pendergast Lamanai Tomb Np-58/1: Analysis of the Skeletal Evidence October 1987
ERC772 James Garber Patterns of Jade Consumption and Disposal at Cerros, Northern Belize 1983
ERC773 Norman Hammond Excavation and Survey at Nohmul, Belize 1985
ERC774 Heather McKillop Coastal Maya Trade: Obsidian Densities at Wild Cane Cay 1989
ERC775 Scott Fedick The Economics of Agricultural Land Use and Settlement in the Upper Belize Valley 1989
ERC776 K. Anne Pyburn Maya Cuisine: Hearths and the Lowland Economy 1989
ERC777 Diane Chase Ganned but Not Forgotten: Late Postclassic Archaeology and Ritual at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize 1985
ERC778 Norman Hammond Nohmul, Belize: 1982 Investigations 1983
ERC779 Carl Beetz Caracol Thirty Years Later A Preliminary Account of Two Rulers Spring 1980
ERC780 Diane Chase Between Earth and Sky: Idols, Images and Postclassic Cosmolgy 1983
ERC781 Elizabeth Graham Terminal Classic to Early Historic Period Vessel Forms from Belize 1987
ERC782 Vernon Sarborough Resourceful Landscaping: A Maya Lesson 1985
ERC783 Vernon Scarborough Late Preclassic Northern Belize: Contect and Interpretation 1985
ERC784 Vernon, Robin Scarborough, Robertson Civic and Residential Settlement at a Late Preclassic Maya Center 1986
ERC785 Norman, Catherine, Mark, Mark, Logan, Laura, Anne Hammond, Clark, Horton, Hodges, McNatt, Kosakowsky, Pyburn Excavation and Survey at Nohmul, Belize, 1983 1985
ERC786 L.J, Heather Jackson, McKillop Maya Trade at Wild Cane Cay, Belize 1987
ERC787 David Pendergast Four Maya Pottery Vessels from British Honduras July 1968
788 Daniel, Thomas, Stephen, Fred Potter, Hester, Black, Valdez Relationships Between Early Preclassic and Early Middle Preclassic Phases in Northern Belize: A Comment on "Lowland Maya Archaeology at the Crossroads" 1984
ERC789 Norman Hammond New Light on the Most Ancient Maya September 1986
ERC790 Thomas Hester Preliminary Report of the 1981 Field Season at Colha, Belize 1981
ERC791 Kimmarie Murphy Research on Naturally Occuring Antibiotic in Cayo District, Belize March, 1988
ERC792 Elizabeth, David Graham, Pendergast Excavations at the Marco Gonzalez Sitem Ambergris Cay, Belize, 1986 1989
ERC793 Norman, Laura, Anne, John, J.C., Sara, C.M., Mark, Horton, Colleen, Deborah, Thomas Hammond, Kosakowsky, Pyburn, Rpse, Staneko, Donaghey, Clark, Horton, Gleason, Muyskens, Addyman The Evolution of an Ancient Maya City: Nohmul 1988
ERC794 Heather McKillop Prehistoric Maya Reliance on Marine Resources: Analysis of a Midden from Moho Cay, Belize 1984
ERC795 Mark Tobey Trace Element Investigations of Maya Chert from Belize 1986
ERC796 Diane, Arlen Chase, Chase A Postclassic Perspective: Excavations at the Maya Site of Santa Rita Corozal, Belize August 1988
ERC797 Diane Chase The Late Postclassic Pottery of Santa Rita Corozal, Belize" The Xabalxab Ceramic Complex 1985
ERC798 Raymond Sidrys Archaeological Excavations in Northern Belize, Central America 1983
ERC799 Bruce Ergood The Belize National Survey 1989
ERC800 Steven, Jan, Thomas Platt, Meerman, Rainwater Diversity, Observations, and Conservation of the Herpetofauna of Turneffe, Lighthouse, and Glovers Atolls, Belize 1999
ERC801 Thomas, Scott, Steven Rainwater, McMurry, Platt Ectromelia in Morelet's Crocodile from Belize 1999
ERC802 Steven, Thomas Platt, Rainwater Distribution Records and Life History Notes for Amphibians and Reptiles in Belize 1998
ERC803 Elisabeth & Odile Cunin & Hoffman De la dominacion colonial a la fabricacion de la nacion. Las categoras etnico-raciales en los censos e informes y sus usos politicos en Belice, siglos xix-xx Text presents an analysis of the processes of enthnic-racial classification and categorization of the population of Belize in the 19th and 20th Centuries, based on demographic censuses and government reports. 2012
ERC804 Samuel & Anna Turvey & Cooper Amphibians and Reptiles of Monkey Bay National Park, Belize 1999
ERC805 John Mallory 'Workshops" and "Specialized Production" in the Production of Maya Chert Tools: A Response to Shafer and Hester 1986
ERC806 Karl Offen British Logwood Extraction from the Mosquitia: The Origin of a Myth February 2000
ERC807 Malcolm, Simon, Christopher Murray, Zisman, Minty Soil-Plant Relationships and a Revised Vegetation Classification of Turneffe Atoll, Belize This paper presents the findings of an investigation into the land cover and soils of Turneffe Atoll, Belize. August 1999
ERC808 Susan Davis Designing Nationalism 1991
ERC809 Richard & Sally Price Executing Culture Musee, Museo, Museum March, 1995
ERC810 Norman Hammond The Development of Belizean Archaeology 1983
ERC811 Norman Hammond The Prehistory of Belize 1982
ERC812 Ismail, Satish, Dorian Yahya, Verma, Barrow Technical Counterparting in International Development Co-operation: Proposing A Conceptual Model This paper attempts to conceptualize a model for IDC counterparting in terms of the (a) major causes of ineffective counterparting (b) critical roles of responsibilities of and desirable relationships between counterparts and (c) a framework that would facilitate the counterparting process. October 1995
ERC813 Joyce Marcus Lowland Maya Archaeology at the Crossroads 1983
ERC814 David & Jeanne Brown & Wolfe Adjusting Planning Frameworks to Meet Changing Needs to Post Colonial Countries: The Examples of Belize. 1997
ERC815 Kenneth & David Chomitz & Gray Roads, Land Use, and Deforestation: A Spatial Model Applied to Belize Rural roads promote economic development, but they also facilitate deforestation. To Explore this tradeoff, this article develops a spatially explicit model of land use and estimates probabilities of alternative land used as a function of land characteristics and distance to market using a multinominal logit specification of this model which was applied to data for southern Belize.
ERC816 Assad Shoman The Situation of Land Tenancy and Use as it Relates to Small Farmers in Belize Paper seeks to systemize the available information relating to a historical summary of tenancy and use of land in Belize, including major changes of government policy and actions by farmers; a summer of laws relating to the distribution and tenancy of land, including that relating to th reservations of lands; systems in place for the granting of titles to lands, including surveys ; a summar of land conflicts; agrarian debt and recent studies relating to land use and sustainable agriculture. March, 1997
ERC817 Douglas Taylor The Black Carib of British Honduras 1951
ERC818 Bruce Ergood Belize: An Introduction Review essay covers three sociopolitical monographsm two collections on Belizean issues, and two novels noted. All were written by Belizeans except for two monographs by U.S. authors.
ERC819 Sheila & Emory Cominsky & Whipple Ethnicity and Mating Patterns in Punta Gorda, Belize Chapter analyzes the degree to which ethnicity is salient in social relations, especially mating and marital patterns. 1984
ERC820 Pamela Munro The Garifuna Gender System 1998
ERC821 Patricia McAnany Stone-Tool Production and Exchange in the Eastern Maya Lowlands: The Consumer Perspective from Pulltrouser Swamp, Belize 1989
ERC822 Eve Danziger Cross-cultural studies in language and thought: is there a metalanguage 2001
ERC823 Robert, Robert, James Damon, Steven Munroe, Hulefeld, Rodgers, Tomeo, Yamazaki Aggression Among Children in Four Cultures February 2000
ERC824 Brian Murfin The Belizean Bridge Activity 2001
ERC825 Laurie Medina History, Culture, and place-making: 'native' status and maya identity in belize 1999
ERC826 Riva Berleant-Schiller Women, Work, and Gender in the Caribbean 1999
ERC827 Curtis Berkey Mayas of Belize and Conservation The Need to Protect Maya Lands in Toledo District August, 1994
ERC828 Jack Eaton Tools of Ancient Maya Builders 1991
ERC829 Maynard Cliff Domestic Architecture and Origins of Complex Society at Cerros
ERC830 Norman, Amanda, Francisco Hammond, Clarke, Estrada Belli Middle Preclassic Maya Buildings and Burials at Cuello, Belize 1992
ERC831 T. Culbert The Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization 1989
ERC832 Daniel Finamore Pirates of the Barcadares November 2002
ERC833 Nigel Bolland United States Cultural Influences on Belize: Television and Education As "Vehicles of Import" September & December 1987
ERC834 James Garber The Cultural Context of Jade Artifacts from the Maya Site of Cerros, Belize
ERC835 J Everitt The Tourch is Passed: Neocolonialism in Belize 1987
ERC836 Anabel Ford An Acient Maya Domestic Economy: An Examination of Settlement in the Upper Belize River Area 1989
ERC837 Anabel Ford Domestic Production and Consumption in Complex Societies: Examination of Marginalized Maya Settlement in the Upper Belize River Area Brief summary on the 1990 & 1991 Seasons of the Intensive Excavations
ERC838 D. Clark Wernecke Interpretations of Architecture at El Pilar: Results of the 1993 Season 1993
ERC839 D. Clark Wernecke The BRASS/El Pilar 1994 Field Season: A Collaborative Experiment June 1994
ERC840 Joel & Joshua Wainwright & Lund Miguel Angel Asturias and the Aporia of Postcolonial Geography 2008
ERC841 Gregory & James Smith & Azueta Survey if Sea Turtle Nesting Sites on Amergris Cay, Belize
ERC842 Gregory Smith Partial Survey of Sea Turtle Nesting Sites in Belize 1989
ERC843 Kendall Decker Orthography Development for Creole Languages The premise of this research is that orthography development cannot, and does not need to, produced a linguistically confined product; speech communicites can tolerate some variability in the way they write their language. As an example of this dissertation describes the development of an ortograhy for a Creole-Speaking community. 14th April 1955
ERC844 Brett Houk Twenty-Five (Plus) Years of Site-Planning Studies Paper examines site planning as originally defined byWnedy Ashmore and look closely at subsequent fixation other authors have had on cosmograms. It includes examples of how researchers in Belize have applied Ashmore's model, and consider the critiques and criticisms of the approach offered by Smith before closing with ezamples of the three successfil tupes of site-planning anlysis. 2017
ERC844 Arlent and Diane Chase Ancient Maya Architecture and Spatial Layouts: Contextualizing Caana at Caracol, Belize. 2017
ERC844 George, Kaitlin, Terry Micheletti, Crow, Powis Q and A: Exposing El Quemado's Architectural Configuration in Plaza A at Pacbitun, Belize. Report on the 2016 field season aimed at further exposing the platform found beneeather the epicentral plaza. 2017
ERC844 Adrian Chase Residential Inequality Among the Ancient Maya: Operationalizing Household Architectural Volume at Caracol, Belize 2017
ERC844 Bernadette, Jason, M. Kathryn Cap, Yaeger, Brown The Plazas of Buenavista Del Cayo: History, Economy, and Politics Paper compares the findings from the three main plazas of Buenavista del Cayo, Belize, to illustrate how plazas shaped ancient Maya society. 2017
ERC844 M. Kathryn, Whitney, Zoe, Victoria, Alessandra Brown, Lytle, Rawski, Ingalls, Villareal Understanding the Preclassic Ritual Landscape in The Mopan Valley: A View from Early Xunantunich Preliminary interpretations related to early Maya ritual practices at the site and hose these practices were shaped through time and place. 2017
ERC844 David Mixter Poltitical Change Expressed in Public Architecture: The Terminal Classoc Maya Civiv Complex at Actuncan, Belize Paper compares Group 4 to Actucan's Late Classic noble palace using three criteria: access; each space's potential to be used for state performance; and daily use. 2017
ERC844 Sherman, James, Jaime Horn III, Gaber, Awe And Now For Something Completely Different: Architectural Variability As a Signature of Dynamic Social Relations at Middle Preclassic Cahal Pech 2017
ERC844 Anabel, Sherman Ford, Horn III El Pilar Monuments Retrospective & Prospective: Re-Discoering El Pilar Summary of research and development carried out to date on the results that contribute to the understanding of the past and present of the El Pilar Archaeolofical Reserve for Maya Flora and Fauna 2017
ERC844 Erin Benson In the Shadlow of Yalbac: Hinterland Settlement Between Yalbac and the Cara Blanca Pools Paperpresents the results of salvage excavations and discusses the settlements in terms of the broader religious and political landscape 2017
ERC844 Debora, Laure, Fred Trein, Sullivan, Valdez Sustained Research: Theory, Method and Discoveries of the PFBAP of NW Belize Summary of the cumulative results of the project. Paper looks at the initial model of what the PFBAP, was a regional endeavour was intended to address and gain with accumulated data and analyses; a general background/history, theoretical interests, proposed mthods, and some discoveries/findings are discussed, and, summary connections are made between early systems of research and how come remain the same, while others have been significatly modified with advancing technologies. 2017
ERC844 Helen, Kerry, Claude Haines, Sagebiel, Belanger Is and Isn't Produce Each Other: An Unusual Architectural Amalgamation at Ka.Kabish Paper provides a preliminary summary of structire FA-8 discussing its unusual remodeling and associated architectural features and material culture 2017
ERC844 David, Torin Hyde, Power A Non-Elite Site Ranking System: Contextual Analysis of Architecture at the Medicinal Trial Community Purpose of this paper is to present a ranking sustem that will prvide insight into the relationship that exists between residential architecture and social status for non-elites settlements. 2017
ERC844 Marisol, Erik, Spencer, Cady Cortes-Rincon, Marinkovih Mitchell, Rutherford Symbolism, Space, and Political Economies in the Hinterlands: New Insights from N950 Paper exmines the dynamics of the sociopolitical and ritualistic developmental processes which charaterize the nature and function of the cultural landscape of the N950 site and its surrounding community through an extensive study of symbolism, architecture and space use patters. 2017
ERC844 Rissa Trachman A View Towards the Horizon: Ongoing Investigations at the Site of Dos Hombres 2017
ERC844 Cynthia, Laura, Kacey, Zachary, Melissa Robin, Kosalowsky, Gauer, Nissen, Jones Urban Design, Its Antecendents and Successors, At Aventura: Results of the 2015 Field Season Paper examines the development and design of Aventura's urban core through te presentation of the results of the inaugural 2015 season 2017
ERC844 Damien, Timothy Marken, Murtha Maya Cities, People and Place: Comparative Perspectives from El Peru and Tikal Paper offers a different perspective on the design and planning of Maya cities, be emphasizing the role of household, regions, and ecology to understanding Classic Maya Urbanism, or simply, a coupled natural and human study of Maya cities. 2017
ERC844 Terry, Jon, Sheldon, George, Christophe Powis, Spenard, Skaggs, Micheletti, Helmke An Ancient Maya City Living on the Edge: The Culture History of Pacbitun, Belize This paper is a comprehensive overview of nearly four decafes of archaeological investigations at Maya cener of Pacbitun 2017
ERC844 Jaime, Claire, Carolyn, Kirsten Awe, Ebert, Freiwald Green The Dead Do Tell Tales: Unravelling the Case of Cahal Pech's Jane or John Doe 2017
ERC844 Christophe, Julie, Jaime, Sara, Amber Helmke, Hoggarth, Awe, Bednar, Johnson Some Initial Comments on the KomKom Vase Discovered at Baking Pot, Belize 2017
ERC844 Rafael, Jaime Guerra, Awe Recent Investigations at the Major Center of Lower Dover in The Belize River Valley Paper presents five years of investigations at Lowe Dover, where reserch has been focused on constructing a site chronology and understanding its role within the socio-political landscape of the Classic Period AD 500-900 2017
ERC844 Lisa, Jean, Aimee Lucero, Larmon, Carbaugh The Ancient Maya Ceremonial Circuit of Cara Blanca, Belize 2017
ERC844 Ashley, Brett, Valorie, Brooke, Anna Booher, Houl, Aquino, Bonorden, Novotny Drones, Bones and Stones: The 2016 Season of the Chan Chich Archaeological Survey Team 2017
ERC844 E. Cory Sills Extent of Brone Enrichment for Salt Production at the Ancient Maya Placencia Lagoon Salt Works, Belize 2017
ERC844 Mckillop, Thomas, Lillian McKillop, Landrum Diving Deeper in Puta Ycacos Lagoon at the Paynes Creek Salt Works, Belize 2017
ERC844 Valrie, Heather, E. Cory, Rachel Feathers, McKillop, Stills, Watson Excavating the Underwater Shell Deposit at An Ancient Maya Salt Work in Belize: The Eleanor Beatty Site 2017
ERC844 Meaghan, Shawn, Tawny, Lisa Peuramaki-Brown, Morton, Tibbits, Green Phase I Reconnaisance (2014-2015) At Alabama: A Summary of Scrap Investigations in East- Central Belize 2017
ERC844 Gabriel, Shawn, Amy, Jack, Christopher Wrobel, Morton, Michael, Biggs, Andres The Current State of Research on Ancient Maya Rockshelter Use in Central Belize 2017
ERC844 Keith, Clayton, Asia, Timothy, Douglas Prufer, Meredith, Alsgaard, Dennehy, Kennett The Paleoindian Chronology of Tzib Te Yux Rockshelter in The Rio Blanco Valley of Southern Belize 2017
ERC844 Holley, Laura, Erin, Jaime Moyes, Kosakowsky, Ray, Awe The Chronology of Ancient Maya Cave Use in Belize 2017
ERC844 Jon Spenard A jaunt Through the Constructed Wilderness: The Nohoch Tunich Ritual Bedrock Outcrop and Late Classic Period Urbanism at Pacbitun, Cayo District, Belize 2017
ERC844 Eleanor, Jessica, Satoru, Adam Harrison-Buck, Craig, Murata, Kaeding From Ancient Maya to Kriol Culture: Investigating the Deep History of the Eastern Belize Watershed 2017
ERC844 James, Kay, Scott, Elizabeth Aimers, McCarron, Simmons, Graham The Pottery of Marco Gonzalez, Belize 2017
ERC2 Heath, James, Lauren Bentley, Garber, Springs Charmed Objects and African Influence in The Cemetery At St. George's Caye, Belize 2017
ERC845 Building People Movement This paper makes on major proposition and introduced one hypothesis for consideration: That for women to achieve parity in leadership positions at the highest level of elected and appointed office in Belize, that is , as the Prime Minister, Ministers of Government and members of the House of Representatives, and for them to effect meaningful change and make their make on the grouth and development of Belize, the personal stories and legacies of the political journey og their predecessors…must be told and shared and even publiccized, so other women can learn from it, can emulate it, and as important, be inspired and motiveated by it to calibrate their own paths. February 2018
ERC846 Arlen F. and Diane Z. Chase Sampling and Timeframes: Contextualizing The Protoclassoc and Early Classoc Periods at Caracol, Belize Paper examins the history of and use of the term Protoclassoc in Maya archaeology; it them uses data from Caracol, Belize to assess the relevance of the term both to Maya Studies and to interpretations of ancient Maya society. 2018
ERC846 George J., Kaitlin E, Terry G. Micheletti, Crow, Powis Expanding Sub-Plaza Explorations of Middle Preclassic Architecture at the Site of Pacbitun, Belize 2018
ERC846 Borislava, E. Christian, David, Lisa Simova, Wells, Mixter, LeCount Exploring Changes in Activities in Maya E-Groups: Archaeological and Geochemical Analysis of E-Group Plaster at Actucan, Belize 2018
ERC846 Bernadette, Jason, M. Kathryn Cap, Yaeger, Brown Fidelity Tests of Lidar data for the Detection of Ancient Maya Settlement in the Upper Belize River Valley, Belize 2018
ERC846 Sherman, Anabel Horn III, Ford Classic Maya Household Ceramic Belongings: An Untapped Resource for Understanding Daily Life 2018
ERC846 Claire, Jaime Ebert, Awe Reconstructing Preclassic Maya Household Economies in the Belize River Valley 2018
ERC846 W. James, Jaime, M. Kathryn, James F. Stemp, Awe, Brown, Garber Rock Bottom: Maya Lithic Technology in the Early Terminal to Late Middle Preclassic Periods at Cahal Pech and Blackman Eddy, Cayo District, Belize 2018
ERC846 Norbert, Chrissina Stanchly, Burke Preclassic Animal Resource Use and the Origins of Ancient maya Lifeways and Society: Contrunitions from Belize Zooarchaeology 2018
ERC846 Chrissina, Jatie, Gavin, Jaime Burke, Tappan, wisner, Awe Ritual Use of animals in Ancient Maya Mortuary Contexts: Results of Faunal Analysis from the Structure A9 Tomb at Xunantunich 2018
ERC846 Kerry, Helen Sagebiel, Haines "Fools Make Feasts, and Wise Men Eat Them": Interpreting Problematic "Smash-and-Trash" Deposits a Ka'Kabish, Belize 2018
ERC846 James, Natalie, Prasanna Fitzsimmons, Figueroa, Vankina The Early-Late Classic Transition at Cuello: Results from the 2017 Season of the Classic Cuello Archaeologival Project 2018
ERC846 Kaura, Kerry, Duncan Kosakowsky, Sagebiel, Pring Long Ago But Not Forgotten: The Early Preclassic Swasey Ceramic Sphere of Northern Belize 2018
ERC846 Tomas, Brett, Claire Cervera, Houk, Novotny The Development of Terminal Preclassic and Early Classic Royal Architecture at Chan Chich, Belize 2018
ERC846 Fred Valdez Jr. Early Maya Civilization in the Three Rivers Region 2018
ERC846 Adrian, Diane, arlen Chase Situating Preclassic Interments and Fire-Pits at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize 2018
ERC846 Max, Diane, Arlen Seidita, Chase Chetumal's Dragonglass: Postclassic Obsidian Production and Exchange at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize 2018
ERC846 Leah, M. Kathryn, Neil McCurdy, Brown, Dixon Tagged Walls: The Discovery of Ancient Maya Graffiti at El Castillo, Xunantunich 2018
ERC846 Sheldon, Terry Skaggs, Powls Two Unusual Finds from Courtyard 3, Pacbitun, Belize 2018
ERC846 Jon, Michael, George, Terry Spenard, Mirro, Micheletti, Powis From Photogs to Models: Digital Arhcaeology of Pre-Hispanic Pacbitun, Belize 2018
ERC846 Lisa, Jean, Aimee Lucero, Larmon, Carbaugh Setting the Stage in Central Belize: 30,000 Years of Tropical Climate, Landscape Transformation, and Human Interaction 2018
ERC846 Jean, Aimee Larmon, Carbaugh Ceremonial Circuit(s) at Cara Blanca, Belize 2018
ERC846 Keith Prufer Preceramic Cultural History in Southern Belize and It's Environmental Context 2018
ERC846 Erin, Holley, Linda Ray, Moyes, Howie Plastered: Cave Constructions at Las Cuevas 2018
ERC846 Heather Mckillop Contingent Milti-Crafting, Surplus Household Pruduction, and The Maya Quest for Salt 2018
ERC846 Valerie, Heather Feathers, Mckillop Assessment of the Shell Midden at the Eleanor Betty salt Work, Belize 2018
ERC846 Andrew, Christian, Geoffrey Somerville, Prager, Braswell King K'Ak [U Ti'?] Chan K'Awil of Pusilha: An Ancient Maya King 2018
ERC846 Meaghan, Shawn, Christina Peuramaki-Brown, Morton, Oliveira "Some Lessons Can't be Taught, They Simply Have to Be Learned": Experiences from Three Seasons of Investigations at Alabama, Stann Creek District, Belize 2018
ERC846 Eleanor, Mark, Satoru, Jessica Harrison-Buck, Willis, Murata, Craig Investigating Ancient Maya Settlement, Wetland Features, and Preceramic Occupation Around Crooked Tree, Belize: Excavations and Aerial Mapping with Drones 2018
ERC846 Cynthia, Laura, Kavey, Zachary Robin, Kosakowsky, Grauer, Nissen Community Archaeology at Aventura: Archaeology About Communities and Archaeology for Communities, Results of the 2016 Field Season 2018
ERC846 Scott, Tracie, James, W. James Simmons, Mayfield, Aimers, Stemp The Maya of Ambergris Caye and Their Neighbors 2018
ERC846 James, Jacob, Lauren Garber, Bently, Springs Napoleonic Shakos and the Order of the Garter: West India Regiments on St. George's Caye 2018
ERC847 Harry Dominguez Barbosa Identidades Suburbanas En El Caribe Anglofono: El Belize y Del Oeste de Llamados Shettos Del Sur De La Ciudad De Belize Y Dels Oeste De Kingston February 2018
ERC848 Harry, Maria Dominguez Barbosa, Maria de la Paz Chaves Vargas History and Orality Among the Rural Creole of Belize: Belief Systems and Bakabush Celebrations 2017
ERC849 Arlen, Diane Chase Central Belize and The Development of Maya Archaeology: A Critical Assessment Paper reviews the changes that have occurred in Maya archaeology in the last century, specifically focusing on the practice and goals of archaeology; it then positions archaeology in Belize relative to these transitions with specific focus on research carried out in the central part of the country. 2019
ERC849 Jason, M. Kathryn Yaeger, Brown Political Landscapes of the Upper Belize River Valley Paper briefly sketches the valley's political landscape; discusses patters of shifting political sovereignty; examines the influence of outside kingdoms like Caracol and Naranjo in the valley's politics; and dicusses the roles of the hinterland communities and minor centres in those processes. 2019
ERC849 Christophe Helmke Reading Between the Lines: The Epigraphy of Central Belize Paper builds on the foundations set by earlier studies and presents some of the more recent epigraphic finds made in Central Belize, within a larger historical vantage of the area. 2019
ERC849 Lisa, Theresa LeCount, Heindel Land Tenure Systems at Actuncan, Belize: The Embeddedness of Property, People and Place Paper presents evidence for the presence of land tenure rights in the form of Common Property Regimes at Actuncan, Belize. This interpretations is based on the development of settlement and land usage patterns in the urban core of the site reconstructed through excavation and remote sensing programs. 2019
ERC849 Jaime, Christophe, Diane, Douglas Awe, Helmke, Slocum, Tilden Let's Talk of Graves, Eccentrics, and Epitaphs: The Socio-Poltiical Implications of Recent Discoveries on Structure A9 at Xunantunich, Belize 2019
ERC849 Claire, Julie, Jaime Ebert, Hoggarth, Awe The Climatic Context for the Formation and Decline of Maya Societies in the Belize River Valley Paper reviews paleoclimate proxy data from the Maya lowlands to provde a framework for understanding the human environment dymanics that influenced the growth and decline of ancient Maya societies across the Belize River Valley. 2019
ERC849 Carolyn, Anna, Kristen Freiwald, Novotny, Green Mink Mobility Among the Maya of The Belize Valley Paper presents an isotopic analysis of 52 samples from 44 individuals buried in the Cahal Pech ceremonial center and residential groups of Zubin, Zotz, Zopilote and Tolok. 2019
ERC849 Adrian Chase Water Mangement Among the Ancient Maya: Degrees of Latitude Using data from Caracol, Belize this article presents a new framework for understanding the "degrees of latitude" inw ater management among the ancient Maya. 2019
ERC849 Bernadette Cap A Classic Maya Marketplace at Xunantunich, Belize Paper presents an overview of the Xunantunich marketplace that was in operation in the Mopan River Valley, belize from the Late to Terminal Classic periods (AD600-890) 2019
ERC849 Whitney, M. Kathryn, Rachel, Carolyn Lytle, Brown, Horowitz, Freiwald Late Classic Burials and Eccentric Caches from Structure D-6 at Xunantunich paper discusses new findings and presents preliminary interpretations from the recent investigations by the Mopan Valley Preclassic Project which uncovered several important crypt burials and eccentric lithic caches withing the eastern pyramidal shrine. 2019
ERC849 James, Jaime, Lisa Aimers, Awe, Lecount A Contextual Analysis of Terminal Classic Vessels from Cahal Pech, Belize Report on a collection of complete Terminal Classic vessels from primary contexts at Cahal Pech, Belize presented in relation to their burial context. 2019
ERC849 Sherman, Anabel, Paulino Horn, Ford, Morales Lasers, Lasers, Everywhere - And All the Trees Did Shrink: Reliable Methods and Results from LIDAR-Guided Survey at El Pilar Paper describes the results of lidar-guided survey of El Pilar along with the protocol the project developed to systemize data collection and increase the efficiency of survey. 2019
ERC849 Terry, George, Sheldon Powis, Micheletti, Skaggs Ongoing Investigations of Preclassic Ceremonial Architecture in Plaza A At Pacbitun, Belize 2019
ERC849 Sheldon, Terry Skaggs, Powis A Comparative Analysis of Epicenter Burials at Pacbitun, Belize Update of the tables of burial types and artifacts found with the burials excavated at Pacbitun. Two burials stand out due to patterns consistent with Caracal than the Belize Valley burial patterns. 2019
ERC849 Jean, Jesann, Amy Larmon, Gonzalez Cruz, Copper Integrating the "Built" and "Unbuilt" Spaces of Cara Blanca paper presents results of the season's excavations, providing insight into the Terminal Classic use of the Cara Blanca space.
ERC849 Lisa, Jean, Thomas Lucero, Larmon, Franklin Exploring the Ancient Maya Landscape at Cara Blanca and Beyond Paper presents the findings from the first major efforts to explore beyond the pilgrimage destination of Cara Blanca area with the goal of obtaining a better understanding of how the Maya interacted with the regional landscape over the milennia. 2019
ERC849 Shawn, Christopher, Gabriel Morton, Andres, Wrobel The Centre on the Edge: Polity Development On The Frontier of The Belize River Vallye Paper focuses on the development of, and interaction between, various population centres in the Eastern Maya Lowlands through the lends of Tipan Chen Uitz, the largest currently known ancient Maya site in the research area. 2019
ERC849 Eleanor, Sara, Adam, Lori Harrison-Buck, Clark-Vivier, Kaeding, Philips Public Archaeology in Belize: Cultural Sustainability and the Deep History of the Lower Belize River Watershed Presentation of the ongoing work of the BEA project performed in the lower Belize River Watershed, specifically in the Area around Crooked Tree. 2019
ERC849 Cynthia, Kacey, Zachary, Laura, Kat Robin, Grauer, Nissen, Kosakowsky, Fitzgerald Aventura in a Northern Belize Context: Challenging Traditional Narratives of Ancient Maya Civilization Through the Results of the 2017 Field Season Paper draws upon the results of the 2017 field research at Aventura to illustrate how Aventura research challenges traditional narratives about ancient Maya civilization. 2019
ERC849 David, Stanley, Fred Hyde, Walling, Valdez Complexity and Function Among Hinterland Communities of Northwestern Belize Paper posits social systems reconstructed for the prehistoric rural Maya; discusses relationships between communities of varying sizes and complexities as based on data and functional concerns of polity survival(s); and, defines issues of production, identity and equality where possible. 2019
ERC849 Sarah, Linda Jackson, Brown Rethinking Resources at Say Kah, Belize Paper presents highlights of the past five seasons of research at the Classic Maya site of Say Kah, Belize. 2019
ERC849 Gertrude, Claire, Brett Kilgore, Novotny, Houk Household Archaeology, The Late Classic Occupation, and The Terminal Classic Abandonment at Courtyard D-4 Chan Chich, Belize 2019
ERC849 Meaghan, Shawn Peuramaki-Brown, Morton Archaeological Reconnaisance at The Pearce Sites of the Cockscomb Basin, Stann Creek District Paper presents the history of archaeological investigations at the Pearce Sites, reports on the 2016 reconnaisance trip and discusses duture SCRAP research plans for the site and how they fit in with current research at Alabama 2019
ERC849 E. Cory Sils The Organization of Classic Period Salt Production at The Placencia Lagoon Salt Works Report of an extention of previous research by Dr. Jeff Mckinnon and the Point Placencia Archaeological Project which seeks to evaluate the organization of salt production to determin whther the salt works are residences, workshops or multigrafting sites. 2019
ERC849 Mario, Luke, Geoffrey Borrero, Stroth, Braswell Discoveries and Advances in the Archaeology of Nim Li Punit, Belize: Results and Methods of the 2018 Field Season Paper presents the results of the 2018 field season at Nim Li Punit which excavated and consolidated two platforms and discusses the innovative ways photgrammetry was used to document the contexts and artifacts excavated. 2019
ERC849 Heather, Robin McKillop, Robertson Ich'Ak'Tun: An Early Maritime Shell Midden Site on the South Coast of Belize Paper describes the excavation at Ich'ak'tun, the results of artifact and shall analyses, and the implications for early coastal settlement. 2019